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"Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"

Posted by pearl1 on 02-04-04 at 07:02 PM
I applied and was wondering how long it takes before they start calling people. I know the chances are a million to one, but I have high hopes. Any infor would be great!

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"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-04-04 at 08:06 PM
I have applied before.
Twice in fact. For Australia I sent in the application. For Africa I went to the open auditions at CBS Studios in L.A..
Neither time did I get accepted for the show.

However, with my limited knowledge of RealityShow casting processes, I can pretty much say with some confidence that they, "the producers", will have viewed all of the tapes that were sent in, within two weeks of the final deadline.

My thought is that the next week (3rd week) is spent setting up interviews for the following week (4th week).

So anyway, I'm not quite sure of the deadline but if it has already been a couple of weeks or more, than you probably weren't chosen to go through to the interviews.


But you can call me tribe. S7ABCABP Winner

"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by pearl1 on 02-04-04 at 08:21 PM
The deadline was January 27, so I guess that means that I tried in vain. Oh well, thanks for the response.

"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-05-04 at 02:12 AM
Well, you might still have a couple of days left.
Don't lose hope just yet. As of now it's only been a week.

Did you send it in right before the deadline or did you send it in early?

If your's was sent in close to the end, it might not have been viewed just yet.

Keep the faith, but understand that if by the end of February comes and you still haven't gottan a call, than you probably didn't make it.

But you can call me tribe. S7ABCABP Winner

"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by pearl1 on 02-05-04 at 09:20 AM
They received my tape on the 22 of January, I had it tracked. I wonder if they watch the tapes after the deadline or do they view them as they come in. I made a really funny video, Im gonna be so bummed out if they dont call. Thanks for all your input, Ill keep you updated.

"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by getemcolby on 02-09-04 at 11:27 AM
I sent my app. on Jan. 12. Still haven't heard anything. I've got some outpatient surgery scheduled March 2 and am hoping that if (*the BIG IF) they call me it's not around that time.
Am just wondering if it's more like end of March, since taping is end of May. It seems like they wouldn't want to have a lot of time in the process to give people time to run their mouths about being chosen.
Be nice to talk to someone who got called to a semifinal interview.

"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by pearl1 on 02-09-04 at 12:24 PM
I would be tickled with one interview. I tried to make my tape a little different, I looked at the audition tapes for a couple of other survivors that made it and they were pretty basic. Good luck to you, I hope one of us gets a chance! I think they will start setting up interviews this week. I figure if I havent heard anything by the 1st of march, I will give up hope. The first interview is for 800 people, you would think we could be in there somewhere!!!! Good luck again. Do you think alot of people send in tapes? I guess thats a stupid question.

"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by JohnMc on 02-09-04 at 02:49 PM
I sent mine overnight so that it arrived on Jan 27, the very last day. I know it arrived because I tracked the overnight shipping. Still holding out hope that they'll pick mine. I tried to do something unique w/mine, too, pearl1. There's usually some 65,000 to sift through, so the odds are pretty slim. I do think it is my destiny to be on Survivor, though, so I'm believing I'll get the call at some point.

*crossing my fingers, toes, and praying to the gods of all major and 3 minor religions, including atheism*

"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by getemcolby on 02-09-04 at 03:49 PM
I've been searching the net at other sites trying to find some more info. Can't find anything from anybody else that's been to semifinal interviews.
If any of you have any luck let me know.

"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by pearl1 on 02-09-04 at 04:59 PM
Hey, I heard that they have received 65000 tapes so far since the show started, so really broken down it would be rounded off to 10,000 tapes per show! Hey, dont give up yet, that narrowed it down for all of us!! The minute anyone gets a call, share it with the rest of us. Good luck to all of us future survivors!!!

"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by getemcolby on 02-09-04 at 05:04 PM
I thought Iheard 70,000 tapes per show.

"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by pearl1 on 02-09-04 at 05:08 PM
Sheesh, thats alot of tapes, they probably just threw mine in the trash, Did anyone see Sandra's audition tape, why did they pick her, I cant figure it out. I LOVED her, but her tape was no big deal, how do they decide who is in and who is out???? Please someone, give me some insight!

"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by Howard Dean on 02-09-04 at 09:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-04 AT 00:16 AM (EST)

Well they say that they are looking for a wide variety of people from different parts of the country and backgrounds, so that's why we see men and women of all ages, personality types, ethnic backgrounds, even hair colors and body types. But in general most of the people on Survivor lately have tended to be younger, so if you are 40ish, for example, you are probably less likely to be chosen.

All of that, of course, you've probably already heard. At any rate, hope you succeed!

>Sheesh, thats alot of tapes, they
>probably just threw mine in
>the trash, Did anyone see
>Sandra's audition tape, why did
>they pick her, I cant
>figure it out. I LOVED
>her, but her tape was
>no big deal, how do
>they decide who is in
>and who is out???? Please
>someone, give me some insight!

"RE: Has anyone ever applied to be on survivor?????"
Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 02-10-04 at 04:40 AM
Maybe having big b00bs like Erin's will help Ok, ok... taking it to bashers...

But I think they're looking for someone who has the potential to provide them with drama above all else.

Good luck with your auditions anyways and be sure to continue posting with us after you got picked!

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)
Hail the purple rock! Hallelujah..... Oh glory!