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"Pearl Islands"

Posted by iltarion on 03-31-06 at 05:10 AM
As is customary, after watching the entire season of Pearl Islands off TiVo, I have a couple points to make.

1- Watching PI again had the complete opposite effect on me as watching the other seasons on OLN had. I actually think this season was even worse than I originally thought. The entire season was about backstabbing and lying, and there was no loyalty to ANYONE. Did that make for an unpredictable season? Of course. But that is not entertainment to me. And it was truly the survival of the weakest. There can be little argument that the 4 weakest castaways of the 16 made the F4: Jon, Sandra, Lil and Darrah. So, if you watch Survivor to see the weakling backstab their way to the end, then this was the season for you.

2- Against popular belief, Rupert was a very intelligent player who constantly looked for a better deal for himself. He just happened to be strong and loyal, which was the wrong thing to be for this season. It served him better in All-Stars, which he was one IC from winning.

3- "No one worried about Sandra because Sandra was weak." This was said by Sandra herself when asked by Darrah why she thought she made it to F2. Sandra also said about 10 times, "I don't care who they say to vote for as long as it isn't me." These two statements are the essence of UTR. Sandra did not control a single vote at any time during the season. She thought she was going several times, and not only threw out some of the tribe's food but she also planned on sabotaging the camp by taking several items from it when she thought she was going to be booted. She also swore on her children and broke that oath, the same oath that Twila was raked through the coals for, and the same oath that Shane refused to break. She said Lil would beat her in F2, just like everyone else said, which was dead wrong. And she wasn't even strong in the mental challenges, being the worst of the four during the F4 trivia challenge. And in the final IC, she was out after 15 minutes! Weakling Johnny and Lil went a full 2 hours and 30 minutes after she bowed out! Then, she was sure Lil would take Jon instead of her. And Lil twice said she picked Sandra in part because she thought she had a better chance of beating Sandra than Johnny. That might have been idiotic, but it shows Lil thought Johnny had played a better game and might get more votes because of it.
So, as I see it, the only thing Sandra did right was end up, not by her choice, in the F2 with the worst runner-up of all-time. No one was going to vote for an Outcast to win, except Tijuana, and besides being an Outcast, Lil's sobby, whiny, love-the-world mommy routine made her the least tolerable F2 contestant, EVER.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Pearl Islands"
Posted by Aruba on 03-31-06 at 08:30 PM
I concur with everything you said. Actually this was the first season on OLN I had no intention of watching because of how pathetic this season was. It was truly "Survivor of the Unfittest" in an extreme sense.

Actually I did not watch a single minute on OLN until Wednesday night. After I finished watching an NHL hockey game I was channel surfing and tuned in right when they started final TC and continued to watch the Reunion Show.

Listening to Sandra totally crystalized everything I have said about her on these postings. Although I won't ride her too hard for being "weak", I will criticize her lack of effort and most of the time not even trying. But that's vintage Sandra...be lazy and look for the easy way out to advance. I must have mentioned a dozen times about what a miserable person she is throwing away food from starving individuals and sabotaging the shelter if she felt she was at risk, so I won't belabor that fact.

When you consider the F4, the F2 and the eventual "winner" I'm sure every person who got picked last in gym class or had such anomosity against athletes growing up, must have jumped out of their skin and screamed for joy over Pearl Islands.

One last observation which pertains to the Reunion Show. Never has the million dollar winner received so little air during a season's conclusion. Jeff opened up the show speaking with her for a couple minutes and I don't think he even went back to her until the last 15 seconds when he announced that the next morning she would be receiving her check for a million dollars. Perhaps that doesn't mean anything, but I thought that was somewhat comical.

"RE: Pearl Islands"
Posted by Puffy on 03-31-06 at 09:34 PM

I loved Survivor Pearl Islands.

Thanks to the Amazin Syren
©Syren Creations, 2005

"RE: Pearl Islands"
Posted by Lisa0116 on 04-04-06 at 03:03 PM
>I loved Survivor Pearl Islands.

I'm with you. Some people just like to see the strong challenge whores win the game and they don't like it when someone outsmarts them-which is what Sandra did. She outwitted, outlasted, and outplayed Burton (the challege whore) and Johnny as soon as they went off on their reward. That reward is the worst one to win in the whole game because 2 people have to leave 3 people behind and they will backstab you for it. It happens almost every Survivor-one of the peeps on that reward goes HOME.

Johnny was obnoxious and shouldn't have won. Lil and Burton shouldn't have won because they had time off of the game and were voted back in later. If it were between Sandra and Darrah, I would still say Sandra deserved it more. She played a great game and did what she had to do to win