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"ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"

Posted by echogirl on 02-08-04 at 11:03 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-09-04 AT 02:47 PM (EST)

One More Non-Elimination Week!!!

Okay peeps I'm still getting input on the changes. So far most everyone seems to like this little twist but I still welcome input. Anyway I had planned to begin our IC Challenges this week, but I've decided to wait one more week which means everybody gets one more week on Bootee Island! No eliminations this week! As for our IC's, I could use some input here before we have our first one. I have planned simple interactive IC's. Word puzzles, math games, random fate, etc. Not time-consuming on your part and none will require 100% participation--just a few representatives from each tribe. The alternative is IC Questions much like the RQ we have already done. Under the first scenario (interactive games) you would know if you have Immunity at least before the second deadline. Under the Question IC you would not know if you have won IC until for the week until the next thread. Not sure which way you prefer, so that's why I am delaying IC's and giving everyone immunity one more week.

Thanks all for your patience and suggestions! I will work on formatting next week's thread so you can easily find all the info you need. The Storyline is mostly for fun and doesn't really have anything to do with the actual game. Good luck this week!

Holy Sheesh On A Stick!

Oh my heck! This took me forever to add up and organize! Your hostess almost broke down in tears! Anyway I apologize for getting this up so late as I was going to work on it Friday when I got off work, but I kind of had a spontaneous date instead. Better than spontaneous combustion I guess but he was actually kinda cool so I saw him again Saturday. So I'm so sorry I neglected you guys! I mean I make you jump off a boat, then switch you into tribes and then leave you hanging. I'm wicked evil that way sometimes! Well anyway I *think* I've gotten everything organized now so it shouldn't take me six hours to do the next one! At least I hope not!!!

ASS PTB Tribes

FluffyPillows Tribe: Bebo, Swami, Buckeyegirl, Magic_Star, RudyRules, KOBrien_Fan, Steen, Rebel Crown, GuessItRains, Yogi, smrtNsassybnkr, Survivor Maniac, yensid, Seyz, realityluver, gizmo_ber, geg6, rwj3eb, dreamerbeliever, Molaholic, Tinman, Laurieish.

Mad Dog Tribe: PepeLePew, DoodleBug, AugustGirl, SurvivorScott, TeamJoisey, Angelfood, djandy, ulalame, PlumBlossom, forehead, Oscirus, LozengeofLove, okaloosajohn, sisyphus, ValleyGirl, Milan23, TungFong, Cuatewatemoccajava, Road Kill, Evenstar, bampote.

Fairplay Tribe: Draco Malfoy, Jims02, ejm92, LeftPinky, KeithFan, tribephyl, bubbastan, Blow By Blow, udg, Neobie, tvgeek_401, whoami, Lolly, Corvis, SilentJ, ImNext, spacey, Rebel Yell, tinybubs, Pig Spanker 3000, Keae.

BTW feel free to post in your tribes colors!

Digging For Fire!

The three PTB Tribes each land on their respective beaches. On the beach they find four items: A machete, a cooking pot, a bucket, and a map to the water supply. The first to land is the Fairplay Tribe:. Everyone is excited and begins to shake hands, slap each other's backs and hug except for Draco Malfoy who is rather aloof, despite having his game face on. LeftPinky, already looking for an alliance partner, comes up to give him a hug. "I don't hug," explains Draco "But I can fish," he adds. LeftPinky seems puzzled but doesn't want to pull a Nicole so she keeps quiet. Meanwhile KeithFan gently caresses the cooking pot. "My ticket to the Final Three depends on this pot," he mumbles to himself. At the same time a distraught Bubbastan runs to the ocean. The defending Pick The Bootee Champion had smuggled in a bar of soap and she couldn't wait to cleanse herself. "That stinking Pretty Girl Echo...she's going to pay for this. I would rather be on the FluffyPillows Tribe, anyone other than Johnny....Johnny.." Bubbastan disappears underwater. It isn't easy being a Pick The Bootee Champion, I mean everyone is already gunning for her. Back on the beach Jims, ejm92, and spacey look over the map. "Think we should look for water," Jims asks. "Unless we want to dehydrate and die," reasons ejm92. Spacey looks over and finds Pig Spanker, ImNext, and Corvis lounging on a log. "You guys want to help," Spacey asks. "Yeah whatever," Pig Spanker replies. "Okay you three go find the water, the rest of us will work on our shelter," Jims says. Pig Spanker, ImNext, and Corvis go searching for water. A few hours pass and the entire Fairplay camp is in disarray. Suddenly Tribester realizes three of his tribe members never returned. Not only are they lost, they have the map and the water bucket. "We're all going to die," screams a frantic Lolly. Draco grins as he sharpens the machete. KeithFan just stares at the cooking pot. "We have to find them," reasons Udg. "Can't echogirl send them back," asks Keae, "I mean it's her silly little game." Everyone looks confused. "A search party," offers Tribester. "We can find them. Any volunteers," he asks. "Beware of the killer monkeys," warns BlowByBlow. "Killer Monkeys," a frightened Tribester replies. "Killer Monkeys," BlowByBlow smiles. "But Magilla was s sweet," adds Tinybubs. "This ain't Thailand. These monkeys are vicious," warns BlowByBlow. Tribester, determined to make a positive impression (and impress the Fairplay Girls) makes a stand. "We can't just leave them," he reasons. "I'm going to find them, alone if I have to," Tribester commands. Tribester heads into the jungle and TVGeek401, RebelYell, and Whoami follow.

On the north side of the island the FluffyPillows Tribe paddles ashore. Well everyone except Bebo who is perched atop the raft like Cleopatra waving her Pom Poms and cheering her tribe mates on. "Paddle to the left, paddle to the right, one paddle, two paddle, row team row," Bebo screams. "Why don't we just paddle to Tribal Council and vote this crazy chick off right now, " reasons Geg6. "Cameras, I see cameras," a jubilant Bebo exclaims. "The first thing we need to do is build fire," KObrien-Fan states. "We can't survive without fire," she adds. "The second thing we need to do is throw her Pom Poms into the fire," laughs SmrtNsassybnkr. "I'm in a tribe of buffoons," says Swami in her first confessional. "Princess Cleopatra and her Pom Poms and a bunch of buffoons. I'm the only one on this tribe that doesn't have issues," Swami concludes. The FluffyPillows Tribe lands and Bebo does her obligatory cartwheels and flip-flops on the beach as the cameraman salivates. KObrien-Fan immediately tries to make fire as the others hug and gather around the supplies. "A machete, a pot, and a bucket," RudyRules observes. "This is like Club Med," he reasons. Meanwhile a few of the other FluffyPillow Guys have a beef of their own. "Pink...pink...why do we have to be pink," argues Molaholic. "Why can't we be purple," he argues. "Those other tribes have cool colors." whines Tinman. "I mean we could be brown, or white, or blue, or even black." argues Molaholic. "Black is the absence of color," explains GuessItRains. "What," a befuddled rwj3eb responds. "Black is the absence of color," GuessItRains explains. "But if you mix black and white you get gray...so would gray be the absence of color too," Seyz asks. "Exactly. Black, white, gray, pink...it doesn't matter. We are all colorblind on this island," GuessItRains explains. "Okay," says Molaholic. "But I still wish we had purple buffs," he adds. KObrien-Fan continues to work on the fire as Bebo continues to mug for the cameras. RudyRules, SurvivorManiac, Magic_Star, Yensid,Steen and Gizmo_Ber decide to search for water. "Which way is north," ],Steen asks. "It's over here," an excited Magic_Star motions. "Ick it looks like sewage," observes Yensid. "Can we go 39 days without water," Gizmo_Ber wonders. Rudy looks at the water and grabs the bucket. "Are you crazy," SurvivorManiac asks. "No Rudy don't," pleas Steen. It was too late. Rudy drank the water. "I drank worse stuff in Vietnam and in Russia," Rudy reasons. Back at camp KObrien-Fan continues to work on the fire as storm clouds beckon. Bebo continues to pose for the camera and flirt with the photographer saying in a confessional that she's "saving herself for challenges." Meanwhile Dreamerbeliever carries some logs to the shelter with a smile. "I'm so happy to be a FluffyPillow," he says. "I'm not sure what a FluffyPillow is, but check out the Babes on the beach. Talk about Bootee Island, I'm in heaven," concludes Dreamerbeliever dreaming of his back-pocket girl.

Meanwhile things are howling at the Mad Dog Camp. It's business as usual for SurvivorScott as he's won this thing before. "The elements are nothing," he says. "The challenge is surviving the people," adds SurvivorScott speaking like a champion. TeamJoisey, sisyphus, and MoccaJ are working on the shelter. TeamJoisey recognizes the accents. "Are you girls from Joisey," he asks. (Translation for Texans: Joisey equals Jersey). "Yeah, what's it to you," responds sisyphus. "I thought maybe we could start an alliance," TeamJoisey suggests. Our first alliance is formed. Do alliances revealed succeed? We shall see! PepeLePew is playing it cool, taking orders with a smile just waiting for his moment to strike. "I don't want my tribe members to know I'm a threat....yet," he says. "Once they see how valuable I am in challenges they will surely keep me around," PepeLePew says with a wink in his eye. Meanwhile the exuberant rookie bampote is quickly making friends with everyone. "I'm going to write a book about this one day," he proudly exclaims. Djandy, and Forehead look at the map, and then each other, and debate whether they should go looking for water. "My nemesis Forehead; how in the heck did we end up on the same tribe," she asks. "I want that crown....I want it badly," she threatens. "It's an art, a science," explains Forehead. "Study me, but don't follow to close," he adds trying to psyche out his opponent. "And what is up with all these people gunning for us," Djandy complains. "They are everywhere." Djandy looks at AugustGirl, PlumBlossom, and TungFong and whispers to herself, "that wicked echogirl." An impatient Lozenge grabs the map and he, Angelfood, Ulalame, Oscirus, DoodleBug, Milan23 and Road Kill head into the jungle to look for water. The arrive at the well and Lozenge exclaims, "that looks like milk." "Sour milk," offers Milan23. "I'm not drinking that, especially for two," reasons DoodleBug. "It's filth," says Oscirus. "Just another reason we need fire," offers RoadKill. Angelfood gazes at the water and then turns to her befuddles tribe mates. She offers a confessional to the cameraman. "I've drank water worse than this. Imagine a beaver pond. I figure I'm immune my now. Once you begin to dehydrate your body breaks down. Let these fools worry about fire, I'm freaking thirsty." Angelfood drinks four cups of water as her tribe members head back to camp dejected.

Reward Challenge

The three tribes gather for their first ever Reward Challenge. Your hostess Echogirl is refreshed after a nice warn bubble bath and massage. She senses the suffering and it pleases her.

"Before we get to our challenge I would like to see how your first few days have gone," Echogirl explains. "As you all know fire represents life out her. Without fire you can't boil water. Without fire you can't cook food. Without fire you can't stay warm at night. Without fire you are all doomed. I'm sure you know this by now, so certainly you all have fire by now."

"No fire," Okaloosejohn bluntly explains.
"Nope," Neobie adds.
"Certainly FluffyPillows has fire....Kathy," Echogirl asks.
"So close...I almost had it and then the rain came down," a dejected KObrien-Fan answers.
"So nobody has fire then," a snarky Echogirl observes. "You must really be getting thirsty."
"I'm not," Angelfood replies.
You actually drank that nasty, filthy water," Echogirl asks as Angelfood nods her head. Echogirl looks to RudyRules.
"Is that safe," she asks RudyRules.
"Yeah," answers Rudy.
"Are you just saying that because she's on another tribe," Echogirl probes.
"Yeah," answers Rudy answers as everyone laughs.
"Ms. Pretty...I mean Echogirl," Bubbastan interrupts.
"I loathe Johnny Fairplay...he's a scrawny devious weasel...please send me to Mad Dog," Bubbastan begs.
"Johnny Fairplay rocks," mumbles Draco.
"Well as a previous winner you should be able to survive anything Bubbastan, even Johnny Fairplay," I add.
Bubbastan is not a happy camper!
"Fairplay, you seem to be missing a few people, are they sick," Echogirl asks.
"Killer Monkeys," explains BlowByBlow.
"I see."
"On the bright side I did find our map and bucket," a jubilant Tribester explains.
"Wonderful, now on with our first Reward Challenge. As you all know someone has to be the first person voted out. Sometimes they deserve it and other times they are just victims of poor tribal placement. Our crackpot staff has surveyed many Survivor fans and your job is to pick the least deserving first boot and the most deserving first boot. Simple enough." The tribes nod there heads. "Want to know what your playing for," Echogirl asks. What a lethargic cast! "Okay you are playing for blankets, and bonus points, and a case of Rice A Roni, the San Francisco Treat, and the first clue to your Mystery Survivor."
"Woo Hoo," Bebo shouts as she turns another cartwheel.
"Why did I sign up for another season of this," Echogirl mutters to herself.

One by one the tribe members write down their answers. A nervous Tinman is first up. He writes down John (S5) as least deserving and Debb (S2) as most deserving. The rest of the Survivors follow.

And the winner of the First PTB Reward is the Mad Dog Tribe! Congratulations, each tribe member receives 2 bonus points (or -2 if you are playing for red). Mad Dog also receives the first clue to their Mystery Survivor. Okaloosajohn bravely volunteered to be your spokesperson, so he will give me your tribe's answer by Wednesday 11:59 (EST). You can PM him, or simply post your guess (Mad Dog Tribe only) somewhere in your post. Okaloosajohn will then render a decision for your tribe. The first clue is rather vague, so good luck!

Mad Dog's Mystery Survivor Clue #1

This Survivor is a male. Yep you have a 1 in 56 chance with your first clue! Good luck

The results: Mad Dog Tribe: 18 of 42 (.428 correct)
FluffyPillows Tribe: 15 of 38 (.394 correct)
Fairplay Tribe:: 14 of 36 (.388 correct).

Note: A couple of people forgot to answer the RQ (Rudy & Seyz) but I did not deduct anything for this. Instead of 0 for 4, it was just 0 for 0. Try to remember next time! Also you guys are a bunch of sheep! Hilarious! But not a bad strategy! Everybody jumped on the Diane Bandwagon (most deserved first boot) but it was Debb who won the confidential survey. Ironically Debb finished second on the "least deserved" list as well. No middle ground on poor Debb! In case you're curious, here are the secret survey results.

1. Which Survivor booted first least deserved to be booted first.
S1) Sonja S2) Debb S3) Diane S4) Peter S5) John S6) Ryan S7) Nicole
1. John (S5) 30%
2. Debb (S2) 23%
3. Ryan (S6) 17%
4. Sonja (S1) 13%
5. Peter (S4) 10%
6. Nicole (S7) 7%
7. Diane (S3) 0%

2. Which Survivor booted first most deserved to be booted first.
S1) Sonja S2) Debb S3) Diane S4) Peter S5) John S6) Ryan S7) Nicole
1. Debb (S2) 20%
T4. Diane (S3) 17%
T4. Nicole (S7) 17%
T4. Peter (S4) 17%
T6. Ryan (S6) 13%
T6. Sonja (S1) 13%
7. John (S5) 3%

Week 3 Team Reward Questions

1. Which All-Star Survivor Cast Member least deserved to be asked back?
A) Rudy - S1 B) Jenna L. - S2 C) Amber - S2 D) Alicia - S2 E) Jerri - S2 F) Tom - S3 G) Rob M. - S4 H) Shii-Ann - S5 I) Jenna M. - S6

2. Which previous Survivor NOT appearing on ASS was most deserving of an invitation?
A) Kelly W. - S1 B) Mike S. - S2 C) Rodger B. D) Teresa - S3 E) Vecepia - S4 F) Sean R. - S4 G) Hunter - S4 H) Brian - S5 I) Helen - S5 J) Christy - S6 K) Sandra - S7 L) Jon - S7

When you post your picks, simply add RQ and answer each of the two questions. I surveyed many Fanatics (mystery question thread) and received answers from participants and non-participants. Your goal is to pick who you think the majority picked. The tribe with the highest percentage of correct answers receives bonus points and a clue to your buried Survivor. Don't forget to answer this question!

Game Stuff and Friendly Reminders

First off you guys did an awesome job considering all the rules, scoring and deadline changes! The trickiest thing seemed to be the "Early Bird" bonus deadline. Some of you posted before the deadline but forgot to put "Early Bird" in your subject line. A few others posted "Early Bird" but missed the deadline by less than an hour. Since this was new, and since there were no edits on any of the above mentioned posts I decided to be a sweet little hostess and give you the 5 bonus points. However from now on you must declare Early Bird in the subject line and meet the deadline. And since I'm sugary sweet I extended the Early Bird Deadline to 9PM Tuesday (EST). That gives you two more hours! So please remember to do this in the future. Thanks!

Second thing. From now on pick only ONE reward challenge winner. Unlike the IC where two teams win Immunity, only one tribe wins reward. A few of you picked two RC winners and this week only you received 3 pts for the right answer (and lost one point for the other listed) but from now on only list the First Place Reward Winner.

Also, by suggestion I've added a sample entry form at the bottom of the page.

Formatting. As you can see I've added totally silly stories to our little game. They will always appear first, so if you want to get to the meat, just scroll on down!

Your Input. Okay we are now one week into this tribe thing. My big experiment! We've had one Reward Challenge and our first ever Immunity Challenge will be posted in a few days. Before I do so I would like some input on the changes. Basically yes continue, or no let's go back to the old game! Hosting this game is a hoot, but it's your game so it doesn't make any difference to me. Anyway PM me one way or another and I will decide whether or not to go forward with our IC Challenge.

Our Weekly Leaders

What a week for Gizmo_Ber! This strategist/schemer soared to the top this week with 24 points. Throw in the 5 bonus for our weekly highest score and Gizmo_Ber finished with 29 points for the week! That catapults him into second place overall behind our two-week leader TeamJoisey who has 34 points overall. Amazingly, Gizmo_Ber managed this feat without any points from the Team Reward Question. Nope he did it the old-fashioned way! He was one of 9 players to pick Rupert as the first confessional and that along with the "Early Bird" bonus and a near clean sweep of the optional categories propelled him to the top. Way to go Gizmo_Ber! BlowByBlow and bampote finished with 23 points for the week, and our sly little skunk PepeLePew finished with 21 points for the week. Lots of high scores this week as many of you took advantage of our first "Early Bird" bonus. Just remember the risk involved! But this week it was worth it.

Unfortunately we lost four players Week Two. Corvis, Pig Spanker 3000, ImNext, and Laurieish were the first victims of the new Osten rule. We usually lose 5-6 like this every year, but we always hate to see them go!

In the Battle of the Red Ink the field suddenly got crowded as many decided to take the plunge after a poor week one. As a two time Queen of Red Ink I couldn't be more thrilled to see more added to the mix. Once you go Red you can't go back Perennial Red Inkers, Djandy and Forehead have plenty of competition this season! Speaking of competition, newcomer Whoami leads the charge with (-31) points for the week. TungFong followed closely with (-29) points and Djandy finished with (-26) points for the week. Our overall leader is our two-time King of Red Ink Forehead with (-54) points for the season. He's probably still smarting over that Saboga RC pick!

As always points can be gained (or lost) in a hurry! It's easy to make up ground so don't be discouraged by a bad week! Also, if you feel I've made a scoring boo-boo please PM me. It happens a few times and I am always willing to correct it.

Lastly....Eliminations Begin Week 3! Be sure to list the Bootee even if you're playing for Red Ink!


Overall Score/PTB Player/Week 2 Score/Picks Remaining

34 TeamJoisey 15 46
32 gizmo_ber 29 45
27 bampote 23 46
25 PepeLePew 21 46
25 Blow By Blow 23 45
23 RoadKill 19 46
23 LeftPinky 19 46
23 Survivor Maniac 19 44
22 ejm92 18 45
21 KObrien_fan 15 47
21 Keae 15 47
21 evenstar 19 45
20 tribephyl 16 46
19 Yogi 13 47
19 dreamerbeliever 15 46
19 yensid 19 45
18 RudyRules 14 43
17 Angelfood 15 45
17 Steen 15 45
17 tinybubs 15 45
17 KeithFan 17 44
16 bubbastan 10 46
16 Cuauhewatamoccajava 10 46
16 okaloosajohn 12 47
16 Bebo 12 46
16 Draco Malfoy 14 45
15 geg6 13 45
15 ulalame 13 44
14 ValleyGirl 10 46
14 sisyphus 12 41
14 LozengeofLove 12 45
14 buckeyegirl 13 45
14 Tinman 18 42
13 DoodleBug 9 46
13 Rebel Crown 12 43
12 Milan23 8 45
12 udg 8 45
12 RealityLuver 12 44
11 Lolly 7 46
11 SurvivorScott 9 45
11 Neobie 11 43
10 Oscirus 6 47
10 smrtNsassybnkr 6 44
9 GuessItRains 3 46
8 Swami 8 44
7 Jims02 5 44
7 SilentJ 12 41
5 spacey 6 45
3 Seyz 3 42
2 Rebel Yell -4 47
-4 Magic_Star -3 42
-6 rwj3eb -7 44
-33 PlumBlossom (Red Ink) -23 47
-33 AugustGirl (Red Ink) -18 46
-37 Tung Fong (Red Ink) -29 41
-38 Molaholic (Red Ink) -23 44
-38 tvgeek_401 (Red Ink) -21 44
-50 whoami (Red Ink) -31 41
-51 djandy (Red Ink) -26 38
-54 forehead (Red Ink) -21 38


First Confessional/Bootee

E1: Rob C./Tina
E2: Rupert/Rudy

Remaining ASS

CHAPERA: Alicia, Amber, Rob C., Rob M., Tom, Sue
MOGO MOGO: Colby, Jenna M., Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shii Ann
SABOGA: Ethan, Jenna L., Jerri, Rupert

Rules, Deadlines and Scoring Summary


A) "Early Bird" bonus points deadline is Tuesday, 9PM (EST). To be eligible for the "early Bird" bonus of 5 points you must declare "Early Bird" in the subject line and you cannot edit your post after 9PM Tuesday or you will forfeit your bonus and receive a (-10) point penalty. If you don't want to risk this, don't declare "Early Bird" in the subject line. For Red Ink players the bonus points/penalty points are reversed. You will receive (-5) points for an unedited "Early Bird" post and be penalized 10 (positive) points should you edit after the deadline.

B) The regular deadline is Wednesday, 11:59 PM (EST). No penalties or bonus if you make (or edit) your picks before this time. You can post your picks on Monday or Tuesday and edit without penalty on Wednesday as long as you did not declare "Early Bird" in your subject line.

C) Spoiler's Deadline is Thursday, 7PM (EST). If you post or edit your picks any time on Thursday you will be penalized (-8) points (or 8 positive points) for Red Ink Players. You may stay alive, but it's going to cost you points. "Early Bird" entries who edit anytime after 9PM (EST) Tuesday lose (-10) points. A bigger penalty as they were playing for the bonus points. Do Not Edit after the show has begun! One person did this last season and they were booted from the game.


Correct listed bootee (regardless of how many votes) = 5 pts
Failure to list booted player: (-10) pts and possible elimination beginning week 3.
Listed players who receive votes: 2 pts per vote
Listed players who do not receive votes: ( -2) pts per listed player

Tribe Reward Question
Each week you will be asked a "Reward Question/Questions." You must answer this question each week as leaving it blank will be considered a wrong answer. The tribe with the highest percentage of correct answers will receive the weekly reward of 2 points per tribe member (or -2 if you are playing for Red Ink) and you will receive a clue the following week which will help you identify the "Buried Mystery Survivor." In the event your tribe correctly guesses the "Mystery Survivor" prior to our merge, everyone on your tribe will receive an additional 3 bonus points (or -3 if you are playing for Red Ink). You only get one guess per week if you win Reward.

Optional Categories
Correctly picking Team Reward Challenge Winner = 3 pts
Incorrectly picking Team Reward Challenge Winner = (-1) pt
Correctly picking Tribe who wins Immunity (first or second place) = 1 point per tribe listed
Incorrectly picking Tribe who wins Immunity = (-1) point per tribe listed
Correctly picking Individual Reward Challenge Winner = 4 pts
Incorrectly picking Individual Reward Challenge Winner = (-2) pts
Correctly picking Individual Immunity Challenge Winner = 4 pts
Incorrectly picking Individual Immunity Challenge Winner = (-2) pts
Correctly picking player who gives first confessional = 8 pts (pre-merge)
Incorrectly picking player who gives first confessional = (-2) pts
Correctly picking player who gives first confessional = 5 pts (post-merge)
Incorrectly picking player who gives first confessional = (-2) pts

Weekly High Score Bonus

Bonus points for highest weekly score = 5pts. 2.5 pts if two people tie. 1 pt if 3-5 people tie. 0 points if more than 5 players tie.


You have 50 picks to use for the entire season. Your remaining picks are listed on the leaderboard.

Tribe Immunity Challenges

Beginning week 3 your tribe will be competing for Immunity. I will either post a challenge thread where a few tribe members will compete for your Tribe, or ask an IC question. The Tribe that wins this challenge wins Immunity for the week. Meaning no one on your tribe will be eliminated if they fail to pick the bootee that week.

Sample Entry

Subject: Enter "Early Bird" if you are going for this bonus, otherwise no need to do anything to subect.

RQ2 (These are the team reward questions--enter RQ and then your answers)

Bootee (Enter those you think may be booted or receive votes)

RC (Reward Challenge Winner: optional category--name ONE TRIBE ONLY if you wish to go for this bonus)
IC (Immunity Challenge Winner: optional category--name one or two tribes you think will win immunity)
FC (First Confessional: optional catgory--name the person you think will give the first confessional)

Once again our Week 3 Reward Questions:

1. Which All-Star Survivor Cast Member least deserved to be asked back?
A) Rudy - S1 B) Jenna L. - S2 C) Amber - S2 D) Alicia - S2 E) Jerri - S2 F) Tom - S3 G) Rob M. - S4 H) Shii-Ann - S5 I) Jenna M. - S6

2. Which previous Survivor NOT appearing on ASS was most deserving of an invitation?
A) Kelly W. - S1 B) Mike S. - S2 C) Rodger B. D) Teresa - S3 E) Vecepia - S4 F) Sean R. - S4 G) Hunter - S4 H) Brian - S5 I) Helen - S5 J) Christy - S6 K) Sandra - S7 L) Jon - S7

Hope this helps!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-08-04 at 11:59 AM
No pick for right now, but just wanted to say what an amazing job you're doing to keep track of all this and still make it look quite impressive with all the colours and scoring categories!

Thanks, Echo!

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by gizmo_ber on 02-08-04 at 12:02 PM
i 2nd that! Keep up the great work!

don't like sunlight, keep me away from water, don't feed me after midnight

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by bubbastan on 02-08-04 at 04:18 PM
*GLUB,GlUB,SPUTTER,COUGH* Just coming up from under water long enough to say great job Ms. Pretty, urrmh, EchoGirl!

"Early Bird"
Posted by gizmo_ber on 02-08-04 at 12:02 PM
1. Which All-Star Survivor Cast Member least deserved to be asked back?
C) Amber - S2

2. Which previous Survivor NOT appearing on ASS was most deserving of an invitation?
B) Mike S. - S2

Picks: Jenna M., Robb C., Ethan

RC: Chapera
IC: Saboga, Mogo Mogo
FC: Ethan

don't like sunlight, keep me away from water, don't feed me after midnight

"RE: Early Bird Week 3 Entry"
Posted by Cuauhtewatemoccajava on 02-08-04 at 12:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-08-04 AT 01:00 PM (EST)


Least deserving of being asked back: Amber
Most deserving that didn't get asked back: Mike Skupin

Jenna Morasca quits and is not voted out.

RC: Chapera
IC: No IC held (I hope I get a bonus point for that if right!)

"Week 3 Entry - Early Bird"
Posted by tinybubs on 02-08-04 at 12:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-08-04 AT 12:26 PM (EST)

1. least deserved: C) Amber - S2
2. most deserving: B) Mike S. - S2

Picks: Jenna M., Robb C., Ethan

RC: Chapera
IC: Saboga, Chapera (Mogo Mogo goes to TC)
FC: Rupert

"*Early Bird Special*"
Posted by ValleyGirl on 02-08-04 at 12:28 PM

I *echo* the cute skunk's sentiments(no offence),
nice job EchoGirl.

RQ - 1. (c) Amber
2. (c) Rodger

Mystery Survivor - Jon F.

Bootee(or votes) Jenna M, Rob C, Sue

RC - Chapera
IC - Saboga/Mogo Mogo
FC - Ethan

*As Alicia said in her comments,(E1)to the tribe members "Game On"!

Valley Girl
member Team MadDog-ASS PTB game

"Early Bird!"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 02-08-04 at 04:18 PM

RQ1 - Amber
RQ2 - Skupin

Bootee - JennaM "resigns"

RC - Chapera (I think that Saboga places 2nd and also gets a clue to a key)
IC - Saboga, Chapera
FC - Ethan

"Early Bird Red Ink entry"
Posted by djandy on 02-08-04 at 04:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-04 AT 03:06 PM (EST)

RQ: 1.) Amber, 2.) Mike S.

1st Confessional: Amber

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Mogo Mogo

Echogirl: If Jenna M. quits and they vote out a 2nd player, will you get credit for picking either player?

Edited because I didn't realize that this was a free week too.


"RE: Early Bird Red Ink entry"
Posted by echogirl on 02-10-04 at 00:58 AM
Echogirl: If Jenna M. quits and they vote out a 2nd player, will you get credit for picking either player?

In the event any player quits or has to leave the game by a "non-vote" (Mike S. or Osten) you won't be penalized if you fail to list them, but I will give credit if you do (just like a vote). For Red Ink players if you list someone who technically doesn't get voted out (but quits or leaves under another circumstance) I won't make you take the 5 points. It will just be a zero, a wash. If a second player is voted out you would only need one of two, but technically this is a free week for all.

"Early bird"
Posted by Oscirus on 02-08-04 at 04:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-08-04 AT 05:01 PM (EST)

First confessional: Rupert
Reward Challenge:Chapera
Immunity Challenge:Mogo Mogo,Saboga
Bootees:Jenna M,Robc
Reward Question#1 C)s2 Amber
Reward Question#2 B)S2 Mike S

"Early Bird Week 3 Entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-08-04 at 05:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-08-04 AT 05:15 PM (EST)

Argh, I previewed, and still didn't catch my mistakes.
At least I'm editting before the EB deadline.

1. Jenna1
2. Mike





Go Fairplay!

But you can call me tribester.Member of Fairplay tribe

"Early Bird Special "
Posted by buckeyegirl on 02-08-04 at 06:20 PM

Just wanted to thank our hardest working hostess for doing such a great job on this game!!
RQ: Which All-Star Survivor Cast Member least deserved to be asked back? Amber

RQ: Which previous Survivor NOT appearing on ASS was most deserving of an invitation? Mike S.

My picks:
Jenna M.
Rob C.

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Chapera
FC: Kathy

A bird's eye view of your A.S.S.

"Early Bird RED"
Posted by Molaholic on 02-08-04 at 10:46 PM
Thanks once again Echo for all the great work!

As I make my way back to camp, tsk tsking about the deplorable conditions and lack of a comfortable place to conduct gigilo business...

HEY THERE FELLOW FLUFFYPILLERITES! Let's get ready for that next Challenge!! Gotta whip some MadDog and Fairplay tookas today!!

But now to business:

RQ1: Amber least deserved to be asked back.
RQ2: Rodger B. most deserved to be asked back.
BOOTEES: Amber, Rob C, Rob M, Big Tom, Lex, Shii Ann.
RC: Chapera
IC: Chapera
FC: Richard

a GeorgiaBelle creation MMIV

"RE: Early Bird RED"
Posted by echogirl on 02-10-04 at 01:01 AM
As I make my way back to camp, tsk tsking about the deplorable conditions and lack of a comfortable place to conduct gigilo business...

I hope business picks up

"RE: Early Bird RED"
Posted by Molaholic on 02-10-04 at 07:14 PM
"picks up" indeed! Maybe I should have a ...clearing throat... fire sale?

And BTY -- my appologies for the inadvertant spoiler ... from now on I'll keep the trap shut

a GeorgiaBelle creation MMIV

"Early Bird"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 02-08-04 at 11:29 PM
Guh!! You're running a great game echogirl. I can't believe I cracked top 5 while remaining so wildly confused. I hope I can keep it up. My one and only suggestion - for the sample entry, put the RQ questions here again, I had to scroll for awhile 'til I found them, even though I was pretty sure I remembered what they were. Also, I demand a recount on the reward challenge last week! Go Fairplay!!

RQ1 (least deserved to be back): Amber
RQ2 (most deserved to be invited): Mike (S2)

Bootee: JennaM, Rich, RobC

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Saboga
FC: Lex


"Early Bird....:)"
Posted by Seyz on 02-09-04 at 01:11 AM

Jenna Morasca
Richard Hatch
Ethan Zohn
Rob C.
Rob Mariano

IC: Mogo Mogo
RC: Mogo Mogo
FC: Rupert

1) Amber
2) Mike S. (Going With the Crowd here).

"RE: Queston to Echogirl"
Posted by TungFong on 02-09-04 at 01:27 AM
Great job! Thanks for the hard work. I've Some questions:

>A) "Early Bird" bonus points deadline
>is Tuesday, 9PM (EST).
>To be eligible for the
>"early Bird" bonus of 5
>points you must declare "Early
>Bird" in the subject line
>and you cannot edit your
>post after 7PM Tuesday or
>you will forfeit your bonus
>and receive a (-10) point

1. Since you've extend the early bird dateline to Tues, 9pm (EST), wouldn't an entry/edit before Tues 9pm (EST) considered as Early bird too?

2. With regards to Immunity challenge quesitons, if for example my tribe wins immunity and I made an early bird entry with the correct bootee listed, would I miss the opportunity to gain -10 points for not listing the correct bootee?

"RE: Queston to Echogirl"
Posted by echogirl on 02-09-04 at 03:43 AM
1. Since you've extend the early bird dateline to Tues, 9pm (EST), wouldn't an entry/edit before Tues 9pm (EST) considered as Early bird too?

The reason I ask everyone to declare is because of the bonus, or penalty involved if you choose to edit later. For example if someone posts before 9PM Tuesday and doesn't declare "Early Bird" they can edit without penalty up until 11:59 PM (EST) Wednesday. An "Early Bird" cannot edit anytime after 9PM on Tuesday or they forfeit the 5 bonus points (or -5 for you) and are penalized 10 points (or +10 for you) for doing so. In other words it's a gamble. Do you want to risk the penalty for the bonus points? Plus having "Early Bird" in the subject line makes it so much easier for me to check. I automatically know who is going for it and can award (or penalize them) just by seeing if they've edited or not. If someone posts early but doesn't declare they can't lose under your scenario. Either they get the bonus (if they don't edit) or can't be penalized (since they didn't declare) if they edit before 11:59 Wednesday.

2. With regards to Immunity challenge quesitons, if for example my tribe wins immunity and I made an early bird entry with the correct bootee listed, would I miss the opportunity to gain -10 points for not listing the correct bootee?

Good question! I have two types of challenges planned. The RC will always be questions. The Team IC's I have planned are actually simple interactive games that require a couple of participants from each tribe and will be played out in another thread. For example I may have a "word challenge" and over the course of a couple of days when peeps have time they could simply post an answer. Once a winner is determined, Immunity is declared. Since they will run on Monday and/or Tuesday you might know before the deadline. If I resort to IC questions then you would not. Anyway you've given me something to think about! I think it may have more of an affect on Red Ink players going for negative points.

Posted by bubbastan on 02-09-04 at 08:41 AM
I don't know, but I think there's some Foul Play going on in Team Fairplay....we lost 3 tribe members in Week 1!! Killer Monkeys my ASS...

Bootee: Jenna M, Rob C
RC: Chapera
IC: Saboga, Mogo Mogo

RQ: 1. Least - C. Ambore
2. Most - B. Mike S

"Week 3: Early Bird"
Posted by geg6 on 02-09-04 at 11:02 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-09-04 AT 11:02 AM (EST)

Gotta try to catch up with that show-off Bebo.

RQ1: Amber
RQ2: Mike S.

Booties: JennaM, Rich

RC: Chapera
IC: Chapera/Saboga
FC: Kathy

"Week 3 Entry: Early Bird"
Posted by Evenstar on 02-09-04 at 12:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-09-04 AT 01:03 PM (EST)

RQ1: Amber
RQ2: Mike S.

Bootee: Jenna M.

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: None
FC: Ethan

"Early Bird"
Posted by realityluver on 02-09-04 at 01:02 PM
1. C) Amber - S2
2. B) Mike S. - S2

Bootee: Jenna M.

RC: Chapera
IC: Chapera
FC: Jerri

"Early Bird"
Posted by DoodleBug on 02-09-04 at 01:45 PM
RQ1 - Amber
RQ2 - Skupin

Bootee - JennaM

RC - Chapera
IC - Saboga, Chapera

Mad Dogs Rule!

Snazzy new sigpic by Slice

"Early Bird"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 02-09-04 at 02:44 PM
RQ1 - Amber
RQ2 - Mike S

Bootee - JennaM, Ethan, RobC

RC - Chapera
IC - Chapera

"RE: Early Bird"
Posted by rwj3eb on 02-11-04 at 04:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-11-04 AT 04:55 PM (EST)


1. Shii-Ann
2. Brian

Bootee - Jenna M - Rob C

RC - Chapera
IC - Chapera

"EArly birdie!"
Posted by LeftPinky on 02-09-04 at 02:47 PM
RQ1 - Amboring
RQ2 - Mike

Bootee: Jenna M, Rob C

RC: Chapera
IC: Saboga

created by the amazing JSlice!

"Early Bird"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 02-09-04 at 03:50 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-09-04 AT 04:24 PM (EST)

With so many lovely ladies on Fluffypillows, how could I possibly pick one as my back-pocket girl? Maybe I'll just try to make them all my back-pocket girls (removing shirt to help that cause).

Bootee: Jenna M., Rich, Ethan, Rob C.
Reward Challenge: Chapera
Immunity Challenge: Sabogo / Chapera
First Confessional: no guess
Reward Question #1 - least C) Amber
Reward Question #2 - most B) Mike S.

***edited because I wanted to put on my team colors. Go Fluffypillows!

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by Steen on 02-09-04 at 04:05 PM
Thanks for the game, youre doing a great job, and Its a blast!

GO TEAM FLUFFYPILLOWS! I may not know my directions, but I smile a lot

Reward Questions:
1.C) Amber - S2
2.B) Mike S. - S2

Bootee: Jenna M, Rob C

RC: Chapera
IC: Chapera
FC: Rupert

Awesome J Slice Creation 2003

"Oh well to the EB"
Posted by Steen on 02-12-04 at 06:47 AM
I know its too late now, but i cant believe i forgot to declare Early Bird! Oh well.

"Early Bird"
Posted by Tinman on 02-09-04 at 04:15 PM
Echo - great game - thanks for all your hard work (especially with a budding romance on the horizon....)!

One correction for you - under all that metal, Tinman's a GIRL!

RQ1 = Amber
RQ2 = Mike S.

Bootee: Jenna M., Ethan

RC = Chapera
IC = Chapera/Saboga
FC = Jerri

"Early Bird"
Posted by Angelfood on 02-09-04 at 06:07 PM
RQ1 Amber
RQ2 Mike S.

Bootee Jenna M.

RC Chapera
IC Chapera, Saboga
FC Rob M

Yeah, I'm the Sue Hawk of the tribe!!
"you wimps, try driving trucks every day. This place is paradise, geesh. Crybabies"
Now, go collect some firewood, while I work on my tan.

"Early Bird Entry Red Ink "
Posted by AugustGirl on 02-09-04 at 06:19 PM
RQ1: Amber
RQ2: Mike S

Amber, Rob C, Rob M, Lex, Shii Ann, Colby, Kathy, Rupert

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Chapera
FC: Colby

a JSlice original. isn't she something?

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by KeithFan on 02-09-04 at 08:36 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-11-04 AT 02:18 PM (EST)

1. Which All-Star Survivor Cast Member least deserved to be asked back? S2 Amber

2. Which previous Survivor NOT appearing on ASS was most deserving of an invitation?b Mike S S2

RC=Mogo Mogo

Booted:Jenna M

First confessional: Ethan

"Early Bird"
Posted by Yogi on 02-09-04 at 09:01 PM
RQ1 - Amber
RQ2 - Mike S

Bootee - JennaM

RC - Chapera
IC - Saboga, Chapera
FC - ShiiAnn

- Yogi

"Early Bird"
Posted by RudyRules on 02-09-04 at 09:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-04 AT 08:36 AM (EST)

RQ #1: Least deserving of being asked back: Amber
RQ #2: Most deserving that didn't get asked back: Mike Skupin

Booted: (leaves but not vorted out)Jenna M. OR Rob C.

RC: Chapera
IC: No IC held

"What do I look like...Magellan?"

"Early Bird~Red Ink"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 02-09-04 at 11:25 PM
Quick Question about red ink picking the bootee:
So, even though I'm going for red ink, I still must pick the correct bootee to avoid getting voted off? If not I'm gone. correct?

RQ1~C. Amber
RQ2~B. Mike S.

Bootee: Jenna M., Ethan, Richard, Alicia

Reward Challenge: Chapera
First confessional: Amber

PTB Fairplay tribe kicks A$$!

"RE: Early Bird~Red Ink"
Posted by echogirl on 02-10-04 at 00:49 AM
This is a non-elimination week so you don't have to list the bootee to stay alive (meaning you can intentionally leave it off), but in future weeks Red Ink players will also have to Pick The Bootee to stay alive.

"Early Bird"
Posted by silentJ on 02-09-04 at 11:26 PM

RQ1 Amber
RQ2 Mike (how was Pascal not an option?)

RobC, Sue, Amazonian Jenna, Rich, Ethan

IC Mogo Mogo

"Early Bird......"
Posted by ejm92 on 02-10-04 at 00:30 AM
1. C) Amber - S2
2. B) Mike S. - S2

IC: Chapera
RC: Chapera

Bootee: Jenna M.

Survivor All-Stars: Let's Go Big Tom!

"Early Bird"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 02-10-04 at 03:39 AM
1. C)Amber
2. B)Mike S.



1st conf.-

"RE: Red Ink - Early Bird "
Posted by TungFong on 02-10-04 at 04:10 AM
Saving my picks....

Bootees: Tom

RC: Saboga
IC: MogoMogo
FC: Amber


1. Least deserving: Amber
2. Most deserving: Jon (S7)

Mystery question: Lex

"Early Bird! Tweet Tweet..."
Posted by Neobie on 02-10-04 at 06:03 AM
Still totally confused, but that's a great job, EchoGirl!

I hid some matches in a pocket somewhere. The problem is, I can't remember which one! (I brought 5 layers of clothing, remember?) If I search hard enough we can get fire...

Bootees: Jenna M
RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Saboga, Chapera

RQ1: Amber - S2
RQ2: Jon - S7

"Early Bird"
Posted by Road Kill on 02-10-04 at 09:45 AM
RQ1: Amber
RQ2: Mike S.

Bootee: Jenna M

RC: Saboga
IC: Chapera, Saboga

FC: Rupert

"Early Bird"
Posted by Milan23 on 02-10-04 at 11:12 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-04 AT 11:16 AM (EST)

RQ1: C) Amber-S2
RQ2: B) Mike S - S2

RC: Chapera
IC: Chapera
Bootee: Jenna M, Rob C

I'm really enjoying the game echogirl, thanks so much for putting it together for us!

"Early Bird"
Posted by RebelYell on 02-10-04 at 11:43 AM
1. Jenna1
2. Mike

Jenna M.




"Early Bird"
Posted by Bebo on 02-10-04 at 12:12 PM

RQ1 Amber (S2) least deserved

RQ2 Skupin (S2) most deserved (actually, I thought Varner, but he wasn't on the list - silly peanut butter boy)

Bootee Jenna M.

RC Chapera

IC no comment

FC Ethan

Snarky, smart, S7 Anti-Bootee Champ

"Early Bird, Red Ink"
Posted by forehead on 02-10-04 at 01:15 PM
>Our overall leader is our two-time King of Red Ink Forehead with (-54) points for the season. He's probably still smarting over that Saboga RC pick!

You bet!!!

RQ1: Amber
RQ2: Sandra

Bootee: Ethan, Jenna L., Jerri, Rupert
RC: Saboga (Who says forehead can learn...)
IC: Mogo Mogo
FC: Amber


"Early Bird Week 3 Entry"
Posted by ulalame on 02-10-04 at 01:39 PM

1. Which All-Star Survivor Cast Member least deserved to be asked back? C) Amber - S2

2. Which previous Survivor NOT appearing on ASS was most deserving of an invitation? B) Mike S. - S2

Bootee: JennaM, RobC

RC: Chapera

IC: Chapera, Saboga

FC: Jerri

And a guess at the mystery man for the Mad Dog Tribe: Johnny Fairplay.

(Btw, I've got a question for our worthy team leader, Okaloosajohn: any reason why we should PM you rather than post our responses here? Unclear on the strategy on these special reward questions.)

"RE: Early Bird Week 3 Entry"
Posted by echogirl on 02-12-04 at 08:18 AM
(Btw, I've got a question for our worthy team leader, Okaloosajohn: any reason why we should PM you rather than post our responses here? Unclear on the strategy on these special reward questions.)

Either way is fine. He can scroll down and look, or you can PM him.

"Early Bird"
Posted by Keae on 02-10-04 at 03:47 PM

RQ1: Amber - S2 (least)
RQ2: Mike S - S2 (most)

Bootee: Jenna M

RC: Chapera
IC: Chapera , Saboga

"Early Bird"
Posted by bampote on 02-10-04 at 04:27 PM
Thanks so much for all your hard work, Echo; I know that I'll be looking forward to your updates, even if I do bite the dust one of these weeks. Now, I'm off to work on my book!

Reward Questions:
1. Amber - S2
2. Mike S. - S2

Bootees: Rob C., Jenna M., Ethan

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Chapera, Saboga
FC: Jenna M.

"Early Bird"
Posted by Jims02 on 02-10-04 at 04:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-04 AT 04:34 PM (EST)

Jenna M.

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Chapera, Saboga

First Confessional: Rupert

RQ1: Amber
RQ2: Mike S

A 2004 IceCat creation

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by spacey on 02-10-04 at 05:40 PM
RQ: 1.) Amber - S2
2.) Mike S. - S2

Bootee: Jenna M

RC: Chapera
IC: Saboga

First confessional: Kathy O>

"Early Bird, Red Ink"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 02-10-04 at 06:36 PM
RQ1: Amber
RQ2: Helen

Bootee: Shii Ann, Kathy, Rupert, Tom, Lex
RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Mogo Mogo
FC: Tom

an IceCat original

"Oily Boid!"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 02-10-04 at 07:23 PM
Say good night and thanks for playing to:

RQ1: Amber
RQ2: Mike S.

RC: Chapera
IC (if there is one): Saboga, Chapera

FC: Ethan

First place in both games... way too much pressure

"RE: Oily Boid!"
Posted by forehead on 02-10-04 at 07:34 PM
>First place in both games... way too much pressure

GO TJ, GO! The goal for Mad Dog here is to sandwich the other tribes!!

"Early Bird"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 02-10-04 at 07:54 PM
You are simply awesome Echogirl, nice job!!!!!

RC: Chapera
IC: (if there is one) Saboga, Chapera
Bootee: Jenna M
FC: Kathy O

RQ1: Amber
RQ2: Mike S

Surgeon General G.A.W.K.U.R's of OT

"Early Bird?"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-10-04 at 09:32 PM
Ack! I ended up working late tonight and had a class to teach... is it too late for me to submit an early bird entry?

1. Least deserved - Lamber
2. Most deserved - Mike Skupin

Bootee/Leave the Game - JennaM
RC - Chaperoo
IC - Chaperoo/Sabooga (if they go ahead with IC)
FC - Jerri

And for my team... I'll say JONNY FAIRPLAY as the male survivor!

" Early Bird"
Posted by whoami on 02-10-04 at 09:54 PM
RQ#2-B) Mike S. - S2

Alicia, Amber, Rob C., Rob M., Tom, Sue



"tribe name"
Posted by whoami on 02-10-04 at 10:24 PM
Had to get my picks in quickly, so I did not say much then.
Missing 3 tribe members. Hummmm sounds kind of fishy to me, maybe foul play by the other tribes because they know that we are going to win this one. Another thing I do not like our tribe name. Why could it not have been something else. I am glad it is not "Fluffy pillows" or "Mad Dog"
What weird names they are. No water or food. Well I guess I will have to do something to help the tribe. I sure like to eat.

I think I may fun with this game.( all in fun )???

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 02-11-04 at 08:30 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-11-04 AT 12:27 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-11-04 AT 08:32 AM (EST)

One week in and we're already 3 players down. That's fine. I would much rather they Osten than drag us down further. I wish they'd let me bring my wand tho. We'd be sweeping the challenges. And we'd definitely have fire by now. A little Incendio charm would work wonders.

RC: Chapera
Bootee: Jenna6
FC: Jenna6

1. Which All-Star Survivor Cast Member least deserved to be asked back?
C) Amber - S2

2. Which previous Survivor NOT appearing on ASS was most deserving of an invitation?
G)Hunter - S4

For some reason, people on this board are infatuated with Hunter.

"Won't it be dull when we rid ourselves of all these demons haunting us, to keep us company?"
Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:279.5 Loss To Date:-59.5

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by GuessItRains on 02-11-04 at 10:00 AM
Darn, I wasn't able to get my picks posted in time to be an early bird. Oh well.

RQ1: C) Amber
RQ2: H) Brian

Bootees: Jenna M.

RC: Chapera
IC: Chapera, Saboga

FC: Shii Ann

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by Swami on 02-11-04 at 12:08 PM
Man, there are so many rules here that my head is spinning! There's a reason I go naked, Echo. I'm trying to simplify my life! And speaking of going naked, would you please put the camera on me a little more? I needs the camera!!! I needs it!!!

RQ1 - Amber
RQ2 - Jon

Bootee - Jenna M

RC - Chapera
IC - Chapera, Saboga

FC - Rob C

Bebo, if I'm supposed to IM you or consult you or something, you have to tell me. Do we have a strategy? Does magenta make your eyes hurt too? Can we vote to change our tribal color to green? That's easy on the eyes and also the color of money.

I love you Richard, but don't unpack.

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by yensid on 02-11-04 at 01:19 PM

Bootee: Jenna M

RC: Chapera
IC: Saboga
FC: Jenna L

1. Which All-Star Survivor Cast Member least deserved to be asked back?
C) Amber - S2

2. Which previous Survivor NOT appearing on ASS was most
deserving of an invitation?
B) Mike S. - S2

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 02-11-04 at 02:38 PM
Bootee: JennaM
RC: Chapera
IC: Chapera/Saboga
1st Conf: Richard
Bonus Q 1) c)Amber - S2
Bonus Q 2) b)Mike S - S2

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by survivorscott on 02-11-04 at 03:09 PM
RQ1: Amber
RQ2:Mike S.

Jenna M.


Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by sisyphus on 02-11-04 at 04:17 PM
RQ 1. Amber
RQ 2. Jon

Bootee: Jenna M....(she quits) /Rob C

RC: Mogo Mogo

IC: Saboga, Mogo Mogo

FC: Rupert

Well mad dog tribe it is all FAIRPLAY now

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by udg on 02-11-04 at 04:54 PM
"We have to find them," reasons Udg.

RQ1: Amber
RQ2: Mike Skupin

Bootee: JennaM.

RC: Chapera
IC: Saboga & Chapera (if there is one)
FC: Ethan

UDG <-- the voice of reason

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by LozengeofLove on 02-11-04 at 11:37 PM
RC: Chapera

Bootee: Jenna M.

BQ 3) Amber
BQ 4) Mike

FC: Ethan

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by magic_star on 02-12-04 at 06:55 PM
RQ1 Jenna M (S2) least deserved
RQ2 Skupin (S2) most deserved

Jenna M
Rob C

T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!

"RE: ASS Pick The Bootee Game Week 2 Results/Week 3 Entry"
Posted by Lolly on 02-12-04 at 07:53 PM
RQ1: Amber
RQ2: Mike S.

RC: Chapera
IC: Saboga, Chapera

FC: Ethan