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"Jonny Fairplay- Genius"

Posted by Draco Malfoy on 11-27-03 at 08:56 AM
Love him or hate him, you have to admit that the "dead grandma" lie is genius. He saw how well pity worked for Jenna last season, so he decided that, if he could make it to the family visit, he would create his own sob story. Cause who's gonna lie about something like that, especially when the news comes from outside the game?

Genius, pure and simple.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Goooey_Alley on 11-27-03 at 09:16 AM
Uhmmm... his "dead grandma" is too-below-the-belt. I can't compare it with Jenna's pity-me-strategy 'cause it is for real (though I don't like her, I felt bad knowing her mom's dead already). I think Jon's move is too desperate and in my opinion, is certainly too greedy (even taking the family reward, he obviously planned it before he had gone in for the game which is a violation, I guess.)

I can't say it's genius but more of a desperate move.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 11-27-03 at 09:23 AM
I never said that I approved of it, merely stated that it was a brilliant idea. Terrible, but brilliant. Will it work out for him? Maybe, maybe not. But the fact of the matter is, he saw how a few tears got Jenna a little extra help on the auction last time and decided to take advantage of it.

I don't see how he violated any rules. It's seedy, sure, but as far as I know, there is no rule keeping you from using "family visitors" in the game in some way or another. Planning the "big lie" ahead of time is just another way of "outwitting" the opponents that no one has ever taken advantage of before. Hell, Jiffy even said in a radio interview that he'd love to see someone with 3 PhD's or whatever come in and play as a plumber from Arkansas or something to that effect.

No one ever said you had to be honest to play this game.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Kellar on 11-27-03 at 05:42 PM

The most striking contradiction of our civilization is the fundamental reverence for truth which we profess and the thoroughgoing disregard for it which we practice.

Vilhjalmur Stefanson

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Goooey_Alley on 11-27-03 at 06:45 PM
OK... So he doesn't violate any rule. Thanks.

(Gettin' old and confused with Survivor. Pulau Tiga players might find it difficult playing this game again... Re-adjust.)

He did it good but it's the price he'll pay after the game... It would be kinda more difficult for him.

"Desperate Move? Not!"
Posted by psydergrl on 12-06-03 at 10:24 PM
I disagree with this. He was in no danger the week he told the lie and continues control the happenings of the game (notice how no one can make a decision without talking to Monsiuer Fairplay?) I can't say I would have done the same thing, but I can say I appreciate his 'do anything to win attitude'. He is beginning to grow on me.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by AugustGirl on 11-27-03 at 09:21 AM
Jon's biggest gamble is hoping no one on the tribe finds out about the lie if (the horror!) he makes it to F2.

FTR, I despise Jon. He's vile. But it just goes to show you what some people will do to win. I really hope this comes back to bite him in the arse before the end of the game.

And again FTR, it grated on my nerves when Jenna did the same thing last year, but at least her mother was truly ill and her tears and sadness were real.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 11-27-03 at 09:26 AM
It's a calculated risk, to be sure. He's taking a BIG chance that he won't be exposed to the rest of the cast until it's too late to do anything. But it's one of the few truly original strategies we've seen lately, so I applaud him for thinking and planning ahead.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by AugustGirl on 11-27-03 at 09:32 AM
Since they didn't show too much of his night alone with the friend, I'm sure we missed him rubbing his hands together and cackling in an evil way ......

Bwahahahahahahha. It worked. It worked. I'm a freakin' genius. Genius, I tell ya. Bwahahahahahahha.

And I'm sure he was disappointed that the girls were not there for the night. I have no doubt he thought he'd score some "sympathy nookie" as an extra Reward.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 11-27-03 at 09:34 AM
Just for the record, there is nothing wrong with "sympathy nookie." Or "Mercy #####s" as we called them in college.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by AugustGirl on 11-28-03 at 01:01 PM
LOL! I have no objections to sympathy nookie either! But with Jonny Fairplay, the nookie provider would have had to been extremely drunk, or extremely dead.... or both.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by bell83 on 11-27-03 at 11:19 PM
Who's to say he didn't get nookie that night. jon and his "buddy" seemed a little too close for me!

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by AugustGirl on 11-28-03 at 01:02 PM
LMAO! Good one bell!

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by ryan_from_canada on 11-29-03 at 01:14 PM
hmmmm.... good one.... with Jon, anything's possible as his latest coup has told me

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 12-01-03 at 08:33 PM
Jon's biggest gamble is hoping no one on the tribe finds out about the lie

How would anyone find out? Aren't they kept in seclusion until after they vote for F2? Jon's not about to go tell anyone about the lie, and ,as far as i know, no one else in the game knows. I also don't think that Jeff or the producers would tell anyone in the game, on the other hand, maybe they would...it would make for a more exciting game. Man, that would piss me off.

*Jonny Fairplay for ultimate survivor*

"I agree"
Posted by anotherkim on 11-27-03 at 09:55 AM
I personally wouldn't stoop so low, but it shows that he has a total grasp on how to play the others.

I'm just surprised no one has called him on it in the game. What did grandma die of? Was she sick when he left? If so, why would he have expected her to come to see him? Why would he have picked his grandmother to participate in a challenge with him? The story stinks and he's just lucky that they are too nice to call him on it.

I just have to laugh because he really didn't get squat out of it. The whole loved-one-visits-the-camp is the lamest reward ever.

--I still can't wait for him to be voted off. He looks like a rat.

"RE: I agree"
Posted by Oscirus on 11-27-03 at 02:07 PM
Perhaps the reward challenge was lame but the true genius came after the fact when he used the lie to manipulate Sandra into an alliance with him and drove it home at tc.

Hes definately the greatest survivor villan of all time and i doubt hell ever be topped hed be a good choice in all star survivor regardless of how despicable he may be

"Also agree -- reluctantly."
Posted by Estee on 11-27-03 at 03:16 PM
I think that in the pure gameplay context, it was an amazing move, especially given how far in advance it was planned -- but I almost hate myself for admitting it. It's kind of like saying that you admire General Rommel's work in North Africa. You can certainly admire the strategy and execution, but at the end of the day, you're still giving grudging nods to someone who was fighting for the Axis.

>I'm just surprised no one has called him on it in
>the game. What did grandma die of? Was she sick
>when he left? If so, why would he have expected
>her to come to see him? Why would he have
>picked his grandmother to participate in a challenge with him?

I had that filed that under 'off-camera'. 'She was fine when I left, but she's old, and they always ask you to fill in the name of a back-up visitor in case the first one can't make it...' I'm sure _someone_ asked -- probably Lil -- but it didn't make the show.
No idea how much of this he'd thought out coming into the game, but he must have figured someone would ask questions. And yet, he didn't realize that he'd need a better actor on the other end. Or at least a prompt box. 'Line!'

>I just have to laugh because he really didn't get squat
out of it. The whole loved-one-visits-the-camp is the lamest reward ever.

I don't think he even got the emotional boost and spiritual renewal that, say, Christa or Sandra would have gotten out of it.
But for the game, it was good timing. They're pretty far along: the time to reveal some (faked) human emotion and a (counterfeit) caring soul was ASAP. Since the loved one challenge always comes after the first jury selection, the 'I'm a decent person, really' card had to be played at the first possible moment.
And he did get one thing out of it. An oath. 'I swear on my grandmother's grave.' Very sincere. Nothing about her actually having to be in it at the time...

>I still can't wait for him to be voted off.
>He looks like a rat.

Y'think? I had him down for a Peruvian guinea pig.

"He didn't say "on her grave""
Posted by Ra_8secs on 11-28-03 at 00:07 AM
Why do some folks keep insisting on adding to "I swear on my grandmother" with "... 's grave"? He didn't say "grave". At least Jon stopped short of that blasphemy.

-- Ra, as fast as light

"RE: He didn't say "on her grave""
Posted by Estee on 11-28-03 at 04:05 PM
>Why do some folks keep insisting on adding to "I swear
>on my grandmother" with "... 's grave"? He
>didn't say "grave". At least Jon stopped short of
>that blasphemy.

Sorry, my memory slip. It was probably wishful thinking. Putting 'John' and 'grave' together just seems like such a natural combination... Hmmm. Darrah and Rupert could double-team...

"RE: He didn't say "on her grave""
Posted by KeithFan on 11-29-03 at 02:56 PM
Maybe it was his other grandmother?

"I, for one,"
Posted by cqvenus on 12-05-03 at 01:31 PM
would have no problem swearing on anyone's grave because graves are not anything but holes in the ground to me. I would swear on other people because swearing doesn't mean anything to me, either. not sure what kind of blasphemy you're referring to, but just because it's blasphemous in your realm doesn't mean it is for everyone. I doubt he stopped short in order to minimize the blaspheme of the moment.

~ cq

"RE: I agree"
Posted by BrassFan on 11-27-03 at 10:17 PM
>I'm just surprised no one has called him on it in
>the game. What did grandma die of? Was she sick
>when he left? If so, why would he have expected
>her to come to see him? Why would he have
>picked his grandmother to participate in a challenge
>with him? The story stinks and he's just lucky that
>they are too nice to call him on it.

They did call him on it. On the CBS website, the Fantasy Game clip of the week, they show Jon and his buddy talking about it, and he says something to the extent of "I loved it when they asked me what she was dying of, and I hadn't thought of anything." So, he had set it up before by mentioning that his grandmother was dying.

>I just have to laugh because he really didn't get squat
>out of it. The whole loved-one-visits-the-camp is the
>lamest reward ever.

I wouldn't count that chicken yet...It did appear to help him convince Sandra to vote out Tijuana when he played the "I swear on my grandmother's grave" card....and the tribe really seemed to buy into his "I'm a changed man" bit at TC....so, he might get more mileage out of this than we know..


"Evolving ethics"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 11-27-03 at 10:14 AM
Much as I really can't stand the dickhead, I've gotta hand it to him. Obviously many people feel it's unethical, but I recall a lot of people here felt that alliances were unethical when Rich Hatch pioneered the concept.

And how about Sandra's actions with the fish?

Ethics are an evolving concept.

"RE: Evolving ethics"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-27-03 at 05:38 PM
Fast Eddie,

Seems like I'm responding to your posts all the time. And usually to say "I agree". Not this time.

Jon's move was a calculated lie. One that will get him kicked out when (if) he's found out.

Sandra threw the fish b/c she felt like Rupert's fish shouldn't benefit people who just stabbed poor Rupe in the back. I see it as a knee-jerk reflex and really don't have any problem with it. Yes, she lied about it afterward (if anyone actually asked her). But the two are definately different.

"RE: Evolving ethics"
Posted by Fast Eddie on 11-28-03 at 10:22 AM
The way I read Sandra's action was that she deliberately did this sabotage and made a spectacle of herself ("proving" it couldn't have been her) so that someone (anyone) else would get blamed and thus be on the hit list, rather than her.

I'm giving her credit for a calculated ploy - a bit like Jerri smearing Kel; you're saying it was just circumstantial. If your reading is right, her calculation was much less, simply allowing someone else (an ally, yet!) to take the blame. I submit that many people would find such ducking to be unethical, and that the only reason it's being largely ignored is that it pales beside Jon's action.

But the facts of the incident aside, the point is: is framing a fellow competitor to look bad unethical? I think the view is changing on this one.

"RE: Evolving ethics"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 11-29-03 at 02:41 PM
LAST EDITED ON 12-01-03 AT 08:09 PM (EST)

My personal opinion is that Sandra's throwing of the fish was worse. Jon's ploy may have been unethical, but he was just playing the game. His lying about his grandmother doesn't directly hurt the other tribe members, but deliberately destroying the tribe's food damages the tribe.

I give Jon kudos for outwitting the other tribe members. He can bring this back and use it for his advantage later on in the game.

Who knows, this may change the way survivor is played in the future.

*J Slice is my hero!*

"RE: Evolving ethics"
Posted by bell83 on 11-30-03 at 00:04 AM
Are you kidding me!? 1st of all she says she accidently knocked it over 2nd of all she never blamed Christa, she just allowed the others to. John flat out lied about his grandma dying! His plan was calculated and just evil. (brilliant but still evil). if the idiots had never voted Rupert off they wouldn't have to worry about the fish in the first place!!!!

"RE: Evolving ethics"
Posted by SurvivinSally810 on 11-30-03 at 00:07 AM
That is a rather lame excuse for Sandra's actions... The fish were not "Rupert's" fish... they were property of the tribe and what she did was simply selfish and wrong.

Jon's lie was pretty bad to watch... it was a brilliantly calculated move and it will pay off for him in the immediate future (although, if his goal is to make long-term friendships with people like Christa and Rupert, that was not a good move to make)

"RE: Evolving ethics"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 12-01-03 at 08:24 PM
Regardless of whether sandra deliberately threw away the tribes fish or "accidentally tripped over a tree stump", the loss of the fish still hurt the tribe.

Why does everyone think the tribe members were idiots for voting off Rupert? They're in the game to win a million dollars, not make new friends or let the best person win, and they saw Rupert as the strongest competitor and voted him off, not because they hate him or they want to starve, but because he was their biggest threat. Calling them idiots is, in fact, quite opposite from the truth.
I love Rupert as much as the next guy, but the tribe needed to realize, which they did, that they would not win with him still in the game.

I still stand by my original position that deliberately hurting the tribe is worse than lying to win a million dollars.

*J Slice is my hero!*

"To settle this thing..."
Posted by Goooey_Alley on 12-01-03 at 11:50 PM
Jon's grandma lie is a good strategy in the game. Sandra's fish accident is rather a careless move. Both of them have their good reasons, Jon and Sandra to avoid being voted out earlier. Sandra didn't blame Christa but instead allowed others to jump in conclusion. Sandra's action did hurt the tribe but, like Sandra's POV, they don't deserve Rupert's fish (like Burton's "let Rupert be weak.") In the first place, they already planned for the chores--someone will fetch water, someone will gather woods, and other will catch the fish or find their foods. If it's Burton who caught the fish then Sandra deliberately (accidentally) threw them, then she sabotaged the tribe. It is like "you bought something, but it is the others who benefitted from that thing" situation.

As a whole, Jon's strategy is good (I think it is like "More Evil Version" of Amazon Rob C's strategy)... but it will be Jon's downside when it comes to the real world.

"RE: To settle this thing..."
Posted by tvgeek401 on 12-02-03 at 09:46 PM
but, like Sandra's POV, they don't deserve Rupert's fish (like Burton's "let Rupert be weak.") ... It is like "you bought something, but it is the others who benefitted from that thing" situation.

I agree that the tribe would likely be worse off if Rupert didn't catch the fish, but since he caught them, it doesn't mean that only he gets to eat them. What was the tribe supposed to do after he got voted out? Just let the fish sit there and rot? If the person who keeps the fire lit got voted out, does that mean that the tribe should put out the fire and start over; or if the person who built the shelter got voted out, does that mean that the rest of the tribe has to dismantle it and start all over? No. Rupert caught the fish for the tribe to eat, so they should still be able to eat it.

*Jonny Fairplay for ultimate survivor*

"RE: To settle this thing..."
Posted by Goooey_Alley on 12-03-03 at 09:18 AM
But the point is... Why they have to make a big deal out of it when in fact they had an aquarium out there? The shelter thing can't be done alone. It's a different thing.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by sisyphus on 11-27-03 at 11:58 AM
Although I think the "Lie" was genius and low I think it will have consequences for future shows....If in future shows their is a family reward i don't think they will have the family/friends talk with the players before the challenge.....or they might just cancel the family reward outright........

On the other hand I think sandra was the only one that was skeptical..hence her first move in the challenge...can you imagine when she finds out,,,,,,,,I would like to be a fly on that wall....

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by BrassFan on 11-27-03 at 10:21 PM
>Although I think the "Lie" was genius and low I think
>it will have consequences for future shows....If in future
>shows their is a family reward i don't think they
>will have the family/friends talk with the players
>before the challenge.....or they might just cancel
>the family reward outright........

Why would they do that? MB and company LOVED what happened last night. I'm sure they got huge ratings...and all the preshow hype that's been going on for weeks about this....

>On the other hand I think sandra was the only one
>that was skeptical..hence her first move in the >challenge...can you imagine when she finds out,,,,,,,,I
>would like to be a fly on that wall....

A lot of folks have speculated that Jon and Sandra have some type of supersecret alliance going on....If that's the case, how much did she cement her "I hate Jon" routine with sending his friend out last night? If they had an alliance, and he told her about his plan...wouldn't that make for great work by both of them...She works his friend toward the water, and no one would EVER believe they had something in the works...

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by donnamossfan on 11-27-03 at 01:24 PM
I think Jonny Fairplay is despicable!

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by strid333 on 11-27-03 at 03:12 PM
Though I do not agree with the move, and this move just confirmed what I thought of Jon all along (he is an @$$), it was a brilliant play. He has so little regard for taboos and for the other people that he will try to win at any cost. I just hope it blows up in his face. And I hope the people in his home town and his family shuns him. Just to prove that money can't buy happiness. If you win, enjoy your million. There won't be anyone else who will want to share it with you.

Rupert is the perfect Survivor.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 11-27-03 at 04:28 PM
I'm so torn! On the one hand I want to hate Jon for telling THIS sort of lie (I think as an adult, you just don't lie about things like that, but maybe that's just me), but he has always played the game with well-thought out strategy and he seems to be extremely good at (for some odd reason seeing as how they all KNOW he's a creep!?!?) manipulating the rest of the tribe to fall into his gameplan. The planning beforehand is what is so brilliant about this lie. I mean I'm willing to give credit where credit is due even though I think he could have probably chosen a better but equally effective lie...maybe not though...I mean he got a helluva lot of sympathy after the fact and people almost forgot he was Jonny Fairplay and couldn't be trusted. I still have my suspicions that Jon and Sandra have their secret alliance, but we'll have to wait and see. But for the time being, I will reluctantly have to say that Jonny Fairplay is playing one HECK of a game that, were he not so obviously a slimeball, I would have quite a bit of respect for in terms of all-time survivors (one of the best strategists, undoubtedly). But, no matter what we think of him on a personal level, it WAS a brilliant move and he had the tribe eating out of hte palms of his hands after the fact right up until TC.

The 80s are back, like totally!
2003 winner of the coveted "Punky"

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by frisky on 11-27-03 at 05:03 PM
I agree, Draco. Even though I saw it coming, I still said "M----- F-----"! It was brilliant.

And it *did* boost his chances. It softened him up a bit in the eyes of the other DAWs.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by ValleyGirl on 11-27-03 at 06:13 PM
Morally reprehensible=Yes, Great Strategic move=Yes.
Will Jon win=No.
Reminds me of my first boyfriend, who lied to my face saying he couldn't take me to a high school dance 'cause his mother was sick and he had to stay home to look after her. Turned out he went to another dance with a local 'ho' and got lucky, needless to say, he never got the time of day from me after that.
Jon may have won some ground in the short term but he'll be a loser in the End.

Valley Girl
"I'll never kiss and tell........yeah,whatever!"

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by J Slice on 11-27-03 at 10:34 PM
My friend and I were laughing and cheering at the lie.

Jon = slimiest genius ever.

I tip my hat to you, Jonny Fairplay. That was one of the coolest and most awful things I've ever seen. You are worthy of playing Survivor.

Outwit and Outplay... yow!

Afraid of pancakes since 1996

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by echogirl on 11-27-03 at 11:55 PM
I think Jon is a slimeball but I do think he's played a brilliant game. Ironically I didn't find his performance in the "Big Lie" to be that convincing, at least what we were shown. Sandra didn't seem so convinced or I don't think she would have said what she did--unless she is indeed in cahoots with Jon which is entirely possible. If she isn't, then Jon's greatest achievement thus far wasn't the lie or getting Rupert booted, it was convincing S/C to vote out T over Burton. I just don't understand Sandra and Christa's logic for doing so unless Sandra and Jon have a secret alliance. Anyway I think Jon is despicable. He's an ass. I don't like him at all. But Survivor needs Jon's and Jerri's and Rob M's to make the show interesting. Enough of the UTR types!

BTW I think Jon and Sandra along with Rupert are deserving of being in the All Star edition.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Robotext on 11-28-03 at 01:40 PM
I would like to know where this "fairplay" nickname came from? Is it one of those opposite meaning nicknames (like if it was Jonny "Notgay")?

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Poindexter on 11-28-03 at 05:14 PM
All I know is that:

Burton--For accusing Christa from out of the blue

Sandra--For letting Christa unfairly twist in the wind

Jon--For selling his grandma's soul for a nickel

are all going to He-- in a handbasket, whether it's in the game, or longterm.



"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by bell83 on 11-29-03 at 00:57 AM
I was wondering if it was a gay thing too! Where did he come up with that? is it on some cartoon or something?

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by IreneMcGee on 11-29-03 at 12:11 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-29-03 AT 12:13 PM (EST)

Although I give him kudos for an original way to manipulate the game, this could seriously hurt the integrity of the shows to come.

How the heck are we now supposed to believe ANYTHING about these survivors? Part of watching the show is indentifying and feeling with/for the cast. What if Richard Hatch had grabbed the check, then admitted he was not gay, gained a hundred pounds just to make us think he was a slob, didn't have a son, and was really a multi-millionaire who didn't need the money, and never cared about the game?

What if Jenna had grabbed the check, then said, hey guess what, I used to be a man and my mother is right over there?

Burnett is going to have to figure out a way to not allow this outside the game manipulation to ever occur again. He's already taken us down an ambivalent route with the returning cast-offs.

If he allows a survivor to trump the show like this again, I think it will be the end.

I for one wish they had some kind of rules against this. Or, if they do something like it, they risk the producers revealing the lie. I thought Osten's apparent lack of genuine interest in the game was enough of a bait and switch. What's next? Christy's not really deaf, she was just using it as a strategy.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by KeithFan on 11-29-03 at 03:01 PM
I think the opposite would happen.. there certainly would be a whole new branch in the "Spoilers" board...lots to speculate about and lots of fun!

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by IreneMcGee on 11-29-03 at 03:59 PM
Yeah, but it's a new show if that happens. it's like if Oprah suddenly only did shows ala Jerry Springer.
>I think the opposite would happen..
>there certainly would be a
>whole new branch in the
>"Spoilers" board...lots to speculate about
>and lots of fun!

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Tenn_Princess on 11-29-03 at 06:56 PM
Jon is not gay, trust me.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 11-29-03 at 10:22 PM
>Jon is not gay, trust me.

Welcome to the boards. I don't think Jon's sexual preference matters to any of us.

It's his handling of truth, and his game strategy, that we find interesting.

That said, by declaring he is not gay, you imply that you have had a sexual relationship with him. If that is the case, perhaps you'd like to tell us more about Jonny Fairplay.

Dish the dirt!

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 12-03-03 at 06:32 AM
I really think it's his wrestling "gimmick" name. His character is probably someone who is always spouting off the "rules" and pointing out whenever someone else breaks them, yet taking advantage of them and breaking them whenever the opportunity arises.

Lives are gonna be in Jonny Fairplay's hands.
Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:294 Loss To Date:-45

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by daltonsangel on 11-29-03 at 11:07 PM

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by tvgeek401 on 12-01-03 at 08:44 PM
welcome to the boards daltonsangel, and i agree!

*Jonny Fairplay for ultimate survivor*

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Bebo on 12-01-03 at 09:56 AM
I find him completely loathsome, but I am so glad he's in this game. I'd rather watch his antics than a bunch of boring people sitting around.

I have to admire the fact that he was playing the game before he even got on the island. He is manipulating his fellow players and distracting them with non-game elements, using them to keep his strategy intact.

Would I ever be his friend? No. But I'm not watching this show to make new friends, I'm watching it to be entertained. And he most certainly is doing that.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by mcjesq on 12-01-03 at 04:55 PM
Who ever said that to outwit or outplay you had to be truthful? I can't stand JFairplay, but I agree that was the most ingenius move ever! I'm still excited about it several days later! Someone mentioned earlier that the show may have to come up with something other than the family challenge or having contact with outsiders--I say good! they should have to keep raising the bar to keep the ratings--I am starting to get tired of the same challenges--make the producers work! Come up with something original! The fact that they added the twist with the outcasts was fabulous--they need to do more of that!

"Grandma is rolling over in her, uh, recliner"
Posted by RebelYell on 12-05-03 at 11:54 AM
I agree with the folks who think Jon's Grandmother ploy was an innovative move, but I can't call it a stroke of genius.

At best, he has assured himself of second place with all of his maneuvering. And second place is No. 1 loser. He couldn't beat anybody head to head. He might get some votes, but I would question the character of anybody who would vote for him.

He's a cad. He has poor character.
Shame of it is, he might still get the second-place money.

So genius? Not even close.
Survivor winners are either the good people or the good players. Jonny Fairplay doesn't measure up to either one.

Jonny, basically, cannot win.
Burton and Lil really don't deserve to win -- they were voted off already.
Sandra is hampered by losing her best allies and, unless she takes charge and pits the girls against the boys (something that the girls had a chance to do long ago) she's gone, too.

That leaves Darrah.

"RE: Grandma is rolling over in her, uh, recliner"
Posted by MTW1961 on 12-05-03 at 12:36 PM
I must disagree with you. I'm no Johnny fairplay fan, but I think he may be engineering the most brilliant victory ever on Survivor. Not only has HE backstabbed everyone, but he has also caused others to backstab to the point where they all are expecting to be stabbed in the back. Also, there are several players he matches up well against in the final two - Darrah, Lill, and maybe even Burton.

He can make a solid case to the jury against Darrah by claiming, truthfully, that he engineered the game, played it to the fullest, and she merely went along for the ride. She was always "next to go". He can make the same claim against Lill, adding that she doesn't deserve to win because she's an outcast. He can make the outcast claim against Burton.

Right now, I think the survivors - as much as they despise Jon - are starting to respect and understand his gameplay. Although they despise him personally, I think they despise the idea of outcasts returning to the game more.


"RE: Grandma is rolling over in her, uh, recliner"
Posted by RebelYell on 12-05-03 at 01:14 PM
I don't know if they respect him, but they shouldn't.
And everybody sitting on the sidelines right now does know that they are there because of JF ... The next person off, unless it's JF himself, is going to feel the same way.
After the next episode, JF has four of five votes against him no matter who he comes up against.
And it only gets worse from here for him ... He's going to play that grandmother card to death (no pun intended) and if he doesn't already have four votes against him, the next person off will be that fourth vote.

This will be easier than voting for president. You just vote against the guy you DON'T want to win. How any of them can want JF to win is plausible, I guess, but still a stretch.

"RE: Grandma is rolling over in her, uh, recliner"
Posted by BrassFan on 12-05-03 at 03:13 PM
You never know how people in Survivor will vote..

Remember Christy and her 'wicked stepsisters' speech last season? She turned around and voted for Jenna, who did nothing at all, less than a week later.

Tijuana didn't seem all too upset about Jon lying. She said she didn't like it, but hey, he used it to get further in the game than she was..so he obviously outplayed her.

Believe it or not, there are people who will see that Jon outplayed them, and outwitted them, and will vote for him to win, irregardless of the fact that he engineered their demise...or, more accurately because he engineered their demise.

"RE: Grandma is rolling over in her, uh, recliner"
Posted by MTW1961 on 12-05-03 at 03:47 PM
BrassFan, that is EXACTLY my point. I think THIS CAST in particular may be more willing to reward good game play rather than hold personal grudges.

"RE: Grandma is rolling over in her, uh, recliner"
Posted by IreneMcGee on 12-05-03 at 04:27 PM
I agree with you. As much as i hate what JF is doing, I'd rather see him win than Lil or Burton. They should not even be in this game.

>I must disagree with you.
>I'm no Johnny fairplay fan,
>but I think he may
>be engineering the most brilliant
>victory ever on Survivor.
>Not only has HE backstabbed
>everyone, but he has also
>caused others to backstab to
>the point where they all
>are expecting to be stabbed
>in the back. Also,
>there are several players he
>matches up well against in
>the final two - Darrah,
>Lill, and maybe even Burton.
>He can make a solid case
>to the jury against Darrah
>by claiming, truthfully, that he
>engineered the game, played it
>to the fullest, and she
>merely went along for the
>ride. She was always
>"next to go". He
>can make the same claim
>against Lill, adding that she
>doesn't deserve to win because
>she's an outcast. He
>can make the outcast claim
>against Burton.
>Right now, I think the survivors
>- as much as they
>despise Jon - are starting
>to respect and understand his
>gameplay. Although they despise
>him personally, I think they
>despise the idea of outcasts
>returning to the game more.

"RE: Grandma is rolling over in her, uh, recliner"
Posted by pandorella on 12-06-03 at 01:06 PM
Respect his game plan? i think Jon has brought Survivor to an all time new low. a brillant victory? how sad that deceit and manipulation is rewarded when as a supposed survivor Jon has not won any challenges or immunity or contributed like Rupe or Burton in providing the food to keep them going.
Jon is almost as lame as Lil.But Lil is just a puppet and Jon
is using everyone and that you may say is the genius of it. but i can't stand him and his tactics. i hope he and Lil do NOT make it to the final two! the next cast of survivors will stoop to even lower levels to win and how far will they go if someone like Jon wins and they see it worked...more devious ways will pop up to win and that's what we've come to. calling it a brillant victory.ugh.why don't they just release some criminals from prison and put them on the next survivor and see what genius tactics they come up with if there are no limits to what they can do to win?
i hope Darrah makes it to the end. that would be a brillant victory.

"RE: Grandma is rolling over in her, uh, recliner"
Posted by RebelYell on 12-07-03 at 00:12 AM
I'm with you pandorella ...

Jonny won't win, though. He can't. Anybody thinking otherwise hasn't been paying attention.

"RE: Grandma is rolling over in her, uh, recliner"
Posted by BigBerg on 12-09-03 at 10:19 PM
Jon is the best! Sandra is downright boring in comparison.

"RE: Grandma is rolling over in her, uh, recliner"
Posted by BigBerg on 12-09-03 at 10:20 PM
Actually, I just saw the preview of the next episode and I'll have to change my opinion:

Jon is a sexist pig, and the two Ryans are the only guys from this series who know how to treat the ladies.

"RE: Grandma is rolling over in her, uh, recliner"
Posted by RebelYell on 12-12-03 at 04:07 PM
It took that long for you to figure that out?

I'll give in on one thing about Jonny Rotten: He got his first vote if he makes it to the final 2. Burton, the first Survivor to ever get voted off twice, would vote for Jon ... but did you see the smiles on the jurors' faces when the voting was revealed?
And people still believe Jonny could win this thing??

I stand by my argument. FairPlay is no genius and he proved it once again. I'll give him credit for having a notion that something might be up among the women, but someone of such great intellect would have been able to snoop it out better than he did ... He's a nothing and a fourth-place finisher on Survivor.

And what's a fourth-place finisher? I don't know ... can't name any of the others who finished fourth.

"Without Jon..."
Posted by Goooey_Alley on 12-03-03 at 09:56 AM
- Sandra might find her eavesdropping too darn senseless and boring.
- Alliances will still be strong and intact.
- Burton's bum will not be saved.
- Votes "might" be predictable.
- Survivor will still be Rupert's show.
- Audiences will find Sandra's fish accident obnoxious (in a new level) and incomparable (since there wouldn't be Jon's granny lie.)
- Jeff won't make his appearance almost every existing talk shows just to say there is a big lie, big regret, and everything else big in the show.

But still...

- Darrah is edited like a silent movie.
- Tijuana reveals her plot to everyone.
- Christa is hated by most players (as shown in Platinum.)
- Alpha males clash in one point.
- Everytime there's a Rupert-boot-plan revealed, he'd scream the hell out on everybody.
- Post-Outcast-twist booted players say they hate the twist.
- Outcasts are always the Outcasts.
- And Lil pouts, frowns, and sobs.

"i guess i was WAY too slow on this"
Posted by cqvenus on 12-05-03 at 01:28 PM
i was definitely going to start a thread about how much JFP makes me laugh my arse off every single episode. this week, I was ROFL when he started cracking up in his confessional. he is so trashy it's pathetic, but still hysterically funny all at the same time.

and, like it or love it, ppl are believing him. and he's F-d so many ppl already he *needs* a lie like this to get ppl to feel sorry for him. hell, he even got it to work on jiffy!

~ cq
still pulling for a JFP/sandra F2

"RE: i guess i was WAY too slow on this"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 12-05-03 at 03:33 PM
I still hate him. But I AM impressed. Jon's got a Svengali-like hypnotic appeal. Even Burton echoed "hope" at TC. One has to be amazed at the guy's magical skills.

He still won't get laid on the show, IMHO.

-- Ra, Spinning in geo/helio eccentric orbit

"RE: i guess i was WAY too slow on this"
Posted by MTW1961 on 12-05-03 at 03:49 PM
He would have a way better chance to get laid if he ended up in Loser's Lodge soon.

"What happens in Loser's Lodge STAYS in Loser's Lodge."

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 12-05-03 at 10:09 PM
I think he is a genius and very good at the game of survivor. Most people are bashing him for telling a lie. He didn't ever say his grandmother was dead, not that we saw from the editing anyway. Thunder Dan said that grandmother died, Johnny when asked by Jeff said that she wasn't around. They all just assumed from his "crying" that she was dead, Lill even said, "his gradmother just died".

Also, he keeps saying over and over again that he swears on his grandmother, but he hasn't said "I swear on grandma's grave". He has said other things to mislead them into believing she is dead, plus he has said that he is a changed man, etc.

Now I know that misleading somebody is virtually the same as lying, but with that being said, I still think the whole thing is genius. It's one chance for him to go out there and win the million dollars, and he isn't going to sit around and hope it happens, he is doing everything that he can do to win, even if that means misleading and lying. In the context of the GAME I don't think it's evil.

What really is the difference between a little lie and a big lie? They have all lied at one point or another if not repeatedly. To me, there is no difference, except that his took alot of thought and pre-planning.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Ra_8secs on 12-08-03 at 11:22 AM
Draco, check out my love song for Jon -- What I Like About Jon!

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by luv_bug on 05-03-04 at 02:20 AM
I am sorry that you think that lieing about someone dieing is being a genius. I think that Jonny Fairplay was a sick guy to begin with. I can't stand him and hope that I will never see him on the air again... He deserves to live with little grandma and take care of her when she gets so old she can take care of herself maybe he needs to kiss her ##### while he is cleaning it... Even though Gandma thought it was funny I still think that it was sick......

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by RebelYell on 05-03-04 at 09:52 AM
Well, thanks for jumping in there luv_bug,
and your 1998 IRS check is in the mail.

be well

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by luv_bug on 05-04-04 at 06:21 PM
what are you talking about my 1998 IRS check....

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by JohnMc on 05-04-04 at 06:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-04 AT 06:30 PM (EST)

You are being mocked because you are replying to a post that is almost 5 months old.

But that's ok - you're new, and newbies should be mocked to get broken in. It's like housetraining a puppy.

edit because I can't believe that bug isn't aware that JFP is so last season... kind of like that outfit.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by Oscirus on 05-03-04 at 10:54 AM
you must really hate jfp to dig that deep just to blast someone who hasn't been talked about in months.

"RE: Jonny Fairplay- Genius"
Posted by luv_bug on 05-04-04 at 06:29 PM
I just got on here and was reading all of this praise for Jonny Fairplay and I don't think that people should be praising him.. I just don't thank that people need to be saying how smart he was because he really wasn't.... He is out of the game isn't he...