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Original Message
"Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"

Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 03-20-06 at 11:59 PM
This is not a typo - there are two seasons this week. This is he Marquesas, naturally. Might as well kick off a two-season week; there are 11 seasons.

So without further ado, give an A throught F grade, and please keep them in order.


Gabe Cade
John Carroll
Robert DeCanio
Neleh Dennis
Paschal English
Tammy Leitner
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien
Zoe Zanidakis


Gina Crews
Hunter Ellis
Peter Harkey
Patricia Jackson
Sarah Jones
Rob Mariano
Sean Rector
Vecepia Towery

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 03-21-06 at 00:02 AM

Gabe Cade - F
John Carroll - C
Robert DeCanio - C
Neleh Dennis - B
Paschal English - B
Tammy Leitner - C+
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien - B-
Zoe Zanidakis - C-


Gina Crews - B-
Hunter Ellis - C
Peter Harkey - D
Patricia Jackson - D
Sarah Jones - F
Rob Mariano - B+
Sean Rector - B
Vecepia Towery - A-

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by MacabreMasquerade on 03-21-06 at 00:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-21-06 AT 00:19 AM (EST)


Gabe Cade: F
John Carroll: D+
Robert DeCanio: D
Neleh Dennis: B
Paschal English: B+
Tammy Leitner: C
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien: A
Zoe Zanidakis: D-


Gina Crews: C-
Hunter Ellis: F
Peter Harkey: F
Patricia Jackson: F
Sarah Jones: F
Rob Mariano: A-
Sean Rector: B-
Vecepia Towery: C+

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by xwraith27 on 03-21-06 at 00:41 AM

Gabe Cade D
John Carroll F
Robert DeCanio F
Neleh Dennis B+
Paschal English A-
Tammy Leitner F
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien A
Zoe Zanidakis C


Gina Crews C
Hunter Ellis D
Peter Harkey F
Patricia Jackson F
Sarah Jones F
Rob Mariano A-
Sean Rector C
Vecepia Towery C

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by southpaw on 03-21-06 at 01:47 AM

Gabe Cade: F
John Carroll: C
Robert DeCanio: F
Neleh Dennis: B
Paschal English: C+
Tammy Leitner: C-
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien: A
Zoe Zanidakis: D+


Gina Crews: B+
Hunter Ellis: D
Peter Harkey: F
Patricia Jackson: D-
Sarah Jones: F
Rob Mariano: B-
Sean Rector: F
Vecepia Towery: A-

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by tribephyl on 03-21-06 at 03:26 AM

Gabe Cade ~ B
John Carroll ~ B
Robert DeCanio ~ C
Neleh Dennis ~ D
Paschal English ~ C
Tammy Leitner ~ A
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien ~ B
Zoe Zanidakis ~ C


Gina Crews ~ A
Hunter Ellis ~ B
Peter Harkey ~ C
Patricia Jackson ~ B
Sarah Jones ~ C
Rob Mariano ~ A
Sean Rector ~ B
Vecepia Towery ~ C

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by gizmo_ber on 03-21-06 at 06:30 AM

Gabe Cade C-
John Carroll C+
Robert DeCanio C
Neleh Dennis D
Paschal English D+
Tammy Leitner D
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien B+
Zoe Zanidakis F


Gina Crews B-
Hunter Ellis C
Peter Harkey C-
Patricia Jackson D
Sarah Jones F
Rob Mariano A
Sean Rector B
Vecepia Towery C+

don't like sunlight, keep me away from water, don't feed me after midnight

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by byoffer on 03-21-06 at 08:47 AM

Gabe Cade F
John Carroll B
Robert DeCanio C
Neleh Dennis B
Paschal English A
Tammy Leitner C
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien A
Zoe Zanidakis C


Gina Crews B
Hunter Ellis B
Peter Harkey F
Patricia Jackson D
Sarah Jones D
Rob Mariano D
Sean Rector D
Vecepia Towery B

Sig by me. Wish the rider was me!

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by 321Jump on 03-21-06 at 09:35 AM

Gabe Cade - F
John Carroll - B
Robert DeCanio - C
Neleh Dennis - B
Paschal English - C
Tammy Leitner - B
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien - B
Zoe Zanidakis - D


Gina Crews - C
Hunter Ellis - C
Peter Harkey - D
Patricia Jackson - D
Sarah Jones - F
Rob Mariano - D
Sean Rector - C
Vecepia Towery - A

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by CattyChat on 03-21-06 at 10:53 AM
Gabe Cade ----------- B+
John Carroll ---------- B
Robert DeCanio ------- B-
Neleh Dennis --------- C
Paschal English ------- C+
Tammy Leitner -------- A
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien - A
Zoe Zanidakis -------- D+

Gina Crews --------- B
Hunter Ellis --------- B
Peter Harkey ------- F
Patricia Jackson ---- D+
Sarah Jones -------- D
Rob Mariano -------- A
Sean Rector -------- C+
Vecepia Towery ----- B-

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by JohnMc on 03-21-06 at 12:18 PM

Gabe Cade - C / if you want to play Survivor, you have to do more than just want the experience
John Carroll - B / smart player, but not smart enough to hide his strategy
Robert DeCanio - B- / island big guy, but not a real game player
Neleh Dennis - B / bright enough to make a wise move at the right time
Paschal English - B / pretty tough for an old guy
Tammy Leitner - A- / studdette, but not up to Kathy
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien - A / studdette!
Zoe Zanidakis - D / not a player nor a factor


Gina Crews - B- / She was the Steph of her season - lasted as long as she could given her tribe
Hunter Ellis - C / probably could have been a good survivor, but I'm afraid you lose points when you get duped by Rob M
Peter Harkey - F / learn to play
Patricia Jackson - D / only a mother, not a player
Sarah Jones - D / her only game was her boobs
Rob Mariano - C / in this season, his game came up short
Sean Rector - B- / a rebel rouser, but he was true to himself and aligned himself accordingly
Vecepia Towery - A / I don't want to give her this high a score, but the girl won! She must have done something right

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by smokedog on 03-21-06 at 12:28 PM

C Gabe Cade
C John Carroll
C Robert DeCanio
C Neleh Dennis
A Paschal English
B Tammy Leitner
C Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien
F Zoe Zanidakis


B Gina Crews
B Hunter Ellis
D Peter Harkey
F Patricia Jackson
A Sarah Jones
A Rob Mariano
A Sean Rector
C Vecepia Towery

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by emydi on 03-21-06 at 01:26 PM

Gabe Cade C-
John Carroll B-
Robert DeCanio B
Neleh Dennis B+
Paschal English A
Tammy Leitner B+
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien A
Zoe Zanidakis D


Gina Crews C
Hunter Ellis C
Peter Harkey F
Patricia Jackson F
Sarah Jones F
Rob Mariano B+
Sean Rector B+
Vecepia Towery A

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 03-21-06 at 02:07 PM
After watching the reruns on OLN my votes have changed from what they would have been a few months ago...


Gabe Cade C+
John Carroll C
Robert DeCanio C-
Neleh Dennis F
Paschal English B
Tammy Leitner A
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien A+
Zoe Zanidakis C


Gina Crews B
Hunter Ellis A
Peter Harkey D
Patricia Jackson D
Sarah Jones F
Rob Mariano C
Sean Rector C
Vecepia Towery B+

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by taffnic on 03-21-06 at 04:52 PM

Gabe Cade-D
John Carroll-D
Robert DeCanio-C
Neleh Dennis- B-
Paschal English- B-
Tammy Leitner- C
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien- A
Zoe Zanidakis-D


Gina Crews-B+
Hunter Ellis-B-
Peter Harkey-F
Patricia Jackson-D
Sarah Jones-F
Rob Mariano-A
Sean Rector-B+
Vecepia Towery- A-

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by Aruba on 03-21-06 at 08:18 PM

GABE (D) - Had no clue how to play the game and even less desire to try to learn how.

JOHN (B) - Did what the so called "All-Stars" couldn't do--get the better half of Rob. Too bad his claim to fame will always be Kathy peeing on his hand.

ROBERT (B-) - I liked this guy. But tell me how can a burly guy like you let Paschal beat you in a challenge carrying a heavy boulder across the ocean?

NELEH (C-) - Rivals Katie-Palau as the worst runner up ever. No thanks...you can keep your mint.

PASCHAL (A) - One of my top Survivors. A victim of the worst travesty in Survivor history by drawing the purple stone.

TAMMY (D) - Paschal would have had every right to cry sour grapes, but he did not. You had little reason to be a cry-baby, and you were.

KATHY (A+) - My second favorite Survivor of all-time. Showed that a woman can succeed in this game without riding coattails, flying UTR, flirting, acting slutty, or dressing even sluttier. Should have won this season, but a misfortune during the F3 challenge was her undoing.

ZOE (D+) - She gets high grades for her arts & crafts skills, but low grades for everything else.


GINA (B-) - Would have liked her to advance further but got stuck on the "knucklehead" tribe.

HUNTER (B) - Left way before his time. Would have been a positive addition to this sorry season.

PETER (D) - Had the right idea to vote off the weakest link. Too bad he had to sell his idea to a bunch of "knuckleheads"!

PATRICIA (D) - a total non-factor in the game.

SARAH (F) - A Survivor slut. Had nothing to offer except her plastic boobies. Must have stripped in front of an all-male casting crew to even be considered.

ROB (B) - It's pretty comical that a gay nurse that Rob referred to as "Tink'a' Bell" orchestrated Rob's boot and did not even get a seat on the jury. But being the dominant duo of Romber in All-Stars brings his grade up to a "B".

SEAN (C+) - A great character for this game, but played the race card a bit too much for my liking.

VECEPIA (C) - If Neleh was one of the most undeserving runners-up, then it's only fitting that UTR Vecepia be one of the most undeserving winners in this subpar season.

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by rjac21 on 03-21-06 at 08:54 PM

Gabe Cade - A-
John Carroll - D
Robert DeCanio - D
Neleh Dennis - B-
Paschal English - C+
Tammy Leitner - C
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien - A-
Zoe Zanidakis - D


Gina Crews - A
Hunter Ellis - A
Peter Harkey - F
Patricia Jackson - D
Sarah Jones - A-
Rob Mariano - A
Sean Rector - C
Vecepia Towery - C

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 03-22-06 at 01:41 AM

Gabe Cade: B
John Carroll: C
Robert DeCanio: B-
Neleh Dennis: B
Paschal English: B+
Tammy Leitner: C-
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien: B+
Zoe Zanidakis: D


Gina Crews: A
Hunter Ellis: A
Peter Harkey: D
Patricia Jackson: F
Sarah Jones: D-
Rob Mariano: D
Sean Rector: C+
Vecepia Towery : C

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by Das Mole on 03-22-06 at 08:19 AM

Gabe Cade - C
John Carroll - C-
Robert DeCanio - C+
Neleh Dennis - B-
Paschal English - C+
Tammy Leitner - D
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien - A
Zoe Zanidakis - F <--I don't remember one thing about her.


Gina Crews - C
Hunter Ellis - C+
Peter Harkey - F
Patricia Jackson - F
Sarah Jones - F
Rob Mariano - A-
Sean Rector - D-
Vecepia Towery - D

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by agressionx on 03-22-06 at 04:25 PM

Gabe Cade: F
John Carroll: C
Robert DeCanio: C-
Neleh Dennis: B+
Paschal English: B-
Tammy Leitner: B
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien: A-
Zoe Zanidakis: D-


Gina Crews: B+
Hunter Ellis: C+
Peter Harkey: F
Patricia Jackson: F
Sarah Jones: F
Rob Mariano: B+
Sean Rector: F
Vecepia Towery: B-

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by FWG on 03-22-06 at 06:53 PM

Gabe Cade - D
John Carroll - C+
Robert DeCanio - B
Neleh Dennis - B+
Paschal English - A
Tammy Leitner - C+
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien - A
Zoe Zanidakis - F


Gina Crews - C-
Hunter Ellis - B+
Peter Harkey - D
Patricia Jackson - F
Sarah Jones - D-
Rob Mariano - A-
Sean Rector - B-
Vecepia Towery - D

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 03-23-06 at 01:54 PM

Gabe Cade F
John Carroll F
Robert DeCanio D
Neleh Dennis D
Paschal English C
Tammy Leitner D
Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien A
Zoe Zanidakis D


Gina Crews C
Hunter Ellis D
Peter Harkey F
Patricia Jackson F
Sarah Jones F
Rob Mariano D
Sean Rector F
Vecepia Towery A

mind the gap

"RE: Survivor: Ultimate Tournament - Round 4"
Posted by Colonel Zoidberg on 03-27-06 at 07:34 PM
Voting for this round is closed. Another round will be up shortly. Also, I will begin announcing the automatic bids to the Ultimate Tournament soon.