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"S 11 PTTE Week 2 Results/Week 3 Changes"

Posted by emydi on 09-24-05 at 05:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-24-05 AT 05:57 PM (EST)

A few housekeeping notes first:

We have 4 new players this week Chick, DigicatJond, Magiccbr929rr (forevermore Magic ) and last year's American Idol PTTE champion Survivor Maniac

We also had 3 players Breezy, Cool Blue Pig and Yogi that did not add in Steph and BJ to their lists...therefore, when you do add them it will be a 5 point penalty...so when you add them, take advantage of the change and make any changes then to only get one 5 pt. penalty)

Esquire--you changed your list but you did not add Steph/BJ. Therefore, bc you already got a 5 pt. penalty, I'll let you add them in this week without a penalty...but you cannot make any additional changes...if you do, you get another 5 pt. penalty.

OKJohn--the list you put down as your original list was not correct, so when you added Steph/BJ, I gave you a 5 pt. penalty...don't worry..you did better that way!!

Now onto the Results!!

WOW!! I knew there would be a bit of a shake up in the standings after episode 2 but what a surprise boot!! I love those!! However, 2 of our players (1 in an original list and one in a changed list) were astute enough to correctly have Morgan going out at 17.

Congratulations byoffer and DasMole!

Many of us had Morgan going deep into the game w/ many veterans getting bamboozled in the points!!

When I list your scores if there is a no. in () after the first no., that is what you would have had if you had NOT changed your list...some were helped by changing, some NOT!

Our new leader STILL with 0 points in sole possession of 1st place is:

byoffer 0

2. Applejack93 1

3. LibraRising 3

4. FlowerPower 4
WhoamI 4

6. CoolBluePig 8
MJewel 8

8. DasMole 9(10)
Kingfish 9(3) DOH!!
Mckelvie 9(3) DOH!!--always go w/your 1st answer!!
OKJohn 9(14)Told ya OK!!

12. Corvis 10
DBeliever 10
Magic 10 Nice Week 2 score for a late entry!!
Yensid 10

16. Pepe 11 Ooooh, how the champ has fallen!

17. Televison 13
Tribe 13
Yogi 13

20. emydi 14(10) Start of my complete collapse!!

21. Breezy 15
DigiCat 15

23. MacMasq 16(5)
Mo0 16(13)
Oz4ever 16

26. SurvManiac 17

27. Esquire 18(13)

28. Agressionx 19(8)
Chick 19

30. DearAbby 20(18)
Fester 20(15)
Stan 20(15) KABOOM
Ulalame 20(15)

34. Molaholic 30(18)

35. CutsyTootsy 32(29)

Remember, all changes are due by 7:59 pm EDT on 9/29/05.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S 11 PTTE Week 2 Results/Week 3 Changes"
Posted by byoffer on 09-24-05 at 10:00 PM

I guess ignorance pays off. Might as well leave my picks unchanged for this week too.

Margaret ~ Sole Survivor

If only I had known this in Scarlett's Office Pool!

"RE: S 11 PTTE Week 2 Results/Week 3 Changes"
Posted by emydi on 09-24-05 at 10:41 PM

There is no need to post your list or even post at all if you do not have any changes...I have the lists saved

but if you want to post about anything go right ahead.

"RE: S 11 PTTE Week 2 Results/Week 3 Changes"
Posted by byoffer on 09-29-05 at 10:36 PM
Then I guess I can post a *double boggle* after tonight's results. And next week is not looking good for BJ.


"RE: S 11 PTTE Week 2 Results/Week 3 Changes"
Posted by Mo0 on 09-25-05 at 01:25 AM
Well, so far this season I'm not doing quite as bad.

If no one remembers, I had Wanda winning it all last season. Boy was I stupid.

No changes, just... thought I'd like to comment that my winner hasn't been booted yet.

I'm not stupid, just selectively ignorant.

"RE: S 11 PTTE Week 2 Results/Week 3 Changes"
Posted by kingfish on 09-26-05 at 12:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-26-05 AT 01:28 PM (EST)

No change. Just echoing the DOH!! and adding a forehead slap.

For making such a stupid move, I lay myself upon the Sacrificial Mayan Alter, just take me now, take me out of my misery O Wise and Angry (not to mention A$$hole) Gods!!.

(although getting Blake to a sooner rather than later position on my list might actually pay off....) Wait, wait! just cool the heart plucking for another week or two, although I may want to repeat my over-the-dramatic-top dying scene then.

hmmm. One of the by-guys is messing up another net game by doing unbelievably well. Suspicious.

And as to a previously considered strategy of copying Pepe's (or Stan's) list (previous winners), at the moment looks to have been a death wish strategy. Incredibly, my plan B strategy (the dartboard) was the better idea.

(heh heh...I said plucking..Heh heh)

Posted by Breezy on 09-26-05 at 01:04 PM
18. Jim- gone
17. Morgan- gone

16. Cindy
15. Lydia
14. Blake
13. Rafe
12. Jamie
11. Stephanie
10. Brian
9. Brianna
8. Bobby Jon
7. Brandon
6. Brooke
5. Amy
4. Judd
3. Gary
2. Margaret
1. Danni

"RE: S 11 PTTE Week 2 Results/Week 3 Changes"
Posted by applejack93 on 09-28-05 at 07:53 AM
WOW, I did far better than I thought I could! Ha, I actually didn't think Morgan would be going at all last week, but I couldn't be bothered changing my list to move her further down! Laziness pays off I guess!

Anyway, here's my new boot list:

Jim - 1st Boot.
Morgan - 2nd Boot

Margaret - Sole Survivor

Now I bet everything goes south for me, after having such a great first two weeks!!

Thanks for doing this emy.

Posted by FesterFan1 on 09-28-05 at 03:06 PM
Good thing I made those changes...not.

Is there a red ink champ for this?

"RE: S 11 PTTE Week 2 Results/Week 3 Changes"
Posted by Flowerpower on 09-28-05 at 09:24 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-28-05 AT 09:32 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 09-28-05 AT 09:28 PM (EST)

Just wanted to let you know that I'm sticking with last weeks list. Do I have to post and tell you each week if I stay with the previous list?

Sure miss you all over the spoiler boards emy, and just think, it's time for your halloween siggie!

"RE: S 11 PTTE Week 2 Results/Week 3 Changes"
Posted by emydi on 09-29-05 at 02:31 PM
No need to post your list every week, FP. I have them saved. Only post if you are changing!

I still post on Veruca's thread every week! you Rafe-hater!!

you mean this one, my little pretty?

"RE: S 11 PTTE Week 2 Results/Week 3 Changes"
Posted by CutsyTootsy on 09-28-05 at 10:05 PM
18 Jim
17 Morgan
16 Blake
15 Amy
14 Bobby Jon
13 Cindy
12 Brian
11 Brianna
10 Danni
9 Lydia
8 Brooke
7 Brandon
6 Judd
5 Jamie
4 Margaret
3 Stephenie
2 Rafe
1 Gary

Tribe's work

"RE: S 11 PTTE Week 2 Results/Week 3 Changes"
Posted by DigiCatJond on 09-28-05 at 10:56 PM
8.bobby jon

"RE: S 11 PTTE Week 2 Results/Week 3 Changes"
Posted by LibraRising on 09-29-05 at 04:25 PM
*sigh* Gotta change it. I had Amy winning and Brianna coming in second, and I'm not feeling good about either one of those.

18. Jim
17. Morgan

16. Amy
15. Cindy
14. Blake
13. Brooke
12. Brianna
11. Bobby Jon
10. Brandon
9. Judd
8. Margaret
7. Danni
6. Jamie
5. Stephenie
4. Lydia
3. Brian
2. Rafe
1. Gary -- the sole survivor

A Nutzy/IceCat masterpiece.