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"Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"

Posted by Survivorerist on 02-05-04 at 11:57 PM
Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2 - Loose Lips And Sinking Ships

From a more in depth look at some of our players to the funniest boat challenge not involving John and The General to a tribal council that kept you wondering 'til the last moment, yet another chapter has closed in Survivor All-Stars. But the question now is, what did you think of the castaways this week? Who did you love and who did you loathe? You can tell us on this thread! Just list the 16 remaining castaways in the order that you like them and then, if you wanna, a short explanation of why. So 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 let's blast off!

Position. Name (Position Last Week)

1. Jenna L. (2)
2. Amber (1)
2. Rupert (3) (tie)
4. Rob C. (5)
5. Colby (10)
6. Rich (4)
7. Kathy (7)
8. Alicia (6)
9. Ethan (9)
10. Jerri (14)
11. Tom (16)
12. Jenna M. (15)
13. Rob M. (11)
14. Shii Ann (12)
15. Susan (17)
16. Lex (13)

Rudy was #8 last week.

Survivorerist's Chart Notes:

- Ahhh Survivor, where you never know what will happen. Thus, the first strange twist on my list as Queen Amber was dethroned from her #1 spot by none other than Jenna L. this week! You're just so exciting and upbeat all the time that I can't help but love you! The whole fire burning your bangs thing was super cute, as was the whole pinecone/unicorn look! You are also definitely playing the game and playing hard. Here's hoping that you're successful; I know you'll go far. Congrats on hitting #1 this week, Jenna!

- Another weird little tidbit leads to this week's Greatest Gainer. The prize goes to Colby, who jumped 5 spots from 10-5 on the charts. The odd thing is that I only remember you saying one thing this week, and that was about Richard and the whole naked thing. But just hearing your voice and whole attitude towards the game is priceless. Glad to have ya back, Colbster!

- Also rising 5 spots this week is Tom, who lost out on the Greatest Gainer because Colby landed higher than him. This is mainly because you so don't deserve to be in the basement. You did really awesome in the boat challenge and just all around kicked butt! I still wouldn't call you one of my favourites, but you definitely deserve a little boost!

- Finally, Rupert I love you! You are just so awesome, and I don't think I even need to go any further than that

That's it for me this week, what did you think about the show?

"I'll need a big spoon because I have a big mouth."

Top 5 FLL Castaways
1. Neleh Dennis (11 weeks at #1)
2. Heidi Strobel (9 weeks at #1)
3. Amber Brkich (6 weeks at #1)
4. Colby Donaldson (5 weeks at #1)
5. Helen Glover (5 weeks at #1)

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-06-04 at 00:14 AM
1. Rupert (5)
2. Tom (1)
3. Rich (9)
4. Lex (6)
5. Jerri (13)
6. Colby (11)
7. Alicia (2)
8. Ethan (8)
9. Kathy (7)
10. Rob6 (12)
11. Susan (4)
12. Shii Ann (10)
13. Jenna6 (14)
14. Jenna1 (15)
15. Amber (16)
16. Rob4 (17)

Rudy was #3 last week (really should have been #2)
You rock Rudy! We lvoe you!

Taking over at #1 is Rupert! I loved your loyalty to Rudy! Tom has to take a backseat for one list at least, but he still rocks. He did awesome in the boat challenge.

And here the list starts to take a bizarre twist. Rich goes from #13 to # 9 to #3! Jerri goes from #16 to #13 to #5! I can't believe I'm ranking her this high, but I actualy liked her this week, and her crying over voting out Rudy. And everyone below her was just blah tonight, so she makes the big jump. Lex continues his strong showing and gets back in the Top 4.

6-11 or 12 are virtual ties. I really had no idea how to rank them. Colby makes a big jump to 6, but he could just as easily be 10 or 11. I knew Alicia and Sue would be dropping back to the middle of the pack, so that's not so surprising. For one week though, Alicia was Queen of the Love List as the highest ranking woman (#2 overall). Now that honor goes to...Jerri (#5) O_o

Jenna6 stays above the bottom 3 because she's been invisible, and hopefully next week that becomes permanent.

Jenna1. Ick. I don't blame you for either the boot-the-winner or the boot-the-old-man strategies, but I'm still gonna dislkie you for them

Amber. Didn't say anything, so neither will I.

Rob4 can SHUT UP AND DIE. preferably not in that order.

Greatest Gainer: Jerri (+8). Rich (+6) and Colby (+5) also made big moves.

The Dave: goes to last week's greatest gainers, Sue (-7) and Alicia (-5)

Next week: HE comes to his senses as Jerri follows Alicia and Sue down the hole.

- RMMNW!!!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by bubbastan on 02-06-04 at 00:40 AM
Okay, I'm still teary over the early exit of Rudy. The show will be missing something without his crusty presence and monosyllabic responses. I'll really miss the tough old guy.

1. Rupert (5) - I knew it was only a matter of time til he hit my number 1 spot again. I really loved his short-lived Rudy alliance and was happy that he didn't double cross him. He's here for his heart and for being the first to catch a fish. Keep on providing, Rupe!
2. Tom (1) - Tom is performing strongly in the challenges and wisely holding the rough side of his good ol' boy tongue. Like his confessionals.
3. Lex (4) - Love his enthusiasism. For some reason he just doesn't seem to be suffering as much as the others, and seems to be enjoying himself the most.
4. Colby (9) - I enjoyed his reactions to Dicque in this episode. Doesn't seem as cocky as he was in the Outback, and humble looks good on the cowboy.
5. Ethan (8) - He gets a sympathy placement this week. What a bumble-boy! I felt kind of sorry for him. Well, at least he's giving it his all in his attempt to stay alive in the game.
6. Rob C. (6) - Not really a factor this week. Staying here on strength of his entertainment potential alone.
7. Alicia (3) - Gets a drop for excessive bossiness. Last week I thought she was right on in her comments, this week I thought she was needlessly annoying.
8. Kathy (7) - Didn't give me much to go on this week, but I'm hoping for better once she warms back up to the game.
9. Dicque (15) - At least he did something for his tribe this week in finding the first key. Was a bit less annoying and a bit more amusing than last week.
10. Jerri (10) - She voted out my Rudy, but at least she gave the impression that it was a hard thing to do. If the tears were pure acting, then she's a better actress than I thought.

Were the next few even in this episode?
11. Shii Ann (11)
12. Soozin (14)
13. Jenna M (12)
14. Ambore (16)

Now to the dregs:
15. Jenna L (13) - Mastermind of the Saboga Tribe?? No wonder they've lost 2 IC's in a row. Too much "in your face" coupled with an absolute absence of any long term plan beyond "vote out the winners until we are too weak then vote out the old guy" wins her a spot near the bottom. If you're going to be that mouthy, at least have something to say.

16. Rob M (17) - I've tried (no, really, I have)to find anything redeeming or entertaining about this guy. Lots of folks lvoe him, but I just can't see it. I only see ignorance teamed with arrogance, and the combo is just not entertaining to me. I need a Robfather fan to explain the appeal of this guy to me, 'cause I hate being the only one in the room not to get the joke.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Lisapooh on 02-06-04 at 00:41 AM
1. Rob M (4) - don't expect him to stay here forever, but he is kicking butt in the challenges and has great soundbites.
2. Kathy (1)- invisible this week.
3. Tom (9) - I can't believe this. I LOATHE Tom! But he did a phenomenal job in the immunity challenge. And the song was good too.
4. Rupert (3) - challenge machine! I feel like he took the coward's way out with Rudy. Rupert knew Rudy was going, but he's still Rupert.
5. Jerri (7)- that sound you hear is the hooves of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Jerri is in my top 5! So far, I like Jerri. How weird is THAT?
6. Ethan (13) - he is a dork in challenges. Still sort of spastic and out of control. But he was back to the Ethan I know, love and lust after this week. I think it's the beard - the scruffier he gets, the higher I put him on the list.
7. Colby (6) - quiet this week, but his checking out of Richard's little Richard was priceless
8. Lex (2) - no Lex hijinx this week. Didn't see much at all of him.
9. Jenna L. (8) - I don't hate her the way many of you do, but she is too shrill this season
10. Rob C. (10) - he's much more subdued this time around. I like him better when he's snarky
11. Jenna M. (11) - I would kill to have her stomach. She's too quiet to be annoying this season.
12. Alicia (12) - I don't like or dislike her this time. And I'm not entertained by her either.
13. Shii-Ann (17)- not enough air time to be offensive this week.
14. Susan (15) - she will dwell in the cellar until she makes herself a wrap
15. Amber (14) - such a waste of space contestant
16. Rich (16) - I hate him. A lot.

Rudy would have been up pretty high. It makes me sad to see him age, but holy crap - he's so impressive for a man his (or any other) age. It made sense to boot him, but hate to see him go.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by DEVILRAYS on 02-06-04 at 00:48 AM
1. Ethan (1) - thought he was going for sure this time
2. Alicia (2) - still the same old Alicia; nothing changes here
3. Tom (3) - so I guess he can swim after all
4. Rupert (8) - if anyone's going to catch a fish and play with integrity, it's him
5. Rob C. (4) - still a gameplayer, though not much to see this time
6. Shii Ann (5) - again, not much here, though I liked her before
7. Lex (6) - I am amazed by his attitude toward Rich's nudity...
8. Rich (7) - ...and the fact that he's just about always nude...
9. Colby (10) - ...and that he actually seems to think that every gay man wants a piece of him
10. Susan (15) - I guess that bad water calmed her down
11. Rob M. (11) - just shut the hell up already
12. Jerri (16) - though this will probably drop next week according to the previews
13. Amber (12) - hopefully Chalupa breaks her and Rob M. up first chance they get
14. Kathy (13) - I hope she's still out there trying to build a fire in the rain
15. Jenna M. (14) - she's not worth being on the show if I can't tell you off hand which tribe she's on
16. Jenna L. (17) - why Saboga didn't vote her out is absolutely beyond me

Biggest gain was Susan (15-10)
No one dropped more than one place this week, even Kathy, who tried to build a fire when a storm was coming (helloooo...if you want water that badly, it's raining. Jeez...)

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Seyz on 02-06-04 at 01:33 AM
1) Jerri Manthey-
First week jerri tops my list. But you know what? She's still as blunt as ever and she speaks her mind, but I like her. And even if she fights with Rupert the next week... I still like her. It's nice to actually see someone on survivor that has both a bad and a good side; because let's face it; in real life we're much more complex; and Jerri kinda reflects that.

2) Shii Ann Huang-
Shii Ann; not much from you today. But a little drop to #2. Next week, we might see you back at #1.

3) Rupert-
Highest rupert rating from me ever, but yeah, he was nice today.

4) Jenna Lewis-
Practical, without being insensitive. Good enough for me.

5) Amber
6) Alicia
7) Kathy
8) Richard Hatch
9) Rob C.- Suddenly starting to root for him again.
10) Jenna Morasca
11) Lex
12) Colby
13)Big Tom
14) Rob M.
16) Ethan. -This guy gets worse with each episode. Down with Ethan.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by FFantasyFX on 02-06-04 at 05:39 AM
1.) Richard (2) - With Rudy voted off, Richard becomes top dog. The gratuitous nudity is starting to grate though.
2.) Lex (6) - A model of serenity. But, will the gut return?
3.) Big Tom (5) - I'm not sure how he can hold his tongue with such a tribe of moron loudmouths, but he's managing so far.
4.) Rob C. (8) - His strategy of staying in the background should "technically" work, but we'll see.
5.) Kathy (3) - She seemed a bit cranky tonight. Everyone has their off days though.
6.) Colby (10) - Your charm shone through just a little bit more tonight. Unfortunately, the producers seem to have decided to relegate you to one confessional per episode. Tough break.
7.) Jenna M. (12) - Silence is golden. Thus, Jenna leapfrogs Shii Ann.
8.) Shii Ann (11) - Still hasn't annoyed me . . . yet.
9.) Rupert (4) - From Alpha Male to Jenna and Jerri's suppliant lackey in just one season. My, how times have changed.
10.) Jerri (7) - Jerri, fake crocodile tears don't become you. And it seems like you pull out the claws next episode. Well, it was nice while it lasted.
11.) Amber (13) - I don't believe she spoke this episode. No wonder she moved up two spots.
12.) Susan (14) - Didn't speak either. Two spots for you too.
13.) Alicia (15) - I'm sure Alicia's guidance in fire-starting was much appreciated by her fellow tribemates. (/end sarcasm)
14.) Ethan (9) - Now that the men behind the curtain are on other tribes, things aren't looking too hot out in front.
15.) Jenna L. (16) - The first week was vitriolic spitefulness. The second week was physical uselessness. What perjorative can Jenna add to her description next week?
16.) Rob M. (17) - Amazingly, Rob M. 'leads' his tribe to victory once again. If Saboga continues their implosion through collective stupidity, there's actually a chance he might get out of the cellar!

Booted Contestant - Rudy (1). After being delighted in the first week with Tina's much anticipated exit, this boot must be Burnett's karmic retribution on my happiness.

Greatest Gainer - Jenna Morasca (5 spots)
Plummeting Peons - Rupert Boneham & Ethan Zohn (5 spots)
Most Consistent - Richard Hatch, Jenna Lewis, and Rob Mariano

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 02-06-04 at 07:18 AM
I am so depressed about Rudy being voted out that I don't think I can rank the others. So here is the best I can do:

1) Rupert - I like your integrity and strength. I'm afraid you will not last long in this group.
2) Lex - You have really moved up for me. I like the fact that you are comfortable with who you are.

3-14) Everyone else

15) Ethan - What did I see in you? Your attitude stinks and your performance at the I.C. was horrible.
16) Jenna L. - You totally annoy me.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 02-06-04 at 07:55 AM
The list is still moving around... we'll probably settle in soon.

1. Tom- I think he could win this thing. No one will see him as an immunity threat, and he's so darn likable, he's not gonna tick anyone off. Plus I wanna see him do a victory dance. (2)
2. Rupert- The minor shifting at the top continues, as Rupert moves up a slot this time, for no other reason than keeping his word to Rudy. And he caught a fish! Just poked it with a stick! (3)
3. Jerri- Gods help me, I'm really liking her this time. Her strategy's working on me anyways. (13)
4. Rob M.- I'd forgotten how much I liked this a-hole. And he's surprisingly taking the lead in challenges. (1)
THE MIAs: Were these people even ON the show this week? No reason to really move any of these people, I guess...
5. Lex (5)
6. Kathy (6)
7. Rob C. (7)
8. Shii Ann (8)
9. Alicia (10)
10. Sue (11)
11. Colby (12)
12. Lamber (16)- Only moves so much because everyone else moved down.
The Bottom of the Barrel
13. Ethan- Instead of whining about being doomed, do something about it. (14)
14. Jenna L.- Only the FNF kept the two Jennas from anchoring this list. (15)
15. Dick- Ok, the Emperor has no clothes. We get it. It's old and I'm tired of it. (9)
16. Jenna M.- Invisible or not, she doesn't move off the bottom of the list. (17)

Snuffed: Tina (17), Rudy (4)

Biggest Gain: Jerri, from 13 to 3! I think that's a record.
Biggest Loss: Dick, from 9 to 15. He's got one bit and it's grown old. May the shark bite off his dingus.
Most stable: Tribe Invisible. And Jenna M, who will anchor this list until she is gone.

"Won't it be dull when we rid ourselves of all these demons haunting us, to keep us company?"
Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:281.5 Loss To Date:-57.5

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Cin on 02-06-04 at 08:39 AM
I am very upset by Rudy being voted off!!! What a great man, 75years old and still hangin with the young folk! DAMN Saboga!!!!!

1. Rob M. (2) - He's doing great this time around, and he's really helpin his tribe win ICs. Oh and how fun did that tribe look, sittin in their shelter singing??

2. Rupert (6) - You kept your word to Rudy! Way to go big guy!

3. Big Tom (5) - Always bringin the funny! He's keeping his mouth shut and he's kickin butt in the challanges! I really hope he makes it far.

4. Colby (10) - His confessional cracked me up!

5. Lex (9) - He's quite charming this season....

6. Rich (7) - snarky, fun, what a guy! he is really showing his strenght in the challanges.

7. Alicia (3) - Alicia would be higher, but all these boys above her just impressed me more. I really like her spunk and her attitude.

8. Kathy (4) - Didn't see much from her tonight, although I'm glad she got on them about the fire....

9. Rob C. (11) - Rob and the next few move up, only because I'm MAD at the last 3.....

10. Susan (14)

11. Jenna M (15) - she got lucky I'm mad at Saboga tribe, cause I would never dream to put her anywhere close to the middle of my list.

12. Amber (16)

13. Shii Ann (17)

14. Ethan (13) - I understand you voting for Rudy, but HEY you could have gone to Rudy and Rupert and tried to get them to vote of Jenna! He better learn how to fish!

15. Jerri (8) - This week you boot my Rudy, next week you fight with Rupert! I think she may be near the bottom of my list a lot in the future.

16. Jenna L. (12) - DAMN YOU!!!!!

Rudy was #1 last week, and would have stayed there had he not been booted. I just wish I could have seen S1 and had the whole Rudy experience.


"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 02-06-04 at 09:00 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-06-04 AT 09:01 AM (EST)

1. Rob M.(1)- He's still my favorite. His comment "No one wanted to upset Pretty Boy Probst" had me rollin'.
2. Kathy (2)-Pretty much invisible, but I lvoed her "Lame Boys" comment.
3. Tom (5)- I really didn't like him in Africa, but he's had some great one liners.
4. Rob C.(8)- He's been pretty much UTR, but he's growing on me.
5. Colby (11)- He also jumped up a few notches this week. I can't explain it...maybe it was the naked comment.
6. Jenna M.(14)-Probably the highest mover, and because she didn't really say anything this week, but I find her more likable this season. (I never thought I'd say that.ever!)
7. Lex (4)
8. Jerri (7)
9. Ethan (3)
10. Amber (6)
11. Alicia (13)
12. Shii Ann (15)
13. Richard (17)
14. Jenna L (8)
15. Sue (16)
16. Rupert(14)- He just annoys the heck out of me. I know, you're thinking how can the Robfather be #1, and Rupert at the bottom? I have no idea....

The biggest movers of the week were: Jenna M., Colby and Rob C. Ethan had the biggest drop of the week.

A bird's eye view of your A.S.S.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by geg6 on 02-06-04 at 09:36 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-06-04 AT 09:40 AM (EST)

Rudy, all I have to say is that when you send the SEALs out on their secret mission, make sure they get JennaL first!

1) Rupert - you have to love a man that loyal. Plus, he speared a fish with a stick for God's sake. I'm sure he'll drop because he's playing with so much emotion again, but in this case the tears were justified.
2)Tom - who knew that he could swim so well and would be a total challenge force? His confessionals are hysterical and right on the mark. And he showed us that wonderful dance talent that made me love him in Africa.
3) Lex - my favorite once again showed me why. He is awesome in the challenges and so secure in himself. Seems the least intimidated and most level headed of his entire tribe. The gut is rockin' steady.
4) Richard - toned down the condescension this week, but still has great confessionals. Actually stooped to helping his tribe instead of snarking at them. Still great in the water challenges.
5) Colby - finally letting a little of the ol' Texas charm show through. Not seeing enough of him (especially shirtless!!!!) but his Rich confessional was priceless.
6) Jerri - I can't believe she's here, but I've got to give the girl props. She worked her butt off in the challenges, she hasn't said anything that makes me want to put my hands around her throat (wait until next week!), and, actress or not, was genuinely emotional about having to vote off Rudy. She did the right thing (or maybe not considering her alliance mate's performance) and had enough grace to feel badly about it. Give that girl some chocolate!
7) Amber - we didn't hear her much (what a surprise), but home girl looked awesome in the challenges. Who knew skinny little Lamber was so athletic?
8) RobC - laying back and being a good boy. Sure hope that changes soon. And the recent workout routine sure has helped you not be quite so lame in the challenges.
9)JennaM - she's only here simply because they spared me from having to look at or hear from her.
10) Shii Ann - see JennaM.
11) Susan - she's only here because they spared me from having to hear from her. Now if only they didn't make me look at her.
12) Alicia - she's only this high because I have her in the office pool. Your in your face attitude was absolutely correct last week, but enough already!
13) Ethan - just proves that Lex really should have won in Africa. Just a pitiful performance in the immunity challenge, but he's not lower than this because he worked hard for reward. Quit whining and take action to save yourself. I guess it's true what they say about spoiled, crybaby professional athletes. He does get a small fraction of a point for at least seeming to feel bad about the Rudy vote.
14) Kathy - never liked her and, after these two shows, my feelings are confirmed. Too stupid to scheme and doesn't know when to shut her mouth. Shows nothing in the challenges. Why do people like her?
15) RobM - will always be near the bottom simply because I detest this idiot. He's not even bright enough to have stupid tatooed on his forehead. He's just a tool.
16) JennaL - I can't believe I ever had sympathy for her in S1! Rudy was better in the challenges than her. Last week we saw the Cleopatra routine and this week she has the bright idea to climb on the platform and bail out the boat rather than use an ounce of common sense. What a leader!! She needs taken down quickly. And not a shred of emotion when Rudy left. Get her out of there now!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by ejm92 on 02-06-04 at 09:46 AM
1. Big Tom (1) - Awesome in the challenge, awesome strategy so far.
2. Lex (3) - I just like his attitude and approach to the game.
3. Rob C. (2) - Not much going on this week.
4. Rich (7) - Entertaining....crazy strategy but it's keeping him around.
5. Rupert (8) - Good guy....
6. Kathy (6) - Trying to lead the team and not doing a bad job.
7. Jenna M. (10) - Not doing much, but my theory is still right....she's a nice girl without Heidi there to negatively influence her.
8. Rob M. (13) - Starting to like him more....good leader attitude.
9. Colby (4) - Not much of a reason to drop...the others just gained.
10. Shii Ann (11) - Didn't do much this week.
11. Jerri (16) - Not as bad this week...but looks like she'll drop next week.
12. Sue (12) - Not sure if she was even around.
13. Alicia (14) - Needs to take a step back before she opens her mouth.
14. Ethan (5) - Awful this week....really got on my nerves.
15. Amber (15) - Shouldn't have been on the show.
16. Jenna L. (17) - Still hate her.

Rudy - Would've jumped up within the top 3 this week, sorry to see him go.

Survivor All-Stars: Let's Go Big Tom!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by bampote on 02-06-04 at 10:17 AM
My first list, so there are no rankings for last week available.

1. Rupert (-)
2. Richard (-)
3. Shii Ann (-)
4. Kathy (-)
5. Jerri (-)
6. Alicia (-)
7. Susan (-)
8. Lex (-)
9. Tom (-)
10. Jenna L. (-)
11. Amber (-)
12. Rob M. (-)
13. Jenna M. (-)
14. Colby (-)
15. Ethan (-)
16. Rob C. (-)

- Rudy would have been #2, had he survived.
- I know it seems cliched, but Rupert is still so lovable for me.
- I find myself rooting for Richard, although I still don't see him going very far, just because of the winner stigma.
- I'm really surprised at how much more tolerable Jerri is, and after seeing Survivor Insider and what she said when she voted, I'm ready to declare that I rather like her this time around. Crazy.
- I despise Rob M, but he did an excellent job in the challenges, so I have to hand it to him.
- Rob C. goes to the bottom for talking crap about Tina. She managed to win her season and you didn't; get over it.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Oscirus on 02-06-04 at 10:20 AM
1.Robm-Hes good in challenges and pretty good with the team
2.Tom-funny guy great showing again this week
3.Amber-what can I sa I actually like the chapera tribe
4.Colby-His one confesional was pretty funny this week
5.Ricard-Not as smug this episode sure it wont last though
6.Alicia-stop being so loud
7.Kathy-Shell be in this thing for a while
8.Jenna-her new strategy is pretty good this far
9.Susan-non existant non annoying
10.Shiann-great observer but what exactly is it that you do
11.Lex-nice call on the fire thie time einstein
12.Jerri-the least annoying of saboga
13.Robc-Hes just weird this time around
14.Rupert-being hard headed is why you are going to lose
15.Ethan only this high becauce jenna sux so much
16.Jennal-what a condescending b*****

Rudy you were great just a little too old this time around

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by bichon on 02-06-04 at 10:59 AM
1.(1) Rupert
2.(4) Kathy
3.(2) Shii Ann
4.(3) Rob M.
5.(8) Jenna L.
6.(6) Lex
7.(12) Rich
8.(5) Colby
9.(11) Tom
10.(7) Ethan
11.(9) Rob C.
12.(13) Jerri
13.(16) Jenna M.
14.(14) Amber
15.(17) Susan
16.(15) Alicia

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 02-06-04 at 11:19 AM
1. Kathy!(1) She will be #1 all the way to victory. She will not be defeated!

2. Rob M.(6): he gets the quote of the night "we might upset pretty boy probst or something"

3. Rupert(2): great guy, honest and great fisherman

4. Richard(3)- just hillarious this episode

5. Colby(5)

6. Amber- (4)did she talk this episode

7. Shii Ann(7) Her and jenna seem to be friends, strange combo

8. Jerri (9) like her compassion for the old guy

9. Ethan (8) can't fish

10. Jenna Morasca (10)

11. Sue Hawk- (11)

12. Alicia(12)

13. Le14|)

14. Rob C.(15)

15. Jenna L.(16) too bad the fire only burned her bangs and not her face

16.Tom Buchanan(17) his bald head looks nasty underwater. he is a racist piece of #####

I don’t really give a damn which one of the two goes, as long as it ain’t me."-Sandra Diaz-Twine

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by uberspoon on 02-06-04 at 11:26 AM
i've been reading this board since S4, so i thought i should finally start posting. this seems like a good place to start.

1. Kathy - She was very low profile in this episode, but i'm such a huge fan of hers that i'm putting her at the top if only because no one else really surprised me in this episode.

2. Ethan - he is being a bit whiny, but i can sympathize..if i were on his tribe i would be miserable too. i hope that there's some sort of swap this season that helps him out.

3. Richard - the fact that i am ranking him this high surprises me. i am no fan of his, ordinarily...but he has made me laugh more than any other player this season.

4. Shii Ann - another low profiler in this episode. but i like her in general. i just hope she learned her lesson in S5 and doesn't make another stupid mistake.

5. the Colbster - eyecandy is (almost) never a bad thing.

6. Sue - she seems not to care about the game at all, and i don't think she even spoke once in this episode. but she was one of my favorites in the original survivor and i like the fact that she's tough.

7. Alicia - i liked her better in the outback. i do, however appreciate her keeping the robfather in check.

8. Lex - i really like him. to me, he's the male counterpart to Kathy...the best player of his season, but still wound up losing. he's coming across as far less agressive this time out. i hope he makes it to the merge, because it will be interesting to see if his "gut" starts making him go a little crazy again.

9. Amazon Rob - why is he so quiet this time around? he's disappointing me so far.

10. Jenna M. - i don't mind her too much. she wasn't my favorite in the amazon, actually she wasn't even in the top 5. even so, she won by a huge margin, so she obviously did something right. this time around, she's keeping her mouth shut which is excellent strategy for her. i don't think kathy would tolerate her "pretty girl" schtick.

11. Big Tom - i know were i to meet him in person, i wouldn't like him. but he is good tv, and he cracks me up.

12. Rupert - i liked the fact that he stuck by rudy. but he went about it the wrong way...why he didn't team with ethan and take out one of the J's is beyond me.

13. Jerri - normally she would be next to last, but last night..for the first time, she actually came across as a human being. just because of that, i moved her up.

14. Boston Rob - i just don't find him as amusing as most everyone else seems to.

15. Amber - somethings never change. she is still invisible. i just don't get why MB would cast such a boring player.

16. Jenna Lewis - like fingernails on a chalkboard. if i were on that island, i would vote for her at every tribal council. she should have gone first.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Swami on 02-07-04 at 05:39 PM
Welcome to Fanatics, uberspoon!

I love you Richard, but don't unpack.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by uberspoon on 02-13-04 at 02:10 AM
thank you very much =)

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by dajaki on 02-06-04 at 11:29 AM
1. Kathy - And will probably stay #1 'til she's done.
2. Rob M. - Way to be tough at the RC.
3. Ethan - Starting to show a snarky side.
4. Rob C. - Even though largely MIA, I love this guy.
5. Shii Ann - I just like her, and 5 is a good number.
6. Lex - Would be higher if he didn't give up on the fire.
7. Jerri - How much longer can she be nice?
8. Jenna M. - I like her more in Panama. Surprise, surprise.
9. Colby - It's good to see that he is disturbed with the idea of being used to Richard's nudity.
10. Tom - Very tough at IC.
11. Alicia - What was that silly coaching over the fire?
12. Jenna L. - Too cocky.
13. Rupert - Too many tears dropped him on my list. Where's the pirate we all like?
14. Amber - Yeah, she's cute. But, bleh.
15. Sue - I just don't like this woman. MIA this ep.
16. Richard - I just don't like this guy.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by DoodleBug on 02-06-04 at 11:44 AM
1. Tom (1) - great job on the boat challenge, seems to be enjoying himself
2. Rupert (5) - whoo hoo! Rupie catches a fish and is loyal to Rudy.
3. Colby (3) - you seem much more mellow this time around and you look good....
4. Lex (7) - I like you this time around too
5. Kathy (4) - kind of in the background still - I'm sure she'll move up as the game goes on
6. Jerri (9) - if those were real tears, then I like you.
7. Rob C (6) - another background player that I still love
8. Ethan (12) - at least you are doing your best to stay in the game
9. Jenna M (11) - boring
10. Amber (8) - boring
11. Shii Ann (13) - boring
12. Alicia (10) - too bossy
13. Rob M (14) - ok, your "pretty boy" comment was funny
14. Rich (15) - you are just annoying - but you make the show entertaining
15. Susan (17) - boring
16. Jenna L (16) - majorly annoying!!!!

RIP: Rudy (2) - you are still the toughest survivor out there, hon. We love you!!

Biggest gainer: Rupert gained the 2nd spot from #5, and Ethan (surprise) went up from #12 to #8

Biggest Loser: Alicia and Amber both dropped 2

Snazzy new sigpic by Slice
What's your function?

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 02-06-04 at 12:50 PM
1. Rupert (1)
2. Kathy (2)
3. Shii Ann (3)
4. Rob C. (4)
5. Ethan (9)
6. Colby (6)
7. Alicia (7)
8. Tom (5)
9. Jenna M. (17)
10. Lex (11)
11. Rob M. (10)
12. Amber (12)
13. Jerri (13)
14. Jenna L. (14)
15. Susan (15)
16. Rich (16)

Rudy was #8 last week.

an IceCat original

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by johnthemod on 02-06-04 at 01:13 PM
Though I was sad to see Rudy go, I have to admit I'm glad it was him over Ethan.

1. Kathy (1) - she'll probably be up here til the end

2. Jerri (3) - I'm really rooting for Jerri and I hope she's the one who's right in the Rupert argument next week.

3. Ethan (4) - he's playing hard and I like it. Proving that he did indeed deserve the win in Africa.

4. Richard (8) - mostly because my mom is so upset by his nudity

5. Alicia (2) - moving down just b/c Chapera isn't really my favorite tribe

6. Rob C. (7) - seems to be playing impeccably so far

7. Colby (9) - eye candy

8. Rob M (10) - he does kick butt in challenges, and makes a pretty good leader

9. Lex (11) - liked seeing him spooning with Richard

10. Jenna L (6) - definitely starting to get on my nerves

11. Tom (14) - he's growing on me

12. Susan (15) - partially b/c I want to keep Jenna M. at 13, but she was one of the last swimmers in the RC, proving she's an asset to her team at least in challenges

13. Jenna M. (13) - it just seems right for her to be here

14. Shii Ann (12) - just not feeling her anymore

15. Rupert (17) - well he's almost starting to grow on me again....almost.

16. Amber (16) - soo boring

Rudy was 5 last week and would be 4 this week. Bad news for Alicia, my #5's have been dropping like flies so far.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by LionChow on 02-06-04 at 02:27 PM
A great season so far. It's nice to start off with so many strong potential winners. Every week is going to be a battle.

Putting on a great show so far:
1. Lex (2) - Seems to be doing all the right things so far. Way to go Inky!

2. Rupert (4) - Carefully and steadily asserting himself, but please... no more "fire dance".

3. Rob M. (3) - CAn you believe he's leading this team... and in a good way? Awesome in the challenges.

4. Rich (6) - Showed a little bit more of a game face this week. After the first show, I was worried that he wasn't even going to try. Should be interesting to watch Mojo when they finally do have to go to TC.

5. Tom (5) - A very funny and insightful guy. Has to tread carefully to last with his bunch though.

6. Colby (1) - Lack of face time moved him down, that's all. Also, I was surprised to see Lex and Rich go out for the 4th log during the RC. Could the Texan be a little under the weather?

7. Jerri (13) - OK, I'm a little upset with the continued appearance of "Nice-Jerri", but despite that, she has been doing well on the show so far. Plus, it looks like she may be up to her old tricks next week anyway. Not too hard on the eyes either.

8. Ethan (10) - Moves up for his challenge performances. I know he got pinned for the IC loss, but really, it was all of their faults.

9. Jenna L. (16) - Gave a much better representation of herself and her strategy last night at TC. She rebounds accordingly.

10. Susan (8) - Hidden, but she was hustling during the RC.

11. Alicia (11) - Keeping everybody on their toes. Love the red bikini.

A Little too quiet, but still like 'em:
12. Rob C. (7) - Drops only due to lack of action. He'll be back.

13. Kathy (12) - Ditto. She was right about the fire too. Warmth is good!

14. Amber (14) - Hoping she and RobM continue their "teamwork".

15. Jenna M. (15) - In this case, the absence of a negative does indeed make a positive. Only down this low due to little face time.

Blech! You suck!:
16. Shii-Idiot (17) - At least you kept your big mouth shut this episode, thus preventing any further strategical blunders. She is the only person that I really want to see gone at this point. Surprisingly, I could easily handle a
JennaM or Amber win better than a Shii Ann win. I think it's the arrogance (without any redeeming humor/entertainment a la RobM) that does it to me.

Rudy (9) - Unfortunately, they made the correct move. Sorry Rudy, but it was funny while it lasted.

99. Donald Trump & MB - For starting "The Apprentice" at 8:40. Jerks.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-06-04 at 03:15 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-07-04 AT 12:57 PM (EST)

Position. Name

1. Lex
2. Colby
3. Jenna M.
4. Ethan
5. Tom
6. Amber
7. Jenna L.
8. Rupert
9. Rob M.
10. Susan
11. Rob C.
12. Alicia
13. Jerri
14. Rich
15. Kathy
16. Shii Ann

As I said in another thread, I'm really enjoying ASS.

A lot of the Survivors are coming across a little bit differently this time, and it's fun (at least for me) to see how people react differently when placed in a different situation with different people.

Rob M is still Rob M, but he seems to have his act together much better this time around. Same with Jenna L.

Ethan is still Ethan, but he has to struggle a lot harder this time around to go on in the game. And after last night, it seems like he just might pull it off after all. What with Rudy voted out, and now Rupert fighting with Jerri.

I've noticed some posters on this board are calling Jenna L a loser, and Amber boring. Well guess what? This time around, they may not be losers or boring at all.

A few of the Survivors in other tribes were shocked at seeing that Tina had been voted out. They must have thought that certain people are somehow preordained to be winners and other losers no matter what situation they are in.

As Jeff Probst said after they had voted out Rudy, he knew they didn't want to vote Rudy out, but despite how much they loved him, they had to vote him out.

That's what makes the show complicated and interesting, he said, and to me, in this all star show, more interesting than ever.


Some may wonder why I rate Kathy so low. Sorry ... but her style of male bashing I do not respect.

Day 1 and she's already telling the other two women in her tribe that the men were plotting against them.

Never mind that it wasn't true. The men weren't plotting at all. But Kathy knows how to use the "victim" card to her advantage, doesn't she? She's a real manipulator, which is why I don't like her.

Tina, Vesepia, Jenna M and Sandra are all examples of women who won Survivor without playing the "men are plotting against us" victim card. It's a shame Kathy can't be more like them.

I do like that tribe as a whole, though.

Richard laughed off the whole "girl power" thing right away, and soon the whole tribe, including Lex and Colby, were saying "let's just win challenges and worry about alliances later."

Good for them. Saner heads prevailed .... at least for the time being.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Monicanada on 02-06-04 at 04:08 PM
Position. Name (Position Last Week)

1. Rob M.
2. Kathy
3. Tom
4. Rupert
5. Rob C.
6. Rich
7. Shii Ann
8. Susan
9. Colby
10. Amber
11. Jenna L.
12. Jerri
13. Alicia
14. Ethan
15. Jenna M.
16. Lex

No previous week position as I did not post last week.

Call me crazy, but I absolutely love the Robfadda! He's hilarious, and, surprise of surprises, he was the smartest player in that immunity challenge.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Madeira on 02-06-04 at 04:32 PM
Position. Name (Position Last Week)

1. Tom
2. Rupert
3. Rich
4. Colby
5. Alicia
6. Lex
7. Susan
8. Jerri
9. Kathy
10. Ethan
11. JennaM
12. ShiiAnn
13. RobC
14. Amber
15. JennaL
16. RobM

No previous week position as I also did not post last week.

>Call me crazy, but I absolutely
>love the Robfadda!

"You're crazy!" The guy has a certain physical cunning, but his mind is a seething pile of mush!

I miss Rudy already

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Estee on 02-06-04 at 04:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-06-04 AT 04:31 PM (EST)

1. Rupert (2). At some point, that loyalty is probably going to come around and stab you in the back. But for now, it gets you pole position. You said you wouldn't write his name down, and you didn't. Now relax, take some deep breaths, and go catch some more fish. You've got a hungry tribe to feed.
2. Lex (1). Why are the letters 'UTR' flashing in front of your face whenever you're on the screen? Production error?
3. Kathy (4). Now: what are the odds that she knew Richard was there listening at the moment she began to speak, and did it just to make sure he'd underestimate her later?
4. Colby (11). It's good that you're becoming comfortable with the idea of male nudity. It certainly may be good for the ratings, because some of your fans will now be watching to see if you take the concept out for a test drive. Becoming comfortable with the idea of Richard's nudity, however...
5. Rob C. (3). I can't count confessionals from Insider on these ratings; only your actions during the episode. And as such, you've still got to talk to the camera more.
6. Tom (6). The song was funny. You're staying out of the fights and keeping your own position sound. And you're more of a force in the water challenges than I would have ever guessed. (Honestly, I had him pegged as more of a floater.)
7. Rob M (17). Must -- place -- vote. Fairly -- earned. Did well in -- challenges. Making real -- effort as part of -- tribe. Thought to -- flip -- boat. Saved -- tribe. Due credit. But -- hurts so much...
8. Jerri (8). Just remember: one show at a time, one challenge at a time, one 'next week on Survivor' preview at a -- uh-oh.
9. Susan (9). Apparently the brain parasites have rendered her completely immobile.
10. Alicia (6) Calm. Down.
11. Ethan (7). Are we a target? Yes, we are. Are we trying to figure out how to make an alliance and get Jenna L's loud voice out of other people's ears? No, we are not. We are sitting around and whining about how no one loves us. We have lost all the charm that got us through the third season. We are very disappointed in us.
12. Richard (9). So rewards aren't part of the game for you. Okay. No problem. So when no one gives you anything out of the cooking pot, or lets you drink the boiled water that arrived courtesy of the flint, they'll just be allowing you to play the game your way. It's strictly out of respect for your position. Now, do you want to put something on for your walk to the well, or are you one hundred percent certain there's no poison ivy on this island?
13. Amber (13). Go ahead. Do something to prove you deserve to be ranked higher than this.
14. Shii Ann (14). Go ahead. Do something.
15. Jenna M (16). It's not that I like her any more than last week, but after the immunity challenge, I had little choice but to...
16. Jenna L. (15) ...place someone else in the basement. Hey, here's a brilliant idea: why not just use the ropes lashing the weights together to tie your tribe down? That way, they could push the boat along the seafloor while everyone else was wasting time emptying theirs! Oh sure, they'd probably drown within two minutes, but just think of that three-foot lead you would been able to take! I'm sure you thought of it. Why you're not in charge, we'll never know.
665. NBC (-). In accordance with Lion Chow, for not only starting the Apprentice twenty minutes early, but also filling the extra time with essentially nothing. But they're still ranked higher than Jon.

Out: Rudy (12). I actually respect him a little. I admire what he's done in his life and the things he's accomplished for his country. But I didn't want to see him on ASS because I didn't want him to get hurt, sick, or be placed in Richard's tailgunner position again. At least he went before he could suffer any more injuries.

(And that is not how I meant tailgunner. Sheesh...)

"Hey Erist..."
Posted by Jims02 on 02-06-04 at 05:05 PM
It's not a big deal or anything, but do you think you could link to the previous Love List please? It would be much easier to retrieve last week's stats. If ya don't feel like it, it's ok. Just my whining of the day.


1. Lex (1)
2. Colby (9)
3. Tom (3)
4. Jerri (13)
5. Rob M (2)
6. Rupert (4)
7. Jenna M (14)
8. Ethan (6)
9. Kathy (7)
10. Rob C (12)
11. Alicia (8)
12. Shii Ann (11)
13. Amber (10)
14. Susan (16)
15. Richard (15)
16. Jenna L (17)

No one really had a good enough showing to bump Lex this week. My opinion still stands. I forgot about how great Colby can be in the confessionals. Tom was funny during the "Singing in the rain" part.

I'm actually liking Jerri a lot more. She still tells it like it is, but she's much less abrasive... Rob M was much more annoying this week. Maybe I'm starting to remember him again...

I'm getting kinda tired of the Rupert Show. He's still a nice guy, but they have just seemed to throw him at us lately. Jenna M strikes me as the type that misbehaves when she's around others like Heidi.

Ethan is a big loser (the fish incident), but a nice loser too. Kathy's pretty invisible. I hope to see more of her. RobC too, but his confessionals are interesting.

Alicia was pretty argumentative, but I like how she's standing up against Rob. Good for her. Shii Ann and Amber are too quiet. Susan flew UTR this week.

Richard's act is getting old. Put your clothes on. That bit is over. JennaL... Well, the bottom you shall stay. I didn't think I could dislike her anymore...

A 2004 IceCat creation

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by tinybubs on 02-06-04 at 06:34 PM
1. Kathy (1) - She's not as far ahead as she used to be
2. Colby (2) - His comments about the tribe dealing with Rich's nudity were the best confessional of the episode
3. Lex (3) - He admits he's not the brightest bulb in the socket sometimes
4. Rupert (4) - the provider has returned, hope he keeps the ego under control
5. Tom (7) - Still the big lovable good ole boy, waiting for the dark side to appear
6. Rob C. (8) - I like his enthusiasm. Is the million dollar quote an indication of things to come?
7. Jenna M. (9) - Was she even on the show?
8. Susan (10) - It's a shame she's ranked this high, shows how little I care about the rest
9. Rich (14) - At least he had some entertainment value this week
10. Ethan (12) - less whining this week
11. Jerri (13) - even though she showed sympathy for Rudy at TC, I sense scerri starting to bubble up to the surface
12. Jenna L. (6) - The mouth finally got to me, stick a sock in it
13. Rob M. (16) - moved up because his performance on challenges, still a horse's rear end
14. Amber (15) - could you possibly be a little more invisible?
15. Shii Ann (11) - she is out of her league
16. Alicia (17) - swims one leg of the RC, sits out the IC, and is still mouthing off? YOU GO GIRL!!!...far far away

Gone: Rudy (5) - Fiesty to the end, gotta love it. Hate to see you go but its amazing what 3 years will do to you.

Chapera - I don't like most of the people but at least they are kicking butt in ICs, the friction in the tribe is entertaining
Saboga - Try thinking outside the box, there is more than one way to empty a boat. This tribe is getting way too much camera time.
Mogo Mogo - You have the naked overweight middle aged guy of your tribe swim all 5 legs of the RC? I thought this team was full of the challenge hogs.

Big Gainer: Rich up 5, only because of his entertainment value
Big Loser: Jenna L. dropping 6, gone from being assertive to annoying.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-06-04 at 07:22 PM
1. Dicque - off to a blazingly funny start on ASS, doesn't mince words and gets right to the point, plus love how he handled the finding of the crate key

2. Rupert
3. JennaL
4. Tom - had a great challenge so he moves up on my list
5. Alicia
6. Colby
7. Susan
8. Lex
9. RobM
10. Jerri
11. Kathy
12. Ethan
13. RobC
14. Lamber
15. Shii Ann
16. JennaM

"Keeping my word...."
Posted by MandyM on 02-06-04 at 08:55 PM
I told you last night in chat that I would start posting again to the FLL this season (I've taken a 4 season break or so)

So here goes!

1. Rupert - his loyalty touched my heart and I had tears when he did....I know he is too kind for this game and prolly won't make it to the end- but I LVOE him!

2. Richard - he cracks me up like no other...I know he exemplifies the acronym of ASS, but I keep rooting for him anyway.

3. Tom - yes he is a sexist bigotted jerk. I can't help myself. I like him

4. Rob M. - he totally won me when he used the phrase "pretty boy Probst". How can you not love him?

5. Rob C. - he still reminds me of Shakes and I still think he is only second to Richard as far as smarts in how to play this game

6. Colby - He cracked me up when he said the rest of the tribe wasn't even bothered that Rich was running around nekkie!

7. Ethan - He played really hard and strong. My only regret is that he didn't team up with Rudy and Rupert to vote the COMPLETELY annoying Jenna L. off.

8. Jerri - This is prolly the highest she will ever be on my list. I am impressed that she has kept her mouth shut so far.

9. Alicia - A little annoying, but I still like her spunk. Looking forward to her wagging her finger in someone's face before it is all said and done!

10. Kathy - I am just basing this on the season she was on...haven't really seen too much of her yet

11. Sue - Cracks me up, but didn't have much presence this episode.

12. Shii ann - see #10...haven't gotten to hear from her much yet

13. Lex - pretty invisibly

14. Amber - BORING

15. Jenna M. - is she even there?

16. Jenna L. - The only one I truly HATE at this point. She is HORRIBLE!

If I had participated on Sunday, Rudy WOULD have been number 2 for me. I adored him!

Thanks Sir baby...I forgot how much fun this is! See ya next week!

MM Maybe this world is another planet’s hell

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by PelicanPete on 02-06-04 at 10:26 PM
Well, this was a great episode! Poor Rudy, he tried so hard and had so much heart for such an old man.::tear:: I'm definitely gonna miss him.
Anyway, here is this week's list:
*Rank-NAME(Post Ep. 2 Rank-Post Ep. 1 Rank)
1.Alicia (1-1)
2.RobC (2-2)
3.Colby (4-5)
4.Ethan (6-4)
5.Richard (10-15)
6.JennaL (5-6)
7.Kathy (3-3)
8.Rupert (13-16)
9.JennaM (8-12)
10.Big Tom (9-9)
11.RobM (15-7)
12.Jerri (11-13)
13.Shii Ann (12-14)
14.Amber (16-11)
15.Lex (17-18)
16.Susan (14-17)
~Rudy would have been #6

Biggest Gain: tie between Rupert(didn't like him in the PI's but his sincerity and loyalty are beginning to grow on me) and Richard (again, this man is just downright cocky, arrogant, and obnoxious but he's HILARIOUS!!) They picked up 5 spots each.
The Dave: (suprisingly) Kathy, I love her but she did the "Gotta have fire" thing again and I-just like Lex and Colby- didn't understand why she wanted to make fire just before the rain came. She only fell four spots to #7.


"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Steen on 02-07-04 at 08:46 AM
1. Rob M
2. Rob C
3. Jenna M
4. Amber
5. Colby
6. Rupert
7. Kathy
8. Lex
9. Ethan
10. Rich
11. Shii Ann
12. Jerri
13. Jenna L.
14. Tom
15. Alicia
16. Susan

Awesome J Slice Creation 2003

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by bobstew617 on 02-07-04 at 12:14 PM
Compiling this list was tougher than I thought, as a number of these DAWs were hardly shown this week. We'll give it a go.

1) KATHY (1)--to me, will be hard to bump her off the top.
2) LEX (2)--just playing along and not getting distracted by Rich.
3) ETHAN (7)--You successfully fended off elimination this time--good job!
4) ALICIA (5)--very strong, just has to relax.
5) TOM (3)--still keeping mouth shut and doing well in chllenges.
6) AMBER (8)--like her better this time around. Rob M better alliance partner than Jerri. Ask Vecepia.
7) COLBY (10)--comment about Rich priceless. Otherwise UTR.
8) RUPERT (6)--jims, I agree with you. Rupert is getting tiresome. Next weeks argument should be CLASSIC.
9) JERRI (13)--almost human (or was it acting?) after having to vote Rudy out. Have a feeling she convinced Jenna it was for the best right now.
10) ROB M (11)--plays this game HARD. Just don't tick people off.
11) SUSAN (15)--moves up only by default.
12) SHII ANN (9)--I am remembering now why I didn't like you in Thailand--and--Helen should be here instead of you!
13) JENNA M (14)--invisible this game.
14) ROB C (12)--didn't like you in Amazon, and your comments this week reminded me why.
15) JENNA L (16)--still annoys me.
16) DICQUE (17)--going to meet one of your cousins next week, hmmm?

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by 321Jump on 02-07-04 at 03:15 PM
1. Rob C. (1)
2. Kathy (2)
3. Susan (3)
4. Alicia (5)
5. Rob M. (6)
6. Tom (7)
7. Colby (8)
8. Lex (9)
9. Ethan (13)
10. Jenna M. (11)
11. Jerri (16)
12. Shii Ann (14)
13. Richard (15)
14. Rupert (17)
15. Amber (10)
16. Jenna L. (12)

Rudy was #4 last week.

I see no reason to change my top spots. I can guarantee that Rob C. will remain at #1 as long as he lasts. I also strongly suspect that Rob M. is going to take a tumble soon.

One thing I miss on this thread is the overall vote tally, so unless someone else wants to do it (please, please, be my guest), I'll try to add up and divide the scores for each All Star and post the averages at approximately 6:00 p.m. CST on Wednesday.

"The Curse of #9 strikes again! My 8.2 list! "
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 02-07-04 at 04:33 PM
1. Kathy
2. Colby
3. Shii Ann
4. Jenna Morasca
5. Jerri
6. Alicia
7. Rob Cesternino
8. Ethan
9. Richard
10. Jenna Lewis
11. Amber
12. Tom
13. Susan
14. Rob Mariano
15. Lex
16. Rupert


Kathy, Colby, and Jenna M. are nice and reasonable, as usual... so they remain at the top of the list.

******NOTE TO M.B.: I'd rather see more of these three than of perennial DAWS like Rupert, Lex, and Rob M., thanks.

Jerri is a human being! I really have a lot more sympathy for her this season and she seems like she's being nicer.

I feel so sorry for Alicia. Her tribe really sucks. They're all so stupid (except for her, of course)

Rob C. and Ethan are pretty bleagh thus far. At least they aren't very annoying.

Richard is being Richard. I can't put him down for that.

Jenna Lewis is a histrionic drama queen. She needs to shut up, already. What a loser.

Amber is even more a loser than Jenna L., and to top it all off, she's aligned with Rob M. Great game strategy... NOT!

Big Tom, Susan, Rob M., and Lex are all STUPID, ANNOYING LOSERS! They need to be voted off pre-merge.

Rupert is still the WORST SURVIVOR EVER. The promos say that "Rupert is a control freak". Big shock... NOT! I hope Jerri kicks his hairy butt out of the Pearl Islands.

*** This week's biggest gainer award goes to none other than RICHARD HATCH, who climbed five spots from #14 to #9.

This week's biggest loser award technically goes to JENNA LEWIS, who fell five spaces from #5 to #10, but I'm going to hand the honor over to RUPERT BONEHAM, because I hate him.

Last week Rudy came in #9 and during his time in the game, he averaged 9th place.

Next week, look out to see if the CURSE OF #9 strikes again and RICHARD HATCH gets eliminated (our previous #9's, Tina & Rudy got eliminated immediately after earning that ranking).

"RE: The Curse of #9 strikes again! My 8.2 list! "
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-07-04 at 05:45 PM
If you hate Rupert so much, you could try putting him at #9 and see what happens.

"RE: The Curse of #9 strikes again! My 8.2 list! "
Posted by Estee on 02-07-04 at 05:57 PM
I'm willing to try it! My revised list:

9. Colby
9. Jerri
9. Ethan
9. Jenna L.
9. Richard
9. Lex
9. Alicia
9. Rob C.
9. Jenna M.
9. Amber
9. Sue
9. Tom
9. Rob M.
9. Shii Ann
9. Kathy
9. Rupert

(I know, I know... Bashers...)

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by Swami on 02-07-04 at 06:05 PM
I can't remember where I had people last week. I can barely remember what I did yesterday either. But I have opinions, as usual.

1. Richard Dick has been over-the-top fabulous, snarky entertainment. His nudity doesn't bother me at all. I think it's his way of going UTR, LOL. Plus, he has been awesome in the challenges and found the key for his tribe. Go Rich!

2. Soozin See, Susan is misunderstood. Yeah--she is loud-mouthed & bitchy at times, but she has no use whatsoever for Political Correctness--and I kind of like that. Plus, for an older woman she is doing awesome in the challenges--making no mistakes and outshining the younger kids! In the RC, she swam all but the last leg & did great! In the IC she dove & moved weights with the best of them & paddled like she knew how--which she probably does.

3. Lex Smart, strong & game-on all the way. Go Lex!

~~~a bunch of middle people, can't rank them neatly~~~

14. Shii Not much use in challenges. Not funny or insightful. Why is she here again?

15. Ethan Major challenge liability. Says "we" caught a fish. If Rudy had been just 74 instead of 75--Poodle-boy Ethan would be gone!

16. JennaL Welcome to the Big League Bitch Brigade, JennaL! You're whiney & have a bad attitude. You think you're more deserving somehow as a past "loser". Plus, you suck at challenges!

I love you Richard, but don't unpack.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by whoami on 02-07-04 at 06:47 PM

#1.-Rupert(1) Way to go with being loyal to Rudy.
#2.-Ethan (2) You keep getting better each week.
#3.-Tom (3) Keep hanging in there, UTR.
#4.-Jerri (7) You are growing on me.
#5.-Jenna L.(5) Not sure why you are here.
#6.-Colby (6) You can do better.
#7.-Amber (9) Just keep on keeping on.
#8.-Alicia (8)???
#9.-Kathy (10) Who??
#10.-Susan (14) Redneck???
#11.-Shii Ann (11)???
#12.-Lex (13)???
#13.-Rob C.(15)???
#14.-Rich (13)???
#15.-Rob M. (16)???
#16.-Jenna M. (17)???

Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 02-07-04 at 11:46 PM
1. Rupert (1-1) The scenario that played itself out in episode two was one in which I, as a Rupert fan, was kind of worried about. Rupert gives his long-term allegiance to someone and has to break it for one reason or another. We the Rupe fans, would then have to deal with a week of Rupert bashers saying, see we told you so! But oh what do you know; Rupert kept strong to Rudy! I think that if I was a gay naked fat man like Rich, I might just move to Massachusetts and marry this man. Is it still okay to be metrosexual?

2. Lex (2-2) Every week I play a little game with myself (this way I always win), I try to spot a tattoo on Lex that I haven't noticed before. This week, it was the tats on the top of his feet. Ouch! Painful, painful, painful place to get some ink. Love the hat too! God Save the Queen.

3. Big Tom (5 -3) Wanted to knock Tom down a spot or two because he didn't know the words to the CCR song "Have you ever Seen the Rain". Come on your a big time music fan and you didn't know anymore then the title Tom? As a disc jockey, I am required by law to show off my music intellect whenever I can. When it all came down to it, Tom aint budging from my top three. Thought this country boy couldn't swim? Looked pretty good to me. Six days now without a spirit for Big Tom, he must be parched.

4. Rob M. (17 - 5) If you would have told me before the start of All-Stars that the Robfather would be listed fourth on a love list after two episode, I would have told you that you're out of your friggin mind. Not only do I think Amber is in his pocket for the long-term but also Tom. He is in a very good position come merger time. Plus as a Cubs fan, I can't help but root for the Red Sox fans. I know their pain.

5. Kathy (9 -9) Bumping Kathy up for no other reason than I wanted to bump Jenna L. down some. he-he-he I said bump. Hasn't really shown all that much yet but she didn't blindly follow Lex's idea to hold off on fire. Lex, buddy, start the fire if you can. Should have been priority number one after getting back from the reward challenge. The longer Mogo Mogo doesn't have to go to tribal counsel, the better of a position Kathy will be in.

6. Jenna L. (12 - 4) Lost a couple of spots for yelling at Rudy during the immunity challenge. Get your butt in the boat to a 76 year old man? That's not right. She calls out in Ethan in confessional for getting to excited during the challenges? Sweetie you've made your own mistakes during the challenges. A follower who is trying to lead is always a mistake. Just hook your wagon up to Rupert and follow blindly until the end. Still love the spunk and energy however! Reminds me of a chipmunk but I can't decide if it's more Alvin, Simon, or Theodore.

7. Colby (13 - 11) His reaction to Rich's nakedness was my biggest laugh during episode two. The smack in the rump to Rich after winning immunity was a guy thing to do. Took me back to the good old days when jocks would pummel the weak kids in the locker room after gym. Ahh memories.

8. Rob C. (6 - 8) I'm waiting! Where is the scheming and plotting?

9. Ethan (4 - 7) Ethan Ethan Ethan, aren't you the only professional athlete in this game? I thought athletes were supposed to remain calm during the game. Guess I know now why you were a pro in the African soccer league and not the States or Europe. Becoming a limp noodle.

10. Jerri (14 -12) The claws come out next week! Woohoo! I have just not been feeling right about seeing Jerri climb up my charts. You rightly deserve to be down by Shii after your first stint on Survivor. The reaction to voting out Rudy deserves a bit of a move up however.

11. Richard (11 - 13) Outlook on the game is smart but the outlook on my TV screen of him makes my eyes blurry.

12. Alicia (10 - 10) A little to bossy in this episode for my liking. Isn't Alicia supposed to be the strong woman in this tribe? Sat out one challenge and first to rest in the other? Not showing much yet but those fantastic abs. You know if I wasn't such a lazy bum, who hated to workout, I would have those too.

13. Susan (7 - 16) Performed great in the challenges and kept her yap shut this week eh. Did she even speak eh? Good strategy eh, keep with it eh.

14. Amber (16 - 15) Hope she wins the million so she can get a boob job. Bad dreamer bad dreamer. Shame on me, doing rosemary's as I type.

15. Jenna M. (15 -14) Tick Tock Tick Tock.

16. Shii Ann (18 - 17) Basement dweller who will remain here until she proves otherwise. Best redeeming quality so far is her lack of screen time.

Rudy (3 - 6) Jiffy put it best; Rudy is a hero in anyone's book. Makes me feel good to know that there are men and woman like Rudy protecting us everyday. This game is going to get so cut throat soon, that maybe it's a good thing he gets out now with his pride and dignity. He will be missed in this household.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by gizmo_ber on 02-08-04 at 00:11 AM
And the beat goes on, as Ethan moves back up the list with a heck of a showing this week, and Lamber makes the journey back south.

1. Ethan(7)
2. Rob M.(2)
3. Le3)
4. Richard(4)
5. Rob C.(1)
6. Tom(15)
7. Colby(5)
8. Jenna L.(6)
9. Alicia(9)
10. Jerri(12)
11. Rupert(11)
12. Susan(14)
13. Jenna M.(17)
14. Shii Ann(13)
15. Kathy(16)
16. Amber(8)

Rudy was placed at #10 last week.

don't like sunlight, keep me away from water, don't feed me after midnight

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 02-09-04 at 05:48 AM
1. Kathy
Most likely to remain at the top of my list throughout her stay here. Nice, feisty, kind, and not afraid to voice her opinion. Contrary to what some people think, I don't think she has done anything dumb this season. The "plotting" in episode 1 wasn't all that serious so it wasn't a big deal for her to check who was behind the bushes (unlike firm alliances of Burton and Jon when Sandra listened in). I also agree with her that they should start building their fire asap before it rained. If they got close to making fire, then they could simply try to shield the fire from the rain by building a shelter like they did at the Amazon. It sure is better than sitting around doing nothing.

2. Alicia
My favorite feisty girl is stuck in a tribe led by the annoying, thinks he's all macho, Rob M. Can't wait for the finger-wagging to start.

3. Lex
Seems like a nicer guy this season and probably learnt a lesson from his paranoia in S3.

4. Shii Ann
I like her comments and think she's entertaining.

5. Colby
Still as hunky as ever but needs to assimilate himself with the tribe more. Note to Colby: women complain simply to let off steam. Don't take it as negative energy coz it'll be worse when women bottle everything up.

6. Jenna M
I gotta admit that I'm putting her here mostly because of her love for her mother.

7. Jerri
I like Jerri this season. And I happen to agree with her that Rupert's a control freak. Not quite in the love category yet coz it'll take more than 2 episodes.

Warming up to:
8. Ethan
I wanna see if he's actually capable of strategizing. I personally think that he should've approached Rudy and Rupert for an alliance first before Jenna L and Jerri got their hands on them. Rudy and Rupert are men who value integrity and honesty; qualities that Ethan has. Rudy and Rupert are perfect partners for the Boran Boys Club Part 2 and it was a pity that Ethan missed the opportunity. But on the other hand, I'm glad to see Ethan finally be on the chopping block coz I wanna see just how good he is at the game of Survivor.

9. Rob C
He's more UTR now and more thoughtful in his strategy, which I definitely prefer over the cocky Rob C in S6.

Sinking ships:
10. Rupert
A little too control-freakish for me, and seems to be playing up to the camera too much with his elaborate pauses.

11. Jenna L
I like her feistiness but I think she's a challenge liability without realizing it.

12. Ambore
Why didn't they get Gina for Christ's sake? She makes a much better sweetheart and is a pretty eye candy too. I, for sure, would've preferred to see Kelly W in her spot. Kelly W and Sue in one tribe! Imagine that! The other Kelly, Kelly G, will also up the chance of fireworks in this already volatile tribe. Instead they got Lamber. What a disappointment!

Have some issues with these people:
13. Sue
I like her heck-care attitude but don't like her spitefulness, which I think she still has until today.

14. Tom
I never got past seeing the racist lecher editing in S3. Have to see if he's like that this season.

15. Richard
Too cock-y.

16. Rob M

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)
Hail the purple rock! Hallelujah..... Oh glory!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 02-09-04 at 11:02 AM
1. Lex (1) - He'd pretty much have to burn down the whole island single-handedly to drop out of #1. Then again, that might not even do it.
2. Rupert (2) - The man can catch fish with a pointy stick. Hell, he could probably catch 'em with rope if he had to. Dicque is a poseur. Rupe is the real deal.
3. Tom (6) - How did he manage to be the eye of the hurricane? He is, hands down, the best thing Chapera has going for it. Still, this man will have a feather in his ass at some point this season. Mark my words.
4. Alicia (3) - What I love most about her is how she makes Rawb make that "12-year-old boy being told to go to his room" face. And the hat-feeding thing? It will happen. Oh, yes. It will happen.
5. Shii Ann (4) - In a tribe full of people who think they're smarter than everyone else, it's nice to see someone just happy to be there.
6. Kathy (5) - Dammit. We got stuck with Rotu-Kathy. Did she learn nothing? I'm hoping I don't have to wait til E7 to see her "get it" again.
7. Jerri (7) - The true Jerri is starting to crack through the smiley exterior. Maybe Rupe can poke her with the pointy stick this week. A guy can hope, anyway.
8. Rob C. (8) - It's weird seeing him be such a lemming. Is it strategy, or is he afraid a confrontation with Soozin or Alicia will cause him to wet himself? I'm going with the latter.
9. Ethan (9) - Yay! Paranoid Ethan is back! Although I've heard that it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you.
10. Jenna M. (10) - She is so jealous that Dicque gets to be the naked one this time.
11. Amber (9) - Seems like her strategy comes straight from that Monty Python skit "How Not To Be Seen". I guess some things never change.
12. Colby (13) - I've come to terms with the fact that I really just don't like this guy. Clearly, he's been taking "phony" lessons from Tina.
13. Rawb M. (15) - Sure his soundbites are cutting, but he gets no points for saying them where no one else can hear them. Playing the tough guy to the camera man and the audience is about as cheezy as it gets.
14. Jenna L. (14) - Gawd she's annoying. Shut up during the challenges, already. Personally, I don't think Ethan meant to throw the bucket away. I think he wanted to go upside her head with it and it slipped. Oh, and is it wrong that I laughed my ass off when she singed her hair?
15. Dicque (16) - Please let the shark eat him this week. Please let the shark eat him this week. Please let the shark eat him this week...
16. Soozin (17) - Jeez, Chapera. Could you guys stop winning challenges already, and throw this hag off?


"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by echogirl on 02-10-04 at 00:13 AM
1. Lex (2) - Lex rocks! Totally into the game and keeping his gut in check. A little bit of paranoia is attractive though.

2. Rupert (9) - Started at number 2, dropped to 9, then bounced back nicely this episode. Kept his word to Rudy and poked a fish with a stick! Go Rupe!

3. Richard (1) - He's snarky, he's fun, he's freaking naked all the time. I heart Dicque!

4. Tom (7) - Tom keeps going up? I hated Tom in Africa! Thought he was an annoying redneck. But so far he's been a lovable hick and he totally rocked in the IC. Plus the song was cute!

5. Ethan (16) - Mr. Paranoid! Oh spastic one! You kinda blew that challenge hon, but this episode you fought more than you whined. Without Lex and Tom to protect you are officially over the radar! And like Pooh the more beard growth I see from Ethan; the more irrestible he becomes. The man is a phreaking Hottie!

6. Jerri (12) - Episode one the softer, sweeter Jerri didn't impress me. But by gosh those tears at TC looked so real! I was actually moved! So I have to move her up.

7. Alicia (4) - A relatively quiet night for Alicia although her interactions with RobM are fun!

8. Rob M. (3) - Less funny this time. I guess I can only take small doses of the Robfodder's humor before it gets old! But he's done an amazing job in the challenges thus far and seems to have his head in the game.

9. Jenna M. (8) - An invisible night for Jenna, but so far she has been playing the sweetheart role. I never hated her in the Amazon but is she ever different away from Heidi!

10. Kathy (6) - One of my preseason Top 3 picks and so far I see the early Rotu Kathy. The one I didn't particularly like! I'm sure she will bounce back, or at least I hope she does.

11. Sue (5) - How can Sue be invisible? Other than the challenges (she was awesome) Sue was invisible. Is that possible?

12. Colby (15) - The star of the Outback seems so insignificant so far. Obviously this Cowboy prefers land as he's being outperformed by Lex and Richard in the challenges. He moves up due to his one cute confessional!

13. Rob C (14) - A bit smug and to UTR for me. Plus he hasn't been funny.

14. Jenna L. (11) - She continues to drop! I didn't mind her "boot the winners" strategy, but her constant screaming is beginning to sound like nails on a chalkboard. She hasn't helped in challenges either. Shut it Jenna!

15. Amber (17) - Lamber. Amboring. Yawn. Still wondering how you made A.S.S.

16. Shii Ann (13) - At least Amber made the jury! Shii Ann just seems so smug. I remember why I didn't like her in Thailand. I mean she's not exactly a brilliant strategist, and she's not exactly an IC hog. She just annoys me for some reason!

Rudy was 10 last week and would have been 7 this week. You have to admire the man! That said I thought he was overly bitter after his boot. I mean he was kinda hurt, he's 75 and Saboga needs to win challenges! But still I hated to see him go so soon.

Biggest Gainer - Ethan (9 spots)
Biggest Dropper - Rob M. (5 spots)

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by RudyRules on 02-10-04 at 12:35 PM
Honorary #1: Rudy!
1. Rupert (3) You are a man of your word!
2. Big Tom (2) What can one say about the Big Guy!?
3. Amber (5) Eye Candy
4. Rob M. (4) Very entertaining.
5. Kathy (7)
6. Lex (12) I'm liking him more and more, but not in THAT way!
7. Colby (13)
8. Shii Ann (9)
9. Ethan (10)
10. Jenna M. (14)
11. Rob C. (15)
12. Susan (16)
13. Jerri (8) You backstabber!
14. Dicque (18)
15. Jenna L. (6) You Major backstabber!
16. Alicia (17) Way too much drama.

Your 2003 College Football Pool Ultimate Prize Winner!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol 8.2"
Posted by GuessItRains on 02-11-04 at 10:28 AM
My first list of the season, so no prior rankings.

1. Kathy--As my all-time favorite survivor, Kathy will hold this ranking until she does something to not deserve it.
2. Colby--Loved his "fat naked man" comments. Staying out of the way of the bossy leaders may help him.
3. Lex--Good strategist, bonding with his tribe.
4. Jerri--She's sensitive, calm, and playing very strategically. We will see if the acting job can last more than six days.
5. Rob4--Keeping his tribe alive, putting the moves on Amber, and dissing Probst. I love all three.
6. Tom--The good ole boy is still fun this time around.
7. Ethan--He may not fish but he is a nice guy and proved his worth to his tribe.
8. Alicia--Her bossiness may come back to bite her, but she hasn't done anything too offensive yet.
9. Jenna6--Bland but pretty.
10. Amber--Bland but pretty. Ranks behind Jenna6 because she is less deserving of the invite.
11. Rupert--Keeping his tribe alive with fish, but not fighting to save Rudy is a backhanded backstab in my book.
12. Shii Ann--Just have never been a fan.
13. Sue--Was she in this episode? Does not seem to be bonding well with her tribe.
14. Rob6--Too starstruck and not nearly as smart as he thinks he is.
15. Jenna1--Still whiny. Still annoying.
16. Richard--Still arrogant. Still annoying. And now we get to see far more of him far too often.

"Week 8.2 Tally"
Posted by 321Jump on 02-11-04 at 10:11 PM
As promised:

All Star Survivor 8.2 Tally

Rank. Name (total points)

1. Rupert (243)
2. Tom (264)
3. Kathy (272)
4. Colby (283.5)
5. Lex (283.5)
6. Rob C (367)
7. Rob M (375)
8. Jerri (382)
9. Richard (384.5)
10. Ethan (389)
11. Alicia (391)
12. Shii Ann (457.5)
13. Jenna M (476.5)
14. Amber (499.5)
15. Susan (505.5)
16. Jenna L (549)

Note how our All Stars are bunching up into three levels of affection: 1-5, 6-11, 12-16. Also of interest: The bottom group is all women.