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Thread Number: 2964
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Original Message
"S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"

Posted by tribephyl on 02-10-05 at 04:31 AM
Heads up new recruits! Welcome to Basic Training!

As an introduction to the ABC, the first 3 weeks of this game will be known as Basic Training.
During the first 3 weeks anyone who chooses to enter into Basic Training can "enlist".
Only those that have entered during Basic Training will actually make it to Anti-Boot Camp. Which will officially begin at week 4, when the front gates will close and no one else will be allowed to enter.

Now that I got that out of the way let's get to the basics of Basic Training...

Learning the ropes:
I want everyone to have a good concept of how the game is played. Because even for those of you that have played before, things will seem new. Although the name is the same, the game is taking a turn.
I've included a bullet list below of a couple of items of extreme importance.
Make sure to read them carefully.
Specially the Deadlines and the 4 Elements of Proper Entries.

There are 2 distinct deadlines... One on Wednesday and one on Thursday.
* "On-Time entries" should be posted at anytime before Wednesday at 11:59pm et. The day before the show.
1 free point for everyone who does so.
* "Grace Period entries" are any entry made (or edited) after the Wednesday at 11:59pm et, up to Thursday at 7:59pm et. The day of the show. Anyone posting during the Grace Period will be penalized -5 points.
* "Late Entries" are all entries posted (or edited) after showtime on Thursdays. "Late Entries" will not be considered at all.

Every week you will be required to make an entry.
If you happen to miss an entry, I can only assume that you have gone AWOL.
If a new recruit has gone AWOL, I will be forced to use their previous weeks "safe list", only. No Bonuses will be counted.
If you contact me ahead of time and inform me of your impending absence we can make the necessary adjustments.

The 4 Elements of Proper Entries:
In each weeks entry there will be 1 required element and 3 optional elements.
* The 1 required element is the "SafeList".
Each recruits "Safe List" should be a list of current survivors whom they believe will not get any votes during Tribal Council. YES! Every vote counts! (a slight change for those who have played previous versions of the ABC)
For each survivor who does not receive votes, you will gain +2 points.
However each and every vote given will be worth -3. (and they can add up quickly, so beware.)

* The 1st of 3 optional questions is "Immunity".
In each weeks entry every recruit can take a guess at who will win the immunity challenge.
Immunity will be split into 2 groups "Tribal Immunity", which will be held during the first half and "Individual Immunity" which will start when the tribes merge.
A correct "Tribal Immunity" will be worth +2 points. Incorrect and it will be -1 point.
A correct "Individual Immunity" will be worth +4 points. Incorrect and it will be -3 points.

* The 2nd of 3 optional questions will be the "LCBonus".
This question will be based on the answers given from the Pre-Season Questionnaire.
How, what, why, when, and where they will appear is up to me.
Your only duty is to try and answer correctly.
Point value of the LC Bonus will be based on a ranked system.
Everyone will start out as Privates. A Private is the lowest rank.
If you get an LCBonus correct, as a private, you will get 5 points and a promotion in rank, to sargeant.
If you get an LCBonus correct, as a sargeant, you will get 10 points and a promotion in rank, to major.
If you get an LCBonus correct, as a major, you will get 15 points and a promotion in rank, to general.
If you get an LCBonus correct, as a general, you will get 20 points. General is the highest rank.
However, if you get an LC Bonus question wrong you will not get any points and you will be demoted by one rank.
I expect a bunch of generals by the end of this game. So get to it.

* The 3rd of 3 optional questions will be the "Tribe Bonus".
This is where I can really get creative.
These questions will be of varying point values and difficulty.
Incorrect answers will always be worth nothing. That I can assure you.
I also will not have a "Tribe Bonus" every week. So don't be suprised if there isn't one. It's probably because I'm busy with something else, don't have the time or I have hidden it somewhere.
I'm like that sometimes.

After everyone goes through BasicTraining (The first 3 weeks) they will automatically start The S10 Anti-Boot Camp.
The only real big difference between BasicTraining and Anti-Boot Camp is that during Anti-Boot Camp, I will start kicking out anyone who has a booted survivor on their "SafeList". No exceptions. That's it.

A side note to those who are thinking of going for RED INK CHAMPION.
The same rules above apply to you as well.
HOWEVER, with the LCBonus and TribeBonus you will need to state that you would like to receive NEGATIVE Bonus points. Then try to answer correctly. Incorrect bonus answers will still be worth 0.
Also, if you still want to enter early, but don't want the extra point, just title your post as "AutomaticPenalty". I will take -5 points automatically from your score.



"SafeList" ~ mandatory
(your list of survivors who do not recieve votes)

"Tribal Immunity" ~ non-mandatory
(pick the "tribe" who you think will win the Immunity Challenge)

"LCBonus" ~ non-mandatory
The most popular answer given for question #1 (The Greatest season of survivor so far is...) was?
A. S1: Borneo B. S2: Australian Outback C. S4: Marquesas D. S7: Pearl Islands

"TribeBonus" ~ non-mandatory
Who will be the last survivor to vote at TribalCouncil?
(10 points)

Tribal names are
Koror and Ulong

Angie / Ashlee / BobbyJon / Caryn / Coby / Gregg / Ian / Ibrehem / James / Janu /
Jeff / Jennifer / Jolanda / Jonathan / Katie / Kim / Stephenie / Tom / Wanda / Willard


the tribe has spoken

I have a propensity for hidden messages. I assure you that I will only use 3 opportunities to utilize this tool.
When, I can't tell you, so be on the lookout. But, consider yourselves warned.

* Loser Lodge will be open in 3 weeks.

* I will not be playing this season. So I can be free to be as wicked as I have always wanted to be.


Condensed RULES...

Every week you will post a "safe list" of survivors still in the game.
How many is up to you. Pick as few or as many as you want. Just know, your flirting with disaster the more survivors you include.
For each survivor who does not get votes you will get points.
If you happen to name a survivor who gets votes I will take away points for every vote cast.
Anytime after the 3rd week and you list a bootee. I will boot you from the game.
I will also pose, in each new entry thread, up to 3 non-mandatory questions. Each question will be worth a different value and will vary in difficulty. They are not mandatory though.
Non-Mandatory questions:
Each week, if you choose to do so, you can take a guess at who will win Immunity. For every episode with tribes I will ask that you name a tribe to win. When the survivors merge I will begin asking for individual immunity. Point values will change when this happens.
LC Bonus:
Each week I will pose a question integrating the answers you have already given in the PreSeason Questionnaire.
This is a ranked bonus.
Tribe Bonus:
Every so often I will post an extra bonus question. When, where, why, how, what will be up to me. I like to suprise people so I suggest staying vigilant and alert. The nature of these questions will change all the time, so will the point values.

Basic Point Values:
Each survivor not booted will be worth 2 points. (Yes it's been raised).
Each survivor who receives votes will be be worth -3 points per vote. This includes the booted survivor.
Tribal Immunity will be worth 2 points if correct. -1 if incorrect.
Individual Immunity will be worth 4 points if corrrect. -3 if incorrect.
LC Bonus Ranks:
As a Private: 5 points / +1 rank, if correct (0 if incorrect)
As a Sargeant: 10 points / +1 rank, if correct (0 if incorrect / -1 rank)
As a Major: 15 points / +1 rank, if correct (0 if incorrect / -1 rank)
As a General: 20 points (0 if incorrect / -1 rank)
Tribe Bonus:
My discretion.

Game Deadline:
Anyone can enter the game but only during the first 3 weeks. Week 4 the game will be closed to new entrants.
On-Time entries are accepted until Wednesday at 11:59pm et. and will get 1 free point if no edits are made after the wednesday deadline.
Grace Period entries are accepted between the Wednesday deadline and Thursdays showtime. 7:59pm et. Anyone entering during GracePeriod will automatically receive a penalty of -5 points.
Any Entries made after the Thursday showtime will not be counted.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"KO Reporting for basic training, Sir!"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 02-10-05 at 06:22 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 02:59 PM (EST)

Looking forward to a fantastically wicked ABC season!

"SafeList" ~ mandatory
Angie / Coby / Gregg / Ian / Ibrehem / Jennifer / James / Kim / Stephenie / Tom / Willard / Caryn / Ashlee /Janu

"Tribal Immunity" ~ non-mandatory

"LCBonus" ~ non-mandatory
The most popular answer given for question #1 (The Greatest season of survivor so far is...) was?
D. S7: Pearl Islands

"TribeBonus" ~ non-mandatory
Who will be the last survivor to vote at TribalCouncil?

S10 PTB Sign up HERE

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Das Mole on 02-10-05 at 08:39 AM

"SafeList" ~
Ashlee, Bobby Jon, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, James, Janu, Jeff, Jennifer, Jolanda, Katie, Stephanie, Tom, Willard

"Tribal Immunity" ~

"LCBonus" ~
The most popular answer given for question #1 (The Greatest season of survivor so far is...) was?
A. S1: Borneo

"TribeBonus" ~
Who will be the last survivor to vote at TribalCouncil?

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Mo0 on 02-10-05 at 09:31 AM
"SafeList" ~ mandatory
Angie, Ashlee, Bobby Jon, Ian, James, Janu, Jeff, Jolanda, Wanda, Kim, Stephenie, Tom

"Tribal Immunity" ~ non-mandatory

"LCBonus" ~ non-mandatory
The most popular answer given for question #1 (The Greatest season of survivor so far is...) was?
D. S7: Pearl Islands

"TribeBonus" ~ non-mandatory
Who will be the last survivor to vote at TribalCouncil?
(10 points)


I'm not stupid, just selectively ignorant.

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Scuba Steve on 02-10-05 at 09:38 AM
Safe list: Ashlee, Coby, Gregg, James, Katie, Stephenie, Willard

Tribal Immunity: Koror

LCBonus: A. S1: Borneo

Tribe Bonus: Willard

"Sittem's entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-10-05 at 02:14 PM
From a PM left by sittem.
Tribe - I'm leaving town on 2/3 and won't be back until 2/21. For the first anti-bootee could you give me the picks of the 14th person who posts on the anti-bootee entry list? If that post isn't a pick post, then give me the picks of the person who posted at 14. OK?

So, whomever decides to post in the 14th position, just make sure that you take into consideration that sittem will be personally conting on you to do well.

tribe (on behalf of sittem)

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by emydi on 02-10-05 at 03:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 04:56 PM (EST)

ike in Katie's game I shall play RED INK this season


Safe list: Wanda, Jeff, Jonathan, Jolanda, Caryn, Janu, Katie
Tribal Immunity: Koror

Please give me negative points for these "correct" answers:

Favorite Survivor: Pearl Islands

Last to vote: Ian

Handcrafted by RollDdice

anyone else playing RED ink? Anyone? Someone?

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by emydi on 02-17-05 at 12:59 PM

Im not sure if I am allowed to edit past deadline even in Red ink, if I am, change my picks to


Safe list: Wanda, Jeff, Jonathan, Jolanda,
Tribal Immunity: Ulong

Please give me negative points for these "correct" answers:

Favorite Survivor: Pearl Islands

Last to vote: Jolanda

IF not , just take my picks as above. Thanks.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"Reporting For Duty"
Posted by ohmyheck on 02-10-05 at 07:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 08:51 PM (EST)

SafeList: Kim, Jennifer, Stephenie, Ian, Tom, Ibrehem, Gregg, Katie, Angie, Coby, Caryn, Bobby Jon, James, Janu, Willard

Tribal Immunity: Koror

LCBonus: Pearl Islands...Argghhhh!

TribeBonus: Ibrehem

Posted by LookeeLoo on 02-10-05 at 07:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 10:35 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 10:32 PM (EST)

ETA Week 1 Entry info:

I can't believe I've successfully avoided the military until this moment!

SafeList: Kimberley, Stephanie, Angie, James, Ibrehem, Ian, Caryn, Jennifer, Gregg, Tom

Tribal Immunity: Koror

LCBonus: A. S1: Borneo

TribeBonus: Angie

Edited again for some cleanup...


Another Dicey Original 2004

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by adricharlie on 02-10-05 at 08:23 PM
"SafeList" ~ mandatory

"Tribal Immunity" ~ non-mandatory

"LCBonus" ~ non-mandatory
The most popular answer given for question #1 (The Greatest season of survivor so far is...) was?
S2: Australian Outback

"TribeBonus" ~ non-mandatory
Who will be the last survivor to vote at TribalCouncil?

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by RudyRules on 02-10-05 at 08:23 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-15-05 AT 10:26 AM (EST)

Woo Hoo!
Here we go!

Ashlee, Bobby Jon, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, James, Jennifer, Katie, Stephanie, Tom

Tribal Immunity: Ulong

The most popular answer given for question #1 (The Greatest season of survivor so far is...) was?
A. S1: Borneo

Subject to change!

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Molaholic on 02-10-05 at 09:10 PM
Even though I'm actually NAVY, I'll report for duty service:

"SafeList" ~ mandatory
Angie, Bobby Jon, Coby, Jeffifer, Jolanda, Katie, Greggggg, Ian, Ibreham, Kim, Stephanie, Tom

"Tribal Immunity" ~ non-mandatory

"LCBonus" ~ non-mandatory
The most popular answer given for question #1 (The Greatest season of survivor so far is...) was?
D. S7: Pearl Islands

"TribeBonus" ~ non-mandatory
Who will be the last survivor to vote at TribalCouncil?

sigpic a GeorgiaBelle creation MMIV
Remember, at this very moment in time, someplace on Earth, the sun is rising, the dawn of a new day...

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by snoopydog on 02-10-05 at 10:18 PM
SafeList: Jennifer, Ian, Tom, Ibrehem, Gregg, Katie, Angie, Kim, Jolanda,

Tribal Immunity: Ulong

LCBonus: Borneo

TribeBonus: Stephenie

"Hiya PrivateSnoop!"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-12-05 at 05:57 AM
I just lvoe having new people enlist!

By the way
Excellent entry Private! You covered all 4 points. and got it in on time.

Keep it up and you could be promoted to sargeant.

Yet, I've noticed that you haven't really even introduced yourself.

Keep that up and you may get left behind.

Now drop and give me 20!

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 02-11-05 at 02:08 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 04:26 PM (EST)

Private dreamerbeliever reporting for duty! The hippy hair is cut, my bed is made so tight you could bounce a quarter from it, and there are NO jelly doughnuts in my footlocker! Drop and give you 50 anyway - sir yes sir!

Safe List: Angie, Coby, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, Jennifer, James, Kim, Stephenie, Tom

RC: none

IC: Koror

LCBonus: S7: Pearl Islands

TribeBonus: Bobby Jon

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by smokedog on 02-11-05 at 03:49 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 02:03 PM (EST)

>Ian, Willard, Coby, Tom, Gregg, Janu, Caryn, Katie, Jennifer, Stepehenie, Kim

>"Tribal Immunity"

D. S7: Pearl Islands


"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Higgs on 02-11-05 at 10:48 AM
SafeList: Angie, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, James, Jennifer, Jolanda, Jonathan, Katie, Kim, Stephenie, Tom

Tribal Immunity: Ulong

LCBonus: S7: Pearl Islands

TribeBonus: Jeff

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 02-11-05 at 08:37 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 02:10 PM (EST)

Okay Tribe, I'm in! Can't resist men in uniform!

Safelist: Angie, Coby, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, jennifer, Kim, Stephanie, Tom, Katie, Caryn, Janu,

Immunity: Korer

LC Bonus: a. S1 Borneo

Tribe Bonus: James

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-11-05 at 11:24 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 08:33 PM (EST)

well, at this point unless emy or Loo editing their original posts rather than post a new entry), it looks like i'm lucky #14, so I hope I do your proud sittem!

SAFE: Angie, BobbyJon, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, Jennifer, Jolanda, Katie, Kim, Stephenie, Tom, Willard

IC: Ulong

LCB: I know my answer, but I'm guessing most people said: A. Borneo

TB: Willard

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by MJewel on 02-12-05 at 01:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-05 AT 05:57 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 05:34 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-14-05 AT 08:15 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-12-05 AT 02:45 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-12-05 AT 02:44 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-12-05 AT 02:19 PM (EST)

Krissy here for basic training <Grin>

SafeList - mandatory
Angie, Kimberly, Stephanie, Coby, Ian, Ashlee, Ibrehem, Gregg, Tom, Jennifer, James, Willard, Katie and Bobby Jon

Tribal Immunity - non-mandatory

LCBonus - non-mandatory
The Greatest season of survivor so far is:
D. S7: Pearl Islands

TribeBonus - non-mandatory
Who will be the last survivor to vote at TribalCouncil?

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 02-12-05 at 10:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 07:25 AM (EST)

Safe: (mandatory) Angie, BobbyJon, Coby, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, Jennifer, Katie, Kim, Stephenie, Tom

Immunity: (non-mandatory) Ulong

LCBonus: (non-mandatory) Pearl Islands

TribeBonus: (non-mandatory) Ian

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Gracie_TAR on 02-13-05 at 03:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-15-05 AT 06:44 PM (EST)

I'm still not sure I have the right stuff to make it through boot camp, but Private Gracie is reporting for duty.

"SafeList" ~ mandatory
Bobby Jon

"Tribal Immunity" ~ non-mandatory

"LCBonus" ~ non-mandatory
The most popular answer given for question #1 (The Greatest season of survivor so far is...) was?
D. S7: Pearl Islands

"TribeBonus" ~ non-mandatory

Edited because I can't make up my mind!

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Road Kill on 02-14-05 at 05:22 PM
Safe: Bobby Jon, James, Gregg, Stephanie, Katie, Kim, Jennifer, Coby

LC Bonus: Pearl Islands

Tribe Bonus: Stephanie

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 02-15-05 at 01:08 AM
PrivateGeek reporting for duty. You'd better enjoy because this is the closest to actual duty I will ever be.

Angie, Ashlee, BobbyJon, Caryn, Coby, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, James, Jennifer, Jolanda, Jonathan, Katie, Kim, Stephenie, Tom, Willard.

Immunity: Ulong or whatever they're called...

LCBonus: A. S1: Borneo. It had better be everyones favorite or else...

Super nifty new Tribe Bonus: Willard

I love this game! Wahoo. Can't wait till Thursday!

Oh, and my birthday is coming up, so if you'd like to throw me a few points this week as a present, I would really appreciate it.

Handcrafted by RollDdice ignore this space. ignore, ignore, ignore this spaceIcecat is da bomb!

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 02-15-05 at 03:44 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 05:28 PM (EST)


IC -

LC Bonus -
B. S2

Tribe Bonus -

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by JohnMc on 02-15-05 at 10:51 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 10:58 AM (EST)

Private Mac reporting for duty, SIR!

1. Safe list, SIR!

Angie / Ashlee / BobbyJon / Coby / Gregg / Ian / Ibrehem / James / Jennifer / Jolanda / Katie / Kim / Stephenie / Tom / Willard

2. Tribal immunity, SIR!

Ulong, SIRF!

3. LCBonus, SIR!

That would be D. Pearl Islands, SIR!

4. TribeBonus, SIR!

The last survivor to vote at TC will be Katie, SIR!

eta James and Willard to the safe list

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by mikey on 02-15-05 at 01:36 PM


Tribal Immunity: Ulong

LC Bonus: S1: Borneo

TribeBonus: Wanda

Mikey -- TAR 6 Anti-Eliminee Contest Runnerup Believeitornot

"My entry"
Posted by Gerbees on 02-15-05 at 02:24 PM
Safe List


IC: Ulong

LC Bonus: Australia

Tribebonus: Willard


"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Auzzie on 02-15-05 at 10:03 PM
Safe list: BobbyJon/Caryn/Coby/Gregg/Ian/Ibrehem/Jeff/Jennifer/Jolanda

Immunity: Ulong

LC Bonus: S7earl Islands

Tribe Bonus: Coby

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 02-16-05 at 03:11 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 09:20 AM (EST)

Safe: Angie, Coby, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, Jennifer, Katie, Kim, Stephenie, Tom

Immunity: Ulong

LCBonus: Pearl Islands

TribeBonus: Coby

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Oscirus on 02-16-05 at 09:00 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 07:37 PM (EST)

Im just enlisting to gain entrance into the losers lodge is that so wrong

SafeList" : BobbyJon Caryn Coby Gregg Ian Ibrehem Janu Jennifer Johnathon James Kim Stephenie Tom Willard


LCBonus" ~ non-mandatory
The most popular answer given for question #1 (The Greatest season of survivor so far is...) was?
A)s1 Borneo

Who will be the last survivor to vote at TribalCouncil?
(10 points) Angie

Thank you for giving me honor in hat form.

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by pmspml5 on 02-16-05 at 09:53 AM
Safe List: Angie, Caryn, Coby, Gregg, Ian, Janu, Jennifer, Katie, Kim, Stephanie, Tom, Willard

Tribal Immunity: Koror

LC Bonus: Survivor Australia

Tribe Bonus: Last Voter = Jeff

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by aethelstan on 02-16-05 at 10:56 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 11:13 AM (EST)

Owww. My head!!!! Gee. What happened? Last thing I remember is that I was having a rum punch with JohnMc and KOfan while we were milling around waiting for the sign-up lists to be posted. Gee, I hope I'm not too late.

Holy smokes, this looks like Boot Camp but not. Kind of like an Anti-Boot Camp. Lessee here. So much fine print. I'm having trouble focusing.

Well, I suppose I need to decide who's safe:
Ashlee / BobbyJon / Caryn / Coby / Gregg / Ian / Ibrehem / Janu /
Jennifer / Katie / Kim / Stephenie / Tom / Willard

Wait that's not all?
Lessee here.
Tribal Immunity: Koror will Ko the competition (ha. I kill me). We'll well have to see whether the Kor of their tribe remains intact! ssssssUlong Ulong! (oww. those puns are hurting my head. PUNishment I tells ya).

LCB (Liquor Control Board? ya. That's exactly what we need here)
Pearl Islands

Tribe Bonus. I'm on a tribe? oh. host. right. nevermind.
Last voter: Stephenie.

Stephanie? Ibrehem? Where the heck did you guys learn to spell your names???

Ok. Where are the beds? What? Military style bunks? Bunker! Oh well. Beggars can't be choosers.

*flops onto bed and begins to snore loudly. Unbeknownst to him, a couple of cranksters pick up the bed and put it next to the recycling*

"Vix Pix"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 02-16-05 at 11:26 AM
Safe List:
Angie, Ashlee, BobbyJon, Caryn, Coby, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, James, Jennifer, Katie, Kim, Stephenie, Tom

Immunity: Koror

LC Bonus: A, S1 Borneo

Tribe Bonus: Angie

Tough week

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by SilverStar on 02-16-05 at 11:27 AM
Hey tribe! This is my first time playing. I've always been intimidated by these Survivor games, but I'll give it a shot.

"SafeList" ~ mandatory
Ashlee / BobbyJon / Caryn / Gregg / Ian / Ibrehem / Jeff / Jennifer / Jonathan / Katie / Kim / Tom

"Tribal Immunity" ~ non-mandatory

"LCBonus" ~ non-mandatory
B. S2: Australian Outback

"TribeBonus" ~ non-mandatory

Syren is the bestest. It's true.

"Welcome, Private SS!"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-16-05 at 04:33 PM
This is my first time playing. I've always been intimidated by these Survivor games, but I'll give it a shot.

I'm stunned that you haven't played the ABC yet. No reason to feel intimidation. It's a pretty easy game to understand.

Now drop and give me 20!

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Angelfood on 02-16-05 at 12:36 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 12:45 PM (EST)

"Sir, yes Sir, Drill Sargeant Sir!!!!!"

safe: BobbyJon / Caryn / Coby / Gregg / Ibrehem / Jennifer / Jolanda / Jonathan / Katie / Kim / Stephenie / Tom / Willard

(sorry, eta)
TI: Koror

LCB: a. borneo

TB: Willard

Private Benjamin

I'm not a spoiler, so I'll be hanging out with Oscirus until the LL is open.

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by laureli on 02-16-05 at 04:35 PM
"Safe List"
Angie, BobbyJon, Caryn, Coby, Gregg, Ibrehem, Jennifer, Kim, Tom

Immunity - Koror

LCBonus - A. S1: Borneo

awesome siggie courtesy of the amazing KObrienfan!

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by 321Jump on 02-16-05 at 04:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 04:36 PM (EST)

SafeList: Ashlee, Bobby, Coby, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, Janu, Jennifer, Kimberly, Katie, Stephenie, Tom, Willard

Tribal Immunity: Koror

LCBonus: S7 - Pearl Islands

TribeBonus: Ibrehem

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by spacey on 02-16-05 at 06:26 PM

Ian,Jennifer,Tom, Coby, Kim,Stephanie,Ibrehem,James

Tribal Immunity: Koror

LC Bonus:

1. D - Pearl Island

Tribe Bonus:

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-16-05 at 06:34 PM
Private alwaysintruble1 reporting as ordered!
(you have NO idea all the *shudder* memories that line brings back)

I'll take the "Automatic Penalty" as well and give emydi at least some competition for the RED INK prize.

"SafeList" ~ Johnathan, Jolanda, Tom, Katie, Jeff, Wanda

"Tribal Immunity" ~ Koror

Negative points for these please Drill Instructo Tribe!

"LCBonus" ~
A. S1: Borneo

"TribeBonus" ~

The shortest sentance is "I am." The longest is "I do."

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Jims02 on 02-16-05 at 06:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 06:59 PM (EST)


LC Bonus: Survivor Borneo

Tribe Bonus: Caryn

Jims02: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate. Jims' Random Thoughts

"Hi UncleTribe!"
Posted by LeftPinky on 02-16-05 at 07:15 PM
Hey Uncle!

I'm sure glad that you lvoe your niece, Pinky! That will save me from a lot of wasted "sirs" and "yes sirs." You'll find me in the officer's club having a few of KO's famous rum punches. Hope you've brought the sprinkler and the plastic pool as I think we've due for another one of those "wet" contests.

I'm trying to go spoiler free this season - other than reading everyone else's entries... So, here goes:

Angie, Ashlee, Coby, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, James, Jennifer, Katie, Kim, Stephenie, Tom

UncleTribe's Immunity: Koror

LC Bonus (where is cousin LionChow?): How can it be anything but, S1?

Tribe Bonus... I don't even know who's on what tribe, Tribe. How am I to figure this out? I'll pick Caryn cuz no one else did.

That's all for now, Uncle Tribe. Be careful who you assign to KP duty! Lvoe, your wonderful niece, Pinky

Back to the original siggie!

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by whoami on 02-16-05 at 08:46 PM
Private whoami reporting for duty, SIR.

Safe list: Ian, Kim, Willard, Gregg, Stephenie, Katie, James, Ibrehem, Tom, Angie, Jennifer, Jolanda, Coby, Jonathan.

Tribal Immunity: ulong

LC bouns: A. S1: Borneo

Tribe bouns: Tom

The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise are often poor, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being at the right place at the right time. ECCL. 9:11

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by echogirl on 02-16-05 at 08:55 PM
Safelist: Angie, Caryn, Coby, Gregg, Ian, Ibrehem, James, Jennifer, Katie, Kim, Stephenie, Tom

Immunity: Ulong

LC: S2

TribeBonus: Ian

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Gothmog on 02-16-05 at 09:04 PM
Safe: Wanda, Jonathan, Coby, Caryn, Gregg, Ian, Jennifer, Katie, Tom, Angie, Bobby Jon, Ibrehem, James, Kim, Stephenie

Tribal Immunity: Koror
LC Bonus: Borneo
Tribe Bonus: James

and tribe? check your red flag, please

like I know what I'm doing

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by yensid on 02-16-05 at 10:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 11:05 PM (EST)

Safe: Gregg / Ian / Ibrehem / Jennifer / Kim / Stephenie / Tom / Katie


LCBonus:S7: Pearl Islands

TribeBonus: Katie

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Yogi on 02-16-05 at 10:47 PM
Thanks for running the game Tribe!


Tribal Immunity: Koror

LCBonus: S1: Borneo

TribeBonus: Ibrahem

4 weeks, 5 weeks, 6 weeks..It doesn't matter, Loser Lodge here I come..

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by seahorse on 02-16-05 at 11:38 PM

Ashlee / BobbyJon / Caryn / Coby / Gregg / Ian / Ibrehem / Janu / Jennifer / Katie / Kim / Stephenie / Tom / Willard

Tribal Immunity: Koror

LCBonus: Borneo

Tribe Bonus: Willard

"Grace period, auto-penalty"
Posted by TungFong on 02-17-05 at 04:17 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-05 AT 07:46 PM (EST)

Hello Tribe darling,

I wasn't keen to play this season as I may not be able to catch this season's survivor. But I feel obligated to defend my title! So, I hope you wouldn't mind if I raise the white flag half way through. Just don't shoot!

Here goes....

Safe: Wanda, Jonathan, Jolanda, Angie

Tribal immunity: Ulong
LC Bonus (for negative points): Pearl Islands
Tribe bonus (for negative points): Bobby Jon

S9 ABC Red Ink Winner

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 (Grace Period) Entry"
Posted by GuessItRains on 02-17-05 at 10:44 AM
Well, I wasn't going to do this, but as a past champion I think I have to stick it out.

Safe list
BobbyJon / Caryn / Coby / Gregg / Ian / Ibrehem / Jennifer / Jolanda / Jonathan / Kim / Stephenie / Tom


LC Bonus
Pearl Islands


"Just swinging by to tell you..."
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-17-05 at 11:31 AM
You put a heckuva lot of effort into this, phil! The ABC looks absolutely stunning!

New year, new look, new Erist!

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by VikingCrown on 02-17-05 at 12:28 PM
Ashlee / Katie / Caryn / Coby / Gregg / Ian / Willard / Janu / Jennifer / BobbyJon / Kim / Stephenie / Tom / Ibrehem

Tribal Immunity: Koror

LCBonus: Borneo

Tribe Bonus: Willard

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by GTmike on 02-17-05 at 01:12 PM
I talked it over with my parents and they finally were o.k. of the idea of me joining up. Here goes. I'm playing conservatively and without spoilers:


Angie / Ashlee / BobbyJon / Coby / Gregg / Janu / Jeff / Jennifer / Jolanda / Jonathan / Katie / Kim / Stephenie / Tom / Wanda

Tribal IC: Koror

LCBonus: B. S2: Australian Outback

"TribeBonus":Bobby Jon

tribe, thanks again so much for hosting this! I look forward to another good season!

"RE: S10 ABC Wk 1 Entry"
Posted by Lolly on 02-17-05 at 02:35 PM
Yay, I love this game. Thanks, Tribe, for all that you do.

And, yup, I'm late again. Guess I need to get creatively bribe-ocious. I've got some Texas Tea that's mighty scrumptious. *raises eyebrow*

Safe: Angie / Ashlee / BobbyJon / Caryn / Coby / Gregg / Ian / Ibrehem / James / Janu /Jeff / Jennifer / Katie / Kim / Stephenie / Tom / Willard

TI: Koror

LC Bonus: Borneo

Tribe Bonus: Angie