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Thread Number: 2220
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Original Message
"ASS ... PTTE"

Posted by drich61 on 01-25-04 at 02:45 PM
What's a PTTE, you ask?
Well PTTE means "Picks To The End"

Okay... here's the goal:

Post your prediction about the ENTIRE boot order for the season (starting with first booted and ending with sole survivor)...

This doesn't need to have any analysis, although you're welcome to throw anything in that you want... this is fanatics, and this is intended to be fun, but NO spoilers posted Please.

With any spoiler information available to you, coupled with your own intuition, see how well you can do.

The poll won't close, but all votes made after any episode starts on the East coast won't count... the earlier you enter, the less points you may earn, so enter early!!!

Scoring: There are changes since last season, because of survivors reentering or at some point maybe entering the game after the original announced list... here's the way that the scoring will work:

1) You do NOT want points... they're bad... it's like golf. Every point counts against you in the standings, so try to avoid them.

2) Points will be awarded to every contestant in the game after each episode of Survivor 8: ASS. They will be awarded as the difference between where you thought this week's bootee would finish and where the bootee actually finished. Finish position is equal to the number of players in the game at the start of that episode, so with added players they will be added to the next weeks list, and more than one person will end the game with the same finish position.

For example: If episode 6 of S6 had just aired, and you thought that Shawna was going to be S6's sole survivor, you would recieve 10 points for the week (She actually finished in eleventh place, you thought she would finish in first place so: 11 - 1 = 10, or if you thought she was going to be booted first 16th place that would be 5 points for the week : 16 - 11 = 5)

3) If you do not enter before the first episode, you will start with a score equivalent to 8 points per episode you missed. That means that it's possible to join the game after several episodes and enter in first place, but statistically speaking, you'll have a better chance if you enter earlier.

4) You will be given 5 points every episode you change your PTTE... but it's only 5 points, so change it often if you think it will help you out. You will not be penalized for any changes made before the first episode airs. The five point penalties will come into play after episode one.

5) Reentering/Entering survivors after the start of the game will need to be added/readded into your PTTE lists after this happens, the scores calculated from the first time they are booted will stand. There will be NO 5 point penalty for changing your list when needing to add these players into your list for the first week only. The 5 point penalty is back in effect for the second week after we learn whom enters the game. (This is only for survivors eligible for the million dollar prize, not family members which join the tribe for the night then leave.) Should a player enter and be booted without our having time to update our lists (ie. in the same episode) then that player's position will not count in this game.

6) Should more than one player be booted in an episode, they will be scored in the order we see them booted on the show. ie. Shawn was shown booted before Osten, even though Osten's tribe would have finished last in that challenge and therefore should have gone to Tribal Council first. Whatever the show does is what will stand.

Housekeeping Procedures:

1) A point total will be posted by me shortly after each episode (unless I'm too busy, in which case I'll post it when I get to it)

2) Please do not edit your post to make changes, make a new post instead... once I've seen your list, I won't know you've changed it...

3) If this thread gets too long, it will be closed, and a new one will be started with the current standings, a copy of the rules, and a link back to this one.

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Cuauhtewatemoccajava on 01-25-04 at 02:56 PM
18. Tina Wesson
17. Rudy Boesch
16. Jenna Morasca
15. Rob Cesternino
14. Richard Hatch
13. Jerri Manthey
12. Ethan Zohn
11. Susan Hawk
10. Colby Donaldson
9. Lex Van Den Berghe
8. Kathy Vavrick-O'Brian
7. Shii Ann Huang
6. Alicia Calaway
5. Jenna Lewis
4. Rupert Boneham
3. Tom Buchanan
2. Rob Mariano
1. Amber Brkich (sigh)

"Pig Spanker's PTTE"
Posted by Pig Spanker 3000 on 02-01-04 at 09:44 AM
18. Tina Wesson
17. Rob Cesternino
16. Jenna M.
15. Rudy Bosesch
14. Susan Hawk
13. Lex Van Den Berghe
12. Richard Hatch
11. Colby Donaldson
10. Kathy Vavrick O'Brian
9. Shii Ann Hung
8. Jerri Manthey
7. Rob M.
6. Big Tom
5. Alica Calaway
4. Jenna Lewis
3. Ethan Zohn
2. Amber Birkich
1. Rupert Boneham

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by PelicanPete on 01-25-04 at 04:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-01-04 AT 04:12 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 01-30-04 AT 03:21 PM (EST)

16.Jenna M. (leaves game because of mother's death, not voted out although they may hold a ceremonial TC)~ here's where they might disband Saboga and place them in Mogo Mogo and Chapera.
15.Rob C.
Merge~ Tortuga Tribe (blue)
8.Shii Ann
3.Jenna L.
1.Rob M.


"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Seyz on 01-25-04 at 04:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-25-04 AT 04:49 PM (EST)

18) Ethan
17) Tina
16) Rob C.
15) Rudy
14) Jenna M.
13) Tom
12) Susan
11) Colby
10) Rob M.
9) Lex
8) Kathy
7) Rupert
6) Alicia
5) Jenna L.
4) Richard
3) Jerri
2) Amber
1) Shii Ann

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Angelfood on 01-25-04 at 05:47 PM
I'm gonna stink at this, but why not?

18. Rudy
17. Sue
16. Richard
15. Tina
14. Jenna M.
13. Tom
12. Colby
11. Jerri
10. Rob C.
9. Rob M.
8. Ethan
7. Alicia
6. Kathy
5. Amber
4. Rupert
3. Lex
2. Shii Ann
1. Jenna L.

"New list"
Posted by Cuauhtewatemoccajava on 01-25-04 at 10:03 PM
Just switching around something...

18. Tina Wesson
17. Rudy Boesch
16. Jenna Morasca
15. Rob Cesternino
14. Richard Hatch
13. Jerri Manthey
12. Ethan Zohn
11. Susan Hawk
10. Lex Van Den Berghe
9. Colby Dondaldson
8. Kathy O'Brian
7. Shii Ann Huang
6. Alicia Calaway
5. Jenna Lewis
4. Rupert Boneham
3. Tom Buchanon
2. Rob Mariano
1. Amber Brkich

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Evenstar on 01-26-04 at 12:01 PM
18. Ethan
17. Tina
16. Sue
15. Rudy
14. Jenna M.
13. Rob C.
12. Colby
11. Jenna L.
10. Tom
9. Lex
8. Kathy
7. Alicia
6. Amber
5. Jerri
4. Rich
3. Rupert
2. Shii An
1. Rob M.

"Blow by Blow's Stellar Picks"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 01-26-04 at 02:03 PM
Okay, I'm gonna try to play every game on these boards this time around. After all, someone's gotta lose and that someone might as well be me.

A couple of words about the logic behind my picks -- I think previous winners will be targetted early by their own tribes. I think people who can form tight two-person alliances will go far in the game. I think individual immunity threats will be targetted early following merge. I think for anyone to have a chance, they need to buddy up with one other person and stick to that partnership. Some people just don't have the personalities or luck to buddy up. That being said, here are my picks:

1. Tina - prior winner, probably not strong in challenges.
2. Richard - prior winner, booted first chance his tribe gets.
3. Rudy - too old this time around, doesn't buddy up.
4. Jenna - sees that other winners are being picked off, quits.
5. Sue - doesn't bond with tribe.
6. Ethan - last of the prior winners, sent packing.
7. Rob C - doesn't bond with tribe.
8. Colby - immunity threat eliminated when opportunity arises.
9. Jerri - doesn't buddy up, annoys everyone.
10. Kathy - no one wants her getting close to f4.
11. Lex - was Kathy's bud, now isolated.
12. Tom - probably doesn't buddy up, gets cut.
13. Alicia - probably doesn't buddy up, gets cut to eliminate II threat.
14. Shii An - annoying but harmless player has been kept around, but f4 alliance boots her now.
15. Rupert - doesn't win II, gets sent packing.
16. Jenna L - Rupert's buddy, goes right after he does.
17. Amber - buddies up with Rob M but can't win jury.
18. Rob M - buddies up with Amber, wins jury vote by emphasizing strategy in the game.

Good luck to me.


"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 01-26-04 at 02:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-28-04 AT 01:04 PM (EST)

18. Tina Wesson
17. Rudy Boesch
16. Jenna Morasca
15. Rob Cesternino
14. Jerri Manthey
13. Susan Hawk
12. Ethan Zohn
11. Richard Hatch
10. Colby Donaldson
9. Lex Van Den Berghe
8. Kathy Vavrick-O'Brian
7. Shii Ann Huang
6. Alicia Calaway
5. Jenna Lewis
4. Rupert Boneham
3. Tom Buchanan
2. Rob Mariano
1. Amber Brkich

"new list"
Posted by okaloosajohn on 03-08-04 at 03:48 PM
18. Tina Wesson
17. Rudy Boesch
16. Jenna Morasca
15. Rob Cesternino
14. Richard Hatch
13. Susan Hawk
12. Ethan Zohn
11. Colby Donaldson
10. Jerri Manthey
9. Lex Van Den Berghe
8. Kathy Vavrick-O'Brian
7. Alicia Calaway
6. Shii Ann Huang
5. Tom Buchanan
4. Rupert Boneham
3. Jenna Lewis
2. Rob Mariano
1. Amber Brkich

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by realityluver on 01-26-04 at 02:24 PM
18. Tina
17. Rob C
16. Rudy
15. Jenna M
14. Rich
13. Ethan
12. Colby
11. Sue
10. Tom
9. Lex
8. Rupert
7. Jerri
6. Alicia
5. Shii Ann
4. Kathy
3. Amber
2. Rob M
1. Jenna L

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 01-27-04 at 09:00 AM
Sigh. I'm horrible at these things, but I lvoe em' anyway. My picks:
18. Tina
17. Ethan ::sob::
16. Jenna M
15. Rob C
14. Rich
13. Rudy
12. Sue
11. Colby
10. Tom
9. Lex
8. Rupert
7. Shii Ann
6. Alicia
5. Jerri
4. Kathy
3. Jenna L
2. Amber
1. Rob M

A Kyngsladye Original

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by LeftPinky on 01-27-04 at 10:37 AM
Here goes:
18. Tina
17. Rudy
16. Jenna M
15. Rob C
14. Richard
13. Susan
12. Jerri
11. Ethan
10. Colby
9. Lex
8. ShiiAnn
7. Kathy
6. Alicia
5. Jenna L
4. Rupert
3. Tom
2. Amber
1. Rob M

created by the amazing JSlice!

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Breezy on 01-27-04 at 10:47 AM
18. Tina Wesson
17. Rudy Boesch
16. Ethan Zohn
15. Jenna Morasca
14. Rob Cesternino
13. Richard Hatch
12. Jerri Manthey
11. Susan Hawk
10. Shii Ann Huang
9. Colby Donaldson
8. Alicia Calaway
7. Lex Van Den Berghe
6. Kathy O'Brian
5. Tom Buchanan
4. Rupert Boneham
3. Jenna Lewis
2. Rob Mariano
1. Amber Brkich

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by JohnMc on 01-27-04 at 11:19 AM
15.Rob M.
14.Jenna M.
4.Shii Ann
2.Jenna L.
1.Rob C.

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Swami on 01-27-04 at 12:37 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-27-04 AT 12:38 PM (EST)

18. Tina Wesson
17. Ethan Zohn
16. Rudy Boesch
15. Jenna Morasca
14. Richard Hatch
13. Jerri Manthey
12. Susan Hawk
11. Alicia Calaway
10. Rob Cesternino
9. Colby Donaldson
8. Lex Van Den Berghe
7. Kathy Vavrick-O'Brian
6. Shii Ann Huang
5. Tom Buchanan
4. Jenna Lewis
3. Rupert Boneham
2. Rob Mariano
1. Amber Brkich

I love you Richard, but don't unpack.

Edited to fix my sig.

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Milan23 on 01-27-04 at 02:24 PM
18 Tina
17 Richard
16 Rob C
15 Rudy
14 Jenna M
13 Jerri
12 Shii Ann
11 Ethan
10 Rupert
9 Colby
8 Sue
7 Alicia
6 Tom
5 Jenna L
4 Amber
3 Kathy
2 Lex
1 Rob M

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by djandy on 01-27-04 at 03:06 PM
My shot in the dark ...

18.) Tina
17.) Rich
16.) Jenna M.
15.) Rob C.
14.) Rudy
13.) Ethan
12.) Sue
11.) Jerri
10.) Colby
9.) Tom
8.) Alicia
7.) Lex
6.) Rupert
5.) Shii Ann
4.) Amber
3.) Kathy
2.) Rob M.
1.) Jenna L.


"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by ulalame on 01-27-04 at 05:03 PM
Here goes!

18: Tina
17: Rudy
16: Jenna M
15: Rob C.
14: Richard
13: Colby
12: Ethan
11: Soozin
10: Jerri
9: Lex
8: Kathy
7: Alicia
6: Shii Ann
5: Tom
4: Rupert
3: Jenna L.
2: Amber
1: The Robfather (Rob M.)

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by managerr on 01-27-04 at 06:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-27-04 AT 06:52 PM (EST)

18. Rob C
18. Ethan
17. Colby
16. Jenna M
15. Jerri
14. Richard
13. Rob C
12. Rudy
11. Susan
10. Tina
9. Lex
8. Kathy
7. Alicia
6. Shii Ann
5. Big Tom
4. Rupert
3. Amber
2. Rob M.
1. Jenna L.

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by drich61 on 01-31-04 at 09:25 AM
I have removed the top line 18. Rob C from your list and have Rob C in 13th place as on your list. If this is not what you want then Please update your list.

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Steen on 01-27-04 at 07:25 PM
Just random guessing

18. Ethan
17. Tina
16. Rob C
15. Jenna M
14. Rudy
13. Richard
12. Sue
11. Kathy
10. Jerri
9. Tom
8. Lex
7. Alicia
6. Shii Ann
5. Rob M
4. Rupert
3. Colby
2. Amber
1. Jenna L

"Corvis' PTTE"
Posted by Corvis on 01-28-04 at 12:53 PM
Jenna M.
Rob C.
Rob M.
Shii Ann
Jenna L.

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 01-28-04 at 04:22 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-29-04 AT 01:20 AM (EST)

Okay so my strategy will almost certainly give me a last place finish but I don't care because I'm a rebel like that. I'm going by love list! Like Rudy said in his tvguide channel pre-ASS interview, someone has to come in last place.

18. Shii Ann
17. Rob M.
16. Amber
15. Jenna M.
14. Jerri
13. Colby
12. Jenna L.
11. Richard
10. Alicia
9. Kathy
8. Tina
7. Susan
6. Rob C.
5. Big Tom
4. Ethan
3. Rudy
2. Lex (yeah!)
1. Rupert (double yeah!)

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by GrendelsMom on 01-28-04 at 10:14 PM
18. Tina
17. Rudy
16. Jenna M
15. Rob C
14. Jerri
13. Sue
12. Ethan
11. Colby
10. Richard
9. Lex
8. Kathy
7. Shii Ann
6. Alicia
5. Jenna L
4. Rupert
3. Tom
2. Amber
1. Rob M

gotta lvoe the loaf
Like I know what I'm talking about

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by silentJ on 01-28-04 at 10:17 PM
18-Rob C
16-Jenna M
6-Shii Ann
5-Rob M
3-Jenna L
2nd- Big Tom
Winner- Rupert

Posted by udg on 01-29-04 at 04:52 AM
Here goes nothin'.

18) Tina
17) Rudy
16) Jenna M.
15) Rob C.
14) Richard
13) Colby
12) Susan
11) Tom
10) Jerri
9) Alicia
8) Ethan
7) Lex
6) Rob M.
5) Shii Ann
4) Amber
3) Rupert
2) Jenna L.
1) Kathy


"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Bebo on 01-29-04 at 10:52 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-29-04 AT 10:53 AM (EST)

18. Tina
17. Richard
16. Jenna M.
15. Rudy
14. Ethan
13. Susan
12. Jerri
11. Colby
10. Rob C.
9. Lex
8. Kathy
7. Alicia
6. Tom
5. Shii-Ann
4. Rupert
3. Jenna L.
2. Amber
1. Rob M.

edited because I only put 16 on my first list - old habits die hard!

Snarky, smart, S7 Anti-Bootee Champ

"Completely biased guessing"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 01-29-04 at 11:29 AM
A spoiler-free shot in the dark...

18. Rudy
17. Richard
16. Tina
15. Rob C.
14. Jenna M.
13. Susan
12. Colby
11. Jerri
10. Ethan
9. Kathy
8. Tom
7. Rob M.
6. Alicia
5. Jenna L.
4. Rupert
3. Amber
2. Shii Ann
1. Lex

If this list scores under 50 points, I'll be amazed.

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Lolly on 01-29-04 at 02:23 PM
18: Tina
17: Rudy
16: Jenna M
15: Rob C.
14: Richard
13: Colby
12: Ethan
11: Susan
10: Jerri
9: Lex
8: Kathy
7: Alicia
6: Shii Ann
5: Tom
4: Rupert
3: Jenna L.
2: Amber
1: Rob M. (Winner)

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by gizmo_ber on 01-29-04 at 03:10 PM
18. Tina
17. Richard
16. Jenna M.
15. Ethan
14. Rudy
13. Colby
12. Rob C.
11. Jerri
10. Tom
9. Susan
8. Kathy
7. Lex
6. Shii Ann
5. Rupert
4. Alicia
3. Amber
2. Jenna L.
1. Rob M.

don't like sunlight, keep me away from water, don't feed me after midnight

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 01-29-04 at 04:40 PM
18. Tina Wesson
17. Rudy Boesch
16. Rob Cesternino
15. Jenna Morasca
14. Richard Hatch
13. Tom Buchanan
12. Susan Hawk
11. Ethan Zohn
10. Jerri Manthey
9. Amber Brkich
8. Alicia Calaway
7. Lex Van Den Berghe
6. Colby Donaldson
5. Rob Mariano
4. Jenna Lewis
3. Shii Ann Huang
2. Kathy Vavrick-O'Brian
1. Rupert Boneham

an IceCat original

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 01-29-04 at 04:44 PM
18. Tina
17. Rudy
16. Jenna M.
15. Rob C.
14. Jerri
13. Sue
12. Ethan
11. Richard
10. Colby
9. Lex
8. Kathy
7. Shii-Ann
6. Alicia
5. Jenna L
4. Rupert
3. Tom
2. Amber
1. Rob M winner

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by ejm92 on 01-29-04 at 05:37 PM
18. Tina
17. Rudy
16. Jenna M.
15. Richard
14. Ethan
13. Susan
12. Colby
11. Jerri
10. Rob C.
9. Lex
8. Shii Ann
7. Rupert
6. Jenna L.
5. Kathy
4. Alicia
3. Tom
2. Amber
1. Rob M.

Back 2 Back NFC North Champs...Headed For Houston!

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by railfan on 01-29-04 at 07:50 PM
18. Tina Wesson
17. Rudy Boesch
16. Jenna Morasca
15. Rob Cesternino
14. Richard Hatch
13. Susan Hawk
12. Ethan Zohn
11. Jerri Manthey
10. Lex Van Den Berghe
9. Colby Dondaldson
8. Kathy O'Brian
7. Shii Ann Huang
6. Alicia Calaway
5. Jenna Lewis
4. Rupert Boneham
3. Tom Buchanon
2. Rob Mariano
1. Amber Brkich

"New list"
Posted by Cuauhtewatemoccajava on 01-29-04 at 09:19 PM
18. Tina
17. Rudy
16. Jenna M
15. Rob C
14. Jerri
13. Sue
12. Ethan
11. Colby
10. Richard
9. Lex
8. Kathy
7. Shii Ann
6. Alicia
5. Jenna L
4. Rupert
3. Tom
2. Amber
1. Rob M

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Jims02 on 01-30-04 at 11:22 AM
18. Tina
17. Rudy
16. Jenna M
15. Rob C
14. Jerri
13. Sue
12. Ethan
11. Richard
10. Colby
9. Lex
8. Kathy
7. Shi-Ann
6. Alicia
5. Jenna L
4. Rupert
3. Tom
2. Amber
1. Rob M

I wanna be a sheep too!

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Road Kill on 01-30-04 at 11:36 AM
1. Tina
2. Rudy
3. Jenna M.
4. Rob C.
5. Jerri
6. Ethan
7. Sue
8. Richard
9. Colby
10. Lex
11. Shii Ann
12. Kathy
13. Alicia
14. Jenna L.
15. Tom
16. Rupert
17. Amber
18. Rob M.

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by mikey on 01-30-04 at 01:25 PM
18. Richard
17. Rudy
16. Jenna M.
15. Susan
14. Rob C.
13. Shi Ann
12. Rupert
11. Tom
10. Colby
9. Jenna L.
8. Jerri
7. Alicia
6. Lex
5. Tina
4. Amber
3. Ethan
2. Rob M.
1. Kathy

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by ValleyGirl on 01-30-04 at 03:29 PM
Okay here's a shot in the dark:

18. Rudy
17. Tina
16. Jenna M.
15. Rob C.
14. Jerri
13. Sue
12. Colby
11. Richard
10. Lex
9. Kathy
8. Shii Ann
7. Alicia
6. Ethan
5. Tom
4. Jenna L.
3. Rupert
2. Amber
1, Rob M.
Valley Girl
"I'll never kiss and tell....."

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by yensid on 01-30-04 at 05:17 PM
I stink at these games, but they are fun so here goes.

18. Tina
17. Richard
16. Rob C
15. Jenna M
14. Rudy
13. Shi Ann
12. Ethan
11. Sue
10. Colby
9. Jerri
8. Lex
7. Kathy
6. Rupert
5. Alicia
4. Tom
3. Rob m
2. Amber
1. Jenna L

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by yensid on 02-05-04 at 01:42 PM

18. Tina
17. Rudy
16. Rob C
15. Jenna M
14. Ethan
13. Shi Ann
12. Richard
11. Sue
10. Colby
9. Jerri
8. Lex
7. Kathy
6. Rupert
5. Alicia
4. Tom
3. Rob m
2. Amber
1. Jenna L

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by whoami on 01-30-04 at 10:25 PM
#16.-Jenna M.
#15.-Rob C.
#7.-Shii Ann
#5.-Jenna L.
#2.-Rob M.

It is all decided by chance,bybeing in the right place at the right time. Eccl. 9:11

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Neobie on 01-31-04 at 08:22 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-31-04 AT 11:33 AM (EST)

Not great at games, but might as well!

Home Sweet Home
18. Tina
17. Rudy
16. Jenna M
15. Sue
14. Ethan
13. Richard
12. Lex
11. Rob C
10. Colby
9. Tom
8. Jerri
7. Rupert
6. Alicia
5. Shii Ann
4. Jenna L
3. Rob M
2. Amber
1. Kathy
Ultimate Winner

Edited: How stupid can I get?

"update needed"
Posted by drich61 on 01-31-04 at 09:27 AM
You have Rupert twice, with no Richard. How do you want it?

"RE: update needed"
Posted by Neobie on 02-02-04 at 01:33 AM
Sorry about my stupidity... Have edited in the above post...

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by LozengeofLove on 01-31-04 at 09:32 AM
18. Tina
17. Rudy
16. Jenna M.
15. Rob C.
14. Jerri
13. Ethan
12. Susan
11. Rich
10. Colby
9. Lex
8. Shii Ann
7. Kathy
6. Alicia
5. Tom
4. Rupert
3. Jenna L.
2. Amber
1. Rob M.

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by RudyRules on 01-31-04 at 01:05 PM
18. Tina Wesson
17. Richard Hatch
16. Jenna Morasca
15. Susan Hawk
14. Colby Donaldson
13. Shii Ann Huang
12. Ethan Zohn
11. Jerri Manthey
10. Rudy Boesch
9. Lex Van Den Berghe
8. Kathy Vavrick-O'Brian
7. Rob Cesartino
6. Alicia Calaway
5. Rupert Boneham
4. Tom Buchanan
3. Jenna Lewis
2. Rob Mariano
1. Amber Brkich

Your 2003 College Football Pool Ultimate Prize Winner!

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by survivorscott on 01-31-04 at 04:41 PM
Jenna M.
Rob C.
Jenna L.
The Robfadder

Come in a stranger,leave a little stranger

Posted by Yogi on 01-31-04 at 10:58 PM
Thanks for running the game again Drich61.

18. Tina Wesson
17. Rudy Boesch
16. Jenna Morasca
15. Rob Cesternino
14. Richard Hatch
13. Susan Hawk
12. Ethan Zohn
11. Jerri Manthey
10. Colby Donaldson
9. Lex Van Den Berghe
8. Kathy Vavrick-O'Brian
7. Shii Ann Huang
6. Alicia Calaway
5. Rupert Boneham
4. Tom Buchanan
3. Jenna Lewis
2. Rob Mariano
1. Amber Brkich

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by dabo on 02-01-04 at 01:29 PM
18. Tina
17. Richard
16. Jenna M.
15. Ethan
14. Rob C.
13. Jerri
12. Susan
11. Colby
10. Rudy
9. Jenna L.
8. Lex
7. Shii Ann
6. Tom
5. Alicia
4. Rob M.
3. Kathy
2. Amber
1. Rupert!


"My Picks"
Posted by drich61 on 02-01-04 at 02:14 PM
18. Tina
17. Richard
16. Jenna M.
15. Rudy
14. Rob C.
13. Jerri
12. Sue
11. Ethan
10. Colby
9. Lex
8. Shii Ann
7. Kathy
6. Alicia
5. Rupert
4. Tom
3. Jenna L.
2. Rob M.
1. Amber

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by ExInterper on 02-01-04 at 02:23 PM
18. Tina
17. Rudy
16. Jenna M.
15. Rob C.
14. Jerri
13. Ethan
12. Richard
11. Sue
10. Colby
9. Alicia
8. Lex
7. Kathy
6. Shii-Ann
5. Tom
4. Rupert
3. Amber
2. Rob M.
1. Jenna L.

Yet another Jslice masterpiece!

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Roobean on 02-01-04 at 02:50 PM
18. Tina
17. Richard
16. Jenna M.
15. Rudy
14. Ethan
13. Susan
12. Colby
11. Alicia
10. Jerri
9. Shii Ann
8. Lex
7. Rupert
6. Rob C.
5. Kathy
4. Tom
3. Jenna L.
2. Rob M.
1. Amber

"somewhat random ptte"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 02-01-04 at 03:25 PM
allowed myself to move a few around... not gonna change it from here on out

18. tina
17. rudy
16. jenna6
15. sue
14. jerri
13. ethan
12. rob6
11. rich
10. colby
9. shii ann
8. lex
7. rupert
6. kathy
5. alicia
4. rob4
3. jenna1
2. amber
1. tom

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by tribephyl on 02-01-04 at 03:55 PM
18. Tina
17. Rudy
16. Jenna6
15. Rob6
14. Rich
13. Ethan
12. Jerri
11. Sue
10. Colby
09. Lex
08. Kathy
07. Alicia
06. Shii-Ann
05. Rupert
04. Tom
03. Jenna1
02. Rob4
01. Amber

But you can call me tribe. S7ABCABP Winner

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Kokoro on 02-01-04 at 04:33 PM
18.) Tina
17.) Rudy
16.) Jenna M.
15.) Rob C.
14.) Richard
13.) Susan
12.) Jerri
11.) Ethan
10.) Colby
9.) Lex
8.) Kathy
7.) Rupert
6.) Alicia
5.) Shii Ann
4.) Tom
3.) Jenna L.
2.) Rob M.
1.) Amber

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by magic_star on 02-01-04 at 06:13 PM

T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Laurieish on 02-01-04 at 07:20 PM
Shii Ann

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by Zeek on 02-01-04 at 08:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-03-04 AT 12:56 PM (EST)

Jenna M
Rob C
Shi Ann
Jenna L

"update needed"
Posted by drich61 on 02-02-04 at 07:49 PM
Hello Zeek,

You have 19 spots on your list, you have Rob (which I assume is Rob M) at both 3rd and 5th. You can remove one of these from your list for no points, but if you change anything else it will be a 5 point penalty. Thanks

"Change for episode 2 (already!)"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 02-02-04 at 10:59 AM
Jenna M.
Rob C.
Jenna L.
Boston Rob "The Robfather"

A Kyngsladye Creation

"Week 8.1 standings"
Posted by drich61 on 02-04-04 at 06:50 PM
Welcome to another season of Survivor PTTE. As usual after the first episode we have most people having correctly picked the first boot. So we have most people tied for first place with no points, but that will change before long if we can judge from past season. Here are the first episode standings:

1- Cuauhtewatemoccajava - 0 pts.
PelicanPete - 0 pts.
Blow by Blow - 0 pts.
okaloosajohn - 0 pts.
realityluver - 0 pts.
buckeyegirl - 0 pts.
LeftPinky - 0 pts.
Breezy - 0 pts.
JohnMc - 0 pts.
Swami - 0 pts.
Milan23 - 0 pts.
djandy - 0 pts.
ulalame - 0 pts.
Corvis - 0 pts.
GrendelsMom - 0 pts.
udg - 0 pts.
Bebo - 0 pts.
Lolly - 0 pts.
gizmo_ber - 0 pts.
PlumBlossom - 0 pts.
Survivor Maniac - 0 pts.
ejm92 - 0 pts.
railfan - 0 pts.
Jims02 - 0 pts.
Road Kill - 0 pts.
yensid - 0 pts.
whoami - 0 pts.
Neobie - 0 pts.
LozengeofLove - 0 pts.
RudyRules - 0 pts.
survivorscott - 0 pts.
Yogi - 0 pts.
Pig Spanker 3000 - 0 pts.
dabo - 0 pts.
drich61 - 0 pts.
ExInterper - 0 pts.
Roobean - 0 pts.
I_AM_HE - 0 pts.
tribephyl - 0 pts.
Kokoro - 0 pts.
magic_star - 0 pts.
Laurieish - 0 pts.
Zeek - 0 pts.

44- Seyz - 1 pts.
Evenstar - 1 pts.
Steen - 1 pts.
ValleyGirl - 1 pts.

48- FesterFan1 - 2 pts.

49- Angelfood - 3 pts.

50- silentJ - 4 pts.

51- managerr - 8 pts.

52- dreamerbeliever - 10 pts.

53- mikey - 13 pts.

"RE: Week 8.1 standings"
Posted by whoami on 02-04-04 at 08:48 PM
This is great. I am tied for first place ( with 43 other people), But this my be the only time I am in first place. My record in these games is not to good so far.

It is all decided by chance, by being at the right place at the right time. Eccl. 9:11

"RE: ASS ... PTTE"
Posted by rwj3eb on 02-05-04 at 11:38 AM
18. Tina

17. Rudy
16. Jenna M
15. Rob C.
14. Ethan
13. Rich
12. Shii-Ann
2.Rob M.
1.Jenna L

"Week 8.2 standings"
Posted by drich61 on 02-08-04 at 09:24 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-08-04 AT 09:31 AM (EST)

Ladies and Gentlemen, first I would like to welcome our new player rwj3eb. This week we had 29 players with a score of zero by picking Rudy to be booted. Congratulations go out to each of them, most of whom are also our leaders with perfect scores of 0.

1 - Cuauhtewatemoccajava - 0 pts.
PelicanPete - 0 pts.
okaloosajohn - 0 pts.
LeftPinky - 0 pts.
Breezy - 0 pts.
ulalame - 0 pts.
Corvis - 0 pts.
GrendelsMom - 0 pts.
udg - 0 pts.
Lolly - 0 pts.
PlumBlossom - 0 pts.
Survivor Maniac - 0 pts.
ejm92 - 0 pts.
railfan - 0 pts.
Jims02 - 0 pts.
Road Kill - 0 pts.
whoami - 0 pts.
Neobie - 0 pts.
LozengeofLove - 0 pts.
survivorscott - 0 pts.
Yogi - 0 pts.
ExInterper - 0 pts.
I_AM_HE - 0 pts.
tribephyl - 0 pts.
Kokoro - 0 pts.
Laurieish - 0 pts.
Zeek - 0 pts.

28 - Blow by Blow - 1 pts.
realityluver - 1 pts.
JohnMc - 1 pts.
Swami - 1 pts.

32 - Milan23 - 2 pts.
Bebo - 2 pts.
Pig Spanker 3000 - 2 pts.
drich61 - 2 pts.
Roobean - 2 pts.
ValleyGirl - 2 pts.

38 - djandy - 3 pts.
gizmo_ber - 3 pts.
Seyz - 3 pts.
Evenstar - 3 pts.
FesterFan1 - 3 pts.

43 - Steen - 4 pts.
Angelfood - 4 pts.

45 - buckeyegirl - 5 pts. (4 pts.)
yensid - 5 pts. (3 pts.)

47 - silentJ - 6 pts.

48 - RudyRules - 7 pts.
dabo - 7 pts.

50 - rwj3eb - 8 pts.

51 - managerr - 13 pts.
mikey - 13 pts.

53 - magic_star - 14 pts.

54 - dreamerbeliever - 24 pts.

*** Scores in parenthesis are the scores you would now have had you not updated***

"Quick Question"
Posted by Cuauhtewatemoccajava on 02-08-04 at 12:17 PM
Say you have conestant X going at...I dunno, say eigth place.

Say you then think contestant X goes at seventh place instead.

You DON'T want to make a new list because you'd get more points for being slightly wrong than make a new list, right?

"Quick Question...Answer"
Posted by drich61 on 02-08-04 at 01:25 PM
You DON'T want to make a new list because you'd get more points for being slightly wrong than make a new list, right?

Absolutly, it is 5 points to update, so I would only update if I now thought I could save 6 or more points with an update. On Thursday when it became clear it would be Rudy and not Richard as I had on my list. For me to have swapped those two would have only saved me 4 points (2 points wrong with Rudy and maybe only 2 points wrong with Richard). It would have cost me 5 points to update, so I did not update.

"Week 8.3 standings"
Posted by drich61 on 02-15-04 at 03:12 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, this week we had 38 player with a score of zero by correctly picking Jenna M to leave this week. Congratulations go out to each of them, and also to our 24 co-leaders after this weeks show, still with perfect scores of zero.

1 - Cuauhtewatemoccajava - 0 pts.
PelicanPete - 0 pts.
okaloosajohn - 0 pts.
LeftPinky - 0 pts.
ulalame - 0 pts.
GrendelsMom - 0 pts.
udg - 0 pts.
Lolly - 0 pts.
Survivor Maniac - 0 pts.
ejm92 - 0 pts.
railfan - 0 pts.
Jims02 - 0 pts.
Road Kill - 0 pts.
whoami - 0 pts.
Neobie - 0 pts.
LozengeofLove - 0 pts.
survivorscott - 0 pts.
Yogi - 0 pts.
ExInterper - 0 pts.
I_AM_HE - 0 pts.
tribephyl - 0 pts.
Kokoro - 0 pts.
Laurieish - 0 pts.
Zeek - 0 pts.

25 - Breezy - 1 pts.
PlumBlossom - 1 pts.

27 - Blow by Blow - 2 pts.
realityluver - 2 pts.
Swami - 2 pts.
Bebo - 2 pts.
Pig Spanker 3000 - 2 pts.
drich61 - 2 pts.
Roobean - 2 pts.
ValleyGirl - 2 pts.

35 - JohnMc - 3 pts.
djandy - 3 pts.
gizmo_ber - 3 pts.

38 - Milan23 - 4 pts.

39 - Seyz - 5 pts.
Evenstar - 5 pts.
FesterFan1 - 5 pts.
Steen - 5 pts.
buckeyegirl - 5 pts. (4 pts.)

44 - Angelfood - 6 pts.
yensid - 6 pts. (4 pts.)
silentJ - 6 pts.

47 - RudyRules - 7 pts.
dabo - 7 pts.

49 - rwj3eb - 8 pts.

50 - managerr - 13 pts.
mikey - 13 pts.

52 - Corvis - 15 pts.

53 - dreamerbeliever - 25 pts.

54 - magic_star - 26 pts.

*** Scores in parenthesis are the scores you would now have had you not updated***

"RE: Week 8.3 standings"
Posted by Cuauhtewatemoccajava on 02-22-04 at 03:22 PM
Is this going to be updated?

"RE: ##### ... PTTE"
Posted by luv_bug on 05-03-04 at 02:28 AM
18. Tina W.
17. Rudy B.
16. Jenna M.
15. Rob C.
14. Rich H.
13. Jerri M.
12. Ethan
11. Susan
10. Colby
09. Lex
08. Kathy
07. Shii Ann
06. Alicia
05. Jenna
04. Tom
03. Rupert
02. Rob
01. Amber

"oh, puh-leaaaze"
Posted by JohnMc on 05-03-04 at 10:59 AM
Can I just take a moment to flame somebody who waits until the final 2 episodes to post their PTTE, and then actually gets some of the first 13 boots wrong?

Or would someone else like to take that honor?

"RE: oh, puh-leaaaze"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 05-03-04 at 12:42 PM
Bwah, hah, hah...I just assumed that was someone changing their picks! Definitely one of the lamest posts I've seen around here in a long time.


I do more to not work than actual work.

"RE: ##### ... PTTE"
Posted by dabo on 05-03-04 at 12:45 PM
Welcome to Blows, luv!