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"Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"

Posted by Survivorerist on 03-13-06 at 05:09 PM
Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6 - Astro-Not!

Sorry y'all, but this week has been quite busy for me. As such, this is only a placeholder for the list. So post your lists here and I will have mine up...probably next week. Sorry 'bout that!



Top 5 FLL Castaways (Generation 2)
1. Aras Baskauskas (2 week at #1)
1. Misty Giles (2 weeks at #1)
2. Shane Powers (1 week at #1)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by michel on 03-13-06 at 06:00 PM
Hope things work out for you! Here's my list:

1-Aras (4,4,3,1,2): He's in control. A very clinical player who is gaining confidence.

2-Danielle (2,2,1,3,1): Shane provokes too many emotions. She can't apply her game plan.

3-Shane (5,5,5,4,4): The madman lives on the edge. He's at the center of all the action.

4-Terry (3,3,2,2,3): Lets Austin control the votes. That's not what a leader does.

5-Cirie (8,8,7,6,6): She gains a spot because of her help solving the puzzle.

6-Sally (10,10,8,5,5): Didn't solve the puzzle. Being saved by Casaya is good for her future.

7-Austin (6,6,4,7,7): What does he do in challenges or at camp? Sally picking him before Aras is the key reason for la Mina's demise.

8-Bruce (9,9,9,9,10): Solved the puzzle but all he got from the editors is a hug from Cirie. Not a word from him or in his praise. He'll get a couple of spots from me but it's a parting gift. He doesn't look good.

9-Courtney (7,7,6,8,8): Like, heh..., she's like hmmm...only there to lob the ball to Shane.

10-Nick (13,11,10,10,9): useless

Booted: Dan(10,12,12,12,11): Great guy, great stories but useless.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by Aruba on 03-13-06 at 06:46 PM
1) TERRY (1,1,1,1,1) - Voting for Dan tarnished his image some and lost some leadership momentum by being sent to Exile Island twice; but he is still clearly the cream of the crop. Granted not much of a bumper crop, but still the best.

2) AUSTIN (2,2,5,8,12T) - Excellent behind the scenes player. Controls the voting more than others would think...sort of how Rafe did last season.

3) CIRIE (5,8,11,12,15) - Great stuff for you and Bruce to give Casaya a come from behind victory in what was the most important challenge to date. I was hoping she would gravitate toward the La Mina tribe after a potential merge, but with a 6-4 advantage (probably 7-3 after Sally flips) it most likely won't happen.

4) BRUCE (7,4,2,3,3) - Shared co-MVP honors in the IC. Not so much important for the 6-4 advantage, but moreso for the Exile Island twist to save a player on La Mina. My prediction is when all is said and done that one twist will go down as the most defining "swing" moment of the season. It will prove monumentally huge on many levels.

5) NICK (4,5,6,7,12T) - Continues his solid performance and is very likable. I just wish for once this guy would make a decision on his own.

6) ARAS (8,7,12,12,12T) - Blabbermouth picked a perfect episode to wear the muzzle. It was great timing to keep out of harm's way from Shane's weekly aimless babble. Thought maybe by chance he might be wise enough to put the brakes on the female alliance before it builds up steam, but being wise is not one of his major strengths.

7) DANIELLE (11,11,8,8,8T) - Her move up is more a statement for the three stooges below her. She may not know how fortunate she is when the Exile Island twist gave them a chance to save Sally. Without that twist, Sally's gone and all her girly-girl schemeing wouldn't have helped her much going into a potential merge with a 7-3 male advantage. A Boston Massacre would have happened sooner than later...very, very lucky.

8) COURTNEY (10,9,3,2,8T) - She can talk the talk; but as far as strategic play in the game is concerned, she has yet to walk the walk.

9) SHANE (9,12,13,13,11) - Not only a whiner, a wanna-be quitter, a miserable and annoying person; but for all the Shane supporters who thought he was acting and was strategically playing a shrewd game, Thursday's episode showed he has little if any game. For Aras, a marginal player at best, to say he messed up says it all. It would have culminated in his exit if not for Bruce and Cirie.

10) SALLY (6,6,7,14,8T) - Has there ever been a more lucky player in the history of this game? Nine out of ten seasons she would have been gone-zo after losing the spear. She's kept in favor of Ruth-Marie because of her "ability" to peform in challenges which she has sucked in ever since. And now when being a major reason for losing an important IC, the Exile Island twist spares her. It's especially disheartening when you have other players who have to fight their guts out for every ounce of survival they can muster. It will take a power-playing effort from her the rest of the way to move up this ranking.

BOOTED) DAN (3,3,10,10,5) - When the Survivor Gods smile favorably on someone it is usually at the expense of another. Dan was the unlucky victim. Not terribly disappointed since he was too UTR for me and if he did advance further it would have been on Terry's coattails. But he displayed great sportsmanship, unfairly shouldered the blame that Sally was as much a part of, and exited with class.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by iltarion on 03-14-06 at 03:06 AM
1) Terry- Another pathetic loss for LaMina, but it certainly wasn't Terry's fault, who got them out to an early lead they kept until the puzzle fiasco. Voting out Dan is what he had to do. I give him credit for being up front and honest about it.
2) Aras- HUGE move up for Aras, after he was the biggest dropper in my rankings last week. It was like he read my post and took my advice. He kept his MOUTH SHUT. He cuddled with Danielle, lucky guy, and Cirie, and smiled around Courtney. He kept Shane in his fold, and is now in position to go either way post-merge.
3) Austin- He did what he could in the challenge. He AGAIN wisely talked Terry into voting his way. He ALMOST gets dropped for not pulling Sally into an alliance yet, but no one else deserves to move up past him, yet.
4) Danielle- Was I the only one to notice Danielle's left nipple appeared to show through her sweat jacket during confessionals at the reward? With that and with the bikini during the challenge, this was a sexy episode for Danielle. Really, she struggled during the challenge, not matching the men's strength, and she lost her cool with Shane and was not playing it smart. Bad episode for her, gamewise, but great episode for ME to watch her.
5) Sally- Another pathetic challenge loss that Sally was party to. Why did La Mina keep her again? Does NOT look like a smart move afterall, though I'm still glad she's around. Dan should have been the next to go anyway, if Austin and Nick had any brains.
6) Shane- Yeah, big move up for the once disgraceful-quitter. He showed true integrity by insisting on getting his oath released even though it was NOT smart game play. And though his butt may have been momentarily on the line, he is now in position to go either way.
7) Nick- Just a nice quiet guy who does OK in the challenges and follows Austin's lead. I don't think much of him, but he is better than the rest.
8) Cirie- She drops on my list after sticking her nose in Courtney and Shane's alliance, which was really none of her business. I'm tired of her Casaya play-by-play and tired of her UTR. I hope she picked the wrong players to coattail. She can ride Courtney and Danielle right off the show for all I care.
9) Bruce- Somehow, he managed to put a puzzle together before Dan. My guess is pure luck. He gets no attention in the show except when he is doing the least impressive kung fu I have ever seen.
10) Courtney- Like... you suck.

Bootee- Dan- Good puzzle performance, maybe if you were in zero gravity you could have figured it out. Glad to see you gone.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by michel on 03-14-06 at 12:53 PM
Aruba, our lists are so opposite that I feel I should say: "Come over to the dark side of the Force"! I'm having fun watching Casaya's performance.

Iltarion, I can understand that UTR is a game plan that goes against your idea of a good player. Imagining Cirie play as leader is a funny thought. Picture this if you will: Episode #2 The new Casaya returns to camp after pick'em and Cirie, standing in front of the shelter, says: "You're at my camp now, you play by my rules. You 2 girls look like twigs so go get firewood. You, Tattoo man, get some fish, I'm hungry. You, with the rocks, pave this area so I don't see any leaves."

What can she be BUT a follower? Followers win by being UTR or riding coattails. Leaders cannot win without followers. It's a balancing act that the smartest follower or the smartest leader wins...hopefully!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by iltarion on 03-14-06 at 05:38 PM
You are right. I have already acknowledged that Cirie has no other option as far as game play goes. She has no actual survival abilities whatsoever. She is like Osten without the muscles and wimp-dog mentality. She does have the ability to disappear in a tribe of ostentacious personalities. Like I said, she would be perfect for Big Brother. Get off Survivor.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by Aruba on 03-14-06 at 06:57 PM
Thanks for the invite, Michel...but I'll stick with La Mina. Not that I don't think watching a nutjob self-destruct or a plastic boobie occasionally exposed wouldn't be "fun", I just have more in common with the La Mina three.

"What can she be BUT a follower?" EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will always covet a player who is more than one-dimensional and has a CHOICE as you how they decide to play a game. That's called "strategy". That's called a "plan". It's hardly strategy or plan when you are subjected to playing the only card you have. The fact of the matter is ANYONE can follow; ANYONE can fly UTR; ANYONE can ride coattails. It's rather comical that you put "smart" in the same sentence as "follower". I cannot consider a Surviver, who had no other option but to desparately be an UTR coattail rider, to be a "smart" player???

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by michel on 03-15-06 at 09:05 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-15-06 AT 09:30 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 03-15-06 AT 09:25 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 03-15-06 AT 09:22 AM (EST)

I'm sorry for insisting but this is at the heart of all our discussions.

First Aruba it isn't true that anyone can follow or be UTR. I'll need only one example out of dozens: Your favorite, TOM said he wanted to fly low at the beginning but then he simply got into gear. He only had 1 dimension.

There are plenty of stupid followers: Helen and Jan in Thailand gave the $1 000 000 to Brian. Lydia in Guatemala did nothing except give her vote. I could name dozens like that. The one you don't want to name always negotiated her vote, never gave it away.

If some are stupid then some have to be smart: Vecepia had 6 potential leaders in Marquesas. Flying UTR was the only way to survive. She knew exactly where her profit was at every TC. It wasn't desperation as she was rarely in danger. It was smart. My preference for Kathy doesn't prevent me from seeing Vecepia's merit.

Danni had led Nakum and NuYaxha but got to merge outnumbered. She changed from leader to follower and hooked up with the leader, Rafe without having ever been on his tribe. Quite a difference with Chris who aligned with Twila who had seen the new pecking order and had been in a tribe with Chris. Danni's move was smart. Don't forget, everyone saw Stephenie as leader. Only she saw clearly that it was Rafe pulling the strings. She gently started pulling HIS strings to the win.

Very few players have the ability to do both. One that comes to mind was Ian in Palau. He had leadership skills but, seeing Tom take over, defered to him. He lacked a true follower's patience in that he talked of overthrowing Tom before being able to do anything about it.

You'd have a hard time finding more than a couple of others that had the ability to do both effectively. Austin this year MAYBE but he hasn't shown he can really step up. If Sally had better judgment and had picked Aras, MAYBE he would've been a smart follower to Terry and had the power to take over later. Danielle has leadership POTENTIAL and follows Aras right now. So only 3 possibilities, no certainty, this year. Terry was a born leader, he never would follow. He's a good player but he has only 1 dimension.

Cirie is a smart follower up to now. Like I said, she can't outplay but if I were to score them right now,( I also use a scorecard, just a different scoring method!) she'd receive the most points for outlasting as she was on the block since day 1. Yes, all survivors left have lasted as long as her, but only Sally has been in as much danger as her. Terry hasn't needed to outlast anyone yet. She also gets some outwitting points for directing the alliance's attention away from her. Smart player. Good enough to win? I doubt it, but she has survived even if she doesn't have the sofas that she would have on Big Brother.

Strategy and planning for a leader is in how you lead your alliance, who fits in, who gets the boot. A follower's strategy is supporting the one in power without getting rid of all his opponents. Stir the pot at the right time to get the leaders to go at it. Once you have the right mix and an opportunity, overthrow the leader and go to the jury with a weaker or less appreciated player than you. That is not easy. Only Amber won as a follower without having the leader overthrown but All-star is different by nature.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by Aruba on 03-15-06 at 07:03 PM

>There are plenty of stupid followers:

Actually there are plenty of stupid PEOPLE whether they be followers, leaders, challenge hounds, coattail riders, etc. So what's your point??? It still doesn't deter from the fact that ANYONE can be a follower.

>Danni had led Nakum and NuYaxha but got to merge outnumbered.
>She changed from leader to follower and hooked up with the leader, Rafe without having ever been on his tribe.

Excellent point...which is why I rank Danni high on my list. Ethan was another Survivor who was able to more than hold his own in challenges, but changed to follower when Lex wanted to hog the limelight. It's not that much of an issue with me when a player CHOOSES to lay low. "CHOOSES" being the operative word. I do have issues when a player has no choice and desparately must fall on their only dimension.

>Terry was a born leader, he never would follow. He's a good player but he has only 1 dimension.

Oh really????? Being a leader is defintely a dimension for him. But not all leaders are physical and athletic. Terry has BOTH leadership abilities and athleticism. Hey I said BOTH...as in TWO. Still think he's "one-dimensional". Oh; and did his leadership abilities and athleticism find him the II? NO, his ability to use his brain and solve clues found him the II. Hey what do you know, we are up to three! I can continue but I have more than proved my point.

>Only Amber won as a follower without having the leader overthrown but All-star is different by nature.

???????? Tina won S2 sitting next to the leader of that season.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by michel on 03-15-06 at 07:39 PM
The 2 dimensions I talked about were the 2 profiles survivors can play. All survivors are either leaders or followers. You're previous post said anyone can chose which of the 2 one will play. My argument was that Tom, Terry, Sarge etc... couldn't be followers by their very personalities. Athletism and intelligence are qualities of players not dimensions you can choose to play. Either you have them or you don't. You're not going to become an athlete in the month or so you get to prepare to be on the show.

We were talking UTR. I was saying how do you think Terry can be UTR? Even if he botched challenges, he still will be seen as a target. He played leader which went according to who he is and couldn't play any other way. Playing that way he needed numbers. Now, he still only has 1 dimension and cannot become UTR. He'll try to find followers. Good luck.

A stupid follower is one that goes to the end without trying to overthrow his leader thus giving him the money.

Colby sat next to the leader. Tina controlled all the votes in Australia even F3 when she had convinced her boy that he couldn't vote his second mother out.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by Aruba on 03-15-06 at 08:26 PM
With all due respect let's not get anal with words. Qualities...dimensions...whatever. My point is that a multi-faceted player will rank higher on my list than a player with only one dimension/quality/facet/attribute...or any other synonomous term you feel the urge to split hairs with.
You are right about the fact that you either possess athletic ability or you don't. Fair enough...but if you don't possess it then compensate it with intelligence, cunning, problem-solving, etc. To just sit back and be an UTR coattail rider is a lazy cop-out.
A pristine example of what I'm talking about is Rob C. in the Amazon. That wimp couldn't win a physical challenge against a group of 1st graders, but he clearly ruled that season and advanced to the F3 by utilizing other qualities/attributes/dimensions/etc. What he did NOT do is fly UTR and ride coattails.

Just because Tina was able to brainwash her boy that possessed the mental capacity of a slug doesn't qualify her as the "leader" of that season. If you truly believe that Tina didn't ride coattails to victory then there's no use discussing this point anymore. Your next post could mirror the sequel to ROOTS and I'll allow you to have last say and we can move on to a future topic which I'm sure will pop up soon! LOL

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by iltarion on 03-16-06 at 03:10 AM

Michel, you are clearly talking about two different things. Someone who is strong has no choice but to be strong, and someone who is weak, same thing. That has nothing to do with being a leader. You define a leader as the person who controls the votes, thus Danni and Tina were leaders in your mind. By your own definition then, Terry is NOT a leader. He is a FOLLOWER to Austin. Let me give you another example of someone who was strong but a follower: Rupert. So, clearly, someone can be strong and a target, and yet chose to not be a leader. Terry could have kept control of his tribe by insisting on sticking with Ruth Marie. He did not. He chose a follower role in regards to the votes, which he then maintained by voting out Dan.
So, the strong can be leaders or followers, as Terry and Rupert showed, and the weak can be leaders or followers, as Tina, Rob C and Johnny Fairplay showed. The strong can also be UTR as Ethan and, in a way, Amber showed. You just have to be paired with someone who is a bigger target than you.
Really, I think it is a misnomer to call the person who controls the votes the "leader." Terry is clearly the leader of La Mina, whether he controls votes or not. Rob C controled almost every vote in the Amazon, and he never led anything. Rob C was a counterpuncher. He followed and reacted to the decisions of other leaders. Johnny Fairplay was the same. Let's call them "controllers." And it is rare that someone is both a leader and a controller at the same time: Lex, John in Marquesas, Brian, Deena, Boston Rob, Ami, and Tom. Aras also was both for Casaya, before Danielle stripped him of his control.
Tom, actually, didn't start out a controller, only being a leader by necessity, but he became a controller once he saw that he was a target and might be gone if other people were allowed to have the control. So, he showed all dimensions, though some people don't want to give him credit for it, due to jealousy I assume.
So, bringing this back to Terry and Cirie. Terry is a natural leader, who basically is leading by necessity, but who has chosen to not control the votes. He can not go UTR now, not due to any shortcoming of his own, but because there is no one else to take the focus off of him. Cirie is UTR because she can not lead, not because she is weak, but because she has no leadership abilities. She CAN become a controller, but she has chosen to be UTR because trying to take control might backfire and get her booted. I think that about sums it all up!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by michel on 03-16-06 at 08:53 AM
Very good observations Iltarion. Just a few precisions. Terry didn't relinquish leadership to Austin. Austin proposed that Ruth and Dan were better boots. Terry still made the final call. A leader that would CHOOSE not to control the votes would be the stupidest player ever. Terry is smart even if he is getting short on resources.

The ones you call "controllers" are really what I call smart followers in most of the cases. Rupert and Sarge had camp life leadership but had no smarts regarding voting strategy. They didn't choose not to control the votes, they didn't know how. That's what permitted Chris to thrive and led to Rupert's demise. Austin is a follower. Cirie cannot be leader. Not only because of personal shortcomings, she simply has no followers in this tribe. She did lead the votes against Tina in the original Casaya.

My point is that few have the abilities, or the opportunity I should add, to choose how they play. Ethan was a follower, he didn't have the back bone of a leader. If Africa didn't convince you, remember his pathetic showing in All-Star where he didn't do a thing in Saboga which wasn't a tribe with strong leadership. Terry and Tom are leaders and would be leaders in any season. The smart follower would use that leadership and wait the right moment to take over. The stupid followers give them the money.

Rob C. was a drooling follower until Alex woke him up. Then he was lucky to have the rag-tag alliance of losers ready to help him. Amazon was the worst season for leadership.

This season is shaping up as a contrast in leadership styles. It is becoming a theme of the season. The strong, determined military leadership of Terry (Burnett's favorite style!) is failing when confronted with the unsure leadership of Aras and his dysfunctional-functioning tribe. A lesson would be that some leadership is better than none. Casaya is better than Ulong. The rest is left to the hazards of the game.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by Das Mole on 03-14-06 at 05:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-14-06 AT 05:46 PM (EST)

Rank. Name (Last week)(Previous weeks)

1. Danielle (3)(3,5,5,5) - I like anybody who hates Shane. But even moreso, I love anybody who hates Shane, can put him in his place, and has oobies that are wicked hahd.
2. Aras (1)(1,1,7,3) - He's doing really well in this game.
3. Austin (5)(7,6,6,9) - He's probably the only likeable person on La Mina for me.
4. Cirie (2)(2,3,3,1) - Her attempted UTR strategy kinda sucks b/c she's not really taking too much action at camp or anything. Still gotta love Cirie, though.
5. Courtney (8)(5,2,1,4) - Same principle as with Danielle, only...I like her less.
6. Bruce (7)(4,4,2,2) - Went from awesome to boo to eh, which is where he stands now.
7. Sally (4)(9,9,10,10) - Eh.
8. Nick (6)(8,10,13,15) - Eh.
9. Terry (10)(11,12,12,11) - Rrrrrrgggg...just looking at his name makes me want to shoot myself in the face. Or perhaps an even better feeling would be just shooting him in the face.
10. Shane (11)(12,13,14,8) - Psychotic, bipolar nutjob. I hope he gets his hands on more cigarettes and then dies alone on Exile Island while smoking his five packs of Luckies.

Bootee - Dan (9)(10,11,9,13) - There was something too cheeky and irritating about him, I didn't like him.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by arturbars on 03-14-06 at 06:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-17-06 AT 11:08 AM (EST)

My tribe:
1. Terry (1,1,1,1,1) - I am sticking with my top dog!
2. Nick (2,2,2,4,13) - Good team player, flying low for now
3. Dannielle (3,3,4,3,4) - Way to take control of your tribe.
4. Sally (4,4,5,8,5) - smart player, not bad to look at either...
5. Austin (5,6,3,5,11) - Him and Nick need to be smarter about the beans.
6. Cirie (6,5,6,9,14) - She is hillarious.

Tribe of rejects and loosers:

7. Shane (8,12,13,13,6) - He is nuts, he is psycho, and insane, but he is smarter than the rest of the Casaya sometimes... that's scary...
8. Aras (9,11,12,14,12) - meh...
9. Bruce (10,10,10,7,2) - turned out to be an even bigger meh...
10. Courtney (11,8,8,12,8) - Bob-dawg is absolutley right - she is one of the top three most annoying people in the world.

Dan (7,9,9,10,7) - bye bye, space man

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by whoami on 03-19-06 at 10:18 PM
Not much to say just watch the show and make your own list.
#1.-Terry(1)I still think he is playing a gooood game.
#2.-Bruce(2)Doing the best he can while on the nut tribe.
#3.-Aras(4)It is hard to keep all those crazy people in line.
#4.-Cirie(8)A UTR player.
#5.-Austin(6)Maybe should be higher up the list but not this week.
#6.-Nick(5)Does not seem to be playing much, from what we are shown. Just another acceptable bootee.
#7.-Danielle(3)Just getting on my nerves.
#8.-Courtney(9)See above.#7
#9.-Sally(10)Why did they keep you here????
#10.-Shane(11)Hope he is gone soon.

Courtesy of Dear “Trixi” Abby

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by seahorse on 03-22-06 at 09:07 AM
1) Terry
2) Sally
3) Danielle
4) Austin
5) Cirie
6) Bruce
7) Nick
9) Shane

Slice & Dice Sigpic Chop Shop 2005

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 12.6"
Posted by Survivorerist on 03-30-06 at 06:35 PM
Apparently, it's been over 20,000 minutes since my original post. So just a quick update with my list from weeks ago:

1. Aras (1)
2. Austin (5)
3. Terry (3)
4. Danielle (6)
5. Shane (9)
6. Sally (4)
7. Nick (7)
8. Cirie (2)
9. Courtney (8)
10. Bruce (10)

Dan was #11 last week.

No comments this time, just noting that Aras is #1 and Shane is the Greatest Gainer.



Top 5 FLL Castaways (Generation 2)
1. Aras Baskauskas (3 weeks at #1)
1. Misty Giles (2 weeks at #1)
2. Shane Powers (1 week at #1)