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"Future Survivors"

Posted by sfmark88 on 05-02-04 at 06:39 PM
Wher should survivors 9, 10, etc. be held? Where would you like to see survivor go in future seasons? Should they ever revisit a location? Should they stick to tropical locations or experiment with other climates? Are any areas too extreme? What do you think?
I, personally, would like survivor to be held in India or a region of that nature. There are fewer new locations the show can visit, so if the show were to ever revisit a location I personally would chose to revisit Africa, maybe even a tropical Africa? I'm sure there's something we'll all agree with on survivor locations, there's a good chance there will ever be a temperate survivor location. Who would want to see "Survivor:Russia"???

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"RE: Future Survivors"
Posted by Loree on 05-02-04 at 06:51 PM
The one thing they learned from Africa is that they have to have a water location for water challenges. So they need the ocean, a river or a lake.

"RE: Future Survivors"
Posted by Molaholic on 05-02-04 at 11:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-02-04 AT 11:59 PM (EST)

OK, I'll be the first ...

Unfortunatly EPMB will never let Survivor be held in a climate that won't allow full skin opportunities. Sure, it's a great idea, and true to the title Survivor, but the "OUTWIT, OUTLAST, OUTPLAY" ideal has come to mean "JUGS, PECS, BOUNCING NAUGHTY BITS"

Maybe a tie-in to the Olympics (a la Australia) with a Survivor on some remote Greek island? It'll have to be post-Olympic, but it may still work.

"RE: Future Survivors"
Posted by wikidimagination on 05-05-04 at 02:51 PM
Personally, I would love to see the Survivors in either some really cold place while it is a hot summer here in the States...OR...have it in one of the worst ghettos in America! Make them live like homeless people or in some horrible building and Survive like most of the poor of our nation. Some of the challenges could be "try to get a job" wearing the clothes they are given and looking unwashed.

"RE: Future Survivors"
Posted by Estee on 05-05-04 at 05:23 PM
The Galapagos chain, but they'll never get permission to set up a production camp -- and justifiably so: the islands have to be protected.

For MB's typical storyline values and 'we based this challenge on' criteria, Pitcairn Island might be interesting.

"RE: Future Survivors"
Posted by tinybubs on 05-05-04 at 06:04 PM

I like the Pitcairn Island idea. At least there would be some history that they could use to base a storyline. Maybe dream up some mutiny challenges.

"I would want to see Survivor-Russia!!!"
Posted by arturbars on 05-06-04 at 05:41 PM
Just to let you know that it is not an all-year-around winter in Russia. Their climate is almost identical to North America. And who said that show in temperate climate would not be as interesting (if not more so). I know everyone says that we have to see some naked skin - especially on the good looking contestants. Well you will see more skin during the summer season in the temperate climate than you would in tropics during the rain season - PI and ALL Stars!

Plus there are plenty of bodies of whater in temperate climate locations for water challanges and survival. My personal favorite location would be Lake Baikal in souther Syberia (that's in Russia - get a map out if you don't know where that is).

So i say - Bring on SURVIVOR RUSSIA!!!

"RE: I would want to see Survivor-Russia!!!"
Posted by samurai monkey on 05-08-04 at 04:53 AM
I say remote islands off southern Japan...

Because that's where I live and I can go spoil!

There are quite a few islands around here that would make excellent locations for Survivor, with lots of yummy eel to eat. Not much in the way of fruit growing around the islands wild though. Sugar Cane abounds, however. They'd have to look out for the habu snakes and poisonous mukade, though.

"I would like to see survivor Harlem"
Posted by Oscirus on 05-08-04 at 11:51 AM
That would be awesome

"Survivor Canada"
Posted by strid333 on 05-08-04 at 12:46 PM
I've said this from near the beginning. Do the show in summer =. Pick a place like northern BC. There are lots of lakes, trees, and it can be remote. For the culture, you can have Natives do Pow Wows and have the RCMP do musical rides. You could even throw some Quebec Francophone culture into the mix. And as an added bonus, put Canadian Idol, Ryan Malcolm, as a private concert for another reward (he's looking for work lol). Or pick another star (we have lots).

For food, have bannock (Native bread) and pemicin (a mixture of bison meat and berries and very tasty). Certainly not a gross food challenge but we don't need one every season, do we? Fear Factor has it more than covered.

Considering Canadians can't compete in Survivor, I think we should have the show come here. We watch the show just as much as Americans.

Three is the perfect number. RMNW!