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"S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"

Posted by tribephyl on 10-08-05 at 06:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-09-05 AT 00:23 AM (EST)

Snuffer working overtime.

Whilest taking the entries into the super computer I noticed that there was no possible way to avoid a boot this week. As every single Survivor was named as safe this week.
There's a first for everything.
And aawwwaaaayyy we go!

Brooke was, again, a suprise boot for a lot of players. This season is turning out to be quite difficult to guess who won't get the boot as we lose 2 of our Top5 players and a slew of others to the snuffer this week.

<skip over to Snuff-o-matic 3000> <Click> <WhirrrrrRRRRRRR>
<yelling over the sound>
As they always say ... "Be careful what you ask for...."
Well, I asked for some usage of my snuffer ... and Boy is this season ever delivering!!!!
Dearest JohnMC ... <Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp>,
Grand Ole RudyRules <Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp>,
smokedog <Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp>,
Higgs <Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp>,
tvpenguin <Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp>,
whoami <Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp>,
FlowerPower <Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp>,
Ontheroadagain <Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp>,
adricharlie <Whoooosh.....Fffffthooomp>,
Honorable Femme <Whoooosh.....crrrrraackckckceffFffffthooomp>,
and finally
DasMole the Man! <Whoooosh.....PAAAAAAAHHHHH>

I'm sorry to inform you but you all have been booted out of The ABC. Blame it on Brooke.
Thanks for playing. You can still catch the boat going to LoserLodge if you so desire. There's even a 5 point bonus coming to you, if you do.

Wk 4 Results

Bootee: Brooke, -15
Votes: Lydia, -9
Immunity: Yaxha, +3; Nakum, -2

SecretWord: "Backwards",
The MayaGlyphs were a very strategic (see: nefarious) move on my part. Sorry 'bout the headaches but that's how I do things.
The Key to figuring out the secretword was kept in my siggie.
If you happened to use the "ABC" Glyphs from my siggie as a guide, you would have figured out that you'd been given 4 letters of the 9 letter secretword.
So, to those of you who figured it out, a large resounding ovation. Way To Go! KO! Scarlett! Loo! Vix! Libra! Mimo! Macabre! Kircon! Always! and last but not least ... Emy!
I'd say congrats to tvpenguin! and FloPo! too but alas, it's too late for them.
Tribey is so proud of you all.

The 3rd Annual ABCAuction:
The following is a list of all the prize winners and their prizes.
Thanks everybody, for making the Auction a hit and success again this season.

lvoetulips ~ *DoubleWeeklyPointsCard *PositiveVotePointsCard
kingfish ~ *-10 *BooteePass
LookeeLoo ~ *+10
smokedog ~ *+13
GuessItRains ~ *-5 *BooteePass *+15
dreamerbeliever ~ *-10 *BooteePass
tvgeek ~ *SpotlightBonus
DearAbby ~ *+15 *DoubleWeeklyPointsCard
kircon ~ *-5
MJewel ~ *FreeSecretWordCard *+3
Flowerpower ~ *+15 *FreeSecretWordCard
RudyRules ~ *MaximumWeeklyPointsCard
Scarlett O Hara ~ *MaximumWeeklyPointsCard
Kermit the Vixen ~ *BooteePass
Higgs ~ *+10
Kobrien_fan ~ *HeroTwin RIGHT *PositiveVotePointsCard
Lolly ~ *+3 *FreeSecretWordCard
LibraRising ~ *+20 *Relight-A-Torch
Mo0 ~ *+20points
emydi ~ 0 *HeroTwin LEFT

Following is a bulletlist of all of the special prizes and their abilities...
All + and - Points were added into this weeks scores.
*Relight-A-Torch: This prize enables the holder to resurrect a fallen player. Relighting their torch, allowing them to play in the ABC again.
This prize can only be used once and has to be remitted on or by the Wk 7 Entry. It can be use on it's owner. But again, on or by the Wk 7 Entry.

*FreeSecretWordCard: Just as it sounds, play this card when you want to get the secret word but don't want to do the work involved in solving it.
One use only. Use before FinalEntry. Use in your entry for that weeks answers.

*PositiveVotePointsCard: This Card entitles it's owner to Positive Vote Points instead of negative. As in, every vote against a survivor is normally worth -3points, per vote. Use this card to turn the negative into positive. +3 points each vote.
This Card does not protect you from being booted out of the game for having a bootee on your safe-list.
One use only. Use before FinalEntry. Use in your entry for that weeks answers.

*MaximumWeeklyPointsCard: Play this Card and I'll take care of your safe-list and Immunity for you. Giving you the maximum points allowed in those categories. However, this does not cover any bonus questions, those will still have to be answered by you.
One use only. Use before FinalEntry. Use in your entry for that weeks answers.

*DoubleWeeklyPointsCard: Play this Card to Double your weekly score. I want to stress that you cannot use it after a score has been tallied. You must use this in your entry, for that weeks entry.
One use only. Use before FinalEntry. Use in your entry for that weeks answers.

*BooteePass: This Pass allows the owner to "commit the sin" and have a bootee on their safe-list and still not get booted themselves. However, when the infraction has been commited I will take back the Pass.
One use only. Will be revoked by me when the infraction happens.

*HeroTwin RIGHT/*HeroTwin LEFT: The Neo-Hero Twins of Emydi and KO_fan have a shared bonus coming up in next weeks entry. This week they each get to have the combined as their weekly score. The better KO does and the worse Emydi does the bigger their scores will be. Yes KO, Emydi's negative score will become positive for you and vise versa for Emydi. PM's have been sent your way regarding the shared bonus for next week.

*SpotlightBonus: My dear, tvgeek, is the "Host with the Most" during the Week 8 Entry. Yes, I said Week 8 Entry. For the Week 8 entry I will be holding a special bonus dedicated to tvgeek.
Everyone else should start the sucking-up now.
Waaaaaaaa... no Spotlight bonus!!!!??!?!?! What am I gonna do???!!!?!?!


Scoreboard Synopsis:

Movers and Shakers:
The Snuffer took a total of 11 players this week. Paving a path to the top placements for a number of other players. The weekly high score goes to ... LookeeLoo. Who gained 10 extra points in the Auction and added that to her chits and her score to make for a total of 40 points this week. This also moves her up 2 spots to 2nd place. KO_fan moves up 13 spots to claim 3rd place. Good thing she didn't quit. Mo0 had an amazing score as well, 39. This propels Mo0 up the scoreboard 13 spots to 15th. Scarlett O Hara reclaims the top spot, with a score of 33. MJewel moves into 4th. Yensid moves up an astounding 10 spots, for a shared 5th place with Kermit the Vixen. One close point behind 5th place is LibraRising (a.k.a. The Neo-Femme), who's aching to get into the Top5.

On the RedEnd...
Emydi and Alwaysintruble continue their battle. However, this week brings them to a standoff. Both are at -51. Molaholic, as the only playing mole, is holding onto 3rd from last. AND Kircon finally gets close to the negatives.

Rank (previous rank) Player ~ weekly score (previous score) = Total Score

1. (2) Scarlett O Hara ~ 33 (87) = 120 *MaximumWeeklyPointsCard

2. (4) LookeeLoo ~ 40 (66) = 106 *

3. (16) Kobrien_fan ~ 27 (53) = 80 *PositiveVotePointsCard *HeroTwin

4. (7) MJewel ~ 18 (59) = 77 *FreeSecretWordCard

5. (14) yensid ~ 22 (54) = 76
5. (5) Kermit the Vixen ~ 15 (61) = 76 *BooteePass

7. (21) LibraRising ~ 36 (39) = 75 *Relight-A-Torch

8. (10) GuessItRains ~ 10 (58) = 68 *BooteePass

9. (22) DearAbby ~ 33 (28) = 61 *DoubleWeeklyPointsCard

10. (17) lvoetulips ~ 14 (45) = 59 *DoubleWeeklyPointsCard *PositiveVotePointscard *

11. (19) sisyphus ~ 18 (40) = 58

12. (18) Lolly ~ 13 (43) = 56 *FreeSecretWordCard
12. (19) Rebel Crown ~ 16 (40) = 56

14. (11) kingfish ~ -2 (57) = 55 *BP *
15. (11) dreamerbeliever ~ -2 (57) = 55 *BooteePass

16. (28) Mo0 ~ 39 (13) = 52

17. (24) mimo ~ 21 (24) = 45 *BB

18. (27) MacabreMasquerade ~ 23 (16) = 39

19. (25) coolbluepig ~ 14 (21) = 35 *NO ENTRY

4. kircon ~ -9 (9) = 0

3. Molaholic ~ -10 (-9) = -29

1. alwaysintruble ~ -13 (-38) = -51

1. emydi ~ -10 (-41) = -51 *HeroTwin

Note that some of the prizes have already kicked into effect. Such as some BooteePass' and BooteeButtons. Saved again, kingfish. Mimo, you are now, no longer safe. GuessItRains, good thing you won that BooteePass just in time. But, you are no longer safe either.

Wk 5 Entry

Safe-List: mandatory
Your list of Survivors who will not get a vote at TribalCouncil.

TribalImmunity: non-mandatory
Which tribe wins the Immunity challenge.

SecretWord: non-mandatory
Hint: #8 - 8forwards - backwards?

MayaBonus: non-mandatory
"Neo-Hero Twin Bonus"

KO and Emydi are working in cahoots. Because they have been named the Neo-Hero Twins.
Both of them won(acquired) the two halves of the HeroTwin Talisman. When put together, it could spell trouble for the other players.
Other than the fact that this week their scores will be added into each others they will also be the Hosts of the MayaBonus this week.
One warning, The two of them are playing against the rest of you.
Your job is to guess which answers they gave for the following 5 questions.
Pick 2 answers per question. One for KO, one for Emydi. (You do not have to label them, though. Just give me 2 answers per question.) If you guess correctly, a choice that either KO or Emydi has made, you stand to win some points. 2 each answer from each Hero to be exact. For a maximum total of 20 points.
Alas, every question you get wrong the points will be shared only by the Neo-HeroTwins.
How did the Neo-Hero Twins, KO_fan and Emydi, answer the following questions? That's your goal.
Here are the questions. (A lot of you should remember these from the Pre-season questionnaire.)
1. Christianity is to the bible as QuicheMaya is to the... a. Popol Vuh b. Kinich Ahau c. Vucub Caquix d. Xibalba
2. My worst night would be spent in... a. The House of Serpents b. The House of Cold c. The House of Daggers d. The House of Bats
3. My enemies must suffer... a. exile b. sacrifice c. poisoning d. bloodletting
4. My sign is... a. PUSH b. ON c. HOT d. OPEN
5. My biggest turnoff is... a. Noise b. Bugs c. Celebreality d. Carp

Note that some questions may have been answered, by the Neo-Hero Twins, with the same answer. (For instance, they both thought that chocolate was the Mayan form of currency.) If you feel that that may be the case then you must put the same answer twice as your answer (Like: chocolate / chocolate) to get the max points.

KO and Emy, your extra bonus this week lies in misdirecting the players into guessing the wrong answers. For every single answer that is wrong you could gain up to 2 points for each mis-answered question. Out of 20 other players that could be a possible 40 points each. Cross your heavenly fingers. Also, as a special-special bonus, Non-Entries will count in your favor. If the trend continues, there's 2 points each, in that prospect alone.


Tribes: Nakum and Yaxha
Amy / Blake / Brandon / Brian / BobbyJon / Cindy / Danni / Gary / Jamie / Judd / Lydia / Margaret / Rafe / Stephenie

Sample Entry:
Amy / Danni / Gary / BobbyJon / Rafe / Cindy / Brandon / Blake / Jamie / Brian
1. b. a.
2. c. c.
3. c. a.
4. a. d.
5. d. c.

the tribe has spoken
* I have a severely abnormal attraction to messages hidden with the use of "invisible ink". Please note that this feature will be used at any time. Adjust strategies accordingly.

* I have the ability to hide things in current threads that are only relevant in next weeks thread. Again, adjust your strategies accordingly.

* Allrighty Femme, It finally happened. You are outta here and Libra is taking over.

* "To hear is delovely, to see is delightful, to know is devine" E.C.Nadnetta

* This weeks ABC is brought to you by "Hero-Twin SuperPower decoder-rings".

* Thanks to everyone who came to the Auction. Although the Wednesday edition was a little wiggy it still managed to be profitable for most players.


* Scarlett O Hara. She certainly likes attention. I fear when I stepped in between her and the paparazzi, she nearly ate my head off.

* I know this is totally OT but I can't help but brag at least once.
Cooper ~ Puppy and Poppy ~

* Happy Belated KO! Hope you took some time off to celebrate. By the way, your wish is my command. Bend over. <S.A.M.M.O.O.O.O.C.H.H!!!>

* Canteen Tad says: "Always Hydrate"

* Libra, your father is a pretty good decoder.

* Current weather conditions at LoserLodge: Sunny and Warm with a slight ocean breeze of 5-7 knots. Perfect for recovering from Bootation.

* Mistakes in scores have been known to happen from time to time. Please do a once-over to see if things are all square.

Da Rules:
Every week you will post a "safe list" of survivors still in the game.
How many is up to you. Pick as few or as many as you want. Just know, your flirting with disaster the more survivors you include.
For each survivor who does not get votes you will get points.
If you happen to name a survivor who gets votes I will take away points for every vote cast.
Anytime after the 2nd week and you list a bootee. I will boot you from the game.
I will also pose, in each new entry thread, up to 3 non-mandatory questions. Each question will be worth a different value and will vary in difficulty. They are not mandatory though.
Non-Mandatory questions:
Each week, if you choose to do so, you can take a guess at who will win Immunity. For every episode with tribes I will ask that you name a tribe to win. When the survivors merge I will begin asking for individual immunity. Point values will change when this happens.
SecretWord Bonus:
Each week a secret word will be chosen. Your duty is to include the word in your entry.
Every week I will post an extra bonus question. When, where, why, how, what will be up to me. I like to suprise people so I suggest staying vigilant and alert. The nature of these questions will change all the time, so will the point values.

Basic Point Values:
Each survivor who does not receive votes will be worth 2 points.
Each survivor who receives votes will be be worth -3 points per vote. This includes the booted survivor. This does not include quitters or people who do not receive votes but leave the show anyway.
Tribal Immunity will be worth 3 points if correct. -2 if incorrect.
Individual Immunity will be worth 6 points if corrrect. -3 if incorrect.
SecretWordBonus will be worth 5 points. 0 if incorrect. (-5 for RedInk)
Maya Discretion

Game Deadline:
Anyone can enter the game but only during the first 3 weeks. Week 4 the game will be closed to new entrants.
ProbationaryPeriod lasts for only the first 2 weeks. After that I will boot you if you have a bootee on your safe-list.
Entry Deadline:
Pre-Snews/On-Time entries are accepted until Wednesday at 11:59pm et. and will get 2 free point if no edits are made after the wednesday deadline.
Grace Period entries are accepted between the Wednesday deadline and Thursdays showtime. 7:59pm et. Anyone entering during GracePeriod will automatically receive a penalty of -5 points.
Any Entries made (or edited) after the Thursday showtime will not be counted.
If a player misses making an entry. I will use their previous weeks "safe list" as their new entry. (No Immunity or Bonuses)

REDINK subtleties:
If you decide to answer the bonus questions, they should come with messages of intention for negative points. If you don't verify your intentions I will "assume" you wanted positive points.
If you want to enter early, don't want to edit and still want the -5 points for posting late, simply title your post as "AutomaticPenalty" or "GracePeriodEntry"

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"Spotlight Bonus"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-08-05 at 06:17 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-05 AT 08:36 PM (EST)

I'll take it for you, Tribe. I know you had something very special worked out and I would simply HATE to see you have to suffer after tvgeeks departure. I'll be happy to oblige.

Back later to give picks, wit, commentary, etc.

Because really? It IS all about me.

"RE: Spotlight Bonus"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-08-05 at 08:06 PM
... Spotlight Bonus?! Did someone say Spotlight Bonus!? I'll take it!!! I'll take two ...

What do I have to do to get it????

Posted by tvgeek401 on 10-08-05 at 11:22 PM
Yes, the spotlight bonus seems so...mysterious. But alas, I've been snuffed and we will never, ever get to know what it was.

But wait! There is possibly one way we can still unvail the AMAZING spotlight bonus. And it all lies in the hands of the great LibraRising, the holder of the 'relight a torch' card.

Through the goodwill of my new favorite poster, Libra, we can all discover the secret of the spotlight bonus.

So please, almighty Libra, relight my torch and help us unleash the power of the spotlight bonus. It will benefit us all.

*puppydog eyes*
Pretty, pretty please?

Libra, did I mention that you're looking especially nice today? I've always enjoyed reading your amusing/ensightful posts.


It just wouldn't be the same without the geek! --tribe, the amazing creator of my siggie
If desperate pleas don't appeal to you, maybe bribes will...Tribe said 'start sucking up'. I would be indebted to you and I always repay my debts. Think about it.

"RE: Libra"
Posted by LibraRising on 10-09-05 at 11:01 AM
Hmm. I'm intrigued.

Here's my question. If I relight someone, do I have to resurrect them right away? Or could I still resurrect our beloved geek next week or the week after, my deadline for using the bonus, so I can make sure I don't need it for self-preservation?

I told DearAbby and Mistress Emydi -- as a bargaining chip so she didn't steal my auction prizes -- I'd help them if necessary, but both of them are still in the game.

A Nutzy/IceCat masterpiece.

"RE: Libra"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-09-05 at 05:34 PM
It is up to you, libra, when to use the Relight-A-Torch prize and who to use it on.
When you do use it, the player you choose will automatically be "resurrected".

So, even though you will have to use it by the deadline for the Wk 7 entry, you shouldn't feel obligated to use it on any specific person until that time comes.

"RE: Libra"
Posted by LibraRising on 10-09-05 at 05:38 PM
Very well. Then I'm going to hold onto it for now. I need to play at least one round non-conservatively 'cause I need points! However, should I survive next week, I might bring TVGeek back so we'll get our spotlight bonus.

Hey, I just gave away my whole strategy. Just call me Coby.

A Nutzy/IceCat masterpiece.

"RE: Libra"
Posted by Das Mole on 10-09-05 at 06:23 PM
Hey, what about me? You owe me. I rigged S10 PQM so you would win it

"RE: Libra"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-09-05 at 07:23 PM
That's okay, Coby Libra. I know I caught you in a weak moment when I asked for first dibs. I'd like to see the spotlight bonus, too, so I'll release you, and you can just owe me!

Deer Abbey sig courtesy of tribephyl 2005

"RE: Libra"
Posted by JohnMc on 10-10-05 at 11:18 AM
Libra, You have clearly risen to become a woman of power. Much more than Hillary and Harriet Miers could ever hope for.

Did you ever know you're my hero? Yes, more than both of the hero twins! If you bring me back into the game, we can be the power couple. I promise to make it worth your while. ;)

"RE: Libra"
Posted by LibraRising on 10-10-05 at 02:05 PM
Despite my ascendence as the neo-Femme, I am still a male. One of those gender-confusing posters, I'm afraid.

But I will be relighting a torch next week or the week after. Whose is TBA.

After all, it could be mine.

"RE: Libra"
Posted by JohnMc on 10-10-05 at 02:19 PM
A thousand Aries apologies for the gender confusion, Libra.

However, everything else still applies. You know, whatever it takes to get back in the game.

You know that lawn boy from Desperate Housewives? Well, I look just like him. Of course, that probably doesn't matter since all I will be doing is actually just mowing the lawn.

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by Das Mole on 10-08-05 at 06:32 PM
I was going to open the thread and then post my entry until I realized I'd gotten eliminated...

It's like when someone dies and then like 6 months later their partner wakes up and says "where's ____" and then they realize they're dead.


I had fun playing, and I wish I could've stayed longer...I still can't believe that the one effin person I put on my Safe-List got the boot...but that's just how unlucky I am, I guess, lol.

See y'all next season (and in LL...fun stuff right there)

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by MJewel on 10-08-05 at 11:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-05 AT 11:29 PM (EST)


I didn't see my score on the scoreboard...don't think I was a victim of the <shiver> snuff-o-matic yet...at least I hope not .

"MeaCulpa, MeaJewel"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-09-05 at 00:27 AM
Nope, no victim of the Snuff-O-matic. Moreso a victim of my unrelentingly bad luck with spreadsheets.
Geeze and to think I accidentally kicked you out of the PTB as well. This is just not your week.

I promise I still lvoe you. And none of this is on purpose.

Thanks for keeping me on my toes though.

"Red AutoPenalty"
Posted by Molaholic on 10-09-05 at 12:01 PM
Wk 5 Entry

Safe-List: Gary, Steph, Danni

TribalImmunity: Yaxha

SecretWord: I remain clueless But how's about the word "palindrome"?

Mom, Dad, Sis all think they know everything. Bro and Cous are way off. Maybe at noon it will come to them.

"RE: Red AutoPenalty"
Posted by Molaholic on 10-12-05 at 11:53 PM
Most gracious leader;

I donno if you'll allow this -- not really an edit but an addendum:

1. b/c
2. a/d
3. c/c
4. a/b
5. b/a

and if it would mean losing the autopenalty -- NEVERMIND

"It looks all red to me."
Posted by tribephyl on 10-13-05 at 04:42 AM

By the way, edits for RedInkers are a good thing.
So go ahead and edit to your hearts content. Only up till showtime though.

What amazing spirit you show with both ABC REDINK and LoserLodge Teal. I'm thinking of a special siggie for you.

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 10-10-05 at 02:37 AM
Tribe, you showed us yours, I'm going to show you mine . It's not a good pic of my baby, Simon, but it's one of only two I have uploaded.

Brandon / Brian / BobbyJon / Danni / Jamie / Rafe / Stephenie

Immunity - Nakum

Secret Word - Think I'm giving up this secret word business. I'm totally clueless, and don't understand a thing. May I forward you a PM listing my inepitutde?

Maya Bonus -
1. c., d.
2. a., d.
3. b., d.
4. c., d.
5. b., d.

"Good bye :("
Posted by JohnMc on 10-10-05 at 11:09 AM
Ahhhh, how the mighty have fallen! One week, I am on top in first, and the next you can bet I’ll be not just at the bottom, but out of the game completely due to a misstep. Now Scarlett, you have what you have waited for.

I do want to say thank you to LookeeLoo for giving me my 13 points while I was in attendance at the evening auction, although I may not be able to use them without a gracious gift from LibraRising.

I can’t wait to catch that next boat to take the trip to the town of Loser Lodge and see my old friends. This is not my first trip there, though I was not expecting to get there so quick. I do hope to see the rest of you there, should you be so unfortunate.

I should say that much of the fun from this ABC game has been trying to find the secret word. It has been a fun journey so far. I love playing this, and I will miss you all dearly.

Scarlett, carry the torch well and strong. I feel like I’ve gone down like Burton, who was rather pompous and it led to his own demise twice. So you must go on to be Sandra. Cuz I know you be fine and sexy like that, girl!

"RE: Good bye :("
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-10-05 at 11:23 AM
Oh, I do declare!! I am mighty sad to see you fall, my dear JohnMc! I was looking forward to a good, clean competition between us for the top spot (along with RudyRules!). It just won't be the same without you in the game! Boo, hoo ....

I know that at any time in this game, I too, can meet a similar fate! Farewell for now ... we'll be seeing you at the Lodge, perhaps?

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by LibraRising on 10-10-05 at 03:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-11-05 AT 03:06 PM (EST)

My heavens! Suddenly, I'm the popular boy. Just like Christy and Dolly, when they suddenly found themselves the all-important swing vote. And we all know how well that turned out for them! I hope I won't regret having waited on using my relight auction prize, but I think I'll sit on it for now.

And I'm dying to break into that Top 5. Although I don't know how I'm ever going to catch up to the lovely Scarlett O'Hara. Are there any hidden bonuses? Like Mr./Ms. Congeniality, perfect attendance or a spokesmodel category?

And such a cute pup/pop. I'd show you mine. But she's dead.

Oh. My entry. Fortunately, I can go for some points this week, now that I have an insurance policy!

Safe-List: Rafe, Judd, Stephenie, Jamie, Lydia, Cindy, Bobby Jon, Brandon, Amy

Immunity: NeoNakum

1. B/D
2. A/A
3. A/B
4. B/C
5. C/D

A Nutzy/IceCat masterpiece.

"Vix Pix"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-10-05 at 05:28 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-11-05 AT 03:09 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-11-05 AT 01:21 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-10-05 AT 06:33 PM (EST)

Ahhhhh.... see, I KNEW I would be able to catch a bit of good luck this season! Inching closer and closer to the first place spot - although it won't take much to get me a quick trip to the bottom of the stack, kicking me out of the running altogether. However, I see you up there, Ms. "I'm Number One" O'Hara! You can bet I'll just wait here in fifth place, impatiently, watching those 44 piddly points between begin us to disappear one by one.

I'm feeling a little cocky today. Most likely because of winning the Bootee Pass at the ABC Auction last Saturday evening. That is the only thing I have ever won at the auction. In fact, it was the first time I was ever actually in attendance at one of the auctions due to real life weekend hassles. But THIS time, I made it! I wish I had been able to make the Wednesday session. I just waited too long on Wednesday to check out sblows. See what procrastination will get you? This sucks, to be honest with you, because I was desperately hoping for the other Hero Twin Prize.

But, Tribe, my friend, you know the drama that was my life last weekend. And it may be that you feel a twinge of sympathy. And maybe, just MAYBE you'll give me a shot at the Spotlight Bonus because, if I may say so myself, I like to be in the spotlight. If not, you are still my friend. And I simply must not be too snotty because, well, it's unbecoming, really. And I refuse to be the town snot.

Now, on to Vix Pix.

Safe: Brandon, Cindy, Danni, Jamie, Judd, Blake, Rafe, Stephanie

Immunity: Yaxha

Secret Word: Not just one word, my friend, I've got ALL of them! Every single one! Oh, you don't believe me? Check it out! You and your terrible, nefarious, backwards twists that giveaway nothing! (giggle)

Maya Bonus
1. A/A
2. A/B
3. A/D
4. B/C
5. D/D

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by LookeeLoo on 10-10-05 at 07:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-12-05 AT 11:50 PM (EST)

I may not be able to enter for this episode later so I’m going with what I think now, without much analysis.

SafeList: Amy / BobbyJonJ / Brandon / Danni / Cindy / Jamie / Rafe / Stephenie

Tribal Immunity: Nakum

Secret Word Bonus: I’ll have to think about this one and hope I can come back for it!


1. a. a.
2. d. a.
3. b. b.
4. b. c.
5. d. b.

Tribe Notes:

KO had a birthday? Happy B-day!

John, thank you for your kind words. You? Are always the gentleman. Wish you were still here, but see you in LL.

What’s that NASCAR rule? “Lucky Dog”? Perhaps bootees that have some kind of “spotlight” award from the auctions can default it to someone who is “a lap down”?

Miss Scarlett! I’m hot on your lovely heels!

Secret word Bonus-The editions of Survivor are getting devious; the diction alone provides many diversions. Many call it fiction; others believe it to be reality. I don't know if the show is jumping the shark or not, but I must now thank you, tribe. You're a peach (but not the Iraqi one You're much more lovable than him). I really have no idea what to do about this; I'm old and not that smart, so some of these clues are over my head .

Maya Bonus- I tried to use my 60 chits in the auction, but it was in vain; kept getting outbid . So I'm turning them in now.

Immunity is not for poor Yaxha this time. Could it be Brian, Lydia, Margaret?

Rebel Crown 885 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"


Another Dicey Original 2004

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 10-10-05 at 07:19 PM

"Good luck all!"
Posted by RudyRules on 10-10-05 at 08:22 PM
Darn, and I was doing so well too!
Thanks for hostingt the game again TP!

Your defending two time college football pool champion

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by mimo on 10-11-05 at 12:03 PM
yikes tribe--that bootee button came in handy!! thankfully i'm still standing, although i don't think i've moved much--either forwards or backwards--in the standings. ok here goes... back for more:

Safe-List: mandatory
Blake / Brandon / BobbyJon / Danni / Jamie / Rafe / Stephenie

TribalImmunity: non-mandatory
Nakum (not quite sure which is which anymore....)

SecretWord: non-mandatory
I give-up... put in lots of thought and some guesses, but honestly you have me stumped this week...

MayaBonus: non-mandatory
"Neo-Hero Twin Bonus"
1. a. c.
2. a. d.
3. b. d.
4. b. c.
5. b. c.

ps... awww--loved the pics of cooper, puppy & poppy. they seem really sweet (not at all like my own monsters...)

pps... didn't realize KO was celebrating a b-day! hope you had a great time and an even better year!!

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-11-05 at 02:20 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-11-05 AT 10:02 PM (EST)

SafeList: Brandon / BobbyJon / Danni / Amy / Cindy / Jamie / Rafe / Stephenie

Immunity: Yaxha

SecretWordBonus: Nefarious - simply because the secret word stuff waved bye-bye to me a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. I really have no clue.

1. b. a.
2. a. d.
3. b. d.
4. b. c.
5. b. d.

Happy belated to KO! Afraid your gift will also have to be belated, like say in 5 or 6 weeks. Not saying that I have to wait for OLN to air Marquesas, but the timing does seem to be about the same

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-11-05 at 08:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-12-05 AT 10:52 AM (EST)

Ahhhh, I do declare, I am just overwhelmed with all of the attention that I have received of late. The Auction was just what I have waited for ... although, I DID NOT RECEIVE THE SPOTLIGHT AWARD!! Hmmppff!! Fiddle.dee.dee!! I have such fond memories of it, too! Oh well, I do hope you will reconsider, LibraRising, dahlin', and do give it to the Geek. He (and we) would have such fun with it!! You can bet it'll be better than you evah expected! Now here are my answers for the week:

Amy / Danni / Jamie / BobbyJon / Rafe / Cindy / Brandon / Stephanie
Immunity: Nakum
SecretWordBonus: fiddle.dee.dee ... it's nefarious!

1. b. a.
2. d. a.
3. c. a.
4. a. d.
5. d. c.

Oh, and I will be playing my Maximum Weekly Pointscard this week.

Me and Maya Cat:

P.S. My dear Lookeeloo, If I can't be chased by the opposite sex, well Sugar, it may as well be you! My darling Tri-fecta Sister!

I'll think of a way to get it back! After all ... yadda, yadda, yadda

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by lvoetulips on 10-11-05 at 11:18 PM
I have waited to use my prizes from the auction long enough: I'm going to put them both out there- hopefully I'll catch a few points.

{legally blond voice}My attendance in the auction was super fun! {/legally blond voice}

So, my double weekly points bonus as well as my positive vote card are in play for this week.

The rest:

Safe List:Blake, BJ, Brandon, Danni, Gary, Jamie, Judd, Lydia, Rafe, Steph.
IC Winner:Nakum
Secret Word: It's in here somewhere, I hope.
1. d, a
2. a, b
3. a, d
4. d, c
5. c, c.

There. Let's hope this gets me somewhere, I'm sick of sitting in the middle...

*samooches* to tribe for hosting the wonderful auction!

blog, blog, blog

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-12-05 at 03:57 AM

Both Cards!!!

"....and Aaaawwwwaaaaaayyyy we Goooooo!!!!!...."

Cheers lvoey!

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by lvoetulips on 10-12-05 at 06:41 AM
What the heck, right???


blog, blog, blog

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by kingfish on 10-12-05 at 08:32 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-13-05 AT 09:35 AM (EST)

Safe-List: mandatory
Amy, Danni, Cindy, and Stephenie
TribalImmunity: Yaxha

SecretWord: non-mandatory
I couldn't get last weeks SW even after knowing the key. Of course, I couldn't get Tribes Sig up either, firewall settings or something, so that might have had something to do with it. I waited for a clue this week, and it never came. I have a perfect attendance record so that should count for something, and I Care!! Other than the knowledge that Tribes Nefarious ways are evil and cold hearted, I am clueless.
I had fun at the auction, even though I barely got in on the Wed. evening edition. Congrats to the Hero Twins.

MayaBonus: non-mandatory
"Neo-Hero Twin Bonus"
1. A/A
2. A/D
3. D/D
4. C/D
5. D/D

ETA: Now that I can see your sig, and how many times you used it, even once in a response to one of my posts, well, congrats on a well executed SW. You are good. And I am bad, so off to Emydi for a little face slapping and rear spanking, with her lovely but severe hand.

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by MacabreMasquerade on 10-12-05 at 09:30 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-12-05 AT 12:50 PM (EST)

SafeList: Brandon, Danni, Gary, Bobby Jon, Stephenie, Cindy, Jamie, Rafe, Blake, Amy

Immunity: Yaxha tribe

SecretWordBonus: hydrochlorofluorocarbons

1. b. a.
2. c. c.
3. c. a.
4. a. d.
5. d. c.

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by GuessItRains on 10-12-05 at 04:34 PM
Whew! Never been so glad to have won an auction. The one year I won (S6) happened because a billion people wiped out on one boot so I know it can always happen. Just very, very lucky this time around! But that's Survivor, part skill and mostly luck.

SafeList: Amy / Brandon / Cindy / Jamie / Rafe / Stephenie
Immunity: Nakum
SecretWordBonus: Again I'm clueless. Maybe KOBrien or emydi knows since they are the HeroTwins. Or Scarlett since she rocks at this game.
1. b, d
2. a, d
3. a, a
4. b, d
5. c, d

And a very cute dog, tribe, though not as cute as my own pet Misty.

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-12-05 at 05:18 PM
SafeList: Amy / Brandon / Bobby Jon / Cindy / Danni / Jamie / Judd / Rafe / Stephenie

SecretWordBonus: palindrome ~ noun ~ a word, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward.

1. Live not on evil. And don’t be nefarious, either!
2. Lonely Tylenol. We could all use one after searching for the SecretWord each week.
3. Nurses run. Right, Margaret?
4. Was it a rat I saw? Although the rat could be any Survivor in attendance, I’m sure Brooke thinks it refers to Judd.
5. Name no one man. Especially if that man is the bootee of the week.
6. Too bad, I hid a boot. As this season has shown, EPMB is the master at hiding boots. I hope if I have one listed, I hid it well enough that no one can find it! However, I may be asking LibraRising for dibs again on his Relight-a-Torch, if the Snuff-o-Matic 3000 comes after me.
7. Stack cats. This sounds like something Cooper would enjoy doing.
8. I did, did I? Yes, I waited till this week to claim my DoubleWeeklyPointsCard.

So there you go. Eight palindromes. Count 'em. I hope eight is enough. (Hey, that would be a good name for a TV show, wouldn't it!)

1. a. c.
2. a. d.
3. a. b.
4. c. d.
5. c. d.

Deer Abbey sig courtesy of tribephyl 2005

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by MJewel on 10-12-05 at 05:39 PM
Safe-List: Rafe, Bobby Jon, Cindy, Stephenie, Danni, Amy, Brandon

TribalImmunity: Nakum

SecretWord: Not sure what this will be. Thanks for fixing the PTB elite eight thing for me tribe and no problem on the meaculpa thing...those spreadsheets can be rough...I am clueless on them myself. Your cooper and poppy pic is so cute...a big smoochie for your puppy. Fifty-eight could be a lucky number but I don't know or what about the zero or number eight or seven. This word could be quite a nefarious transformation on earth in day or night...by the star it could be an offering. Palindrome? Who knows...could be. Monkeys, jaguers and seeds...who knows? I did have fun at the auction and congratulations to the hero twins emydi and KObrein...and happy birthday KO! Scarlett O'Hara and Librarising are up there in the ranks...congrats to you also! These terrible forwards and backwards twists and turns...nothing is a invisible ink giveaway these days. Don't forget to always hydrate and too bad about the spotlight bonus...it would have been great I am sure.


"Neo-Hero Twin Bonus"

1. a/a

2. a/a

3. a/b
4. b/c
5. b/d

I am choosing to not use my free secret word card this week. Thanks!

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 10-12-05 at 07:04 PM
I waited as long as I could to make a decision, but here we go:

Safe list: Amy / Brandon / BobbyJon / Cindy / Danni / Jamie / Judd / Lydia / Rafe / Stephenie

IC: Nakum


Yep, it is, just especially for me and maya twin

And Tribe my sweety (and cutey, mmmmmmm) please use my "positive vote points" card that I got at the auction, I have a feeling I could use it well this week.

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, you guys are the best!

"Grace period Entry"
Posted by emydi on 10-12-05 at 08:33 PM
Well I waited until my HERO TWIN posted before posting my kick A$$ ABC picks....I am the mirror opposite of my Hero Twin KT...she is a regular...I am a red inker...she wants lots of points...I want negative points...including any bonus points this week TRIBEY including the Hero Twin bonus..what a coup...sorry Lolly
without further adieu here are my nefarious picks

Safe: Danni
IC: Yaxha
Secret word bonus: you silly
Maya bonus: Hero Twin Powers Activate!!! woot!

I have no other auction prizes but I get the benefit of KT's positive points!! woot again!!

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by Lolly on 10-12-05 at 09:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-12-05 AT 09:05 PM (EST)

Thanks, tribe, for holding the auction. It was my first one ever and I had lots of fun. Except for the part where greedy Miss Emy pilfered my belongings. I "blessed" her, though. I believe in "blessings." *grin*

safe: Brandon, Danni, Jamie, Judd, Rafe, Stephenie

Immunity: Nakum

secretbonusword: *sigh* My brain hurts. To many backwards and forwards, invisible words that may be palindromes but probably not and what's with the number eight? Got me.


1. a. a.
2. b. b.
3. d. a.
4. c. c.
5. d. d.

Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 10-12-05 at 10:16 PM
Yo, banana boy! Yes, I'm talking to you Tribe! Dammit, I'm mad! I'm gone for a week, and you go and give Emy an opportunity for all these points. How in the heck am I supposed to keep up with her this way? Oh, who was it I saw? Oh, who? Why would you ask that? Was it a rat I saw? Yes, I think I saw/smell a rat here, and I'm crying foul! What's that, Tribe warned me about the auction before I left? He did, eh? You sure about that? Don't nod they can't see you, but ok, if you say so I' guess I'll have to live with it. I better get this entry done, i'm so thirsty I'd murder for a jar of red rum but alas I prefer pi.

Safe-List: Danni Ami

TribalImmunity: Yaxha

SecretWord: I have no idea, I'm still in vacation mode trying to figure out what is going on. But in case you are feeling generous, remember to give me Negative Points for all my bonus questions.

MayaBonus: "Neo-Hero Twin Bonus"
1. a/a
2. a/a
3. a/d
4. b/c
5. c/d

Yes, there are eight of them palindromes in there, I should get extra credit for using them in a paragraph like that

"RE: GracePeriodEntry"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-13-05 at 04:54 AM
Yes, there are eight of them palindromes in there, I should get extra credit for using them in a paragraph like that.

Yes you should. Alas, you are going to have to just hate me for loving the dedication to your entries moreso then I love giving points out for free.


I'm not even smart enough to think of a palindrome

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by yensid on 10-12-05 at 11:48 PM
Wk 5 Entry
Brandon, Bobby Jon, Danni, Jamie, Rafe, Stephanie, Cindy

TribalImmunity: Nakum

SecretWord:forwards - backwards?

"Neo-Hero Twin Bonus"
1. Christianity is to the bible as QuicheMaya is to the...
a. Popol Vuh b. Kinich Ahau
2. My worst night would be spent in... a. The House of Serpents d. The House of Bats
3. My enemies must suffer... b. sacrifice c. poisoning
4. My sign is... c. HOT d. OPEN
5. My biggest turnoff is... b. Bugs d. Carp

"RE: S11ABC: Wk 4 Results / Wk. 5 Entry"
Posted by kircon on 10-13-05 at 06:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-13-05 AT 07:37 PM (EST)

Wk 5 Entry

Safe-List: Danni

TribalImmunity: Yaxha

SecretWord: I’m going to try several things this week. #8 entry Molaholic’s Red Autopenalty. , Puppy and Poppy. I love Cooper’s ears. A eight letter palindrome. *HANNAH* I can go forwards and backwards and still not get the secret word. I must post because I am so late. On last try #8 - 8 = #

MayaBonus: "Neo-Hero Twin Bonus"

Our Honored Hosts KO fan and Emydi. If you guess correctly on a choice that either KO or Emydi has made, you stand to win some points. 2 each answer from each Hero to be exact. For a maximum total of 20 points.Make my points negitive please. You have nothing to fear from me Mistress Emydi. I am willing to stand in your shadow & learn from your perfect game play. Most Sovereighn Ko fan I'm not even in your league.
Be kind to your little newbie kircon

Alas, every question you get wrong the points will be shared only by the Neo-HeroTwins. I will gladly give you my wrong points.

How did the Neo-Hero Twins, KO_fan and Emydi, answer the following questions?
1. A C
2. A B
3. A B
4. B C
5. A C

Please make all my points negitive Your Highness Tribe

"I've been snuffed."
Posted by Mo0 on 10-14-05 at 00:17 AM
By virtue of missing the thread this week, my last week's list was used, I'm assuming... which had Blake on it.

*kicks himself*

I'm not stupid, just selectively ignorant.

"RE: I've been snuffed."
Posted by tribephyl on 10-14-05 at 03:11 AM
Another ABC-icide!?

You gotta stop doing that.
Good thing you didn't miss your LL entry though.


You should go rib Scarlett (and lvoetulips) for missing LL this week. They are LoserLosers, now.

"RE: I've been snuffed."
Posted by lvoetulips on 10-14-05 at 07:39 AM
I figured that was the only way to win @ LL. I am an ultimate loser now right?


blog, blog, blog