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"Survivor International"

Posted by strid333 on 10-31-03 at 02:22 AM
After Osten pulled that stunt that really made me mad - taking the space of a more deserving contestant - it made me think. Has MB run out of good contestants? Does he need to go beyond the US border to find people? (Don't worry, I'll go back to bashers.) I have always wanted to be on Survivor, but I am ineligible because I'm Canadian. So this is where my idea comes. Wouldn't it be cool to have an international version where each contestant comes from another country.

You could limit it to people that speak fluently in English, but they are still from different countries. Wouldn't it be interesting/awkward to have an American, a Canadian, and a person from France all on the same tribe. Suddenly patriotism and international politics become an issue along with all the aspects of the game. You could have countries who are sworn enemies against each other (like Israelis and Palestians). And yet, you could have a greater good of humanity show. Don't you think that having the sworn enemies become friends and show a good example for their countries. Back to the Israeli and Palestinian example, if they became friends, and their countries were rooting for them, don't you think that they might be more willing to have peace deals with a small scale show of proof that it can work?

What countries would you like to see?

I think mine would be USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, China, Brazil, Australia, Israel, Palestine, Argentina, Kenya, South Africa, Egypt, and India.

Three is the perfect number.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Survivor International"
Posted by Ladybentley on 10-31-03 at 01:47 PM
fascinating concept I like it!

certinally other countries have had their own survivor (at least great britian has) why not go global??

"RE: Survivor International"
Posted by whoami on 10-31-03 at 09:30 PM
Sounds like a good idea, but there are still a lot of us here in the USA that would like to have our chance to get on the show and going globel would make it even harder to get on. Our chances are now about 1 in or 16 out of 60,000. I would still like to get on the show and like my odds the way they are, but who knows.
Like was mentioned other countries have there own survivor shows.

If we just think about this we can figure it out.

"RE: Survivor International"
Posted by Goooey_Alley on 11-05-03 at 10:37 PM
Australia, U.K., Germany and Japan had their own version of Survivor.

"RE: Survivor International"
Posted by ejm92 on 11-06-03 at 01:05 AM
I think there are still a TON of good contestants within the U.S.....I mean look at Sandra, Rupert, Jon, Andrew, Burton, Michelle, etc.....they are all great cast members on the show...I don't think Osten was necessarily a bad casting choice, either....at least he caused some drama....I think it would be good if Canadians could participate, but nothing beyond North America. There are too many complications involved with making it a worldwide show....I would, however, like to see one international edition with representatives from many different countries, but nothing permenant.

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump