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Thread Number: 2954
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Original Message
"S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"

Posted by tribephyl on 01-30-05 at 04:46 PM
Attention! Uncletribe is asking for your help.

As we have become accustomed to...the new season of Survivor is nearing and another fun-filled version of the Anti-Boot will be getting under way.

This thread is not an entry thread, one of those will be posted closer to the premiere.
This thread is, however, an introductory thread so feel free to "sign your name" in a post below.

Along with that, I am asking for your help.
If you are an interested party (or even if you're not). Please take a couple of moments to answer a couple of questions.
Your answers should be PM'd to me, for security reasons. I'm also accepting e-mails, just remember to leave a note in this thread that you have done so.

Just so that you aren't left completely in the dark as to why I need these questionnaires filled out ... I will be making a weekly bonus question out of the replies received.

So do your part, for your country, for yourself, for the fun.

Anti-Boot Pre-Season Questionnaire:
Multiple choice. Pick one answer.
1. The Greatest season of survivor so far is...
a. S1: Borneo b. S2: Australian Outback c. S4: Marquesas d. S7: Pearl Islands

2. The best movie, with a body of water in the title is...
a. Ocean's 11 b. Rivers Edge c. On Golden Pond d. Lake Placid

3. Tributes are best when they are dedicated to...
a. Rock Stars b. Hollywood Elite c. Foreign Royalty d. Nobel Prize Winners

4. If I wasn't living where I am, I'd move to...
a. Equality, Ill. b. Protection, Kan. c. Opportunity, Wash. d. Bliss, Mish.

5. The worst kind of phone calls are those from...
a. Salespeople b. Law Enforcement c. Bill Collectors d. In-Laws

6. The greatest song with a color in the title is...
a. Back in Black b. Shades of Grey c. Blue Suede Shoes d. Lady in Red

7. $10.00 + My "personal" net worth equals...
a. -$9.99 b. $1,000,010.00 c. $79.00 d. $442.51

8. The greatest "R" I've ever felt is...
a. Revenge b. Respect c. Regret d. Rejoicefulness

9. If I absolutely had to marry 1 of these 4 survivors it would have to be...
a. Maralyn Hershey b. Robert DeCanio c. Neleh Dennis d. Sean Rector

10. Treats are good for...
a. Tricksters b. Dogs c. Parties d. Depression

11. Raves are meant for...
a. Meals b. Movies c. French Pastries d. Teenagers

12. Wanda is ...
a. Great b. Crazy c. Old d. A fish

13. Life is ...
a. Like a box of Chocolates b. What you make of it c. A Bitch d. A breakfast Cereal

14. This questionnaire is ...
a. Getting me excited b. Pointless c. Mysterious d. 20 questions long

15. Given the opportunity, I would be happiest if I could ...
a. Be a contestant on Survivor b. Be the Executive producer for Survivor c. Be the Host of Survivor d. Have the full boot-list of this season

Fill in the blank.
16. "I was saving a lot of money, until I saw the greatest {BLANK}"

17. "If I were a professional wrestler, my 'stagename' would be {BLANK}"

18. "The most famous person I've ever met was {BLANK}"

19. "My favorite Summer vacation spot is {BLANK}"

20. "My favorite castaway from this season (Palau) is {BLANK}"

Thanks for your time.
I look forward to having you all in the game this coming season.
It'll be a fun one.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by whoami on 01-30-05 at 09:02 PM
You can count me in. I have sent you my answers to the questions. Some were not the answers I would have chosen but they were from the choices I had to choose from.

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by tribephyl on 01-31-05 at 03:14 PM
Very cool siggie whoami!

Oh and thanks for the answers, even if they aren't the ones you wanted to give.


Posted by Jims02 on 01-30-05 at 09:10 PM
...I couldn't think of something for the pro wrestler one, so I made up something completely idiotic.

Jims02: Proud member of the inoffensive OT Triumvirate. Jims' Random Thoughts

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by Molaholic on 01-30-05 at 09:50 PM
Survey says: Done. Even with a rather non-PG13 answer included.

sigpic a GeorgiaBelle creation MMIV

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 01-30-05 at 10:51 PM
"You have PM" Always willing to wrap myself up in the red, white, and blue and do my part for my country and a host.

"You've got my answers!"
Posted by ohmyheck on 01-30-05 at 11:17 PM
Have fun!

P. S. I <heart> Neleh

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by Mo0 on 01-31-05 at 00:39 AM
Ding! I'm in!

I'm not stupid, just selectively ignorant.

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by smokedog on 01-31-05 at 02:53 AM
Sent you the 20 answers via PM!

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 01-31-05 at 08:12 AM
Sent them! (Great questions!)

S10 PTB Sign up HERE

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by Road Kill on 01-31-05 at 08:20 AM
Sent by PM.

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by JohnMc on 01-31-05 at 11:39 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-31-05 AT 11:40 AM (EST)

Sent by PM

Can I play ABC now?

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by tribephyl on 01-31-05 at 03:16 PM
Can I play ABC now?
You'll have to wait just a little longer, and when it starts everyone will go through some basic training.
But, you are definitely on the roster.


"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by ohmyheck on 01-31-05 at 05:09 PM
Am I?

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by tribephyl on 01-31-05 at 07:20 PM
Am I?

Yes, you too!

And really, everyone who fills out a questionnaire will be added to the roster.
I hope I don't get too far ahead of myself.

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by JohnMc on 01-31-05 at 06:46 PM
How about now?

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by tribephyl on 01-31-05 at 07:24 PM
Don't make me pull this "Sherman" over to the curb!

We'll get there soon enough.

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by Das Mole on 01-31-05 at 07:02 PM
I definitely want to play this season Did I play last time? If I did, I really sucked, lol.

"You've got P mail!"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 01-31-05 at 10:32 PM
Looking forward to another great season! Thanks for all you do!

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by Scuba Steve on 02-01-05 at 10:28 AM
My questionnaire has been sent. Looking forward to the contest.

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 02-02-05 at 02:38 AM
I sent mine in, tribe. I'm looking forward to playing again this season!

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by alwaysintruble1 on 02-02-05 at 10:34 PM
*pounds head against keyboard*
I really dislike tests with fill in the blank questions, esp when I didn't get to attend the class.

I hope these don't get graded for us to be able to play the game, because I'm sure I failed. Hope I can still get in the game, I need a good resume to get into the Loser Lodge later on.

courtesy of Surveysez

Posted by yensid on 02-03-05 at 04:42 PM
Count me in. I just PM'd my answers to you.

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by laureli on 02-03-05 at 04:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-03-05 AT 04:53 PM (EST)

Well, I sent you my answers via PM, but they were SO LAME! Can I win the prize for the lamest.answers.ever????

awesome siggie courtesy of the amazing KObrienfan!

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by ohmyheck on 02-04-05 at 11:27 PM
Mine were lamer! I get the prize! I GET THE PRIZE!

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-04-05 at 11:09 PM
sent by PM. can't wait for the new ABC season!

"Have no fear..."
Posted by tvgeek401 on 02-06-05 at 09:46 PM
tvpenguin is here!

I'm going to do so well this season!

If I keep saying it, maybe it'll come true.

Handcrafted by RollDdice ignore this space. ignore, ignore, ignore this spaceIcecat is da bomb!

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by RudyRules on 02-06-05 at 10:12 PM
I sent mine in quite some time ago.
Looking forward to the new season!

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by emydi on 02-10-05 at 01:36 PM
I'm so behind on all this, I sent you my answers, if my question 1 is not counted, SO BE IT!!

Handcrafted by RollDdice

sorry for my tardiness!

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by LookeeLoo on 02-10-05 at 07:14 PM
Woohoo! PM'd you today. Hope I'm not late!

Thanks for hosting again and can't wait!


Another Dicey Original 2004

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by adricharlie on 02-10-05 at 08:12 PM
OK I answered the questions.

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 02-11-05 at 05:02 PM
Okay Tribe.... I'll bite.

Scar O'Hara

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-11-05 at 05:18 PM

I'll bite back!

Thanks for the answers. Looking forward to seeing you in the ABC!

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by Gracie_TAR on 02-13-05 at 01:06 AM
I sent you 20, so now I'm ready for bootcamp to start!

"RE: S10 Anti-Boot Contest: Introduction"
Posted by LeftPinky on 02-14-05 at 02:33 PM
I need more choices!

Back to the original siggie!