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Thread Number: 273
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"what do you think?"

Posted by jaymmzzs on 02-02-01 at 02:21 AM
.1-in this show every one voted for kel.They sat around complaining he couldnt fish,they sat around complaining of him eating beef jerky.BUT the show is still called survivor what are these people doing to survive?DO they just plan on eating rice?the food must stop being supplied to get these lazy people moving.Also please let jerri be next voted off.

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"RE: what do you think?"
Posted by poisoned spear on 02-02-01 at 02:41 AM
There is obviously something going on behind the scenes that they didn't show on this episode. From what they did show, there is no reason to off this guy. He is strong, has military survival skills, and seems to be the only one trying to look for food. He didn't do anything obviously wrong, unless somebody bought that "beef jerky" b.s. I am not sure which person made the remarks about bringing it on yourself by playing games, but from what we saw, that would seem to apply much more to Jerri, who seems determined to screw her way to the top, figuritively or literally. Not sure what we're mising.

"RE: what do you think?"
Posted by Cherberrie on 02-02-01 at 08:13 AM
I agree with you, PS. It may boil down to the fact that Burnett didn't have any material to work with. With the booting of Kel, I found myself shaking my head after E2 trying to figure out what I might have missed.

The sad part of it is, ever since Jenna announced that Burnett manipulated the Survivors for the shoots, I'm having second doubts about the "reality" part of the show.

"RE: what do you think?"
Posted by MDSkinner on 02-02-01 at 09:32 AM
Going into the show, I like everyone else here felt confident that Kel was gone, due to the evidence that was provided. But when watching the show I found myself wondering, why? Kel was probably the nicest guy out of the bunch and he was without question the hardest worker in the Tribe(that is if the footage that we were shown holds true). To top it off he was in good condition and it seemed he would be an asset to just about any type of challenge that they could be given. So I wonder why they would end up with a 7-1 vote. I would guess it is because of Jerri, and what would seem to be her hold on the Tribe. Jerri is not a good person, but it seems she has a lot of promise in moving forward in this game.

"RE: what do you think?"
Posted by Minstrel on 02-02-01 at 10:19 AM
I think that's the point PS, everyone but Maralyn bought the stealing food set up and Maralyn didn't want to be the only one and obviously so, to support Kel. I do believe Maralyn is plotting to do battle with Jerri, and so may be Colby. All it takes now is four votes and you get a one way trip to OZ. So, Jerri will use her "casting couch" talents on Colby, but will Colby actually be John Wayne? "Thank you ma'am, but there's a law in these here hills!" In a week, we all could be cheering Colby for riding in on his white horse to rid us of the Jerri-mandering ways!

"RE: what do you think?"
Posted by Monkeyboy on 02-02-01 at 02:43 PM
>Jerri will use her "casting
>couch" talents on Colby, but
> In
>a week, we all could
>be cheering Colby for riding
>in on his white horse
>to rid us of the
>Jerri-mandering ways!

Well done Minstrel!

I think I'll have a pointless hissy fit for all of us now: I HATE HER I HATE HER I HATE HER I HATE HER!

I feel much better now.

"RE: what do you think?"
Posted by stickboy on 02-02-01 at 10:50 AM
Everyone is asking "why this" and "why that", but why can't the explanation be as simple as stupidity, on both sides.

Kel was just being himself, obviously a quieter individual who saw how Rich was able to win over his tribe by providing food, so attempted to do the same. And when he was not as successfull as he would have hoped in fishing, he did not have the "charm" or lying personality (good for him) to make it further in the game. So, he just played the game stupidly.

And then, the others, mostly Jerri, were stupid for voting him off for certain reasons. Yes, Kel definitly could have helped in the challenges prior to the tribe merger. And obviously, Jerri (and others) were looking to the point after the merger and saying to themselves, "Boy, Kel could easily win many immunity challenges after the merger. Maybe I should vote him off now." But, Ogakor only screws themselves up for the merger by losing immunity challenges now. So, in that respect, it was stupid for Ogakor to vote Kel off.

So, my argument is that the answer to "why" is stupidity.

"RE: what do you think?"
Posted by Survivorerist on 02-02-01 at 11:15 AM
>But, Ogakor only
>screws themselves up for the
>merger by losing immunity challenges
>now. So, in that
>respect, it was stupid for
>Ogakor to vote Kel off.

But you gotta admit that Ogakor still has Burnett to manipulate the nature of the immunities so that it ends up being 5-5 at the merger anyway.

"RE: what do you think?"
Posted by Drive My Car on 02-02-01 at 11:01 AM
First off people lets get one thing straight.
There was no Beef Jerky (unless you wanna count Colby, who is more of a Beefy jerk)

Jerri started by targeting Keith, right off, first day, did all she could to undermine him. I think she saw him as a likely leader. That whole thing about him being mad that she made a Tortilla (one lousy tortilla, you'd think she made a 4 course meal the way she crowed about it) He didn't seem mad to me, he seemed grateful.
Then she began to see that Kel, was emerging as a quiet sort of leader, who was concerned with their survival , their need for food. What better way to undermine him , but to say he had food and was keeping it from them. I think she just used his being away, as an oppertunity to turn the others against him.

Since Kel was the only person scouting for food and they need protein , I hope they were paying attention to their lesson on Aborigianl Cuisine.

This woman is Vile! She made up that jerky story out of thin air, she searched his stuff to plant seeds of doubt about Kel, and to make her claims seem more believable.

She has already targeted those who could emerge as leaders, and next she is going to use Colby (who is clearly gullible)

Oh and Colby a Cowboy??? Please! He lives in Dallas, he customizes CARS!!!! Not Cows. Dallas is a City, a large one.
The only Cowboys in Dallas play football in the NFL ( and technically they play in Irving)

Jerri is VILE!!
But unfortunately she may know how to play this game.