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"What Should happen this week"

Posted by dav8515 on 04-25-04 at 05:07 PM
IS rupert and Jenna should team up with shi-and and vote out BR Amber or tom, and take there chances with the tie-Breaker, if he can pull this off it is clear sailing to the final 2

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"RE: What Should happen this week"
Posted by dabo on 04-25-04 at 10:31 PM
Alas, the way things are going, Robfodder is still calling the shots. If the rest of the players continue to let this go on he will deserve to win.


"RE: What Should happen this week"
Posted by thetick on 04-26-04 at 00:31 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-26-04 AT 00:33 AM (EST)

that would be silly for just the reason you say:

"and take there chances with the tie-Breaker"

This close to the end, none of the Survivors want to take a chance on anything. Shii would have to get all four other votes together to take on Romber while Romber only have to get one of the others to stay loyal to force no worse than a tie.

not happening

Shii might have a better chance going to Romber and pitching the idea of replacing one of the big boys Tom or Rupert with the much less threatening Shi Ann but as Shii is so strategically inept and charismatically challenged, that will never happen

"RE: What Should happen this week"
Posted by JonBGone on 04-26-04 at 02:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-26-04 AT 02:40 AM (EST)

I agree. Rob is calling the shots and Tom and Rupert are playing it safe. Niether is likely to want to upset Rob and risk losing what they think is their chance to make the final four.

Shii Ann is not terribly convinving, even when she is right.

"RE: What Should happen this week"
Posted by Kokoro on 04-27-04 at 07:38 AM
What should happen is that both pairs should be trying to eliminate eachother before the final 4. But don't count on it.

"RE: What Should happen this week"
Posted by DEVILRAYS on 04-27-04 at 09:20 PM
What they should do is bring together an alliance of Rupert, Jenna, Big Tom, and Shii Ann and ditch Romber; this way there's no worries about an F6 tiebreak. Then Rupert can make a deal with just about anyone, likely Jenna and Big Tom, and ditch the odd person.

What WILL happen? It's Jenna or Shii Ann going this week. Big Tom isn't going to the F2, and in a Rob. vs. Amber final, I take Rob despite him having cheesed off half the jury.

"RE: What Should happen this week"
Posted by ladro on 04-28-04 at 00:04 AM
speaking of tie breakers, maybe the rules have changed since Survivor II (last show I watched), but as I recall the tie breaker was the number of votes one had recieved in prior councils. If that is still the rule, why have most of the votes been unanimous? I would think it would have strategic advantage to vote against the heard, and stick one of your opponents with a vote.

"RE: What Should happen this week"
Posted by DEVILRAYS on 04-28-04 at 03:50 PM
Last I heard, Rob Cesternino said that the tiebreak they would have used in the Amazon was different from either the classic tiebreak or the infernal rock-drawing. In the case of a tie, the two players who received the most votes would be immune from the revote and everyone would vote for another player. If that turned out to be a tie, then they would vote with THOSE two high vote-getters being immune from the SECOND revote, and on and on until somebody cracked and the tie was broken.