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"Shout out to the strong"

Posted by Bebo on 10-24-03 at 09:12 AM
I don't usually start a Fanatics thread, but I was so impressed during the IC last night by the performances of two contestants that I wasn't that big of a fan of before.

Christa, in a losing effort, holds as much weight as the men (and longer than wimpy Osten too) to try and save her tribe. She fought hard and earned quite a bit of respect for fighting so hard for the sake of her tribe.

And let's hear it for Savage! When the "strong man" of Morgan went down quickly, this leader carried his tribe on his shoulders. He didn't whine, and when he saw Christa faltering, he was determined to hold onto his heavy load until she went down. Quite an impressive effort, and a strong statement on his will.

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"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by Nash on 10-24-03 at 09:17 AM
I agree both showed not only were they physically strong but they were strong of mind. I cannot help believing that Jon's revelation to Morgan will backfire as it will only serve to make them stronger.

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by PackMan on 10-24-03 at 09:27 AM
Jon's revelation to Morgan will backfire as it will only serve to make them stronger

I'll agree with that, at least with Andrew. I think Andrew took what Jon said as a personal slap in the face, and he took it upon himself to stuff it right back in Jon's face.

I have some thoughts on Osten, but that's not for this forum.

And Bebo, starting a Fanatics thread does not make you any less evil... but try not to make it a habit.

If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when are you going to find time to do it again? - Anonymous

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by Bebo on 10-24-03 at 09:42 AM
I think Andrew took what Jon said as a personal slap in the face,

Absolutely. He made Jon pay for that remark at that IC, and I have a feeling he'll make him pay more in the future.

And Bebo, starting a Fanatics thread does not make you any less evil... but try not to make it a habit.

Well, I've had my eye on these two because they have been excellent sources of Basher material. And the Basher in me loved watching them both show up Jon last night - Andrew via his will now to let down the weight, and Christa for a) being chosen instead of Jon to do the challenge and b) doing a much better job than he ever could have in it.

And I've got to agree about the look on Jon's face being priceless - the high point of the episode for me.

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by Poncho on 10-24-03 at 09:35 AM
I totally agree Bebo! Last night was a great episode. I was very impressed with Christa for the first time. I also think Andrew was inspired to keep going by Jon's comment. He should have just kept his mouth shut. Never the less Andrew did a GREAT job.
The look on Jon's face last night was priceless when Trish was voted off!


"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-24-03 at 09:54 AM
I agree, Bebo. Andrew was great. Christa showing up Osten was classic.

I was wondering if Jon's comment was meant to be the Big Regret. If so, that would imply that he sticks around long enough to feel regret. At this point, I'm thinking that Drake throwing the 3rd immunity challenge is the BR.

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by PackMan on 10-24-03 at 10:05 AM
Wouldn't it be a hoot if, at the next challenge, Andrew made a statement to the Drakes to the effect, "Yeah, we really got motivated after Jon told us you guys had been throwing challenges."

I think that could put Jon in a pretty uncomfortable spot, not that he already isn't after last night's vote.

If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when are you going to find time to do it again? - Anonymous

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by BeerNuts on 10-24-03 at 10:04 AM
Here here! Savage went *way* up on my list last night, second only to Rupert now. The whole time he was standing there with the sandbags I bet Jon's confession was ringing in his ears.. Pure determination. And he cried at the end - just awesome!

Ryno now occupies my #3 spot - damn nice guy.

Last and least , Osten has hit the bottom of my list so hard he bounced.

Despite Osten, I think I'm finally starting to have a reason to root for the underdogs, yay!

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-24-03 at 10:06 AM
Both Christa and Andrew were also chosen by their teams to go first in the RC. The teams had to figure that the first people might have to go again and they both took their position seriously. With people like Osten and Shawn out there it is refreshing to see people who take the competitions seriously.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by aethelstan on 10-24-03 at 10:18 AM
I'm glad you did start this thread. I usually only lurk in the spoilers section but I knew that this was not spoiler material.

I know I'm repeating everyone else here but I was so impressed with Andrew, he looked like he was going pass out but he held on specifically being Jon was such an ass to him.

I was also so impressed that Christa took on as much weight as Osten. Because of editing we don't know how long they each lasted. Osten *may* have lasted longer but really, Christa kicked butt. Did anyone notice how much Shawn was carrying when he went out? Maybe she outlifted Shawn!

Slightly off topic but does anyone else think that it would have been a better strategy to get everyone up to 100# asap and then load up for elimination? Having 100 lbs for 30 minutes or more could force a guy to drop out just as easily as 200 lbs for 2 minutes.

Just a thought

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by DoodleBug on 10-24-03 at 11:40 AM
Bebo - I totall agree! Savage was a ROCK last night. He went way up on my respect meter last night! Christa earned a little respect from me as well.

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by Punkin on 10-24-03 at 12:07 PM
Andrew definately shivered my timbers last night!

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by sittem on 10-24-03 at 12:32 PM
Great observations Beebs and everyone else. Savage and Christa are now 1/3 on my list (of course Andrew has been #1 all season!).

It's the Chicago in him - the city of broad shoulders (and some would say narrow minds - I prefer to think focused).

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"too true"
Posted by cqvenus on 10-24-03 at 01:04 PM
I had tears in my eyes when Andrew was all emotional afterward. He really pulled through with an effort he would probably never have been able to muster if it weren't for Jon's stupid confession.

And Christa (ME in the bashers forum!) really pulled her weight. I love how Jiffy got in that dig on Osten, announcing she was holding as much as Osten dropped out on!

cq's Joe Millionaire summary!!!

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by JohnMc on 10-24-03 at 02:00 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-24-03 AT 02:02 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-24-03 AT 02:01 PM (EST)

Just wanted to include my own shout out to Andrew:


"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by Liska on 10-24-03 at 02:53 PM
Savage was awesome last night! Christa too, but i've been a morgan fan since the start (always have to root for the underdog)! I knew that Andrew wasn't what people had been saying the the basher's forum, and last night he proved it. Awesome!!! My favorite survivor!!

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by dajaki on 10-24-03 at 04:28 PM
Much in agreement Bebo! I can't believe how much more I respect Andrew today than I did yesterday morning. He is finally showing how to lead that damn team. Shout out to Christa too!

Posted by Acawap on 10-24-03 at 04:48 PM
last night I set my VCR and to my amazement it actually taped... THE WRONG CHANNEL!! I missed the whole thing -- what people are saying was one of the best episodes ever!

Does anybody have a copy of the tape they'd like to send me? Please? I didn't have my Survivor fix this week and I'm going through withdrawals!!

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by shanana banana on 10-24-03 at 05:51 PM
Bebo ---- GREAT post. I totally agree with you. I sort of like Savage before, but after last night, my opinion of the guy shot up 1000 percent. Not just the way he was determined to show Jon that their tribe wasn't full of weak "losers," but his emotional breakdown afterward brought tears to even my jaded eyes. ;) What an effort. And I also felt for him in his personal confessional right after Jon spilled the beans, where he was so angry that Jon would slap his tribe in the face with their one non-Rupert win. Jon 100 percent sux.

And Christa --- you go, girl!

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by Efjendar on 10-24-03 at 08:02 PM
We finally saw some leadership from Savage, woot!

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by Violet Nyte on 10-24-03 at 08:32 PM
I've actually liked Christa from the start, but this has just confirmed it for me! Andrew, IMO, is really emerging as a leader. Others may bash his "diplomatic" gestures (ie, how he handled the looting) but I won't.
And the tears? Very moving. They should have carried that man on their shoulders. (Well, maybe not, Osten would have dropped him)

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by ejm92 on 10-24-03 at 11:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-24-03 AT 11:39 PM (EST)

Incredible job by Savage...he was pretty much a one-man team, although Osten did do a pretty good job and Rhyno was untested. However, what is with MB's current fetish with "let's see who the strongest is" challenges? I liked the cannon challenge, though.

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by whoami on 10-24-03 at 11:53 PM
What can I say that has not already been said much better than I could say it. Andrew was just great last night, thanks to Jon. Way to go Jon. I liked Andrew at the start then he went down hill fast. But last night he came up on my list.

Christa. Wow what a women last night. did as good as Osten did. She also moved up on my list.

What a look Jon had, that deer in the headlight look, just like Michelle had last week. Do you remember what he told Michelle after the vote and how he seem to rub it in. Now it is his turn.
Opps, back to the best episode yet this season. It just keeps getting better every week. S7 is the best yet.

If we just think about this we can figure it out.

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by AugustGirl on 10-25-03 at 11:47 AM
Well said Bebo. I think Savage would have held that weight for two days if it meant proving to Jon they don't need Drake to throw a challenge.

And Christa? You rock, woman! Well done.

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by DEVILRAYS on 10-25-03 at 01:00 PM
Savage, Rhino, and Christa all did good in this episode, but would someone like to fill me in on how much they loaded Rupert up with? I know it was over 200+ pounds, and that's enough to make anybody crack. He outlasted Osten once again by a long shot, and Osten wasn't even loaded up with all of Drake's weight (Savage got a bit of it.)

"RE: Shout out to the strong"
Posted by MsShel330 on 10-25-03 at 10:45 PM
Christa kicked *ss, you go girl! And Savage, rrooaarr! His thigh muscles alone were worth the price of admission. A great performance. Osten is so sorry, a debit to our race. Suck it up and act like a man instead of a chicken. Jeez.
Cheers again to Christa and Andrew.