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"2/23 Episode"

Posted by nazpink on 02-23-06 at 11:28 PM
Well, it's 15 minutes past 11 so I can now talk about tonight's episode.

First off I want to give props to Sally. I really thought her number in this game was coming up and she weazled her way out of it. I didn't know what to think of Sally in the beginning but I think I am going to like her. I really am enjoying her whole approach of "I'm the woman the guys can hang with" which to me is a more respectful role and a less dangerous one at that. Flirtation may get a woman far into the game but it also puts a target on their back, never mind the lack of respect from some viewers. I thought Sally did an excellent job of showing to her tribe that she is a benefit to have around as far as helping with the challenges. I am thinking that Dan may have been right to vote her off because she is a smart woman who knows her place in that tribe is as the fifth wheel to have around until no longer needed, which may end up resulting in her making other deals elsewhere once merge comes around. I think it would be safe to say that I expect a lot of strategical thinking from Sally especially once the merge takes place.

Ruth Marie was a nice lady and she definately would have had the loyalty factor, but even though she wasn't as physically weak as one would expect she also wasn't up to par enough to take the chance of keeping her around and depending on her during challenges.

I am also wondering how long the power of four (Austin, Nick, Terry and Dan) will go once the merge takes place. Right now they are strong, but it's only the beginning and in my opinion the real test of faith comes when it's individual gameplay. My guess is that the other team will try to make deals with some of these guys but their lack of stability may keep the four together for some time.

This also leads me to who they will take in once the merge is in affect. It would be stupid not to draw others in and just stick out like a sore thumb, because that will only result in everyone else gathering together to take them out. My guess is that Cerie may strike something up and Bruce as well. Aras may also try to fit in with their plans as it has become so clear that he feels his alliance was a big mistake.

I'm also wondering how long Bobby will be able to keep up the whole laziness routine? Will he become another Gervase? I don't see him ever having much interaction with his tribe members but then again that's probably the smart thing, let them eat each other up. Cerie is playing this approach but a bit smarter with showing that she is an asset to have around camp.

I also love that Terry found the immunity idol!!!! This guy is definately smart. I bet when Misty watched this episode she kicked herself in the butt because she was searching in the area of the immunity idol. As long as Terry keeps up the alliance and no one knows or suspects that he has the immunity he could easily make it to final four. If anyone does suspect that he has the idol they will force him to use it only to get him the week after.

All in all I think this season will become very interesting once the merge takes place.

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"RE: 2/23 Episode"
Posted by iltarion on 02-24-06 at 00:45 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-24-06 AT 01:07 AM (EST)

This season took a dramatic step for the better tonight when Austin talked Terry into voting out Ruth Marie instead of Sally. I was very disappinted when Casaya won immunity because I think Cerie would have been gone, her or Bob Dog, but it would have been twice as bad if Sally was booted. Sally excelled in the challenge and clearly didn't deserve to be booted. Props to Austin for being right. If La Mina loses 1 of the next two ICs, they go into the merge outnumbered and in real trouble. They need to win the next two ICs just to go into the merge with even numbers. How cool would it be if both tribes go into the merge with 5 and Casaya votes for Terry who then displays the immunity idol?? That would be TOO awesome. Terry finding the idol was the other awesome thing about tonight's episode. He showed he isn't JUST a good athlete. I find it ironic that he found the idol largely by figuring out Misty's clue. Since he will be the biggest target post-merge, having the immunity idol is HUGE key for him. Last week I didn't think Terry had a chance, but now, I DO think he has a shot. You can't overlook the benefit of being saved by one vote that was supposed to go your way. Of course, it only gained Gary one more week; so Terry will need to keep numbers post-merge OR dominate the challenges. At least he knows he can lose 1 and not be gone. That has to feel good.
But GOOD for Sally! It is great to see the "prove myself valuable" strategy actually work.
Casaya clearly has the advantage right now with the numbers. However, La Mina is in good shape in the fact that Casaya appears to be a tribe of 4 and 3. Personally I could see Aras, Bruce or Cerie turning on Casaya very easily. Bob Dog is a good nickname because dogs, with a few exceptions, are typically lazy, and he is one lazy SOB. I think he has no chance in the game and doesn't even appear to know HOW to play. I think he is just out there to have a good time and get his mug on TV. His laziness would have probably gotten him booted this week, over Cerie, if Austin and Sally just dump their water in the bucket instead of pouring it in.

"RE: 2/23 Episode"
Posted by Cyndimaus on 02-24-06 at 01:13 PM
A good episode! I love the fact that they actually let us, the viewers, know that Terry found the idol. Makes it much more interesting for us to see how he plays the game from now until he needs to use the idol. If he's smart (and lucky) he won't need to use it for a long time.

Not sure whether I want Cerie to stick around, but she's playing it fairly smart right now, especially with Bobby ruffling some feathers around camp.

It was smart to keep Sally around for her strength in the challenges but they'd better watch out after the merge. She could do well, especially in balance challenges.

Sigs by Cyg
Maus Blog

"RE: 2/23 Episode"
Posted by michel on 02-24-06 at 02:35 PM
You guys are right about the fact it was a very good episode.

I don't know if Terry can keep the secret of the idol. Will the next exiled player receive a note saying that the idol was found? Even if they hide that fact, they will have to give a clue #5 and it's getting very easy to find that location. Just ask the OWL! Did Terry think of putting the stones back in place? He should've but we don't know. Don't forget, Misty had a verbal clue. The quotation marks on the "WHY" of the clue is something she didn't have. The next exiled player will follow the same path as Terry and will know.

Sally did an outstanding job in the challenges but as she said, this season, "the boys make the decisions". Can a woman win this. The numbers are dwindling. Danielle has some rehabilitation to do to improve her stock. Courtney is very good in challenges but is turning into a spoiled child at camp. Shane is sharing leadership with Aras. Bobby is already dismissed in their minds, that's why Shane told Danielle they weren't talking about Bobby's laziness.

Danielle, Courtney and Sally were all Bayonetas. They don't appear to have the nerve to use that weapon in someone's back.

That leaves Cirie. The couch potato, who is afraid of leaves, is "working her butt off", admits Aras and she says she's having "fun, fun, fun..."

Cirie, Shane and Aras as top players. I know some fanatics that are hoping Terry finds another 3 or 4 idols!

"About the immunity idol...."
Posted by vince3 on 02-24-06 at 05:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-24-06 AT 05:07 PM (EST)

They never said there was just one on the island only, did they?

If not, exile #5 might get clue #1 for hidden idol #2.

About the odds for a woman to win it all? No man has left the game yet! Both the original young men and old men tribes are still intact. Older women is down to Cirie, and the young women are only missing Misty.

Because 3 Vinces are better than one.

"RE: About the immunity idol...."
Posted by nazpink on 02-24-06 at 05:54 PM
I too was discussing with my boyfriend about how Terry found the immunity idol and how he will keep it hidden. I think that Terry could definately argue that it's possible that Bruce found it since he has thus far spent more time on Exile Island. Also, if a few questionable characters, with the smarts to be able to find the idol, go on Exile Island he could easily argue that they may have found it as well. It will definately take very good bluffing to pull it off and the ability to make others feel confindent in what he says.

"RE: About the immunity idol...."
Posted by iltarion on 02-24-06 at 06:26 PM
Until all the women are gone, you can't say a woman won't win this. Chris was outnumbered 6-to-1 by the women and came back and won. Women typically do well after the merge because they are less likely to be seen as threats. Even though, in this case, Danielle, Sally and Courtney are all capable; so Cerie is actually sitting in a great spot.
Considering Terry was smart enough to find the idol, I'm sure he put the rocks back and tried to cover his tracks the best he could. If you had all the clues and searched in the same spot as Terry, and didn't find it, would that make you conclude someone found it or that you didn't look in the right place? Afterall, how many trees are shaped like Ys out there? Probably more than one. Plus, as long as Bruce is around, there will always be some doubt as to which one of them has it.
Lastly, michel, BIG surprise that you rate Cerie so high for doing so little and give Terry no credit at all for doing so much. There is no way Terry and Austin are not in the top 3 players right now. Austin made the decisions on both votes his tribe has made. Terry runs his camp, works hard, is dominant in the challenges, is a strong part of all the voting decisions, AND he found the immunity idol on his first try. Cerie works hard, which I appreciate and is a good strategy; it is the "make myself valuable" strategy that Sally used to stick around. Otherwise, all she is doing is sitting back and praying the alliance of 4 implodes before they vote her out. Shane has been as much of a handicap in the challenges as he has been strong, and though he works hard, which I again appreciate, he is a disaster around camp because he can't keep his emotions in check. Ultimately he will burn too many bridges. He CAN NOT win this game. Aras is deciding the votes and is strong enough in the challenges to be in the top 3. So I agree with that. I think Cerie and Shane are simply your favorite players, which you typically confuse with the BEST players. But I would expect nothing more from a Tom W hater. Terry will never get any credit from you for the same reasons Tom wouldn't. You definitely don't watch Survivor to see a strong man win. I think you and Das Mole and FesterFan should get together sometime and go bowling... HAHAHAHAHA!!!

"RE: About the immunity idol...."
Posted by Aruba on 02-24-06 at 06:46 PM
Entertaining post, Iltarion. But suggesting that Terry and Tom Westman haters, i.e., Michel, Das Mole, and FesterFan go bowling may be paying them too much homage. I was thinking more along the lines of ballroom dancing or syncronized swimming! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by michel on 02-24-06 at 09:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-24-06 AT 09:35 PM (EST)

Such an attack is surprising, Iltarion: I always said I appreciated Tom's win. He is my 2nd favorite winner afterall. When you said Tom was hated because people didn't like his self-righteousness, I told you the result of an impromptu poll done in Spoilers that had people saying they didn't like his arrogance and his way of bossing everyone around. My answer in that poll and I told you this, was that I appreciated Tom's determination and challenge ability. The problem I had with Tom was rather when Aruba said he was perfect and fair. That is going way over the top since he lied, backstabbed and strong-armed as all leaders do. All very good tactics WHICH I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST but not an example of fairness. But lets get off that argument. Read my posts, I liked Tom.

I like Terry also. Saying Cirie is one of the top players doesn't mean Terry isn't one also. This isn't Survivorerist's list. I was stating the fact that Cirie, Aras and Shane are playing well and weren't tops on many lists. But with La Mina's losing streak, Terry may soon find himself alone in Chris' position rather than Cirie. They will not forget to target him.
Austin was getting better airtime but last episode showed a certain cockyness that will hurt him down the road.
Shane's craziness may have taken Casaya's mind off their situation. La Mina has been so focused on performance that they dwell too much on their predicament.
About Shane, didn't you hear Terry saying Shane is much more athletic than he expected. Shane may not win, but he may get further than Terry.
I don't think a woman will win because this season is edited to let us know: "The big boys make the decisions".
Last year had the feel a woman would win when in episode #1 Danni said the women got through the endurance challenge better than the guys. Chris won in Vanuatu because Vanuatu was edited as the Anti-Amazon where a cute woman had won. A man winning was the right outcome for that season.

Again Aruba's insult are dismissable!

"RE: About the immunity idol...."
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 03-01-06 at 10:48 AM
>Lastly, michel, BIG surprise that you
>rate Cerie so high for
>doing so little and give
>Terry no credit at all
>for doing so much. There
>is no way Terry and
>Austin are not in the
>top 3 players right now.
>I think Cerie and Shane
>are simply your favorite players,
>which you typically confuse with
>the BEST players. But I
>would expect nothing more from
>a Tom W hater. Terry
>will never get any credit
>from you for the same
>reasons Tom wouldn't. You definitely
>don't watch Survivor to see
>a strong man win. I
>think you and Das Mole
>and FesterFan should get together
>sometime and go bowling... HAHAHAHAHA!!!

I got news for you. I disagree with your accessments about Terry, Austin and Cirie.

I like Terry and Austin more than Cirie but Cirie is in a better place to win the game in my opinion and i never follow spoilers so this is just from past Survivor experience. Terry and Austin are on the tribe which is down. If they continue the same trends than Their tribe will be down too many players to overcome. I have my guts but I don't want any of you to think I am a spoiler but as things go now.....I say I like Ciries chances. Besides I don't know if it is editing but it always seems the tribe I like most is behind in members come the merge.

"RE: About the immunity idol...."
Posted by Molaholic on 02-24-06 at 07:30 PM
I too was surprised that they showed Terry finding the idol -- no mystery this time!

This makes me wonder just what the next Exile will get ...

"RE: About the immunity idol...."
Posted by vennui on 02-24-06 at 09:56 PM
Where will Terry keep the idol that is secure. It isn't like they have lockers. Do you think that the producers will store it? Otherwise if one of the others find it would they get to keep it? That might make a great game of keepaway.

"RE: 2/23 Episode"
Posted by Aruba on 02-24-06 at 06:28 PM
I am in agreement that this was a great episode. Sally is proof that good things happen when you don't push the panic button. Good for her! Although I give more kudos to Dan for being able to predict that Sally when turn on them if she makes it to the merge. Through no fault of her own she is not part of the four man alliance and the other tribe will have women that will welcome her with open arms. Of course if La Mina losses another IC, it will be a mute point since Sally would be the next to go.

I agree with Michel that the written clue with "WHY" in quotations is much easier to figure out than Misty getting just a verbal clue. You can hardly blame her for not being able to figure it out. What has me baffled is that no one has asked Terry point blank if he found the idol??? In addition to being a great athlete and a savvy player, he appears to be a person of high morals. It would be interested to see if he could look his alliance in the eyes and lie to them if the direct question comes up?

"Sally is Proof?"
Posted by kingfish on 02-24-06 at 06:57 PM
Proof? Just a minor point, Sally's pleas (on island and at TC) to the group to save her becasue she was gonna give it her all was a mild panic.

Ruthie didn't panic at all, and bad things did happen to her.

And how do we know whether or not anyone asked Terry directly about finding the idol?

They didn't show anyone asking him. But not every conversation they had in the island was shown. Maybe someone did ask it but just wasn't shown.

Sally denied it at TC. But they had a lot of private conferences that Sally wasn't privy to, mostly talking about Sally.

I suspect Dan might have asked, actually.

Crabs everywhere unite!! One claw for all!!

"RE: Sally is Proof?"
Posted by iltarion on 02-24-06 at 07:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-24-06 AT 07:29 PM (EST)

Good point, kingfish, and as much as I agree in philosophy with Aruba, I disagree with his and Dan's assessment of Sally's likelihood to jump ship. Just because her and Danielle and Courtney are all young women doesn't mean they think alike or even got along while they were together. I thought it was obvious from the start that Misty and Sally would align and Danielle and Courtney would. Despite the editing job to build doubt, I don't think the Fearsome Foursom will welcome another member unless it was absolutely necessary. Danielle is kind of an alpha female; so I don't see her welcoming another attractive female into her alliance. Of course, Danielle and Sally do have the same taste in bikinis; so that is something.
Dan might very well have not asked Terry if he had the idol because Dan is smart enough to know that isn't a question anyone is going to want to answer. You don't have to lie to conceal your answer. All you have to do is say- "Well, I looked for it." And if they persist and ask again, then you say- "I really don't want people knowing if I have it or not. So I can't answer that. Let people think I have it. That's fine with me." That might be the perfect answer, but it could be even simpler than that. Just don't answer the question. Anyone can see it makes sense not to answer it either way. So you would always leave doubt by simply not answering the question...

"RE: Sally is Proof?"
Posted by Aruba on 02-24-06 at 07:49 PM

>And how do we know whether or not anyone asked Terry directly about finding the idol?

>I suspect Dan might have asked, actually.

Because Terry specifically said in last night episode that NO ONE asked him if he found the idol. I would not have said that in my post if I did not hear Terry say that himself.

Also Sally's "pleas" were nothing more than answers to Jeff's questions as to why she would be valuable to the tribe...hardly a "mild panic".

And Ruth-Marie didn't panic because Dan approached HER to guarantee her a final five spot.

"RE: Sally is Proof?"
Posted by kingfish on 02-24-06 at 10:38 PM
Well,.... They were both vulnerable and obvious boot candidates. A sizable amount of time in this episode was concerned with "should it be Ruth, or Sally?", they were really the only two being discussed that we saw.

Ruthie reacted less than Salley did. Although they both made a case for themselves at TC, Sally also made a plea at camp. And Ruthie (as far as what we saw) didn't. Bad things happened to Ruthie and didn't to Sally. So to say that "Sally is proof that good things happen when you don't push the panic button" based on this episode isn't correct. It just isn't, Ruthie's non-panicing yet subsequent booting disproves it. And that was my very minor point.

"Because Terry specifically said in ...."

Survivors tell non-truths, they have to in order to playout their strategies. Every season. And IMO every survivor at some point tells the camera or another survivor a nontruth, usually a blatant lie. Especially when others are withing earshot, but they do it in confessionals too. They do it afterward in the finale, after strategies are done. One constant in Survivor is that they lie. Sometimes they tell the truth, but they also lie. So the fact that Terry made a claim still doesn't make that claim valid. So we still don't know really whether someone didn't ask him directly.

These are minor points, really unimportant, but I get a little hard headed at times. No offence intended.

Crabs everywhere unite!! One claw for all!!

"RE: Sally is Proof?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 03-01-06 at 10:59 AM
I am with the original poster. THere is no reason he has to lie in a confessional about that. See what some assume are lies are not necessarily. Strategies change as the game changes. What appears to be a lie in the confessionals hardly is.

Terry stated the truth. Now what might of happened is that after he stated this to the camera someone may of asked him. But I believe Terry 100% that no one asked him at the time of the confessional.

So I disagree with you kingfish.

"RE: 2/23 Episode"
Posted by michel on 02-24-06 at 09:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-24-06 AT 09:48 PM (EST)

Aruba, we saw in less than 1 hour the events of three days. They did ask him about the idol but it wasn't neccessary to show more than what Terry admitted in his confessional. You must have heard wrong because he says they tried to get an answer from him. It's called editing. Read the insider and exit interviews first, you'll have your answers.

"RE: 2/23 Episode"
Posted by iltarion on 02-25-06 at 03:58 AM
Kingfish, don't be timid about coming in here and saying what you think. Everyone is posting their opinions or observations here.
You and Aruba are both right about the panic thing. Aruba said good things happen to those that don't panic. True. Sally did NOT panic. She decided to make herself appear as valuable as possible in order to make it tough to boot her. She not only excelled in the challenge. (As Aruba and I have discussed before, women typically do excell in balance challenges.) But she also drove that point home by reminding everyone immediately before they decided who to boot. In a tribe that had just lost 3 straight challenges, it was a very well-timed reminder. Sally did NOT take the "I'm going to get booted anyway so why do anything?" route that many have taken before her, nor did she freak out or try a mad scramble. And yes, Ruth Marie also did not panic, but Aruba didn't say that ONLY good things happen when you don't panic. His point is just that you allow GOOD things to happen when you don't panic. Ruth Marie had no reason to panic. She was confident in Dan's promise to her.
I do disagree with you and Michel's belief that someone might have asked Terry straight out if he had found it. It is true, obviously that players lie during the show. However, in confessional? Why? I have watched every Survivor except for a couple episodes of the first season, and I can't say with certainty that anyone has ever lied in a confessional. Even the grand-daddy of liars himself, Johnny Foulplay, admitted in confessional immediately after feigning his grandma's death that she was probably at home watching Jerry Springer at that very moment. There is no reason to lie in confessional, and there is certainly no reason for Terry to have lied in confessional, at least that we know of.
And, Michel, Terry may have said they tried to get it out of him. However, saying that, does not say they directly asked him the question. In confessional, Terry said they asked him questions about it without asking the direct question of Did you find it or not? As I said before, I can very easily see no one asking it that directly because they would assuredly know he wouldn't want to answer it, AND they might consider that THEY might eventually end up on Exile Island with a shot at the idol and that THEY wouldn't want to answer that question either upon coming back.
Also, Michel, apparently I was wrong in lumping you in with the other Tom-haters. That is my bad. I might have confused you with FesterFan. I have been in so many convoluted arguments over the same topics that I can't remember who said what anymore. Shane or Cerie MIGHT advance farther than Terry or Austin, but they haven't YET. Judging the game as it stands right now, Terry and Austin have been the bigger impact players.
Personally, I think the editing has favored either Austin or Cerie or Danielle as possible winners, maybe Aras too. But I admit that you do a better job than anyone else on these boards of reading the editing. I hope you are right about a man winning because I would like to see Austin, Terry or Aras win, though Sally might be my favorite right now. Bob Dog and Shane CAN NOT win; so I am not worried about that.
Wow, I just saw on All-Stars that Tom was voted the fans' favorite winner of Survivor. So, I guess most people DO like Tom. It is the silent majority, I guess.

"RE: 2/23 Episode"
Posted by Aruba on 02-25-06 at 06:37 AM
AWWWW Michel...Where's the love??? Obviously you don't know me that well if you thought THAT was an insult, but since I rubbed you the wrong way, I apologize.

Thanks, Iltarion for clarifying Kingfish's misinterpretation of what I meant by "panic".

Any fan of Survivor will admit that MOST players have lied while playing the game. But to make a blanket assumption that survivors tell "non-truths" is inaccurate. I realized they are in the minority, but there have been some Survivors who played the game without lying. That being said when a new season begins with new players I take the same approach as our legal system...innocent until proven guilty. In other words, until a player has been caught in a lie, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Granted this is only week #4, but I don't believe Terry lied when he said no one asked him directly whether he did or did not find the idol; and especially in a confessional of all places.

Finally, thanks Iltarion for bringing Tom Westman's Gold Medal win as favorite Survivor of all-time to our attention!
HMMMM now should we confess that we both spent 12 hours continuously casting our votes and "stuffing the ballot box"??!!

"RE: 2/23 Episode"
Posted by michel on 02-25-06 at 02:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-25-06 AT 02:54 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-25-06 AT 02:52 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-25-06 AT 02:51 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-25-06 AT 02:49 PM (EST)

Aruba, for the first time you've made me laugh. Thank you for that!
Iltarion: You don't know how pleased I am about your compliment about reading the editing. Veruca Salt's editing thread is my favorite spot on Spoilers. If you want a real editing expert, read her thread but bring a full pot of coffee(or a few beers). She dissects the show like no one else. My contribution is a minor part of that thread. There are no source spoilers in there to spoil the final 4 as facts but the speculation about the portrayal of long term players is often very accurate. When I write here, I don't use that speculation since Fanatics isn't designed for that. I do use the editing tricks we find to see the real survivors as much as possible.

My point about the hidden idol is that it may be impossible to hide. The next exiled player may figure it out, we can't say for sure. If players lie or not in confessionals that wasn't my point. La Mina tried to find out, he denied but may not have convinced them. That the question was direct or not won't change anything if he refuses to answer. What are they gonna do? Torture has been in the news but not coming from Panama!

If they don't lie in exit interviews, Ruth in Survivor live said she was pretty certain he had it.