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"who do you wish to come back to be an all star"

Posted by bris on 10-24-03 at 06:55 PM
I was just wondering who everyone wants the 16 people to come back for the All Star Season
I want
kelly g
big tom

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"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by Nash on 10-25-03 at 01:50 PM
I'd like to see
Michael who got snuffed by the fire
Big Tom
Ethan for sure
Richard Hatch

"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by shanana banana on 10-26-03 at 10:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-26-03 AT 10:41 AM (EST)

It seems unfair to me to mix winners with non-winners. I don't think people would be apt to vote for contestants who have already won the game. I think it should be people who have played hard and gotten far, but didn't make it to the end. Or if they didn't make it all the way, at least had a fun, interesting personality.

I'd like to see back:

Susan -- S: Pulau Tiga
Rudy -- S: Pulau Tiga
Greg -- S: Pulau Tiga
Sean -- S: Pulau Tiga
Michael -- S: Outback
Alicia -- S: Outback
Colby -- S: Outback
Lex -- S: Africa
Big Tom -- S: Africa
Kelly -- S: Africa
Kathy -- S: Marquesas
Sean -- S: Marquesas
Rob -- S: Amazon
Jake -- S: Thailand
Shii-Ann -- S: Thailand
Helen -- S: Thailand

If I have to include past winners in the group, there's only been three *deserving* winners out of six games that should get any recognition anyway, so I would add two: Richard from S: Pulau Tiga and Ethan from S: Africa. Then I'd boot out Colby and Sean SI from the list above.

"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-26-03 at 01:28 PM
I like your thinking shanana. I would only change 3 people on your list:

Take out Sean (Palua Tiga) and add Gervase (he is just so cute and funny!)
Take out Colby and add Jeff (again, cute and funny)
Take out Sean (Marquesas) and add Pappy (no colored rocks this time!)

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by shanana banana on 10-26-03 at 03:35 PM
Chrissy -- how strange --- I actually kept deleting Sean and adding Gervase, and then going back to Sean, etc, etc, before deciding to stick with him. However, either one would be fine. I think the reason I decided to stick with Sean is because he was so imbecilically amusing to me, with his bowling alleys and alphabet strategy, etc.

I ALSO debated between Colby and Jeff too! I did like Jeff a lot -- he was very funny and I'd love to see him on an All-Star show. I'm not a huge Colby fan.........I only picked Colby because in a sense I feel he was "robbed" of the million -- I think he deserved it more than Tina did.

I liked Pappy in Marquesas, but I am sticking strong with Sean there. His resilience impressed me --- he was on the verge of being voted off and managed to turn the whole game around in his favor and last up until the final four. Plus I started out hating him, because he was so rude and negative, but he sort of turned a corner for me once they merged tribes, and especially after he rode that horse for his very first time. I sensed a softening in him and he seemed to mellow a little.

Anyway, I'll be quite curious to see who they DO pick for the All-Star team!

"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by Das Mole on 10-26-03 at 08:20 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-26-03 AT 08:26 PM (EST)

people i would like to see:

colleen- survivor 1: palau tiga
-just because

alicia- survivor 2: australian outback
-someone needs to fight with people

elisabeth- survivor 2: australian outback
-she's my favorite survivor ever, why wouldn't i include her?

neleh- survivor 4: marquesas
-i liked the breath mint incident, perhaps this time she might take it a step further and go with a piece of gum?

kathy- survivor 4: marquesas
-one of the best survivors, i'd just like to see her in because she deserved to win s4, but those two morons neleh and vecepia...

sarah- survivor 4: marquesas
-we need a ditz with a boob job

shii ann- survivor 5: thailand
-there is a requirement to have a complainer on every season, all-star or not

ghandia- survivor 5: thailand
-let's just throw in somebody that nobody can stand

sean- survivor 1: palau tiga
-alphabetical order...this time he can actually have a strategy.

gervase- survivor 1: palau tiga
-you can just sit around all day

michael- survivor 2: australian outback
-somebody needs to be a leader, right?

rodger- survivor 2: australian outback
-someone to keep elisabeth company

nick- survivor 2: australian outback
-you can accompany gervase in sitting around in the shade doing nothing

john- survivor 4: marquesas
-get kathy to pee on your hands again

brian- survivor 5: thailand
-i can't stand him, i just wanna see his wife cece or fifi or whatever her name is again ;p

matthew- survivor 6: the amazon
-i'd like to see him sharpen that machete again...just freak everyone out, you know

oh, yes. and if you will notice, i didn't put in anyone from survivor 3: africa. that's because i can't stand that season, i think it was the most boring one with the most boring cast. nothing happened at any time throughout the game. and it was so barren with no landscape. nothing to really see. just a couple giraffes and some dead trees.

"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by RudyRules on 10-26-03 at 09:27 PM
I'll give you one guess as to who I most want to be on the All-Star Survivor!

"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed" - Rudy Boesch

"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 10-26-03 at 09:34 PM
I'm not sure who you most want to be on all star survivor...

Penny, perhaps?

"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by nailbone on 10-27-03 at 04:01 PM

(c) 2003 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.
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"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 10-29-03 at 10:38 AM

your favorite... uh, i dunno

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 10-27-03 at 03:53 AM
Well I did a nice little list way back when we were discussing this after S4...gonna try to track it down in the archives because I did it based upon demographics, viewer popularity, and drama-potential

S1m Rudy
S2m Colby
S3m Lex
S4m Sean
S1f Gretchen
S2f Alicia
S3f Kelly
S4f Neleh


S1m Gervase
S2m Michael
S3m Brandon
S4m RobFather
S1f Sue
S2f Jerri
S3f Linda
S4f Kathy

I'm not a Neleh fan at all, or Sue or Jerri or Kelly or Linda (actually I change my mind on Linda STILL...) and Colby is neutral for me, but the others I all like. The ones I don't like would certainly make for good TV though, especially in their respective tribes (Brandon and RobFather would have some interesting interactions, Sue and Jerri in the battle of the evil witches, and of course Kelly and Lex).

If I was to have 2 tribes of all of my favorites from S1-S4, it would be pretty different than the best 2 tribes I could envision for TV!

My "like" tribes:

Tribe 1
S1m Rudy
S1f Jenna (?)
S2m Rodger
S2f Alicia
S3m Brandon
S3f T-Bird (not a fan of hers, or any of the other gals on S3 for that matter)
S4m Sean
S4f Kathy

Tribe 2
S1m Rich
S1f Gretchen
S2m Michael
S2f Elisabeth (hmmm...these two on opposing tribes might actually be interesting)
S3m Lex
S3f Kelly
S4m Rob M.
S4f Gina

looks good to me


"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by Madeira on 10-27-03 at 03:52 PM
In order of desire to see them again:

1. Mike Skupin (S2)
2. Jeff Varner (S2)
3. Rudy Boesch (S1)
4. Big Tom Buchanan (S3)
5. Colleen Haskell (S1)
6. Elisabeth Filarski (S2)
7. Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien (S4)
8. Kelly Wigglesworth (S1)
9. Richard Hatch (S1)
10. Alicia Callaway (S2)
11. Rodger Bingham (S2)
12. Jeanne Hebert (S6)
13. T-Bird Cooper(S3)
14. Jake Billingsley (S5)
15. Hunter Ellis (S4)
16. Brandon Quinton (S5)

These are the ones that I wanted to know more about, and see interact more with others. I think they're interesting people, and heaven knows, not all the folks they've casted can keep you awake!

"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by beckyjac on 10-27-03 at 05:13 PM
Obviously the All Star Show would have to be after this season is over - so how come no-one is adding Rupert or Andrew in their list?? - Don't you think Rupert & Rudy would be a riot

"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-27-03 at 05:28 PM
I won't list anyone from this season until it's over. You never know what might happen to change my mind. I think Rudy would be hilarious with anyone who has an opinion.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 10-29-03 at 10:43 AM
Rob Cesternino (best player to not win) has said that producers decided the All-Star version will only use players from the first four shows. And we know Rob would never lie. So that eliminates Nicole, et al.

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: who do you wish to come back to be an all star"
Posted by JanetSTL on 10-28-03 at 09:30 PM
Umm you guys are forgetting my two favs of all time: Janet S6 and Mad Dog S2. I love them!! Some of the above are ok, some are great, and some not so good because I hate some of them. Here are my picks:

Tribe 1
Big Tom S3
Kathy S4
Rich S1
Vee S4
Gervase S1
Colby S2
Shii Ann S5
Jerri S2

Tribe 2
Mad Dog S2
Janet S6
Brian S5 (hate hate hate, hope first to go)
Hunter S4
Rob S6
Colleen S1
Brandon S3
Elizabeth S2

I know it needs some revisions but hey I'm satisfied. Go Janet!!

"My S1-S4 All Stars"
Posted by echogirl on 10-29-03 at 07:56 AM
There is speculation that only Survivors from the first 4 seasons will participate so I will not include S5 or S6 contestants. My sweet 16 is a mixture of great players, interesting personalities, and a few I just liked. For me Survivor isn't fun if there is no drama, so I'm tossing in a few villians as well. I'm also trying to break up obvious alliances! I won't include a couple who I don't think would want to participate again (like Elizabeth).

Tribe A
Richard (S1)
Jeff V (S2)
Lex (S3)
Sean R (S4)
Kathy (S4)
Maralyn (S2)
Kelly G. (S3)
Jenna (S1)

Richard, being the only winner invited back, is instantly a marked man! Somehow I don't see him manipulating Lex or Sean. Jeff , Sean and Maralyn provide comic relief. Nemisis Kelly G and Lex reunited. Probably in different alliances!

Tribe B
Rudy (S1)
Colby (S2)
Brandon (S3)
Rob M (S4)
Neleh (S4)
Jerri (S2)
Sue H (S1)
Teresa (S3)

Rudy, Brandon and the Robfather on the same tribe. Priceless! Jerri and Colby reunited for more sparks! Neleh saying Oh My Heck how did I end up on this tribe. Sue and Teresa scheming behind everyone's back.

Alternates: Ethan (S3), Alicia (S2), Mike S. (S2), Kelly W. (S1), Greg (S1), Roger (S2), Big Tom (S3), Lindsey (S3), Tammy (S4), Paschal (S4).

"RE: My S1-S4 All Stars"
Posted by pmspml5 on 10-29-03 at 02:29 PM
I have 2 list - one for 4 from each show (which I hope doesnt happen because picking 4 from Africa was hard)

S1 - Rudy, Richard, Susan, Colleen
S2 - Michael, Rodger, Alicia, Jerri
S3 - Lex, Tom, Theresa, Kelly
S4 - Rob, Paschal, Kathy, Neleh

If not having to have 4 from each would be

S1 - Rudy, Richard, Susan, Colleen
S2 - Rodger, Colby, Michael, Alicia, Elisabeth, Jerri
S3 - Lex, Theresa
S4 - Pascal, Rob, Neleh, Kathy

Wont be a good All-star without

Richard (S1), Michael (S2), Rob (S4), Kathy (S4)