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"Battle of the Ages - Ep.2 Transcript / Ep.3 Entry"

Posted by Incognito9 on 12-13-05 at 11:19 PM
Second Tribal Council. And the entry for Episode 3 is due Wed. 12/14 8pm EST.


Sit back and read the Episode 2 transcript to learn how the second tribal council goes down. I have to bust out a sweet Episode 2 right now. It'll probably take 20-30 minutes. Cuz I have to get back to studying.

Once you do this, then move on to the Episode 3 entry. Episode 3 entries will be due 8pm EST on Wednesday 12/14. Have fun with this crap.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Battle of the Ages - Ep.2 Transcript / Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by Incognito9 on 12-14-05 at 00:11 AM

A quick re-crap of what went down in Episode 2:

The YOUNG TRIBE returns from Tribal Council, where with just 4 votes, they sent Julie packing.

(group gathers around at the beach, they don't have a fire yet)

Brady: "Man, that was crazy."
Coby: "Hey, who put down the vote for me?"
(no answers)
Elisabeth: "That was the most confusing Tribal Council ever."

Angie (conf.): "We just got back from Tribal Council. Rob C., Boston Rob, myself, and Christy made a bit of a power play and sent Julie home. She was being sort of ... non-committal last night before the vote. I think it scares some of the men in this tribe when they aren't in complete control of the situation."

Rob M.: "Coby, you lied right to my face. Why the hell shud we have honuhed your word when you went and wrote my name down tahnight?"
Coby: "What if it wasn't me?"
Colleen: "Coby, you didn't tell us what you were doing."
Rob M.: "Listen, Cobe-ster, we were one step ahead of you, and you got caught."

Angie (conf.): "Right now, there's a power struggle going on between Coby, Rob C., and Rob M. LOTS of fighting. LOTS and LOTS of fighting. I think I'm gonna just sit back and let the beast eat the beast."

Coby (conf.): "So tonight was crazy. Absolutely crazy. They sent Julie home because they say she and I were trying to control the game. Well let me tell you, they sent the wrong person packin' tonight. They're stuck with me now, and I'm gonna make their lives a living hell now."

Day 4


Tom B.: "Mornin' y'all."
Gina (boilin water): "Morning, Big Tom."

Gina (conf.): "Yesterday, we won flint from the challenge. And that we means WE HAVE FIRE. Rupert caught us 3 birds from the woods, so we all get a little breakfast."

Rupert: (tossing them into the pan) "Gonna be like fried chicken."
Teresa: "Sandra, you want some of the breakfast, dear?"
Sandra: "No thanks."

Teresa (conf.): "Sandra's been a little ill still. She's getting worse and worse. Three full days without food for us has been a bit harsh on us all. But we're strong. We're older than the other team, but we can make it through. Our goal is to just keep winning these challenges and rewards."

Reward Challenge
Sure enough, Teresa's statement showed true. The OLD TRIBE won the challenge easily, which was a Native American ropes course over a stony riverbed. For their win, the OLD TRIBE won fishing equipment.


(walking near the water)
Christy: "See I was so nervous when like, Rob came over to me last night and did it again. Like, I don't want to be played like that like I was in Amazon."
Rafe: "I can see what you're saying. I mean, I'd be mad too if I was pawned like that."

Rafe (conf.): "In this game, I'm ALL about having the most deserving people make it to the end. Christy and I both felt sorta used in last night's Tribal Council, and we're both worried about what the future holds for the tribe."

Christy: "Do you have my back on this? I mean, if there's anyone in this tribe I'd like with me at the merge, it's definitely you."
Rafe: "Absolutely. We're solid."
(they pound fists)

Day 5


(heavy rains, sun sort of rising)

Images of a flooded camp. Roof on shelther is leaking. Everyone is wearing their ponchos.

Colleen (conf.): "Uggggh, things just aren't going well for this tribe AT ALL. I mean, we haven't won a single challenge yet. We don't have fire. And we're just getting pounded by some sort of monsoon wall of water here. Like we can't get ANYTHING done today. Everything is just flooded. People are just grumpy. I mean... I guess those spirits of the forest just hate the youngsters. Wish I were older."


(Rupert is fishing with the new fishing gear.)

Gina and Danni are cooking other fish by the fire.

Danni: "Sandra is sooo sick right now."
Gina: "Yeah, she's had it rough."
Danni: "Like she's literally hurling over the river right now."
Gina: "What we need to ask ourselves is how long we can keep someone on our tribe who's just dead weight around camp."
Danni: "Well she's sick and then there's Richard who can't even pay his taxes..."
Gina: "Did you pay yours? Hahah."
Danni: "Sure did. SURE did."

Danni (conf.): "I love Gina. She reminds me of a friend back home, so I've just been sitting here talking to her for days now. And we've definitely bonded. And I think she wants us to advance in the game as far as we can together."

Gina: "I just hope we can keep our strong guys around for awhile. We need them."
Danni: "Oh definitely."

Immunity Challenge
The teams compete in a race pulling a cart with a fire through a wooded, hilly area, lighting torches along the way, and collecting puzzle pieces. The OLD TRIBE falls behind on the course, but then kills the YOUNG TRIBE on the puzzle in an embarrassing fashion. The OLD TRIBE wins Immunity.

Day 6

Brady (conf.): "The mood around camp today is not good. We have to send someone else home tonight. And after the Tribal Council outcome last time, everyone here knows it really could be them tonight."

(over behind the rocks)
Elisabeth: "Listen, what Colleen and I are looking for are 3 others. Right now, we can't trust anyone. I'm just pleading that we get rid of this tension at camp."
Rafe: "I'm not sure why they want to give themselves such huge targets."
Elisabeth: "Like why they can't keep their mouths shut."
Rafe: "Definitely. Well, Brady and I were on the same page last time. Let me go see what he thinks."
Elisabeth: "I think Colleen's workin' on him right now."

(under the shelter)
Colleen: "I mean, if we just pick those guys off: Coby, Rob C. and Boston Rob, that puts you in a great position."
Brady: "My concern is ... does that put us in a great position as a tribe? We lose our strong people."
Colleen: "Rob C. is NOT that strong. Didn't ya see him on that rope bridge earlier? He's less coordinated than I am!"

(with all 9 gathered around camp)
Coby: "Listen, I'm just saying that you're about to get what's coming to you."
Rob C.: "What's coming to me? What are you talking about?"
Coby: "We all know how this goes, Rob. You keep planting seeds everywhere, like I'm the villain here. And we all know it's you."
Rob C.: "I didn't even lie to you whatsoever. I never told you I was going one way or the other."
Coby: "Admit to them. You've lied to Christy out here, you've lied to me, you've lied to Angie..."

(girls shaking their heads)

Coby (conf.): "I called Rob out tonight. I told everyone what he's been up to. Right when they were all there. And it's right before Tribal Council. You want to throw in a last-minute curveball, Rob? Hey guess what, I CAN DO IT TOO."

Tribal Council

There’s a tribal council discussion. Blah blah blah. Jeff asks questions. I don’t feel like repeating it here.

Voting time begins. Rob M. votes. Christy votes. Elisabeth votes. Rafe votes. Colleen votes. Coby votes.

Coby: (ROB C.) "Your reign is over. I won't even give you the chance the play this game the way you want to."

Angie votes. Brady votes. Rob C. votes.

Rob C.: (COBY) "You think you're so clever for calling me out at camp. You try to be like me, but I always win that game. I've lied to you 6 times today. Take that."

Voting done. 9 YOUNG TRIBE players seated again.

Jeff: “I’ll read the votes. First person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately. First vote...



ROB C. One vote Coby, one vote Rob C....




ROB C. Two votes Coby, 2 votes Rob C....




Second person voted out of Survivor: Battle of the Ages...


That's five, that's enough. Coby bring me your torch.”

Coby: "Dirty, dirty game." (Rob M. rolls his eyes, Angie looks disgusted.)

Jeff: “Coby the tribe has spoken.”

Coby leaves.

Jeff: “Well, before voting, several of you mentioned there was too much tension at camp. The question is... did you solve the problem, or have you just avoided confronting a bigger one? You guys also have NOT won a single challenge yet. You need a plan, or you will be back here again. Grab your torches, head back to camp."

(Damn you, drunken phone calls from friends... )

"Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by Incognito9 on 12-14-05 at 00:22 AM
Episode 3 Instructions

The entry form can be found at the bottom of the post. Please read the instructions though.

The player(s) with the most votes for each category grab the honors for that part. If it is a two-person or multiple-person category, the winning combo takes the honors. In the event of a tie, those parties involved in tie are out of the running for that honor, and it then goes to the next eligible person/combo.

1.) Create another alliance. Pick two people to make this bond, both must be from the same tribe. The duo with the most votes grabs the honors, unless of course, there's a tie.
Existing alliances: Colleen-Elisabeth, Michael-Gina, Gina-Danni, Rafe-Christy
2.) Without fire and major food for 6 days, 2 people on YOUNG tribe have become very ill. Pick these 2 sick peops.
3.) One player completely dominates the Reward Challenge, winning it for their team. The person with the most votes on the winning team, determined in Q4 below, will get this boost in their tribe, as everyone will see this person's added value.


4.) Pick which tribe wins Reward Challenge. They are playing for a giant feast, cooked up by a local tribe of Native Americans.
5.) Pick the tribe that wins the Immunity Challenge.
6.) Up to three people may be eliminated from the game in this episode. Assign 4 boot points to one player, 2 boot points to another player, and 1 boot point to a third player. The people with the most boot points will be most vulnerable to eviction, and if not voted out, most vulnerable to receiving votes.

Hope I keep you guessing with these, and be sure to tune in for Episode 3 tomorrow evening.

I will post a sample entry below, using this snazzy entry form I made:


1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe):
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG:
3.) Person who dominates RC:


4.) RC winner:
5.) IC winner:
6.) Assign boot points towards being voted out:
--A.) 4 boot points:
--B.) 2 boot points:
--C.) 1 boot point:


"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by Incognito9 on 12-14-05 at 00:24 AM

1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe): Gina-Richard
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG: Rob C. and Elisabeth
3.) Person who dominates RC: Jake

Questions 4/5/6/ PMed.

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by taffnic on 12-14-05 at 01:24 AM
1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe):Brady,Angie
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG:Elisabeth,Christy
3.) Person who dominates RC:Rob M

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by kircon on 12-14-05 at 03:17 AM

1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe): Rob C-Rob M
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG: Christy and Elisabeth
3.) Person who dominates RC: Rob M

Questions 4/5/6/ PMed.

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by oz4ever on 12-14-05 at 04:38 AM

1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe): Tom B, Rupert
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG: Christy, Angie
3.) Person who dominates RC: Rupert

P.M. on its way.

And a Tooheys New Year!

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 12-14-05 at 05:07 AM
1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe):
Brady and Rafe
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG:
Liz and Colleen
3.) Person who dominates RC:

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by CattyChat on 12-14-05 at 07:54 AM
1.) New alliance: Rob C. & Rob M.!!!
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG: Elisabeth & Colleen
3.) Person who dominates RC: Rupert

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by byoffer on 12-14-05 at 09:50 AM

1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe): Rupert & Tom
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG: Christy, Rob C
3.) Person who dominates RC: Brady

Sig by me. Wish the rider was me!

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 12-14-05 at 09:55 AM

1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe): Rupert, Big Tom
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG: Christy, Angie
3.) Person who dominates RC: Jake

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by emydi on 12-14-05 at 10:12 AM
I'm surprised Jiffy made it to TC--I thought he'd just stay with Julie at LL


1.) New alliance (both people from
same tribe): Brady and Rob C
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG: Angie and Colleen
3.) Person who dominates RC: Jake

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by agressionx on 12-14-05 at 11:13 AM
1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe): MIKE/DANNI
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG: ROB M/ROB C
3.) Person who dominates RC: RAFE

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 12-14-05 at 12:36 PM
1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe): Rupert and Big Tom
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG: Angie and Rob M.
3.) Person who dominates RC: Brady

emydi won, I lost

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by golfinmom on 12-14-05 at 01:37 PM

1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe): Rob C/Rob M
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG: Angie/Colleen
3.) Person who dominates RC: Rupert

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by Road Kill on 12-14-05 at 05:54 PM

1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe): Rob C and Rob M.
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG: Christy and Colleen
3.) Person who dominates RC: Michael

"RE: Ep.3 Entry"
Posted by Kokoro on 12-14-05 at 07:48 PM

1.) New alliance (both people from same tribe): Rupert & Big Tom
2.) 2 sick people on YOUNG: Elisabeth & Colleen
3.) Person who dominates RC: Rupert