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"S2 Tarot Readings for Episode 7"

Posted by Tarot Dragon on 03-07-01 at 08:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-07-01 AT 08:42 PM (EST)

Hello again! The merger necessitated a change in my spread to five cards for each survivor. The fourth and fifth cards hold more meaning for reward and immunity, but I am reading all the cards to predict these as well as the person that leaves the game. So, here we go!

Colby -- (Magician reversed, 8 of Wands reversed, 7 of Coins, 4 of Coins, 6 of Wands) -- action or awareness incomplete, conclusion incomplete, reward, control/possessiveness, triumph. Colby was wanting to win tribal immunity but Mike's injury precluded the challenge. Now his thoughts of what he will do for the merger have yet to be decided on. He appears to strongly compete, if not win, a reward and should control this challenge easily. For immunity, he holds a "triumph" card so he likely has an inside track to the win. If he does not win, he likely will triumph in seeing Jerri voted out at tribal council. Perhaps both.

Keith -- (Judgemnt, 6 of Coins reversed, The Sun, 10 of Swords reversed, 3 of Coins) -- a major decision on someone, knowledge or resources incomplete, enlightenment or greatness, rebounding from bottoming out, strong teamwork or planning. Keith has been thinking on making a major decision relative to tribal council. He seems to be looking toward the merger now that no tribal council was held last week. But, the knowledge and resources associated with the Kucha tribe are incomplete with only two days of interaction before voting. His Sun card is very positive and should give him enlightenment or even greatness in the near future which will solidify his standing in the new tribe. He has a good chance at winning the reward challenge, but looks not to win immunity. This failure does not jeopardize his stay in the tribe.

Jerri -- (5 of Wands, Queen of Coins reversed, 9 of Cups, Page of Coins, Ace of Cups) -- disagreement, paying someone back, working on something that may reap a reward, looking to the future, emotional force beginning. Jerri's disagreements with Colby and Keith will go far to determining her future status and now, she is working on plans to pay them back. She likely will not vote to unify the former Ogakors but insead, attack them. She is working on a plan for reward that possibly relates to her voting against Keith or Colby to gain the reward of satisfaction. Her reward challenge attempt is not successful as more of her energy is in planning and thoughts toward voting. Her immunity challenge efforts will not gain her immunity.

Amber -- (9 of Swords reversed, The Wheel of Fortune, Ace of Wands reversed, 7 of Swords reversed, 7 of Wands reversed) -- ending of worries, changes of fate not complete, enthusiam/confidence lessened, running away slowly, aggressions lessened. Amber's worries over Mike's accident are ending and now faces The Wheel of Fortune which can bring anything good or bad so her fate is unknown. This is disconcerting to Amber who now feels more insecure about aligning with Jerri. Her challenge cards imply she is unsuccessful in winning either, but they relate more to what she will do because of this. Amber will consider aligning with Kucha members, possibly Rodger and Elisabeth. But this will not be complete until after Jerri is voted off, if she is.

Tina -- (Knight of Swords, The Hermit, The Star reversed, 8 of Swords reversed, Ace of Swords) -- charging ahead, turning away for inner focus, dimmed/lessened hope and inspiration, slight restriction and confusion, mental force/fortitude beginning. Tina has been charging ahead recently and taking more control in her tribe and appears ready for the merge. She is taking an internal look at herself and is concerned about the dynamics of the merger. She has again, received the Star card, but it is reversed meaning a reduced hope and inspiration. This card does seem to be protecting Tina. While she doesn't appear to fare well in either challenge, her mental capabilities are still at work.

Nick -- (Queen of Cups reversed, 3 of Cups, 4 of Wands, Lovers, The Fool reversed) -- contact with a woman not completed, friendships/community, celebration/freedom/excitement, tough choices, direction change/unpredictable spontaneity. Nick has been subtle in approaching a woman probably to attempt to bond a friendship and aid in his staying in the tribe, but this is incomplete right now. With the merger, he sees new opportunities for this. His near future appears to hold good things including possible victory in a challenge but he seems to be having hard choices in the reward challenge. The Fool card can mean a variety of things including victory in the immunity challenge, but there doesn't appear to be enough strength in his other cards to actually predict he will win. Nick continues to be Nick.

Elisabeth -- (2 of cups reversed, 10 of Coins reversed, King of Wands, Death reversed, 2 of Coins reversed) -- connections slowed, affluence diminished, male authority/protector guidance, slow transition into a new state, fun diminished. Elisabeth appears to be the hardest hit by Mike's injury other than Mike himself. Her beginning to know him has ended for now. Her affluence of potentially adding him to Rodger for a three member bond is no more. Rodger continues to offer her guidance and she is entering into a new state on the heels of Mike's injury. With the merger, she sees things are not as fun anymore. Her challenge attempts will not bring her victories.

Rodger -- (King of Coins, The Heirophant reversed, Page of Wands, Queen of Wands reversed, The Hanging Dragon reversed) -- channeller/male with money, learning/secret knowledge incomplete, very active, frustration, unable to let go/struggle not ending. Rodger has been the channel for Elisabeth as he imparts to her his "wealth" of Knowledge and experience. Presently with the merger, he is lacking somewhat in the knowledge necessary to understand what is needed and therefore is needing to learn more. He will be very active in the future and likely will help build the merged camp site, and take part in both challenges fairly well, but he still will not win due to his lack of relative strength over the others. Again, any failures in the challenges will not jeopardize his stay in the tribe.

Jeff -- (10 of Wands reversed, 3 of Swords, 8 of Coins, 5 of Swords, 5 of Coins) -- easing struggles, betrayal, diligence/knowledge, discord/open dishonor, hard times. Jeff's differences are in the past as more important issues arrive with the merger. He faces a betrayal that could come from Alicia or something he sees within the Ogakor members. Perhaps someone leaving the Ogakor tribe to join the Kuchas making the merger something other than five to five. His future is filled with knowledge and diligence as Jeff appears to be privy to many things. He uses this knowledge in the challenges and to formulate the tribal council voting to some degree. However, Jeff's challenge cards are negative indicating he will not win them and possibly worse, he is somewhat of a target for tribal council.

Alicia -- (9 of Coins reversed, The Emperor reversed, The High Priestess reversed, 4 of Swords reversed, Knight of Coins reversed) -- slight loss of discipline, authority/rules broken, unconsciousness/mysterious unknown, contemplation hindered, questioning long term goals. Alicia's problems in the past relative to Kimmi and Mike gave her a roller coaster of emotion. With the merger she is having difficulty contemplating how she should proceed. There is an authority broken which possibly relates to Alicia preferring to have things organized to her liking, though she doesn't force the issue as often. With the merger, Alicia will speak her mind again. But this time the effect of her actions is unclear. Ogakor may see her as another Jerri. The reward challenge is not a victory for her so she will further contemplate what she needs to do to win challenges. With a card indicating long term goals, Alicia may be assessing the final four or may possibly be a target for tribal council with a surprise result.

Reward Challenge Winner -- Colby. His cards point to greater rewards reaped in the future and in the challenge positions for the cards.

Immunity Challenge Winner -- Colby. While he will have good competition, his triumph card in the immunity position is heads over heals over everyone else. A statement is made!

Tribal Council -- First, Alicia received all reversed cards which at least lessens the card's effects and thereby entangling Alicia from moving forward. In a sense a stagnation. All her cards indicate slight negative connotations, but none are extrememly bad. They collectively send the message that Alicia may be a target due to the 4 of Swords reversed which is the second most common card of the voted out people, what is more likely is a coming to a need for change. With the merger, this is very possible and natural.

Jeff and his cards of betrayal, dishonor and hard times certainly don't look good and he does hold the Ace of Wands which has had dangerous meanings to date. But he has knowledge as well, and usually this means that while bad times are coming, he can work through them quickly enough. However, Jeff may receive votes at tribal council.

There is only one other that has the cards to be leaving this week. Jerri. Disappointment in losing the last reward challenge and her alliance crumbling. Paying someone back in a revengeful manner is foreseen. Working toward a reward that is likely only satisfaction than the actual reward challenge. Emotional forces that may be related to finally leaving the game as well as looking to the future. A concept that may be leaving the game or attempting to join the Kuchas and vote for Ogakors.

Including the knowledge that Jerri has been a major target for a while now, she has received the two most powerful cards held by people that have left the game. The 9 of Cups and Ace of Cups. Normally, Cups are about feelings and love, but in Survivor the seem to hold more dangerous connotations as if a vunerability found in love and feelings has translated to disaster. For Jerri, I predict the game is finally over for her.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S2 Tarot Readings for Episode 7"
Posted by Minstrel on 03-07-01 at 08:49 PM
Very in depth (I will read it all later)! But I scrolled down to see Jerri, and YES!!! I couldn't agree more! Interesting too that you predict Colby to win two challenges! I don't think that has happened in one episode before!

"RE: S2 Tarot Readings for Episode 7"
Posted by HeronNoire on 03-07-01 at 11:20 PM
Verrry interesting reading. As a fellow student of Tarot, I've found your readings so far fascinating. A question -- how long does it take to do the Survivor readings? A typical 5-card spread takes me at least an hour so I imagine this must take forever! I'll look forward to reading more.

"RE: S2 Tarot Readings for Episode 7"
Posted by VampKira on 03-08-01 at 00:42 AM
Wow! I sure hope this reading is on the money! I have been longing for the demise of Jerri....And even if she stays, for the next 20 hours or so I can grin at the thought of it .

Buy the way.. you must be an excellent typist! That would have taken me forever!


"No sign of the morning coming, you've been left on your own, like a rainbow in the dark."-Ronnie James Dio

"RE: S2 Tarot Readings for Episode 7"
Posted by Tarot Dragon on 03-11-01 at 06:56 PM
VampKira, I am sorry for you my reading did not come true. As I mentioned in other posts I've responded to, I feel the reward challenge and to some degree Mike's injury and the elimination of the tribal council that week clouded the reading. Jeff's betrayal card was more "silent" than I would have otherwise seen I think. But then, I would have selected him as the person voted out and not Jerri.

Yes, it does take a while to type my readings, but I like typing and I better! I'm a court reporter! And it takes a while to actually do the readings themselves. But I love to do it! My husband and I watch Survivor together. He makes notes and comments during the show and during commercial tells me his "thoughts" and I just tell him when I do the reading is when I will tell him if he's right! I love him very much, but he has been wrong most of the time! He has too much emotion to be objective!

As a court reporter, you have to record what is said and done. That is what I do with a reading. What do the cards say? From there I must mold the "story" based on what the cards say and for when. That is why irrelevant questions such as reward challenges not being held can cloud the reading and be misleading. As a result, this last reading was the wrong.

I hope to find out if reward challenges will not be held in certain episodes so as not to allow for that in a reading. We don't tape the shows, so do you know what episodes may not contain reward challenges?

"RE: S2 Tarot Readings for Episode 7"
Posted by Tarot Dragon on 03-11-01 at 06:21 PM
HeronNoire, thank you for your comments! Yes, it takes quite a while. I started them with the first episode, but started posting a few weeks ago after my husband suggested I join a message board and offer these readings. In the beginning, it took about three hours and about seventy cards (including significator cards). I noted the significator cards so they aren't pulled out for readings after episode one and as people were voted out, the number of cards obviously reduced.

I changed the spread to work for the merged tribe last week and so that brought the number to fifty cards and that reading took about two hours. As you may know, tarot tends to answer one question, especially for the ten card Celtic Cross spread. That is the difficulty and challenge to a reading on Survivor. There are multiple questions! The added difficulty is the reward challenge. If it is not held as in episode seven, the reading is clouded.

I designed the spread I use myself and no doubt will assess its viability after the show concludes. The reward challenge is one area I am examining for its viability. I think it is good for the time before the merger, but my husband tells me that all the episodes do not hold reward challenges. I watched the first show or Survivor last year, but I do not remember this factor.

Anyway, I may eliminate the reward challenge even for this series, but for now, I keep it in. I will say that the jury vote will again change my spread and I have designed a spread for it. I expect that a reading will take as little as an hour once more of the survivors are voted out.

Thank you again, and keep reading! I appreciate all comments too!

"RE: S2 Tarot Readings for Episode 7"
Posted by Drive My Car on 03-08-01 at 11:26 AM
I love these,
Now do me.


"RE: S2 Tarot Readings for Episode 7"
Posted by Tarot Dragon on 03-11-01 at 06:33 PM
Ebug, first I'd love to do a reading for you, but I'm afraid the owners of this board may not want that. It would be like "advertising" for which I have not paid them for. Second, I am also concerned about the security of the Internet and posting readings that are personal to my clients or questioners. I would not want to jeopardize someone's personal information such as can be obtained from email. I prefer my clients and questioners to be secure in their need to come to me for readings. I feel it is like going to a doctor. It is personal.

I love to do readings and would not be here if my husband did not suggest I try it. He's so sweet and supportive! I love him so much! But I guess my job as a court reporter has something to do with it too because I love to type as you can tell! Do you have readers in the area you live? You might try one of them if so.

"RE: S2 Tarot Readings for Episode 7"
Posted by Kokoro on 03-11-01 at 02:31 AM
<<1. His Sun card is very positive and should give him enlightenment or even greatness in the near future which will solidify his standing in the new tribe....does not jeopardize his stay in the tribe.

2. Nick continues to be Nick.

3. He faces a betrayal that could come from Alicia or something he sees within the Ogakor members.>>

Just showing that you were at least partially on ^-^
Keep posting these, they make for a good read.

"Oh my God! Meatball subs! I love those! Oh my God!" - "That skinny chick"'s most memorable line

"RE: S2 Tarot Readings for Episode 7"
Posted by Tarot Dragon on 03-11-01 at 06:39 PM
Kokoro, yes you are correct. Jeff's betrayal card was larger than I saw and thought. I think the reason for this is that the reward challenge was not held last week and clouded the reading. Also, Mike's injury seemed to distract the reading in the area of the Ogakors.

Can anyone tell me if other reward challenges are unlikely to be held and for which future episode? I am thinking of eliminating this portion of the reading if it is not consistent.

"RE: S2 Tarot Readings for Episode 7"
Posted by Kokoro on 03-11-01 at 07:40 PM
Everything will go as normal from now on. The RC was cancelled last year because of the time the merger itself takes and I'm not sure why we expected one this year....Of course there will probably be a couple of challenges not shown on television.

"Oh my God! Meatball subs! I love those! Oh my God!" - "That skinny chick"'s most memorable line