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"ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"

Posted by sittem on 10-17-03 at 05:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-20-03 AT 11:29 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-17-03 AT 05:13 PM (EST)

The complexities of entering the ABPABC showed themselves in our first week of competition for S7. Only 4 of the 12 players managed to avoid choosing an ABP who wasn’t eliminated during the LC AB game. Normally that would mean they have been eliminated from the ABPABC, but this is a game that has to scramble and think on it’s feet. If it’s going to survive as a game, then executive decisions need to be made and rules have to be bent. After consulting with MB, I’ve decided to keep all the players in the game for the first four weeks. However, the penalty for choosing an eliminated player from the AB player this week was 25 points. Now, in another complexity that JP consulted in, it has been decided that gathering negative points in this way during the first four weeks WILL NOT go toward deciding the battle for last place – more on that later.

The big winner of the week is lozengeoflove with 72 points. Close behind is sittem with 69 points (maybe because I actually understand this game!!). Tribephyl and buckeygirl also managed to stay away from any penalties for choosing an eliminated player.

In what appears to be a situation where echogirl couldn’t decide whether to play for positive points or negative points, she now stands tied for next to last. Djandy managed to come in last this week WITHOUT choosing a booted ABP – that was quite a feat, and in the revised rules for the game djandy actually holds a 27 point lead for last place (if you don't understand that ask - I'll explain it seperately if necessary0.

Other notable scoring happened in the bonus areas. Seven players each received 10 bonus points for naming ABP’s who said the Secret Woid “immunity” somewhere in their ABC post. The most popular ABC named was sleeeve by 6 players. Echogirl was named by the other one. Several other AB players would have given you points in this area and I'll let you look them up - just look for the secret word in their AB posts. Thanks to all who cooperate in the Secret Woid from the ABC – it makes reading their posts even more fun. Both the BS and WS came from the red category. Seven people received 7 points for getting the BS and five received the points for WS. No one was able to predict that guessitrains would receive the best score in the PTB contest so no points were awarded there. Of note, lozengeoflove, sittem (based on echogirl who posted after him choosing sleeeve as her Secret Woid player) and PlumBlossom each received 24 bonus points for each getting their Secret Woid and BS and WS picks correct.

The Standings below come in three colors. First, those in black were able to avoid picking an eliminated player in the ABC. Next we have the color orange. These people did pick one or more players eliminated from the FABULOUS ABC and received a 25 point penalty. Finally, djandy is red for scoring a “pure” negative score this week. Great job!! As I mentioned above, those players receiving the penalty will not be in the running for the worst overall score unless they are able to gather enough negative points without choosing an eliminated player. (Game note – for players eliminated I counted their score for the week as 0 as it applied to your overall scores – the 25 point penalty was subtracted after your overall points were totaled.)

72 lozengeoflove
69 sittem
50 tribephyl
22 PlumBlossom
21 JohnMc
16 buckeygirl
13 ejm92
11 froggy446688
-5 FarmBoy
-13 echogirl (sorry you've gotta be orange!)
-13 Nash
-15 djandy

OMH - in the original posting I forgot to give you the three groups for picking your BS and WS!!

Here they are:
Bebo, KermittheVixen, Lolly, bubbastan, SurvivorManiac, 321Jump, rwj3eb, RudyRules, Thaibeach, PackMan, djandy, echogirl

FesterFan1, LeftPinky, LozengeofLove, GuessItRains, Punkin, sittem, bengapol, ulalame, DracoMalfoy, GTmike, magic_star

railfan, Corvis, TeamJoisey, sisyphus, sleeeve (maybe he'll be blue next week), thstein, PepeLePew13, yensid, I_AM_HE, managerr, forehead

Anyone can still enter the game whether eliminated from the ABC or not – anyone entering now enters with a score of 0. As you can see, judicious use of your picks could give you a lot of points quickly and if the frontrunners stumbles in the next three weeks you could be a leader quickly.

The rules remain the same this week, EXCEPT, choose a maximum of 11 AB players. Also, this is the 2nd of 4 non-elimination weeks. I won’t even say what the penalty will be yet for picking a booted player – probably 25 points, but running this game is like running through the jungle while in an Immunity Challenge – sometimes you just have to make a quick decision and live with the results.

One other note – watch what your AB players do late in the day Thursday if possible. With the better spoilers not posting their picks until Thursday a number of players take the LC late penalty and change a pick to stay in the game. Lozengeoflove and several other players made changes in the ABC to avoid elimination. Others didn’t and that led to their demise. This is a game where you’ve got to watch what the AB players do. And, in a shocking twist in the AB game, if you have been eliminated from that game you could actually gain re-entry if S7 returns a player from Loser Lodge to the real game. See the LC post here:http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/DCForumID4/1944.shtml

Finally, go to this link to get the rest of the rules of the game: http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/DCForumID4/1934.shtml

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by Nash on 10-18-03 at 09:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 05:37 PM (EST)

Thanks for the late clue. I am changing again to see if I can improve my score. You'll have to let me know sittem if I'm starting to get it.

Now that the boards are back up, I figured I'd try this again and see if I can do better than 2nd last place or even worse.

My AB Picks are
Bebo, Lozenge of Love, FesterFan1, railfan, KermittheVixen, Corvis, Left Pinky, SurvivorManiac, bubbastan, sisyphus, TeamJoisey,

SW - bubbastan

BS - green

WS - red

PTB - Guess it Rains

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by LozengeofLove on 10-19-03 at 12:06 PM
Is playful teasing encouraged here like it is in LC's ABC game?

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by sittem on 10-19-03 at 06:22 PM
OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by LozengeofLove on 10-19-03 at 10:17 PM
Well in that case, you are going down in flames...if you think me winning was a one time deal, just wait and see...

"Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by djandy on 10-21-03 at 09:11 PM
Best: green
Worst: blue


"New player"
Posted by Rebel Crown on 10-22-03 at 00:53 AM
Love these games! After being blindsided with the Michelle ousting, I'm ready to jump in the ABPABC. I knew I'd be here soon enough, but didn't know about the swell of spoilers last Thursday pointing towards Michelle until after the show (stupid doctor's appointment, lol), so I'm here a little earlier than I thought.

Here's my picks:


Best score: blue
Worst score: red
Secret word: sleeeve

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by ejm92 on 10-22-03 at 08:36 AM
Anti-Bootees: Bebo, FesterFan1, railfan, GuessItRains, KermittheVixen, sleeeve, I_AM_HE, sittem, Corvis, Lolly, bubbastan

BS: Red
WS: Blue
SW: sleeeve

Survior 5 Anti-Bootee Champ, Survivor 6 Anti-Bootee Chump

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by JohnMc on 10-22-03 at 10:25 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 10:25 AM (EST)

ABC antiboots

Bebo, I_AM_HE, sleeeve, LozengeofLove, GuessItRains,PepeLePew13

BS - Blue

WS - Red

SW - echogirl

*wearing my orange coat with pride and thankfulness of the mercy of sittem*

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by echogirl on 10-22-03 at 12:33 PM
Grrrr! I was actually trying to do good! But the orange is a nice touch

Anti-Bootees: echogirl

BS: Blue
WS: Red
SW: bubbastan
PTB: sleeeve

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 10-22-03 at 03:20 PM
Safe: Bebo, SurvivorManiac, djandy, echogirl, FesterFan1, DracoMalfoy, magic_star, TeamJoisey, sleeeve, PepeLePew13, I_AM_HE

BS: Blue
WS: Red

Secret Woid: sleeeve

PTB: LeftPinky

an IceCat original

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 10-22-03 at 05:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 07:05 PM (EST)

editing to fix a few picks...add some, remove some


sittem, this game is so cool, I just wish I wasn't here so early

I hope I've got this all right as I've never really paid much attention to the games until this season (they all seemed far too confusing and pointless for me as I get the show so much later than everyone else, KWIM?).

So, here goes nothing...

LozengeofLove, FesterFan, 321jump, railfan, sittem, sisyphus, Thaibeach, corvis, Survivor Maniac, PackMan, bubbastan

BS: blue
WS: red
SW: eee (Lolly's word is a good one though )
PTB: bubbastan


"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by Froggy446688 on 10-22-03 at 07:42 PM
Anti Bootees - Bebo, 321Jump, djandy, echogirl, FesterFan1, DracoMalfoy, magic_star, TeamJoisey, sleeeve, PepeLePew13, I_AM_HE

BS: Red
WS: Green
SW: sleeeve


"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by 321Jump on 10-22-03 at 09:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 07:47 PM (EST)

Safe: LozengeofLove, rwj3eb, 321Jump, Bebo, Corvis, sittem, FesterFan1, bubbastan, Kermit the Vixen, Thaibeach, LeftPinky

SW: sleeeve
BS: Blue
WS: Blue
PTB: bubbastan

"Another New Player :-)"
Posted by bobstew617 on 10-22-03 at 11:04 PM
I'll give this game a try again after flaming out last year. I THINK I understand the rules, sittem. We'll see if my practice follows...

SAFE: LozengeofLove, railfan, 321Jump, Corvis, rwj3eb, I_AM_HE, FesterFan1.

BS: Green
WS: Red


"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by Genius47 on 10-22-03 at 11:47 PM
Well, I got kicked out of the ABC because I couldn't get home in time Thursday to check the last-minute spoilers, so I'll enter this game now. I'm not very familiar with the rules, so I'm mostly just going to guess for right now.

ABC Safe List-
Bebo, djandy, echogirl, FesterFan1, sittem, DracoMalfoy, GTmike, magic_star, sleeeve

BS- Red

WS- Red

SW- sleeeve

PTB- Lolly

If I did anything wrong just yell at me and I'll try to fix it later. I'm not planning on doing very well, I just wanted to try this game out since I haven't played it yet and I thought it looked kind of fun.

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by sittem on 10-23-03 at 00:05 AM
Just a cuople of questions Genious - you've got the general idea, but remember if you want to acquire the maximum points you may want to stay away from the bottom feeders of the ABC - just sayin'....

Also, you can come back and edit up until showtime without any penalty. I'm not gonna post myself until sometime Thursday as I watch the last minute maneuverings of the ABC's.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by FarmBoy on 10-23-03 at 01:12 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 01:15 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 01:13 PM (EST)

I am from Tennessee- being orange is a GOOD thing!!


Bebo, Sleeeve, 321Jump, Festerfan1, Railfan, LeftPinky, Lozengeoflove,I_AM_HE, Draco

BS: Blue
WS: Red

SW: echogirl
PTB: GuessItRains

Edits- Adding peeps

Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by Nash on 10-23-03 at 01:16 PM
Hey you are 1 of 2 who hasn't posted picks for LL.

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by FarmBoy on 10-23-03 at 02:52 PM

I'm there now. Have to read all the posts to get the consensus and then post without rhyme or reason. hee hee hee!!!!!

Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by Nash on 10-23-03 at 03:14 PM
kewl and sorry sittem for having a discussion on your board. I guess we keep bumping you up.

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by sittem on 10-23-03 at 02:49 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 05:17 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 05:15 PM (EST)

Time to post before I forget - probably will add some more before showtime. Also gotta bookmark so I have a chance to pick up SW points. Go whoever is next.

Safe: Bebo, RailFan, Fester, Corvis, 321Jump sittem, rwj3eb yensid, I_AM_HE, Packman, KermitTheVixen

SW - chosen by whomever posts next (and tribephyl says it's bubbastan)

BS - green
WS - red

PTB - GuessItRains

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by Nash on 10-23-03 at 03:09 PM
Even if we already picked?

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by sittem on 10-23-03 at 05:13 PM
Not a problem - you can edit up until showtime.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"tribephyl's ABPABC Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by tribephyl on 10-23-03 at 04:40 PM
tribephyl's ABC tribe:

Team Blue

Team Red

Speaker of the "Woid":


"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by LozengeofLove on 10-23-03 at 04:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 06:05 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 06:04 PM (EST)

Oh, I totally rock at this game. You all might as well give up -- I have a strategy!!!
P.S. To everyone who picked me as an ABCABP (lord help me if I get the acronym wrong) -- you made a wise choice indeed. I have a strategy for that game as well.
SO my picks for this week are:
LozengeofLove, sleeeve, 321Jump, Corvis, PackMan, Thaibeach, Survivor Maniac, rwj3eb, bubbastan, FesterFan1, ulalame

BS: Blue
WS: Red
PTB winner: because I haven't really taken the time to understand this game, I'll go read the rules for it now...I'll have to say tribephyl wins this one...
Secret Woid: once again, I'll hedge my bets on sleeeve

"RE: ABPABC results Oct. 16/Oct. 23 Entry"
Posted by sittem on 10-23-03 at 05:30 PM
I see your strategy - going for all the gusto and points possible - you may be lucky. At least you're going to avoid the Trish boot. We'll see how successful this aggresive strategy is for you - you'll either lengthen your lead or outfox yourself and fall in flames (speaking of flames)!

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"PTB Rules"
Posted by echogirl on 10-23-03 at 06:10 PM
Most of the scoring options for PTB are included on my weekly entry thread. I don't think I included a link to the full rules, so go back to week one and you can find them.