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"Jeff being hard on Jeff?"

Posted by Jenna_F on 05-17-05 at 00:20 AM
This isn't really a bashing, so fanatics it goes.

Last night did anyone think that Probst was being a little hard on Jeff. I meen, Jeff had an injured ankle so he quit. Janu, sucked at the game, so she quit, yet all we here in regards to Janu is how she "underwent such changes". Also, the concept that Ian also quit was never even brought up, as if Ian wanting the Big Boys to accept him again was noble in some way.

I meen, when he was advertising casting calls for season 12, and he said "And if you don't think you'll quit if you break your ankle,", I felt like Probst was just being a jerk for no reason, now if he had been hard on all three that would of been different, but as it was, he basically singled Jeff out.

Did anyone else think this?

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"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by strid333 on 05-17-05 at 00:32 AM
Well, with my job, I am on my feet for majority of the day. My feet are also really messed up. (I wear arch supports inside my shoes because I have fallen arches.) Sometimes, it is bad enough that I'm limping a bit around the house at home. On the weekends, I tend to relax a bit and not be on my feet a whole lot, so my feet do feel better on Monday, but Friday, they hurt again.

This is in a completely normal situation, where I have comfy chairs and beds, and I eat normally, and I feel the pain building up in my feet.

I can understand Jeff. The chances of him recovering and being good enough to do well in challenges and work around camp are slim to none. He didn't quit. He just told his tribe that he was going to be pretty useless and if they wanted to keep him, at least they knew what they were getting.

Janu quit. Ashlee pretty much quit. Ian also quit. Jeff, I think, was different. Would you say Michael quit when he burned his hands in the fire? I would call these things injuries.

Three is the perfect number.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by Jenna_F on 05-17-05 at 00:39 AM
exactly what was bothering me... Not only did he single one person out, but the one person he singled out was the only person with even a remotly legitimate excuse to quit.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by anotherkim on 05-17-05 at 04:57 AM

and he has had to have surgery on his ankle since the show, so obviously staying out there wasn't going to help it any. He makes his living doing physical activity, so I can see why he didn't want to jeoporidize that if he realized that he wasn't going to get any better. I had a really bad sprain once and it took weeks to heal. I can't having something like that required surgery out there in those conditions. There was no way he was going to be able to compete and win in the end. It was futile and foolish for him to continue.

I was less than impressed with Jiffy's dealings with Jeff and Janu and Ian last night. Ian and Janu were given "excuses" by Jiffo, but the one person who SHOULD have gone home, was made to look stupid. That was ridiculous. He's gotten totally full of himself and tried to become part of the game instead of commenting on the game.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by pmspml5 on 05-17-05 at 10:04 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-17-05 AT 10:07 AM (EST)

First, let me say that JP was not hard enough on Janu, Ian, or Ashlee who all asked to be voted out in my opinion - but I do not think he was to hard on Jeff.

First what he said at the end of last seasons show was "if you wont quit". He did not say anything about a broken ankle - leaving many of us to speculate about more than 1 quitter. Jeff did not have a broken ankle.

Second, Jeff had surgery on his ankle before the show - I have heard nothing about surgery after the show or since. Jeff would have brought that up right away if he had it. It is my opinion and from what we know about the "vacations" that Jeff was perfectly fine with in a week or so. I also think that JP gave him a harder time because he was so crutial to their tribe - his own tribemates said that Jeff was the only one that could beat Tom.

I have had a sprained ankle as well and there was no putting weight on it at all. Jeff was walking all over the place - yes he was limping but IMHO - not that badly.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by frisky on 05-17-05 at 10:11 AM
Bobby Jon said at the reunion show that Jeff has had surgery on the ankle since the show.

The world is my litterbox.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by pmspml5 on 05-17-05 at 11:06 AM
No - BJ actually said that "he has had surgery on that ankle" which happened 1 year before the show started.

"S10 quitters"
Posted by JohnMc on 05-17-05 at 10:49 AM
Did Jeff quit? Yes. He twisted his ankle. He should have stuck it out. I mean, we know that Ulong was going to be eliminated eventually. But Kim should have gone before Jeff. In the big scheme, it doesn't really matter because it's really only 3 days. But it is the principle of "quitting" versus being voted off.

Did Janu quit? Yes. If Koror had actually lost an immunity, then she would have been voted out earlier (unless Greg kept her around for his little plot that never unfolded). Janu lasted longer than she deserved to. However, I was glad to see her quit before Stephenie.

Did Ian quit? Are you kidding me? Of course not?!! It was the last immunity challenge. It was almost 12 hours in. It was basically day 39! Ian virtually lasted 39 days! Why is he a quitter? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read on these boards.

Tom had already made a deal with Ian. The deal was either step down and he takes Ian, or risk losing and he takes Katie. Ian actually took the power away from Tom, and redeemed himself with both Katie and Tom. What Ian lost was around $15K to $25K (what does third place earn?). But in return he controlled his own destiny, regained the respect of 2 of his good friends, and still lasted 38 days. (I still think he made it into 39, though).

Ian is not a quitter. Cut and dry.

"RE: S10 quitters"
Posted by Mo0 on 05-17-05 at 03:35 PM
I view quit differently. I view it as not allowing your tribe to vote for you. Jeff and Ashlee, especially Jeff, still left their fate in the hands of their tribe. Any group of members could have decided not to vote for them just because they said to, and they could've stuck around. When Janu or Osten quit, they didn't allow that to happen. They just said "I'm done."

Ian didn't quit the game, but his brain sure didn't seem to be functioning.

I'm not stupid, just selectively ignorant.

"RE: S10 quitters"
Posted by MargoChanning on 05-17-05 at 04:03 PM
I think Ian basically handed the million to Tom - and knew he was doing it. He knew that Katie had no chance at all against Tom. Ian had a better chance, but would have to go through the questioning at the final TC which he knows can get rough. I think he realized that he couldn't emotionally handle that and therefore handed the victory to Tom.

And in some ways, he kept up his end of the bargain with Tom. They agreed to fight it out at the end - and they did for 12 hours. Then Ian handed Tom the million and walked away. Let's face it, Tom wasn't about to come off that buoy. Ever. Heck, he'd probably still be there now! Ian looked at the possibility of staying up there for another 12 hours and still losing to Tom and decided to take fate into his own hands. It's all about deals by that point and he made his deal to give Tom the money.

Quitting? Definitely not in the same vein as Osten or Janu (who never should have been allowed to be on the jury) or those who have asked to be voted out. Strategic? Yes.

"RE: S10 quitters"
Posted by Jenna_F on 05-17-05 at 10:53 PM
"Did Ian quit? Are you kidding me? Of course not?!! It was the last immunity challenge. It was almost 12 hours in. It was basically day 39! Ian virtually lasted 39 days! Why is he a quitter? That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever read on these boards."

Ian stepped down from the challenge because he was feeling bad about having Tom and Katie mad at him, and him quiting like this might of seemed noble, except you know, he didn't do ANYTHING wrong.
As he didn't do anything wrong to deserve them getting mad at him, he was essentailly being a push over and quiting because he couldn't handle the emotional stress of the situation, and really, someone who lets Tom and Katie bully him into steping down like that IS a quitter, atleast in my mind.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by RealityMom on 05-18-05 at 11:45 AM
I went back and listened to what Jeff Probst said and his words were to apply "if you will play with a broken ankle". I think Jeff (the contestant) was being made an example of because the producers don't want to see anymore quitting. So it seemed a lot of time was spent on the subject.
To be honest with you, in my opinion, asking Jeff why he left was something I didn't care about at this point. I'd completely forgotten all about it. I enjoy watching the Reunion when the questions I want answered, get asked. There's only one hour. I wanted to know a lot more about what happened in the most recent weeks- was there anything Tom could have said to get Coby's vote; the weakness and fingerpointing of the women, etc. etc.
This was a Survivor where two people basically had Survivor quit on them before they ever played. When Jeff left, he had a 1 in 14-17 ( I don't remember exactly when he left) chance of winning. He hadn't signed a multi-million dollar sports contract and wasn't going to get injections to relieve his pain. He's a very young guy who works as a trainer. If he thought he was putting his livelihood in jeopardy, then he didn't owe Survivor anything. Survivor didn't seem to worry about Wanda and Jonathan. I did feel very badly for Jonathan when Angie told him why she thought he wasn't picked. That seemed needlessly cruel.
I thought the whole quitting thing was time I would have rather seen spent discussing other issues.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by pmspml5 on 05-18-05 at 11:47 AM
I'm sorry Mom - I have last seasons and this season on TIVO - NO WHERE did JP say "broken ankle" that I can hear.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by RealityMom on 05-18-05 at 11:54 AM
Maybe your Tivo cut off the last seconds of the Reunion. I just went back and right after the preview for Guatemala and information about eBay, Jeff tells potential contestants to apply "if you'll play with a broken ankle". It's right at the very end.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by Brownroach on 05-18-05 at 11:54 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-18-05 AT 11:56 AM (EST)

Probst definitely said something to that effect near the end of this reunion show (not last season's). Whether he said "broken" or "rolled" or "injured" I don't recall, but it was clearly a dig at Jeff Wilson.

He seems to have it in for Jeff right from the start. In his pre-show interviews, Probst said that when Jeff applied, he teased him about shaving his body hair, and told him he was not going to be able to hack it out there.

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by pmspml5 on 05-18-05 at 11:56 AM
OK - then its this season - but he has it in for Jeff for the reasons I've stated above. When it came time to go on their "secret vacations" Jeff was fine. The picture I'm getting is that - he was not that injured at all and used it as an excuse to get off the show. Maybe that is why JP is being so hard on him.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by arturbars on 05-18-05 at 12:26 PM
>OK - then its this season
>- but he has it
>in for Jeff for the
>reasons I've stated above.
>When it came time to
>go on their "secret vacations"
>Jeff was fine. The
>picture I'm getting is that
>- he was not that
>injured at all and used
>it as an excuse to
>get off the show.
>Maybe that is why JP
>is being so hard on

I get the same impression. He should have at least sticked it out for three more days and see how his ankle feels....

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by RealityMom on 05-18-05 at 11:57 AM
Jeff Probst lets his true feelings show more and more every season. But I think Jeff's responsibility is to try to see that questions the viewers have get addressed- not air his own feelings for a contestant I bet most of us had forgotten all about.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by pmspml5 on 05-18-05 at 12:52 PM
I disagree - I think most people wanted to know just how bad he was hurt. If he wasnt that hurt then the outcome of the game could have been completely different.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by RealityMom on 05-18-05 at 01:10 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-18-05 AT 01:11 PM (EST)

I think being a good and especially being a great Survivor requires more than just physical prowess. It requires heart and will. That's why Stephenie is so admired. Osten, on the other hand, looked liked he had all the potential but in the end, he didn't have the will to play. He's someone I don't need to ever see again.
We'll never know how the game might have played out if Jeff stayed on. Bobby Jon had both the heart and the physical ability. Maybe keeping Angie longer would have helped, too. I don't think that Jeff had the heart. Sure, he could have still gotten the coconuts but whether he would have made the difference in whether Ulong could have won some challenges is just speculation. No one would have liked Stephenie to last much longer than she did (even to win it all) than I would but from the way that Ulong functioned, Jeff, believing that he was at risk, might not have been enough to save them.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by Wacko Jacko on 05-18-05 at 02:29 PM
Jeff was needlessly cruel to Jeff in my opinion. The guy had a 'broken' ankle. His team was short on people which meant that on every challenge however physically demanding Jeff would have had to compete on that ankle. He would of been in tremendous pain and he would've risked further damage. Not to mention he wasn't comfortable to begin with in the living environment. True Jeff did ask others to vote him out but not everyone did did they? So Jeff didn't really quit anyways.

I found it hypocrital on Probst's part to go hard on Jeff but easy on Janu. He was a jerk to Jeff no question about it, but I am sure Jeff is a man enough to get on even with Probsts name calling.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by pmspml5 on 05-18-05 at 02:40 PM
I'm sorry - but I have not heard from JEFF that he broke his ankle.
When JP asked him about quitting - it was a perfect opportunity for Jeff to say - "give me a break - it was broken of course I couldn't continue". That was not said - and I dont believe for 1 second that it was broke. I think that it is the rumor mill that has it broken and him having surgery. The surgery was before the show aired as Jeff himself talked about it. He was pretty much pounded by Jenna on Survivor Live and NEVER mentioned it being broken or having surgery - enough already.

"RE: Jeff being hard on Jeff?"
Posted by Laurie on 05-20-05 at 09:55 AM
Too many quitters this season is the reason JP was hard on Jeff. Maybe he thought it best to go easy on the ladies?

As was said, it takes heart and will to play Survivor. Ankles get sprained, bug bites get infected, players get stung by sting rays, not all of them quit like Jeff did. IMO he was a wuss, just as much as Ashlee and Janu were. They all should have been made an example of by JP.