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Forum: DCForumID4
Thread Number: 3637
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Original Message
"ABC AUCTION: Session 2 is now open"

Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 06:56 PM
Couple of reminders...

1. No siggies please. Hard enough for our dial-up friends without excess bits added everywhere.

2. I will first open the bids, after a 5minute lull in bids I will post a "Going..going" reply. Bids are still open at this time.
If another 5(or so) minute lapse happens I will reply with "Gone" and reveal the prize.
I will then open up the next item up for bids.

3. Refresh .... refresh ... refresh!!!
This thread moves along at a very odd pace.
Try opening another window with your message then refresh the first page before posting your message.

4. No chit-cheating, no giving chits away. No trading of prizes.

5. The current chit totals follow:
lvoetulips ~ 58
mimo ~ 130
kingfish ~ 130
LookeeLoo ~ 90
smokedog ~ 110
GuessItRains ~ 110
dreamerbeliever ~ 110
tvgeek ~ 110
DearAbby ~ 110
kircon ~ 20
Das Mole ~ 100
MJewel ~ 100
sisyphus ~ 100
Flowerpower~ 0
Molaholic ~ 95
RudyRules ~ 90
Scarlett O Hara ~ 90
Kermit the Vixen ~ 55
Higgs ~ 90
Kobrien_fan ~ 90
whoami ~ 90
Lolly ~ 90
LibraRising ~ 90
Mo0 ~ 90
Ontheroadagain ~ 90
emydi ~ 0
alwaysintruble ~ 85
yensid ~ 80
adricharlie ~ 70
MacabreMasquerade ~ 70
JohnMc ~ 70
Rebel Crown ~ 60
coolbluepig ~ 50
Femme ~ 50

Oh and Item #1 is open for bids!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:00 PM
ok who's out there?

"Item #1 is Going...going"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 07:03 PM
Current High-bid is ... 10

Made by ... Lolly

Can you outbid them?

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:06 PM
let them sleep

"notre dame"
Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:10 PM
hey, you and I could wrap this up and still catch the beginning of the ND game

"Item #1 GONE!"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 07:10 PM
For a total of 10 chits,

Lolly, You receive...

There is a twist to this prize.
The player who receives the other half (The right half) of this prize and yourself will become special hosts in a Bonus I have planned for the week 6 entry.
The potential for points is huge.
More details to come.

"RE: Item #1 GONE!"
Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:11 PM
Jeez Louise, I bid way too high! Bummer.

Thanks Tribe. You're a sweetie and I lvoes ya.

"RE: Item #1 GONE!"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 07:15 PM
Since you are the only one here.

Let me explain the prize a little.

The 2 of you will will each get the others score added onto your own for the week.
Plus another suprise.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 10:17 PM
I just now saw this. Ok, I really REALLY like my prize. I'll practice DAWing, just for you, darlin'. And distract Miss Emy for me.


"Item #2 is open for bids"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 07:10 PM
C'mon in folks. Don't be shy.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:12 PM
well, still got some time before the game starts . . .

Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 07:14 PM

"uh oh"
Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:15 PM
trouble's here *grin*

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 07:15 PM
okay I'm back to get zonked

Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 07:15 PM

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:17 PM
big spenders LOL

Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 07:18 PM
I'm running out! And Emy is gonna steal my other prize... lol

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:20 PM
ah, so you already have a prize . . .

Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 07:21 PM
Yeah, but no hero twin.... *wink*

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 07:21 PM
*waves* with a belly full of steak and this awesome twice baked potatoe thing the future mrs. dreamer makes

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 07:23 PM
pumping it up to 30

Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 07:23 PM
*swipes* a potato thing...

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:25 PM
*puff* ya'll going too fast for me

Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 07:26 PM
*hands* lolly inhaler...

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 07:27 PM
just to be a pain in the butt

Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 07:28 PM
'cause I like to *stalk* DB

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:30 PM

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 07:32 PM
to be more like an ache rather than a pain.

"RE: 47"
Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:33 PM
Hey guys, let's make a deal. Ya'll let me have this one and I promise not to bid on the others. Ok? *grin*

Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 07:34 PM
*ouch* it aches, it aches....

Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 07:35 PM
hey look ========>>>>>>>>

A bird!!

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 07:37 PM
looking at the bird with my paddle in the air

Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 07:38 PM
*squinty eyes*

You know how many I have, don't you.....

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 07:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-05 AT 07:40 PM (EST)

hmmm will lvoe go all-in???

Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 07:41 PM
yep. Not that it matters much.


"RE: 58"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 07:43 PM
aww I'm such a sucker for a pouting lip. I'm out unless someone goes over 58 lvoe

"RE: 58"
Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:46 PM
Jeez, Louise, I soooo want to watch my Fighting Irish . . .
*mumblegrousegrumble* . . .

ok, I'm a sucker, too

Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 07:46 PM
You! are sooo sweet.....

(and H-O-T!!)
*waits* for gavel....

"Item #2 Going...going"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 07:46 PM
Ahhh ... there you all are.

The highest bid so far is ... 42 46 48 52 55 58

Can we keep these 3 trying to outdo eachother.

For me...It's fun to watch.

But don't be shy newbs, hurry in and try to stop them from nickel and diming eachother to death.

"Item #2 is GONE!!!"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 07:50 PM
Congrats, lvoetulips!

Just hand over the 58 chits and this is yours...

This prize insures that for one week you get positive points instead of negative points for each vote.
Only one use though.
Use when you think the tribes might tie in TC for the maximum potential.

"RE: Item #2 is GONE!!!"
Posted by lvoetulips on 10-01-05 at 08:07 PM
Quick question- do I have to decide to use this ahead of the episode? Like within my entry for the week???

Oh, and Big samootches to Lolly and DB for letting me win...

"Item #3 is open for bids"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 07:51 PM

Yet another double prize.

One price for both items.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:52 PM

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 07:54 PM
alright time to win something. Even a zonk

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 07:55 PM
Whoa, Nellie!

Posted by Mo0 on 10-01-05 at 07:56 PM
We know the answer, but what's the question?

"I'm late?"
Posted by LookeeLoo on 10-01-05 at 07:57 PM
Gosh, I thought this started at 9:00pm board time. I'm losing it.

"Sorry bout that"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 07:59 PM
It's not really you, it's me...

I had some unexpected business to attend to and came back a little early too.
I'll try to stay on later tonight though.

"RE: Sorry bout that"
Posted by LookeeLoo on 10-01-05 at 08:05 PM
Whew! I thought I was losing it!

I'm all psyched out now.

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 07:58 PM
sure why not

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 07:59 PM
Hey, you started early!

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 08:00 PM

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 08:00 PM

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 08:01 PM
getting intense now

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 08:04 PM
My cousin's gone, so I'm here for a while.

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 08:06 PM
hmm will dearabby be the first between us to push in all 110

"not me"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 08:09 PM
But if I went 100, would YOU go 110?

"RE: not me"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 08:10 PM
you go 100 and the double is yours

"then I guess I'm out"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 08:12 PM
because I don't think my leftover 10 would be worth much

"Items #3 and #4 are Going...going"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 08:12 PM
So far the biggest chit count is ... 90

Remember there are 2 prizes here folks.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 08:15 PM
very tempting. If I had 100 I would be very tempted . . .

"Items #3 & #4 GONE!!!"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 08:15 PM
You were right about the zonk ... dreamer.

Sorry, DB

I hope this makes up for it though ...

90 chits please.

"RE: Items #3 & #4 GONE!!!"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 08:19 PM
just knew I'd get a zonk! Oh well, the bootee pass is what I REALLY wanted. I must begin my sucking up now to the wonderful, lovely Mistress Emy so that she doesn't steal it from me

"Item #5 Open for bids"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 08:15 PM
Who will walk away with a prize?

Posted by Mo0 on 10-01-05 at 08:16 PM
All or nothing, baby!

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 08:18 PM
Kinda gives new meaning to the phrase "Go big or stay at home." Um, right now, I think I'll stay home.

"You know something"
Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 08:18 PM
we don't know????? *grin*

Posted by kircon on 10-01-05 at 08:17 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-05 AT 08:20 PM (EST)

I try but don't think I'll get far.

I couldn't even get out the door.

"Item #5 Going...going"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 08:21 PM
Highest bid so far is ... 90 ... again.

Couple minutes to go till it closes, though.

"Item #5 GONE!"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 08:27 PM
Here 'ya go ... Mo0

90 ... chits please.

By the way check you red flaggy thingy.

"RE: Item #5 GONE!"
Posted by Mo0 on 10-01-05 at 08:28 PM
Whoohoo! Threw in all I had and got a great prize.

I'm not stupid, just selectively ignorant.

"Item #6 is open for bids"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 08:27 PM
Let's keep that momentum going.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 08:30 PM

"Let's start with 10"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 08:30 PM
and see where we wind up.

"OK, 15"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 08:31 PM
You had to be half a second faster than me, huh!

Posted by kircon on 10-01-05 at 08:31 PM
Gotta watch my chits

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 08:30 PM
my last 20. Anyone seen the new flight movie with Jodie Foster? Any good? Sidekick and I are going to go see it tonight.

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 08:32 PM
No, but let us know if it's any good.

Posted by LookeeLoo on 10-01-05 at 08:34 PM
Thunder and lightening storm. Will need to go soon and shut off my puter.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 08:35 PM
I can't believe I'm missing the game.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 08:35 PM

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 08:36 PM
I'll break the tie.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 08:39 PM
how many prizes will be awarded in this auction?

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 08:41 PM
That's my bid ... not (necessarily) the answer to your question.

Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 08:43 PM
about 15.
Including the ones given away in Session 1 ... so around 3 are left.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 08:45 PM
Thanks, Tribe

Hey Abby, do you already have a prize?

"Item #6 Going...going"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 08:44 PM
A whopping bid of .... 50

Can we outbid them?

Can we?

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 08:47 PM
No, Lolly. I had to leave early in the first session.

Tribe, do you still plan to have a Wednesday auction?

"eh, "
Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 08:49 PM
I don't need another one. I don't know what to do with the one I've got.

"RE: eh, "
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 08:52 PM
you get to be a DAW in one of Tribe's side games pretty good prize if ya ask me.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 08:57 PM
Look at my DAW level. I've been posting here at SB for five years I think. So my ability to DAW is piss poor.

Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 08:49 PM
Wednesday is still a go.

"Item #6 GONE!"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 08:53 PM
Good bidding DearAbby

Here's your prize...

60 chits please.

"Item #7 is up for bids."
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 08:53 PM

Here we go again.

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 08:57 PM
trying to scare others off with my all-in move

Posted by kircon on 10-01-05 at 08:57 PM
I'll try again.

"How's about 25?"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 08:58 PM
Cool 15-point prize I just won. Thanks, Tribe.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 09:01 PM
what the heck. My Irish are up 28 to zip. I'm not missing anything.

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 09:03 PM
I thought about "31.5," but decided not to nickel-and-dime.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 09:05 PM
I'm doing you a favor. Really. This one is a zonk.

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 09:07 PM
A zonk? But it's TribePhyl, not TribeMonty!

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 09:09 PM
LOL Good point. Perhaps he's a changeling?

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 09:12 PM
I'm thinking he has another Get Out Of Bootation Free pass.

"RE: 40"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 09:14 PM
and we haven't seen the relight a torch prize either. that's always good for some sucking up

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 09:14 PM
Now THAT'S something I know how to use.

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 09:18 PM
Or maybe it's the right half of the Hero Twin and we can be DAWs together!

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 09:24 PM
I was tempted to accept your offer. I wonder what happens if I should win the other half? *boggle* That would be a DAW disaster!

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:18 PM
Back. The race sucked. After race party was a blast.

"OK, 51 then"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-05 AT 09:19 PM (EST)

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 09:23 PM
what kind of race?

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:27 PM
Very hilly, very VERY crowded, extremely fun (it's about the post-race party, not the race) 5K. Almost hit my goal pace, despite the fact that I never actually hit a running stride for the first mile because of out of control crowd size.

"Item #7 Going...going"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 09:22 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-05 AT 09:26 PM (EST)

High bid is ... 52

But you can still drop some extra chits.

"C'mon... no whammies.... no whammies"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:25 PM
I've had such a major bummer day.... I hope this is the other half of the Hero Twins. That sounds like mucho funno.

"RE: C'mon... no whammies.... no whammies"
Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 09:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-05 AT 09:27 PM (EST)

I'd rather have a zonk. *grin*

eta: something I left out

"What's a zonk?"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:28 PM
This is my very first ABC auction. "Zonk" to me is what my husband is doing right now on the couch. (he ran harder than I did and had more post-race free beer)

"RE: What's a zonk?"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 09:31 PM
zonk ... whammie both mean the same thing ... A crappy prize.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 09:31 PM
This is my first one, too. I'm not sure I know exactly what a zonk is here, but I think it's a "dud." Dreamer is the "zonk" expert.

Do you already have a prize?

"Too rich for me..."
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:33 PM
Yes, I got one earlier. But I still have these 55 chits. Can't top your 56 so... here's hoping it's not the hero twin! I am hoping for that one myself!

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 09:37 PM
I should have asked earlier. So -- you wanna be a DAW? Oh, the irony.

Posted by kircon on 10-01-05 at 09:36 PM
This is my 1st auction also, (I did have fun though).I believe I got a zonk for my chits. I paid 91 chits for 5 points. Thanks Tribe.

"RE: 56"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 09:38 PM
Dreamer is the "zonk" expert

lol sure kick a man when he's down. I am proud to have received the booby prize so far!

Any chance the next prize will be put up soon? Getting yelled at to get off puter cause we're gonna miss the 20 minutes of movie previews.

"Item #7 GONE!"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 09:35 PM
That'll be 56 chits please, Lolly.

Here's your prize.

OOPS another small one feel out of my pocket...


Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 09:45 PM
smooches, Tribe. I like this one just fine. And uh, well, that other one? . . . I like it, too. Maybe Miss Emy likes it, too. *grin*

"RE: Item #7 GONE!"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 09:53 PM
Alright, well I'm off to checkout the new Jodie Foster flick. Have fun all. Maybe if Estee hasn't already done of a review of it yet in OT, I'll do one tomorrow

"Item #8 open for bids"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 09:35 PM


Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:36 PM
I'm just in that kind of a mood.

Posted by Lolly on 10-01-05 at 09:39 PM
Hey, you didn't want that prize anyway.

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 09:39 PM
With a "snicker," it doesn't sound too good!

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 09:40 PM
Stupid ties!

Posted by kircon on 10-01-05 at 09:41 PM
I'll take another zonk.

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:43 PM

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 09:42 PM
all in or nothing. BTW Lex used the word ZONK in the auction during the Africa season. Trivia champ showing off again

"What was the Zonk in that auction?"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:43 PM
Because if it was beer for life? I'm going for broke.

"RE: What was the Zonk in that auction?"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 10-01-05 at 09:48 PM
no one actually got Zonked in that auction but the bidding got real high for a hidden item, Lex said I don't want to get zonked and stopped bidding.

Kim J won chicken and mashed taters.

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 09:48 PM
Tribe can be sneaky. Maybe it was a good snicker!

"RE: 25"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:50 PM
I can't chance it 'cuz I only have 55.

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:50 PM
Oh, what the heck. You only live once.

Posted by Das Mole on 10-01-05 at 09:54 PM

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:56 PM

Posted by tvgeek401 on 10-01-05 at 09:55 PM

" 55"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:57 PM
That's all I got. Hoping this is a "Beer For Life" card.

"RE: 55"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 09:59 PM
Looks like I missed some potatoes and whatnot earlier. Where is the food crowd now? <uploading pizza for all>

"RE: 55"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 10:01 PM
Tribe seems to be eating a Snickers bar.

Posted by tvgeek401 on 10-01-05 at 10:01 PM
holy chit!

"Take it back!"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:04 PM
Take back your bid and I'll let you have some of this pizza. It's way yum.

Posted by JohnMc on 10-01-05 at 10:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-05 AT 10:03 PM (EST)

edit to say sorry for the sim post - what happens now? I'm sure tvgeek is in the lead now. And I don't want to bid up.

"RE: 60"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 10-01-05 at 10:05 PM
just distract everybody so I can get the snicker prize.

"Where's everybody coming from?"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 10:04 PM
Have y'all been lurking, or are you just fashionably late?

Posted by JohnMc on 10-01-05 at 10:06 PM
And just fashionably late - thx for asking.

"RE: Where's everybody coming from?"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 10-01-05 at 10:07 PM
I'm never late. The party doesn't start till the geek shows up.

went to see Corpse Bride...just got back.

"I came late"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:08 PM
I went to run a 5K this evening with a totally awesome after race party. All you can eat food - and I'm talking pizza, BBQ pork sandwiches, grilled cheese, bagels, hamburgers, brats, cakes/pies/ cookies, jambalaya, pasta, chili, etc. Plus, 4 free beer tickets. All you gotta do is run 3.1 miles through a massive crowd of sweaty, hungry people to get to it! But I left early to get to the auction (grin)

"Item #8 Going going..."
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 10:07 PM
61 is top so far.

But it's still open.

Posted by tvgeek401 on 10-01-05 at 10:08 PM

"Item #8 GONE!"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 10:16 PM


For a whopping 65 chits.

Here's your prize tvgeek...

This entitles you to a special Bonus dedicated to you. All about you. Almost nothing but you.

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:20 PM
I shoulda' had this one. Because really? It's all about me anyhow.

"Item #9 Open for bids."
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 10:16 PM
Oh Maya

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 10:18 PM
Gotta be worth that much!

Posted by tvgeek401 on 10-01-05 at 10:18 PM

Posted by tvgeek401 on 10-01-05 at 10:18 PM
ooh, special bonus, huh?

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 10:19 PM
movin' on up

"Item #9 Going...going"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 10:25 PM
blah blah blah 20 chits

But, blah blah blah!

Posted by JohnMc on 10-01-05 at 10:26 PM
May as well keep things in round numbers

Posted by tvgeek401 on 10-01-05 at 10:27 PM
I was going to concede but this is too fun.

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:27 PM
I'm just in that kind of mood.

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:28 PM

Posted by JohnMc on 10-01-05 at 10:29 PM
period. dot. end of discussion.

Posted by tvgeek401 on 10-01-05 at 10:30 PM
going for broke

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:31 PM

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 10:29 PM
If only you'd been a bit fashionably latER, I woulda won this already!

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:30 PM

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 10:30 PM
If I win, I'm all tapped out. Are you latecomers happy now?

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:31 PM

Posted by JohnMc on 10-01-05 at 10:32 PM
I didn't just come to play. I came to win.

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-05 AT 10:33 PM (EST)

Posted by JohnMc on 10-01-05 at 10:36 PM
What's your edit, frog boy?

"FROG BOY???!!?!"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:41 PM
WTF? What does the word "Vixen" imply to you? (hmpf) I have never been called "frog boy" and I am now feeling mighty indignant.

<swishing fluffy foxy tail and batting long foxy eyelashes>

btw... the edit was that I decided not to announce that I was all in - hoping to scare off the other bidders.

"RE: FROG BOY???!!?!"
Posted by smokedog on 10-01-05 at 10:42 PM
My clue was when you went by 'Bam Bam Big Ones' in last season's Wrestlemania

"RE: FROG BOY???!!?!"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:44 PM
LOL - yeah, no one has ever called me that either.

Posted by smokedog on 10-01-05 at 10:36 PM
I'll join in the fun

"RE: 70"
Posted by JohnMc on 10-01-05 at 10:37 PM
I can't beat you, smokedog. It's yours, unless Kermit wants to fight you some more.

"I'll fight...."
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:38 PM
but I'll fight with food. Take back your bid and I'll upload a batch of my delicious, homemade turtle cheescake. Or margarita pie. Your choice. Just for you - you don't even have to share. Deal?

"RE: I'll fight...."
Posted by smokedog on 10-01-05 at 10:41 PM
Even if I wanted to, I don't think I would be allowed to...would I?

Probably going to have to stand by my last bid.

"RE: I'll fight...."
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:42 PM
I can upload some pie or cheesecake for Tribe, too, if the bid retraction is permitted. What do you say, Tribe? My buddy? Aren't you hungry for some pie?

"RE: I'll fight...."
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 10:44 PM
Yup! You gotta stand by your bid.

Although cheesecake is tempting.

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:46 PM
but I still love you, Tribey Baby.

"Item # 9 GONE!"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 10:45 PM
Here is your prize, smokedog.


I want to tempt you with these two glyphs.

If you give me back your 5 points, I'll give you what is behind either glyph #1 or glyph #2.

Go ahead take a chance and pick a glyph or keep the 5points. Your choice.

"Glyph two, por favor"
Posted by smokedog on 10-01-05 at 10:50 PM
make it good please!

"Glyph two"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 10:54 PM

Aha!!! You did better than 5, that's for sure...

70 chits please.

"RE: Glyph two"
Posted by smokedog on 10-01-05 at 10:55 PM
A pleasure doing business, my friend. Thank you

"Item # 10 up for bids"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 10:46 PM
And this may be the last prize of the night as it's nearing the witching hour.

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:47 PM
so, just give it to me and we'll call it a night. It being so late and all. And nobody wanting cheesecake.

"I'll bid 10 on Item 10"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 10:48 PM
Let's see how long it lasts!

Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 10:50 PM
Yes, it's getting late.

"RE: ABC AUCTION: Session 2 is now open"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-01-05 at 10:46 PM
Scarlett is here and she's ready to bid!

But I must admit, I feel quite exposed without my sig pic on, I do declare!

Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 10:48 PM

We're all NUDE, Scarlett!

Join in the fun!

Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-01-05 at 10:47 PM
...for old times sake@

Posted by JohnMc on 10-01-05 at 10:48 PM
just to win something.

"RE: 20!"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-01-05 at 10:49 PM
<Smmooche. ....<Hick> ....

Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:50 PM
+ a kiss. And that in itself is worth about 100 chits or more.

"ALL IN - 4O"
Posted by smokedog on 10-01-05 at 10:51 PM
Make it a short night.

"I'm all in for 50"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 10:52 PM
Back off, Vix!

"Question for Tribe"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 10:53 PM
is this the last auction? Or is there one on Wednesday?

Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 10:57 PM
I still plan on having a Wednesday Session as well.

It'll probably last a little bit shorter than originally planned, but we'll see how things play out.

"RE: Wednesday"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 11:01 PM
ok, I'll wait until Wednesday. I'm really tired after all the drama of last night and today and the run and no sleep and all. See you at 3 on Wednesday!

Posted by JohnMc on 10-01-05 at 10:53 PM

Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-01-05 at 10:53 PM
... and I'll throw in some of my prize hymenocallis's ...

"RE: 41"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 11:21 PM
Mmmmm...one of my favorites. So pretty.

Although I have my own chartruesy version. Plus the smell is incredible.
Funny thing is I had ordered some eucomis and insted got this "freak plant" that turned out to be a very welcome suprise.

Posted by JohnMc on 10-01-05 at 10:53 PM

"RE: 44"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-01-05 at 10:54 PM
Oh ... I'm bidding against JohnMc????

Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-01-05 at 10:57 PM
... and that's final!

Posted by JohnMc on 10-01-05 at 10:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-05 AT 10:58 PM (EST)

Yes, you are, my dear.

It breaks my heart to bid against you. If you continue to bid, though, you will probably win. Or can we conspire to share?

edit to say that I'm not going to fight my dear Scarlett. And I'll just wait till Wednesday.

"RE: 45"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-01-05 at 11:00 PM
My Dear JohnMc,

Hmmmm, share? Now that sounds intriguing .....

"I knew I liked that guy!!"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-01-05 at 11:03 PM
John Mc ... I don't care what they say ... You most certainly ARE a gentleman! <SMOOCH!>

"Go find a lodge Room..."
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 11:04 PM
or something.

Geez you two. You make me feel all dirty.

Oh and no sharing. Sorry.

"Item # 10 Going...going"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 11:05 PM
High bid stands at 51.

But don't stop your biddin.

"RE: Item # 10 Going...going"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-01-05 at 11:08 PM
Tribe ... it looks like it's just you and me ....

"Item # 10 GONE!"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 11:11 PM
Congrats Scarlett.

That'll be 51 chits and here ya' go ...

"Session 2 is now CLOSED"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 11:12 PM
Thank you all for joining in the fun.
Alas, it's getting too late to start another bidding war, for this Host.
Sorry, if the timings were kinda off today. It's been Grand Freaking Central Station at the tribal hut today.

Who will be the other Hero twin?

Will anyone get their torch relit?

See you on Wednesday...

"RE: Session 2 is now CLOSED"
Posted by smokedog on 10-01-05 at 11:13 PM
see you then. good night.

"RE: Session 2 is now CLOSED"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 10-01-05 at 11:14 PM
Oh, I do declare! Thanks so much, Tribe!! I just love it and can't wait to put it to good use! Sweet dreams, Sugah!

"RE: Session 2 is now CLOSED"
Posted by DearAbby on 10-01-05 at 11:15 PM
This was fun. See ya Wednesday!

"Thanks, tribephyl!"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-01-05 at 11:19 PM
Even though you totally rejected my cheesecake and my kiss, even though I was mistaken for a FROGBOY, and even though I didn't win a darned thing thing this go around, I had a good time and can't wait to do it again in Wednesday! See you then!

- Vix

"RE: Thanks, tribephyl!"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-01-05 at 11:23 PM
I will try to make it up to you Vix.

Can't promise anything, BUT I will try.

"RE: Session 2 is now CLOSED"
Posted by emydi on 10-02-05 at 02:26 PM
Who will be the other Hero twin?

Will anyone get their torch relit?

the real question for some of you is


I'm making a list!!