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Thread Number: 3158
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Original Message
"S10 PTB Individual Immunity Challenge Week 10"

Posted by KObrien_fan on 04-16-05 at 07:26 AM
Come on in guys! In last weeks immunity challenge, Angelfood, Aethelstan, and Dreamer Believer all earned the coveted necklace with their creative song parodies, nice work!

This weeks challenge is for only one person to win. Please read the rules carefully and post all replies to the main original post to keep everything in order.

Survivor Name Chain
1. The first survivor in the chain will be Dave Johnson.
2. The next person to post must put the first and last name of their survivor in the subject line and the first name of their chosen survivor must start with the same letter as the first letter of the last name of the survivor picked before.
3. Once a survivor name is used in a valid entry, it can't be used again.
4. You can choose from the current season or any season before, except for All Stars.
5. The object of the challenge is to be the last valid entry when the challenge is over.
6. Players can post as many times per day as they want, but there must be one valid entry by a different person in between each of your own entries.
7. A simultaneous entry gets ignored, pick up from the last valid entry.
8. If you are the person to simultaneously post, you may repost again by picking up from the last valid entry.
9. The challenge will end on Tuesday at 7:59pm EST or when nobody else can make a valid entry.
10. Nicknames can't be used. Use the name of the player as listed on their CBS season website.
11. When using a survivor with a hyphenated last name, the first letter of the first last name is what counts. IE: Kathy Vavrick-Obrien the next person uses a "V", and Sandra Diaz-Twine the next person uses a "D".
12. If you post an invalid entry, you are out of the challenge and the challenge continues from the last valid entry. Simultaneous posts are not considered invalid entries. Name repeats, using the wrong first or last name, using the wrong first letter for the chain, etc are samples of invalid entries. (Spelling errors do not make an entry invalid)
13. Please double check that the entry you are following is a valid entry based on the game criteria. If an entry above you is invalid, state that in the body of your post, but in the subject line you must follow the last valid entry.

If you have any questions at any time, please feel free to ask. I am not going to be around alot this weekend to watch this thread, so it is very important that you all do your best to keep this under control. I will check in periodically to monitor the progress.

Correct Chain-
Entry 1- Dave Johnson
Entry 2- James Miller
Entry 3- Mitchell Olsen

The next name would have to start with an "O"

Incorrect Chain-
Entry 1- Dave Johnson
Entry 2- Darrah Johnson
Entry 3- James Miller

Darrah Johnson is incorrect because the first name Darrah does not start with the letter "J". The chain would continue from James Miller since that is a valid entry, and the person that used Darrah Johnson would be out of the challenge.

Another Incorrect Chain-
Entry 1- Dave Johnson
Entry 2- Dan Lue
Entry 3- Linda Spencer

Again, the 2nd entry is supposed to start with the letter "J" and Dan does not, so in this case Linda Spencer is also wrong because the chain was broken. Play would resume from the last valid post which was entry 1, the person that put Dan Lue in is out of the challenge, the person that put Linda Spencer down is still in the challenge but should be more careful not to follow an invalid entry.

Good luck and have fun!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"Dave Johnson"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 04-16-05 at 07:26 AM

"Jon Dalton"
Posted by emydi on 04-16-05 at 07:27 AM

"Deena Burnett"
Posted by TungFong on 04-16-05 at 10:12 AM

S9 ABC Red Ink Winner

"Valid entry"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 04-16-05 at 10:33 AM
Like I said, spelling doesn't matter so much as intent and the fact that you do have the first letter of the last name correct. her last name is Bennett, but I think everyone knows who you meant.

This pick is valid.

"Brian Heidik"
Posted by Das Mole on 04-16-05 at 11:22 AM

"Heidi Strobel"
Posted by smokedog on 04-16-05 at 11:32 AM

"Stephenie LaGrossa"
Posted by MJewel on 04-16-05 at 12:24 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-16-05 AT 12:26 PM (EST)

"Lea 'Sarge' Masters"
Posted by smokedog on 04-16-05 at 12:43 PM

"Mitchell Olsen"
Posted by RudyRules on 04-16-05 at 02:26 PM

"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed." - Rudy Boesch

"Osten Taylor"
Posted by smokedog on 04-16-05 at 02:30 PM

"Tom Bucannon"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 04-16-05 at 03:58 PM
Hey bartendar! Give me another tatty, ole Big Tom gonna love everybody.

"Bobby Jon Drinkard"
Posted by smokedog on 04-16-05 at 04:13 PM

"Diane Ogden "
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 04-16-05 at 04:35 PM
Did I just win? I think Osten is the only O first name?

Posted by smokedog on 04-16-05 at 04:38 PM
Carp! I should have picked Brandon Quinton instead! *sob*

"RE: arrghh!"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 04-16-05 at 05:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-16-05 AT 05:14 PM (EST)

If indeed KO does confirm that the Diane pick is good for the win, please don't target me for winning two individual immunity challenges in a row! I promise not to go on a Colby type of run

Sorry smokedog, after you made the Bobby Jon pick, I went back and looked at the Survivor names and noticed myself that a Brandon pick would have won it for ya. I'm sure you'll win the next one.

This is a fun idea, too bad it may end so soon. Maybe KO will continue it on with both first and last names being able to be used for the magic letter. Then the other letter that doesn't have to be used, will be the magic letter for the next person for either first or last name. Make sense? Of course the winner of this stage should only get points or picks because there is only one immunity necklace to go around

"RE: Diane Ogden "
Posted by tribephyl on 04-16-05 at 04:57 PM
well, that was quick.


I didn't even get a chance.

"We have a winner!"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 04-16-05 at 06:07 PM
Just like that, Dreamer Believer wins his second immunity in a row, well played. Smokedog you did have a chance to wear that necklace, maybe next time.