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"Johnny Fairplay Interview!!!"

Posted by redcarpet_Talk on 03-28-06 at 05:34 PM
Tune in March 28th through April 4thth to www.RedCarpetTalk.com to hear Johnny Fairplay's Interview...

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Johnny Fairplay Interview!!!"
Posted by Lisa0116 on 03-28-06 at 05:41 PM
He is such a jerk. I might go listen, but I not sure he has anything to say. That makes me a Survivor FREAK, doesn't it??

"RE: Johnny Fairplay Interview!!!"
Posted by Aruba on 03-30-06 at 06:43 AM
You would be considered a Survivor Freak even if you DIDN'T listen to what he had to say. Especially if he talks about one of the worst seasons (Pearl Island) which gave us the most pathetic Final Two and undoubtedly the most miserable coattail riding UTR Poster Child as the winner.

"RE: Johnny Fairplay Interview!!!"
Posted by Lisa0116 on 04-04-06 at 02:52 PM
She was woman enough to outwit, outlast, and outplay cocky Johnny Fairplay and Burton. How stupid were they to leave three women who don't like them (and their cockiness) alone to plot against them while they were toasting how brilliant they were at a reward?? She turned the tables and earned it.

"RE: Johnny Fairdouche Interview!!!"
Posted by LisaPles on 04-05-06 at 10:23 AM
I saw a show the other night, "I was a reality TV star" or something like that. They were following Johhny around, and sadly it seems like his whole story is that he is a raging alcoholic. For example, he had to practically be carried away from a bar (in the middle of the afternoon) and scenes of him raiding the hotel mini-bar on a hungover morning after. Uggh! The guy needs help! (duh, newsflash!)

I still have to give him a small amount of credit for the ailing / dying grandmother story. That was great!