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"S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"

Posted by LionChow on 04-16-04 at 01:55 PM

Lex’s Head.

I’m obsessed by it. Not since Frank and Brandon walked into Survivor Africa’s Tribal Council wearing those sarongs have I laughed as hard at an entrance. I think he was going for the scary and intimidating look, but it came off looking more like when the waterboy of the football team shaves head into a Mohawk to be like “the rest of guys” on the team. I laughed every time they showed him. Thank you Lex. Thank you Lex’s Head.

I hope the strategizing and plotting picks up from here on in. It’s about time. By the way, where is this season’s Surprise Boot? My snuffer is scarcely getting used this season.

The weekly winner was tjstein (7), the pride of Missouri, squeeking by with a one point win. Others finishing high on the week were Corvis, Keae, Packman, ulalame (6), Evenstar and TungFong (5).

For the weekly bottom dwellers, I start off with Draco Malfoy (-17) who was our only eliminated player. Draco’s been MIA the last few weeks, so I guess this was inevitable. Others down low were: djandy, Jims02, rwj3eb and tribephyl (-11).

For the first time since Week 5, the overall lead is greater than one point, as TeamJoisey (121) takes a two point lead over Bubbastan (119). Also staying within ten of the lead are 321Jump (115), ExInterper, Gerbees and Yogi (111).

Not much change in the Survy Award fight. Now it’s Tribephyl (-106) still holding a 3 point lead over djandy (-103). It seems like a good time to remind you all that it is within the rules to email (not PM) your entries to me, as long as you make a post in the main thread telling me you did so. The usual time restrictions apply, but you have the ability to makes your picks secret.

Bonus Question #6:

Again, the whole Lex’s Head thing must be recognized and dealt with. Well, to be more accurate, this BQ deals with what the effect of Lex’s Head will be upon Kathy’s Head. Now I don’t expect Kathy to come walking into TC with a REAL Mohawk, but might she put on a wig? Or perhaps a silly outfit or some other prop will do. The BQ will be structured as follows:

Part A:
N) For 2 points, you can vote that Kathy will do nothing unusual appearance-wise at TC.
Y) For only 1 point, you can vote that Kathy will in fact follow Lex’s Head’s example and do something wacky.

Part B (ONLY if you answered “Y” above):
To offset getting one less point in Part A, I will reward “Y” answerers with 4 additional points if they can successfully briefly describe what Kathy will do to make a statement. I will be fairly generous in assessing right/wrong here to encourage you to choose the riskier “Y” answer.

So what will it be? The safe-move 2 points, or the gutsier potential 5?

With the combined RC/IC nonsense this week, I am forced to throw out last week’s RC answers. I’m getting tired of having to do that.

If you choose to, make your picks from this week’s challenge teams:
Men: Rob, Rupert, Tom
Women: Alicia, Amber, Jenna, Shii


121 - TeamJoisey
119 - bubbastan
115 - 321Jump
111 - ExInterper, Gerbees, Yogi
109 - GrendelsMom, ulalame
108 - Corvis, railfan, RoadKill, smrtNsassybnkr, Swami
106 - TungFong
103 - udg
102 - Angelfood, Keae, Neobie, tjstein
101 - Lolly
100 - Bebo
99 - okaloosajohn
97 - yensid
96 - GuessItRains
94 - dreamerbeliever, RudyRules
93 - whoami
92 - SurvivorManiac
91 - realityluver
89 - BlowbyBlow, buckeyegirl
88 - PlumBlossom
87 - LeftPinky
86 - Evenstar, spacey
84 - FesterFan1, JohnMc, KermitVixen
81 - smokedog
80 - I_AM_HE
78 - Milan23
77 - Cin
76 - Sittem
75 - ejm92
73 - rwj3eb
71 - PackMan
69 - RebelCrown
68 - AugustGirl
66 - Jims02, silentJ
59 - Steen
58 - LionChow
50 - ivoryElephant
38 - mikey
(7) - magic_star
(103) - djandy
(106) - tribephyl

Other notes:

The Official Jims02 Remaining Survivors List:
Amber, Tom, Alicia, Rob, Jenna, Rupert, Shiiann

22 down, 57 to go!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by LionChow on 04-16-04 at 01:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-19-04 AT 03:17 PM (EST)

Tom, Rob, Jenna
RC: Women
IC: Men
BQ: Y - She will wear some kind of punked out clothes.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 04-16-04 at 02:14 PM
Bonus question: No. Kathy will continue to not distinguish herself.

Safe: Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert

I do more to not work than actual work.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by JohnMc on 04-16-04 at 03:15 PM
Tom, Rupert, Jenna

RC - boys
IC - boys

d@mn that Rob is a challenge wh0re!

BQ - N

Kathy is wild, but she won't be shaving her head. The wackiest thing she'll do is do up her hair and look spectacular. And that shouldn't count for wacky; it should count for FABULOUS!!!

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Angelfood on 04-16-04 at 03:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-16-04 AT 03:27 PM (EST)

safe: Tom, Jenna, Rupert

rc: boys
ic: boys

bq: No

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 04-16-04 at 06:18 PM
Bonus question: No.
Safe: Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert
IC: women
RC: men

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by smokedog on 04-16-04 at 08:52 PM
Rupert, Jenna, Tom, Amber, Rob

RC: Girls
IC: Girls

Bonus: Y, Kathy will wear something slamming Boston (Yankees atire?)

Posted by tribephyl on 04-17-04 at 03:03 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-21-04 AT 05:11 AM (EST)

Nothing outrageous.




But you can call me tribe. S7ABCABP Winner
"I just had to get those guys comfortable riding the big banana. And they did." King Dicque(RIP)

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Steen on 04-17-04 at 12:03 PM
Safe: Jenna
BQ: No
RC: Boys
IC: Girls

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 04-17-04 at 09:28 PM


Jenna L.

RC: Women
IC: Men

BQ-Part A: Yes
Part B: Short hair

LionChow, Thanks for hosting this game, you're doing a great job.

A Kyngsladye Original RMMW!

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 04-17-04 at 09:51 PM
BQ: she won't do anything special but will still look beautiful

IC: women
RC: men


"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by whoami on 04-17-04 at 11:57 PM
RC. Men
IC. Men
Safe-Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert,


Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

"Automatic Penalty!"
Posted by djandy on 04-18-04 at 12:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-22-04 AT 03:03 PM (EST)


RC: Women
IC: Men

RQ: No

S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Evenstar on 04-19-04 at 06:52 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-19-04 AT 06:56 AM (EST)

Safe: Shii An, Jenna, Tom, Rupert

BQ: No

RC: Women
IC: Women

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Cin on 04-19-04 at 11:30 AM
Rob, Amber, Jenna, Rupert

IC: Women
RC: Men


"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by silentJ on 04-19-04 at 08:34 PM
Safe- Rupert, Tom, Amber

IC Shii Ann
RC Rupert


"Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Yogi on 04-19-04 at 11:25 PM

Rupert, Jenna, Tom, Amber, Rob

RC: Men
IC: Men

Bonus: No

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 04-20-04 at 01:09 AM
Bonus: A) Kathy will do nothing unusual

RC: Men
IC: Women

Safe: Rob, Amber, Tom, Rupert, JennaL

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 04-20-04 at 01:25 AM
gonna try and make up a little bit of ground...i'll probably wimp out and edit later, but we'll see

RC: boys
IC: girls

Tom, Rupert, Shii Ann, Amber, Jenna

Bonus: YES - dyed hair (I really think the answer will be NO, but again, I'm going to try and make a move here)


"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Neobie on 04-20-04 at 06:08 AM
Safe: Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert

RC: Women
IC: Women
RQ: No (Sorry.)

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by LeftPinky on 04-20-04 at 09:06 AM
RC: Men
IC: Women
Safe: Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert, Shiiann
BQ: No (Unfortunately)

created by the amazing JSlice!

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Swami on 04-20-04 at 10:10 AM
AB - Rob, Amber, Jenna, Tom, Rupert.
RC - Men, specifically - Rob.
IC - Women, specifically - Shii.
BQ - (going for 5 here) Kathy will pull her hair up or back into some kind of echo of Lex's head, while still looking fairly attractive because--hello--Kathy is as vain as the next woman. She may "borrow" some of Lex's jewellry and generally punk up her appearance.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by LionChow on 04-21-04 at 01:25 PM
Atta girl, Swami!

Remember, I do plan on being very generous in my judging!

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 04-20-04 at 11:00 AM
BQ: Nothing special

RC: Men
IC: Women

Rupert, Jenna, Tom, Rob, Amber

an IceCat original

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by PackMan on 04-20-04 at 12:59 PM

Tom, Rupert, Jenna

RC: Men
IC: Women

BQ: N - Kathy won't do anything crazy.

If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when are you going to find time to do it again? - Anonymous

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by yensid on 04-20-04 at 01:18 PM
Bonus Question #6:
No - Kathy will not do anything unusual to her appearance for tribal council

Amber, Tom, Jenna L, Rob, Rupert

RC: Women
IC: Women

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 04-20-04 at 01:40 PM
Tom, Rupert, Jenna, Rob

RC: Men
IC: Women


"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 04-20-04 at 01:46 PM
I'm going to grow a mohawk in solidarity with my boy Lex. Of course it will never amount to much, what with having only about 5 functioning follicles in the path of where one would traditionally have one. Perhaps I'll try an around-the-back, ear-to-ear mohawk. Look for it, should I ever get booted from this game.

Ambuh, Jenna, Rupert, Tom

RC: Wimmin
IC: Wimmin

BQ: A) Yes.
B) Color (or dye) her hair.


"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by LionChow on 04-21-04 at 01:26 PM
A horizontal mohawk, eh?

I guess that's better than dying your head blue or something.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 04-22-04 at 11:41 AM
I was spurned by the Blue Man Group, but thanks for bringing up that painful memory.

No, really.

They said they had no use for a guy who could light up a room with his mouth.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by GuessItRains on 04-20-04 at 02:29 PM
RC: Women
IC: Women

Tom, Rupert

BQ: Yes. Kathy will dye her hair.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 04-20-04 at 03:20 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-20-04 AT 03:21 PM (EST)

Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert, Shiiann

Bonus: A) No.

RC: Men

IC: Women

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by udg on 04-20-04 at 04:10 PM
Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert, Shiiann
Bonus Question #6: No.
RC: Men
IC: Women


"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 04-20-04 at 04:26 PM


"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by sittem on 04-20-04 at 04:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-21-04 AT 10:13 PM (EST)

Tom, Jenna


B - No

Once again, oh wonderful LC, I pick up points on you because the bonus Q's are wimping out (not bad questions - just poor response from the A.S.S.'s. Kathy does nothing and makes me a perfect 3 for 3 (you and I both know the right answer to the kiss was B but I understand why you had to allow A - those who got those points oughta be ashamed). I have no handle on the other stuff so it's just treading water there, but this week I add to my lead again!

ETA a response to post #45 from Fearless Leader LC.

OK - had a long response to your post but I'll shorten it - I'll just boil it down to reconciling your rules "nothing unusual appearance-wise" with your post below "ANY reason". Are you sure you can judge this one farily friend? Maybe you should appoint an unbiased third party!! (not me, btw)

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by LionChow on 04-21-04 at 01:29 PM

Just remember my warning that I am looking for ANY reason to call the answer "Yes".

Starting the big comeback.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by sittem on 04-22-04 at 11:17 PM
Need any help judging the bonus ?

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 04-20-04 at 05:16 PM
Safe: Amber, Tom, Rob, Rupert
RC: Men
IC: Woman
Bonus: N, No Kathy is to conservative to do anything wild.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by ulalame on 04-20-04 at 05:47 PM
Safe: Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert

IC: Women

RC: Women

Bonus: Part A: N) Kathy will do nothing unusual with her appearance.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by railfan on 04-20-04 at 06:33 PM
SAFE: Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert

RC: Rupert
IC: ShiiAnn

Bonus Q--No

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by AugustGirl on 04-20-04 at 06:53 PM
Rob, Rupert, Tom, Amber

Bonus Question: No. Nothing unusual from Kathy.

a JSlice original. isn't she something?

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by TungFong on 04-21-04 at 04:46 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-21-04 AT 04:48 AM (EST)

Safe: Tom, Jenna

RC: Men
IC: Women

Bonus: No

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by RudyRules on 04-21-04 at 10:32 AM
Bonus question: No.
Safe: Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert
IC: women
RC: men

Your 2003 College Football Pool Ultimate Prize Winner!

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Corvis on 04-21-04 at 11:24 AM
Amber, Tom, Jenna, Rupert, ShiiAnn

Kathy will do nothing unusual appearance-wise at TC.

IC: women
RC: men


"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by mikey on 04-21-04 at 11:25 AM


RC: Men
IC: Men

Although I think it would be very clever if Kathy put on a Yankees hat, Kathy is probably one of the more conservative contestants and may not be able to find one in the Pearl Islands so I have to go with "nothing unusual."

(Actually, Lex's appearance looked like the waterboy who was told everyone on the team was getting mohawks so he needed to get one also, only to arrive and find out that he was the only one while the rest of the team enjoys a big laugh.)

I think next tribal council we will see Lex covering up that ridiculous hair with a "Lex mesh trucker cap" (see this link): http://www.lexvdb.com/store.html

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Road Kill on 04-21-04 at 12:21 PM
Amber, Rupert, Shiiann, Tom, Jenna

Nothing unusual from Kathy

IC: Women
RC: Men

"Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Keae on 04-21-04 at 12:44 PM

RC: men
IC: women
Bonus: no

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Gerbees on 04-21-04 at 01:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-21-04 AT 04:09 PM (EST)

Jenna L

RC Men
IC Women



"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by GrendelsMom on 04-21-04 at 06:16 PM
Safe: Amber, Tom, Jenna, Rupert, Shii Ann

RC: Men
IC: Women
Bonus Q: No, nothing especially different

<==flashed by J_Loaf
Although I imagine you're heading for an interpretation dispute over the BQ, just like with the Romber kiss.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by ExInterper on 04-21-04 at 07:16 PM
Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert

RC: Men
IC: Women

Bonus: No. Kathy may love her some Lex, but she ain't gonna do anything odd.

Yet another Jslice masterpiece!
"They say the next big thing is here, that the revolution's near.
But to me it seems quite clear that it's all just a little bit of history repeating." -- Propellerheads

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Jims02 on 04-21-04 at 10:29 PM

RC: Tom
IC: Shii

Bonus: No

Jims02: 2004 CMY Anti-Executee Champ

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by bubbastan on 04-21-04 at 10:59 PM
Safe: Rupert, Tom, Jenna, Rob, Ambore, Shii Ann
RC: Men
IC: Women
BQ: N - Kathy won't do anything unusual appearance-wise

"Week 12 Entry"
Posted by tjstein on 04-21-04 at 11:06 PM
Safe: Rupert, Tom, Rob

IC: Women
RC: Men

Bonus: Nope

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 12 Entry"
Posted by 321Jump on 04-21-04 at 11:15 PM
Safe: Amber, Tom, Jenna, Rupert, Shiiann

RC: Men
IC: Women

BQ#6, Part A: N) Kathy will do nothing unusual appearance-wise at TC.

"Vix Pix"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 04-21-04 at 11:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-21-04 AT 11:56 PM (EST)

Safe: Amber, Tom, Rob, Rupert
RC: Amber
IC: Shii Ann
Bonus: Nothing

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by rwj3eb on 04-22-04 at 10:10 AM


RC - Boys
IC - Girls

"RE: S8 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 11 Results / Week 12 Entry"
Posted by Lolly on 04-22-04 at 01:33 PM
Safe: Amber, Tom, Rob, Jenna, Rupert, ShiiAnn

Bonus: A) No.

RC: Men

IC: Women