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"Guatemala Love List: week 3"

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 09-30-05 at 02:34 AM
Episode three has come and gone. Have your feelings of admiration for some or loathing for others been changed? Time to fess up. Who are you diggin’ and whom would you like to see take the next walk of shame (thanks Lex)?

1) Danni Boatwright (4,3) – How could I not give Danni the top slot this week? She did fantastic once again in the challenges. Very pleasant upbeat confessionals and was the only girl brave (or stupid) enough to go swimming with the gators. Wish I had an idea of her strategic side but it will come with time. My take on her outing Gary last week has changed. She probably did it simply because how would she know he’s hiding the fact? Gary is on the other tribe. Danni is clearly the strongest woman on her tribe and seems to have a couple of the guys wrapped around her finger. In a great position for the long haul, congrats to Danni.

2) Brandon Bollinger (2,1) – The complete package. Athletic, smart, work ethic, and seems to have decent social skills. Is it just me or does Judd seem to be his lap dog? Still diggin’ the snarky one. And yes you did tell me Mistress Emy, I’m betting you’re smiling right now because I gave you a shout-out. You DAW you

3) Rafe Judkins (6,4) – Rafe and his adventurous spirit is fun to watch. Ants last week and termites this week. Too funny. Performed a little better in the challenges this episode.

4) Margaret Bobonich (1,2) – The only Nurse Marg moments we get is her being a little bossy this week Burnett? Come on! She was simply trying to help. Still liking her and hoping she goes real far.

5) Gary Hogeboom (8,5) – Kind of under the radar.

6) Brian Corridan (11,9) – Is it just me or does Brian seem like he drank about 3 pots of coffee every time he speaks? Clearly he is excited to be there and a huge fan of the show. After last seasons model filled quitter cast, Brian is refreshing.

7) Lydia Morales (13,6) – Still showing that spunk and work ethic. Dodged yet another target on her back at TC. Not many shields left though.

8) Stephenie LaGrossa (3,7) – Last week she was too cocky and this week she’s whining every confessional. Steph wants to be put on a tribe that every member is as great as her, huh? Diversity and seeing how the personalities interact is what makes this show great.

9) Cindy Hall (7,10) – I would love to be stranded in a jungle with her. Editing wise, her being linked to the annoying monkey might not be a good thing.

10) Judd Sergeant (5,8) – A character and fun to watch but debating what was more annoying, the howler monkey or him. A few of the same characteristic there, a hairy beast with a big mouth.

11) Brooke Struck (14,13) – Was the caller in the reward challenge and had a confessional but she is the only one I have no clue about. Invisible yet again.

12) Amy O'Hara (16,15) – Way to suck up the ankle injury but you still annoy me every time you speak.

13) Blake Towsley (12,14) – At least he wasn’t on his death bed this week. Still nothing I’ve seen to endear him to me.

14) Jamie Newton (17,16) – His snark is just mean spirited.

15) Bobby Jon Drinkard (10,11) – I am done done done with Bobby Jon. His behavior and reaction to Marge was that of a five-year-old child. He goes running to mama’s skirt when sick, but the moment he’s feeling well, pushes her off. There is no way no how anyone can convince me that this guy deserved a second shot. Besides the work ethic, what else does he bring to the table? Pathetic social skills, no charisma, and dumb as a rock. For as strong and athletic as he is, has Bobby ever put his tribe on his back and led them to a victory? Plus he complained that putting up the tarp was suppose to be fun, when exactly has Bobby ever been shown to bring fun to the game? He tossed the ball around like a little girl in the immunity challenge. So want him gone.

Booted: Brianna Varela (15,12) – ehh whatever. You were invisible anyway. Way to have such great perception skills that you can recognize whom doesn’t like you, but you do nothing about it. Brianna would be an early boot in any season of Survivor.

I showed you mine ... now you show me yours

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"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by freefromwhatyouare on 09-30-05 at 04:08 AM

Hello Survivor freaks

Well, this so far is the worst Survivor season yet....For some they are editing it this time to show how this is the "hardest Survivior Ever" and I guess the most brainless also....

I will be brief and won't comment on all...

In Random order:

Stephanie- Same boring childish pought from her everytime she loses or doesn't get her way. Can't believe they have not voted her out, They must have missed last season,because she plays the same boring game she did last time- Talk herself up so everyone thinks they need her and cut down everyone else behind their back. It didn't win her money last time and it won't this time..

Bobby Jon- Again nothing new brought to the table..hanger on...Will be out mid-season.

Gary- Why lie about being a ex-NFL player? This would be a positive...If he's worried about people thinking he has enough money already..he doesn't or he would get his teeth fixed..The guy was a horrible QB and is a horrible player to me.

Cindy- Best looking on the island this time..seems to be the smartest also..Could win it all..

Jamie- His mouth will have him out in the next 3 episodes.

Blake- Played up the sick thing too much...then was ok at challenges..this strategy is useless. Needs to join a strong alliance and coast a bit.

Judd- Think he is waiting to bite..may be one of the better players out there..plus he looks dumb and doesn't seem to be a threat...but may have a brain afterall..Stay tuned...

Amy- I'm a tough girl act is not only annoying but just not true...I see her leaving the island early with some medical issue. She will get on nerves also soon and if the alligators dont get here someone will.

Brian- Hmmm, wildcard, but seems to not know where to align and just enjoys being there..maybe its a good thing, maybe not.

Margaret- Can't stand her and what's with that 70 yr old gardener hat? Makes her look 70 also. Don't see her going far..

Danni- Enough already we know you are on sports radio and like football...Please feed her cuz if she gets any skinnier we wont be able to stomach it..She makes spandex look like baggies..

Rafe- Well liked and a is another smart player it seems that will go far..

Lydia- Fishmonger? oh come on now..why is she still there?

Ok, whats up with no alliances yet? I think they are editing it differently to spice things up later, but its so boring now I may not tune in again.

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by djandy on 09-30-05 at 11:51 AM
1.) Danni - she scored 3 out of 5 baskets for her team.
2.) Margaret - Just like a Mom -- she took care of everybody when they were sick, then when the "kids" were feeling better they treated her with disdain.
3.) Brian - seems to be controlling his team behind the scenes.
4.) Stephenie
5.) Blake
6.) Lydia
7.) Amy
8.) Gary
9.) Cindy
10.) Brooke
11.) Rafe
12.) Bobby Jon - Acted like a child who does the opposite of what their parent tells them just to show that they can make their own decisions (even though the parent was right).
13.) Jamie - whiner
14.) Brandon - whiner
15.) Judd - whiner

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by arturbars on 09-30-05 at 12:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-05 AT 01:21 PM (EST)

Would make an alliance with:
1 (2) - Cindy - Well, i finally found my favorite survivor of this season. I really like this girl. Tough, athletic, smart, good looking - and most importantly loves animals.
2 (1) - Gary - either playing dumb or is just not that sharp, but he is still a leader of his tribe (unfortunatley with Yaxha that does not say much) and I like him so far.
3 (3) - Danni - I find her very attractive despite what a lot of peeps on the boards say. She stepped up big time in IC this week.
4 (5) - She is cute, but so far completely under the radar. By the way, is it me, or does anoyone else things that her and Cindy look like sisters?

They can stay on my island for now:
5 (4) - Margaret - might be upseting some boys on her tribe with her leadership skills, still a good player.
6 (7) - Judd - his comedy keeps him high on the list
7 (13) - Jamie - I might have been wrong about this guy, but he is still full of himself. My guess is we will se the real Jamie in the next few weeks.
8 (11) - Bobby Jon - his attitude towards Marge's leadership was childish and he is really not a "grown man", but his work ethic and effort at the challenges is fun to watch - I really thought he is gonna hurt one of his tribemates after the IC win last night... LOL
9 (15) - Blake - still a weakling around the camp, but at least he goes all out in challenges...
10 (10) - Lydia - keeps dodging bullets, her luck might run out soon though...
11 (12) - Steph - her whiny attitude starting to piss me off, enough already - just be quiet and play the game....

Bring in the boat:
12 (14) - Amy - Props for her for toughing it out with the ankle, but i think she lacks social skills necesary for this game...
13 (9) - Brian - this guy on the other hand has way too much of social skills, i just wanted to mute my TV at times - it was hillarious when Jamie tried to shut his mouth with his hand in th huddle...
14 (16) - Rafe - he did a bit better in chalenges this time, but i just don't buy into him yet.
15 (8) - Brandon - i really don't know what to make of him....

Out of here:
16 (6) - Briana - wow i don't know how you could have asked for your tribe to vote you out any more than what you did at the IC

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by LibraRising on 09-30-05 at 12:22 PM
OK. I'm finally getting a feel for these people. I have no previous numbers, because my first list was pretty amorphous and I missed last week. I'm a little concerned, though. I like most of Yaxha much better than Nakum. If they're Ulonged, I'm gonna cry. So...

1. Amy -- Just for pure contrast. She gets the same injury as big, strong Jeff last season, but she sucks it up and keeps going. And I'm probably the only one who loves that accent, as long as it isn't saying "Ambuh."

2. Rafe -- Again, contrast. I missed his poor performance last week, but I really can't judge him for that. And he did score a point this week and make a pretty decent showing. By contrast, I mean pluck compared to down-in-the-dumps Stephenie. And if there's ever a gross food competition, he'll kick ass.

3. Danni -- My favorite Nakum so far. Might dispace Steph as the toughest girl Survivor ever. And I had to laugh when she kept getting bonked with the poles and snapped back about it.

4. Margaret -- Keeping her head up high among a nest of ingrates.

5. Brian -- So surprised, because I didn't think I'd like him. But if he's straight, so am I.

6. Gary -- A low-key leader. I like those. But I see Andrew written all over it, I'm afraid.

7. Cindy -- She can talk to the animals, walk with the animals, but she'd better do the same with the people if she wants to last much longer. But keep giving us Jeff Corwin moments, and I'll deem her entertaining if nothing else.

8. Brandon -- Nothing really I dislike about him. He's kinda faded into the background a little. That might speak well for him, however.

9. Stephenie -- Sigh. I like her, I really do. But I'm sick of the "I lose all the time" whining. Although she did get dealt a pretty lousy hand as far as the women on her tribe.

10. Lydia -- Absolutely useless in challenges. But at least she recognizes that herself.

11. Jamie -- He's OK until he opens his mouth.

12. Bobby Jon -- OK. I've gone from ambivlance to dislike on this chauvanistic bastard. Umm, you were building a sucky shelter, and someone who happened to be a different gender than you was trying to help, and you throw a hissy fit. If it wasn't for Margaret, you'd probably still be a little skeleton lying somewhere in the jungle. And you look stupid every time you make that "I'm playing really intense" face.

13. Judd -- Ditto above, and plus the rudeness about Cindy. Sorry. Some of us have more interesting jobs than standing in front of doors all day.

14. Brooke -- And you are?

15. Blake -- If they cast no one else like this -- empty-headed, uninteresting modelish wannabe actors -- it would be the best season ever.

Ciao, Brianna. Your tribe made the right decision. If you're healthy and still suck, then buh-bye.

A Nutzy/IceCat masterpiece.

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by noliferealityfan on 09-30-05 at 01:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-05 AT 01:25 PM (EST)

BobbyJon - dumb as a rock, not a good athlete - useless

Brianna - another one bites the dust

Stephenie - Waaaa!~ why cant i ever get on a team thats as good as i THINK i am!??? lifes not fair! waaaaa!

I hope they lose every single challenge until steph gets booted - then i hope they turn it around and win everything till the merge - maybe - just maybe - steph will get a clue and realize that getting frustrated with teammates is not a part of teamwork! The only thing she deserves to win is the Survivor Crybaby Award

**edited for typo. my anger at that bi*tch makes me type poorly

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by Max Headroom on 09-30-05 at 02:06 PM
All right, this time I'll rank them in order.

1. Danni - Kick-butt performance in the challenges, easily the toughest woman out there (sorry Steph). How tall is she, 7'?
2. Gary - Guess a weenie quarterback is tougher than a bunch of Survivors.
3. Lydia - A refreshingly humble outlook. Hope she sticks around a while.
4. Judd - Being the biggest, fattest Survivor is good for the long haul. Just ask Dicque.
5. Cindy - I'm starting to like her more.
6. Margaret - Missing from the last episode but still in contention.
7. Brian - Too much Mountain Dew but at least he's into the game.
8. Brooke - Not too exciting, but at least she's cute.
9. Rafe - Stinking in challenges doesn't bode well for future success unless you're Sandra.
10. Stephenie - Too much drama, already.
11. Amy - Meh.
12. Bobby Jon - Tell me again, why did we get HIM again?
13. Brandon - Don't like him but at least he's tough.
14. Blake - Someone please motivate him!
15. Jamie - My newest Biggest Loser.

Booted. Brianna - "Back to the shopping mall!"

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by byoffer on 09-30-05 at 02:34 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-05 AT 02:35 PM (EST)

Edited to note this is a direct reference to Dreamer's content.

>9) Cindy Hall – I would love to be stranded in a jungle with her.

But, you'll have to rate me better than #9 to make that stranded time meaningful, monkey-boy.

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by emydi on 09-30-05 at 03:33 PM
1. (0) 1,5 Brandon--Just love him, he's the narrator and good playa (DB, my "i told you so" was Steph not Brandon!!)

2. (0) 2,1 Rafe--Same as Brandon, but gay and eats bugs!!

3. (+3)6,9 Jamie--I love his snark and Brianna needed to go..and she wasn't pretty either!!

4. (-1)3,2 Margaret--she was right on the tarp and she shouldn't take care of anyone anymore

5. (+5)10,7 Cindy--Ties for my biggest mover up of the week. I like her, and I would love to talk to her about animals!

6. (-1)5,12 Lydia--nice woman--she reminds me of Angie from last season

7. (+2)6,9 Gary--good leader and challenge hound

8. (+5)13,14 Amy--Ties for biggest move up..she is no quitter and I hope she sticks around more now

9. (+2) 11,10 Brooke--only here bc others are worse. She did a good job at calling and she should be around awhile.

10. -3) 7, 4 Blake--He is just eye candy...his look about Margaret's "bossiness" was totally inappropriate and she should throw him in w/ the gators

11. -3) 8, 3 BJ--not even eye candy so much anymore and ditto on the Margaret thing, he is an ungrateful SOB

12. (+3) 15,16 Judd--not moving up other than others are more irritating to me now

13. (-9) 4, 15 Brian--my initial dislike of him was right, he was totally patronizing to Lydia and I hope he gets tossed out on his Ivy League A$$ sooner rather than later!!

14. (0)14,11 Danni--Ok, am I the only person that does not like this woman? Aruba..last week you asked how I could compare her to Katie...not in her challenge prowess, but in her attitude or something about her that rubs me the wrong way...maybe I'm wrong, I would think I would like her bc she is a strong woman in challenges, but I just can't shake this feeling that she thinks she's all that....I'll keep my eye on her and see if I am misjudging her...

15. (+1)16, 17 Steph...whiny Rupert nuff said


Brianna 12, 13 eh, Jamie was right! I know you didn't have to know what a pick is but you could have at least MOVED to help your teammates...maybe she was afraid she'd break a nail

maybe it's bc she's a Chiefs fan?

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by NineTen on 09-30-05 at 03:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-30-05 AT 03:52 PM (EST)

1. Stephenie LaGrossa (1)
2. Margaret Bobonich (2)
3. Judd Sergeant (3)
4. Cindy Hall (10)
5. Bobby Jon Drinkard (4)
6. Amy O'Hara (13)
7. Gary Hogeboom (5)
8. Lydia Morales (6)
9. Jamie Newton (7)

10.Brooke Struck (9)
11.Brian Corridan (11)
12.Brandon Bollinger (12)

Mildly Dislike:
13. Blake Towsley (14)
14. Danni Boatwright (15)

Please boot:
15. Rafe Judkins (16)

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by Mo0 on 10-01-05 at 01:26 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-05 AT 08:26 AM (EST)

I've flopped my order so it's easier to tell who's where.


My parentheses now read left to right week to week. >_>

(T10)(T10)(1) Amy - She hurts her ankle and says "No, I'm fine, don't worry about me." Not only is that loads more mature than just about any other injury-ee we've ever seen, but it provides a lot of creepy parallels to last season. More on that later.
(5)(1)(2) Judd - I still like Judd, even if he did get a bit more aggravated than he should've about Cindy.
(3)(4)(3) Rafe - I don't understand how you could want to eat insects. I really don't. But I commend your bravery.
(T10)(T10)(4) Brooke - You did a good job at the IC. She ends up this high because... well, because it was a surprise that they picked her and that she did pretty well. Gary did beat her, though...
(4)(15)(5) Gary - Good job at keeping on the down low this week. Pulled your weight in the challenge, that's for sure. What baffled me is why they didn't use him in every single competition that allowed a man in it. Maybe he didn't want to verify Danni's statement about being a quarterback.
(T10)(5)(6) Brian - You engineered Morgan's ouster? No, I don't think so. You helped it, sure, but that kind of talk should be saved for later in the game.
(2)(16)(7) Stephenie - I really think that Steph's whining fit is a bit of editing at work. Seriously, she has all the right in the world to whine that she's losing again. The only difference is that this time her whining doesn't make a lick of sense since her tribe is clearly the physically weaker of the two, and for the first 5 or so episodes it's almost entirely physical challenges. Last season was the season to whine about it, when her tribe was about 100 years younger than the other collectively. Seriously. I think they're trying to edit her as a new Rupert, but unlike Rupert, she doesn't turn her charisma on all day.
(T10)(2)(8) Jamie - Didn't see much out of him this past episode, so can't really comment.
(6)(6)(9) Lydia - I like Lydia as a person, I really do. But between her lack of physical strength and her apparently lack of strategic skills, she's doomed, and that makes me sad. I don't want to see her leave. So she ends up lower on the list because she depresses me when I think about her.
(17)(7)(10) Danni - Now that her role as Gary spoiler has been filled, she's hiding again.
(1)(3)(11) Margaret - I like her, but I can't help but think she's shooting herself in the foot by thinking because she nursed all the boys back to health that she's now their leader. This isn't Lord of the Flies.
(8)(14)(12) Blake - It doesn't appear you're incredibly lazy anymore, but you still aren't doing much.
(T10)(T10)(13) Cindy - Yes, Howler Monkeys are amazing creatures.
(9)(9)(14) Brandon - Getting tired of the snark mixed in with whining.
(7)(8)(15) Bobby Jon - What a hissy fit! Sheesh! The only reason you're here instead of, say, Brandon, is because I was really expecting better.
(T10)(T10)(Bootee) Brianna - BAM! Another surprise for everyone except the viewers at home. Seriously, the whole point of a sport is to use your feet.

I'm not stupid, just selectively ignorant.

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by Quiddity on 10-01-05 at 10:41 AM

1(2) Cindy - Steph's complaining this week was enough to let Cindy leapfrog her for the top spot. With Brianna gone she's now the best looking on the show IMHO
2(1) Steph - Still like you Steph, but enough with all the complaining! Yes, your tribe stinks again, but take the initiative to do something about it!
3(3) Gary - Still like him, but end the charade and admit who you are!
4(5) Danni - Proving to be very valuable in the challenges and along with Cindy is a big reason why Nakum is winning all the challenges
5(4) Margeret - I don't get why certain members of Nakum desire to get rid of her, the 3 strong women of this tribe really carried them the first couple of weeks when the men were dropping like flies


6 Blake
6 Brooke
6 Amy
6 Brandon

10(5)Judd - You do good in the challenges, but quit the complaining about Margaret!
11(5)Bobby Jon - Why this guy deserved to come back eludes me. I never got to know him that well last season, I don't see why he'd be popular enough to bring back like Steph.
12(5)Brian - Like Rafe I don't see this guy contributing much. Its unfortunate for Yaxha that not only do they get 3 really weak women, they also have some weak men as well.
13(5)Lydia - Really stunk in that challenge. If Yaxha loses again this week, which I expect to happen, she's the goner.
14(16)Rafe - Still completely useless
15(5)Jamie - I don't like the way he talked about Brianna >

16(5) Brianna - dissapointed to see her go, she was really cute. Oh well, she was quite useless, i admit it.

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by Aruba on 10-01-05 at 12:52 PM
1) BRAIN (3) - This series only real "player" of the game so far...and he knows it. Only risk is that he gets too full of himself and rub others the wrong way, i.e., John the nurse from Survivor 4. But I think his Ivy league education should give him enough smarts to not make that mistake.

2) DANNI (4) - My vote for MVP in the IC. Also smart enough to not harp on the Gary QB issue, but did plant the seed and put it in everyone's mind.

3) BRANDON (1) - Other than quoting the adage about the brave he wasn't much of a factor this past episode. Perhaps it was the editing? Whatever the reason, he dropped a little from last week.

4) MARGARET (2) - As a practitioner please stick to nursing. Not a good idea to put in your two-cents about building a shelter. Although it didn't sit well with the male tribe members, I don't think it hurt her too badly.

5) LYDIA (6) - Keeps finding a way to stay alive. After a while others will start looking for someone else to target which will allow her to go a long way in the game.

6) JUDD (5) - In Vanuatu Twila belly-ached and complained her way to the Final Two. Who wouldn't want this guy sitting next to them in the final two where his short fuse and testiness could assure a $1,000,000 for the other finalist?

7) BLAKE (9) - Hopefully we've seen the end to his "I'm too sick to help around camp" and "I want Margaret as my Mother Goose" antics. Still a bit too much melodrama after the challenges but too solid of a competitor to vote off just yet.

8) RAFE (16) - MONSTER move up the ladder! How could someone who looked SO pathetic last week compete admirably in this week's IC? Could he be playing everyone...or is there really protein in those termites?

9) BOBBY JON (11) - Didn't do much to move up; just a case of others around him moving down. Even though his tribe is winning, don't understand why he is being held out of the physical challenges...it's not like they need his brain for the mental challenges to come.

10) CINDY (7) - Every series has that token chic with breast implants--Cindy is that chic this season. May be the biggest beneficiary of being on a winning tribe.

11) BROOKE (10) - My question from last week still stands--Who is she???

12) GARY (13) - Hey Yaxha, when one of your tribemates get called out as a former professional athlete and Jeff does NOT bring it up at not one but TWO tribal councils that has to wave a red flag! Unless Yaxha is too dumb and remains clueless, Gary could be on borrowed time.

13) AMY (14) - And I thought Rafe's voice was irritating? YIKES! She better be a fast healer or she will be limping along that walk of shame next tribal council.

14) JAMIE (15) - His only asset is trying to convince all to boot Stephanie. But since the women and Rafe idolize her, fat chance of that happening. Translation--stop your complaining or else go home.

15) STEPHANIE (12) - Is there an "I" in TEAM??? Steph would have served herself well to be the heroine of Palau and leave it at that. Her participation here will not assure her as the most popular female in Survivor history. She would be a great motivational asset on a winning team; but her demeanor and "me" attitude has a way of bringing down a losing team. She needs to go.

BOOTED) BRIANNA - Did know much about her...Guess I never will.

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by Das Mole on 10-02-05 at 04:50 PM
Rank. Name (Last Week)(Previous weeks)

1. Lydia (1)(1) - I love it! She escaped being voted out again. I'm telling you, this woman is gonna win. It's like that episode of Lost where Clare has a flashback and she's gonna sign the contract to give away her unborn baby, and she tries signing two times, w/two different pens and neither pen works, and then she decides not to sign the papers...well, it's been two Tribal Councils...
2. Danni (3)(6) - Like her a lot, she's awesome. Although she is getting a bit on the emaciated side...
3. Judd (2)(8) - Still like him.
4. Brian (5)(5) - Was a little freakish before IC at camp w/the pep talk that wouldn't stop, but I like him.
5. Brooke (9)(7) - She's not a deaf mute after all!
6. Margaret (6)(2) - I do think she shouldn't have butted in when the guys were trying to put up the tarp, but I didn't think it was that big of a deal.
7. Cindy (7)(3) - Kinda invisible and/or UTR...the only thing she did was talk about the annoying-as-hell howler monkey.
8. Amy (12)(13) - She's growing on me. Her accent isn't as irritating as I thought it was before, either. Liked that outfit she was wearing in her confessional, too, btw. The one where she said "you'll have to stick needles in my eyes".
9. Jamie (11)(17) - Kinda neutral about him. I don't think he's that bad.
10. Stephenie (4)(4) - There's no nice way of saying this, so I'm just gonna say it...she was kind of a b!tch in this last episode.
11. Blake (13)(12) - Did well in the challenge, wasn't laying around sick anymore. Yay!
12. Brandon (15)(16) - He's OK, I guess.
13. Gary (14)(14) - *Yawn*
14. Bobby Jon (10)(11) - WTF?
15. Rafe (16)(15) - Seeing how I was spot on with my bootee predictions the last two weeks, maybe I should predict his departure, lol. Can't stand him.

Brianna (8)(10) - Damn, I'm good. I was on the money again! I'm so excited...Oh yeah, about Brianna, um... ...


"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by Stana on 10-05-05 at 10:38 PM
1.) Lydia-My favorite player. She tries and She's nice...I liked her trying to get food for everyone.
2.) Danni - good player but my goodness she is too thin. Her stomach makes me look away....
3.) Margaret - Man where those guys losers after all she did for them
4.) Judd -Funny...didn't like the remark bout Margaret though...I guess he feels like he wasn't that ill sooooo...
5.) Stephenie_ too pround of herself althought she is good and smart.
6.) Blake- wonder why is was so ill at first? Is Guatamala High Altitude also?
7.) Amy-?
8.) Gary-?
9.) Cindy-Guys are diggin her Boobs....
10.) Brooke- so far nothing on the radar
11.) Rafe- came back ater the terrible performace in the earlier challenge
12.) Brian -A bit annoying but he helped with Margaret
13.) Bobby Jon - Why did they bring him back....eye Candy?
14.) Jamie - whiner but may have a clue
15.) Brandon - Okay....

Brianna didn't even move did she in the basket ball challenge....She deserved to go

"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by Incognito9 on 10-06-05 at 02:14 AM
This week's list, because I'm TIRED of studying. Oh and I have practice just 4 hours from now

Rank. Name. (Last Week's Rank) <Average Rank>

Tier 1 - Please Stick Around
1.) Cindy(5)<4.33>: I can't put my finger on it just yet, but I dig her. A TON. It's cool to hear her perspective on stuff.
2.) Jamie(13)<9.67>: This guy is such an assshole. But it's refreshing to see it - we haven't had a major assshole stick around long enough since Boston Rawb in AllStars. I hope he stays long enough. Plus I'm hoping he can engineer a Stephenie boot soon.
3.) Danni(1)<4.67>: Kicking asss so far. My only request is that she put on a few pounds... I don't have the hotts for skeletons.
4.) Margaret(8)<5.67>: The big-top circus tent comment was pretty funny. I'm not worried about the negativity from other Nakummers' confessionals, I think it's a red herring, similar to Caryn's comments about Tom in S10.
5.) Brandon(2)<2.67>: Still really cool and pretty good at challenges. Hoping he at least survives til the jury.

Tier 2 - Okay
6.) Amy(11)<10.00>: Tough as nails. And her accent is starting to grow on me.
7.) Blake(3)<6.33>: Good at challenges, he's made a recovery so far, a little Danni-loving going on? The thing that annoys me is that he's so goddammn overdramatic after every challenge, always panting for air. Dude, bring your Advair next time or get off my TV.
8.) Judd(4)<6.00>: This guy is turning into a huge baby, possibly moreso than Coby was at the merge. His role has essentially been to biitch about everything. Lighten up, man. No pun intended.
9.) BobbyJon(10)<10.00>: He's a lot more chill this time around. Looks like he's found some real friends this time too.
10.) Brooke(6)<8.00>: I'm growing impatient with her. I'd like her to do more scheming, because I know she wants to sooo badly.

Tier 3 - Sucky Yaxha Peoples
11.) Gary(14)<9.33>: This guy's days are numbered. Is it just me or is he getting stupider every episode?
12.) Lydia(12)<13.33>: You dodged another bullet. I'm sorry, I'm just not impressed yet. You're the new Stephenie, which means I'll have to look at you again on my TV next season. Crap.
13.) Rafe(16)<15.33>: Nope. Not feeling it. His confessionals have the intelligence and insight of a mentally retarded 6 year-old. Keep eating ants, locusts, dirt, poop, whatever the hell you want. You still aren't funny.
14.) Stephenie(15)<11.00>: Cocky. Please tell me when the hell your PMS stint is gonna be overwith, it's been 8 days and I'm ready to throw up the white flag with you.
15.) Brian(7)<13.33>: This week's major loser. His peppy cheerleading act was probably the lamest thing I've ever seen on Survivor. Note the Jamie rise on my charts for nearly biitch-slapping this fruitcake back to the Middle Ages.

BOOTED. Brianna(9): Meh, who cares?

There is going to be a twist in tomorrow night's episode and I have no clue what it is going to be. Awesome.

Also it will be my reward for getting thru the shittty exam I have to take in about 11 hours

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"RE: Guatemala Love List: week 3"
Posted by oz4ever on 10-06-05 at 05:16 AM
1.Bobby Jon Drinkard (last week 10, week before 7)- Nice to see him win and not make a big deal out of it like Stephenie would.

2.Rafe Judkins (11,9)- Funny with the termites and
Steph: "Rafe, if you eat those termites I'm not gonna be your friend anymore."

3.Cindy Hall (12,6)- Funny how she is getting on Judd's nerves, because I don't like Judd.

4.Amy O'Hara (6,10)- Nice attitude but I'm still trying to place the weird accent.

5.Stephenie LaGrossa (9,2)- Seems to be really trying to make a handful of friends, and really trying to win the challenges.

6.Blake Towsley (7,4)- Still looks a bit unhealthy but the editing didn't focus on that this week.

7.Gary Hogeboom (1,3)- Still like him even though he's blatantly lying.

8.Margaret Bobonich (8,1)- Getting a bit old and annoying now.

9.Brooke Struck (14,10)- Still mostly invisible.

10.Brian Corridan (3,10)- Annoys me that he's trying to take all the credit for Morgan's boot. TOO enthuasiastic.

11.Danni Boatwright (2,16)- Like wow I'm so jealous you go to Chiefs games!!! Great neutral sportscaster you are.

12.Brandon Bollinger (13,15)- Still don't like the hair, something just seems off.

13.Jamie Newton (16,14)- Bit invisible this week I think.

14.Lydia Morales (4,17)- How dumb do you have to be to run with the ball straight after Jeff explained the rules?

15.Judd Sergeant (15,8)- Complains too much and I'm not fond of the heavy accent.

Booted: Brianna Varda (5,10)- Useless at the immunity challenge.

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