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"Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"

Posted by Ra_8secs on 12-06-03 at 02:19 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-06-03 AT 05:09 AM (EST)


Welcome back my friends to the trial that never ends.
Step inside, step inside.
Your morals we'll offend, let the perjuries begin.
Step inside, step inside.
Come and see the show. Come and see the show
Come and see the shooooowww!.

-- Emerson, Lake and Palmer (sortof)

As Christa joins the mute ones, at least the landslides should even out this week.

To play, predict how you think each current member of the jury would vote as if now was the final Tribal Council with the ballot consisting of the still-playing Survivors. This should be a prediction of which remaining Survivor you think a particular jury member would vote for as the winner during this week -- not who you think that juror thinks will make F2. Feel free to add explanations and commentary ala the Fanatics Love List (that's half the fun).

This week, we have 4 jurors and 5 finalists, next 5 and 4, and finally 7 and 2. (Remember the finale goes from F4 to F2.)

For example, this post-Episode 11 week, my predictions would be:

Jury -- Prediction for Winner Vote
1. Ryan O. - Darrah. "Even though you got to see your fiance, will you still go out with me after the series is over?"

2. Rupert - Sandra. "KILL 'EM, Sandra!"

3. Tijuana - Darrah. "Oh, girlfriend, did you go shopping? Love that yellow bikini."

4. Christa - Sandra. "Now who's gonna braid my hair?"

Last week, Darrah easily pulled off the win because of the 2-1 ex-Morgan majority on the jury. The totals were:

Ryan O.0018000

This week:

Ryan O.00000


-- Ra, as fast as light

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 12-06-03 at 02:24 AM
Rupert: Sandra
Christa: Sandra
Tijuana: Sandra
Ryan: Sandra


"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 12-06-03 at 05:11 AM
LOL, IAMHE. I think you're just trying to skew the votes.

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 12-06-03 at 05:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-06-03 AT 05:17 AM (EST)

who, me? O:-)


"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 12-06-03 at 05:44 AM
Hey, I should email you the code for the table calculations.

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by Sunny_Bunny on 12-06-03 at 07:25 AM
Ryan= Darrah. Bet there was a great sigh, when he saw her yellow bikini this week.

Rupert= Sandra. *waves at He*

T= Darrah. Awwww did you see their big smiles at each other?

Christa= Sandra.

Posted by aethelstan on 12-06-03 at 09:38 AM
Ryan = Darrah (he still has the hots for her)
Rupert = Sandra (only Drake left in his opinion)
Tijuana = Darrah. (what Sunny Bunny said)
Christa = Sandra (unless she learns about the fish)

Another quality creation by JSlice

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by clemsonbeav on 12-06-03 at 06:39 PM
I know I let out a great sigh when I saw her yellow bikini! My roommate just told me to contain myself.

But then they showed her in the shower... (I almost needed a Sharkie wipe )

Even when you can't see Him, God is there!

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by PelicanPete on 12-06-03 at 01:10 PM
Ryno- Darrah
Rupert- Sandra
Tijuana- Darrah
Christa- Sandra

Good Luck Darrah!


"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by Nash on 12-06-03 at 01:37 PM
Rupert - Sandra (she truly has been careful and has not done anything to upset Anyone really)

Christa - Sandra (it's a given...they voted together and certainly if Sandra had a hidden agenda, she gave Christa absolutely nothing to cause a change in direction.

Tijuana - Darrah (has to be for the same reasons Christa would support Sandra)

Ryan O. - Darrah (that's a given)

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by bris on 12-06-03 at 02:06 PM
Ryan o- Darrah

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by Fishercat on 12-06-03 at 03:42 PM
Ryan O.: Darrah (Last remaining Morgan that didn't turn on him)
Rupert: Sandra (Last remaining of his triumvirate)
Tijuana: Darrah (Seemingly best friend on show)
Christa: Sandra (See Rupert)

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by rnabring on 12-06-03 at 07:09 PM
Ryan--- Darrah
Rupert--- Sandra
Tijuana--- Darrah
Christa--- Jon

The reason for Christa voting for Jon is the respect that she has for him as seen in the CBS chat.

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by ryan_from_canada on 12-07-03 at 02:26 PM
RyanO: Darrah. Still an easy pick.
Rupert: Sandra. Even easier with Christa gone.
Tijuana: Darrah. Her fellow Morgan low-profile player.
Christa: Sandra. The last one left of Christa--Rupert--Sandra easily gets her vote.

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by Steen on 12-07-03 at 03:08 PM

Easy week

Awesome J Slice Creation 2003

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-08-03 at 09:04 AM
Ryno- Darrah. Same as last week.
Rupert- Sandra. "Sandra, I'm proud to see a true Drake in the finals. The others turned their back on the Drake, but you stood tall."
T- Darrah. Same as last week.
Christa- Jon. "I godda adbit id, Joddy, you owdplayed be ad you deserbe to win. Doesn'd chage da fac dat you are sdill ad a**hole."

Insert Witty Comment Here
Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:294 Loss To Date:-45

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by Bebo on 12-08-03 at 09:17 AM
Ryno - Darrah
Rupert - Sandra
Tijuana - Darrah
Christa - Sandra

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by LeftPinky on 12-08-03 at 09:29 AM
EAsy week of pics...

Ryno - Darrah
Rupert - Sandra
Tijuana - Darrah
Christa - Sandra

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by LolaLolaLola on 12-08-03 at 12:16 PM
Rupert: Sandra
Christa: Sandra
Ryan: Darrah
T: Darrah

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 12-08-03 at 01:02 PM
RyanO - Darrah (Rhino.hearts.Darrah)
Rupert - Sandra
Tijuana - Darrah
Christa - Sandra

an IceCat original

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 12-08-03 at 06:35 PM
Is it possible for some jury member to vote one not in F2?

Hee hee, haw haw.

What if it was a free for all?

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 12-09-03 at 06:15 PM
It would definitely make for an interesting final twist.

an IceCat original

"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 12-10-03 at 05:57 PM
Gee, I kinda missed this thread this week. Sorry for the late votes:

RyanO - Darrah still
Rupert - Sandra (his only gurl remaining)
Tijuana - Darrah her buddy
Christa - Sandra (her only fwend in the world)

Looks like we're all tied up and Sandra and Darrah will both be working hard to get rid of each other (after Burton).


"RE: Jury Votes Prediction Game, Ep. 7.11"
Posted by Flowerpower on 12-10-03 at 07:07 PM
Rhino - Deaduh, i mean Darrah
Rupert - Sandra, aka Ruperette
Tijuana - Darrah
Christa - Sandra