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"When does..."

Posted by mhb0125 on 12-12-05 at 04:21 AM
I love Survivor and watch every season but I'm not in the loop like a lot of you guys. This may be a stupid question to ask, but when does the new season start? Is it after the Super Bowl like usual? Thanks a bunch!!!

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"RE: When does..."
Posted by ivoryElephant on 12-12-05 at 04:22 PM
Usually they announce it, but this time they didn't for some reason.

It will start either at the end of January or the beginning of February. Keep checking back either here or the cbs site and there will be an announcement sometime.

mind the gap

"RE: When does..."
Posted by mhb0125 on 12-12-05 at 09:40 PM
Thanks, I thought I had missed it. And do any of you know exactly how many votes Danni got? Jeff usually announces that as well but didn't or I flaked out when he did.

"RE: When does..."
Posted by Stormy Sky on 12-12-05 at 11:37 PM
mhb0125, She got all the votes except for Rafe. It showed at one point in the show everyone holding up who they voted for. I felt bad for Stephenie, thought she played a better game, she was "out in the open" fighting all the way. Oh well, can't wait for the next Survivor! (Starts in Jan. or Feb.)

"RE: When does..."
Posted by arturbars on 12-13-05 at 04:22 PM
Well, if the new season does actually start later, it will be a perfect opportunity to catch up on all the re-runs on OLN...

"RE: When does..."
Posted by Wallflower66 on 12-12-05 at 09:57 PM
According to E! Online (http://www.eonline.com/News/Items/0,1,17949,00.html?tnews) the new season doesn't start until Spring 2006, so it looks like we'll be in for a few month's wait!

"RE: When does..."
Posted by cadfile on 12-12-05 at 11:31 PM
EPMB and CBS probably want the final to be in May which is a ratings period. Also CBS has the NCAA basketball tournment in March so it could start right after that.

I use to be a photon in the wavelength continuum, but now I wear pants and talk.

"RE: When does..."
Posted by PackMan on 12-15-05 at 12:55 PM
During the early rounds of the NCAA Tourney, Survivor usually airs on Wednesday nights (two weeks), then returns to its Thursday slot.

If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when are you going to find time to do it again? - Anonymous

"RE: When does..."
Posted by Lisa0116 on 12-13-05 at 10:19 AM
I thought Jeff said January?? Maybe I didn't hear him right....

"RE: When does..."
Posted by tidefan1987 on 12-13-05 at 11:38 AM
It most likely will start on March 2, 2005, the Thursday after the Winter Olympics is over.

"RE: When does..."
Posted by Steph_Fan on 12-13-05 at 04:17 PM
Wow, that seems so late! I'd better sign up for some of the mid-season games, or I'll feel really disconnected.

"RE: When does..."
Posted by oz4ever on 12-13-05 at 05:52 PM
Wow you scared me with the Spring 2006 talk... I forgot that you meant the American Spring... in Australia Spring's not until next September... now that would be a really long hiatus! Has there been any more talk of Jeff having quit?

And a Tooheys New Year!

"RE: When does..."
Posted by tamarama on 12-13-05 at 06:02 PM
Jeff is staying -- not sure of the details of his deal, but he's staying.

"RE: When does..."
Posted by oz4ever on 12-13-05 at 06:09 PM
Good - I didn't want to see ANY former contestant host it, as the series would lose continuity. And bringing in an outsider would be even worse.

Actually... maybe Richard Hatch I could bear to see. After all, at his audition, he said not only would he be winning the million but hosting the show afterwards.

And a Tooheys New Year!

Posted by Spanky68 on 12-14-05 at 08:52 AM
I didn't think anything could force me to stop watching Survivor. But Hatch as host would probably do it. Jiffy is smarmy enough.

"RE: When does..."
Posted by chpo82 on 12-17-05 at 06:41 PM
He signed through season 16, so we have at least 5 more with him.

"RE: When does..."
Posted by FWG on 12-25-05 at 01:48 AM
Just to echo what one poster has already said, I've heard from a few places that March 2 is probably the debut of Exile Islands. As it turns out, this date is perfect insofar as it would begin almost immediately after the Olympics and, as long as the format remains similar in terms of # of episodes, it would end right at the end of May sweeps...both of these factors bode very well for CBS.

"RE: When does..."
Posted by dphagan76 on 12-28-05 at 08:44 PM
According to a commercial during this weeks Survivor on OLN, the new season Exile Island, starts on Feb 2. Strange that they're competing against the olympics. There will be 16 survivors in 4 tribes, Young vs. Old, Men vs. Women. Not sure how thats going to work, but thats what the commercial said.

"RE: When does..."
Posted by Lisa0116 on 12-29-05 at 03:08 PM
Thanks so much for the update!!! I am so glad I don't have to wait til March.

I LOVE the Olympics, but I do tend to get cranky if they are held a half a world away and all I get are highlights from that days events. I wish they would show them as they are happening. I am often up late at night and I think it is dumb when they will show the same highlights 24 hours per day (3 and 4 times in a row), but no live events-even when live events are happening.

Can't wait to see Exile Island!! I LOVE Survivor!!!

"RE: When does..."
Posted by iltarion on 12-29-05 at 09:32 PM
Usually it is broadcast immediately after the Super Bowl, so February 2nd makes sense. Sounds like a lot of changes this time around. I'm not sure the show needed that many changes. We will see how it works.