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Thread Number: 2963
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Original Message
"S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"

Posted by KObrien_fan on 02-09-05 at 10:13 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-09-05 AT 10:16 PM (EST)

Welcome to another PTB season!

Contestants apprehensively await the start of a brand new Survivor PTB season as they sit aboard the USS Hilbert DE742, a cannon class destroyer from World War 2, making its way for the islands of Palau. They have not been allowed to speak to each other yet, but they have been sizing each other up as the ship nears her destination. The morning blue sky erupts with the sound of a B29 Superfortress plane, its silver belly emerges from the clouds and buzzes over the hull of the Hilbert.

The camera pans to KObrien_Fan who is decked out in a leather bomber jacket and helmet, holding onto the doorway she leans out over the Pacific Ocean and as the camera closes in on her she says:

"The PTB players you see on this ship below me are about to start this game in a very different fashion than it has ever been started before. In a moment I am going to start bombing them and they will be forced to abandon ship and either swim or grab a life-boat and make their way to island shore as quickly as possible. They will be given nothing, no food, no fire, no water, and no instructions. Many of them will be very confused, but make no mistake about it, this is the week one entry thread and the game is most certainly on. 39 days, 14 episodes, ONE PTB champion!"

Survivor theme song plays and as the plane picks up speed you can see KO press a button and the rear hatch opens and drops twin bombs into the water near the boat. The explosion rocks the Hilbert and worried gasps are uttered from the players.

Kermit the Vixen: What shall we do?

Road Kill: Do? I say jump for it.

PMSPML: I've played in KO's games before, trust me, we better get outta here, now!

Left and right players jump into the cold sea, ducking as more bombs send fresh waves over the bow. The life-boats are deployed and filling rapidly with frantic and confused people.

Seahorse: I know you would think I should be able to swim, but I just learned a couple of weeks ago, the last thing I want to do is go in the water right now!

Yensid: Oh my heck, just go.

Oh My Heck: What? Go where?

Yensid: Huh? I was talking to Seahorse.

Oh My Heck: Then why did you call me?

Yensid: I didn't call you.

Oh My Heck: I thought I heard you say "Oh My Heck"

Yensid: I did? What are you talking about?

Oh My Heck: Oh nevermind, we have to get out of here, just sittem down now and forget it ok?

Sittem: Did you call me?

Oh My Heck: Who?

Sittem: Me, Sittem?

Oh My Heck: Yes, sittem down.

Sittem: What?

Yensid: Oh MY Heck, I am getting out of here!

The boats and players get to shore, exhausted already from the swim, John Mc peels off his wet and heavy blue jeans to reveal a pair of gray underwear and the knobbiest knees you have ever seen. He sits on the beach to rest.

Gothmog: Hi, I'm GM. (He offers a hand to John)

John Mc: Hi GM, I'm John. I sure could use some of KO's rum punch right about now. I wonder when she is going to get to the island and tell us what to do?

Gothmog: If I know KO, she won't be here any time soon, I bet she wants to see us fend for ourselves.

Okaloosajohn: What, you mean no instructions, no help, no nothing? She, she, she wouldn't...

Gothmog: I know her evil mind, she sure would, and we better accept that fact and start building a shelter.

Tribephyl: I'll say one thing for KO, she sure knows how to throw a twist into things. If we don't watch out, some of us will be in Loser Lodge before long!

Emydi: Oh My Heck, this is bad, this is very bad!

Oh My Heck: Are you talking to me?

Emydi: I'm talking to anyone who will listen. KO can't get away with leaving us here to starve to death!

Gracie_Tar: What shall we do first?

Rudy Rules: I dunno?

Cuon: KO sure picked alot of pretty people to be in this game, look at all these DAWS. You know you can't get by on just your looks don't you? You realize you are going to have to outwit and outplay me and all these others to win, right? You know that right?

Smokedog: I know one thing, Bebo is the reigning champion, maybe we should just follow her...

Scarlett Ohara: Oh yes, Bebo is the queen of snark and the queen of PTB, she makes even starvation look good.

Dreamer Believer: Hey guys, come on over here. I figured KO might pull something like this, so I smuggled some waterproof matches in, we can build a fire, let me just get them...

Flower Power: Oh now that is just disgusting!

Dreamer Believer: What? Why?

He bends over and pulls back the tongue from his sneaker and extracts 3 matches from a hidden seam, FP blushes.

Flower Power: Oh, uh, nevermind, good job Dreamer!

Woiwod: I am new here, can somebody please explain to me what the heck is going on?

MJewel: I am new too, I'm cold and I want to go home.

Molaholic: Don't despair, it isn't that bad, it could be worse. I'm going to go search the jungle for some rum punch.

Alwaysintruble: So PTB, pick the bootee, it has started?

Bebo: You bet it has started, and I started playing from the moment I hit the beach.

Tinman: What, you hit KO?

Moo: Who hit KO, you mean someone KOed KO?

Bebo: I said hit the beach as in sand, not hit the biotch.

She shakes her head and starts gethering palm fronds.

SurvivorScott: Is this every man and woman for themselves?

Rudy Rules: I dunno.

TVGeek: Didn't she mention when she signed us up, something about things being tribal?

Rebel Crown: I don't remember, I'm going back to the sign up thread and re-read that.

Angelfood: Oh thats a great idea, me too.

Im Here to Win: Well as runner up last time, I think I will play conservative until I figure this out.

Laureli: Hmmm, maybe I'll just watch the others for a bit and make my entry later.

Venom: Just don't wait too long, KO must have a deadline for entries.

Higgs: But how will we know when it is?

Redbeard: Maybe the deadline is the same as last time?

Rudy Rules: I dunno.

Becstar: Can we 86 the old man, he is getting on my nerves?

Rudy Rules: I have friends you know.

Das Mole: OK, break it up, we need to think. KO is pretty twisted, what would you do if you were KO?

Pagong Rat Eater: I know I have the advantage because first of all, everyone knows that I am her favorite. Second of all, I have the most experience playing her games.

Divawife: So share then Rat, what do we do?

Cadfile: Yeah, please help us!

PRE: OK, well I will tell you that I am willing to bet that this isn't all of the players, others will be along soon.

Survivor Gal: You mean, others can join even if they didn't sign up?

PRE: Yes, that is exactly what I mean. I also know that while KO likes to add twists, she doesn't like to break too much from tradition, so fire definately represents life in this game, and when your torch is extinguished, its hello Loser Lodge.

Geg6: Loser Lodge, isn't that a great new game created by a handsome guy?

NewsomeWayne: I have heard of it too, I've heard it is one cool game.

Sisyphus: Game? Are you talking about Luck of the Draw?

NewsomeWayne: I wasn't but that is a fun game too.

Sisyphus: Was it PTTE then, I heard that game has a new hostess.

NewsomeWayne: That game is awesome too and it does have a new hostess but that isn't what I was talking about.

Sisyphus: Then it must be the ABC game, is that the one?

PRE: Nope, but that is the same magnificent host as the game we were talking about- Loser Lodge, it is where everybody goes once they get booted from any of the games we just listed. Survivor Blows sure has some excellent games.

Adricharlie: But I thought KO's game was the PTB, am I wrong?

PRE: No, you are right. And this is the week one entry thread, so you better make your picks soon.

Kingfish: OK, now I am completely confused????

Gothmog: Me too, because I thought that I was KO's favorite, I even have a tattoo to prove it.

John Mc: You and PRE are both wrong, KO loves me the best.

PMSPML: Cool your testosterone guys, we are all in a quandry here, the least you can do is help guide the way.

PRE: You can follow me if you want but I am not sure you will like the results, I sucked at this game last year.

Whoami: One thing is for sure, Bebo rules and you guys drool.

Smokedog: You think it's the blue dress? She looks awfully good in that blue dress.

Bebo: KO? KO? Well guys, I don't think we are going to get any instructions or any help for week 1. Good luck with your entries, and oh my heck don't forget about the bonus.

Oh My Heck: What? What bonus?????

And the chatter continued throughout the day and most of the night. Will the contestants be destined for Loser Lodge, or will they figure things out for themselves? This is the week 1 entry thread, good luck, have fun, and no spoilers at any time, K?

S10 PTB Sign up HERE

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
Posted by Mo0 on 02-09-05 at 10:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-05 AT 09:27 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-09-05 AT 10:50 PM (EST)



Immunity: Ulong (Didn't know the tribe nams had been released)
First confessional: Bobby Jon
First vote: Willard

I'm not stupid, just selectively ignorant.

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by smokedog on 02-09-05 at 10:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 02:05 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-13-05 AT 07:48 PM (EST)


Immunity: Koror
1st Confessional: Wanda
1st vote: Jolanda

"tribe's Week 1 Entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-10-05 at 03:31 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 06:25 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 06:24 AM (EST)

Oh my pagan idol! I am so excited!
I can't wait to start the strategizing!

Tribephyl: I'll say one thing for KO, she sure knows how to throw a twist into things. If we don't watch out, some of us will be in Loser Lodge before long! Mmwhaa haa haa haaaa! My dream come true.


Reward Challenge: None

Immunity Challenge: Koror

First Confessional: Angie

Bonus: Jolanda

Great start KO! Except for the part about Hatch's rear opening up and dropping twin bombs. Talk about "dirty bombs"! *sheesh*

"RE: tribe's Week 1 Entry"
Posted by Flowerpower on 02-10-05 at 07:43 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-05 AT 09:50 AM (EST)

OH My Heck: Oh my heck, what the heck is going on here?

Rudy Rules: I dunno!

Bebo: Just start playing the game as soon as you hit the beach!

Moo: KO, KO?

Bebo: I said hit the beach, not hit the biotch!

Pmspml5 Hey watch it you guys! One thing is for sure, Bebo rules and you guys drool!


That KO, what a snarky and creative host she always turns out to be! I say, let's get it on!

Eliminated: Wanda, Jonathan



Reward winner: none
Immunity winner: Koror
First confessional: Ashlee
First vote at TC: James
Surprise bonus: Stephenie and Ian

"Redbeard's Recoils"
Posted by redbeard103152 on 02-10-05 at 08:11 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-05 AT 09:24 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 07:58 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-15-05 AT 01:20 PM (EST)


Reward Challenge: None
Immunity: Korror

Got the troops ready. Hope Im backing the right squadRedBeard

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by cuon10 on 02-10-05 at 08:29 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-05 AT 10:15 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 08:55 AM (EST)

Ok, ok, I am getting it, had to turn on my outwit button. Now I gotta find my take the right strategy button, I think it is
Bootee:Ashlee,Ibrehem,Bobby Jon
Reward challenge:individual-Ian & Jolanda
Ind. Immunity:Ian & Jolanda
Immunity challenge:Koror
tribe captains:Kim,Tom

I don't know about some of these Internet people. They sure scare me.

-- Mark Burnett


It's just stuff on the Internet, like people predicting who wins. It's always wrong.

-- Mark Burnett

"You want the truth, you can't handle the truth. To wake up and smell the survivor coffee, would mean to get your head out of the sand and actually play the game. You set at your cozy little desks and analyze the writing on the wall.............er.......message and spoiler boards............
but if you only knew what they had going on out there, you just couldn't handle it. That is why the have those of us out there that just want to play the game, and play it we will.

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Das Mole on 02-10-05 at 08:48 AM
Eliminated- Kim, Caryn, Bobby Jon
Booted- Angie, Coby
Immunity- Ulong

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by venom on 02-10-05 at 09:48 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-15-05 AT 06:22 PM (EST)

bootee: wanda, ashlee, jeff
immunity: ulong
first confessional: angie
first vote: wanda

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by geg6 on 02-10-05 at 10:01 AM
Bootees: Wanda, Jonathan, Janu, Jeff

RC: None
IC: Ulong

FC: Angie
FV: Ian

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry "
Posted by Tinman on 02-10-05 at 11:56 AM
With a start like this, I'm looking forward to a fun-filled season!

Bootee: Wanda, Caryn, Willard, Bobby Jon

RC: None
IC: Ulong

FC: Ian
FV: Ashlee

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by JohnMc on 02-10-05 at 12:15 PM
First off, I would never wear blue jean - colored jeans are in.
Second, my knees are not knobby - that would imply that my legs
are skinny, and I haven't had that problem in a long time.
Third, about my wet skivvies - I'll let you know that I don't wear underwear!

Now onto the game...



Finally, some clarification:

1 - Since there are 20 players, will we get more than the regular 50 bootee picks, or will we get an increase.
2 - Since there are supposedly 3 bootees this week, do we have to pick all 3?
3 - Is there any rum punch left from last season's LL? I hope not to go back there too soon.

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 02-10-05 at 01:03 PM
First off, I would never wear blue jean - colored jeans are in.
Second, my knees are not knobby - that would imply that my legs
are skinny, and I haven't had that problem in a long time.
Third, about my wet skivvies - I'll let you know that I don't wear underwear!

It's called role playing my dear...

Clarification? You want clarification? You can't handle the clarification

S10 PTB Sign up HERE

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 02-10-05 at 12:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 01:49 PM (EST)

KoF-- You are a true master of literary expression! I LOVED IT!! Okay, and my picks for the game would be .....

First Confessional: Caryn
Philiminated: Wanda, Jonathan
Bootee: Jeff, Ashlee, Jolanda
IC: Korer
Bonus: Stephanie, Kim

May the best wo/man win!

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 02-10-05 at 01:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-15-05 AT 00:53 AM (EST)

Okay, here I am...

So, I had to go back and remember the rules...the geek=forgetful.

But, on with the show, which will be red ink, by the way.

Bobby Jon

RC: rien.
IC: Koror
FC: pfft...Ibrehem
FV: Jeff

Bonus...if there is even one...I'll choose a random person...*spins wheel*...Wanda.

I'll be sticking around this season...you can bet on it...

Handcrafted by RollDdice ignore this space. ignore, ignore, ignore this spaceIcecat is da bomb!

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by emydi on 02-10-05 at 03:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 04:52 PM (EST)

I think I shall play RED INK this season.....

Bootee: Coby, Jennifer, Ian, Gregg, Willard, Tom, Angie, Kim, Stephenie, Ashlee, BJ, Ibrehem, James

Immunity Individual: Wanda, Jonathan
Immunity Tribal: Koror
First Confessional: Katie *in honor of our host!!
First to Vote at TC: Stephenie
BONUS: Wanda

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Anyone else playing red ink???

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by ohmyheck on 02-10-05 at 06:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 07:13 PM (EST)

Why are you calling me?!

Okay, umm...Gone:


Winning Tribe is Koror

First Confessianal:Angie

First Vote:Jolanda

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by adricharlie on 02-10-05 at 06:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-14-05 AT 12:50 PM (EST)

OK I have a feeling I'll be in loser lodge before you know it but here is my guess:

bootees:wanda, caryn, coby

Reward challenge: none
Immunity challenge:Ulong

First confessional:Jeff
First vote:Coby

Bonus: Nicole Delma

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Molaholic on 02-10-05 at 07:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-05 AT 07:50 PM (EST)

Rum Punch? Rum Punch? I'm still waiting for my G&T from Jims Casino! What does an honest mole have to do to get some decent service around here?

But seriously, KO -- 100% HOOT! Great start to the Game.

My Picks:
Bootees/Philiminated --
Bobby Jon
Willard as the strains of "Ben, the two of us, need look no more..." drift off into the the mist

First Confessional --

sigpic a GeorgiaBelle creation MMIV
Remember, at this very moment in time, someplace on Earth, the sun is rising, the dawn of a new day...

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by RudyRules on 02-10-05 at 08:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-15-05 AT 10:29 AM (EST)

Bootee: "I dunno" Actually: Wanda, Jeff, Jonathan, Willard, Janu

Reward winner: none

Immunity winner: Ulong

First confessional: Ashlee

First vote at TC: Ian

"I dunno"

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by snoopydog on 02-10-05 at 10:22 PM

1 Jonathan
2 Jeff
3 Wanda
4 Ashlee

Reward Challenge: None

Immunity: Ulong

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Higgs on 02-11-05 at 10:39 AM
Bootees: Bobby Jon, Caryn, Jeff, Wanda

RC: None
IC: Ulong

FC: Stephenie

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by thetick on 02-11-05 at 10:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 03:13 PM (EST)

Booted(in some sense):wanda, jolanda, jonathan, tom , jeff

rc: none
ic: koror
first confessional:jeff

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by MJewel on 02-12-05 at 02:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-05 AT 05:56 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-17-05 AT 05:54 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 05:33 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-14-05 AT 06:18 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-12-05 AT 02:41 PM (EST)

ok here goes...(fifth times the charm?...LOL)

Bootee: Wanda, Jonathan and Jolanda

Reward: None

Immunity: Koror

FC: BobbyJon

FV: Jolanda

"OKJ's S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 02-12-05 at 09:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 07:28 AM (EST)

Instructions? We don't need no steenkin' instructions...


Reward winner: none
Immunity winner: Ulong
First confessional: Ashlee
First to vote at TC: Ian

Bonus: I'll take Ginger. Or Maryanne...

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Bebo on 02-12-05 at 11:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 11:59 AM (EST)

Bootee: Wanda, Jeff, Jonathan, Willard, Janu, Ashlee, Jolanda

RC: none
IC: Koror
Bonus: Angie

ETC IC, add Jolanda and Ashlee to boots

Beblo and Kimdra

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Gracie_TAR on 02-13-05 at 03:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-05 AT 01:19 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-15-05 AT 08:08 PM (EST)

Hmmm.. I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into

Eliminated: Wanda, Jonathon
Bootee: Jolanda, Jeff, Janu
Reward: None this week
Immunity: Ulong

FC: Coby
FV: Willard

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 02-13-05 at 05:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 09:23 PM (EST)

I would like to repeat the fact that my matches were in my SHOE not well you know where. Flowerpower, please try to keep your mind outta the gutter next time.

Eliminated: Wanda, Jonathan
TC Bootee: Jeff, Jolanda, Janu

IC: Koror
FC: Tom

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by whoami on 02-13-05 at 09:49 PM
This wall be a piece of cake, no instructions? I do not need any instructions! I could play this game blindfodded. I got a sattilite phone in my shoe, which they did not catch and a knife in my money belt. And a nylon rope made into a shirt that we can use. Not to mention all the studying I have done on how to survivor.
Lets get on to my picks before I forget.

Ian, Bobby Jon, Ashlee.
IC.- ulong
First vote.-Coby
Last vote.- Gregg
Last to arrive at TC.-Wanda
First to get naked.- jennifer
Bonus.-USS Hilbert DE742

The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise are often poor, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being at the right place at the right time. ECCL. 9:11

"Sittem's Picks"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 02-14-05 at 01:30 PM
Picking for Sittem since he is out of town. He told me to copy the 14th pick and if that wasn't a set of picks to go down the list until I found someone that did pick, so Oh My Heck gets copied for Sittem:


Winning Tribe is Ulong?

First Confessianal:Angie

First Vote:Willard

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by cadfile on 02-14-05 at 01:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-05 AT 10:17 AM (EST)

I am so lost right now. But that's ok, I'll give it a go.





IC: Koror

Bonus: Whoopi Goldberg for the block

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Road Kill on 02-14-05 at 05:17 PM
Bootee: Angie, Willard, Wanda, Janu, Caryn, Jolanda

IC: Ulong

FC: James

Bonus: Willard

In the words of Towelie, "I have no idea what's going on."

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by LeftPinky on 02-14-05 at 09:58 PM
Bootee: Janu, Jeff, Jonathan, Wanda,
IC: Uoooolong
Bonus: Angie

Back to the original siggie!

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 02-15-05 at 03:25 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 00:34 AM (EST)



FC - Ashlee

Bonus - Ulong
(Just in case, ya know! Who knows what's going on around here ... I've reread the rules and it didn't NOT say a bonus would be given...I think; wait, now I'm REALLY confused. )

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by survivorscott on 02-15-05 at 05:39 PM
bobby jon

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Lolly on 02-16-05 at 01:04 AM
Oh my heck, what's the deadline?

bootee: Jonathan, Janu, Willard, Wanda, Jeff

IC: Ulong

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 02-16-05 at 03:03 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 09:18 AM (EST)

Bootee: Wanda, Caryn, Willard, Jeff, Janu, Jolanda and Jonathan

Reward: None
Immunity: Ulong

FC: Ashlee

FV: Stephenie

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Imheretowin on 02-16-05 at 09:08 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-05 AT 06:38 AM (EST)

Booted: Jolanda, Jeff
IMMUNITY:Ian, Jolanda


"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by pmspml5 on 02-16-05 at 09:47 AM
Ok - I'm posting anything I can think of that might happen.

II-Ian, Yolanda

Eliminated: Wanda, Jonathan

Booted: BJ, Jeff

FC: Wanda

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by aethelstan on 02-16-05 at 11:08 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 11:13 AM (EST)

Well. I'm lost. Maybe I should pick Sawyer. heh heh.

Bootees: Wanda, Johnathan, Jolanda, James, Jeff

Immunity Challenge: Koror wins.

If this is anything like last season then there are negative points for guessing wrong so I'll pass on everything else.

©Kittyloaf Creations, 2004
Winter warning in effect.

Posted by Angelfood on 02-16-05 at 01:11 PM
Ok, I've re-read the rules (your role-play for me was right on), and I still can't figure out how to play for red ink, but that won't stop me. Why? Cause I'm not a spoiler, have no hope of winning, and for - Fun! So give me the penalties and negative points puhleaze.

bootees: Jennifer, Tom, Gregg, Ibrehem, Kim
(this would be people who will not be booted, right?)

IC: Koror
(I want to get these correct to earn neg points, right?)
FC: Wanda
FV: Ashlee

Unknown Possible Bonus: Wanda/Twila. ???

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by SilverStar on 02-16-05 at 01:13 PM
Gee, I sure picked a great season to start playing. I have NO IDEA what's going on. Anyhow...

Coby, James, Janu, Jolanda, Stephenie, Willard

Tribal Immunity: Koror
First Confessional: James

Syren? she awesome.

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by laureli on 02-16-05 at 04:24 PM
Laureli: Hmmm, maybe I'll just watch the others for a bit and make my entry later.

Venom: Just don't wait too long, KO must have a deadline for entries.

...so what are you saying? that I have a tendancy to forget to join these games for the first week or so?? That I join late after deadlines and all that?? I resent that! Oh wait, I do always forget. ok sorry...

Anyway, I'm trying this time KO!

Bootees: Ashlee, Janu, Jonathan, Jeff, Jolanda, Wanda
IC: Koror
BC: None
Bonus: Sittem, Yensid and OMH

awesome siggie courtesy of the amazing KObrienfan!

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-16-05 at 06:46 PM
Great Opening KO!


RC: none
IC: Koror
FC: Angie
FV: Jolanda

I should probably be playing for the red seeing as I have no idea what I'm doing and will probably be in negative points, but we'll see what happenes. See ya in the Loser Lodge, I'll be there shortly I'm sure!

The shortest sentance is "I am." The longest is "I do."

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Gothmog on 02-16-05 at 09:17 PM
OMH! LMAO. And ix-nay on the attoo-tay. That was supposed to be our little secret.

Picks: Wanda, Jonathan, Janu, Jolanda, Jeff
IC: Koror
First Confessional: Stephenie
Bonus: I have no idea.

like I know what I'm doing.

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by yensid on 02-16-05 at 10:02 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-16-05 AT 10:20 PM (EST)

Oh my heck! I hate the first week of these games. I just don't have the hang of it yet. And what is this, no instructions, no rules! Augh! The agony. OK. I will just have to give it my best shot.

Bootes/Eliminated: Wanda, Jonathan, Janu, Jeff, Jolanda

First Confessional:Wanda
First Vote: Ian
Bonus: Katie

Hope I have everything covered!

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Yogi on 02-17-05 at 00:45 AM

Bootee: Wanda, Jonathan, Jolanda

RC: none
IC: Koror
FV: Kim
FC: Katie
Bonus: Angie

"Red Ink"
Posted by TungFong on 02-17-05 at 04:26 AM
Hello KO,

As I mentioned in Tribe's ABC thread, I may miss this season's survivor but will try my best.

Bootees: Ian
IC: Ulong
FC: Gregg......ooohhh where's forehead??
Bonus: Angie

S9 ABC Red Ink Winner

"RE: Red Ink"
Posted by forehead on 02-17-05 at 01:06 PM
>FC: Gregg......ooohhh where's forehead??

Hi TF!
RL constraints - no time for fanatics games this season. Hmm, so you want FC advice from me for this game for ep1 Pick Sandra, eh, I mean Ian
Good luck, my friend!

Close but no car...

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 02-17-05 at 09:32 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-17-05 AT 09:33 AM (EST)

Great job. You are just the most creative person I know!

Hopefully these are good picks, but they are strictly guesses at this point but here goes nothin'!

First Confessional: Coby
RC: None
Immunity: Jonathan and Ashley (two necklaces according to the ES)

Bobby John

?What the heck am *I* thinking!?!?

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by sisyphus on 02-17-05 at 09:57 AM
Hello KO

I really am glad survor is back.....and you are such a great person for hosting this game .....I hope loser's lodge is not my destiny and hope I can make my picks on time....do you hear the smacking sounds ...hope you take them into consideration.....

picks for this week:

Bootees: Jonathan, Wanda, Jolanda
RC: Ulong
IC: Koror
FC: Coby

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 02-17-05 at 10:00 AM
do you hear the smacking sounds

Oh yes, I hear them, lmao

S10 PTB Sign up HERE

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by seahorse on 02-17-05 at 10:14 AM
Bootees: Jolanda, James, Jeff, Wanda, Johnathan,

IC: Koror

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"Entry for Divawife"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 02-17-05 at 10:47 AM
I was PMed this, not sure why Diva didn't post it here, so here it is:

>Tribal Council boot-Jolanda
>2 who don't make it into
>the game-Wanda and Willard

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Gracie_TAR on 02-17-05 at 01:20 PM
Not sure if I'm supposed to edit or create a new post to make changes - so I did both.

Eliminated: Wanda, Jonathon
Bootee: Jolanda, Jeff, Janu
Reward: None this week
Immunity: Ulong

FC: Coby
FV: Willard

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by Gracie_TAR on 02-17-05 at 03:01 PM
Eliminated: Wanda, Jonathon
Bootee: Jolanda, Jeff, Janu
Reward: None this week
Immunity: Koror

FC: Coby
FV: Willard

"Vix Pix"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 02-17-05 at 01:41 PM
Alright - let's see if I can get the hang of this. I haven't done so well in the past:


Immunity: Koror

First Confessional: Ibrehem

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: S10-PTB Week 1 Entry Thread"
Posted by kingfish on 02-17-05 at 03:04 PM
You nailed me. Unfortunately not in a good way. Confused, confused, confused.

However I promised not to let ignorance or s*xual frustration slow me down so here goes.

20 players, first two immune from foist elimination are Jolanda and Ian they pick the tribes, and first two eliminated should be Wanda and Jonathan.

I predict they that there will be chance for one or both of them (Wanda and Jonathan) to return at some point, as players, jurors, judges, obstacles, or food reward (Sorry, that was a previous Survivor theme).

Ulong, consisting of Angie, Ashley, BJ, Ibrehem, James, Jeff, Jolanda, Kim, and Steph will go to tribal council and Jolanda, after having pissed everyone off with her uppityness after having won the first contest and been a tribe picker, will be the first puntee. Oye, Yolanda, we hardly knew ye.

Koror, consisting on Caryn (give me a break Karen), Coby (!), Gregg (Please!) Ian, Janu (it's getting deep), Jennifer, Katie, Tom, Willard will win the Cutesy misspelled name contest and will also win immunity.

Because she's not long for this game, Jolanda will not get first confessional, but will get the some but not featured confessional face time. Angie or Jeff, OK I'll go with Jeff will get first Confessional as attempted misdirection (not fooling this speculator though, Heh heh.)

Ibrehem jumps out as the first interviewed at tribal council.

What else, lets see, Every one on Ulong except James will cry at some point, everyone will get wet at some point, there will be rampant allying efforts, men will peek at women changing, women will peek at women changing (Sorry, that was last season too), the fishing will be great for the sharks.

Twists; Hidden Twins? No, been there. No food rewards? That’s a thought? No fire reward, ever? No too dangerous. Tribal kidnapping? Possible. I think, if there’s a real twist that it will involve multiple tribal merging, mixing, wife swapping, kidnapping, something introduced with the goal of screwing up alliances. The reason being that the Spoiler community last season suggested that this was necessary to keep Survivor interest going another season and generously offered up various ingenious ways of doing this, and the CB-excess honchos listened and are discerning enough to recognize genius when they read it.

Kudos to all the geniuses who came up with some very nice and fitting ideas.