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"All Star Trivia round 14"

Posted by ivoryElephant on 05-01-04 at 06:52 PM
1. According to shii anns words and actions who does she think will win?

2. In what order did the survivors run out of matches during the IC?

3. What color was ruperts bucket at the IC?

4. When Tom said "who's your momma...." as Bo left on the boat who was seen in the background? (there were two survivors but you can only make out one of them)

5. Who did Rob snake?
6. Who was Jenna Lewis channeling when she made the comment about shooting herself?
7. When tom picked rob to come with him for the reward, what word did he refer to rob as? (he pointed and said ____)

8. According to Bucky Bo, why should Tom watch out?

9. According to Mike, what kind of diet must rob be on?

10. According to Jenna Lewis what is nice and fresh? (no not ruperts breath as he kissed his wife lol)

Bonus Q: What color was Sheryls (ambers mom) fingernail polish?


This one if complex.

part1: 17 of the allstars had luxury items ( rupert didn't).

Find websites with a picture of their luxury item. These are luxury items from their original season
You want to find as few websites as possible.

Thus you want to find websites with pictures of as many luxury items as possible.

All pictures must be shown on the same page, if I have to click a link on the page to get to another pic it doesn't count.

URL's of google searches don't count.

You have to use a pre-existing website, you can't create your own.

You may get 17 websites or you can get fewer, it depends on how hard you look.

2nd part of the challenge: Of the remainging 4/5 (rupert exluded) find websites with pictures of the players luxury items.

The website you find must also have font in the same color as the survivors favorite color.

You want to find as many of these as you can.

for example you could find 5 sites with fire engine red font and a football pic.

Once you are done with those 2 things you might have something like this:

12 url's for the 17 luxury items

6 urls of the luxury items and colored font.

your score will be tallied by subtracting part 2 from part 1. The person with the smallest number wins.

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Messages in this discussion
"To the fallen comrades..."
Posted by tribephyl on 05-05-04 at 05:48 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-05-04 AT 05:50 AM (EST)

Thanks to all of you...

Kermit The Vixen
(Remember when we won the challenge together! So cool)

(My buddy, my pal, my alliance partner. I love you)

(I lvoe your name. I lvoe your attitude. I lvoe you.)

(I was only trying to make you stronger, with all the ribbing. It's only because I respect you.)

(No! No! Like a bad dream when you got booted.)

(Hiya Vincey!)

(Major Boohoo!)

(Katri dahling, you are not just an even star, you are a super star. Wear it out girl!!!)

(Your departure was like an opera.
I left crying ... and wishing the fat lady was not a singer!?))

(You lil stinker! I don't know if you know how much I lvoe you but lets just keep this PG.
You have a wife already, so theres no need to get morbidly dirty. But what I have in mind is now legal.)

(Michelle dahling I'm so sorry for the circumstances which removed you from the game. I must say, you were difficult competition. But I wish you the best.)

(Holy Cow! Another huge personality around these parts. I don't know if I can say, in words, my deeply felt respect for you. Just believe me when I say huge! I should know huge things when I see them.)

(Last years winner? Noooooo.....
Who invited Jenna1? My plan was to keep the past winners.)

(Lisa's exit is about when I had confirmed some feelings about quitting myself. Thank Gawd for the nice sentiments and the huge deeply felt (yet secret) romance I have with the Pooh!)

(Arrgh! For me, this was a bad start. I had every intention of keeping keithy close to me for the whole game. However, his early demise left me feeling lonely.)

(Hardly knew ye'. But still, I think it was very brave of you to enter. Sniff! Some big cajones!?

Thank you all and a huge!! thank you to IE for running this li'l challenge. Too much time spent but, thank you for every moment!!!

All Stars my ASS!!!!
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