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"Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"

Posted by I_AM_HE on 11-07-03 at 04:43 AM
Sorry this is so late guys, I had a test grading marathon that lasted from about 5pm to 2am!!! If I never see 500 tests again, it'll be too soon! But since I've finally gotten home and watched the tape, I'll make this short and sweet. So, without further ado...

Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

Well, the twist is finally complete, and it seemed most everyone loved it or hated it (or both, in my case). I'll wager a fair penny that Savage isn't a fan though, and I can't blame him! We did get a merge though, so we're heading toward the end game, and it should only get better! The numbers have finally stabalized, so list the remaining NINE survivors (your jury and final 2!!) in the order you like them, and then if you want, tell us a little reason why.

1. Sandra (1)
2. Rupert (4)
3. Lillian (NR; 1)
4. Burton (NR; 3)
5. Tijuana (2)
6. Christa (3)
7. Darrah (6)
8. Fat Ryan (7)
9. Little Jon (8)

Andrew was #5 last week. Probably would have been between Christa and Darrah had he stayed, because he's still my favorite of the 4 Morgans besides T, but he wasn't looking good at all this week, just barely hanging on mentally and physically.

Sandra - no reason to drop her. One of the main narrators this week (well, you'll note that all of the ones that got face time, minus Jon and Savage, one of whom sucks, and the other of whom is gone, are at the top of my list) Really hope she desn't try and dump Burton in favor of Darrah next week though!

Rupert - moves back up after last week's momentary blip. It's back to the Rupert show, although he's getting some strong supporting actors. Strong showing in IC, just came up a little short, and he seem sto be in a great position for now, despite being such a huge immunity threat. MB has to be rubbing his hands in glee.

Lillian and Burton - the ghosties take 3rd and 4th, Lil because I like her and she was #1 the week she left, and Burt because he had a huge week - making up with Rupert, winning immunity, and then giving it to him. Burton especially seemed to have learned a lot from his ouster. Ultimately, I just couldn't put either in first because of the twist, but even had I been willing to, Sandra and Rupert are my faves and would have taken the top spots

Tijuana and Christa - still like them, but they were pushed to the background this week, and T at least is in trouble now.

Darrah and Ryan - still don't like them, but better than...

Jon - why couldn't you go instead of Savage?!?! Argh! The Macho
Man impersonation was pretty good though, and I have to give you credit for continuing to survive despite the odds. Looked a little smashed at TC AGAIN.

Greatest Gainer: Rupert (4 to 2)
The Dave: Tijuana (2 to 5) and Christa (3 to 6)

FLL 7.7A: http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/DCForumID4/1978.shtml

and now, to bed. good night!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by sittem on 11-07-03 at 07:20 AM
One of the least compelling shows of the season - too much time spent focusing on the twist and a very anti-climactic merge. I've ended up not liking the twist much.

1. Rupert (5) Redeemed himself tonight in many ways for me. He went to Burton right away and explained his vote in a very genuine way. As crazy as he was last week he was back to the warm guy I had seen before. Way to go!
2. Tijuana (4) No major reason – she’s growing on me every week – just a classy lady. Not event hat much to go on this week.
3. Burton (-) I actually like the new version of Burton and he rocked in the challenge. Good move with the sword.
4. Christa (3) Hung in to stay up here.
5. Ryan (5) blah tonight
6. Sandra (6) Just not connecting with me
7. Darrah (7) Nothing tonight
8. Lil (-) stupid pawn voting against the “sob’s” that you hate!
9. Jon (8) Nice to see him moving down a notch.

Savage was #1 last night and all season for me. I was very sorry to see him go though it was very much expected. He played his heart out and it was sad to have him leave just when he was getting re-energized. I thought Jiffy might have shed a little tear for him at the end last night. However, the season goes on and there are a few other interesting people left.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by djandy on 11-07-03 at 10:00 AM
1.) Lillian (-,3) - Lillian gets her revenge over arrogant Andrew.
2.) Burton (-,3) - Burton showed strength in the challenge, made up with his tribe to form the majority alliance, and strategically gave the IS (Immunity Sword) away to Rupert.
3.) Sandra (1) - Just still like her.
4.) Rupert (3) - Regained respect by telling Burton to his face why he would have voted for him (did he say he DID vote for him? Wasn't he at Morgan when it happened?)
5.) Ryan O. (2) - Invisible.
6.) Tijuana (4) - Invisible.
7.) Christa (5) - Invisible.
8.) Darrah (6) - Invisible.

Grand Canyon sized Gap

9.) Jon (8) - Annoying weasel.


"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by Spanky68 on 11-07-03 at 10:08 AM
I really liked Savage getting canned this time. He lied to Lill and it came back to bite him. I don't like the twist in general, but I have to admit that I am liking Burton more now than I did before he was sent packing (Darn you and your editing powers, MB!!!).

This week, (last week)

Likeable Drakes

1. Rupert (2)
2. Burton (-)
3. Tijuana (2)
4. Sandra (3)

Sympathetic Morons who I can tolerate

5. Christa (4)
6. Ryano (5)
7. Lill (-)

Why are they still here?

8. Darrah (7)
9. Jon (8)

Rupert is back at the top of my list. I think he has been the best provider in the history of the show. He's been the best competitor in the history of the show. I'm still a little leary of him after the blowup, but I loathe Jon, too.

I never thought I would like Burton after his whole "I'm the only great player on the game" smack he ran after being voted off. But he has come back into the game with a vengance.

Tijuana is kinda like a barbie doll. She's pretty to look at. Doesn't move much on her own, but generally is likable.

Sandra looked pathetic at the IC, but I still like her.

I had Christa at the bottom of the upper eschelon last week, but her voice and posture got on my nerves again this time.

Ryano looked mildly competitive this week in the IC. Part of me wants to sympathize with him that he can't catch a fish. But my stomach over-rules the mushy part by pointing out that I would LEARN to spear a fish if I was half as hungry as this crowd seems to be.

Lill is a tough bird to figure out. At times she seems to be deep in thought. But as far as I can tell, she isn't very smart and the time thinking was mostly just her being confused. She hasn't done a lot to make us appreciate her scouting prowess.

I've said it every week: I don't see Darrah move that boyish, bony body very often. As a southerner myself, I cringe at the sound of her voice.

I can't wait to see Jon take the walk of shame.

No big movers except Burton.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by ejm92 on 11-07-03 at 10:12 AM
1. Burton (5 in week 3)
2. Lillian (1 in week 2)
3. Rupert (2)
4. Sandra (1)
5. Ryan O. (3)
6. Tijuana (4)
7. Darrah (6)
8. Christa (7)
9. Johnny Fairplay (8)

I'm glad Lill and Burton are back, Lill's revenge on Andrew was just classic...Rupert is still the man, I don't like Sandra any less, but she takes a big hit because of the outcasts' return. Anyone notice that Jon didn't heed Jeff Probst's warning about coming to TC drunk?

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by dajaki on 11-07-03 at 10:43 AM
1. Lillian - Came back in, came back in fightin'. To heck with the original Morgans! Go with original Drakes and bargain to get rid of Jon/Morgans before you!
2. Rupert - Still the best guy out there. Was smart to clear the air with Burton.
3. Burton - Thank God that eye candy is back in the game! Did a great job making up with the tribe.
4. Sandra - This one may be the new "snake" to watch out for.
5. Christa - She'll stick by Rupert no matter what.
6. Tijuana - In control of what's left of the alliance.
7. Darrah
8. Ryan O.
9. Jon

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by GuessItRains on 11-07-03 at 11:20 AM
I'll start by saying that I'm not a fan of the twist, so the outcasts are going to be held to some pretty high standards before they can move up the charts (which Burton has already started doing). With that preface, on to the rankings.

1. Rupert(4)--Redeemed himself from last week's tirade in a big way. Neutralized his big threat Burton from the moment he joined the beach.
2. Tijuana(2)--Still trying her best against fierce odds. I hope she gets a few more weeks to fight.
3. Sandra(3)--Continues to add humor to the show and did her best to make up with Burton.
4. Ryan(1)--Practically vanished this week and doomed to vanish entirely after next week's pagonging.
5. Christa(5)--Pretty invisible this week.
6. Burton(NR)--Still a smarmy weasel, but making good strategic moves to ingratiate himself with his old tribe.
7. Darrah(7)--I swear this girl has had less total air time than Nicole.
8. Jon(8)--Good for a few laughs but little else.
9. Lillian(NR)--Who let the bitter old crone back in the game? Seriously, this hag needs to remove the huge chip from her shoulder and smile once in a while.

Andrew was #6 last week.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by DoodleBug on 11-07-03 at 11:32 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-07-03 AT 05:33 PM (EST)

1. Rupert (4)
2. Burton (-)
3. Lillian (-)
4. Sandra (1)
5. Tijuana (3)
6. Christa (2)
7. Rhino (6)
8. Darrah (7)
9. Little Jon (8)

It definitely is the Rupert show again. I loved the fact that he came clean with Burton. Told him straight up why he voted for Burton. He is playing an honest game, and I really like that about him. If he can just keep his temper in check....

Burton giving up immunity to Rupert shows that everything in the past is just water under the bridge. He didn't need immunity, so why not give it to Rupert (I just hope B doesn't stab R in the back next week).

Lillian - revenge isn't a good thing, but all is fair in love and war. I wouldn't have been loyal to the Morans either. You were not welcomed back to Morgan, so why should you support them now?

Sandra/Tijuana/Christa - if T is smart, she'll team up with these two ladies to get her farther in the game.

Rhino/Darrah - boring

Jon - UGH!!!!!!!! 'nuff said

Poor, Andrew. Just when the tide was turning your way. Hope you're not too bitter. Shoulda been nicer to Lil.

Edited for a teeny typo.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by LozengeofLove on 11-07-03 at 12:22 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-08-03 AT 01:37 AM (EST)

1. Sandra (2) - She regains her spot where she rightfully belongs.
2. Burton (-) - I hated the twist last week. This week I kind of enjoyed it, because I really had forgotten how great Burton is. And I hated him the week he was ousted!
3. Christa (5) - I'm sad I wasn't able to see her 'wedding', and angry Jon had to ruin it.
4. Lillian (-) - She's smarter than the average bear, doing what she must in order to survive.
5. Rupert (6) - I'm still a Rupie fan! No worrys.
6. Ryan O. (3) - The bottom four spots now belong to the three Morgans and Jon. They deserve it. How effing stupid are the Morgans for making Lill feel like an outcast AGAIN?! Of course she'd jump ship.
7. Tijuana (4) - Tonight plus next weeks "lazy ass" comment don't help her standing.
8. Jon (8) - Take a moment to consider this - only three guys haven't been voted out of the game, and Jon is one of them!!! What the heck?! He needs to go, right away.
9. Darrah (7) - Dear Darrah: you have a personality of one of your clients. You talk like you have a mouth full of...something. You suck. I hate choo.

Greatest Gainer - Christa
Biggest Losers - Tijuana, Ryan O.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 11-07-03 at 01:41 PM
1. Rupert (1)
2. Lill
3. Burton
4. Ryan O. (4)
5. Tijuana (3)
6. Sandra (5)
7. Darrah (6)
8. Christa (7)
9. Jon (8)

Andrew was #2 last week.

an IceCat original

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by Blow by Blow on 11-07-03 at 05:38 PM
First time I've seen this thread, but I'll weigh in anyway...

1. Rupert
2. Burton
3. RyanO
4. Darrah
5. Jon
6. Christa
7. Lill
8. Tijuana
9. Sandra

Here's why:
Rupert - Regained his sanity after raging against Jon last week. Made up with Burton by explaining his feelings, not his strategy. Still cruising in challenges despite the pounds (I knew all that time spent fishing would help in this one). Didn't hear any more of his nostalgic talk about how great Drake had been.
Burton - I just feel that Burton has gained the most on a personal level in this game. Being booted first was humbling. He came back with a spirit of reconciliation. Made up with Rupert and the rest of the tribe. Real apology to Rupert. Totally got back in the game. Apparently didn't have a "what the hell were you doing voting me out" talk with Jon.
RyanO - What can I say? I know he's a little dim, but he's trying (unlike Osten or Andrew) to contribute. Despite not eating for six weeks he managed to still do well in the challenge. The only problem with this guy is that he's a little dull and is going home next week.
Darrah - I know, she's not popular. But she's starting to make little blips on the radar screen. She's competitive in challenges. I still think she's working more strategy than we've seen so far. And, bonus points, I'm starting to undertand what she's saying.
Jon - I know, everyone hates this guy. But here's the thing, he's entertaining. He gets in some good one-liners, he stirs up emotions in other people, he does his wrestling act at every TC even though he must be getting tired of it by now. And, he's the wildcard when it comes to strategy and is making everyone else think a lot harder about how to play the game. Go ahead and bash me.
Christa - I like some of the narration she's done lately, but she's just not a significant player in the game (strategy, alliances, challenges). Well, the weight bearing challenge was great, but that was weeks ago.
Lill - She came back into the game with a lot of bitterness, which I like, but she showed her hand too clearly, she spent a lot of time looking either pissy or confused and I just don't think her mind has worked through the strategy. I say if she wanted to be pissy to the Morgans, she shouldn't have even bothered doing work around camp.
Tijuana - Who?
Sandra - Who? Oh wait, she's the one who sucks a-s-s in the challenges and will vote for anyone as long as it's not her. At least she's provided some amusing commentary in past episodes. Too bad she didn't do so this week, she might have been #8 on my list. Go ahead and bash me for this too.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by Nash on 11-07-03 at 09:24 PM
Here I go again changing like the wind....

Rupert - well he threw his hissy fit last week and this week he back to sweet old loveable Rupert...

Sandra - I sense she's probably playing the game better than anyone

Lil - Well I think in spite of her permanent scowl, Lil wants to do well, tries hard, works hard and is a credit to the tribe

Darrah - I'm actually moving her up because she though still fairly invisible doesn't seem to be offensive

Ryan O. - again very invisible but he is a nice guy

Tijuana - I still like her smile although I suspect her worse side is yet to come

Christa - Well she's OK, her voice annoys me...she sounds like she has a permanent sinus infection

Jon - only not last because he brings humour to the tribe...I get a kick out of his little manipulative ways even though he is still a snake

WHICH BRINGS ME TO BURTON ... what a snake, what a liar, there is nothing redeeming about him and he is out for himself. He knew Rupert wasn't vunerable last week but hey throw immunity that way.. endear him and them knock him down ... that's Burton!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by bubbastan on 11-07-03 at 10:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-07-03 AT 10:09 PM (EST)

Well I_AM_HE, you certainly outlasted me last night! Hope you have recovered from your test grading marathon.

1. Rupert (1) - He was so incredibly sweet last night. It takes courage to admit your vulnerablities. Let's hope his heart to heart with Burton does them both some good in the game.
2. Ryan O (5) - with Andrew gone from the scene, I'll give my second place to my current favorite Morgan. His mellow, happy attitude and the way that he never says die are very endearing.
3. Sandra (3) - She's got spunk and game smarts to spare. I never thought that I'd end up liking her so much. She's been this season's most pleasant surprise.
4. Christa (4) - She's been a consistently strong performer and gets big points for loyalty. I'd love for her, Sandra, and Rupert to be the final three.
5. Tijuana (5) - I can tell she's a savy player, I just wish that they would give her some more air time. Would love to know what she's thinking about the current state of affairs for the former Morgans.
6. Burton (-) - Well, I liked him more last night than I did in any of the previous episodes that he was in. Still, I don't think that he should be here, so he'll have to work hard to climb much higher in my rankings.
7. Darrah (6) - Once again inveesible last night. I find these extreme UTR folks boring.
8. Lillian (-) - Unlike Burton, I liked her far less last night than I did in the previous episodes she was in. I find the constant droopy-dog expression on her face to be tiresome. Come on, she just got the chance which no other former bootees have had, namely to get back in the game. Her face wouldn't crack if she smiled once in a while, or would it??


9. Jon (9) - And speaking of tiresome, we have the lame hand gestures, goofy wrestler walks, and cocky cheese-eating grin contributions of Jon. It never ceases to amaze me how much unfounded over-confidence some folks have. He's an unpleasant, skeevy, scrawny little rat-bastige. Please, please, please make him just go away.

Andrew (aka Savage) - I'm really going to miss this guy. Sure, he could have handled things better with Lil, but all in all, he made a good showing. Classy exit speech. I wish he could come back. Now he doesn't even get to make the jury. Mark Burnett sucks.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by Oscirus on 11-07-03 at 10:48 PM
1. Jon- poor guys like dangerfield he gets no respect
2. TJ- too bad andrew tried to screw her last night
3. Burton - good job getting yourself back ino the game
4. RyanO- hes pretty cool story is about done though too bad
5. Sandra- stragetic like her dame
6. Darrah- is she still there?
7. Christa annoying voice ungrateful b
8. Lillian- she sucks unstragetic just dum and vengeful
9. Rupert u homicidal maniac keep your little flashbacks to yourself u big loathsome crybaby this is survivor not high school

Andrew pity that u were so slow on the trigger o well

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by bobstew617 on 11-08-03 at 00:17 AM
With the merge and the re-entry of the ghosts, I took some time to re-evaluate things...

1) RUPERT (4)--calmed down this episode and was smart to go to Burton and clear the air.
2) SANDRA (1)--is definitely the schemer in this group. We'll see whether her plot succeeds...
3) BURTON (-)--definitely had a good re-entry into the game. Saw a different side of him. We'll see if he's just playing everyone.
4) RYAN O (3)--feel sorry for him right now. Still like him, but he is toast unless he wins IC.
5) CHRISTA (5)--kind of hung back, but still has a handle on what is happening.
6) LILLIAN (-)--I like her, but we'll see if her strategy of aligning with the Drakes works. Confused about whether she or Andrew is telling the truth about what happened in Ep3.
7) TIJUANA (2)--invisible and now she's on the wrong side of an alliance.
8) DARRAH (6)--ditto.
9) JON (8)--scumbag. Enough said.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by bichon on 11-08-03 at 01:26 AM
1.(1) Rupert
2.(-) Burton
3.(4) Christa
4.(3) Sandra
5.(5) Tijuana
6.(6) Ryan O.
7.(-) Lillian
8.(7) Darrah
9.(8) Jon

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 11-08-03 at 01:16 PM
Wow! I LOVED tonight's episode! It was the best yet (except maybe the last episode, or episode 6 of survivor: africa (just kidding!))

My Rankings

#1: Lillian!
2. Burton
3. Sandra
4. Christa
5. Jon
6. Ryan O.
7. Tijuana
8. Darrah
9. Rupert

LILLIAN! I'm so glad you're back in this game. Although I am rooting for her to win, I would like to see her smile more often. Of course, I can't blame her for not smiling after being sent back to the MORON tribe. She made a great strategic move by siding with the Drakes, and the poetic justice when Andrew was voted out was excellent.

BURTON-- I'm really impressed with him. I like him more than all of the other guys left in this game. Like Lill, you were the most deserving of a second chance in this game.

SANDRA-- Sandra! You're fun, you're likeable. We'll see if things change. Keep up the good work, girl!

CHRISTA-- I like Christa... Fine, she's a little too emotionally attached to Rupert but she seems likeable enough.

JON-- I like Jon. I'm glad Lill was smart enough to vote out Asshole-in-chief Andrew first.

RYAN O-- Goes down simply for voting with Andrew.

TIJUANA-- goes down for voting with andrew

DARRAH- Goes down for voting with Andrew.

RUPERT-- Aaaagh! Rupert is still annoying. Not nearly as annoying as Andrew, but his melodramatic talk with Burton (tears welling up in his eyes) was too much for me. So, you had an unhappy childhood... show us you have the will power to overcome that and stop whining about it!

Our Greatest Gainer is: BURTON, who rises three spots from the last time I ranked him (#5 to #2)

Our Greatest Losers are DARRAH and TIJUANA who each drop six spots this week to #8 and #7, respecitvely.

Last Week Andrew was #6... during his time in the game he had an average ranking of #10


MICHELLE, TRISH, NICOLE, RYAN S... I hope you guys have fun with Osten and Shawn and Andrew (the three biggest losers in S7!)

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by Steen on 11-08-03 at 01:31 PM
1.Ryan O

Andrew would have been #3.

~I'll keep ryan at the top of my list again this week, because i have a feeling he'll be gone next week, unfortunately. And at least he was trying to catch fish, and he just always seems happy.

~I respect burton more now, having the sence to make up with the drakes.

~Never liked rupert, and he just gets more obnoxious {to me} every week. Same with Jon

~I wish Lil never came back. But at least on her first try she seemed more friendly, now she just seems like a bitter old woman. Yeah, andrew voted you out. Thats the game. Get over it and make amends, if you want people to vote for you if you make it farther.

Awesome J Slice Creation 2003

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by DEVILRAYS on 11-08-03 at 01:40 PM
1. Rupert - he's still #1, esepcially after he showed Burton his good side in terms of conflict resolution this week. Not that I don't applaud him for chewing out Jon.
2. Sandra - I hope to see her in the final 2, though I didn't see much of her this time
3. Burton - well, he's back, and he's a decent human being this time. Here's to hoping he makes the best of this time
4. Tijuana - well, she's a Morgan, but she has more brainpower than any other Morgan
5. Christa - she's ranked this low because I once made up my mind to hate her and am very stubborn; she's really not that bad as a Survivor
6. Lillian - bitter, spiteful, and just plain mean a lot of the time, but st least she's friendly to Drake
7. Ryan - invisible this week but still decent
8. Darrah - invisible as usual; if she just disappeared, I don't think too many of us would notice
9. Jon - he's taking up a jury spot that Andrew could have occupied; why, MB, why?

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by bris on 11-09-03 at 11:16 AM
My Love List
1 Darrah- Keeps reminding me of my favorite Survivor ever, Amber
2 Burton
3 Sandra
4 Ryan O
5 Christa
6 Jon
7 Ti
8 Rupert
9 Lilian- Idont know why she is taking it out on Morgan why she voted her out she tried to get Darrah out and Darrah has not done one thing bad to her since she came back

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by Kokoro on 11-09-03 at 05:09 PM
1.) Sandra (1)
2.) Rupert (2)
3.) Christa (3)
4.) Jon (4)
5.) Burton (NEW!)
6.) Lillian (NEW!)
7.) Ryan (5)
8.) Tijuana (6)
9.) Darrah (8)

Andrew was #7 last week.

* Drake is still the obvious better to Morgan. The remaining Morgans have contributed next to nothing to my personal enjoyment value of the show and so they can take their boring selves to the bottom of the list.

* It kinda sucks for Jon to be sold out and then for him to be the most "Go Team!" person in the episode, but then I remember he's a jerk and a half anyway and it's all good.

* The new Burton is pretty cool. It would've been nice if he and Rupert had had that conversation early on so that Drake could've decimated the poorly cast Morgan tribe.

* Lillian: "I have no opinion of you right now."

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 11-10-03 at 08:00 PM
1. Rupert (1)

2. Sandra (2)

3. Burton (NR)

4. Tijuana (3)

5. Ryan O. (5)

6. Darrah (6)

7. Christa (7)

8. Lillian (NR) - I used to think she was hip, but now she gives me the creeps.

9. Jon (8)

Last week, Andrew was #4.

Heidi: My biggest assets to the tribe are my athletic skills and my intelligence. I've lost one of them.
Jiffy: Which one?

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by whoami on 11-10-03 at 09:38 PM
#1.- Rupert (1) Where else would he be. He is the man, best survivor ever.
#2.-Sandra (2) She is in an alliance with Rupert.
#3.- Christa (3) Faithful to Rupert.
This is a strong alliance of three.
#4.- Tijuana (5) Moved up because Andrew is out.
#5.- Darrah (6) Love that accent. like to hear her talk. Needs more face time.
#6.- Ryan O. (7)Maybe he will do better now that Andrew is gone.
#7.- Burton ( NR) Should not be in the game. IMO
#8.- Lillian (NR) Should not be in the game. IMO
#9.- Jon (8) Could not rate anyone lower then JON.

Andrew was #4 last week and would have stayed there if he had stayed in the game.

If we just think about this we can figure it out.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by caychris on 11-10-03 at 09:58 PM
Rupert 1
Sandra 2
Christa 3
burton 4
Tijuana 5
Lil 6
Darah 7
Jon 8
Ryno 9

If Burton sticks with Rupert he will make it a long way but he must be willing to boot Lil to show loyalty.

If Ruperts alliance can pull in 2 votes this week they are in great shape because the others wont unite against them in time.

Ruperts alliance offers a shot at F4 at the moment.

Unless the rest of the tribe unites against Ruperts alliance this week it could be lights out. If Jon is the game master he claims he will play to unite not against Rupert but against Christa or Sandra to break the alliance. This is something Burton can be on board for but going against Rupert now is wrong.
Burton is as big an IC threat as Rupert is.

The only shot they have at Rupert now is if D and T are not as starved as they seem.

Ryno could save himself by approaching Jon and Burton and spilling the beans to Rupert. Right now he has to really play the game better than he has to this point.

Smartest play by all sides this week would be to rid themselves of Jon before he can pull anything together. Not that he is a threat but because he is such a wild card with little to lose now.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.7B"
Posted by dabo on 11-11-03 at 09:15 AM
1. Rupert (2)
2. Sandra (3)
3. Darrah (4)
4. Lillian (NA)
5. Burton (NA)
6. Ryan O. (5)
7. Tijuana (7)
8. Christa (6)
9. Jon (8)
Last week Andrew was #1.

"week 7B statistics"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 11-13-03 at 07:56 PM
compiling 25 lists

rank. name (last week) (total high, low)
1. Rupert (2) (66, 1, 9)
2. Sandra (1) (83, 1, 9)
3. Burton (NR) (87, 1, 9)
4. Tijuana (3) (128, 2, 8)
5. Christa (6) (131, 3, 8)
6. Ryan O. (5) (133, 1, 9)
7. Lillian (NR) (135, 1, 9)
8. Darrah (7) (165, 1, 9)
9. Jon (8) (196, 1, 9)

First place votes:
15 Rupert
3 Sandra, Lillian
1 Burton, Ryan, Darrah, Jon

Last place votes (* includes a split vote for Jon/Lil):
16 Jon*
3 Lillian*
2 Darrah, Rupert
1 Ryan, Sandra, Burton

* Everything's TWISTed around! Everyone who gained a first place vote was also voted last in at least one list! (everyone but Tijuana and Christa)

* Rupert regains the top spot, while last week's #1, Sandra, is in a close battle with Burton-with-a-fresh-new-scent for #2.

* The 4-7 battle is also intense, with Tijuana, Christa, Ryan, and Lillian all within 7 points!

* Darrah and Jon trail the pack, again.