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"Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"

Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 03-22-06 at 08:30 PM
We all know that some game-changing moves affected the course of Survivor history and may have affected even more than one season. For example, a course of events that led to an early ouster of Rob in the Marquesas would have kept him off of All-Stars for sure. A possible first bot of Sarah could have led to Rob being a bigger target and a boot for him because of the fafaru challenge.

I should lay down some ground rules for this speculation.

--Speculate on any scenario you wish, but try to stick to in-game decisions. Casting decisions for All-Stars are good as well, such as swapping Kelly Goldsmith for Shii Ann. Scenarios such as "What if Thailand was guys vs. girls?" are best saved for when we start running low on ideas.
--Make it plausible. Or at least semi-plausible. We all know the Morgan tribe wasn't prepared to kick Osten out in episode 2, but it's OK to speculate on if they had. Speculating on a possible immunity run by Lydia is a little too far out there.
--Be detailed. Don't just say, "If the Rotu 4 had kept their damn mouths shut, the General would have won the whole thing." Tell me why he would have run the whole thing. Detail the boot list. I will do a sample speculation in my first reply.
--Debate and propose alternate senarios. Go nuts. I might have Rupert in the Final 2 if he got voted off in episode 6 right after being sent back in from the Outcast tribe; you might think that Burton and Lill still get voted in and Rupert's forgotten. Defend your position.
--I have tried this game at Sucks, and I thought a more intelligent crowd such as this one might have more fun with it.

OK, without further ado, speculate! My first speculation will be the first reply to this.

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"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 03-22-06 at 10:23 PM
This one dates to the fourth episode of the Amazon. As we all know, Shawna asked to be voted off, and it could have happened. She threw away her vote, Christy could have voted against her, and if Deena had a change of heart, she's out 4-2-1. Or she could have set another dangerous precedent and laid her torch down - we all know she would have been ahead of her time, and maybe seeing Shawna crap out like that would have changed Osten's mind as well. He could have laid his torch down in episode 2, or he could have held onto it and toughed it out; we don't know.

The point of divergence for this speculation: What if Shawna is out at episode 4?

Episode 4: In a classic example of evening out the tribes, the fishing challenge plays to the strength of the men. Tambaqui wins immunity going away. So at Jaburu, Shawna's losing it. Joanna, knowing her neck is on the line, tries to work Shawna over - into leaving the game of her own accord. Maybe she did in our timeline; I don't know. I don't remember seeing it. All I know is that, in this scenario, Joanna's words actually sink in this time. The end result: Shawna's out - no vote needed.

Shawna leaves the game; no vote is taken.

Episode 5: Well, folks, Shawna's no longer up for grabs. Joanna's still in the game. Dave and Jenna meet up and discuss strategy and body parts. One important fact that Dave learns: Joanna was next in line to be booted had Shawna not quit. Oh yes, and Heidi is Jenna's bestest friend in the whole wide world. With that information, the new tribes fall this way.

Dave takes Heidi. Not too shabby.
Jenna takes Alex and keeps his machete away from him.
Dave takes Butch. Hangs onto his alliance.
Jenna takes Deena. Hangs onto hers.
Dave takes...umm, Christy. I suppose.
Jenna takes Rob. Wants to laugh.
Dave takes Roger. Still alliance-based. Why he wants to be in an alliance with Roger I still don't understand.
Jenna takes...ooh, tough one. To be rid of Joanna, she takes Jeanne.
By default, Dave gets Jeanne and Jenna gets Matt.

So, from our timeline, Jeanne switches tribes and Joanna joins Tambaqui. Not much changes for the challenge; Jaburu wins going away. Tambaqui marches off to Tribal, and the strategy of working on Heidi is a good one. There's no random draw as far as votes for the guys go; Christy and Joanna can't work together. Christy actually relishes in the chance to vote off Joanna.

5 votes Joanna: Butch, Christy, Dave, Heidi, Roger
1 vote Roger: Joanna

Episode 6: Christy's redemption, if you can all it that at this point, is made when she helps win reward. She also helps Tambaqui win immunity, but that's more of a team effort. More importantly, at Jaburu, there is no love connection. There is no Alex-Shawna bond. Deena and Rob are flying under the radar, and Matt's still trying to keep useful, but with no bigger fish to fry, he's dogmeat.

5 votes Matt: Alex, Deena, Jeanne, Jenna, Rob
1 vote Alex: Matt

Episode 7: We're deprived here of Matt at the merge, and the "stick with the guys" strategy isn't really flying. The alternatrive strategy is to try to keep Heidi and Christy close, and Dave also tries to work Jenna over. It doesn't work - the plan to ous Roger is in full swing, and when not-Roger wins immunity, Roger is out.

7 votes Roger: Alex, Christy, Deena, Heidi, Jeanne, Jenna, Rob
3 votes Jeanne: Butch, Dave, Roger

Episode 8: Roger's out of the picture, Dave's the threat now, and the male alliance is crumbling, not that there was much of one to begin with. Heidi and Jenna are clearly in Jaburu's court, and when not-Dave wins immunity, it's out with Dave.

8 votes Dave: Alex, Butch, Christy, Deena, Heidi, Jeanne, Jenna, Rob
1 vote Jeanne: Dave

Episode 9: Alex still wins reward, and Jeanne's strong stomach doesn't add up to Deena's will. With Deena immune, there's no thought of taking her out. There is thought of taking Alex out, bu the people won't go for it at this point - instead, Deena is ignored and made a target the next time, and Butch is the one to fall.

6 votes Butch: Alex, Deena, Heidi, Jeanne, Jenna, Rob
2 votes Alex: Butch, Christy

Episode 10: Christy's on the outside, but Deena's the pariah. Alex, Heidi, Jenna, and Rob are using this to their advantage - but what's this? Alex can't keep his yap shut and tells Rob about his plan to vote him off at F4. Smooth. So Rob wins immunity and rallies Deena, Jeanne, and Christy to vote off Alex. Does it work? You bet your bottom dollar it does.

4 votes Alex: Christy, Deena, Jeanne, Rob
3 votes Deena: Alex, Heidi, Jenna

Episode 11: OK, so minus Matt and Butch, the season's playing out pretty similarly. One little problem here - Christy's dilemma isn't such a dilemma this time. She could go with an alliance with Deena, Jeanne, and Rob, and maybe she's in the finals or maybe she's not, or she could risk a tie with Heidi and Jenna and know she's dogmeat at F3. Hmmm, that's a real tough decision, don't you agree? For those of you scoring at home, that means Jenna isn't insane enough to toss away immunity at F6, and Heidi gets tossed.

4 votes Heidi: Christy, Deena, Jeanne, Rob
2 votes Deena: Heidi, Jenna

Episode 12: The women are clearly winning the battle of the sexes, though the plan was to get right of a tight alliance in a somewhat scattered game, not to exterminate the men. So with Rob still around, Jenna wins the car or something, and the immunity goes to...oh jeez, it's har to say. The bottom line is this: Jenna appears to be losing it. The obvious vote is: Deena.

3 votes Deena: Christy, Jeanne, Jenna
2 votes Jenna: Deena, Rob

Episode 13, part 1: Like in our timeline, Jenna's best at the challenge. They could vote off Rob for having a penis, I suppose. The vote in our timeline was for an outsider and made out of convenience - so that means Jeanne's out.

3 votes Jeanne: Christy, Jenna, Rob
1 vote Christy: Jeane

Episode 13, part 2: No one's there to throw the challenge. Jenna holds up pretty well, but here's an outside shot - Christy wins immunity. She held up better than Jenna in the first challenge, and she needs it more. And although she was nicer to Jenna than we thought she would be, I don't think she keeps Jenna around knowing how many friends she has on the jury.

1 vote Jenna: Christy

The Final Two: Christy vs. Rob

Dave: He still asks his ludicrous jury question, and he considers Rob a backstabber who made promises he wouldn't keep. This one goes to Christy.

Butch: Friendship trumps any gamesmanship here. CHalk this one up to Christy.

Alex: Oh boy is he bitter. And knowing him, he votes Christy out of this bitterness. He sure as hell isn't voting for Rob.

Heidi: She's mad at Rob, but is any of the "cool kids" going to vote for Christy? Don't bet on it. This goes to Rob.

Deena: Another friendship-based vote. Also, Rob stuck with her. Rob gets this.

Jeanne: Wow. A total wild card here. I'll go to the next vote.

Jenna: Votes Rob to vote with Heidi. And because Christy voted her out.

Now for Jeanne. Who turned the game around? Rob did. Jeanne knows this. And she votes acordingly.

Christy gets $100,000 for second place. Rob's the winner.

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by byoffer on 03-23-06 at 02:38 PM
so then Jenna doesn't get on All-Stars, and so doesn't quit on all-stars. But does she still hook up with Ethan??

And does Deena get onto All-Stars? Clearly Rob still does.

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 03-23-06 at 07:50 PM
Deena's still theoretically out on All-Stars but is possible. I would rather see her than, say, Kathy, but that's probably considered blasphemy here since I am one of three people here who didn't like Kathy.

For me, the biggest question is Christy. You could boot Jenna or keep her; it doesn't matter. If she isn't a winner, she isn't a must. I would take Christy as replacing Jenna L. in our timeline, and maybe Deena would be a replacement for Shii Ann or someone if EPMB decides Thailand was too forgettable or that someone else can represent Thailand. Brian wouldn't do it, but maybe Ken or Jake could replace...I don't know...I hate to cut Boston Rob, but Jake would be an interesting replacement for Lex. And if Deena replaces Jenna M., then Mogo Mogo's still a strong tribe and this is ripe for another What If? scenario.

"Marquesas What if"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 03-23-06 at 07:21 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-23-06 AT 07:22 AM (EST)

In Episode 3 the immunity challenge was the coconut maze. Maraamu had the lead and their final coconut rolled around the rim and spun out and then twice more it wouldn't go in, Rotu came from behind to win the challenge as their final coconut rolled right in. At tribal council, Hunter was voted out.

What if that coconut did fall in instead of rimming out? Rotu would have gone to their first tribal cou8ncil and most likely they would have voted out Kathy Obrien.

Episode 4- The switch
They all walk out onto the 13 random disks and flip them over revealing a new buff. (Hunter takes the place of Kathy in the sequence, Tammy being last gets the extra Maraamu buff)

Zoe- blue Rotu
Gina- yellow Maraamu
Gabe- blue Rotu
Neleh- yellow Maraamu
John- blue Rotu
Vee- blue Rotu
Rob- blue Rotu
Hunter- yellow Maraamu
Sean- blue Rotu
Sarah- yellow Maraamu
Robert- blue Rotu
Paschal- yellow Maraamu
Tammy- yellow Maraamu

Rotu still wins the weaving puzzle IC and Sarah is voted out with votes from Hunter, Gina, Neleh, Paschal, and Tammy.

Episode 5-
Maraamu still wins the distress signal challenge. The Rotu 4 alliance is now John, Robert, Zoe, and they keep Gabe just because of the numbers advantage. At TC they vote out Rob 4 votes to 3.

Episode 6-
The maze challenge is a toss up but I'll go with a Rotu win. At TC Gina, Hunter, and Tammy vote for Neleh and send her home.

Episode 7- The merge (Zoe, Gabe, John, Robert, Sean, Vee, Gina, Hunter, Paschal, Tammy)

As ambassadors John for Rotu meets Tammy for Maraamu for drinks and merge talk. John reveals his plan for 4 strong original Rotu and asks Tammy to be the 5th so that they can steamroll, she agrees but has already made a secret alliance with Hunter.

At the sea legs challenge John outlasts the others. They vote out Sean 8-2.

Episode 8-
Pecking order challenge Tammy realizes she is 5th in John's scheme and Hunter realizes his alliance needs to be shored up because he is down in numbers. Gabe wins the IC so he can't be voted for. Hunter brings Vee back into the mix and vote out John 5-4.

Episode 9-
Tammy wins the stilt challenge. Hunter, Tammy, Vee, Gina, and Paschal vote out Robert.

Episode 10-
Fire challenge, with Robert gone Hunter wins this hands down. They vote out Gabe.

Episode 11-
Vee still wins the sands of time IC. The tribe finishes the pagonging and takes out Zoe.

Final 5- Hunter, Gina, Paschal, Tammy, Vee

Episode 12-
At the RC Hunter kicks butt in the second chances challenge and wins the new car. At the IC the Marquesan folk lore, Gina wins. They vote Vee out because she wasn't in the original final 4 and Pappy is not a physical threat.

Episode 13-
Gina wins the fallen comrades IC. By a vote of 3-1 Paschal is voted out. (Hunter keeps Tammy because of his alliance and even though she is stronger he believes she is more deserving) Pappy now is at least not the victim of the dreaded purple rock.

Episode 14-
Hands on the immunity idol between Gina, Tammy, and Hunter. No Neleh to say "your boob is showing". Tammy endures and takes Hunter with her to the final 2, he has rubbed a few people the wrong way and she thinks she has a better shot at the money rather than facing Gina.

Final voting-
Jury questions are hot and the votes are as follows:

John- Votes Tammy, the old Rotu bond and he hates Hunter
Robert- Votes Tammy, same reasons
Gabe- Votes Hunter, more physical
Zoe- Votes Hunter, she had a fallout with Tammy
Vee- Votes Hunter, even though he turned on her, he played the game the best
Paschal- Votes Tammy, didn't like that Hunter turned
Gina- Votes Hunter, she has wanted him from the start

Hunter wins!

Thus ridding us of the purple rock, the car curse is no longer, we never see Rob or Kathy on all stars, no Romber on the Amazing Race, no Amber winning All Stars, no Kathy / Lex alliance in all stars that ends in tears, no Boston Rob backstabbing Lex in all stars and on and on.

ETA: Oh and I guess with that outcome I would be Hunter_fan on this board

"RE: Marquesas What if"
Posted by JohnMc on 03-23-06 at 11:26 AM
What an outcome!

Now, do you know Michael J. Fox enough to take his Back to the Future time machine back to season 4 to make this happen? I would much rather see Hunter and Gina on TAR than Romber.

You have changed the course of history. I think I'll pretend that everything you said actually took place.

There is now peace in the universe. *sigh*

"RE: Marquesas What if"
Posted by byoffer on 03-23-06 at 01:13 PM
I think I'll pretend that everything you said actually took place.

true to all that, except the part where KO_Fan becomes Hunter_Fan!!

It is amazing to see how such slight changes (maze game outcome) would have made massive changes to not just that season, but others too.

"RE: Marquesas What if"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 03-23-06 at 08:10 PM
"It is amazing to see how such slight changes (maze game outcome) would have made massive changes to not just that season, but others too."

Ain't it the truth. Imagine All-Stars with no Kathy or Rob. Imagine Hunter on Chapera or maybe on Saboga with Ethan on Chapera. Jenna and Jerri might be the "knuckleheads."

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by iltarion on 03-24-06 at 03:43 AM
First of all, I appreciate ANY new thread on here. Secondly, I especially appreciate an idea as well-thought out and creative as this. However, in suggesting changes to key events so early within a season, it realistically is near impossible to predict what would have happened for the rest of the season. You might as well just make up the rest of the season off the top of your head because that would be as valid as trying to predict what would happen.
So, sorry, I guess to suggest a more feasible what if, I would go with something closer to the end of a season. For instance, if Rupert wins the IC at F4, instead of coming in 2nd to Amber, he forces a 2-2 tie or allows Jenna to be booted. Regardless, based off every endurance challenge he ever participated in, Rupert most likely wins final IC as well. I say he takes Amber, if she is still there, to the F2. Sure, he might have a better chance to beat Rob, but Rupert doesn't think like that. He is intimidated by strong men, especially strong, attractive men, and would much rather spend another night with an attractive woman, rather than face a man like Rob mano-a-mano. Regardless, Amber makes it closer, but Rupert still wins All-Stars because he has Jenna, Alicia, Lex and Kathy in the bag, probably Tom too. So, there you have it. Just one example of how one immunity would have changed an outcome. And of course, then someone else probably wins the fans' million. I hope...

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 03-24-06 at 10:46 PM
If you pick events that are farther bak in the game, you still have the length of the game in our timeline to go on. You can't say for sure what would have happened, but it's no different from speculating on actual historical events. I base my scenarios on what I observed in the show about people's personalities and strategies. I did try to be as realistic as I could. Frankly, someone could go with the same scenario and come up with a drastically different result. That's what I was going for.

"Pearl Islands "What If""
Posted by KObrien_fan on 03-24-06 at 07:11 AM
We all remember in Episode 4 that the Drake tribe was getting a little antsy with each other and though they were on a winning streak they decided to throw the IC in order to oust one of their own. Burton was voted out, he later came back to haunt them as a ghost tribe member...

What if Drake didn't throw the challenge and didn't sit Burton and Rupert out. The challenge was physical and Drake most likely would have won. Instead of Morgan winning and stealing Rupert for a couple of days, Morgan loses and Drake chooses to steal Andrew in order to make Morgan panic without their leader.

At TC Tijuana, Ryan O, and Osten vote out Darrah.

Because Morgan is without their leader, they remain hungry and don't get the fish that Rupert had provided them, they don't move their shelter and so they get hit with the rising tide waters. Their moral stays at an all time low.

Episode 5:
At the RC Drake wins and Andrew chooses to stay at camp to partake in the shower and rejoins Morgan later, after they have been raided of another item.

The IC is the fish slurpees, lets say that Morgan does still win this one, their first win.

Drake votes out Rupert because by now Jon and Burton have joined Shawn, Michelle, and Trish.

Episode 6:
The RC is still won by Drake, but this time when Jon goes to raid Morgan, he can't stay and take a shower (because Drake won the shower stuff) and he can't rag on Morgan for Drake throwing the challenge. So with no fuel, he grabs an item and is gone.

At the IC it is the loading of the shoulders with heavy bags. Andrew, Ryan O, and Osten for Morgan battle Burton, Shawn, and Christa. Andrew doesn't have that same inspiration to dig this one out, but for posterity sake let's say Morgan still ekes this one out. Drake votes out Christa since she is the strongest of the odd alliance.

Episode 7 and 8:
The ghost tribe twist but now the tribe make up is:

Ryan S


Ryan O

Drake comes in first, Ghosties second, Morgan third. At the Morgan TC, Osten quits. The ghosties vote Rupert back in and he joins Morgan tribe. The tribes then merge and they have a big celebration, Rupert is immune and Burton still wins the Keel Hauling IC. At TC Andrew is still voted off just shy of the jury.

Episode 9:
The final 9 compete in the coconut in your chute challenge, but this time Michelle wins because the strong alliance axes the odd balls first. Rupert is voted out again, he is the first jury member.

Episode 10:
Burton wins the killer IC and Ryan O is sent packing.

Episode 11:
Trish wins the word challenge IC and Tijuana is voted out, leaving now just the core alliance. Jon realizes he now must turn on Burton if he wants to win, he cuts a deal with Trish for F2. Burton is tight with Michelle and Shawn. Sandra is still the pawn swing vote.

Episode 12:
Burton wins IC, the musket challenge. He, Michelle, Shawn, and Sandra take out Jon.

Episode 13:
Michelle wins immunity because she is the only one able to stick her skinny hands down the water tube to get the key. Trish gets voted out because Burton realizes that she has turned on the alliance with her previous TC vote.

Episode 14:
Final four: Burton, Shawn, Michelle, and Sandra

The jury still wins the trivia IC. With no immunity, Shawn is voted out as the women stick with Burton.

Burton wins the final sea legs IC and chooses Sandra as his F2 opponent. Here is how the voting shakes out:

Rupert: Votes Sandra, he is too sour at Burton for the ouster.

Ryan O: Votes Burton for strong game play

Tijuana: Votes Burton, same reason

Jon: Votes Burton, even though he hated getting turned on, he hates Sandra more

Trish: Votes Burton

Shawn: Votes Burton

Michelle: Can't hold a grudge, votes Burton

Burton wins!

And this has wide spread effects too. Rupert is not doing all stars because as someone voted out twice he just can't stand the thought of the possibility of getting voted out a third time. Burton goes to all stars instead.

This leaves room for Colby to win the money at Americas tribal council...

"RE: Pearl Islands "What If""
Posted by byoffer on 03-24-06 at 08:56 AM
and instead of bashing Poopert we would be bashing Boorton??

And tie-dye wouldn't be "so cool"!!

"Survivor Africa Ep 9 and on"
Posted by miracle1969mets on 03-24-06 at 05:28 PM
Here we are at Survivor Africa Episode 9 Tribal Council, with Lex still having immunity. The Kim P, Teresa, Frank trio realize that the original Boran's are going to split their vote.
Brandon and Lex still vote for Frank
Ethan, Kim J, and Tom still vote for Brandon
But now Kim P, Frank, and Teresa vote for Tom, since Kim P. knows Tom has votes.
Thus a 3-3-2 vote.
In the tie breaker, Lex has to vote against Brandon, the other 5 stay the same (Tom and Brandon don't vote).
Thus we have a 3-3 tie with Tom going home on the tie breaker.

Final 7, Lex still wins immunity, so Teresa gets the trio to boot Ethan (as she really said that episode to Kim J, "What can you say bad about Ethan? Nothing!") I'll say Brandon realizes Kim J and Ethan have no loyalty and B.S.es a makeup with Kim P., and votes with the Samburus

Final 6, Someone else wins immunity and Lex Finally gets booted.

Final 5, Kim P strung Brandon the last 2 votes, but still doesn't trust him and they Boot him, keepin Kim.

Final 4. Kim J. wins immunity (as actually happened) and Kim P goes 3-1

Final 3. Teresa's will plus physical ability overpowers Kim J's will, but not until over 4 hours. Teresa boots Kim, keeping less likable Frank.

Final 2. Brandon easily votes for Teresa. Teresa is somehow the only one in the world Kelly isn't pissed of at and votes for Teresa too. Ethan, Kim P, and Kim J respect them both, but all realizes Teresa was the leader and decision maker, and had more will, and all vote for her.
Tom respects the manly man, and votes for Frank.
Lex figures out that either Teresa or Frank voted for him in the Clarence T.C., and Teresa foolishly admits it, as Lex votes for Frank out of anger.
Teresa wins 5-2.

Tom still makes All Stars b/c he had such a distinct personality, and it is unaffected. Teresa gets in because this time Africa wasn't all the Boran Boy's club plus K.J (for gender purposes, replaces Jenna L or Amber). Lex's paranoia was enough to warrant an All Stars spot. But Ethan wasn't as recognizable, and Mark Burnett gives in to fan pressure and gives Mike Skupin from Australia his 2nd chance.

"RE: Survivor Africa Ep 9 and on"
Posted by agressionx on 03-25-06 at 00:54 AM
You know thats what I wanted to happen, Frank and Teresa let this chance slide right pass them. I was yelling at the tv so much duing this TC...

"Survivor Outback!!!"
Posted by agressionx on 03-25-06 at 01:09 AM
I'm not as good as some of you but lets give this a try...

Jerri has just been booted. Amber wasn't told about the boot and she decides that your original tribe is against her.

Colby wins the next immunity. Amber votes with Rodger, Elisabeth, and Nick and Keith is gone.

Colby wins immunity again, Tina gone

Nick wins immunity, Colby is history

final four challenge was the memeory challenge, so lets assume Amber wins, Nick is out

Amber wins the final challege of fallen comrades, and takes Elisabeth with her

Alica votes Elisabeth
Jerri votes Amber
Keith votes Amber
Tina votes Elisabeth
Nick votes Elisabeth
Colby votes Amber
Rodger votes Elisabeth..

Elisabeth wins..

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by miracle1969mets on 03-27-06 at 10:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-27-06 AT 10:36 PM (EST)

In the Amazon, Christy's indecision led to her ouster, although she did vote 'with' Rob against Jenna. So let's assume she tells Rob she's with her.

Jenna keeps her immunity and Heidi is voted out 6th place
Matt once again wins immunity and Jenna is voted out in 5th place.

Christy wins the final 4 immunity, votes out Butch.

Matt doesn't 'throw' the final immunity and wins it. He votes out Christy due to loyalty and thinking that Rob is the easier person to beat vs the jury.

Everyone votes for Rob, except possibly BUtch. So Rob easily wins 6-1 or the only 7-0 ever. And as a reward Christy, not Jenna accompanies him on All Stars

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by JohnMc on 04-12-06 at 04:02 PM
OK, let's deal with this season.

Ep 1: Same thing, except that the old ladies realize that you can't keep someone around who is afraid of leaves.

Cirie - Tina
Tina - Cirie
Melinda - Cirie
Ruth Marie - Cirie

Ep 2: Tribes get divided the same way, just with Tina where Cirie would have been and Bruce goes to EI.

Casaya still loses immunity. The dufus alliance of 4 still thinks they will take the numbers to the merge, and they will take out the old ladies one at a time.

Tina contribues just a smeench more than Melinda, and is also just a little tougher, so they keep her.

**Fast forward to now**

Tina is now at least on the jury, staying fairly UTR. She is still in the dominant alliance, and could possibly win the game.

I liked Tina. I wish she'd have stuck around. Granted, Cirie is QUITE entertaining, but if she pulls off a Sandra victory I'll be p1ss3d. A "Sandra" winner should appear once... but just once.

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 05-01-06 at 09:09 AM
Hmmm...another idea here from the first episode, but Tina's ouster is delayed not because the Casaya ladies want to boot leaf-hater Cirie but because they don't end up having to make that decision at all. In this scenario, the younger men of Viveros falter in the first IC and someone has to go.

Episode 1: The older women keep their heads about them, solve the brainteaser, and the young bucks of the Beefcake tribe are forced off to TC. Jeff ribs them endlessly, and the division at this tribe is between the spiritual Aras and the bland Bobby. At this point, Austin and Nick may actually have a storyline, but like Ruth Marie and Melinda, neither is in danger. But let's be honest here - the Casaya ladies voted based on tribe harmony and bonding, and Tina was the odd woman out because she spent so much time alone (albeit for a damn good reason, but the Casaya Golden Girls didn't know that.) Prediction: The Beefcakes of Viveros do the same.

3 votes Bobby: Aras, Austin, Nick
1 vote Aras: Bobby

Episode 2: Bobby was selected for a tribe in our timeline, Tina was history, and Bruce was exiled. In this timeline, the men are short a member, so Bruce doesn't get to do some wicked karate moves on Exile, at least not now. OK, so Terry and Danielle still get their respective buffs, Terry's gang is known as La Mina for lack of a better name, and Danielle's still chief of Casaya. In our timeline, Danielle picked first; in this one, Terry picks first just to have a little drama at the end and because it really doesn't matter anyway.

Terry's first pick is...Sally? OK, whatever.
Danielle takes the Boston tattoo guy, a.k.a. Shane.
Sally goes for...wait, who did she take? Austin. Yeah, Austin.
Shane goes after Courtney, just to have someone as insane as he is.
Austin takes "Exile Island", or Misty to you and me.
Courtney goes after Aras, as the tribe's sanity level goes up along with its spiritual level.
Misty's pick is...Nick. Young buck. Whose name most people had to look up in our timeline.
Aras doesn't go after Cirie here...Tina's still available, and Aras takes her.
Nick still remembers Ruth Marie and goes after her.
Tina goes after...arg, good question...Dan.
Bruce is left for La Mina.
Dan picks Melinda, and Cirie goes to Exile and loses her $#!*.

So for those who were not keeping score at home, here it is:

New La Mina: Terry, Sally, Austin, Misty, Nick, Ruth Marie, Bruce
New Casaya: Danielle, Shane, Courtney, Aras, Tina, Dan, Melinda
New Exile: Cirie

Cirie is to join whoever loses the IC, and that's obviously going to be Casaya. Shane flips his lid at Casaya, and Dan uses his head and joins with the counter-alliance while studying them to report back to Terry. Nonetheless, his efforts do no good.

4 votes Melinda: Aras, Courtney, Danielle, Shane
3 votes Shane: Dan, Melinda, Tina
New tribe member: Cirie

Episode 3: In our timeline, Bobby dragged Ruth Marie to his own mat in order to win the challenge for Casaya. Nope, no Bobby here, just skinny Dan who probably gets knocked around a good bit. I figure Dan and Bruce are about even, but Casaya doesn't live on Aras alone. La Mina continues their winning streak. So does the Dysfunctional Alliance get rid of worthless newbie Cirie, loner Tina, or security risk Dan? Or if Shane was Exiled, did he go bonkers and come back wanting coffee and cigarettes again? By now, someone knows about Tina's lost son and isn't ready to boot her just yet.

5 votes Cirie: Aras, Courtney, Danielle, Shane, Tina
2 votes Courtney: Cirie, Dan

Episode 4: I am trying to think of a way to terminate La Mina's winning streak at this point, but I can't see it. Assuming the same challenges, I don't see anything happening to stop them. OK, maybe. But not if Aras of Shane is weakened by Exile Island, and not if Terry and Bruce are there to keep up La Mina's strength. Casaya's losing it, Aras couldn't find the idol, Shane wouldn't find it unless it was in a pack of smokes, and Casaya's off to Tribal. Shane is sick to death of losing, and at this point, losing drives him to the point of not being able to take it anymore. He asks for his son's name back sooner rather than later, and Casaya has no problem 86ing him.

5 votes Shane: Aras, Courtney, Dan, Danielle, Tina
1 vote Aras: Shane

Episode 5: Could it get any worse for Casaya? I will say this - they finally get a reward, and Terry goes to Exile, where he finds the idol in a matter of minutes, but that doesn't prove to be enough when La Mina's strong swimmers win the challenge and Casaya goes to TC again. This is also the episode where Dan's time as an astronaut would come out if he were going to tell anyone on Casaya. He doesn't, and Casaya heaves him.

4 votes Dan: Aras, Courtney, Danielle, Tina
1 vote Tina: Dan

Episode 6: We'll say there are two runners and two solvers here - on one hand, Terry and Austin run while Bruce and Ruth Marie solve, while Aras and Danielle run while Courtney and Tina solve. Translation: Casaya doesn't have a chance in hell, Tina's exiled, and it's time to make a decision - are the girls better off without Aras? Can they crack the La Mina gang without him?

2 votes Aras: Courtney, Danielle
1 vote Courtney: Aras

Episode 7: The Casayas desperately try to win immunity when Tina comes back, Dan's history, and La Mina doesn't need it - but no one's beating Terry, as usual. This guy is unstoppable. But here's one problem - the boys' club shunned Ruth Marie, and the young bucks are tight with Misty and Sally. That's bad news for Bruce.

8 votes Bruce: Austin, Courtney, Danielle, Misty, Nick, Ruth Marie, Sally, Tina
2 votes Courtney: Bruce, Terry

Episode 8: And now Terry realizes he has to win. And that's not the problem; who the hell's going to beat him? No one; that's who. Not even Nick. So when Terry's still around and kicking, Austin and Nick decide to join him, not beat him, and kick off a possible physial threat from the other side.

5 votes Danielle: Austin, Misty, Nick, Sally, Terry
4 votes Austin: Courtney, Danielle, Ruth Marie, Tina

Episode 9: Let's see...burgers or the challenge? It's a harder decision, and as such, the only people who eat are people who know they don't have a chance in hell anyway at the challenge. I sat here and racked my brain trying to figure out who would eat and who would compete, but then I realized it didn't make a damn bit of difference; no amount of burderd was going to tempt Terry, and he would win anyway. The next step for the La Mina folks: Oh, I don't know...pick off the last Casayas?

5 votes Courtney: Austin, Misty, Nick, Sally, Terry
3 votes Austin: Courtney, Ruth Marie, Tina

Episode 10: Argfa...time for a counter-alliance? Just the girls, right? There's no Bruce here to...umm, crap out...yes, I know that's in bad taste...sorry...so wait, are Ruth Marie and Tina going to try to reel in Sally and Misty to get rid of Terry? Someone has to do it. The tough part of this is that we don't know what the challenge would have been. But who the hell's going to beat Terry? And on the other hand, he does have the idol...not that any of this matters.

4 votes Austin: Misty, Ruth Marie, Sally, Tina
3 votes Tina: Austin, Nick, Terry

Episode 11: Terry was likely to lead whoever to victory here, even if they are kind of no longer on his side...that's OK; he takes the GMC Envoy for himself. Oh yeah, and there's the little matter of immunity. Terry looked pretty tough, but he also looked just tougher than everyone else. He does what he has to. And Nick isn't going to beat him. Sorry. And that means he's gone.

4 votes Nick: Misty, Ruth Marie, Sally, Tina
2 votes Tina: Nick, Terry

And here's where we're at. Terry can tank a challenge or something if he wants to be able to decide who gets voted out, or he can pass the idol if he wants. Whatever. It's his call.

"Speculation: Borneo."
Posted by Estee on 04-17-06 at 09:57 AM
Or at least, throwing out the first question and seeing where everyone else goes with it, 'cause this is a big one with a very long playout.

What if the first season hadn't been the first season?

Or: what if everyone came in having seen a few runs before? What if the Original Sixteen knew about alliances, having the numbers, 'eat the strong', and the other established playing elements of the game? What if Richard's plan was accepted as the norm and he wasn't the only person who knew such a plan was possible? The cutthroat, backstab environment is in place and everyone knows it...

Assume the same challenges and that no additional twists appear. Who wins?

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 04-19-06 at 00:32 AM
I ran this scenario at Sucks and I think it might turn out differently here. I know it was hard to pull off, if you think about it, but here's an idea: People who aren't good at challenges at the start may be better at challenges later; it's all a matter of what their strengths are. Morgan could have decided this during the seventh season when it was time to vote off Skinny Ryan - and kept him around because he wanted to be there. Osten didn't. So what if Osten had gotten his unceremonious boot here in this episode? Be it a laid-down torch (say, Shawna had done it in the Amazon and Osten decided it wasn't so bad...or she did it and Morgan booted him to keep hime from doing so.) So here goes.

Episode 2: A letdown for Morgan in the challenge. Once again, Drake wins. Osten wants out now, and Ryan and Lill are playing this up. Darrah can pick out a four-person alliance, and she's in. So Darrah is trying to get one more vote here - Tijuana isn't budging, and neither are Ryno or Savage. So the last idea they have is to get Osten to throw his vote away. So here's how it goes down.

3 votes Osten: Darrah, Lillian, Ryan S.
3 votes Ryan S.: Andrew, Ryan O., Tijuana
1 vote Tijuana: Osten

So the picture here is this: Osten is made the obvious throw-away vote. I don't know what the tiebreak would be here, but I can wager it wouldn't be the purple rock tiebreak. There will be a decision here, and Tijuana realizes one thing - Osten isn't part of the alliance anymore. So the tiebreak vote:

3 votes Osten: Darrah, Lillian, Tijuana
2 votes Ryan S.: Andrew, Ryan O.

Episode 3: Well, guess who's on the defensive here at Morgan? Well, Andrew figured out he's no leader anymore, and he is not happy with Tijuana. But there's just one little problem - who holds the anchor in the challenge? Andrew probably does, and Skinny Ryan's out first, if he isn't the hanger-on at the top. Osten put up a hell of a run here, but they wish they had him here when Rupert cooks their goose. Andrew's on the outs here, Darrah is lazy, Tijuana's a traitor, Skinny Ryan's crappy in challenges, Lillian's obnoxious, and Ryno...well, he's safe. The Morgan tribe has been looking for a reason to boot Skinny Ryan since day one, but Nicole and Osten both opened their mouths and got booted. No one's that dumb here, especially not Tijuana, who instigated Nicole's ouster - all goes according to plan here.

4 votes Ryan S.: Andrew, Darrah, Ryan O., Tijuana
2 votes Andrew: Lillian, Ryan S.

Episode 4: Morgan's in total chaos, and something has to happen to save them. Helloooooooooooooooo, Burton. It was his bright idea to throw this challenge, and it was his idea to let Morgan back in the game. Predictable, Drake throws the challenge, and Morgan kidnaps Rupert. Great idea, Burton; now Morgan's back in it. Here's your reward, chump: Get out.

5 votes Burton: Christa, Jon, Sandra, Shawn, Trish
2 votes Christa: Burton, Michelle

Episode 5: OK, so Morgan's back in the game instead of being known as the original name in total failure. Now it's time for another Drake move to keep them in the game - Michelle deciding to be a decoy in the gross food challenge and then totally blowing it. Well, Morgan wins when Sandra can't get it all down, and so Michelle blows it and is the target. Duh.

6 votes Michelle: Christa, Jon, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn, Trish
1 vote Shawn: Michelle

Episode 6: Well, would they have changed this challenge to suit Morgan's strengths? Maybe; I don't know. What I can tell you is this - if they don't, it's going to be a lot closer. Together, Rupert and Shawn outlast Savage and Ryno, and by herself, hrista can take any of the Morgan females. So in this challenge, it doesn't go to Morgan. Nope. Drake wins. And it's off to Morgan, whenre it's out with...I don't know...I'll say Tijuana puts up a half-decent effort in the challenge and gets to stay. Lillian, however, is out.

4 votes Lillian: Andrew, Darrah, Ryan O., Tijuana
1 vote Tijuana: Lillian

Episode 7: Here come the Outcasts. Revenge, baby, even with Osten, who really doesn't want to be there. Think about this, though - Osten and Burton are on one team, Rupert and Shawn are on another, and Savage and Ryno are on a third. I have no idea how this game would play out, but suffice it to say this - one way or another, they want the Outcasts to win. Drake and Morgan get to send one person home each, so at Drake, Trish makes her impassioned plea to get their top performer out of the tribe. Really smart, Trish. It didn't work in our timeline, and you don't have the votes to pull it off here. Hit the road, Trish...and don't yo come back no more...

4 votes Trish: Christa, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn
2 votes Rupert: Jon, Trish

Over at Morgan, let's see...no quitters here. However, one rumor I read was that it was Tijuana who was schedued to go home had Osten not opened his yap. Osten's on the outside looking in here, assuming he wants back in, so this vote goes to the wild card in this case.

3 votes Tijuana: Andrew, Darrah, Ryan O.
1 vote Darrah: Tijuana

Now for the Outcasts. Osten emphaticaly states he doesn't want back in, and someone writes his name down anyway. Maybe two people. But he's not coming back, and he's happy with that. However, at the same time, Burton and Lill come back into the game, and Lill's off to Morgan, where she doesn't want to hear any of Andrew's story. Burton is working with Rupert and Jon, and Rupert's fiery tirade on Jon is a litte fresher in their minds. Rupert's plea is this: Jon can't be trusted, and he needs to go if there isn't a merge. Burton says he learned his lesson from throwing the challenge. On comes the merge, and Lill doesn't care what happens so long as Andrew's out. The push is to get him out, but there's also a Morgan resentment of Jon. In our timeline, Lill wasn't there when Jon revealed that Drake threw the challenge; in our timeline, she was, and that weighs on her. So Burton wins immunity - and he doesn't need it, so he gives it up. But to whom? Will he give it to Rupert just to keep him happy and not make waves, or does he save his boy Jon? I don't think he's ready to start sending messages just yet - he gives the necklace to Rupert but votes for Andrew. The alliance is splintered, though, as Shawn and Sandra go with the Morgans for this one.

6 votes Jon: Andrew, Darrah, Lillian, Ryan O., Sandra, Shawn
4 votes Andrew: Burton, Christa, Jon, Rupert

Episode 8: Rupert is a little frazzled about the decision to vote off Jon, but Sandra talks some sense into him, and since Drake still has the majority, he's cool with it. Now that Jon's out, the Drakes decide to attack the head of the Morgan alliance - Andrew, of course. So the reward goes to Rupert, who hands it over to Burton as a token of goodwill. Then Rupert gets immunity for his gesture, not that it matters; the vote goes one way here.

6 votes Andrew: Burton, Christa, Lillian, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn
3 votes Burton: Andrew, Darrah, Ryan O.

Episode 9: The thought exists to toss Rupert, but with no Jon around to cause trouble, it's less serious at this point, considering that they have a chance to kick him off with seven left, so they think. Very well then - Burton still screws it up for Rupert, but it's mainly for self-preservation than to ditch Rupert. That said, Ryno's still the bigger threat, and everyone sees it.

7 votes Ryan O.: Burton, Christa, Darrah, Lillian, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn
1 vote Rupert: Ryan O.

Episode 10: Well, we're minus Jon and Tijuana, but Shawn's still around. Burton wants to overthrow Rupert at this point, and he can get Lill and Darrah on his side. So Shawn's the swing vote, and Darrah wins immunity, so it's time to cut out...arg. Either Lillian or Burton here. That or Rupert. Depends on Shawn's perspective. At this point, Shawn stated that his biggest mistake was trusting Burton, and he's in so long as the vote is Burton. Rupert hates to kick off a Drake, but it's his only hope. Whether or not he realizes it is another story. He aso wants a threat out. So Burton goes.

4 votes Burton: Christa, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn
3 votes Rupert: Burton, Darrah, Lillian

Episode 11: No reason to believe Darrah doesn't win immunity yet again, even if Rupert's still alive and well. That said, it's time to get rid of Rupert. Well, that's according to Darrah, who just needs to stay in the game without immunity. So who's next after Darrah? The next logical choice is Lillian, I am afraid. Rupert's not cutting any more Drakes if he doesn't have to.

4 votes Lillian: Christa, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn
2 votes Rupert: Darrah, Lillian

Episode 12: So wait a minute - who's going to get the car? Of the real final five, only Darrah and Sandra remain. I doubt either of them will take the car, which I give to Shawn. Shawn takes...ooh, though decision...Darrah with him while the Drake alliance plots to kick off whoever doesn't have immunity from the twosome who went on the car reward. Sandra is thinking of turning her back on Rupert, since her chances would be better against Shawn and Darrah in the finals, but let's be honest here - that's not going to work for her, so when Darrah wins immunity, we all know what happens next.

4 votes Shawn: Christa, Darrah, Rupert, Sandra
1 vote Rupert: Shawn

Episode 13, part 1: Even without the advantage of smart-aleck Jonny Fairplay, the jury still takes immunity, meaning that the decision is obvious - it's between Darrah and Rupert. No one wants to face either one in the final. Frankly, at this point, I think that the ladies will be more than happy to send Rupert packing just to get him out, even if Sandra sees it as backstabbing.

3 votes Rupert: Christa, Darrah, Sandra
1 vote Darrah: Rupert

Episode 13, part 2: Rupert wasn't happy about his ouster, especially as frustratingly close as he got. But in the torture test that is the final round, Sandra doesn't last, and it all comes down to how they hold up. I actually chalk this one up to Christa, since she held up well in the sixth IC.

1 vote Darrah: Christa

Final Two: Christa vs. Sandra

Andrew: I chalk this one up to Christa, since she performed better.

Ryan O.: I say this goes to Christa as well for the same reason.

Burton: Despite Christa's better challenge performance, he knows how knowledgeable Sandra was and respects that she had no votes against her, and votes for Sandra.

Lillian: I don't know...I don't think she would like Christa as much as a person. I go with Sandra here.

Shawn: Again, it comes down to Christa's gameplay, and she gets this vote.

Rupert: He was closer to Christa than to Sandra, so Christa gets this vote when Christa sells Sandra out for his ouster.

Darrah: I'll give this to Christa as well.

So in this case, when Osten goes home when he should, Sandra gets second place and Christa goes all the way.

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 04-19-06 at 11:40 PM
I have another scenario from the Pearl Islands based loosely off the above scenario in which Burton's hair-brained idea to throw the immunity challenge gets vetoed and Drake goes on to win. I have my own idea on how that would work. So here goes: What if Burton's overruled, Drake wins, and Morgan marches back to Tribal?

Well, here we go.

Episode 4: Burton's an idiot, but he doesn't pay for it as badly as he does in our timeline. Rupert is against throwing the challenge, and for once, his tribe agrees with him. They can squabble among themselves later. OK, so Rupert plays, Burton sits out, protesting the decision, and he's seen as a bad apple. But Drake still wins. Jonny Fairplay decides it's fun to be a professional wrestler. So let's see - Morgan's off to TC with an 0-7 record. That's colossally sad. And yet, the true bad apples are going nowhere, since there's an alliance of sheep. So it goes: Darrah remembers Osten's whining earlier and tosses him a vote. Too bad she gets votes from everyone else. Oh yeah, and the whole kidnapping thing never happens, since Morgan loses.

4 votes Darrah: Andrew, Osten, Ryan O., Tijuana
1 vote Osten: Darrah

Episode 5: Not sure if Morgan gets their first taste of victory in the reward or the immunity challenge. Keep this in mind - every Morgan would have to go twice in the challenge, so they would have a pretty good idea of who to face down twice. That said, Michelle still forgets herself, and Sandra falls to...I don't know...Osten. That said, Drake goes to TC for the first time, and it's not yet time to target Rupert. They want to keep him and target Christa, and the Rupert alliance wants to target either Burton or Michelle. Michelle was seen as the one who blew the challenge, but Burton's been a bad apple all along. Trish is still in Rupert's back pocket for now, and Jon votes with Rupert because he doesn't want to force a tie.

6 votes Burton: Christa, Jon, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn, Trish
2 votes Christa: Burton, Michelle

Episode 6: They could do the same challenge or a different one; I don't know. I'll go with the same one - meaning it's bad news for the Drakes. Christa can't outlast the Morgan men by herself, and Morgan wins. So off to Drake, where it's time for Trish to go after Rupert. Well, thinking she has the numbers with Shawn and Michelle, she goes after Michelle in this case. Not smart - Rupert has been working very closely with Michelle, and he swings her to his side along with Shawn, the one who wanted to stay in the majority.

5 votes Trish: Christa, Michelle, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn
2 votes Rupert: Jon, Trish

Episode 7: Well, let's see here. I thought I would have to mess with this challenge until I realized Burton's still an Outcast. Also, EPMB wants the Outcasts to win, plain and simple, and they do. So it's off to Tribal for both Drake and Morgan, and once again at Drake, the Rupert-Sandra-Christa alliance is in charge, and what they realize is this: It's easier to take out one bad apple than two people they can work with. In our timeline, Shawn was one man and could go easily; in this timeline, they need Shawn and Michelle, who are dedicated to Drake moreso than Jon was. Aside from that, Jon's pretty much hated.

5 votes Jon: Christa, Michelle, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn
1 vote Rupert: Jon

Now for the Morgans. If Osten can't take it after three wins, two wins won't be enough. I doubt 20 wins will be enough to keep Osten's interest; he has to preserve his temple, or some horse-hockey like that. We all know Tijuana was earmarked for termination, but Osten decides that he can't take it anymore. Well, screw him.

Osten leaves the game; no vote is taken.

OK, for the Outcasts. No reason to believe it isn't Burton and Lill who go back into the game...Burton back to Drake and Lill to Morgan. One difference is this: No Jon, just Shawn and Michelle. Rupert opens up to Burton in an effort to expand his alliance, at least temporarily, When they merge, though, he doesn't need Burton's help, although Burton passing him immunity doesn't hurt things. One thing's for sure, though; Rupert's a Drake man all the way, and Morgan man Andrew doesn't have a chance.

7 votes Andrew: Burton, Christa, Lillian, Michelle, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn
3 votes Christa: Andrew, Ryan O., Tijuana

Episode 8: Wow, episode 7 was a mouthful, as usual. Rupert also decides to try to suck in Burton again by offering up reward, and he takes it and brings Lill as Rupert instructs. And for no reason other than because it went with him in our timeline, Rupert snags immunity, and Ryno is left wondering what the hell he did to everyone else.

8 votes Ryan O.: Burton, Christa, Lillian, Michelle, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn, Tijuana
1 vote Christa: Ryan O.

Episode 9: Is it time to take out Rupert? Do they have the votes? Certainly Tijuana and Lillian are in it for self-preservation, especially since Tijuana's next. Burton could be next as well. Shawn and Michelle want nothing to do with Burton, however, so when Burton wins his end of the reward, he keeps it. He also wins immunity, frustrating Shawn and Michelle. So Tijuana, Lill, and Burton all toss votes at Rupert, while Rupert, Sandra, and Christa all vote Tijuana...since Jon's not around to take Sandra's vote. Shawn won't be the one to make waves, and Michelle is firmly with Rupert, however. So it goes.

5 votes Tijuana: Christa, Michelle, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn
3 votes Rupert: Burton, Lillian, Tijuana

Episode 10: Rupert is starting to get a little uneasy, but he's not going completely off the deep end. Frankly, he knows Burton and Lill are against him and is trying to secure his position among the Drakes. Rupert, Christa, and Michelle are in Drake's court. Burton and Lill want Rupert gone. Sandra wins immunity and can be the swing vote. She's going whichever way Shawn goes; we know that. But will Sandra take out her top ally? Hmmm...not if she thinks she has a shot now.

5 votes Burton: Christa, Michelle, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn
2 votes Rupert: Burton, Lillian

Episode 11: Rupert's the king of Siam at this point, and Lillian's pretty much out of luck. Anyone know how to fire a rifle? Christa does. She takes immunity, and suddenly, Lillian's on the run. It should be that simple - why wouldn't it be? But no one wants to lose his jury vote for when they finally do vote him out. After all, he's a paper tiger at this stage of the game, right?

5 votes Lillian: Christa, Michelle, Rupert, Sandra, Shawn
1 vote Rupert: Lillian

Episode 12: So just who is left from our timeline? Just Sandra. And she won't win the car. I give it to Christa, who takes Rupert. For Christa's sake, she does win immunity, but for the tribe's sake, the vote is - wait, who's the vote? Sandra's up to something.

3 votes Rupert: Michelle, Sandra, Shawn
2 votes Shawn: Christa, Rupert

Episode 13, part 1: Well, we all know whoever wins immunity doesn't get voted out. We also know that the winner in our timeline couldn't be voted out. Of course, it's hard to vote out the jury - but it's easy to vote out the car winner.

3 votes Christa: Michelle, Sandra, Shawn
1 vote Shawn: Christa

Episode 13, part 2: Time for the torture test. Michelle, Sandra, and Shawn are all up for the challenge, am I right? OK, two of them are. Sandra craps out, and Shawn goes on to win. So who does he take? Is it out of loyalty or is it out of trying to win? Are they one and the same?

1 vote Sandra: Shawn

Final Two: Michelle vs. Shawn - imagine that

Ryan O.: Tough call here. I give it to Shawn for better performance in challenges, plus the story about Michelle losing the fifth challenge.

Tijuana: Why shouldn't the other person win? Hmmm...who answers this one in the dumber manner? Neither of these players were particularly memorable, but knowing Michelle, she overthinks it. Shawn gets this one.

Burton: Which one of them voted him out? Shawn blames Jon for his vote, and Burton doesn't buy it. He writes down Michelle's name.

Lillian: Arg. I give this to Michelle just because the Morgans voted Shawn, and she seems kind of shallow like that.

Rupert: Yikes. He's not a happy camper. But he blames Shawn more than Michelle. Shawn's attempt to sell Sandra down the river doesn't impress Rupert one bit. Chalk this up for Michelle.

Christa: Well, it's Rupert's idea to vote Michelle, and she goes along with it.

Sandra: Like it matters. I think she goes Michelle as well.

So there you have it - all it takes is a fit of sanity on Drake's part, and the gross-food-loving Michelle Tesauro is a millionaire. And that bit of information takes up 15 minutes of the reunion.

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 05-19-06 at 00:01 AM
From Exile Island - in episode six, which seems like an eternity ago, La Mina blew a huge lead and managed to lose the vital challenge. The game would have turned out very differently if the astronaut hadn't blown it. If La Mina wins the challenge, what happens? I can divide the scenario into two possibilities: Sally Flips and Bruce Flips. Pretty cut and dry.

But first thing's first - in this scenario, Casaya gets sent to Tribal and La Mina gets to party it up. Shane doesn't get his precious smoke, and Casaya still hates him. But who to exile, who to exile...

Terry thinks he can work with someone on the other tribe - an old tribemate. Loony Shane isn't it. That leaves only Bruce. The karate man goes back to Exile Island.

Oh yeah, and that means just one thing - five votes cast at Casaya. Unlike the last Casaya TC, the votes aren't scattered. The votes are very focused on one target.

4 votes Shane: Aras, Cirie, Courtney, Danielle
1 vote Danielle: Shane

Episode 7: Hmmm...so the tribes go to La Mina this time. Bruce still picks Gitanos for the tribe name. And in this scenario, since the other one is probably very similar to our timeline, Bruce joins the La Mina alliance at his old stomping grounds. It's a little unclear on how much the Casaya players would actually try in this scenario, but for our purposes, Terry still wins it. Someone has to be the target on Casaya - and Shane isn't here to huddle the troops.

6 votes Aras: Austin, Bruce, Dan, Nick, Sally, Terry
4 votes Nick: Aras, Cirie, Courtney, Danielle

Episode 8: Really, is anyone left to beat Terry? Nick maybe. Austin has an outside shot. Sally actually put up a good fight in this challenge. But again - who's going to beat Terry? That means a Casaya joins the jury. The Casaya women want a women's alliance plus Bruce, but Bruce is in Terry's pocket.

6 votes Danielle: Austin, Bruce, Dan, Nick, Sally, Terry
3 votes Austin: Cirie, Courtney, Danielle

Episode 9: Do the challenge or eat cheeseburgers? Hmmm...I think Terry would play this challenge. And again, who the hell's going to beat him? By now there's a counter-alliance of the Casaya women, Sally, and the younger men of La Mina being talked about. But in the end, the guys will take their chances.

6 votes Courtney: Austin, Bruce, Dan, Nick, Sally, Terry
2 votes Austin: Cirie, Courtney

Episode 10: Time to chop some coconuts. Or light torches, or whatever the hell they did this season. Cirie gets Exiled for the first time, and a bunch of La Mina stalwarts go on reward. Bruce is in bad shape, though, and fortunately, Terry keeps his pants on while carrying the stretcher. So that means Bruce can't stay in the game.

Bruce is taken from the game; no vote is taken.

Episode 11: So Austin and Nick are once again in the middle - Sally and Cirie or Dan and Terry? Cirie has awesome social skills, and Dan can't hang on. Again, who exactly is going to beat Terry? Honestly. So I guess it's between Cirie and Dan...

4 votes Dan: Austin, Cirie, Nick, Sally
2 votes Cirie: Dan, Terry

Episode 12: Terry's not happy. For the first time, he feels he has to hang on. That said, he has no trouble winning. And the choice is between Nick and Cirie, now that no one can handle Terry. So Terry gets to decide who he's with.

3 votes Cirie: Austin, Nick, Terry
2 votes Nick: Cirie, Sally

Episode 13: OK, so Sally figures she's boned. Terry and Nick have a heck of a rivalry going here, with Austin getting in on some of it too. In an upset, Nick wins immunity. Terry is rumored to have the idol, but does he? Will the rest of the tribe take that chance?

3 votes Terry: Austin, Nick, Sally
1 vote Sally: Terry

But it doesn't end there. Terry, do you have the idol?




Of course he does, people. He found it in episode 4; the point of divergence was episode 6. Come on. So that means it's all guys in the final three.

Episode 14: That power lunch does Terry no good, as Austin wins the final immunity challenge. So who's going to the finals? Well, let's see. Is Austin dumb? Seriously? Come on.

1 vote Terry: Austin

Final Vote: Austin vs. Nick...and who gives a flying fig? Nick probably wins.

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by oz4ever on 06-24-06 at 07:51 AM
What if CBS knew what was good for them, and the Outcast twist never occurred? (Or more fittingly, the twist still occurred but the Outcasts lost the challenge).

Disclaimer: I think the Outcast twist needed to happen for Burton's case, because survivors needed to learn there were after-effects of voting out the strong too early. But Lillian did not deserve to make Final 2.

Episode 7: Outcasts lose the challenge, leaving the voting order as thus:

16th: Nicole
15th: Ryan S
14th: Lillian
13th: Burton
12th: Michelle
11th: Trish

Jeff announces a merge of Morgan and Drake, effective immediately. At Tribal Council that night, Osten still quits.

10th: Osten

Episode 8: The tribe still thinks Shawn's work ethic is really poor, and all 8 other tribe members agree to vote him out. Unknowingly to the Morgan alliance, Drake want Andrew, a challenge threat out, so tell Shawn to vote with them against Andrew. Shawn agrees.

5 votes Andrew: Shawn, Sandra, Jon, Christa, Rupert
4 votes Shawn: Andrew, Darrah, Tijuana, Ryan O

9th: Andrew

Episode 9: The Drake + Shawn alliance stick together to vote off another "nice guy & challenge threat".

5 votes Ryan O: Shawn, Sandra, Jon, Christa, Rupert
3 votes Jon: Ryan O, Darrah, Tijuana

8th: Ryan O

Episode 10: By now everyone is sick of Johnny Fairplay. No dead grandmother lie. However, JFP gets wind of the plan.

5 votes Jon: Rupert, Sandra, Christa, Darrah, Tijuana
2 votes Sandra: Jon, Shawn

7th: Jon

Episode 11: Shawn, Darrah and Tijuana decide to try and flip the alliance now that they're down to 3-3 from Drake and Morgan. Shawn convinces Rupert that Sandra is not a "team player" and is too UTR to get anywhere near F2.

4 votes Sandra: Shawn, Darrah, Tijuana, Rupert
2 votes Shawn: Sandra, Christa

6th: Sandra

Episode 12: Too many flipped alliances. The 4 stick together, also owing to Rupert winning immunity.

4 votes Christa: Shawn, Darrah, Tijuana, Rupert
1 vote Shawn: Christa

5th: Christa

Episode 13, part 1: The plan is to vote out Rupert, but he wins immunity - even though his hand is too small to fit down the tube, he is able to fill his tube up with water before Darrah can reach her key anyway.

3 votes Shawn: Rupert, Darrah, Tijuana
1 vote Tijuana: Shawn

4th: Shawn

Episode 13, part 2: The jury still wins the immunity challenge, thus no immunity is granted. The girls know that neither of them could beat Rupert, because Rupert is too much of a nice guy and provider. Rupert is relegated to "lovable 3rd place" for the first time, but won the car in a reward challenge, so the car curse stays alive.

2 votes Rupert: Darrah, Tijuana
1 vote Tijuana: Rupert

3rd: Rupert

Final Jury
Andrew: Likes Darrah more.

Ryan O: He likes Darrah too.

Jon: Wants to shake the boat. Thinks everyone else will vote Darrah, so he goes for Tijuana.

Sandra: Since she's some sort of South American, votes for Tijuana because she has the name of a Mexican city.

Christa: Does the old "who got to know me best" trick, votes Darrah.

Shawn: votes Tijuana, not sure why.

Rupert: the troubled teen mentor thinks about who needs the money the most - he's annoyed at both of them from the previous night. Decides that Darrah needs the money so that she can get a more normal job.

Darrah wins 4-3, in a sort of reversal of Marquesas, which funnily enough was filmed not far from Pearl Islands (well not as close as All-Stars or Exile Island, but you get the picture).

As much as I wanted to, I just couldn't see Rupert winning.

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by Aruba on 06-24-06 at 03:27 PM
Since Pearl Island seems to be the setting for the most recent "What Ifs?", I'll stick with that season and pick it up at Episode 13 where the worst IC travesty occurred and set the stage for the worse F4 ever.

WHAT IF in the "Corks and Keys" IC all the tubes had a waterline drawn at the top of the tube where the water MUST reach before the Survivor retrieved the key? This would eliminated a skinny, scrawny, Darrah-like arm from slithering down the tube and grabbing the key earlier than others. It would be a test of who could navigate the plank best to keep filling the tube with water. With this stipulation, Burton runs away with the IC.

Back at camp Sandra feels vulnerable since Burton took Jon to the RC dinner and Lil has an alliance with Burt as former Outcasts. She follows through on her threat to sabatoge the camp by hiding all the tools, i.e., knives, machetes, pick axe, etc. As tools start disappearing, Jon confronts Sandra and accuses her which ensues in a classic shouting match. Later Sandra tries to convince Lil of an all female F3. It's all in vain as Lil suspects Sandra as the culprit also.

3 votes SANDRA - Burton, Jon, Lil
2 votes JON - Sandra, Darrah


EPISODE 14 - At the Test of Survival Knowledge IC, the Jury is no match for Burton's Survival knowledge and Burton answers more questions correctly to give him another easy immunity win. The F4 must immediately vote at that Tribal Council leaving no chance for Darrah to make any deal to save herself.

3 votes DARRAH - Burton, Jon, Lil
1 vote JON - Darrah


With Burton the clear dominator and the odds on favorite to win the final IC, Jon and Lil try to get a commitment from Burt that he would take them to the F2. Burt remains mum on the question and will not make a promise to either. At the Final IC, Jon loses his balance off the floatation raft first. Lil tries to make a deal, but Burt won't bite. Lil performs admirably for a 50-year-old but is no match for Burton's athletic ability. Burton wins his third straight IC.

Burt feels he could probably beat either, but feels he may lose one or two votes on the basis that he was an Outcast and Jon never got voted off.

Burton votes out JON

Final TC becomes a belly-aching spectacle with seven sore losers crying sour grapes that BOTH Outcasts were lucky to get a second chance and anyone else should be more deserving...Blah, Blah, Blah; Yadda, Yadda, Yadda...
After the smoke has cleared they must vote for one, so here goes:

CHRISTA - feels BURTON simply was the better Survivor

RYAN - doesn't want to vote for either, but agrees that BURTON was a more solid player

TIJANA - she voted for LIL in the real sequence, so no reason to think she would vote differently in the What If scenareo.

JON - votes for LIL; Sour Grapes

SANDRA - still upset that Lil was not the swing vote during the F5, she votes for BURTON

RUPPERT - the voice of reason votes BURTON as a more deserving winner.

DARRAH - votes BURTON for same reason as Sandra


As a final footnote - At the Reunion Show the topic of Sandra throwing away food from starving people and sabatoging the camp inevitably comes up. Sandra tries to explain her actions but is drowned out by boos and hisses from the audience. Since PI was before AS, Sandra becomes the first Survivor to walk out during the commercial break...GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!!!!!!!

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by michel on 06-24-06 at 04:17 PM
You might also have another unexpected benefit if it had gone that way. With Outcasts in the final 2 and a player who convinced his tribe it was better to throw a challenge as winner, I probably would have stopped watching Survivor and we'd never had an argument. Wouldn't you miss them!
The show always starts: "39 days...1 survivor". The Outcasts were undeserving and I'd say that even if Rupert had been one. In fact, I'd probably be saying that it was fixed.
As it was, Burton got what he deserved and I had the pleasure to see him blinsided twice...priceless!

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by Aruba on 06-24-06 at 05:33 PM
Not only would I miss them; I'd be heartbroken. But in all honesty I don't believe you would have been gone for good. I said the same thing watching the Finale in Palau if Catie beat Tom at Final TC. But if that travesty occurred, I probably would have come back given the three month layoff to heal the wounds.

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by michel on 06-24-06 at 06:44 PM
I have to admit that I would've been curious at the start of All-star but I almost did quit when Sue made her scene. I would have been that much closer with an outcast as previous winner.

Actually looking at your speculation I think Darrah wins. Jon is out at F5, the jury still wins the challenge (I don't remember Burton displaying any great survivor trivia knowledge but I may be wrong) Burton's out at F4 and Darrah beats Lil at final IC and wins the vote. Compared to Sandra she was extremely boring but as a winner Burnett would have shown her differently.

In Oz4ever's speculation: I think Drake sticks together and F5 is Rupert, Sandra, Christa, Jon and Shawn. They either boot Jon or Rupert at that point:
-With Rupert booted, Shawn leaves when the jury wins and then Christa beats Jon in Final IC and wins the vote.
-With Jon booted, Shawn still leaves at F4 and then it is between Rupert and Christa at final IC! That could've been good. Whoever wins takes Sandra and wins the vote.

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by Aruba on 06-25-06 at 09:54 AM
OH Michel...You SOOO much don't want an Outcast to win. LOL

Burton was part of the Jury that won the challenge yet I don't know how he individually performed. Since the only one who he wanted to win at that point was Jon and Jon was doing the best out of the F4 players perhaps he was not trying hard on the Jury...or certainly not as hard as he would have if his own individual immunity was riding on it. But OK, let's say the Jury still wins and no immunity is given. Burt & Jon vote Darrah; Darrah votes Burton. Lil is a wildcard (keep in mind that they were not allowed to go back at camp and strategize). Even if it was a 2-2 tie, don't even entertain the thought that Darrah beats Burton in a tiebreaker. The result would have still been a F3 of Burton, Lil and Jon.

Since you brought up the opinion about Outcasts being "underserving", let's analyze. If an Outcast won would it have been tainted...perhaps; but "underserving"...I don't think so. It was verified by many post interviews that the Outcasts were given no more food that the players and were living remotely in another location with the same conditions. And more importantly THEY WON THE CHALLENGE FAIR AND SQUARE that allowed them to come back! BOTH tribes had it in their power to send the Outcasts home for good; and BOTH FAILED!
I agree that it was an unpopular twist to the game and personally I hope never to see that twist again; but for the reasons just given, I wouldn't go so far as to say they were "undeserving".

"RE: Speculation: The "What If?" Thread"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 07-02-06 at 00:01 AM
This "What If?" scenario starts off with a young person who never played the game of Survivor in a location that is not related in any way to the game. One day, that young man is out on his motorcycle, and a car kicks up a large pebble at his bike and breaks his taillight. A police officer pulls him over for a busted taillight. He lets the young man off with a warning, but the effects of this police encounter extend far beyond just a written warning from a cop.

Simply put, this encounter saves the life of Tina Scheer's son, Charlie. Anyone who figured it out from my story gets a metaphorical cookie. So instead of losing her son and postponing her experience on Survivor to the Exile Island season, Tina gets to appear on the Guatemala season, as she was scheduled to. I guess this means that Amy goes on Big Brother and some unknown appears on Exile Island, I suppose. So if Amy, a.k.a. Survivor's version of Rasputin, is replaced with Tina, what could happen?

So the game starts out as usual - Tina joins the Yaxha tribe. I do picture her being a leader.

Episode 1: I don't think Tina's influence is quite enough for Yaxha to claim the good camp. I do think that Yaxha can claim immunity, though, and poor, old injured Jim takes the fall for Nakum, not that the rest of the tribe wasn't suffering as well.

8 votes Jim: Blake, Bobby Jon, Brandon, Brooke, Cindy, Danni, Judd, Margaret
1 vote Margaret: Jim

Episode 2: No change here. One thing I can say is this, though - a work ethic is considered more valuable at Yaxha even than it is in our timeline. Tina's a worker, and so is Lydia. Put simpl, Morgan is not.

8 votes Morgan: Brian, Brianna, Gary, Jamie, Lydia, Rafe, Stephenie, Tina
1 vote Lydia: Morgan

Episode 3: So wait, refresh my memory. Nakum builds an archaelogist's tent and managed both reward and immunity somehow, right? Also, Brianna hates Lydia, but it really doesn't make a difference because the rest of the tribe hates her.

7 votes Brianna: Brian, Gary, Jamie, Lydia, Rafe, Stephenie, Tina
1 vote Lydia: Brianna

Episode 4: OK, time for new tribes. Apparently Brian is still the most Yaxha-like, and since Tina's seen as a leader, is the tribe going to reward her by sending her on a picnic? Well, it's her, Lydia, or Stephenie, right? My money's on Tina.

New Nakum: Brooke, Cindy, Jamie, Judd, Lydia, Margaret, Rafe, Stephenie
New Yaxha: Blake, Bobby Jon, Brandon, Brian, Danni, Gary, Tina

So Yaxha still wins the challenge and Nakum's still off to Tribal. Any reason to believe things go differently?

5 votes Brooke: Jamie, Judd, Lydia, Rafe, Stephenie
3 votes Lydia: Brooke, Cindy, Margaret

Episode 5: In our timeline, Amy invented the name "Golden Boy" for Blake. I don't think Tina would have put up with Blake's crap either, so when Nakum pulls off the victory in the immunity challenge, it's back to his supermodel girlfriend for Blake.

5 votes Blake: Bobby Jon, Brian, Danni, Gary, Tina
2 votes Brian: Blake, Brandon

Episode 6: Both tribes go to TC, but in this timeline, I won't put Tina down as injured. In her strengthened state, Yaxha wins. For all you scoring at home, that means that the individual immunity winners are different. The puzzle challenge is one I'll actually give to Brian. Brandon and Bobby Jon were no puzzle aces, Tina couldn't hack the one in Exile Island, and I'll give the nod to Brian over Danni and Gary. So that means Brian doesn't get voted out, AND he has a hand in giving immunity at Nakum. So let's see - the old Nakum doesn't want Tina to mess with them, but they feel like they can work with Gary. Danni knows Gary's secret. But with no one to turn to, Danni joins forces with Gary - on Yaxha's side.

4 votes Brandon: Brian, Danni, Gary, Tina
2 votes Tina: Bobby Jon, Brandon

Brian has a big decision - does he screw with the other tribe's decision or let it slide? Listening to Nakum's Tribal Council, he can pretty well judge that the decision is between Margaret and Judd. The two genuinely hate each other, and the rest of the tribe is willing to let them tear each other apart. But who flipped? Brian can learn this from just listening in while the two tear each other to bits. Oh yeah, and he can vote for immunity in secret. The votes shake down pretty much like our time.

6 votes Margaret: Cindy, Jamie, Judd, Lydia, Rafe, Stephenie
1 vote Judd: Margaret

OK, so for the immunity vote...Brian gave the immunity to...

...Margaret. Hell, I have to make the scenario fun. By the rules given in Exile Island, the person who finished second in the We Hate You list goes. So long, Judd. And for the record, no one thinks you're just a big teddybear.

Episode 7: Instead of being minus Margaret and Brian, the game is minus Judd and Brandon. It also has a bunch of big, honking puzzle pieces, so instead of a really entertaining TC at Nakum with Judd gone, we watch Yaxha make their picks. Really, there's only one choice left - the next logical decision. Sure, they could vote off Brian, but I don't know that he's really an option at this point.

4 votes Bobby Jon: Brian, Danni, Gary, Tina
1 vote Brian: Bobby Jon

Episode 8: Merge time. Just send 'em to Nakum, I guess. The pool will follow. The Yaxha gang plus Danni is pretty well cemented, and unlike in our timeline, it looks like they are getting a new ally. Come on, is Margaret really going to stick with the Nakum alliance after this? For that matter, is there anything left of the Nakum alliance? The Yaxhas are working over a sixth vote, and we all know that Lydia seemed to be the likeliest to flip later in the game. I will also say this - some sit out to feast, but Jamie watches his mouth just a bit more. He says something he regrets, but he immediately pays for it.

6 votes Jamie: Brian, Danni, Gary, Lydia, Margaret, Tina
4 votes Brian: Cindy, Jamie, Rafe, Stephenie

Episode 9: A bunch of people toss spears from an atlatl, and someone wins steak and lobster. This much is apparent, though - Judd's gone, so someone else gets the prized meal, Jamie's not here to volunteer for the last-place meal, and for that matter, Bobby Jon's baked potato goes to someone else as well. Steph may enjoy herself a burger, but Rafe takes his ham and cheese sandwich and wins immunity, since Jamie's no longer here to take it from him. That means that the red-hot Yaxhas can't vote him out, so they go for the next-best choice.

6 votes Stephenie: Brian, Danni, Gary, Lydia, Margaret, Tina
3 votes Lydia: Cindy, Rafe, Stephenie

Episode 10: Both of the class of Palau are watching the game from the sidelines now, though Stephenie once again made the jury. Rafe shows what a threat he is again, though, and wins the immunity challenge. For those of you keeping score, that means that Cindy still doesn't have a car.

6 votes Cindy: Brian, Danni, Gary, Lydia, Margaret, Tina
2 votes Brian: Cindy, Rafe

Episode 11: Rafe's just winning his way through this game; unlike in our timeline, he has to. He seems to be the pre-cursor to Terry. He beats Gary by a nose in the challenge, so the vote goes to someone who just isn't that good in the social game. Oh yeah, and he's somewhat of a threat.

5 votes Brian: Danni, Gary, Lydia, Rafe, Tina
1 vote Lydia: Margaret
1 vote Gary: Brian

Episode 12: All the people who won family visits are gone here, so some other people get visits, and maybe Lydia gets to see her brother. The important factor here is this - that advantage in the IC isn't Danni's to win here, since she really didn't need it; it's Rafe's. That advantage is enough for Rafe to whip off his fourth win in a row, and voting him off is no longer an option. There's really a few choices, but a dominant alliance exists.

5 votes Lydia: Danni, Gary, Margaret, Rafe, Tina
1 vote Margaret: Lydia

Episode 13: I ask you, folks, who's going to challenge Rafe in the immunity challenge? Rafe wins the car, and as far as I can tell, he gives the rest of the gang cars and sacrifices one for himself. The entire tribe's collective jaw drops. Fortunately for him, no one can touch him in the IC either. So the last of the non-aligned folks drops.

4 votes Margaret: Danni, Gary, Rafe, Tina
1 vote Gary: Margaret

Episode 14, part 1: The maze is Rafe's to lose, and lose he...does not. Rafe sets a Survivor record by whipping off six straight immunity challenge wins. The questions include who the toughest final-round opponent will be, along with who is beatable. Ugh...tough call.

3 votes Gary: Danni, Rafe, Tina
1 vote Tina: Gary

Episode 14, part 2: Tina is out of the loop, Rafe still has a promise to Danni, and Danni still wins the IC. Now, Rafe may or may not release Danni from her promise, but look at it this way - Rafe has won six ICs, has been an underdog who's come all this way, and gave everyone a car. Who wants to face Rafe in the final two? No one, that's who.

1 vote Rafe: Danni

The Final Two: Danni vs. Tina

Stephenie: Really, she never had much use for either Danni or Tina, but she remembers Tina a bit better from the old Yaxha tribe. This goes to Tina.

Cindy: Auggh...in our timeline she voted for Danni, but in our timeline, Steph's mom probably would have voted for Danni. I chalk this one up to Danni as well.

Brian: I think he was closer to Tina through this, and that's how he votes.

Lydia: Really isn't too happy with either one, but Danni has no votes in this timeline. This won't be her first.

Margaret: I think Margaret and Tina would have butted heads at some point, and I can't see Tina's answer going well with Margaret. Give this to Danni.

Gary: He bonded well with Danni AND Tina, but inexchange for keeping his secret, Gary votes for Danni.

Rafe: Technically, Danni didn't break her promise with Rafe. But in our timeline, that wasn't enough, nor is it here. Rafe votes for Tina.

So in this scenario, where Charlie lives, his mom becomes a millionaire. Not sure how this would affect Exile Island, and I just wish I knew what type of person would replace her.

"Back to All-Stars"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 10-03-06 at 04:26 PM
In Episode 5, Mogo Mogo got their first choice of castaways by winning the episode 5 reward challenge. However, they admitted they were just plumb lazy with their raft; how it was successful is a bit of a mystery. This scenario asks: What if Mogo Mogo's raft flops?

Episode 5: Saboga has the best-looking raft, and Chapera's does the job well. In this storyline, however, Mogo Mogo's purely lazy bundle of bamboo isn't functional, they can't row out of trouble, and they finish dead last. Chapera finished second in our timeline; they get the spear and hooks as well as first choice of Mogos. They have Lex, Kathy, Shii Ann, Colby, and Richard to pick from.

Chapera takes Lex, as Rob, Amber, and Tom want to bring him aboard.
Saboga takes Colby, a strong member who can help them out.
Chapera can't turn down Richard Hatch.
The last two members go to Saboga.

That infamous immunity challenge takes place sans the rubbing incident; Richard still drops his drawers, but he doesn't touch Sue, his tribemate. Saboga is marched off to TC, and Ethan just needs to stay alive. Rupert bonds with Kathy, and instantly, Jerri wants Colby gone. There's just one problem here - Lex might be crazy enough to toss out a strong male. Rupert, Ethan, and Jenna aren't willing to take that chance yet.

5 votes Jerri: Colby, Ethan, Jenna, Kathy, Rupert
2 votes Colby: Jerri, Shii Ann

Episode 6: Rather than turning into mortal enemies over an incident that now never happened, Richard and Sue are lampooning each other over at Chapera like old times. Well, some of the time. Sue's bizarre behavior seems to be getting worse, and Richard tries to distance himself from it. I don't know what the challenge was here, but I'll hazard a guess that it goes to Saboga, who isn't insane enough to vote off a strong person here. Richard's old tribe was obsessed with his status as a past winner. Chapera couldn't care less, and the one person who could is thankfully put out of her misery.

6 votes Sue: Alicia, Amber, Lex, Richard, Rob, Tom
1 vote Richard: Sue

Episode 7: I wanted to find a way to make Saboga win this one. I couldn't do it. Ethan's trouble undoing the paddle gives Rob the edge, and Chapera wins. Kathy goes on the reward with them. Rupert, Jenna, Ethan, Shii Ann, and Colby are left behind. Colby and Shii Ann try to sell Ethan down the river for losing the challenge, but at the same time, Ethan tries to turn the tide against Shii Ann. Ethan's still a Saboga, and without Kathy's help, there's no hope for Shii Ann.

3 votes Shii Ann: Ethan, Jenna, Rupert
2 votes Ethan: Colby, Shii Ann

Episode 8: In this immunity challenge, no one did diddly poop with the blow guns (well, Jerri did, but she's gone now.) Rupert was on top of the spear situation, and we'll put Colby here against Boston Rob. Colby blows it, and Chapera wins again. For those keeping score at home, there's no "it's only business" speech between Lex and Ethan. Ethan's on Rupert's side, and as a fierce tribe loyalist, Rupert anticipates a merge and gets rid of a threat. That and he just plain likes Kathy.

3 votes Colby: Ethan, Jenna, Rupert
2 votes Ethan: Colby, Kathy

Episode 9: Well, they had to pull this bogus tribe switch, and for our purposes, I'll say it turns out just like before - Amber stays put, everyone else flips. I'll put down new Saboga as the winners, though it's hard to tell. The big difference hers is this - Rob walks up to Ethan and says, "You take care of her; I'll take care of you." He appeals to the wrong man, however. If my Survivor history serves me correctly, Ethan and Amber used to be a couple. Not that Ethan's a vengeful SOB or anything, but despite Kathy's pleas that Boston Rob can be trusted, Ethan doesn't go for it, and neither do Rupert and Jenna. So Kathy just sucks it up.

4 votes Amber: Ethan, Jenna, Kathy, Rupert
1 vote Ethan: Amber

Episode 10: "Saboga getting their first look at the new Chapera tribe. Amber voted off at the last Tribal Council." What follows is the expletive heard 'round the world. Rupert wins reward, and he takes Jenna and Alicia. He takes Alicia because he feels that the boys on Chapera are too much of a tight-knit force, never mind that they aren't. It works incredibly, however, because, although Rob is vowing revenge and targeting Rupert out of anger, he's in a minority after that. Rob's saving grace is immunity, and it only gets him to the next round.

5 votes Lex: Alicia, Ethan, Jenna, Kathy, Rupert
4 votes Rupert: Lex, Richard, Rob, Tom

Episode 11: I'll put the same teams on here rather than shuffle them...here, though, Ethan and Richard replace Amber and Shii Ann on Alicia's team, the reward winners. Rob wins immunity, and in an act of contrition and to try to curry favor, he passes up his video and allows Rupert's team to have letters. Jiffy Pop graciously allows this trade, and the next vote goes against someone not named Rob. However, it is someone in his alliance. New tribe name and all, one person still remains whom the rest would love to send packing.

7 votes Richard: Alicia, Ethan, Jenna, Kathy, Rob, Rupert, Tom
1 vote Jenna: Richard

Episode 12: When it rains, it pours, and when it doesn't rain over a beefy-looking pirate guy with a beard, he wins immunity. Next on the chopping block is Boston Rob. Well, actually, Boston Rob puts up a heck of a fight, but Rupert wins anyway, not trusting his ability to make it past this round. He remembers what happened in the Pearl Islands. Now Boston Rob can be left with the reminder of what happened in the Marquesas.

6 votes Rob: Alicia, Ethan, Jenna, Kathy, Rupert, Tom
1 vote Alicia: Rob

Episode 13: Well ,Big Tom knows what he needs to do in order to survive, and he goes and does it. The big question is how tribal lines shake down after this. Rupert, Jenna, and Ethan are on one side of the line. Tom could try to convince Ethan to go with Alicia and Kathy and overthrow Rupert. However, Tom bonded with Rupert, and Rupert's using that. Oh yeah, and Ethan's been on Rupert's good side for some time now. Tom decides it's better to take out an outsider.

5 votes Alicia: Ethan, Jenna, Kathy, Rupert, Tom
1 vote Rupert: Alicia

Episode 14: Rupert wasn't winning that car, and neither was Big Tom. I'll hand it to Ethan, who already owns one, most likely. He gives the second car to Big Tom. It's at this point that the next phase of the game is afoot - can Ethan really be trusted? Rupert's prepared to cut his loyal soldier Ethan's throat, but he needs one other person to do it, and that person is...pluh.

3 votes Rupert: Ethan, Kathy, Tom
2 votes Ethan: Jenna, Rupert

Episode 15, part 1: The maze was won by Amber and contested hotly by Rupert; neither one's here right now. I'll chalk it up to Ethan, who badly needs it. Jenna's on the outside looking in at this point, and she just can't seem to form a bond with anyone to go further.

3 votes Jenna: Ethan, Kathy, Tom
1 vote Tom: Jenna

Episode 15, part 2: Kathy finally gets a second shot at the game that cost her a million bucks the first time around. This time, she's not falling for that old trick. Even if she did, she outlasts them both, and this time, she's not letting anything stand in her way of the million bucks. She takes the sure thing.

1 vote Tom: Kathy

The Jury Vote

Lex: Gone early, thought he had something with Kathy, never has a falling-out with Ethan, votes for Ethan.
Richard: Never really knew Ethan too well, but doesn't have qualms about voting for a winner. Nevertheless, votes Kathy.
Rob: Bitter over the Amber boot, blames Ethan and Kathy both. However, he sees Ethan as an enemy because he used to date Amber. Votes Kathy.
Alicia: Doesn't really care for either one. Votes Kathy because Ethan has his million.
Rupert: Not at all happy with Ethan. Ethan has the car. Ethan has his million. Kathy gets his vote.
Jenna: Faults Ethan for the breakup of the Saboga alliance. Out of spite, votes Kathy.
Tom: Pretty well knows Ethan won't win, but votes for some guy named "Eathen" just like in Africa.

There you go. Kathy gets her million if Mogo Mogo's raft goes down. Rupert still wins ATC, Rich and Sue don't go nutters, and Boston Rob and Lex are still friends. Oh yeah, and there's no marriage proposal, as Rob and Amber decide to just stay friends. At the Reunion, Rob and Ethan make up. Later on, they go have a beer or something, and Rob commends him for a great game move.