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"Love Match?"

Posted by GeorjiB on 09-27-05 at 08:58 PM
Do you all think there will be a love match on this season? I'm not seeing anything yet but there are so many people and so much time yet. Blake and Margaret? JOKING!

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"RE: Love Match?"
Posted by Das Mole on 09-27-05 at 10:27 PM
Apparently Amy loves Lydia...O.O


No, I don't think there'll be any romance this time around. Maybe Brooke and somebody, but even that seems doubtful to me.

"RE: Love Match?"
Posted by oz4ever on 09-27-05 at 11:38 PM
Brian and Danni? After all, they were rolling around in the mud telling secrets...

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"Oh yeah, Margie baby!"
Posted by Spanky68 on 09-29-05 at 04:17 PM
I don't know if it's happening on the show, but in the "Be the Survivor" thread on Bashers, Margie and Blake have become a pair.

crossthreading since at least 2003

"RE: Oh yeah, Margie baby!"
Posted by byoffer on 09-29-05 at 04:24 PM
Even in "Be the Survivor" I can't get lucky. Damn Mark Burnett and his editing me to be invisible!!

There was a monkey that howled at me, so maybe there will be romance....

Two can play this cross-thread game!!

"RE: Oh yeah, Margie baby!"
Posted by leianawd on 09-30-05 at 08:29 AM
I don't think we will see any romance this season, thank god!!!!

"RE: Oh yeah, Margie baby!"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-03-05 at 03:55 PM
If I were Blake (and thus not married to a beautiful, vivaciuos hottie like I am in real life) and were approached by all the women on the show, I would put Cindy near the top based on looks.

But the fact that she's around primates all day, might work against her if it came down to that.

"RE: Oh yeah, Margie baby!"
Posted by bystander on 10-03-05 at 04:16 PM
Cindy? Pfft!

"RE: Oh yeah, Margie baby!"
Posted by byoffer on 10-03-05 at 04:34 PM
Hey Brooke:


Hey Blake:

Don't underestimate the powers of the monkeys to teach me some amazing monkey-sex techniques! Have you ever seen the way those monkeys can eat a banana?? Grab a vine and swing on by, and I'll have you howling!

And when we're done I will eat all the bugs out of your hair...

"So how YOU doin'?"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-04-05 at 12:22 PM
well, that DOES put things in a differnt light. A booty call on a vine?!?!? That is enticing, and if that weren't enough, a delousing afterward... I am so there!

You don't mind if I bring the barf bag, right?

"RE: Love Match?"
Posted by byoffer on 09-30-05 at 10:38 AM
Looks like BobbyJon is doing a little "love match shopping"

Not surprising, since the guy has been sequestered on Survivor for long stretches of time over the last two seasons!!

"RE: Love Match?"
Posted by Lisa0116 on 09-30-05 at 11:19 AM
Am I the only one who thinks that Danni looks like a half starved large mouth bass??? What a BIG mouth. She could swallow Bobby Jon's WHOLE FACE!!!!

"You're not alone"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-03-05 at 04:00 PM
See post #33 in this thread on Bashers:

or posts 35, 37 and 40 in this thread:

Darn, I hope Smokedog doesn't see this. My Blake character just talked SD's Danni into a truce after those posts.

"RE: Love Match?"
Posted by GeorjiB on 09-30-05 at 12:31 PM
LOL!!! Bobby Jon is so busted!!! LOL!!!

My prediction is Judd and the monkey ... just to shut up the monkey!

"RE: Love Match?"
Posted by Aruba on 10-01-05 at 08:12 AM
A love interest generally does not make for good strategy. It hurt Jeff & Kim in Palu. And Greg's need to confide in Jenn spelt his demise. The only obvious exception is Rob & Amber, and their success pretty much killed any chance of that working again. Even though CBS will not allow two survivors to split the money, Rob & Amber found a nifty looppole to that rule. Players would have to be idiots to allow that to happen again.

"RE: Love Match?"
Posted by theenthusiast on 10-01-05 at 03:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-01-05 AT 03:41 PM (EST)

No, I know who! Steph and Bobby Jon! Hahaha...no really that would be an interesting romance. My friend said that if they did hook up and get married, their kids would be super cute! I just said they would have REALLY strong and hard-working kids LOL. Not to mention my other friend who said their kids would all have six-packs. LOL again.

"I'm no geneticist, but..."
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-03-05 at 04:04 PM
good looking parents don't always make for good looking kids. And sometimes two parents who strike you as aggressively ugly pop out beauty queens.

When genes start bumping together in the jeans, there is no telling what you'll get. It's a far bigger gamble than anything in Vegas.

"RE: I'm no geneticist, but..."
Posted by theenthusiast on 10-03-05 at 11:22 PM
well that's true i guess...but it wouldn't happen anyway so why bother. haha stephenie was just loathing bobby jon towards the end of palau right before he left. yes it would be a gamble but once we see an affleck kid we can finally decide whether beautiful parents make ugly kids. lol "drinkard kids" doesn't sound right (but if you picture it...)