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Thread Number: 2490
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"S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"

Posted by LionChow on 04-30-04 at 04:24 PM
TeamJoisey, TeamJoisey, TeamJoisey. You’re leading the competition, playing a strong game and making all the right moves… so what happened with that BQ answer? Not even within 100,000 miles!!! That answer stunk worse than an Elizabeth refinery! I know it’s most common for me to single out an individual for a particularly good performance at something, but in this case I must make an exception. Now before any of you cry out to “take it easy on TJ, he’s a nice guy”, understand that we’re both from New Jersey and abuse is just something that’s expected here. It’s what we do. I wish Sisyphus was still around to back me up, but unfortunately she checked out several weeks ago.

The actual mileage on the car is 184,449.4 and hopefully it will last to TJ’s 294,000 because, dammit, I’m going to fix it up. The best guess of all was by djandy, allowing her to close the gap on tribephyl. She was off by only 1715.4. The full list of BQ winners is: djandy, 321Jump, BlowByBlow, ExInterper, FesterFan1, Okaloosajohn, whoami, yensid, Neobie and Survivor Maniac. Neobie and Survivor Maniac also receive the double bonus points due to the EchoGirl 10th place finish “special”. If you read the whole thread, you saw that I offered to give double points to the tenth place person, if Echo’s guess was within the ten best, which it was (second best). They tied, so both benefited.

The weekly winner, by virtue of the double bonus, was SurvivorManiac (9) , who is trying to climb back into the race. The other high scorers were Neobie (8), 321Jump, FesterFan1 (7), ExInterper (6), BlowbyBlow, okaloosajohn and yensid (5).

For the weekly bottom dwellers, djandy (-15) made a big move to get back even with her nemesis. Other way-down-there’s were spacey (-14), ejm92, Lolly (-13) and tribephyl (-12), with spacey, ejm92 and Lolly being eliminated. As with other weeks, they didn’t submit new picks and were stuck with old ShiiAnn hits. No one deliberately pick her.

The top spot, TeamJoisey (130), didn’t change, but second place did as 321Jump (128) leapt past bubbastan (127). Rounding out the top ten are ExInterper (123), GrendelsMom, Yogi (118), Gerbees (117), Corvis, RoadKill and smtrNsassyBnkr (116).

As mentioned earlier, the Survy Award fight is now a dead heat after djandy nailed the bonus. Now it’s djandy and Tribephyl stuck at (-133).

Final Bonus Question #8:

Another BQ I usually do, and one that has at least a little bit of strategy and logic to it (as opposed to last week’s blind guess) is this:

For one point each, name the first three Survivors that get asked questions at Tribal Council. You get an extra point for each one you get in the proper order. The good news is that it’s impossible to get shut out!!!

If you choose to, make your picks from this week’s challenge teams:
Newlyweds: Amber, Rob
Outlaws: Jenna, Rupert, Tom


130 - TeamJoisey
128 - 321Jump
127 - bubbastan
123 - ExInterper
118 - GrendelsMom, Yogi
117 - Gerbees
116 - Corvis, RoadKill, smrtNsassybnkr
115 - railfan, ulalame
114 - Neobie, Swami
112 - udg
110 - okaloosajohn, tjstein
109 - TungFong
108 - Keae
106 - Bebo, SurvivorManiac, yensid
104 - Angelfood, dreamerbeliever
102 - RudyRules
101 - whoami
98 - BlowbyBlow, GuessItRains, LeftPinky
97 - PlumBlossom
95 - realityluver
93 - Evenstar
92 - FesterFan1
90 - buckeyegirl, KermitVixen
88 - I_AM_HE
87 - JohnMc
86 - smokedog
81 - Cin
80 - Milan23, Sittem
75 - Jims02, PackMan
74 - AugustGirl, silentJ
73 - RebelCrown
69 - rwj3eb
57 - ivoryElephant, Steen
54 - LionChow
42 - mikey
(8) - magic_star
(133) - djandy, tribephyl

Other notes:

The Official Jims02 Remaining Survivors List:
Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert

25 down, 54 to go!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 04-30-04 at 04:29 PM
IC: newlyweds
RC: newlyweds


BQ: rob tom, amber

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by smokedog on 04-30-04 at 10:32 PM
Amber, Rob, Jenna


bonus: Rupert, Jenna, Rob

"LOL at me"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 05-01-04 at 00:38 AM
OK, so 294,000 miles was a little excessive. But I figured it had to be something really outlandish. I've put 26,000 a year on my cars, and I rounded up.

OK, so maybe there's 294,000 miles of pavement in our 300,000 square mile state. Or maybe that's the correct number of malls?

Good luck getting that next 100,000!

"RE: LOL at me"
Posted by LionChow on 05-01-04 at 10:01 AM
>OK, so maybe there's 294,000 miles
>of pavement in our 300,000
>square mile state.

...and 50 cars to go with every mile of pavement!

And now the Honda Update.

In the wacky world of car insurance, my ins. company quoted the repair at $2,650 and they're only willing to give me $2,150 for it (thus it's declared a total).

I just got back from a local autobody shop who quoted me $700 to fix it. Go figure.

The bottom line is the the Prelude will live on!!!

Posted by tribephyl on 05-01-04 at 05:02 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-06-04 AT 03:54 PM (EST)

To all of you(and LC):
Arrgh! 15 to 12! I can't believe that smokin' arse did that to me.
I have a feeling the bonus question was an arranged one.
Who else could answer that question correctly ... than the wife of your mechanic?!

To djandy:
I lvoe ya babe. I can't wait to spend the million together. Too bad the others are going to just give the Sole Survy away and leave the two of us as F2.
We need to release a good photo of us at the Emmys.



Newlywedded to the Mob


1. Amber
2. Rupert
3. Tom

Go bubbastan!!
"All Stars my ASS!!!!

"RE: *Auto-Penalty*"
Posted by LionChow on 05-01-04 at 10:04 AM
Hey djandy,

Sssshhhhh! Don't tell him. hahahahahaha.

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by djandy on 05-01-04 at 12:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-06-04 AT 02:42 PM (EST)

Edited to add: Automatic Penalty!

Wow, after nailing LC's mileage Bonus Q and Echo's time she posted the points in the PTB game Bonus Q, I would claim clairvoyance except that I always flame out in the games.

Tribe, lvoe ya too, but game on

RC: Outlaws
IC: Newlyweds
Bonus: 1-Rob, 2-Tom, 3-Rupert

S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by railfan on 05-01-04 at 07:07 PM
SAFE: Amber, Rob, Jenna

RC: Outlaws
IC: Newlyweds

BQ: Tom, Rupert, Rob

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Steen on 05-01-04 at 08:29 PM
Safe: Rob
RC: Newlyweds
IC: Newlyweds
BQ: Amber, Big Tom, Rob

Awesome J Slice Creation 2003

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Corvis on 05-01-04 at 10:57 PM
Amber, Jenna, Rupert

RC: Outlaws

BQ: Tom, Rob, Jenna in that order.


"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Evenstar on 05-03-04 at 03:13 AM
Safe: Rob, Amber, Rupert

RC: Outlaws

IC: Outlaws

BQ: Rupert, Jenna, Rob

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Cin on 05-03-04 at 09:23 AM

IC: Outlaws
RC: Newlyweds

BQ: Rupert, Tom, Jenna


"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by JohnMc on 05-03-04 at 11:09 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-03-04 AT 11:29 AM (EST)

Amber, Jenna

IC - newlyweds
RC - newlyweds

BQ - Tom, Rupert, Jenna

edit cuz I'm changing my mind on how safe Rob is.

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 05-03-04 at 11:12 AM
SAFE: Amber, Rob, Jenna
RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws

BQ: Amber, Tom, Rupert

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Neobie on 05-03-04 at 11:20 AM
Safe: Rob, Amber, Jenna

IC: Newlyweds
RC: Newlyweds
TC: Rupert, Jenna, Rob

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 05-03-04 at 11:56 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-03-04 AT 11:57 AM (EST)

Rawb, Ambuh, JennaL

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Newlyweds

BQ: Ambuh, Tom, Rawb

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 05-03-04 at 12:28 PM
Wow, I'm thrilled to be finishing so completely in the middle of the pack. Apparently my personal motto of "Good Enough" won't be changing any time soon.

Congrats, LC, on the nice quote from the mechanic. It's like you won the Old Car Lottery - insurance totals it, gives you a couple thousand, you spend a couple hundred and pocket the rest!

BQ: Rupert, Rob, Jenna (cause obviously Amber and Tom can't say anything coherent, so even if they are asked a question it won't make it through the editing process).
RC: Outlaws
IC: Newlyweds
Safe: Rob, Amber, Jenna


I do more to not work than actual work.

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by LionChow on 05-03-04 at 02:39 PM
BQ: Rupert, Tom, Rob

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by LeftPinky on 05-03-04 at 03:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-03-04 AT 03:21 PM (EST)

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws..

Safe: Rob, Jenna, Amber

ETA: forgot the bonus... Rob, Tom, Rupert
created by the amazing JSlice!

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 05-03-04 at 03:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-05-04 AT 11:32 AM (EST)

Amber, Rob, Jenna

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws

BQ: Jenna, Rob, Rupert in that order.

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 05-03-04 at 05:54 PM
RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws

Safe: Amber

BQ: Amber, Rupert, Jenna

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 05-03-04 at 06:06 PM
Safe: Amber
RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws

BQ: Amber, Rupert, Rob

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by AugustGirl on 05-03-04 at 06:31 PM
Safe: Rob, Amber

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Newlyweds

BQ: Amber, Rupert, Jenna

a JSlice original. isn't she something?

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by silentJ on 05-03-04 at 10:48 PM
Rob, Ambah, Jenna

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 05-03-04 at 11:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-04 AT 04:14 PM (EST)




"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by PackMan on 05-04-04 at 09:48 AM
Safe: Amber

RC: Outlaws
IC: Newlyweds

BQ: Jenna, Rob, Rupert

If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when are you going to find time to do it again? - Anonymous

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Angelfood on 05-04-04 at 12:10 PM
SAFE: Amber, Rob

RC: Outlaws
IC: Newlyweds

BQ: Rob, Jenna, Amber

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 05-04-04 at 12:11 PM

Safe: Amber, Rob, Jenna

Bonus: Jenna, Rupert, Tom

RC: Newlyweds

IC: Outlaws

TeamJoisey Bonus question #1: Alfred E. Driscoll

TeamJoisey Bonus question #2: 14

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by LionChow on 05-04-04 at 04:37 PM
>TeamJoisey Bonus question #1: Alfred E. Driscoll

Very good. Hey, who was this guy anyway?

>TeamJoisey Bonus question #2: 14

I believe there are 6 full malls, but a whole sh*tload of smaller semi-malls. Fourteen may very well be correct. What a horrible place to attempt to drive in.

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 05-06-04 at 00:50 AM
Driscoll, Alfred Eastlack (1902-1975) -- also known as Alfred E. Driscoll -- of Haddonfield, Camden County, N.J.
Born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., October25, 1902.

Republican. Member of New Jersey state senate from Camden County, 1939-41;
Governor of New Jersey, 1947-54;
delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey, 1948, 1952.
Presbyterian. Member, Psi Upsilon.
Died March 9, 1975. Interment at Haddonfield Baptist Churchyard, Haddonfield, N.J.

Of course, some folks call it the Alfred E. Neuman Bridge.

By the way, it's currently being renovated. They are finally making it wider. Saturday's seven-hour drive to the Shore was getting tiresome.

Almost as bad as trying to park at Paramus Park.

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by ulalame on 05-04-04 at 02:24 PM
Safe: Rob, Jenna, Amber

IC: Outlaws
RC: Newlyweds

Bonus: Amber, Rob, Rupert

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 05-04-04 at 04:58 PM
Rupert, Amber

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws

BQ: Rupert, Amber, Jenna

an IceCat original

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by udg on 05-04-04 at 05:19 PM
Amber, Rob, Jenna, Rupert

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws

Bonus: Amber, Rupert, Jenna


"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by GuessItRains on 05-04-04 at 05:22 PM
RC: Newlywed
IC: Newlywed


BQ: Amber, Rupert, Rob

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by RudyRules on 05-04-04 at 07:58 PM
Safe: Amber, Rob, Jenna
RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws

BQ: Jenna, Rupert, Rob in that order.

Flight plan by RollDdice

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by whoami on 05-04-04 at 09:44 PM
I have got over 190,000 on my car.

Safe.-Amber, Rob,

BQ.-Amber, Jenna, Rupert

The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise are often poor, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being at the right place at the right time. ECCL. 9:11

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by GrendelsMom on 05-04-04 at 11:23 PM
Safe: Jenna, Rob, Amber

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws
BQ: Jenna,Rupert, Amber

<==flashed by J_Loaf
Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana--Groucho Marx

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by TungFong on 05-05-04 at 04:20 AM
Safe: Amber

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws

Bonus: Amber, Jenna, Rupert

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Swami on 05-05-04 at 09:21 AM
Safe: Amber, Rob, Jenna

Bonus: Amber, Rupert, Tom

RC: Newlyweds

IC: Outlaws

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 05-05-04 at 11:30 AM
Wicked nice! Festah gawt a bo-nus...Festah gawt a bo-nus.

Rawb, Ambuh, Jenner

RC: Noolyweds
IC: Noolyweds

BQ: 1st-Rupit, 2nd-Tahm, 3rd-Rawb

These heah picks brat ta yoo by Bahstin Rawb's School of Diction. Smahten Up.

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by 321Jump on 05-05-04 at 12:07 PM
Safe: Amber, Rob, Jenna, Rupert

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws
BQ: Rupert, Jenna, Tom

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by mikey on 05-05-04 at 01:23 PM
Safe this week:

That wicked hot guhl Ambuh

RC: Outlaws
IC: Outlaws

Bonus Question:

1. Ambuh
2. Rupuht
3. Jenner

Mikey - Waiting for Lionchow to throw in the 100 point bonus question for the final episode so I can take the whole shootin' match.

"Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Keae on 05-05-04 at 01:38 PM

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Newlyweds
Bonus: Amber - Jenna - Rob

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Gerbees on 05-05-04 at 02:06 PM


BC: Rupert, Jenna, Tom


"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Road Kill on 05-05-04 at 03:12 PM
Amber, Rob, Rupert

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws

Bonus: Rupert, Amber, Jenna

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by ExInterper on 05-05-04 at 04:43 PM
Amber, Rob, Jenna

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Newlyweds

BQ: Rob, Tom, Jenna

Yet another Jslice masterpiece!
"They say the next big thing is here, that the revolution's near.
But to me it seems quite clear that it's all just a little bit of history repeating." -- Propellerheads

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by yensid on 05-05-04 at 04:49 PM
Amber, Jenna

Final Bonus Question
Rob, Jenna, Amber

RC: Outlaws
IC: Outlaws

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by sittem on 05-05-04 at 06:09 PM
This is a fairly unimportant pick this week as long as it keeps me in the game. I'd like to pick up a point or two, but what's the point? With a 26 point lead it's all about hanging on, and the all important end game unfolding this weekend.

Also, can't believe I didn't get bounus points last weekend - first time I missed out of the last four. I was too strategic - I decided to choose a number 10 from the top guess (thanks TJ!) - and I was positioned pretty well until early Wednesday - but then all these high numbers started to come in and I felt I needed to maintain that high position. Bah!

So, let's just go with



BQ: Tom, Rupert, Jenna

Finally, glad LC posted his pic on the OT board - now I know what my opposition looks like. I think you'd look good with a shaved head. We should have put something on this before we started. Now it's not fair to do that - I don't want to take advantage. We'll have to do that next time.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 05-05-04 at 09:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-05-04 AT 10:02 PM (EST)

Here's to hoping that my wonderful husband allows me to WATCH Survivor this week (he's not a fan). We're jetting off to YOUR neck of the jungle, Lion! NYC, here we come! If you want, you can find us jogging in Central Park Friday morning. I'll be the only Kermit the Vixen out there. We're taking in "The Producers" Friday night. I can't wait! We'll be home Sunday for the finale, you can bet that. And if he wants any snuggle on MY side of the bed, he'll let me watch tomorrow!!!

Here are my pics:

Amber, Rob, Jenna

RC: Amber
IC: Rob
Bonus: Tom, Jenna, Rupert

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by LionChow on 05-06-04 at 01:28 PM
> We're jetting
>off to YOUR neck of
>the jungle, Lion! NYC,
>here we come!

So what time are we having lunch at tomorrow?

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by bubbastan on 05-05-04 at 10:02 PM
Safe: Rawb, Ambore, Jenna
RC: Newlyweds
IC: Newlyweds
BQ: Rawb, Jenna, Rupert

"Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Yogi on 05-05-04 at 11:13 PM

Safe: Amber
RC: Newlyweds
IC: Newlyweds

BQ: Amber, Rob, Jenna

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by Jims02 on 05-05-04 at 11:32 PM

IC: Newlyweds
IC: Newlyweds
RQ: Rupert, Tom, Rob

Jims02: 2004 CMY Anti-Executee Champ

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by sittem on 05-06-04 at 10:39 AM
LC - I could go look up last season on this I suppose, but that's too much work.

What's the schedule for entries for the weekend? I gotta leave for a Dads 'n Lads retreat at noon Friday and won't be back in town until late Sunday afternoon. What's the deadline for entries? What's the penalty for being late? It probably won't matter in that if I'm still in it after tonight the lead will be big enough to withstand a penalty as long as all my picks are correct. BIG IFFFFF!!!


2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"For Next Week!"
Posted by LionChow on 05-06-04 at 01:27 PM
>What's the schedule for entries for the weekend?

I'll try to have the Finale posting thread up shortly after the show tonight. No bonus, no challenge picks, and the pick style remains the same as always:

1) First select 2 Survivors that will make it to the final 3,
2) then pick 1 Survivor to make final 2,
3) then pick the winner of A.S.S.

You can email the picks to me if you want to make them secret, just post in the Finale thread that you have done so and please don't use PMs.

Your entry should look something like :
Rupert/Tom, Rupert, Tom

>What's the deadline for entries?
Saturday night without penalty, up to showtime with penalty

>What's the penalty for being late?
15 points

>It probably won't matter in that if I'm still in it after tonight the lead will be big enough to withstand a penalty
Well, aren't we all smug...

You'll get yours! And don't peek at my "psychic" picks either...

"RE: For Next Week!"
Posted by sittem on 05-06-04 at 04:31 PM
Wait a minute now...I wasn't sayin'...I was just sayin...you know.

Well, let's see. As of this moment one of us leads the other by 26 points. Best you can do tonight is gain 9 points. Worst I could do since we both picked Amber is 3 points (one for Amber, one for my RC pick and at least one for the bonus). That puts you 20 points behind.

In the finals, we'll both be picking the same amount of people and gain the same number of points. If I get a 15 point penalty I still win by 5. IF - and this is a VERY BIG IF - IF I pick the right people for the finals. I don't think I should win in our little contest just because I ended up with more points - I think the REAL winner has to pick the finals correctly.

So, based on that it's very possible I could lose 'cause I don't have a clue. I've got a hunch I'm gonna play. We shall see. I won't have the "advantage" of seeing a bunch of commercials between tonight and Sunday as I won't see any TV before the finals air.

Smug - no, never. I just deal with facts!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: S8 A.S.S. Anti-Bootee Contest Week 13 Results / Week 14 Entry"
Posted by rwj3eb on 05-06-04 at 10:59 AM
BQ - Rupert, Tom, Jenna

Safe: Amber, Jenna, Rob

RC - Newlyweds
IC - Outlaws

"Week 14 Entry - oops"
Posted by tjstein on 05-06-04 at 05:12 PM
Safe: Amber, Rob, Jenna

RC: Newlyweds
IC: Outlaws

Bonus: Amber, Rupert, Tom

Ack, I completely forgot about this until now. Might as well try to get a few points to try to counteract the late penalty. Shucks...and I was doing so much better this season too.