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"Who deserves to win???"

Posted by Shuque on 04-16-04 at 05:10 PM
Just wanted to post this because I really believe that as of episode 11 and of the remaining players, only Rob really deserves to win. He's definitely the "hungriest" contestant remaining and he's definitely played the game the hardest.

That said, I have a feeling that a vindictive Lex and Kathy may not vote for Rob and try to justify it by claiming that someone else out-played him. They might try to convince others that Amber was pulling the strings.

Just wondering what your thoughts about this are...

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"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by KellieSaree on 04-16-04 at 08:45 PM
No doubt Rob is playing hard, but part of winning is knowing how to get to the final two AND not alienating the majority of the jury. That or choosing someone to accompany you that the jury hates worse than you (e.g., Brian/Clay). Always a delicate dance.

Rob has had the advantage of not having to show many cards in that he has only had to vote out one member of his original tribe (Rob C). Thus, all those with a supposed alliance with him, have yet to have a reason to question his loyalty. So its been a relatively easy road for him. Had his tribe gone to tribal council a few more times, it would be very different story. I fear by the time the others realize they've been "Bamboozled" they won't have the numbers to vote him out.

That being said, while my heart would love it if Rob/Amber lost, the way the others are letting themselves be led to the slaughter, I'm beginning to think they aren't smart enough to win.

OTOH, Jenna is pretty determined. If she, Amber, and Rob are the final three, I think she could outlast the other two in the traditional Final-Three Endurance Challenge. She could then select Rob and have a good chance of getting the most jury votes.

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by rjrabbit on 04-16-04 at 11:57 PM
I'm not a big Boston Rob fan but I'm hoping he wins. He has played well. He's going to have to win immunity because I think the others see him as a threat. I've heard that Lex is still angry but he should realize that it is a game. If Lex would admit it I think he is more angry that he didn't win than he is about being betrayed by a friend. Lex was the one who said "this is business, it's not about friendship" when he chose to oust Ethan.

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by PalmTreeGirl on 04-17-04 at 10:03 AM
My vote is for Rupert or Big Tom... I always want the genuine good people to win!

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by Kolcountry on 04-22-04 at 09:31 PM
I am for Rubert all the way!!

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by HECObug on 04-18-04 at 01:25 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-04 AT 10:37 PM (EST)

I hate Boston Rob. I want Rupert to win. Mabye Kathy....

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by ValleyGirl on 04-17-04 at 11:32 AM
Rob deserves to win, I think Rob has played the hardest, worked the hardest and shown the most passion for the game to win.
Having said that, the only problem is I don't think he's going to win, because other than himself, he basically puts all of his trust in one other person in the game and that always leads to disaster.

"...she had me fooled."

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by udg on 04-17-04 at 12:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-17-04 AT 12:48 PM (EST)

Who ever takes down Romber!

Edited for spelling.

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by IreneMcGee on 04-17-04 at 04:15 PM
Jenna Lewis or Rupert

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by missygirl3 on 04-18-04 at 03:05 PM
I honestly think All Stars is boring and I dont care who wins. I would love for Rupert,Big Tom or Jenna to win, but I dont think it is going to happen. JMO.

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by smakitupflipit on 04-18-04 at 11:33 PM
I agree totally that all-stars is lame. They have been pampered the whole way (except for the first 3 days). The same stupidity is apparent, though. Why can't the stupid people with numbers ever vote off the cancer people (Rhawwb/Ahhmba)? I would love to see the truly devious people go at it for a season.

1. Rob C
2. Johnny Fairplay
3. Brian
4. Clay
5. Sue
6. Ghandia
7. Richard
8. Heidi
9. Rhawb
10. Shawn
11. Neleh
12. Jenna M
13. Keith
14. Jerri
15. The old lady who's name I can't remember
16. Vecepia

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by HECObug on 04-27-04 at 10:42 PM

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by leannerenee on 04-19-04 at 08:49 AM
ROB! I have been saying that from Day 1. He has played the game like no one lese before him and is physically the best platyer as well.

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by Loree on 04-19-04 at 08:01 PM
At this point I believe Rob does. But things could change. But if he makes it to the final 2 he deserves the game. That doesn't mean he will get the votes. But he should.

"Shii Ann"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 04-22-04 at 10:12 PM
Shii Ann is the one who deserves to win. She is strong and intelligent.

The other six are just stupid, stupid, stupid people.

"RE: Shii Ann"
Posted by tribephyl on 04-23-04 at 03:44 AM
After tonights episode, I completely agree.

Let's see if anyone else could pull it out of their Shii-Ass like our lil friend from the east did.

Up til now I couldn'ta cared less, but now my heart hopes for the dark horse Shii-Biscuit to take the top prize.

Even if my GUT says different.

But you can call me tribe.
Suffering from the Lex Flu.

"RE: Shii Ann"
Posted by strid333 on 04-24-04 at 02:33 AM
As shocked as I am to say this, I agree. I would love to see Shii-Ann win. I did not like her in S5 and I still find her annoying but I would love to see her as a major underdog, beat those cocky Chaperans. But I can't say that I care much one way or the other. All I care is that Rob Must Not Win! (RMNW!)

Three is the perfect number. RMNW!

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by silentJ on 04-23-04 at 03:12 AM
Honestly- NO ONE

Amber and Rob are two of the most worthless players ever and the others are virtually begging them to win. Rob's not a puppetmaster, he's a sheepherder. I was hoping for a Tom/Rupert final two when this thing started, but they've both played so baddly I couldn't care less now. I'm already looking forward to S9.

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by managerr on 04-23-04 at 11:39 AM
Rob is the most deserving at this point, despite me not liking him.

I think Jenna L is deserving, considering her position. She was the top dog on the loser tribe, and then worked her way up on the pecking order in the new tribe, supplanting Tom and Alicia. She brought her own puppet along with her.

Amber is semi-deserving. For me to say she was truly deserving, she needs to make a power play at the end.

Love Rupert, but not deserving. He's only made it this far because Jenna L has dragged him along--and he has a reputation for being a trusting sap.

If Shii Ann somehow makes it to the Final 2, she will be deserving no matter how she does it.

Tom--I don't know. I actually thought put himself in a good position as potential swing vote position in Final 5 and the original 3rd man to Romber. Is it his fault that Lex sold him out? Maybe....

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 04-23-04 at 12:35 PM
Did you happen to catch the knowing looks exchanged between Rob and Tom last night when Rob cut Tom's last knot? I think Tom is still the #3 guy.

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by Robotext on 04-23-04 at 06:30 PM
I thought the look was Rob's unsubtle way of letting Tom know that he knows that Tom & Lex had an alliance.

The only problem is that he got the information from Lex at his most delusional. Now, Rob is forming his own delusions.

I just want Rupert to win because otherwise the live audience at the finale will probably let out a collective "whatever" if another A.S.S. wins.

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by bris on 04-24-04 at 12:15 PM
Who Should Win
1. Amber- Has Rob wrapped around her finger. Got him to vote off Rob C. Got out of being voted out. (LEx was going to vote her out. AMber convinced KAthy otherwise) She has made a huge 360 from last time.
2. Shii Ann- Won immunity and is jkicking ##### nad is pulling every string.
3. Rob- He is playing hard and sloppy. He should have blown the second immunity so he would not be a huge threat. Almost lost teh letter challenge trying to look good by doing teh flying fox and having the three weaker girls go down in dig aganst three strong digging and the other team had the weak on teh flying FOx. He is playing way to sloppy trying to look good but not in Jury eyes.
Rupert/ Jenna/ Tom- Are they even playing a game?

"RE: Who deserves to win???"
Posted by HECObug on 04-27-04 at 10:36 PM
RUPERT!!! I think that rupert deserves to win!!