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"rodger bingham : the forgotten survivor"

Posted by ruppiefan on 02-05-04 at 11:32 PM
The local news channel in Louisville ky, WLKY did a special report on rodger tonight. He had been picked for the 24 but didnt get picked in the final cut. "I really trained hard just in case I did make the final cut" stated Bingham. He is perhaps better known as Ky Joe. He always said the reason he didnt make the final cut was because MB wanted him and elizabeth as a team. He had apparently worked out and got in good shape. There was footage of him walking a beam, throwing a boomarang and firing a slingshot. He sent a message to Jeff, MB, about the next Survivor Allstars.. "COUNT ON ME< CAUSE I CAN WIN" For now Rodger is a traveling spokesperson for The Kentucky Agriculture. Hoped there might be some other fans of Rodger's, who would find this interesting.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: rodger bingham : the forgotten survivor"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-06-04 at 00:24 AM
thanks for sharing that! if there's an ASS2, Rodger better be on it! he and Sandra are my favorites!

"RE: rodger bingham : the forgotten survivor"
Posted by bubbastan on 02-06-04 at 01:18 AM
Ruppiefan, thanks for posting this. Rodger is still my all-time favorite Survivor, and I was really disappointed that he didn't make it to ASS. Here's hoping he gets the nod should there be an ASS2. He was such an overwhelming fan favorite (he averaged in the mid-90's in the fan popularity poll on the CBS site for Outback), I'm sure there are lots of folks that would love to see him again.

"RE: rodger bingham : the forgotten survivor"
Posted by DoodleBug on 02-06-04 at 11:46 AM
He is my all-time favorite!! I really miss him this time around. Thanks for the info!

Snazzy new sigpic by Slice

"RE: rodger bingham : the forgotten survivor"
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-07-04 at 02:13 AM
Roger was great. Thanks for all the info.

"RE: rodger bingham : the forgotten survivor"
Posted by tinybubs on 02-07-04 at 09:24 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-07-04 AT 09:28 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-07-04 AT 09:26 AM (EST)

Roger is one of my favorites too, but there is probably a good reason he didn't make A.S.S., he couldn't swim. Since I assume alot of the challenges will involve swimming, I would have hated to see him flounder around costing his tribe challenges which would end up making him looking bad. I assume MB considered this when making his final cut to 18.

Editted for grammer, I should have paid attention in English class in school.

"RE: rodger bingham : the forgotten survivor"
Posted by Brownroach on 02-09-04 at 04:36 PM
Well, if Rodger spent a lot of time training for ASS, I assume he spent some of that time on improving his swimming skills. He'd be well aware that was an area that needed work. I don't think that's the reason MB bumped him.