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"Idea For Twist"

Posted by JoBo23 on 12-13-05 at 04:52 PM
I love Survivor...every season, I say I am done watching Reality TV (new people, new places, same game, etc), and every season I give it an episode to grow on me...and every season I am hooked...TiVo, do your thing!!

Onto business, I came up with a pretty sweet idea for a twist...admittedly, I think it's sweet cuz it's my idea, so let me know if you think it'd work:

Sometime well into the game but before the merge (after 4 weeks maybe), have the tribes partake in a Reward Challenge...have the reward be "something worth playing for" but with no details...when the challenge is over, the losing tribe leaves, and Jeff tells the winning tribe that the next time they WIN an immunity challenge, they'll go to Tribal Council and vote out someone FROM THE OTHER TRIBE. When the losing tribe then comes to Tribal Council, they do everything they always do and, when it's time to vote, Jeff just says "Sit tight, the vote's already done"...then he describes the Reward Challenge that gave the other tribe the right to vote someone from their tribe out. Of course, this assumes that the tribe that wins the reward will win an immunity challenge before the merge, ideally in the same physical episode...

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"RE: Idea For Twist"
Posted by nazpink on 12-13-05 at 06:14 PM
I think that your idea is definately an interesting one. I wonder how it would turn out if the tribe who wins that reward gets to vote out a member of the opposite tribe even if they don't win immunity, especially since it's happened before where one tribe has continuously lost. The way it would turn out is two people leave in total but it's been done before. I myself have been wondering what it would be like if Survivor did the BB6 deal and had partners, this was something I thought of a year or so back. This would be even more interesting if the partners were on opposite tribes. Survivor would sure have a whole new definition to personal emotions getting involved in game play.

"RE: Idea For Twist"
Posted by oz4ever on 12-13-05 at 06:23 PM
Or identical twins who continually switch tribes so that no one knows who is who! And I mean 8 sets of twins, not 1 set in with regular people.

And a Tooheys New Year!
You could even throw some triplets or quadruplets in there... I love multiple births!