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"S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)"

Posted by KObrien_fan on 10-09-05 at 11:25 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-09-05 AT 11:44 AM (EST)

Come on in guys! Wow, what a week! Things are changing, please read closely.

My torch snuffer was working overtime, I think I may need to upgrade to a model the likes of which Tribe uses over at the ABC, man I am tired Week 5 and we have Only the elite eight remaining in the game.

Congrats to Mjewel, Tribephyl, DreamerBeliever, JohnMc, LibraRising, Rebelcrown, Cuon, and Das Mole for remaining in the PTB.

For those that got eliminated in the PTB there are a couple of choices. First is LOSER LODGE which you can play anyway even if you choose the other option. The other option is shown below in this thread and it is called Mayan Mirror PTB which allows you to still play the PTB but in a different fashion, read below for more details.

Yaxha won the last tribal reward challenge and each got 5 picks added to their alotment. Both tribes have merged and are going to battle in head to head reward and immunity challenges.

Week 4 Recap
FC: Cindy
RC: None
IC: Yaxha
Boot: Brooke
Vote Getter: Lydia (3)

The Tribes
Yaxha- Amy, Blake, Brandon, Brian, Danni, Bobby Jon, Gary,
Nakum- Cindy, Jamie, Lydia, Rafe, Stephenie, Judd, Margaret

Week 5 Entry (Please copy and paste into your entry and then fill in the blanks)

Reminder Early Bird deadline is now Tuesday Midnite EST. Regular Deadline is Thursday by 7:59pm EST

Standard stuff for all 3 Levels of Play-

The Bootee List: Mandatory- choose up to 1 less then the total number of survivors, but remember that each choice costs you a pick
First Confessional: Optional- Pick one person
Reward Challenge winner: Optional- Pick a tribe
Immunity Challenge winner: Optional- Pick a tribe

For Levels 1 and 2 only:

The Lottery Optional-

Cost to play: 1 pick
Prize: 10 picks

3 lucky post numbers have been selected. If you post using that number, you win!

For Level 1 only:
You have now merged and will be playing for individual benefits.

Reward Challenge:
The person with the highest points of these 5 questions only, will win reward. Reward will be 8 picks each added to your alotment. Each of these questions is worth 2 points, the points are used only in determining a challenge winner the points will NOT be added or deducted to your score, so all of you are trying to get these right.

1. Who will be the 2nd confessional?

2. Who will be the first person say another tribemates name?

3. Who will be the last to cast a vote at TC?

4. Who will be the first questioned at TC?

5. Will Amy say anything about her hurt ankle this episode?

Scoring Recap: (standard scoring/RED INK scoring)

Earlybird entry: +20/-20 (must be declared as RED INK to get - points)
Picking the Bootee: +5
Not picking the Bootee: -10 (and starting week 3 unless immune you would be out of game)
Non-bootee on list: -3 per name
Vote getter on bootee list: +3 per vote received
First confessional: +10/-5
RC winner: +2/-2
IC winner: +2/-2
Lottery: As specified each week
General game note: If you choose an RC winner and there is no RC for that week, YOU WILL NOT LOSE OR GAIN POINTS
When in doubt check The Complete Rules


Name ~~ Week Score ~~ Overall Score ~~ Picks remaining

Mjewel ~~ 12 ~~ 54 ~~ 19
Tribephyl ~~ 16 ~~ 50 ~~ 27
DreamerBeliever ~~ 5 ~~ 44 ~~ 20
JohnMc ~~ 1 ~~ 24 ~~ 18
LibraRising ~~ 10 ~~ 15 ~~ 16
Rebelcrown ~~ 13 ~~ 11 ~~ 32
Cuon ~~ -1 ~~ 2 ~~ 17
Das Mole ~~ -16 ~~ -120 ~~ 10

Fallen Comrades- (Gone but not forgotten)

Are you a fallen comrade that still wants to participate in the PTB even if it means you can't earn that top prize? Then this game is for you.

There are no picks to keep track of, scoring is simpler, and you never ever have to worry about being booted from this game.

You choose how many picks to make each week, you will get more points the fewer picks you use, but even if you don't pick the boot, you stay in the game.

Scoring is as follows:

Pick the bootee using only 1 pick: +50 pts
Pick the bootee using 2 picks: +40 pts
Pick the bootee using 3 picks: +30 pts
Pick the bootee using 4 picks: +20 pts
Pick the bootee using 5 picks: +10 pts
All others would get just the value of picking the bootee.

All scoring for everything else is the same as the regular PTB game.

All past players are welcome to make an entry. Use the same entry form as the regular PTB. You can pick RC, IC, and FC at your discretion.

All scores start over each week as what you are trying to achieve is the highest rank. There is no red ink for Maya Mirror PTB but there will be a sig-prize for the top rank overall at the end of the game and the lowest rank overall at the end of the game.

If you are interested in playing, just make an entry below, there is no earlybird deadline, just enter before 7:59PM EST Thursday.

Good luck all!


Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"Mayan Mirror entry"
Posted by Molaholic on 10-09-05 at 11:39 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-10-05 AT 08:40 PM (EST)

Ohh ohh... I get to be foist!

Mirror bootees:

Gary, Margaret, Steph

Thanks KO!

ETA other stuff:
FC: Amy
RC: Nakúm
IC: Yaxhá

(*) (*) is kewl

"RE: Mayan Mirror entry"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 10-09-05 at 11:42 AM
Welcome back Moley, and if it wasn't clear from the rules for Maya Mirror PTB, you can also pick RC, IC, and FC for those points. Highest points = highest rank.

"RE: S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)"
Posted by Das Mole on 10-09-05 at 03:55 PM
Yay! Congrats to the final 8

The Bootee List: Amy, Gary, Cindy, Margaret
First Confessional: Danni
Reward Challenge winner: Nakum
Immunity Challenge winner: Yaxha

Lottery - I'm in.

1. Who will be the 2nd confessional?
2. Who will be the first person say another tribemates name?
3. Who will be the last to cast a vote at TC?
4. Who will be the first questioned at TC?
5. Will Amy say anything about her hurt ankle this episode?

Good luck to all who remain

"RE: S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)"
Posted by LibraRising on 10-09-05 at 05:45 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-11-05 AT 09:54 PM (EST)

(edited to make a few changes, but still in time for early bird)

The bad news with everyone gone -- it shows how close to the bottom I really am!

The Bootee List: Gary, Brian, Margaret, Blake
First Confessional: Optional- Margaret
Reward Challenge winner: Optional- Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Optional- Nakum

Lottery: Yup. Go #4!

Reward Challenge:
1. Who will be the 2nd confessional?

2. Who will be the first person say another tribemates name?

3. Who will be the last to cast a vote at TC?

4. Who will be the first questioned at TC?

5. Will Amy say anything about her hurt ankle this episode?

A Nutzy/IceCat masterpiece.

"Early Bird Entry"
Posted by MJewel on 10-09-05 at 07:00 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-11-05 AT 11:14 PM (EST)

Early Bird Entry

The Bootee List: Gary, Blake, Brian, Judd, Margaret
Reward Challenge winner: Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Nakum

The Lottery - I'm in

For Level 1 only:
You have now merged and will be playing for individual benefits.

Reward Challenge:

1. Who will be the 2nd confessional? Judd

2. Who will be the first person say another tribemates name? Margaret

3. Who will be the last to cast a vote at TC? Brian

4. Who will be the first questioned at TC? Bobby Jon

5. Will Amy say anything about her hurt ankle this episode? Yes

"RE: S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)Early Bird Please"
Posted by cuon10 on 10-10-05 at 01:22 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-10-05 AT 01:24 AM (EST)

The Bootee List: Mandatory- Brian,Blake,Gary,Cindi,Ami
First Confessional: Judd
Reward Challenge winner: Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Nakum

For Levels 1 and 2 only:

The Lottery Optional- In

Cost to play: 1 pick
Prize: 10 picks

3 lucky post numbers have been selected. If you post using that number, you win!

1. Who will be the 2nd confessional?Margeret

2. Who will be the first person say another tribemates name? Judd

3. Who will be the last to cast a vote at TC? Danni

4. Who will be the first questioned at TC? Blake

5. Will Amy say anything about her hurt ankle this episode?YES

"RE: S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)"
Posted by Mo0 on 10-10-05 at 01:23 AM
The Bootee List: Cindy
First Confessional: Judd
Reward Challenge winner: Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Yaxha

I'm not stupid, just selectively ignorant.

"RE: S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 10-10-05 at 02:11 AM
Glad to see things have been worked out.


First Confessional: Margaret
Reward Challenge winner: Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Nakum

"RE: S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)"
Posted by JohnMc on 10-10-05 at 11:36 AM
The Bootee List: Amy, Gary, Blake, Cindy, Margaret, Lydia
Reward Challenge winner: Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Nakum

Lottery - sure, why not!


1. Who will be the 2nd confessional? Steph

2. Who will be the first person say another tribemates name? Margaret, cuz she's gonna be chewing out Judd till he has a new...

3. Who will be the last to cast a vote at TC? Gary

4. Who will be the first questioned at TC? Amy

5. Will Amy say anything about her hurt ankle this episode? Yes

"tribe's Week 5 Entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-10-05 at 03:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-10-05 AT 03:36 PM (EST)

Bootees: Brian / Judd / Blake / Jamie
FC: Cindy
RC: Yaxha
IC: Yaxha
Lottery: I wanted post 5 (lucky number), missed it. I wanted post 8 (because of "elite eight"), missed it. So I'm going for 10. Hope it works

"Mayan Mirror entry"
Posted by oz4ever on 10-10-05 at 05:57 PM
The Bootee List: Cindy, Amy, Lydia, Brian
First Confessional: Cindy
Reward Challenge winner: Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Nakum

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"MM entry"
Posted by RudyRules on 10-10-05 at 08:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-12-05 AT 10:31 PM (EST)

Booted: Brian, Margaret, Gary
Reward: Yaxha

Your defending two time college football pool champion

"RE: S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)"
Posted by Flowerpower on 10-10-05 at 08:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-12-05 AT 07:37 PM (EST)

Whoopee, I can finally play a ptb game in it's entirity! I first for me!

The Bootee List: Blake
First Confessional: Optional- Margaret
Reward Challenge winner: Optional- Yaxha
IC winner: Nakum

...well, at least I can't be booted!

"mirror, mirror on the wall..."
Posted by tvgeek401 on 10-10-05 at 10:30 PM
who is the fairest of them all? Why, it's KO, who lets us losers have our own game where we can't get kicked out.

bootees: Cindy, Blake, Amy, Jamie

RC: Yaxha
IC: Nakum

Specification requested: so when you say no red ink, does that mean we can't get a negative score? Or can I still guess everything wrong in an attempt to get the lowest rank? And do I get a certain number of negative points for not getting the bootee or is it just 0?

It just wouldn't be the same without the geek! --tribe, the amazing creator of my siggie
I'm obviously much better at getting things wrong than right.

"RE: mirror, mirror on the wall..."
Posted by KObrien_fan on 10-11-05 at 03:07 AM
You still could get negative points to obtain the lowest rank, scoring is all identical to the PTB except for the bonus when you do pick the bootee in 5 picks or less. So yes, it would take a certain strategy to always rank the lowest and therefore it is the closest equivalent to red ink that I can offer.

"RE: S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)"
Posted by byoffer on 10-11-05 at 08:38 AM
I really like this option for continuing the game. Congrats to the Elite Eight (good luck surviving to the merge!) and thanks to KO for letting us losers hang around with a purpose.

my picks:
Mayan Mirror Bootee List: Amy, Gary, Cindy
First confessional: Margaret
Reward Challenge winner: Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Nakum

"RE: S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)"
Posted by kingfish on 10-11-05 at 12:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-11-05 AT 12:54 PM (EST)

The Bootee List: Mandatory- Judd

First Confessional: Optional- Rafe

Reward Challenge winner: Optional- Yaxha

Immunity Challenge winner: Optional- Nakum

"Tweet Tweet"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-11-05 at 02:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-11-05 AT 09:56 PM (EST)

Congrats to the elite eight! I'm honored to be in such company. Good luck to all in mirror mirror game, I'm sure I'll be joining eventually.

*edited to tweek bootee list. Still in time for the tweet tweet status

Bootee: Gary, Brian, Blake, Margaret, Judd, Lydia

RC: Yaxha
IC: Nakum

First Confessional: Margaret

Lottery: - sure why not

Level 1 Reward Challenge:

1. Who will be the 2nd confessional? Judd

2. Who will be the first person say another tribemates name? Margaret

3. Who will be the last to cast a vote at TC? Danni

4. Who will be the first questioned at TC? Bobby Jon

5. Will Amy say anything about her hurt ankle this episode? Yes

"Mayan Mirror entry"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 10-11-05 at 04:28 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-13-05 AT 04:29 PM (EST)

Mayan Mirror Bootee List: Gary, Brian, Blake, Margaret, Judd
First confessional: Brian
Reward Challenge winner: Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Nakum

"Mayan Mirror Entry"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-12-05 at 12:58 PM
Hiya KO_F! What's this I hear about a birthday!!? Happy Birthday to you!! I feel like a real heel for forgetting it. I hope you had a fabulous day!

Now ... onto business. Here are my picks:

The Bootee List: Gary, Margaret, Judd
First Confessional: Margaret
Reward Challenge winner: Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Nakum

"RE: S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)"
Posted by kingfish on 10-12-05 at 07:18 PM
And Haps on the B'day. Belated wishes I know, but I hope you understand, the last time I wished a woman whose age I didn't know, happy birthday, she snapped at me!!!

"RE: S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 10-12-05 at 08:15 PM
Lol, no problem Guppie, and I am proud to say I am 41 years young!

Posted by whoami on 10-12-05 at 09:09 PM
Mirror Mirror on the wall why do you show things as they are??

A big Thanks To our most lovely host KObrien_fan for this game for us loosers.

Bootee- Cindy




"RE: S11 PTB Week 4 Results/Week 5 Entry (Part 2)"
Posted by agressionx on 10-13-05 at 01:26 PM
The Bootee List: Mandatory- Gary, Brian
First Confessional: Optional- Lydia
Reward Challenge winner: Optional- Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Optional- Nakum

"Mayan Mirror PTB entry"
Posted by mimo on 10-13-05 at 03:07 PM
just have to say, KO, this was a great solution. those that correctly picked the bootee (or won immunity) are recognized for their superior abilities--while the rest of us losers can continue to play. best of all, there's no stress over getting snuffed if we don't pick the bootee!!

Week 5 Entry

The Bootee List: Margaret, Gary, Brian
First Confessional: Judd
Reward Challenge winner: Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Nakum

"Mayan Mirror Entry"
Posted by mckelviej on 10-13-05 at 03:27 PM
The Bootee List: Brian, Cindy, Gary
First Confessional: Lydia
Reward Challenge winner: Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Nakum

"Mayan Mirror Entry Week 5"
Posted by kircon on 10-13-05 at 07:12 PM
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, KO fan is the best host of all.

Thank you for letting us continue to play.

Week 5 Entry

The Bootee List: Gary

First Confessional: Danni

Reward Challenge winner: Yaxha
Immunity Challenge winner: Nakum

"Mayan Mirror Entry "
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 10-13-05 at 07:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-13-05 AT 07:42 PM (EST)

I'm a loser at heart, so why not play another game for us losers.

The Bootee List: Gary Brian
First Confessional: Optional- Judd
Reward Challenge winner: Optional- Yahxa
Immunity Challenge winner: Optional- Nakum