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"Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"

Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 03-27-06 at 08:22 PM
This is once again a two-season week. Thailand was a weaker installment in a lot of people's minds, so I decided to go with a strong season as well with it. That and I just feel like doing two seasons at once.

So here goes. Same rules as always.


Deena Bennett
Jeanne Hebert
Janet Koth
Shawna Mitchell
Jenna Morasca
Christy Smith
Heidi Strobel
Joanna Ward


Ryan Aiken
Alex Bell
Rob Cesternino
Dave Johnson
Butch Lockley
Daniel Lue
Roger Sexton
Matt von Ertfelda

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 03-27-06 at 08:48 PM

Deena Bennett B+
Jeanne Hebert D
Janet Koth D
Shawna Mitchell F
Jenna Morasca D
Christy Smith D
Heidi Strobel F
Joanna Ward D


Ryan Aiken F
Alex Bell C
Rob Cesternino A
Dave Johnson B
Butch Lockley B
Daniel Lue D
Roger Sexton D
Matt von Ertfelda B

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by xwraith27 on 03-27-06 at 08:55 PM

Deena Bennett B
Jeanne Hebert C
Janet Koth D
Shawna Mitchell C
Jenna Morasca B+
Christy Smith A-
Heidi Strobel B-
Joanna Ward F


Ryan Aiken F
Alex Bell B
Rob Cesternino A
Dave Johnson B
Butch Lockley C
Daniel Lue D
Roger Sexton C-
Matt von Ertfelda C

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by byoffer on 03-27-06 at 10:04 PM

Deena Bennett B
Jeanne Hebert D
Janet Koth F
Shawna Mitchell D
Jenna Morasca B
Christy Smith C
Heidi Strobel C
Joanna Ward D


Ryan Aiken D
Alex Bell C
Rob Cesternino A
Dave Johnson C
Butch Lockley B
Daniel Lue D
Roger Sexton D
Matt von Ertfelda B

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by southpaw on 03-27-06 at 10:05 PM

Deena Bennett: B-
Jeanne Hebert: D-
Janet Koth: F
Shawna Mitchell: F
Jenna Morasca: B
Christy Smith: A-
Heidi Strobel: C+
Joanna Ward: F


Ryan Aiken: F
Alex Bell: C
Rob Cesternino: A
Dave Johnson: B+
Butch Lockley: C-
Daniel Lue: F
Roger Sexton: D
Matt von Ertfelda: D+

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by taffnic on 03-28-06 at 00:31 AM

Deena Bennett- B-
Jeanne Hebert- D
Janet Koth- F
Shawna Mitchell- D
Jenna Morasca-C+
Christy Smith-B+
Heidi Strobel-D
Joanna Ward-D


Ryan Aiken-C
Alex Bell-B-
Rob Cesternino-C
Dave Johnson-B-
Butch Lockley-C
Daniel Lue-C
Roger Sexton-F
Matt von Ertfelda -A-

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by tribephyl on 03-28-06 at 04:57 AM

Deena Bennett ~ A
Jeanne Hebert ~ A
Janet Koth ~ C
Shawna Mitchell ~ D
Jenna Morasca ~ C
Christy Smith ~ B
Heidi Strobel ~ F
Joanna Ward ~ F


Ryan Aiken ~ B
Alex Bell ~ C
Rob Cesternino ~ A
Dave Johnson ~ B
Butch Lockley ~ C
Daniel Lue ~ C
Roger Sexton ~ F
Matt von Ertfelda ~ D

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by Aruba on 03-28-06 at 07:07 AM

DENNA (D) - A female Roger. Can we say "Femmi-nazi"?

JEANNE (C+) - Hard worker who was misfortunate to be on this all women tribe. The way she handled herself at the reunion show made me wish we could have seen more of her.

JANET (F) - Invisible non-factor.

SHAWNA (C-) - Non-factor in the game. Her revitalized behavior during the tribal flip-flop provided enough entertainment to move her from a "D" status.

JENNA (B+) - Other than Rob, I would say she was as deserving as anyone to win this season. Won the key challenges she had to and layed low when she needed to. Her whinning and talk of quitting prevents an "A" grade here.

CHRISTY (B+) - My sentimental favorite this season. Hard enough to play this game with all your faculties but to overcome her handicap was inspirational. Would have liked to seen her and Rob as the F2.

HIEDI (D) - Annoyed me. Her boobies weren't the only things plastic with her. A self-proclaimed great athlete?--I didn't see it. Scored high on some IQ test?--May be book smart, but clearly not jungle smart.

JOANNA (D) - To provide words of wisdom and sound advice to a bunch of superficial girls who care more about how they look was not a smart approach.


RYAN (D) - Too bad Daniel's ineptness on the balance beam did you in. Deserved to stick around a little longer.

ALEX (C+) - Seemed to have a lot going for him; then tells Rob that he will be expendable come F4? How dumb was that??

ROB (A) - I've had countless debates with posters where I was told if you are not physically dominant in the challenges you have NO choice but to be an UTR coattail rider. Thanks Rob for disproving that theory! He was a girly-man in the challenges and in no way, shape or form an UTR player. Yet Amazon was clearly HIS season.

DAVE (C+) - Solid competitor; but did give a new meaning to the term "Rocket Scientist".

BUTCH (B) - Probably my favorite UTR player of all-time. But being UTR will never get you an "A" in my book.

DANIEL (F) - I read somewhere he applied for Survivor to be the "first" Asain to make a statement in the game. I though Shii Ann did that well; whereas he failed miserablly.

ROGER (D) - A male Deena. Can we say "Male Chauvanist Pig"?

MATT (B) - Definitely had a few screws loose, but smart enough to learn the game as he played. Hard worker and good provider. Failed badly at Final TC but derserved a F2 spot.

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by michel on 03-28-06 at 09:05 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-28-06 AT 09:06 AM (EST)

Sorry Colonel but this season was the worst for people who like to watch how leaders perform. No one knew how to control the votes. It was like watching Ulong #1 battle Ulong #2. It was funny however. No one deserves a mark higher than a C.
Deena Bennett: (D) Was selected leader in order to put a target on her back. Organized camplife well but had no idea how to get people to vote her way.

Jeanne Hebert: (D) One of the few smart ideas was to appoint Deena as leader but was outsmarted by Heidi at tribal switch...Heidi!!!

Janet Koth (F): what did she do?

Shawna Mitchell: (F) why did casting choose her?

Jenna Morasca: (C) Comic relief for the season. Didn't know any strategy and was lucky the guys were so stupid. Made a cute winner and won key challenges even if Matt threw the last one.

Christy Smith: (C) Valiant effort, nice to see she lasted but had no notions of strategy.

Heidi Strobel: (C) She was cute despite the silicone and lobbed the ball for the greatest Jiffy remark ("Which one?"). The season was so bad that her claim of having a hand in half the decisions wasn't entirely wrong!!!

Joanna Ward: (D) I got nothing


Ryan Aiken: (F) why was he casted?

Alex Bell: (D) became leader by attrition not by strategy. When he had the game in hand, he made THE stupidest move in survivor history by telling Rob that he was gone at 4 when 7 players remained.

Rob Cesternino (D): Sorry but this guy was a drooling follower who wasn't smart enough to even be under the radar before receiving Alex' slap in the face. Before then all he did was ask his 8-Ball if Heidi liked him. He was the next to go if the tribes don't switch. He remained only because Ryan and Daniel were so inept. Even when he got lucky and had enough players to organize a rag-tag alliance of losers to boot Alex, he doesn't see that he needs to boot Jenna instead of Christy. He got scared Matt would beat him in front of the jury for having given family visits to everyone. He thought Jenna would make a better opponent in front of the jury. Matt wouldn't have beaten anyone and more importantly he would've battled for F3 immunity against Christy and brought Rob if he had won.

Dave Johnson (F) Could've been the best player. In the end he appeared as "smart" as Heidi, especially asking the stupidest jury question ever.

Butch Lockley: (C) Played follower, lasted longer than most.

Daniel Lue: (F) enough said

Roger Sexton: (F) arrogance doesn't give you followers.

Matt von Ertfelda (D) The proof of how bad was this season, this guy almost won. The psycho with the machete!!

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by CattyChat on 03-28-06 at 12:09 PM
HATED Thailand and Amazon wasn't that much better . . .

Deena Bennett . . . . . . . B+
Jeanne Hebert . . . . . . . D
Janet Koth . . . . . . . . . . D
Shawna Mitchell . . . . . . D
Jenna Morasca . . . . . . . C-
Christy Smith . . . . . . . . D (loved her, but her waffling did her in)
Heidi Strobel . . . . . . . . D-
Joanna Ward . . . . . . . . F

Ryan Aiken . . . . . . . . . D+
Alex Bell. . . . . . . . . . . D+
Rob Cesternino. . . . . . A-
Dave Johnson . . . . . . B+
Butch Lockley . . . . . . B-
Daniel Lue . . . . . . . . D+
Roger Sexton . . . . . . . C
Matt von Ertfelda . . . . B+

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 03-28-06 at 07:20 PM

Deena Bennett D
Jeanne Hebert D
Janet Koth A -for being the hottest MILF EVER!!!!
Shawna Mitchell F
Jenna Morasca A
Christy Smith D
Heidi Strobel D
Joanna Ward F


Ryan Aiken F
Alex Bell F
Rob Cesternino B
Dave Johnson F
Butch Lockley D
Daniel Lue F
Roger Sexton F
Matt von Ertfelda B

mind the gap

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by MacabreMasquerade on 03-28-06 at 08:00 PM

Deena Bennett: C+
Jeanne Hebert: F
Janet Koth: D
Shawna Mitchell: D-
Jenna Morasca: A-
Christy Smith: B+
Heidi Strobel: C
Joanna Ward: F


Ryan Aiken: F
Alex Bell: D+
Rob Cesternino: A
Dave Johnson: B-
Butch Lockley: C-
Daniel Lue: F
Roger Sexton: F
Matt von Ertfelda: B

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by agressionx on 03-29-06 at 03:17 PM

Deena Bennett
Jeanne Hebert: B
Janet Koth: F
Shawna Mitchell: D+
Jenna Morasca: B+
Christy Smith: B-
Heidi Strobel: D
Joanna Ward: F


Ryan Aiken: D+
Alex Bell: C+
Rob Cesternino: A-
Dave Johnson: B
Butch Lockley: D
Daniel Lue: F
Roger Sexton: D-
Matt von Ertfelda: C-

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by FWG on 03-30-06 at 01:54 AM

Deena Bennett - A
Jeanne Hebert - D+
Janet Koth - D-
Shawna Mitchell - F
Jenna Morasca - C+
Christy Smith - C-
Heidi Strobel - C
Joanna Ward - F


Ryan Aiken - F
Alex Bell - B+
Rob Cesternino - A
Dave Johnson - B
Butch Lockley - A-
Daniel Lue - D-
Roger Sexton - F
Matt von Ertfelda - C

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by 321Jump on 03-30-06 at 05:18 PM

Deena Bennett - B
Jeanne Hebert - C
Janet Koth - D
Shawna Mitchell - D
Jenna Morasca - B
Christy Smith - C
Heidi Strobel - C
Joanna Ward - F


Ryan Aiken - D
Alex Bell - C
Rob Cesternino - A
Dave Johnson - C
Butch Lockley - B
Daniel Lue - D
Roger Sexton - D
Matt von Ertfelda - B

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by smokedog on 03-30-06 at 06:00 PM
>Deena Bennett D
>Jeanne Hebert C
>Janet Koth F
>Shawna Mitchell B
>Jenna Morasca B
>Christy Smith C
>Heidi Strobel A
>Joanna Ward C
>Ryan Aiken F
>Alex Bell D
>Rob Cesternino A
>Dave Johnson B
>Butch Lockley B
>Daniel Lue F
>Roger Sexton F
>Matt von Ertfelda B

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by gizmo_ber on 03-30-06 at 07:30 PM

Deena Bennett- C-
Jeanne Hebert- D
Janet Koth- F
Shawna Mitchell- D
Jenna Morasca- B-
Christy Smith- D-
Heidi Strobel- C
Joanna Ward- C-


Ryan Aiken- D
Alex Bell- D+
Rob Cesternino- A
Dave Johnson- C
Butch Lockley- C
Daniel Lue- D
Roger Sexton- D-
Matt von Ertfelda- C+

don't like sunlight, keep me away from water, don't feed me after midnight

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by rjac21 on 03-30-06 at 10:50 PM

Deena Bennett - B
Jeanne Hebert - C+
Janet Koth - D
Shawna Mitchell - B-
Jenna Morasca - B+
Christy Smith - B-
Heidi Strobel - B
Joanna Ward - FFFF


Ryan Aiken - A-
Alex Bell - B
Rob Cesternino - B
Dave Johnson - A
Butch Lockley - D
Daniel Lue - F
Roger Sexton - F
Matt von Ertfelda - B-

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 03-31-06 at 01:29 AM

Deena Bennett - B-
Jeanne Hebert - C
Janet Koth - C
Shawna Mitchell - D
Jenna Morasca - F
Christy Smith - A
Heidi Strobel - D+
Joanna Ward - C


Ryan Aiken - D-
Alex Bell - F
Rob Cesternino - A-
Dave Johnson - A
Butch Lockley- B
Daniel Lue - C
Roger Sexton - D
Matt von Ertfelda - B

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 6"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 04-03-06 at 09:26 PM

Deena Bennett - B-
Jeanne Hebert - C-
Janet Koth - D+
Shawna Mitchell - F
Jenna Morasca - A-
Christy Smith - B
Heidi Strobel - B
Joanna Ward - D


Ryan Aiken - D-
Alex Bell - D
Rob Cesternino - A-
Dave Johnson - C+
Butch Lockley - B
Daniel Lue - D-
Roger Sexton - D
Matt von Ertfelda - A-