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"First Impressions"

Posted by Das Mole on 01-10-06 at 11:42 AM
As it says as the major headline right now...

CBS Site

Looks like an interesting/strange cast. What's w/nobody having normal names anymore? Ruth Marie? What the heck.

Anyway...the thing that I think I'm gonna like about this season is that the cast isn't going to be divided between super-geezers and 19-year olds. Thank God.

My personal first impressions of all the players, after looking at their pictures, and briefly skimming a few of the bios:

Aras - Uh...perhaps he'll be the normal person w/a kinda goofy name, ala Rafe.
Austin - Looks kinda...I dunno. Like someone that wants to kiss your #####.
Bobby - Looks like he may make it far...I dunno.
Bruce - Hehe, I think he's gonna be my fave.
Cirie - Apparently she's got a cute, smiling personality, according to her. Hopefully that shows through.
Courtney - Nice hair.
Dan - Perhaps he'll be OK, perhaps not. Generally I can't stand the old people, so I dunno.
Danielle - Who knows.
Melinda - She looks smiley. Like a cheerleader or something.
Misty - Looks a bit like Lamber. And their names are kinda alike...I guess. "Misty", "Amber". Eh.
Nick - I think he's gonna be irritating.
Ruth Marie - Her picture makes her look nice for 48.
Sally - I think she might turn out to be a fave of mine.
Shane - Kinda creepy-looking.
Terry - Looks like he'll try to control the tribe, and get voted out early.
Tina - Reminds me of Diane from Africa. The second the page opened and I saw her larger picture, I laughed, lol. But I think she might be a fave too if she makes it farther.

Anyone else?

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Messages in this discussion
"My First Impression was..."
Posted by Spanky68 on 01-10-06 at 12:50 PM
geez, couldn't they find ANYONE who is married for this? I know Terry, Cirie, Bruce and Dan are. I assume Ruth-Marie was, and Sally is divorced. Maybe some of the others just left that bit out of their bios.

I agree on Nick. He makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Posted by Das Mole on 01-10-06 at 04:05 PM
Another thing I noticed, I was reading Danielle's bio and favorites, and it says she has been in a "steady relationship" for two years, and her favorite magazines include Maxim and GQ...

I think you know where I'm headed w/this.

"RE: First Impressions"
Posted by xwraith27 on 01-10-06 at 10:06 PM

ARAS - I expect him to be one of the key players in the younger male tribe. I don't think he'll be the dominant leader, but he'll be a good player challenge-wise.

NICK - I dunno why, but within the younger male tribe, I think it would be Nick and Bobby that would conflict against each other. He looks like he can assume a

leadership position in the YM tribe (at least for the first three days).

BOBBY - If anyone would plot against a leader, I think it would be him. Also, I find it weird that the oldest person in the younger male tribe is older than the youngest person in the older female tribe. He might not fit in with 22-25 year-olds.

AUSTIN - I don't think any model/actors have been a successful alpha male leader in any Survivor tribe. I'd have to say the same for Austin. I see him going early.


DANIELLE - She looks like trouble to me. I see a more likeable version of Jerri/Alicia in her. She also looks like she could be the leader of the YF tribe.

COURTNEY - She's a fire dancer. Should be fun. I think she'll also be a good challenge player.

MISTY - The first thing popped into my mind when I saw her picture: Tanya II. She looks more fit than Tanya though, but I really don't see her lasting long, especially with each season getting more and more difficult

SALLY - Sally is the "survivor fan" of the season, following Rob C., Vanuatu Brook, and Rafe. For some reason, I don't see her getting as far into the game as Rafe and Rob C. She describes herself as compassionate, competitive, and funny, which probably means that she isn't.


BRUCE - He's a blackbelter, so that means he's quite fit for his age. Plus he's done a lot of adventurous things in the past. He seems like he'll fit in quite well. I see him as the possible comic relief of this season.

DANIEL - Well he just recently decided to quit being an astronaut, so I guess he's still pretty much in good physical shape. He won't be a liability in challenges, and since older men tend to mesh well together than younger men, I think he'll be able to last quite long in the game (unless it's the older male tribe that gets screwed by the episode 2 twist).

SHANE - I don't think I'll like him, only because he's not smiling in the only picture I've seen of him. This probably means that I'll like him later. However a person who has "unmatched communication skills" and sees himself as a physical threat sounds too arrogant for me to care much about.

TERRY - I get Tom-vibes about Terry. He looks like he'll be able to win his tribe a few challenges, and he might be viewed as a father figure for some younger castaways. This should mean that he would last pretty long in the game, but if he gets mixed into a mostly younger tribe that rejects leadership, I think he'll stick out like a sore thumb and be the person to target.


CIRIE - I see her as a strong personality in the older female tribe, but if it's true that she has what she claims to be a "cute, smiling personality" she might be able to stick around long into the game just like Lydia did.

MELINDA - I really don't see her lasting long in the game. She looks like she's going to be a physical liability, especially with most castaways seeming quite athletic.

RUTH - She looks pretty hot for a 48 year old. I doubt if she'll look as good on TV though as she does in her CBS picture.

TINA - I think she'll be the Deena/Twila/Susan of the show. I just don't see Tina lasting as long as those three women.