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Thread Number: 2247
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"S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"

Posted by LionChow on 02-02-04 at 12:21 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-03-04 AT 02:01 PM (EST)

I was excited about this season well before it started and the debut show certainly did nothing to disappoint me. The players seem to be into it and nobody looks like they’re going to go Diva on us. Jerri was strategically toned down, Ethan gave up on the radar and even Lamber took some action on her own behalf.

And what about MB and the fire-hoarding? Saboga had to be stunned when Jiffy wouldn’t let them sneak back to camp with their torches. Brutal. In keeping with my policy of incorporating some of the elements of the show into this game, I hearby declare that I am not allowing you ABC tribe members to have light until you invent your own lightbulbs. All posts must be made in the dark, after which time you may flip the switch back on.

Five people got off to a great start and managed to separate themselves from the massive pack stuck at 11. Our first Leader of the Pack is GuessItRains (15) followed by Cuauhtewate, TeamJoisey, ulalame (13) and Yogi (12). Great start you guys! Down at the other end of the standings, djandy (-11) starts out at the bottom. Right on her heels is tribephyl (-10), EchoGirl (-7) and LionChow (-5). And before any of you congratulate either Echo or myself for our moves to win last place, know that neither of us were shooting for the red ink. Oops! I think this No-Spoilers stuff is going to mean an early demise this season. Oh well, it’s worth it. Just remember that next week is your last freebie. Week 3 starts the eliminations.

Reward and Immunity Challenge Teams continue to be:
Chapped, Saggy and Mojo Jojo


15 - GuessItRains
13 - Cuauhtewate, TeamJoisey, ulalame
12 - Yogi
11 - 321Jump, Bebo, Breezy, bubbastan, colleenwannabe, Corvis, dreamerbeliever, ExInterper, gizmo_ber, ivoryElephant, KermitVixen, LeftPinky, LozengeofLove, Neobie, okaloosajohn, PepeLePew13, railfan, RoadKill, spacey, Swami, TungFong, udg, ValleyGirl, yensid
10 - benjapol, BlowbyBlow, ejm92, Gerbees, GrendelsMom, Jims02, JohnMc, PelicanPete, realityluver, ShowMeTheWinner, smokedog, smrtNsassybnkr
9 - Angelfood, BRules, buckeyegirl, Keae, SurvivorManiac, tjstein
8 - Cin, DracoMalfoy, FesterFan1, Lolly, Milan23
7 - I_AM_HE, PackMan, PigSpanker, whoami
6 - rwj3eb, Seyz
5 - Laurieish, RebelCrown, Steen
4 - GTmike, mikey, PlumBlossom
3 - silentJ
0 - magic_star
(2) - AugustGirl, Evenstar, Madeira, managerr
(4) - sisyphus
(5) - LionChow
(7) - echogirl
(10) - tribephyl
(11) – djandy

Other notes:

The Official Jims02 Remaining Survivors List:
Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, Ethan, JennaL, Jerri, Rudy, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

Good luck next week!

Remember, two more weeks left to enter the contest!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by PackMan on 02-02-04 at 01:10 PM
I've got a short week, so I'm getting mine in now.

Machetes, water buckets, maps
Fire for water, tents for naps.
Who can keep their big mouths shut?
And who gets thrown out of the hut?

Dicque stripped, what else is new?
Shii Ann’s still looking for a clue.
Lex proclaims changed has the day.
And Kathy has too much to say.

Big Tom’s a hick, this much we knew.
And Amber’s still a little ewe.
But Susan’s gotten much too scary,
Too willing to tackle dysentery.

The losing tribe was most deserving.
And Jenna’s voice is quite unnerving.
While Jerri kept her mouth a-stall,
Rudy entertained us all.

So who goes next? Who gets the vote?
The idol’s up for grabs to tote.
One is gone, the rest still run.
The game is on, it’s far from done.

Safe: Amber, Alicia, RobC, RobM, Sue, Tom, Jerri, Rudy, Rupert, Colby, Kathy, Lex, Shiiann

Reward: Chapera

IC: Chapera

If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when are you going to find time to do it again? - Anonymous

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 02-02-04 at 02:22 PM
Safe (lines are just to separate tribes):
Jenna L
Jenna M
Shii An
Rob M.

RC Win: Mogo Mogo
IC Win: Chapera

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 02-02-04 at 02:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-04 AT 10:01 AM (EST)


Colby, Jenna M, Kathy, Lex, Shii An, Rich

Alicia, Amber, Rob M., Tom, Rob C., Sue

RC Win: Mogo Mogo
IC Win: Chapera, Mogo Mogo


ETA the second team winning immunity per your rules clarification.

"Automatic Penalty!"
Posted by djandy on 02-02-04 at 03:28 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-03-04 AT 11:09 AM (EST)

Rudy, Richard, Rob C., Ethan

RC: Chapera
IC: Saboga


"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by spacey on 02-02-04 at 06:13 PM

Rob M
Rob C
Jenna M
Jenna L

RC: Saboga
IC: Chapera

Posted by tribephyl on 02-02-04 at 06:39 PM


But you can call me tribe. S7ABCABP Winner

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by RudyRules on 02-02-04 at 11:46 PM
Jenna L, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, Kathy, Lex, Shii Ann, Alicia, Amber, Rob M., Tom, Rob C., Sue

RC Win: Mogo Mogo
IC Win: Mogo Mogo

Your 2003 College Football Pool Ultimate Prize Winner!

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Cin on 02-03-04 at 09:05 AM
Jenna L.
Jenna M.
Shii Ann
Rob M
Rob C
Big Tom

RC: Saboga
IC: Chapera


"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Evenstar on 02-03-04 at 09:48 AM
Safe: Amber, Alicia, Tom, Sue, Rob M,Rob C, Rich, Colby, Lex, Kathy, Shii An, Jenna M, Rupert, Jeeri, Jenna L

RC: Saboga
IC: Chapera

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by JohnMc on 02-03-04 at 11:07 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-03-04 AT 06:42 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-03-04 AT 11:07 AM (EST)


Chapera - Alicia, Amber, Rob M, Sue, Big Tom

Mogo Mogo - Colby, Lex, Rich, Shii Ann, Kathy

Saboga - Rupert, Jenna, Jerri

I'm playing to stay alive to the end this time!

RC: Saboga
IC: Chapera

edit to ask for a rules clarification:

When is week 3? Is it the third episode to be shown a week from Thursday? Or is week 3 the week that shows the 4th episode?

I just want to know how many weeks I get a chance to screw up before I go over to the ABPABC contest.

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by LionChow on 02-04-04 at 09:07 AM
>edit to ask for a rules
>When is week 3? Is
>it the third episode to
>be shown a week from
>Thursday? Or is week
>3 the week that shows
>the 4th episode?

Week 3 is the third episode of the show. Therefore you can pick the Bootee this week and still continue to play, but don't slip up after that!

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 02-03-04 at 11:25 AM

Chapera - Alicia, Amber, Rob M, Sue, Tom

Mogo Mogo - Colby, Lex, Shii Ann, Kathy

Saboga - Rupert, Jenna, Jerri

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Chapera

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Milan23 on 02-03-04 at 11:37 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-03-04 AT 11:37 AM (EST)

Chapera - Alicia, Amber, Rob M, Tom

Mogo Mogo - Colby, Lex, Shii Ann, Kathy, Jenna M

Saboga - Rupert, Jenna, Jerri

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Chapera

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by realityluver on 02-03-04 at 11:44 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-03-04 AT 11:44 AM (EST)

Safe: Alicia, Amber, Colby, Ethan, Kathy, Lex, JennaM, Rich, RobC, RobM, Rupert, Shii Ann, Sue, Tom

RC: Saboga
IC: Mogo Mogo

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by ivoryElephant on 02-03-04 at 11:48 AM
IC: Chapera
RC: Mogomogo


Rob Mariano

I don’t really give a damn which one of the two goes, as long as it ain’t me."-Sandra Diaz-Twine

"Week 2 Entry"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 02-03-04 at 04:13 PM

TeamJoisey lives Exit 8A; works Exit 13A (Nawk); vacations exit 82a
(gee, what sterotype?)
Exit 105? Bruuuce says hello.

Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

RC: Mogo-Mogo

IC: Chapera & Mogo-Mogo

"See you in Loser Lounge! Aw heck, give me a penalty too!"
Posted by echogirl on 02-03-04 at 04:19 PM
And before any of you congratulate either Echo or myself for our moves to win last place, know that neither of us were shooting for the red ink. Oops! I think this No-Spoilers stuff is going to mean an early demise this season.

We suck! But it was so fun watching ASS without knowing who was going to go. Somehow I managed the maze without seeing too many picks! Anyway I am doomed either way. Can't contend for the Red Ink title nor can I win OA. Mediocrity here I come! Hopefully I can last awhile though. This is the only game I entered!

My anti-bootee: Rudy, Ethan, Jenna L.


"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Steen on 02-03-04 at 04:27 PM
Safe: Amber, Tom, RobM, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, Kathy, Lex, Shiiann

Awesome J Slice Creation 2003

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by silentJ on 02-03-04 at 04:28 PM
safe- Rupert, Jerri, Both Robs, Kathy, Shii Ann, Colby, Lex, Alicia, Amber, Tom, Sue


"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-03-04 at 04:38 PM
Amber, Tom, Alicia
Jerri, Rupert
Colby, Kathy, Lex, Shiiann

RC: Chapyerass
IC: Mojo Jojo

may come back later and add more names if i'm feeling brave

"Smoochies to LC"
Posted by Bebo on 02-03-04 at 04:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-03-04 AT 04:41 PM (EST)

Hee hee hee. I know it doesn't get me extra points, but DAW that I am, I do appreciate the mention in the post.

RC: MojoJojo
IC: Chappy

Safe: Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

Snarky, smart, S7 Anti-Bootee Champ

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Road Kill on 02-03-04 at 04:47 PM

Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann.

RC: Saboga

IC: Mogo Mogo

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Corvis on 02-03-04 at 05:36 PM
Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, RobM, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, ShiiAnn

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Chapera


"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by ulalame on 02-03-04 at 05:48 PM
Here's my picks:

Safe: Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

IC: Chapera/Mogo Mogo
RC: Mogo Mogo

"Question re. IC/RC"
Posted by ulalame on 02-03-04 at 05:52 PM
Oh, and just wanted to add a question about the scoring on the IC and RC -- since at least with the IC, we learned that two teams will be immune, do we gain/lose points if we put both teams we think will be immune, or are points only awarded if we pick the team that comes in first? Same question may apply for RC (if they give two teams reward). Thanks!

"RE: Question re. IC/RC"
Posted by LionChow on 02-04-04 at 09:12 AM

Last week, I looked at it as two teams having won immunity, therefore if you had mentioned both Mogo and Chappy, you got +2 instead of just +1.

For both of the challenge types, however many tribes "win" something, that's how many points are up for grabs.

However, I won't allow entries that simply list all three tribe names for immunity (thus guaranteeing a +1 net). Two is the most for either challenge. I guess we'll also find out how many tribes share the reward this week. I'm guessing only one will get it, but you never know.

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by ejm92 on 02-03-04 at 06:10 PM
Safe: Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

RC: Saboga
IC: Chapera

Survivor All-Stars: Let's Go Big Tom!

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by LeftPinky on 02-03-04 at 06:53 PM

RC: Mojo Jojo
IC: Chappy

Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM
JennaL, Jerri, Rupert
Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

created by the amazing JSlice!
Not volunteering to jump off the plank this season... Find someone else!

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by LionChow on 02-04-04 at 09:15 AM

Not volunteering to jump off the plank this season... Find someone else!

I believe, if such a thing again becomes necessary, that "honor" will go to Fester. You already went above and beyond the call of duty last season.

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Angelfood on 02-03-04 at 07:11 PM
safe: Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Shiiann

ic: Chappy
rc: Chappy, mogo mogo

No divas? Here comes Alicia...

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 02-03-04 at 09:26 PM

Rob M
Jenna L.

RC: Chapera
IC: Chapera, Mogo Mogo

A Kyngsladye Creation

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 02-03-04 at 09:39 PM
Chapera: Alicia, Amber, Sue, Rob M., Tom, Rob C.

Mogo Mogo: Colby, Lex, Rich, Shii Ann, Kathy, Jenna M.

Saboga: Rupert, Jenna L., Jerri

Reward challenge: Mogo Mogo
Immunity challenge: Chapera / Mogo Mogo

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by whoami on 02-03-04 at 10:13 PM
The safe list???
Amber, Tom, Alicia, Rob C, Sue, Rob M, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, Jenna M, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann.

It is all decided by chance, by being at the right place at the right time. Eccl. 9:11

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by GrendelsMom on 02-03-04 at 11:10 PM
Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

RC: MojoJojo
IC: Chapped (1st), MojoJojo (2nd)
<==flashed by J_Loaf
Like I know what I'm doing

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Cuauhtewatemoccajava on 02-03-04 at 11:23 PM
RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Chapera, Mogo Mogo


Alicia, Amber, Rob M., Rob C., Tom, Susan

Lex, Kathy, Richard, Shii Ann, Jenna M., Colby

Rupert, Jerri, Ethan

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Seyz on 02-04-04 at 00:18 AM
Tough Week. I didn't see those Jenna votes coming at all last week...

This week I'm playing it safe!



Shii Ann
Jenna Morasca


"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by smokedog on 02-04-04 at 00:56 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-04 AT 09:48 PM (EST)

Rob M

Shii Ann


RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Chapera

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by TungFong on 02-04-04 at 02:36 AM

Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

RC: MogoMogo
IC: MogoMogo

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by benjapol on 02-04-04 at 06:14 AM
Safe :
Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM,
JennaL, Jerri, Rupert
Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Shiiann

RC : Mogo Mogo
IC : Chapera

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 02-04-04 at 08:21 AM
Safe: Lamber, Big Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, Colby, Jenna6, Kathy, Lex, Dicque, Shii Ann

RC: Mr. Mojo Risin
IC: Chapera/Mojo

"Won't it be dull when we rid ourselves of all these demons haunting us, to keep us company?"
Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:281.5 Loss To Date:-57.5

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Gerbees on 02-04-04 at 08:27 AM

Tom, Amber, Alicia, RobC, Rob M, Sue, Jenna L, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, Jenna M, Lex, Kathy, Rich, ShiAnn


"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by bubbastan on 02-04-04 at 10:21 AM
Safe: RobC, RobM, Tom, Alicia, Amber, Soozin, Richard, Colby, Lex, JennaM, Shii Ann, Kathy, Rupert, Jerri, JennaL

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Mogo Mogo/Chapera

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by ValleyGirl on 02-04-04 at 10:39 AM

Great job with setting up the game, LionChow, much appreciated.

Safe list: Rupert,JennaL,Jerri,Alicia,Susan,Kathy,ShiiAnn,Richard,Colby,

RC - Mogo Mogo
IC- Mogo Mogo/Chapera

Valley Girl
"Richard, keep that thing under control!....."

"Colleen's picks"
Posted by colleenwannabe on 02-04-04 at 11:27 AM
Alicia, Amber, Rob M, Susan, Tom, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, Kathy, Lex, Shii Ann

Reward: Mogo Mogo

Immunity: Chapera

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by GuessItRains on 02-04-04 at 11:58 AM
Wow! Can't believe I'm leading the pack after Week 1. Especially as a former contest winner...I thought I'd be targeted from the start! Somehow I doubt that will last. Wish I could say I had some spoiler info that JennaL was picking up votes, but frankly I just got lucky.

Anti-bootees: Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

RC: Mogo Mogo (Mojo Jojo)
IC: Chapera (Chapped), Mogo Mogo (Mojo Jojo)

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Keae on 02-04-04 at 12:51 PM
Alicia, Amber, RobM., Susan, Tom
Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, ShiiAnn

IC: Chapera, Mogo Mogo
RC: Mogo Mogo

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Swami on 02-04-04 at 01:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-04 AT 01:52 PM (EST)

Rob M
Rob C

Mojo Moguls:
Jenna M

Jenna L

RC: Saboga
IC: Mojo Moguls, Chappy

I love you Richard, but don't unpack.

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 02-04-04 at 01:59 PM
Rupert, JennaL, Jerry, Tom, RobC, Sue, Amber, Alicia, Colby, Lex, ShiiAnn, Jenna M, Kathy

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Chapera and Mogo Mogo

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by sisyphus on 02-04-04 at 02:08 PM
Safe this week:

Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

IC: Chapera and Mogo-Mogo

RC: Mogo-Mogo

Posted by Jims02 on 02-04-04 at 02:43 PM
If I'm gonna keep losing in this contest, well, I'm going to at least persistantly bug you about my list...

(Just another DAW moment)

Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, Ethan, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

RC: Saboga
IC: Chapera

Money: $40,000 (whoops, wrong show)

A 2004 IceCat creation

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 02-04-04 at 03:15 PM
Rob M.
Jenna M.
Shii Ann

RC: Saboga
IC: Mogo Mogo


"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by 321Jump on 02-04-04 at 03:46 PM
Safe: Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Chapera

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 02-04-04 at 04:13 PM

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by udg on 02-04-04 at 04:37 PM
Safe: Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, Ethan, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann
Reward Challenge: Mogo Mogo
Immunity Challenge: Mogo Mogo, Chapera


"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by LionChow on 02-04-04 at 04:41 PM

Amber, Tom, RoBC, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Shii

IC: Mojo Jojo

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by ExInterper on 02-04-04 at 05:27 PM
Not waiting too long this week.

Chapera: Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, RobM
Mogo Mogo: JennaM, Rich, ShiiAnn, Kathy, Lex, Colby
Saboga: Rupert, Jerri, JennaL

Reward: Mogo Mogo
Immunity: Mogo Mogo, Chapera

Yet another Jslice masterpiece!
"If there's one thing that I learned while waiting for my turn,
Is that in each life some rain falls, but you also get some sun." -- John Popper

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by railfan on 02-04-04 at 06:52 PM

Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

IC---Mogo Mogo

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by PelicanPete on 02-04-04 at 07:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-04 AT 07:17 PM (EST)

Week 2, alright here I go...

Alicia, RobC, RobM, Susan, Tom, Amber

Rupert, Jerri, Ethan

Mogo Mogo:
Richard, JennaM, Colby, Lex, Kathy, Shii Ann

Reward: Mogo Mogo Tribe
Immunity: both Chapera and Mogo Mogo Tribes

BTW LionChow, it seems to me that last week I earned 11 pts. instead of just 10. I went back to look at my picks and I think I had all of MM and Chap. listed (12) plus JennaL, Ethan, and Rupert- which would be a total of 15 points, then subtract 6 points for JennaL's 2 votes which comes to nine points. But then I had Chapera (Chap.) winning IC with Mogo Mogo (MM) coming in second which should equal 11 points. Since you answered a question earlier about being able to earn 2 points for IC picks, it seems I should have another point. Maybe I'm wrong, but could you check again and see if I did indeed earn another point. Thanks- sorry, I'm not at all trying to be a pain in the but, I really appreciate your work with hosting this game.


"You missed the "Snewser Penalty""
Posted by LionChow on 02-05-04 at 12:43 PM

Hey Pete,

You got it all right except for one missing piece of the puzzle. Because the post was edited on the day of the show, you picked up a (-1) "Snewser Penalty".

For the last couple of seasons, I've had a penalty for entering or editing your post on show-day. It used to be -3 points all season long, but this season, I've tried to increase the pain for those folks relying on Snewser (etc.). This season, your penalty will be equal to the week number we are in. So last week's Snewser Penalty was only a -1. This week -2 and so on.

It applies whether you actually used Snewser or somebody else, or just simply forgot. The easiest way to avoid picking up a penalty due to forgetting is to put in an initial pick list on Monday or Tuesday, and then go back and edit it on Wednesday if your feelings change.

Good luck Pete!

Posted by PelicanPete on 02-06-04 at 10:01 PM
Thanks for clarifying. Yeah, I remember reading about that rule. Oops, I guess I just have to be quicker huh?

Thanks again,

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Lolly on 02-04-04 at 07:58 PM
Safe: Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

RC: Mojo Jojo
IC: Mojo Jojo

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by LozengeofLove on 02-04-04 at 07:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-04 AT 07:59 PM (EST)

RobC, RobM, Tom, Sue, Amber, Alicia, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Rich, JennaM, ShiiAnn, Colby, Lex, Kathy

IC: Saboga
RC: Mogo Mogo

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 02-04-04 at 10:34 PM


RC: Mogo
IC: Chapera, Mogo

"Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Yogi on 02-04-04 at 11:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-04 AT 11:09 PM (EST)



RC Win: Mogo Mogo
IC Win: Mogo Mogo, Chapera

" Week 2 Entry"
Posted by GTmike on 02-05-04 at 00:15 AM
Hey LC,
I made a mental note to get my picks in before the deadline and I started to watch a movie, and then the Mole, and then the Real World, and then I made a snack and then I remembered that I didn't make my picks. Dang it.
I'm also going spoiler free (although I am watching the Insider video stuff). Still not picking any winners though or anyone who should have a big target on them. If it ever gets down to a small number of people can we get a non-spoiler list every now and then???????

Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Rudy, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex,


mojo dojo, chapped

When someone gets fire, can we get lights again?????

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Neobie on 02-05-04 at 04:01 AM
Hope I'm not late! Forgive me!

Safe are everyone except Rudy and Ethan. So it's Shii Ann, Richard, Colby, Kathy, Amber, Tom, Alicia, Rob C, Sue, Rob M, Jenna L, Jerri, Rupert, Jenna M and Lex.

RC Winner: Mogo Mogo
IC Winners: Chapera, Mogo Mogo

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 02-05-04 at 05:10 AM
Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

IC: Chapera, Mogo Mogo
RC: Mogo Mogo

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)
Hail the purple rock! Hallelujah..... Oh glory!

"Well, poop"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 02-05-04 at 09:45 AM
With the Tuesday repeat and a house full of 5 kids last night, I completely failed to realize that my picks were due last night. Now, because I am actually honest, even though I have to take the penalty I'm not going to wait around to see what Snewser says. Can I have a half penalty? For being late but not late enough to benefit from Snewser? I love you LionChow... you know that. You were my first. <<batting foxy eyelashes>>

On with it....


Reward: Mogo Mogo

Immunity: All but Saboga

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by rwj3eb on 02-05-04 at 11:30 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-05-04 AT 11:31 AM (EST)


Amber, Tom, Alicia, Sue, Rob M, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, Jenna M, Kathy, Lex, Shii-Ann

IC - Chapera
RC - Chapera

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by Swami on 02-05-04 at 11:36 AM
Oops--I almost forgot to enter. Am I too late?

Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, JennaL, Jerri, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

RC: Mojo Moguls
IC: Chappy & Mojo Moguls

I love you Richard, but don't unpack.

"Week 2 Entry"
Posted by tjstein on 02-05-04 at 01:04 PM
Ack! I missed it big time this week. And I can't believe I made it in under the wire last time. That was lucky. Not so lucky this time.

RC: Mogo Mogo
IC: Chapera

Safe: Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by yensid on 02-05-04 at 01:38 PM
Shii Ann

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 02-05-04 at 05:51 PM
RC: Saggy
IC: Mojo Jojo

Safe: Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, Rupert, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Shiiann

an IceCat original

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by RebelYell on 02-05-04 at 06:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-05-04 AT 06:17 PM (EST)

Anti-bootees: Amber, Tom, Alicia, RobC, Sue, RobM, Ethan, Rupert, JennaL, Jerri, Colby, JennaM, Kathy, Lex, Richard, Shiiann

Reward: Mogo Mogo
Immunity: 1st Chapera; 2nd Mogo, Mogo

"RE: S8 ASS Anti-Bootee Contest Week 1 Results / Week 2 Entry"
Posted by magic_star on 02-05-04 at 06:37 PM
Safe List

T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!