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"ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"

Posted by sittem on 10-24-03 at 10:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-30-03 AT 03:30 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-25-03 AT 10:15 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-25-03 AT 05:57 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-25-03 AT 05:56 PM (EST)

NOTICE!! 10/25 - There were a couple of scoring errors that have to be corrected, so there are some changes below!!

The ABPABC now has a total of 17 players (with 11 of 12 from last week active again and buckeyegirl surviving in spite of not posting and with the possibility of re-entry into the ABC after next week, it’s not to late to enter. FarmBoy and PlumBlossom are the leading contenders to re-enter the ABC if there is a re-entry and those above them don’t get booted (assuming the determination is made after next weeks points are applied – that’s up to LC).

Colors, colors everywhere…….with the rules change I made last week keeping people in the game who chose eliminated ABP’s (there were two this week that affected 5 of our people) the colors are getting out of hand. I’m going a little crazy right now trying to keep track of it and if more lose points next week, where will it all go?

(Now comes the point where I must acknowledge someone and eat a little pelican..er….crow…see my ABC posting for reference) Our weekly 2nd place points winner was LozengeofLove with 89 points with tribephyl following behind with 78 points and FarmBoy doing a nice job for 4th with 70 points. However, in her first week of competition PhoenixMons led all scorers with 92 points!! What a debut! Bringing up the rear was a very nice -30 points for djandy. Kudos to Lozenge and djandy who are firmly in control of their respective ends of the game. And, let it be publicly known that Lozenge has a strategy and it must be good as she moves up the standings both here and in the ABC.

The weekly answers for the bonus questions:
1. Secret Woid was cannon and only RailFan uttered the word in the ABC so no one gets any bonus points. Frankly, when I chose this it seemed so obvious that I thought everyone would get some points here.
2. Blue wins BSLozengeofLove had BS in ABC
3. Red or green wins WSechogirl and forehead tied in the ABC
4. In the PTB with doodlebug as the winner we again had no one picking up the extra 10 points.

The updated standings are below (if your score is black you’ve had no penalty points, if it’s orange you’ve had -25 penalty points because you picked an eliminated ABP one week and if it’s green you’ve had -50 penalty points because you picked a booted ABP both weeks). As you can see, only 10 of 17 have managed to avoid picking a ABP that's been booted:

161 lozengeoflove
128 tribephyl
125 sittem
92 PhoenixMons
68 321Jump
65 FarmBoy
57 PlumbBlossom
56 BobStew617
43 buckeygirl
28 froggy446688
35 JohnMc
35 ejm92v
16 genius47
(1) Nash
(5) Rebel Crown
(8) echogirl
(45) djandy

Now, on to the three groupings for the BS and WS this week.

FesterFan1, Corvis, LeftPinkey, TeamJoisey, KermittheVixen, rwj3eb, RudyRules, I_AM_HE, yensid, manager, forehead

Railfan, Bebo, sleeeve, sittem, SurvivorManiac, Punkin, tjstein, DracoMalfoy, PackMan, djandy, echogirl

LozengeofLove, bubbastan, Sisyphus, 321Jump, Lolly, Thaibeach, ulalame, PepeLePew13, GTmike, magic_star

Again, it’s not to late for others to join even though LozengeofLove has a commanding lead. Things can happen, iykwim.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Messages in this discussion
"Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by djandy on 10-25-03 at 05:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-25-03 AT 05:51 PM (EST)

Worst: green


"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by Nash on 10-25-03 at 06:11 PM
AB Picks
LozengeofLove, FesterFan1, Corvis, KermittheVixen, I_AM_HE, DracoMalfoy, Bebo, Sleeve, sisyphus, Railfan

SW DracoMalfoy
BS Blue
WS Red

"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by JohnMc on 10-27-03 at 06:16 PM
Antiplayer Antiboots:

Fester, Lozenge, Ms Bebo, 321Jump, Pepe, Magicstar, sleeeve, sittem

I'm backing off on my picks, since I was orange last week and green this week! Can we still be booted???

BS - blue
WS - red
SW - echogirl

"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by sittem on 10-27-03 at 07:22 PM
I think the revised rules (that I just make up from week to week anyway - this week with the ghosts should be nuts) say there's two more weeks of free passes.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by LozengeofLove on 10-27-03 at 08:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-30-03 AT 03:35 PM (EST)

Bebo, LeftPinky, FesterFan, yensid, Punkin, Lozenge, sisyphus, Lolly, I_AM_he, bubbastan

BS: Blue
WS: Blue
SW: railfan
PTB: tribephyl

"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by sittem on 10-27-03 at 11:29 PM

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by ejm92 on 10-29-03 at 10:24 AM
Safe: FesterFan1, Bebo, railfan, LozengeofLove, I_AM_HE, sleeeve, sittem

BS: Red
WS: Red

SW: echogirl

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 10-29-03 at 06:32 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-30-03 AT 05:15 PM (EST)

railfan, Draco, 321jump, Pepe, Bebo, LeftPinky, Fester, punkin, Lozenge, corvis

Will update sometime tomorrow after everyone makes picks and/or updates

BS: green
WS: red
SW: echogirl


"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 10-29-03 at 07:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-29-03 AT 07:50 PM (EST)

FesterFan1, TeamJoisey, I_AM_HE, Bebo, sleeeve, DracoMalfoy, echogirl, PepeLePew13, magic_star

BS: Green
WS: Red
Secret Woid: Bebo

an IceCat original

edited because I can't count

"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by bobstew617 on 10-30-03 at 01:01 PM
This is one difficult week--therefore I am playing a little conservative:

Safe ABPs: Corvis, Survior Maniac, sittem, GTMike, rwj3eb, DracoMalfoy, railfan

BS: Green
WS: Red

"not an actual entry..."
Posted by tjstein on 10-30-03 at 01:59 PM
as I'm not in the game yet *crosses fingers*

Anyway, I just wanted to mention you had a typo in my user name.

Thanks, dude!

"tribephyl's ABPABC Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-30-03 at 02:57 PM

Group Red

Group Red




"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 10-30-03 at 03:07 PM
Yay! My first post on my new computer! Everything looks so different! And so much faster! Glad I made it in time for the game.

Draco Malfoy

Secret word-bubbastan

"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by FarmBoy on 10-30-03 at 03:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-30-03 AT 03:30 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-30-03 AT 03:29 PM (EST)

What to do, what to do......(I like being orange.)


Bebo, railfan, sleeeeve, Festerfan1, Corvis, Leftpinkey, losengeoflove, pepelepew13

BS: Red

WS: Blue

SW: losengeoflove

PTB: Doodle

Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by sittem on 10-30-03 at 03:28 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-30-03 AT 03:29 PM (EST)

This is awful - have no idea what to do tonight, but can't go too conservative or Lozenge is looking back in her rear view mirrors.

So....Fester, RailFan, Lozenge, bebo, bubbastan, left pinkey, sisyphus, kermit, SurvivorManiac and rwj3eb

BS - blue
WS - red

Secret Woid - based upon whoever posts next.

PTB - putting my money on the Bug, doodle that is just 'cause I lvoe her and I think she's gonna take care of me!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by echogirl on 10-30-03 at 06:39 PM
echogirl, FesterFan, LeftPinky, Pepe

BS: Green
WS: Red
SW: bubbastan
PTB: DoodleBug

"RE: ABPABC Results Oct.23/Entry Oct. 30"
Posted by 321Jump on 10-30-03 at 07:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-30-03 AT 07:14 PM (EST)

Safe: Bebo, bubbastan, FesterFan1, LeftPinky, Lolly, LozengeofLove, PepeLePew13, Punkin, sisyphus, 321Jump

BS: Green
WS: Red
SW: bubbastan
PTB: DoodleBug (following popular opinion)

(Yay! I had one safe slot left for myself. And thanks sittem.)