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"CBS Viewers Choice Poll - "

Posted by rjrabbit on 05-07-04 at 11:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-07-04 AT 11:52 PM (EST)

Who did you pick?

Best fight

Ted / Ghandia
Kimmi / Alicia
Rupert / Johnny Fairplay
Robb strangles Clay
Boston Rob / Lex

Greatest Villain

Johnny Fairplay
Rob C.
Brian H.

Sexiest Guy

Boston Rob
Robb Z.

Hottest Woman

Jenna M.
Sarah J.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: CBS Viewers Choice Poll - "
Posted by tribephyl on 05-08-04 at 02:32 AM
Best fight
Kimmi / Alicia

tribey loves a good cat-fight. Finger wagglin' galore.
I just wanted to see some fur fly.

Greatest Villain
Johnny Fairplay

Downright PureEvil, really.
tribey no likey

Sexiest Guys

This is tribey's area of expertise. Rowr!

Hottest Women

tribey had a foriegn feeling when he saw Colleen.
The other women are definitely cute too.

But you can call me tribe. S7ABCABP Winner
"I just had to get those guys comfortable riding the big banana. And they did." King Dicque(RIP)

"RE: CBS Viewers Choice Poll - "
Posted by samurai monkey on 05-08-04 at 04:45 AM
Best fight

Ted / Ghandia

Greatest Villain
Richard (he took on a shark and WON!)

Sexiest Guy
Boston Rob
Osten was kinda hot too, but I guess he's not on here for being such a complete quitter.

Hottest Woman

They should've had a scariest looking player category, and I would've voted for Skeletor, oops, I mean Heidi.

"RE: CBS Viewers Choice Poll - "
Posted by Oscirus on 05-08-04 at 11:49 AM
Best fight

Boston Rob / Lex
I just loved watching mr "its nothing personal just business" get his comeuppance

Greatest Villain
Johnny Fairplay
Dirtiest player in the game

Hottest Woman
Sarah I enjoyed lookin at her funbags

"RE: CBS Viewers Choice Poll - "
Posted by Survivorerist on 05-08-04 at 01:08 PM
Best fight: Robb strangles Clay

Besides being hilarious in and of itself, it also happened during the funniest challenge in history.

Greatest Villain: Richard

Really, was there any other choice? I was tempted to put Brian down too, but in the end you can't go against good old Dicque.

Sexiest Guy/Hottest Woman: Abstained

Angry that Neleh was not on the Hottest Woman list, I refused to vote in these two categories. Grumble grumble stupid CBS...

"I'll need a big spoon because I have a big mouth."

"RE: CBS Viewers Choice Poll - "
Posted by Howard Dean on 05-08-04 at 05:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-09-04 AT 03:03 AM (EST)

Best Fight

Kimmi / Alicia

I'll never forget the sight of those two wagging their fingers at each other. With that intense voice and the look in her eyes, Alicia was ready to kill! Cat fight! Cat fight! Look out! The lioness is ready to rumble! lol

Greatest Villain


When it comes to being bad, no one will ever beat the King.

Sexiest Guy

Not really my area .... umm what do you think, ladies?

Hottest Woman

Almost all of them are hot .... but Elisabeth is the hottest! She's not only sexy, but also has a lot of class. I would have loved to see her in Survivor 8. Too bad she's on The View ... On second thought .... I'm *glad* she's on The View ... I can see her five times a week instead of once a week.

Here's my ranking of all of them:

(1) Elisabeth
(2) Colleen
(3) Jenna M.
(4) Amber
(5) Erin
(6) Darrah
(7) Heidi
(8) Alicia

Not so hot ...

(9) Sarah J. -- Sorry, I never bought that "Queen Of The Nile" routine
(10) Jerri -- Evil! Evil! Evil! lol

"RE: CBS Viewers Choice Poll - "
Posted by Angelfood on 05-08-04 at 05:40 PM

"RE: CBS Viewers Choice Poll - "
Posted by rjrabbit on 05-08-04 at 08:08 PM
Best fight
I picked Robb stangling Clay but I almost picked Alicia/Kimmi. I love that look on Alicia face (like don't F#@$ with me) and the finger waggle was da bomb.

Best Villian
I missed the first season so I picked Johnny Fairplay. His dead Grandma trick has to go down in history as the most evil trick every played on Survivor.

Sexiest Guy

Hottest Woman (I'm a woman so I'm not the best judge)
I picked Amber but Elisabeth was a close second.

"RE: CBS Viewers Choice Poll - "
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-08-04 at 08:24 PM
Best fight
Robb strangles Clay- just too funny

Greatest Villain
Richard- had to give it to the original. JFP might have been more ballsy but Richard had finesse. Plus I would never give JFP more attention- that was all he wants- to go down as the greatest villian in Survivor history.

Sexiest Guy
Colby- Just some good All American looks!

Hottest Woman
Elisabeth- She seems to be so much more classier than all the rest.

"RE: CBS Viewers Choice Poll - "
Posted by rjrabbit on 05-08-04 at 08:58 PM
I love how Colby treats his mom. You know you can tell a lot about how a guy will treat you by the way he treats his mom.

And I love his sense of humor. He came up with the funniest stuff during his confessionals! Love a guy who can make me laugh.

"RE: CBS Viewers Choice Poll - "
Posted by AMAZON on 05-09-04 at 03:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-09-04 AT 03:41 PM (EST)

>Best fight
> Ted / Ghandia
> Kimmi / Alicia
> Rupert / Johnny Fairplay
> Robb strangles Clay
> Boston Rob / Lex
I would say Kimmi/Alicia but they left off some really good ones. What about Sandra/Jon or Shawn/Jon?? Marquesas (an underrated and forgotten season) had good ones, too. Remember Rob/Jon or Sean/Pascal?

>Greatest Villain
> Richard
> Johnny Fairplay
> Rob C.
> Brian H.
> Jerri
Johnny Fairplay...I think Rich gets a really bad reputation for no reason. I don't remember him ever lying to anyone while he played survivor. Jon actually made someone swear a voting alliance on their 2 children! If that's not villanous, I don't know what is.

>Hottest Woman
> Colleen
> Elisabeth
> Amber
> Jerri
> Heidi
> Jenna M.
> Sarah J.
> Alicia
> Erin
> Darrah

Ugh! How could they not have the hottest woman ever?! Jessie from Africa!!! I thought Amber was hot in the Outback but now she's just above average. Alicia has really cleaned up nicely on the jury. Jenna M. has an exotic-type of hottness about her.