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"I'm as depressed as Rupert!"

Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-23-03 at 11:09 PM
I think Rupert's depression has rubbed off on me. I need someone to cheer me up!!

First: I am disappointed in Trish (not Jon, because I knew he would turn on Rupert any chance he got) not just for turning on Rupert, but for lack of foresight. You can keep Rupert and decide to get rid of him the first time he loses individual immunity.

Second: According to the preview for next week, Rupert will pull a Lex and go around looking for the person who wrote his name on the parchment. This can't possibly be a good thing to do.

Someone please tell me that everything will be O.K. Please tell me that Rupert will stay in at least for a few more weeks!

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by whoami on 10-23-03 at 11:32 PM
I was almoste depressed because they almost had me convinced that Rupert was going this week. Glad he is staying. Hope he stays till the end.

All we have to do is think about this and we can figure it out.

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 10-23-03 at 11:37 PM
I don't. I can't wait for Trish to come back and win the whole thing!

I don't know why everyone's saying such horrible things about Trish... all she did was cast a vote against Rupert (and she was really NICE about it, all things considered).

Rupert throws a hissy fit and acts like a selfish two-year-old. Why isn't anyone criticizing his actions???

"Read the Guidelines Flowerman!"
Posted by Angelfood on 10-24-03 at 09:48 AM
This here is a FAN forum pardner. NO BASHING!
I see you have already posted on the Basher site, so you know it exists. And ChrissyGal nicely reminded you, she was not being snippy. I can get snippy. She's good cop, I'm bad cop.

Plus, we hear what you are saying. You can even say it a few times and in different ways. But I'm not getting anything new after the 10th time of the same thing. kay? And you may get more credit (as someone in Bashers pointed out) if you can back up with examples and reasons, like I did against Trish in said Basher site (Chrissy that may make you feel better).

And yes, I love watching Rupert. If you don't want to watch the Rupert show, you may just have to wait until the next Survivor and turn off your tv now.


Evil Queen in Disguise

"RE: Read the Guidelines Flowerman!"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-24-03 at 09:59 AM
Angelfood to the rescue! I'm smiling already, thank you!

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: Read the Guidelines Flowerman!"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 10-26-03 at 09:26 PM
On this board, I don't hate Rupert... I love the others!

Just because I don't hold him up on the level of a God, some nitpicky people feel the need to drive me out of dodge.

Sheesh. I'm going to go drive in the mountains. That would be a better use of my time.

Until next time,


"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 10-23-03 at 11:36 PM
I'm mad at Rupert...

So... for 15 days, they seem to have got along pretty well. She never said anything about disliking Rupert. Finally at one point she decided to vote against him not because she doesn't like him as a person, but because she legitimately recognized him as a threat.

He was very cruel/harsh/vindictive in his words to her as he cast her vote. Next week he throws a hissy fit and yells at John for casting a vote against him.

I think it is disgusting how a grown man can be so immature, cruel, and selfish...

I will do a happy dance when that giant oaf is voted out of the game and I will not have to watch him anymore.

I tune in to watch the Survivor Show... Not the Rupert Show!


"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-23-03 at 11:43 PM
You made it very clear by your posts on Bashers that you are angry with Rupert. You even started a "Hate Club". I will not go to your hate club and post love notes to Rupert and I would appreciate the same courtesy in return.

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 10-23-03 at 11:47 PM
Ok... no need to get snippy.

Just throwing in my two cents

I respect your right to your opinion, and all of that.

Have a good evening, Chrissygal!

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by Nash on 10-24-03 at 00:11 AM
Yes but as long as you're not bashing on this board your comments are allowed because everyone is entitled to an opinion. Rupert is awesome. I felt for him tonight. I'd probably do the same as him in his position.

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by Poncho on 10-24-03 at 09:49 AM
>So... for 15 days, they seem
>to have got along pretty
>well. She never said anything
>about disliking Rupert. Finally at
>one point she decided to
>vote against him not because
>she doesn't like him as
>a person, but because she
>legitimately recognized him as a

I totally agree with you on this comment. I was thinking the same thing last night


"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by strid333 on 10-23-03 at 11:56 PM
I can't cheer you up either. I feel just as sad as you and Rupert do. The one thing that I can say is that on spoilers, people have been saying it's been Rupert's turn to go for several weeks and it hasn't happened yet, so I guess that can be our positive.

Three is the perfect number.

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-24-03 at 10:03 AM
Don't feel bad Chrissy. Most of us like Rupert, too. I think he's the best Survivor ever. I liked Colby, but Rupert is more fun to watch. I said in a different thread that I thought Rupie over-reacted to the votes. But as much as he's worked, I think he has that right. Now the degree to which he "pulls a Lex" will be the key.

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by BeerNuts on 10-24-03 at 10:13 AM
I love Rupert, but I think what was left of his spirit died with Balboa.

Agreed, a witch hunt to find out who voted for you is not a good idea. Rupert does tend to let his emotions take over occasionally. Listen to him at TC; he talks too much.

Alas, poor Rupert! Best Survivor ever but not the best *at* Survivor. If that makes sense..

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by beckyjac on 10-24-03 at 11:27 AM
Maybe this will make you feel better

Resilient Rupert

The game is on
Rupert’s strong
Strength & Stamina
To him belong

Don’t write him out
Because he shouts
Jon’s made enemies
That’s all that counts

Loyalty prevails as
Sandra tells
Christa’s allegiance
Sealed the deal

If they bring back
Those they sacked
Another story
Might counter attack

Have faith in Rupert’s
Power and wisdom
Troubled teens
Have taught him plenty

The bonds he shares
Will carry him through
At least to finish
In the final two

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by Chrissy gal on 10-24-03 at 11:34 AM
Great poem, beckyjac!

I like your choice of words:
Strength & Stamina
Power and wisdom

Thank you

Chrissy gal

"Never underestimate the potential psychosis of a reality show contestant." managerr

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 10-26-03 at 09:28 PM
I'm not a huge Rupert fan, but I'm still really impressed with your mastery of poetry.

It reads really well.


"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by Joyful on 10-24-03 at 03:57 PM
I adore Rupert!
Crissy gal, take heart even though Rupert may not last to the end (although I hope he does soooo bad!) He is not likely to be forgotten easily. He will go down as one of the best Survivors ever! He's not perfect, plays the game with more emotion then strategy sometimes, but that's what makes him so great to watch! If he were calculated all the time...he'd be Jon and just plain annoying! Yea he talks too much at TC, yea he flies off the handle when things go wrong, but he is a real guy with a really big heart! He is the best thing about Survivor this year!
When people are talking about Survivor 9 or 10 they'll still be referring to Rupert, I don't think the same thing can be said about Trish!

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 10-26-03 at 04:51 PM
Seriously... why do you like the guy so much?

Is it because he is physically unattractive, and your devotion to him is your way of expressing your resentment towards people who are nicer to look at...

Just wondering, because when I look at Rupert, I don't see anything special...

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by ExInterper on 10-26-03 at 08:31 PM
I know this sounds a bit repetitive, but:

As long as you're on Fanatics, let it go. This is why there are separate forums for Bashers and Fanatics.


"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by Chex on 10-26-03 at 08:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-26-03 AT 08:46 PM (EST)

>Seriously... why do you like the
>guy so much?
>Is it because he is physically
>unattractive, and your devotion to
>him is your way of
>expressing your resentment towards people
>who are nicer to look
>Just wondering, because when I look
>at Rupert, I don't see
>anything special...

Take it to Bashers. Remember that phrase ? Personally
I find you far more irritating than Rupert.And your hatred
and emotional instability are disturbing.Please get help.

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 10-26-03 at 09:18 PM
Fanatics Forum:
For those fans who truly LIKE THE SHOW and care who wins the $1,000,000.

Bashers Forum: This board is for those who came here because the show "blows" and would like a place to bash it

Since I have watched an enjoyed the show since Day 1, I clearly fit into the first category (tis very obvious!)

Any posts that are critical of Rupert stem from my love of the show, not because I think the show "blows"

As for your pro-Rupert posts on the "Rupert Hate Club" thread at Bashers... those are quite deliberately misplaced.

I don't know why you feel so threatened just because ONE person disagrees with you. Honestly!

"RE: I'm as depressed as Rupert!"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 10-26-03 at 09:29 PM
If I misinterpreted the rules, I apologize.

I would move some of my posts over to the other board if I knew how.

Just read around them if they bother you that much.
