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"Office Pool - Wk. 4 Scores/Week 5 Entry Thread"

Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-07-05 at 06:36 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-08-05 AT 11:47 AM (EST)

"To Betray or Not to Betray?"

They may betray in Survivor but Never in the Office Pool! There are no immunities to be won here either, folks. So Corvis, I am sorry to say, you have been eliminated from this game along with your survivor pick this week, Brooke. Please bring me your torch. We will all miss our favorite Iowan, Corvis, but we don't have to forget him. We'll keep up with him and his Survivor Thoughts Here. Thanks for playing the game! There is one place you should visit on your way home. LoserLodge will have the red carpet all rolled out for you! Check it out ... you'll be glad you did!

And now, on to the scores:

Ep. 4 Points:
+20 Team Immunity Winners - Blake, Brandon, Bobby Jon, Danni, Gary, Amy, Brian
+30 Individual Reward Winners - Danni, Jamie, Bobby Jon, Gary, Amy, Gary, Margaret, Judd
+10 Casts an Elimination Vote - Stephanie, Lydia, Rafe, Jamie, Judd
+5 per Confessional - Danni 10, Cindy 5, Margaret 35, Brooke 5, Brandon 15, Judd 40, Amy 25, Stephanie 15, Brian 15, Jamie 5, Rafe 25, Gary 10
-15 For No Confessionals - Bobby Jon, Lydia
-10 For Each Elimination Vote Against: Brooke -50, Lydia -30
-5 "Technical" or Posting Infractions- Flower Power -5
-50 Picking late/past the deadline- No one earned this penalty this week.
-50 Picking the same survivor twice- No one
+35 goes to Cindy, who gave the first confessional of the show
-25 goes to Judd, who gave the last confessional of the show

Episode 3 Scores by Survivor:
Amy: 75, Blake: 25, Bobby Jon: 35, Brandon: 35, Brian: 35, Brooke: -45, Cindy: 40, Danni: 60, Gary: 90, Jamie: 45, Judd: 55, Lydia: -35, Margaret: 65, Rafe: 35, Stephanie: 25.

YOUR scores:
Rank--Player--This Week's Score--Overall Score--Survivor you may NOT pick this week
1 kingfish 75 225 Amy
2 bystander 35 195 Brandon
2 Flower Power 40 195 Jamie
3 dreamerbeliever 60 185 Danni
5 Coconut 40 155 Cindy
5 kircon 90 155 Gary
6 DearAbby 55 150 Judd
7 alwaysintruble1 65 145 Margaret
7 tribephyl 25 145 Stephanie
8 oz4ever 25 140 Blake
9 taffnic 35 115 Bobby Jon
10 Kermit the Vixen 35 95 Rafe
11 Roadkill -35 70 Lydia
12 DasMole 35 40 Brian
15 Corvis -45 65 Brooke Eliminated Wk. 4
16 MJewel/Brianna -45 0 Brianna Eliminated Wk. 3
17 byoffer/Morgan Eliminated Wk. 2
18 esquire/Jim Eliminated Wk. 1

And it looks as if Judd's Betrayal this week has led to a new Top Dog in The Office Pool and he is kingfish! Congratulations kingfish, you had two great weeks in a row! It has paid off nicely as you were successful at knocking bystander off his first place perch and down into the second spot only to be tied with Flower Power. It is worth mentioning here that kingfish was the last to pick this week and his pick Amy finished second overall. The high scorer for the week was Gary, and he helped kircon climb up from 10th place to 5th! On the flip side, or should I say backwards slide, is our ABC/Loser Lodge Host with the Most, tribephyl, who slid down to the 7th spot from 5th and is now tied with alwaysintruble1. Our DasMann aka DasMole is ever so slowly climbing his way out of the red and now is securely in the black! Keep it up, Das! Lastly, because we are out of probation, the lovely Miss Flower Power was fined -5 points for posting incorrectly for the absent alwaysintruble1. Let that be a lesson to you all!

The Official Rules are Here and the regular scoring is Here.

This week's BONUS Points are:
+35 Your Survivor is first voter at Tribal Council
-25 Your Survivor is last voter at Tribal Council
Put the word "Sugar" in your post this week and you'll get 25 bonus points
The Official Survivors are:
Danni Boatwright
Rafe Judkins
Amy O'Hara
Gary Hogeboom
Lydia Morales
Brandon Bollinger
Brian Corridan
Blake Towsley
Judd Sergeant
Margaret Bobonich
Jamie Newton
Cindy Hall
Bobby Jon Drinkard
Stephanie LaGrossa

kingfish, you have until Tuesday at noon EST to make your pick. As for the rest of you, you must wait until kingfish, International Man of Mystery, makes his pick, before you can post your pick -- unless of course, kingfish doesn't pick before the deadline. Remember, first come, first serve. Good luck!

Edited to add 2 confessionals/10 points each to Rafe's and Stephanie's scores after reviewing the episode! Sorry!

Table of contents
  • RE: Office Pool - Wk. 4 Scores/Week 5 Entry Thread,tribephyl, 06:55 PM, 10-07-05
    • RE: Office Pool - Wk. 4 Scores/Week 5 Entry Thread,Scarlett O Hara, 07:47 PM, 10-07-05
      • Margaret,tribephyl, 01:57 PM, 10-08-05
  • Rafe,kingfish, 10:54 AM, 10-08-05
  • Danni,taffnic, 11:39 AM, 10-08-05
    • Judd,Flowerpower, 12:12 PM, 10-08-05
  • Brandon (for Dear Abby),tribephyl, 02:32 PM, 10-08-05
  • Jamie,Kermit the Vixen, 02:58 PM, 10-08-05
  • Jamie,dreamerbeliever, 03:01 PM, 10-08-05
    • Change to Bobby Jon ,dreamerbeliever, 03:02 PM, 10-08-05
  • Tally,Scarlett O Hara, 03:25 PM, 10-08-05
  • Gary,bystander, 04:17 PM, 10-08-05
  • Lydia,Das Mole, 06:08 PM, 10-08-05
  • Brian,Coconut, 06:54 PM, 10-08-05
  • Stephanie,Road Kill, 07:03 PM, 10-08-05
  • Cindy,oz4ever, 07:37 PM, 10-08-05
  • Blake...fp picks for alwaysintruble1,Flowerpower, 08:19 AM, 10-09-05
  • Amy,kircon, 00:34 AM, 10-10-05

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Office Pool - Wk. 4 Scores/Week 5 Entry Thread"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-07-05 at 06:55 PM
I don't want Corvis to get lost on the way...

So here's the "NEW" LL Entry Thread.

On a personal note...
ARGH! Stephenie! You Suck!
9 spots downward?!

"RE: Office Pool - Wk. 4 Scores/Week 5 Entry Thread"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-07-05 at 07:47 PM
Much obliged for the new directions!!

...and on a personal note, cheer up, Sugar! After all, tomorrow is another day!


Posted by tribephyl on 10-08-05 at 01:57 PM


Posted by kingfish on 10-08-05 at 10:54 AM
Well, The "I Don't Care, I'll Just Wait till all the good picks are Gone and Take the Dregs" strategy worked. Throw in the irony of having Bystander, the designer of that diabolical ploy, unseated with his own petard, and we have an entertaining week.

I'd feel better about it if I wasn't all too aware that it's my turn on the banana peel.

International Man of Mystery, booty Bounty Hunter, Finder of Lost Names

Posted by taffnic on 10-08-05 at 11:39 AM

Posted by Flowerpower on 10-08-05 at 12:12 PM
I picked Judd!

"Brandon (for Dear Abby)"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-08-05 at 02:32 PM
Out of towner-needs help picking so here I am with DearAbby's choice for OP this week.


Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-08-05 at 02:58 PM

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-08-05 at 03:01 PM
Don't like the guy but I'll take him.

"Change to Bobby Jon "
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-08-05 at 03:02 PM
Just missed Jamie by minutes. So I'll take stinky.

Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-08-05 at 03:25 PM
So far we have:

kingfish . . . . Rafe
taffnic . . . . .Danni
Flower Power. . .Judd
tribephyl . . . .Margaret
DearAbby . . . . Brandon
Kermit the Vixen Jamie
dreamer believer Bobby Jon

Survivors still available are:


Posted by bystander on 10-08-05 at 04:17 PM
I shall not go quietly Kingfish! It's only a matter of time until you slide on that banana peel and fall on your kiester!

My evil eye is watching you!

Posted by Das Mole on 10-08-05 at 06:08 PM
I love Lydia dearly and I know she'll do me right!

I don't think they're going to TC this week so I doubt she'll get the boot ;)

BTW - Check out my completely new (well, sorta) Final 6 Prediction Sig...little pics are the previous "spotholders"

Posted by Coconut on 10-08-05 at 06:54 PM
They can't shut him up.

Nutzy loves me

Posted by Road Kill on 10-08-05 at 07:03 PM

Posted by oz4ever on 10-08-05 at 07:37 PM
Why did I get stuck with choosing between the two people hinted at going next (Cindy or Amy) or picking the same survivor as last week (Blake)? Phooey. You know why? Because my network decided to air Survivor a whole day later than usual this week.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"Blake...fp picks for alwaysintruble1"
Posted by Flowerpower on 10-09-05 at 08:19 AM
It seems as though alwaysintruble1 is still out-of-town, so I'll pick Blake for him. I don't think Blake is going anywhere unless one of those catapulted balls hits him in the head.....with his luck in this game, it could happen!

fp crossing fingers that Blake makes it to another ep!

Posted by kircon on 10-10-05 at 00:34 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-10-05 AT 06:43 PM (EST)

I go away for the weekend and come back to find I only can pick Amy. Well, not really pick. I am going to follow in Kingfish's honored footsteps, or would that be finsteps, and score high with Amy. You gotta lvoe Amy O'Hara , right Sugar?