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"S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"

Posted by echogirl on 11-03-03 at 05:08 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-04-03 AT 11:17 AM (EST)

The Twist Continues!

Confused? Me too! The twist completely wrecked havoc on the Pick The Bootee Game, but I will attempt to make it easier this week. First off we have several potential controversies with scoring. Ghost Bonus A (who returns to compete in the game) was clear. All six did officially compete in the challenge so the bonus points were reflected on last weeks scores and this weeks standings. Ghost Bonus B (who is voted back into the game) will be determined Episode 7B. Whoever you picked last week will be carried over to this week's entry. Please simply enter this again this week. This question cannot be edited! The merge bonus was also not clear. Those who picked three tribes will automatically receive a bonus point this week, but it is possible others may as well. If this week we have a traditional merge you will receive credit, or if the tribes merge and compete seperately you will recieve credit. Also, there was not an official vote in Morgan but you did receive 5 points for Osten quitting the game. However if you listed Ryan O or Andrew you did not receive the usual (-2) negative points for listing a player who did not recieve a vote. I decided that would not be fair since Osten didn't cast a vote.

Ghost Players: We had seven previously booted PTB players competing for what will be six spots. Ghost Bonus A has been determined (all six players competed) so those returning will be determined by who stays (Bonus B) and the merge question. For those returning, these points will be added to your score after episode 7B. This week once again type "Ghost Player" in your subject line, and reenter your Ghost Bonus B and merge picks from week 7A. This week you will compete as our non-booted players do. Meaning you will pick the bootees and may also choose to participate in any other regular bonus questions like first confessional, RC or IC winners, etc. I will determine the "loser" of the 7 after the last two bonus questions are determined. Everyone else will continue in the game, but for six of you, you can begin earning points this week. Once the six are determined I will go back and add your previous score, add in your booted totals, and deduct your picks. You will probably be near the bottom, but you will be back in the game.

Ghost Players scores for Ghost bonus A: 6-Nash, sittem, ejm92, PlumBlossom, TungFong. 5-benjapol & smrtNsassybnkr.

Okay, last note. Anyone disputing last weeks scores please send me a message through SB. Don't email me as I can't check that right now! It's been rather confusing and it is quite possible I made an error. Now onto this weeks winners!

Team Joisey ran away with this week due to picking Rupert as the First Confessional. Team Joisey finished with 29 points which includes the 5 point bonus for highest weekly score. Survivor Maniac also picked Rupert as the First Confessional. Our overall leader DoodleBug, LeftPinky, bubbastan, Survivor Maniac, and Lolly finished second for the week with 19 points. DoodleBug continues to lead, but Team Joisey continues to rise, taking over second place. Those who are way back may want to adopt Team Joisey's strategy of using the bonus options. Risky yes, but you can make up ground quickly! Also note the change in bonus points once the Individual Challenges begin. Since it's no longer a 50/50 proposition, you will receive 4 bonus points for correctly picking Individual challenges and lose (-2) points for an incorrect guess.

In the Battle of the Red Ink, defending champion forehead hangs onto his lead over djandy and echogirl. All three contenders had (-13) for the week. As with our othe players, the negative bonus for Ghost B and Merge will be determined and added after episode 7B.

Reminder!! Please help me out and retype your picks to Ghost Bonus Question B (who remains in the game) and the Merge question. You cannot change these, but it will be easier for me to add up next week. Otherwise we are back to normal!


Score/Player/(Picks Used)/Week 7A Score

65 DoodleBug (21) 19
48 Team Joisey (26) 29
47 LeftPinky (17) 19
46 bubbastan (21) 19
29 sleeeve (14) 12
26 ulalame (28) 12
25.5 Survivor Maniac (25) 19
24 Lolly (25) 19
21 tribephyl (15) 9
16 RudyRules (19) 11
16 sisyphus (35) 17

(-120) echogirl (32) (-13)
(-123) djandy (33) (-13)
(-133) forehead (43) (-13)


First Confessional/Bootee

E1: Sandra/Nicole
E2: Tijuana/Ryan S.
E3: Andrew/Lillian
E4: Ryan O./Burton
E5: Jon/Michelle
E6: Rupert/Trish
E7a: Rupert/Shawn & Osten


Remaining Survivors

Drake: Christa, Jon, Rupert, Sandra
Morgan: Andrew, Darrah, Ryan O., Tijuana
Correct listed bootee (regardless of how many votes) = 5 pts
Failure to list booted player: (-10) pts and elimination beginning episode 3
Listed players who receive votes: 2 pts per vote
Listed players who do not receive votes: ( -2) pts per listed player

Optional Categories
Correctly picking Team Reward Challenge Winner = 1 pt
Incorrectly picking Team Reward Challenge Winner = (-1) pt
Correctly picking Team Immunity Challenge Winner = 1 pt
Incorrectly picking Team Immunity Challenge Winner = (-1) pt
Correctly picking Individual Reward Challenge Winner = 4 pts
Incorrectly picking Individual Reward Challenge Winner = (-2) pts
Correctly picking Individual Immunity Challenge Winner = 4 pts
Incorrectly picking Individual Immunity Challenge Winner = (-2) pts
Correctly picking player who gives first confessional = 5 pts
Incorrectly picking player who gives first confessional = (-2) pts
Correctly picking player who pillages/pirates other tribe = 3 pts
Incorrectly picking player who who pillages/pirates other tribe = (-2) pts

Bonus points for highest weekly score = 5pts. 2.5 pts if two people tie. 1 pt if 3-5 people tie.

Deadline To avoid penalty is 12 noon (EST) the day of the show. You may edit up until 7 PM (EST) but you will be penailized (-5) points.

You are limited to 50 picks for the entire season. You can list as many as one less than the remaining number of Survivors. If you survive until the end any unused picks will be added to your score.


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by Nash on 11-03-03 at 09:46 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-05-03 AT 04:34 AM (EST)

Do you want us to put them again or can we just use the old ones from last week?
Return to Game
Ryan S.

C. (For an explanation, this is how I think it will, the two tribes Drake & Morgan plus the Ghost tribe will have a competition by team (not individual). The team standing third loses one of their ranks. The team standing second loses one of their ranks. Then I believe the team standing second can choose to pick one or two from the Ghost team --- however --- I really have no idea at all.)

I think two booted players will return to the game permanently this week being LIL and BURTON but two others from Morgan and Drake will be booted being OSTEN and SHAWN. There will be no eliminations from the bootees as I think there may be one more shot in Part 2 and we may see two new ones and two go.

Bootee - Andrew
Immunity - Drake
FC: Lill
RC: None
Individual Reward: None
Individual Immunity: None (except Burton and Lill who are automatically immune)

"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by echogirl on 11-03-03 at 06:38 PM
Hi Nash,

If you could just re-enter those picks exactly as you did for episode 7A it would be helpful. If not no biggie as I can go back and check. Just easier for me if everyone copies them here so I don't have to go back and copy 21 peeps picks. But remember you and the other Ghost Players also can begin playing the regular game this week as well. Only one of you will be eliminated based on the Ghost Bonus questions. That is unless you fail to list this week's bootee!

"Automatic Penalty!"
Posted by djandy on 11-03-03 at 12:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-06-03 AT 03:56 PM (EST)

Jon, Andrew
RC: Morgan or Sandra (if applicable)
IC: Morgan or Sandra
1st Confessional: Darrah
Pirate: Christa
Merge Bonus: B
Ghost Bonus B: Nicole, Ryan S., Michelle, Trish


"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by TungFong on 11-04-03 at 04:00 AM
I put my picks as a Ghost Player last week, am I still qualified to enter as ghost player again? My name isn't in the ghost player scoresheet

"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by echogirl on 11-04-03 at 11:18 AM
Yes, I forgot to add your name to the list. I just did. My apologies!

"RE: S7 Ghost Player - Part B"
Posted by TungFong on 11-06-03 at 04:03 AM

Ghost Bonus A: Nicole, Ryan S, Lillian, Burton, Michelle, Trish (same as last week)

Ghost Bonus B: Lillian, Burton (however, I only picked Burton last week)

Merge Bonus: A. Traditional merge

Bootees: Andrew, Ryan O, Jon

IC: Drake

"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by benjapol on 11-04-03 at 07:05 AM
Ghost Bonus B : Burton & Lill
Merge : C

Bootees: Savage,Rhino,Rupert,Jon

IC : Drake

"Ghost Player"
Posted by benjapol on 11-06-03 at 06:13 AM
From last week
Ghost Bonus B : Burton & Lill
Merge : C (3 tribes)

Bootees: Savage,Rhino,Rupert,Jon

IC : Drake

"Ghost Player Part B"
Posted by smrtNsassybnkr on 11-04-03 at 05:11 PM
Here were my picks from last week:
Contestants returning to compete: Lill, Burton, Ryan S, Michelle, Trish

Contestants returning to STAY: Lill, Burton

Merge: A: Traditional

Entry for Episode 7B

Bootee: Rupert, Jon, Andrew, Rhino
RC: None
IC: Drake

"tribephyl's Pick the BooGa' 7B Entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 11-05-03 at 04:23 AM
Ghost Bonus B:

merge bonus:
no guess



first conf.:


"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by LeftPinky on 11-05-03 at 09:37 AM
Last Week's:

>Ghost Bonus B: Lil & Burton

>Merge: This episode is C - all three tribes compete
>(by the end of 7B, traditional merge)

Bootee: Andrew, Ryan O

IC: Drake (if individual, Rupert)
RC: none

"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 11-05-03 at 02:14 PM
Last weeks picks:
Ghost Bonus B

Second Bonus Question:
A. Traditional Merge

This weeks picks:
Jon, Rupert, Andrew, RyanO

RC: None
IC: Drake (If individual Rupert)
1st Confessional: Sandra
Pirate: Sandra

"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 11-05-03 at 03:13 PM
Bootees: Andrew, Ryan, Jon

First Confessional: Tijuana

Immunity: Jon if individual, Drake if tribal (Echo, can I vote that way?)

Repeated from last week's entry...

Ghost Bonus B: Lillian, Burton

Merge Bonus: A) the traditional merge; all players, one camp.

"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by echogirl on 11-06-03 at 12:14 PM
Yes! No penalty if individual doesn't occur.

"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by ulalame on 11-05-03 at 04:38 PM
Booted/votes: Andrew, RyanO, Darrah

IC: Drake

From Part 7a/Last Weeks Answers:

Ghost Bonus B: Lillian, Burton

Second Bonus Question: A. Traditional Merge

"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by Lolly on 11-05-03 at 04:51 PM
Booted: Andrew, Ryan, Jon

IC: Drake

Ghost Bonus B: Lillian, Burton

"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by sisyphus on 11-05-03 at 05:08 PM
Last weeks picks:

ghost bonus B: Lillian and Burton

Bonus Question: traditional merge

Bootee: Andrew, Jon
IC: Drake
FC: Andrew

"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by RudyRules on 11-05-03 at 06:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-05-03 AT 06:17 PM (EST)

OK, If I have this straight!!!:

Ghost players remaining: Lill and Burton

Bootee: Andrew, Ryan O.
IC: Drake

Edited 'cause I'm not sure I understand.
Am I supposed to say how they merge???
If so: Traditional

"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed" - Rudy Boesch

"Ghost Player - Part B"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 11-05-03 at 06:27 PM
My picks from last week:

Returning to the Game:
Ryan S.


Merge: A. Traditional merge (tribes live together as one tribe and compete individually).

My Part B picks:


RC: Morgan
IC: Drake

an IceCat original

"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by bubbastan on 11-05-03 at 10:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-05-03 AT 10:25 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 11-05-03 AT 10:15 PM (EST)

Carried over from last week's bonus section:
Ghost Bonus A: Nicole, Ryan S, Lil, Burton, Michelle, Trish
Challenge 1 Winner - Ghost or Purple Tribe
Ghost Bonus B: Lil, Burton
Merge Bonus: A - Traditional Merge

Boot: Andrew, Jon, Ryan O
IC: Drake
First Confessional: Andrew

"RE: S7 Pick The Bootee Game Episode 7A Results/7B Entry"
Posted by sleeeve on 11-06-03 at 01:00 AM
RC: No Challenge this episode
IC: Drake
Goners: Ryan and Andrew
Bonus Picks:
Ghost B: Last week, I picked that Michelle, Burton, and Lillian would survive to the end of episode seven. If I'm allowed to change this for this week, then I pick Burton and Lillian. If I'm NOT allowed to change this from last week, well... then those were my picks.
Merge: Last week, I picked that there would still be three teams at the end of episode 7A... there were... wooo hooo!

"Ghost Entry"
Posted by sittem on 11-06-03 at 08:08 AM
And I thought the ABPABC was complicated!!

7B - Trish (an admittedly emotional and stupid pick - do Ghosties have to re-enter this week to have a chance for re-entry? That may be my only hope)
A - traditional merge)

This week: PTB's Jon and Andrew
First Confessoinal: Andrew

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: Ghost Entry"
Posted by echogirl on 11-06-03 at 12:17 PM
Sittem: Since the two Ghosties are immune, the two voted in will stay. If it's Trish you are in great shape!

"Automatic Penalty"
Posted by forehead on 11-06-03 at 10:17 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-06-03 AT 10:19 AM (EST)

Bootees: Andrew, Sandra
First Challenge of the Ep 7 part 2 of 2 show: Morgan
(There won't be a second challenge this Thursday, but if you want to give me red for saying there will be, I'll say there will be a second challenge and it will be won by Morgan )
First Confessional: Ryan O
(There won't be a pillager this Thursday, but if you want to give me red for saying there will be, I'll say there will be a pillager: Darrah)

copied from last week:

Ghost Bonus B: despite my Ghost Bonus A picks, Nicole, Ryan S, Michelle, and Trish will continue to be in the game after Ep 7, which given the update in the rules, means after Ep 7 part 2 of 2 (dubbed Ep7B by echo).
Merge: If I'm supposed to answer this for how things go during Ep 7 part 1 of 2: A, If I'm supposed to answer this for how things go during Ep 7 part 2 of 2: B, If I'm supposed to answer this for how Ep 8 (to be broadcast 11/13) will start: C

How's that?


"Automatic Penalty"
Posted by echogirl on 11-06-03 at 12:23 PM
My picks from last week:

Ghost Bonus Part B: Nicole, Ryan S., Michelle, Trish
Merge Bonus: A. Traditional merge (tribes live together as one tribe and compete individually).


Bootees: Andrew, Jon, Ryan O
First Confessional: Rupert
RC- Morgan or Jon if there is one
IC-Morgan or Andrew if it's individual
Pillager-Jon if there is one

"Automatic Penalty"
Posted by DoodleBug on 11-06-03 at 12:55 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-06-03 AT 12:58 PM (EST)

Dang! I missed the deadline!! Life got in the way.... oh well, here are my picks:

Boot: Andrew, Ryan O
RC: none
IC: Drake or Jon
Ghosts to return: Lillian, Burton
First Confessional: Andrew
Traditional Merge

Might as well edit since I'm late anyway.