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Thread Number: 1943
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"S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"

Posted by LionChow on 10-17-03 at 01:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 09:13 AM (EST)

After facing a deluge of hate mail in last week’s thread (OK, it was just two posts), a rattled Lion tentatively stepped out onto the “Pirate’s of the Caribbean” themed Tribal Council set and nervously got down to business. Yes, the incident had ended peacefully and cordially, but it still left him a bit uncomfortable.

As cqvenus walked up with torch in hand, LC gently put out her torch and said “Sorry to see you go. Better luck next season.” It felt OK, but not quite that gratifying. RebelCrown strode up and LC gave a hearty “too bad old friend, see you back at the lodge.” PhoenixMons was treated like a princess, partly because this was her first time through the game, partly because the Lion thinks she’s pretty.

On it went, but things got slightly less cordial as each Bootee came up. Froggy and silentJ went quickly, though LC felt a strong urge to make a disparaging remark about silent’s latest movie.

Genius47 walked up, and LC couldn’t take it any more… “Genius? Genius??? Come on. She was the ONLY one left to vote for Christa.” Genius47 looked oddly at LC, but wrote it off as the rantings of a sore loser who went out last week. Rain Crow was greeted with a harsh “Onward through the fog? You’re stuck in the fog pal.” RainCrow just glared and turned away, looking forward to a shower and good meal more than starting a fight with the quickly unraveling host. Mistofleas gingerly walked up. She was new to this game, but had been around the Boards for a long time. She knew how to handle these situations. Just as LC started in with some rude comment about Misto and her fleas, she held up a sign reading “Alert Button” and LC was forced to simply snuff and move along. Finally the last man walked up. It was EJM92, a former champion. “EJM, you’re all washed up. You’re like the Cubs and Red Sox rolled into one. I can’t believe you’re already out. You’re cursed and will never win again…” EJM was already in a bad mood, cursing Jon from the moment he hit the set and this was the last thing he needed. EJM grabbed the Halloween-prop torch snuffer and yelled “You like hidden text, huh? Well, I’ll hide this thing where the sun don’t shine.”

They were last seen brawling near the voting booth, as the remaining game players shook their heads and headed back to their camp, wondering what would be in store next week.

The weekly winner was Lolly with a whopping 7! Also raking in the points were Benjapol (6), 321Jump, GuessItRains, Kermit The Vixen, Sisyphus and Sleeeeeeve (5). Of the remaining players, only Lolly and Guess got both Challenge winners correct. Good job guys.

Weekly bottom dwellers were the usual suspects again. As usual, I’m going to skip over the eliminated players and head straight to djandy (-3) as the weekly loser. He continues to chip away at the “leaders”, but still has a way to go. Also spilling red ink were EchoGirl, Forehead, Magic_Star (-2) and Thaibeach (-1). The only out-of-place name there is Thaibeach, who has the dubious honor of being the only one to get both challenges wrong. Better luck next time, Beach! The absolute low score on the week was RebelCrown’s -15.

Looking at the leader board, Bebo (53) still holds the top spot with Fester, Railfan (48), Kermit The Vixen, LeftPinky (47), Corvis (45), Lolly, Lozenge and TeamJoisey (44) all having an excellent shot at winning right now. I’m particularly happy to see my longtime friend and former alliance-mate Vixen near the top of the standings!

In the battle for last place, EchoGirl (-54) keeps clinging desperately to that slim one point lead. Forehead (-53) has been patient, but must be dying to finally get past Echo. Magic_Star (-44) and djandy (-41) also are sitting and waiting for the top two to slip up. Tribephyl (-63) gets to spend another week as Leader In The Clubhouse.


53 - Bebo
48 - FesterFan1, railfan
47 - KermittheVixen, LeftPinky
45 - Corvis
44 - Lolly, LozengeOfLove, TeamJoisey
43 - bubbastan, GuessItRains, sisyphus
42 - SurvivorManiac
41 - Punkin, sleeeve
40 - 321Jump, sittem
39 - tjstein
38 - rwj3eb
37 - benjapol, PepeLePew13, RudyRules, ulalame, yensid
34 - Thaibeach
33 - DracoMalfoy, I_AM_HE
30 - PackMan
18 - GTmike
12 - managerr
(41) - djandy
(44) - magic_star
(53) - forehead
(54) – echogirl

Bonus Question #3:

This BQ goes out to Mistofleas, who is currently infatuated with pelicans. For 4 points, will the final total of pelicans shown (including week 5 recap and week 7 previews) be:

A. 3 or less
B. Either 4 or 5
C. Between 6 and 12
D. Over 12

For those players competing for the Survy Award for last place, you may now earn negative bonus points for answering correctly. I know who you are, and I know what you want, so now you no longer have to be left out of the Bonus Question! I should be able to remember who wants a negative bonus, but just in case, it would be helpful if you put in a little reminder with your answer. Like the others, you are attempting to answer correctly, OK?

Other notes:

The Official Jims02 Remaining Survivors List:
Christa, Hagrid, Jon, Sandra, Shawn, Trish
Andrew, Darrah, Osten, Ryan, Tijuana

67 down, 34 to go!

Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by benjapol on 10-19-03 at 09:15 AM
Well, hope I'm the first one here. I really don't see Rhino,Christa,or Jon get booted this week but I think I'd better play safe again. Learn from last seasons not to risk anything in this game. Anyway, may change my mind again.

Safe : Sandra, Trish, Darrah, Andrew, Osten, Tijuana

RC : Morgan
IC : Morgan

Bonus : A. 3 or less

"A Question about the Bonus Question"
Posted by 321Jump on 10-19-03 at 09:50 AM
Can you elaborate a little on this one, LC? Does each camera shot of a pelican count as pelican being shown? Do they have to be different pelicans and how can you tell? How about multiple shots of the same pelican or pelicans in the background? Or is this just a judgement call on your part?

"How to count the flockin' pelicans..."
Posted by LionChow on 10-20-03 at 08:55 PM
The way I'm going to try and total them is by counting distinct pelicans.

That is, if a psycho pelican raids a camp, that will count as one pelican, despite it being in multiple camera shots. If said psycho pelican returns forty minutes later, floating innocently in the ocean, that counts as a separate pelican, since I'll have no friggin' clue about it's repeat showing.

Pelicans in the background that I spot are certainly counted. Whether or not they do the flying flock of pelicans scene could throw the whole question. And don't even think of telling me you "don't give a flying flock" about the pelicans

In the end, it will be a difficult judgement call on my part. Input from the peanut gallery is always welcome, but in the end, I'll have to make the call myself based on the evidence presented.

This kind of Bonus Question inevitably leads to arguments, but it's fun none-the-less. At least you can be certain that I'm not trying to cheat, since I already flocked up my season and got booted!

Feel free to continue beating the "flocking pelican' theme to death

"Arrrr! Stuck in the Fog Ye Say!"
Posted by Rain Crow on 10-20-03 at 12:11 PM
Avast there LC! Let me in'terduce ye to a good shipmate of mine, Mr. Cutlass. He's waiting fer ye over near that long plank by the siderail! We can talk 'bout the curs'ed fog if ye so desire!

Howsomever, after hav'in a dram or two of Nelson's Blood, by gad, that curs'ed fog comment ye made do seem to be stearin' a pretty straight course!

Seems I recall that upon reflectin' on the schemin' of those two landlubbers, Jiffy and Burnit, I had decided that they might just keelhaul us and hide the fact that those castaway swabs we left on those two islands might give the old heave-ho to Michelle.

I thought to meself, I better take the proud beauty Michelle off the list with a hasty edit. And so I did, LC me hearty, but alas!!! I took her off the wrong list...I tooke her off the "Pick the Bootee" game list! Methinks they be too many games and too many rocks and shoals fer this ole pirate to keep safe steerage!

So, once again, ye do be right straight forward in yer thinkin' LC...mayhaps I were stuck in a fog...I screwed up both me games tryin' to be too clever and wound up outwitting meself!!!

Arrrr! But there be next time, me lads! There be next time!

"Onward Thru the Fog"

"RE: Arrrr! Stuck in the Fog Ye Say!"
Posted by PackMan on 10-20-03 at 01:52 PM
Ah, classic over-steer.

Tis a rocky course ter follow through such a thick fog.

If you don't have time to do it right the first time, when are you going to find time to do it again? - Anonymous

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by LozengeofLove on 10-20-03 at 07:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 08:22 PM (EST)

Christa, Jon, Darrah, Sandra, Andrew, Tijuana, Osten, Rhino

IC: Morgan
RC: Drake

Bonus: A.

my list is looking dangerously short this week.
no matter, if i get booted from this game, I will return via the ABPABC game, because no matter what, I will DOMinate that game.

EDIT: As for the Secret Woid, I'm placing all my bets on scurvy. So pick me!

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by Nash on 10-20-03 at 09:23 PM
And I swear...there is no conspiracy. I swear and I've fixed it.

"Automatic Penalty!"
Posted by djandy on 10-21-03 at 04:00 PM

RC: Morgan
IC: Drake
Negative Bonus: A
Automatic Penalty

** Lion Chow, did you mean for the "A" bonus answer to be "3 or less"? Right now if the answer is 3 you're in no man's land because "A" is less than 3, and "B" is 4 or 5. Just checking.


"Answer A is 3 or less"
Posted by LionChow on 10-22-03 at 09:14 AM
Main post changed to "3 or less" for answer A.


"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by railfan on 10-21-03 at 06:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 06:40 PM (EST)


Christa, Sandra, Andrew, Darrah, Osten, Tijuana

RC: Drake
IC: Morgan


Edited again to remove Trish.
Edited originally to add some words, specifically the Top Ten pirate pick-up lines from the Talk Like A Pirate web site:

10 . Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?

9. Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm?

8. Come on up and see me urchins.

7. Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you.

6. I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon.

5. Pardon me, but would ya mind if fired me cannon through your porthole?

4. How'd you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder?

3. Ya know, darlin’, I’m 97 percent chum free.

2. Well blow me down?

And the number one pirate pickup line is …

1. Prepare to be boarded.

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by GuessItRains on 10-21-03 at 06:51 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-21-03 AT 07:04 PM (EST)

Well just like Week 3, I have to post super early as I may not be around tomorrow or Thursday. So once again I will attempt to be super-conservative and try to survive another week. At least I'm unlikely to get a penalty.... I'm also unlikely to get picked in sittem's game unless I throw in a few words like Survivor, pelican, "shocking twist", the Reward Challenge, EP Mark Burnett, Jeff Probst, etc.


RC: Drake
IC: Morgan


"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by 321Jump on 10-21-03 at 07:27 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 10:20 PM (EST)

Who will win the reward and who will have their torch snuffed out? As my mother used to say, in less politically correct times, "Take a chance, Columbus did" (and take advantage of being able to edit later when the spoiler sites make their predictions.) For now, here are my picks:

Ryan O

RC: Morgan
IC: Morgan

Bonus Question #3:

A. 3 or less

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by PackMan on 10-21-03 at 08:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 05:18 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 10:06 PM (EST)

Lash yeself to the mast, matey. We be headed fer rough seas. And when the seas be calm, we be hevin ter fight the flocking pelicans (not to be confused with a Flock of Seagulls). How much longer can I keep this ship afloat? And will I run dry of rum before I make landfall? And will LC's big twist leave me twisting in the wind? What's an ol' salt like me to do?

RC: Drake
IC: Morgan



Bonus: A

Yes I am a pirate, 200 years to late... - Jimmy Buffett

"eee's Picks"
Posted by sleeeve on 10-21-03 at 11:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 05:49 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-21-03 AT 11:54 PM (EST)

As always, I reserve the right to edit these and take the penalty if new information comes out between now and show time... but I have to make some picks now, just in case I might actually get the chance to get some good points this week!

But before I can do that, Team Tripoli needs some words. For those of you that are new to the ABPABC (thanks to LC's twist!), here's your chance to get some points (I hope!!): Thirty-nine days, sixteen men and women, one sole survivor, Pearl Islands, episode, fight, snuff the torch, Envoy SUV, jury member, majority, vote, first, the tribe has spoken, humpback whale, pelican, feast, brother, sister, father, mother, wife, husband, son, daughter, friend, voted off of the island, drown, lame, pathetic, cold, hot, sexy, marine, fishing net, spear, boat, pirate, arrr!, sob, cry, tears, cook, sit out, challenge, immunity necklace, idol, merge, Jeff Probst, Mark Burnett, fire, life, safe, dangerous, speculation, spoilers, slaughter, mortician, Harry Potter, Hagrid, kidnap, clothes, massacre, reward challenge, raid, treasure map, treasure chest, X marks the spot, pillage, Blackbeard, monsoon rain storm, shelter, feast, team, tribe, alliance, feast, winner, loser, bootee, crumb, visitor, family member, Drake, Morgan, individual, partner, sittem, hungry, twist, returning members, third tribe, scoutmaster, obstacle course, hidden text, Survivors Ready? Go!

And now... in honor of this week's Bonus Question, a limerick by Ogden Nash (which has probably already been posted in one of the other forums, but I thought I'd throw it in anyway, cause' it's more words):

What a wonderful bird is the pelican
Its beak can hold more than its belly can
He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week
And I wonder just how the hell 'e can.

Alright... enough of that... let's do the picks thing:

EDIT: Another week, another penalty

Safe: Christa, Sandra, Shawn, Jon, Andrew, Darrah, Osten, Ryan, Tijuana
RC: Drake
IC: Morgan
Bonus: A. Less than 3

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by Draco Malfoy on 10-22-03 at 07:28 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 04:48 PM (EST)

Effing hard week to spoil. I hope no one is counting on me to get the secret word, since I don't say much other than picks.

Sandra, Andrew, Tijuana, Darrah

RC: Morgan
IC: Morgan

Bonus: Over 12, cause I'm counting on the shots of pelicans circling.

"Why is my thing on fire?"-Karmic Dharma
Start Weight:339 Last Weigh-in:306.5 Loss To Date:-33.5

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by Bebo on 10-22-03 at 09:26 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 02:25 PM (EST)

Almost forgot to post today, which would have meant an automatic penalty. We'll see if I come back and take it anyway.

Aw, pelican poop. I'm taking the penalty. So I'll say lots of stuff to try and pick up last minute picks in sittem's game.

Jeff Probst, fire is life, immunity is up for grabs, wanna know what you're playing for?, betrayal, reward challenge, looting, fighting, scheming, Hagrid's skirt. OK, I'm bored, that's enough.

I think the low score should win the Scurvy Award, instead of the Survy Award. Hee hee hee.

RC: Drake
IC: Morgan

Hagrid, Andrew, Darrah, Osten, Ryan, Tijuana

Bonus: A

We really do have guidelines here. Believe it or not, the Guidelines make things more fun. Really.

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by yensid on 10-22-03 at 12:36 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 02:31 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 12:56 PM (EST)


RC: Drake
IC: Morgan

Bonus: c 6-12


"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by Corvis on 10-22-03 at 12:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 03:19 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 12:49 PM (EST)

Sandra, Andrew, Darrah, Osten, Tijuana, Ryan

RC: Drake
IC: Morgan

Bonus question: A

Ahoy, matey, gimme some grog to make this week go by in a jiffy.


"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by LeftPinky on 10-22-03 at 12:59 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 06:59 PM (EST)

RC: Drake
IC: Morgan

Rupert, Christa, Sandra, Jon, Andrew, Darrah, Osten, Ryan, Tijuana

Bonus: C

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by sittem on 10-22-03 at 01:00 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 11:38 PM (EST)

There are already some very nice posts above that are working on the Secret Woid and hopefully there'll be a lot more so the ABPABC players will have a good chance of getting the bonus points, so continue to use that great creativity in a week that some are saying is hard to spoil.

To that end, methinks I need to be pretty conservative to stay in the game.

Safe: Andrew, Osten, Tijuana, Darrah, Sandra
RC: Drake
IC: Morgan

Pelicans: B

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by Thaibeach on 10-22-03 at 01:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 11:45 PM (EST)

Safe this week: Andrew, Tijuana, Osten, Jon, Sandra, Christa

RC: Drake
IC: Morgan

Bonus Question #3:I'm guessing A. 3 or less

Also spilling red ink were EchoGirl, Forehead, Magic_Star (-2) and Thaibeach (-1). The only out-of-place name there is Thaibeach, who has the dubious honor of being the only one to get both challenges wrong. Better luck next time, Beach!
LC - my face she's a red! At the same time, I am strangely titillated by having you call me out for a spankin'. Arr!

"Week 6 Entry"
Posted by tjstein on 10-22-03 at 01:30 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 05:34 PM (EST)

LC, did you get my email on the scoring issue? I think you owe me an extra point. Let me know and I'll email you again if need be.

RC: Morgan
IC: Morgan

Sandra, Andrew, Darrah, Osten, Tijuana

Bonus Question: B

"Last week's score"
Posted by LionChow on 10-22-03 at 04:50 PM
I rechecked the score and it looks OK. You came into the week with a 37, then got a +2 (+8 for all 8 AB advancing, -3 for Shawn's vote, -3 for the late penalty), so the 39 seems OK.

How are you coming up with 40?

"RE: Last week's score"
Posted by tjstein on 10-22-03 at 06:11 PM
+1 for correct IC?

"RE: Last week's score"
Posted by LionChow on 10-23-03 at 08:43 AM
Yes, +1 for the IC pick, but also -1 for the RC pick. The Bonus Questions are pain free, but the challenge picks are a win or lose prospect.

Glad we figured that one out!

"RE: Last week's score"
Posted by tjstein on 10-23-03 at 12:36 PM
Curses! Foiled again!

Duh! Forgot that it was a negative hit on that....

*shuffles off*

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by Survivor Maniac on 10-22-03 at 01:56 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 02:17 PM (EST)

Sandra, Andrew, Darrah, Osten, Tijuana

RC: Drake
IC: Morgan

Bonus Question: A

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by rwj3eb on 10-22-03 at 02:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 05:25 PM (EST)


Bonus - A

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by bubbastan on 10-22-03 at 03:07 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 11:13 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 10:49 PM (EST)

Once again, in an effort to help out Sittem's ABC-etc. players and to rid my brain of various random pieces of flotsum and jetsum, comes this week's stream of consiousness:

Torch, thong, steak, lobster, all-you-can eat, pelican, ass, wussy, wimp, tool, spear, plank, pole, sandbags, weight, shoulders, snuff, fire, life, Survivors, Drake, Morgan, ghost, Balboa, buff, merge, tribe, victory, immunity, reward, challenge, fish, balance, mutiny, pirate, peg-leg, patch, parrot, snake, clue, puzzle, run, throw, swim, drown, drag, gag, plank, ship, boat, platform, rope, rob, plunder, pillage, steal, bootee, tarp, rice, pot, confessional, defeat, secret, betrayal, Tribal Council, Rupert, Jon, Shawn, Trish, Sandra, Rhino, Andrew, Osten, Christa, Tijuanna, Pearl, Island, beach, ocean, water, waffle, twist, backstab, trip, sea, plunge, extinguish, dead, down, hunger, food, morale, revelation, lie, regret, skirt, dress, tank top, tie-dye, beard, boxers, shorts

Safe: Andrew, Osten, Tijuanna, Ryan O, Darrah, Christa, Sandra
RC: Drake
IC: Morgan
Bonus: C

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by sisyphus on 10-22-03 at 04:10 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 11:57 AM (EST)

safe: Andrew, tijuana, osten, Ryan, christa, sandra

RC: Drake
IC: Morgan

bonus: C

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by Punkin on 10-22-03 at 05:06 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 05:50 PM (EST)

"Feel free to continue beating the 'flocking pelicans' to death"

YIKES, LC! You are not allowed to go around beating and flocking pelicans! They're sensitive creatures and, when beaten, they will turn against you and become VERY DANGEROUS! As for the flocking, are you nuts? You only use that stuff on Christmas trees. It makes the pelicans sneeeze, which they hate because they don't have noses. Expect PETA to be demonstrating in front of your house when you get home, 'cause I'm telling.

In the meanwhile, my picks are:

RC: Drake
IC: Morgan

Safe: Andrew, Darrah, Osten, Ryan, Tijuana, Christa, Rupert, Sandra
Bonus: A

PS - Did you know that Alcatraz Island, in the SF Bay, was named for the local Indian name for Pelicans because it was loaded with them. At least it was, before they kicked them all out to build a prison. They probably beat and flocked them all. Horrors!

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 10-22-03 at 08:46 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 08:55 PM (EST)

woohoo, 1 week no-penalty free! quitting cold pelican turkey is by far the best way to go

edit cause the peeps want some secret woids. so, i give them: pelican, wooby, buzz-saw, jiffy, dr. pepper, yankees suck, hypochondriac, peanut butter, jack-in-the-box, peacock, battery acid, ewok, grinch, jolly roger, hairy, boo, SPAM.

rc - drake
ic - morgan

Christa, Sandra, Andrew, Tijuana, Darrah

Bonus: B. 4 or 5

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by Kermit the Vixen on 10-22-03 at 09:11 PM
Oh my heck! I have just now realized that as a result of still being in this game (as opposed to the several other seasons where I was booted at the first opportunity), people in the ABPABC are actually picking ME as safe! THAT IS WAY COOL YOU GUYS!!!!! So, like no pressure or anything, right? I'm staying conservative for my loyal fans. And I'm going to tell you all that the bonus word is either "loot" or "bounty" or "map" or "freaking puppet master" or "cheese curds" or "margarita" (wink to LionChow). If not, it should be. And that's all I have to say about that.


RC = Morgan
IC = Morgan

Bonus = C

Why are you looking at me? Stop looking at me. I said, STOP -- wait, what? OK, never mind.

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 10-22-03 at 10:14 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-22-03 AT 10:36 PM (EST)

Alright, I admit it. I'm a moron. However, I'm a moron who lives to fight another day. And since I have no shame, I'm cool with that.

Ryan O.

RC: Drake
IC: Morgan

BQ3: A


"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 10-23-03 at 01:34 AM



Safe: Christa, Jon, Sandra, Andrew, Darrah, Osten, Tijuana

Bonus: B

The Secret Woid is... Joisey!

" Week 6 Entry"
Posted by GTmike on 10-23-03 at 08:40 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 08:44 AM (EST)

I don't give a flock of pelicans that I am getting a late entry penalty. Acutally, I do. I suck. I get a late penalty after being praised and mentioned as the "No penalty crew." Darn, moving and lack of internet. On lighter notes though, I am glad more people are gone!!! Shake 'em down LC, Shake 'em down!

On to my picks:

Sandra, Darrah, Ryan O.


Morgan (to be even at the merge)

BBQ: I'll have the slow roasted 6-12 (C) pelicans please. Put some extra BBQ sauce on them though please. Thanks.

edited to change my pick for RC from Drake to Morgan thanks to the CBS website teaser

Proud to not wear "The Lemming Hat of Shame"

"Automatic Penalty"
Posted by echogirl on 10-23-03 at 09:53 AM
Okay now I get negative points if I answer the BQ correctly? Meaning I have to do something right? So much pressure!

Secret Words? I got your secret words! Pelican, birds, bird droppings, bird poop, beak, feathers, dead pelican, pelican soup, stupid pelican trick, nice pelican, bad pelican, is that a pelican in your shorts? More? Okay! Sandbags, weights, bars, steak, lobster, jelly beans, crabs, potted meat product, eggplant, pop tarts, ramen noodles, rice, spam, beans, chocolate, bugs, mosquitos, victory, challenge, immunity, betrayal, shocking, winner, loser, trust, mistrust, plea, guilt, threat, Tribal Council, Drake, Morgan, Balboa, snake, lizard, ferret, monkey, newt, raptor, Gilligan, professor, Mary Ann, Dr. Phil, David Letterman, shower, nudity, boobs, a$$, wet, naked, dirty, clean, shampoo, soap, curling iron, weights, votes, confessional, torch, tribe, ghost, pirate, pillage, dust bunnies, skirt, dress, shorts, bra, boxers, sores, bug bites, insect repellent, ouch, swim, drown, sand, shelter, ocean, blanket, cold, hot, end.

Now what? Oh my picks!

Negative Bonus Question: B (if I get points for answering correctly). If I have to anser wrong to get points put me down for D.


Anti-Bootees: Rupert, Shawn

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by RudyRules on 10-23-03 at 11:10 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 05:08 PM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 05:00 PM (EST)

Safe: Tijuana, Osten, Andrew, Darrah, Sandra

RC: Drake
IC: Morgan
Bonus: C

"Them people had to be pretty dumb to make their camp in a riverbed" - Rudy Boesch

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by ulalame on 10-23-03 at 01:44 PM
Darn, I'm late this week (been travelling for work). But better late than not being able to post my picks at all!


Andrew, Tijuana, Darrah, Jon, Sandra

RC: Drake
IC: Morgan

First Confessional: Rupert
Pirate: Trish

Bonus: 3 or less (A)

"Lolly's Picks"
Posted by jsanb on 10-23-03 at 05:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 06:07 PM (EST)


"Lolly's Picks"
Posted by jsanb on 10-23-03 at 05:08 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-23-03 AT 06:09 PM (EST)

Lolly is having probs logging in so she asked me to post for her:

Anti Bootees: Jon, Sandra, Christa, Rupert, Andrew, Tijuana, Osten, Darrah, Ryan O.

Bonus- B

"edited to add changes made in subsequent post.

Lolly says, "The secret word is 'ghost

"Automatic Penalty"
Posted by forehead on 10-23-03 at 05:15 PM
Oh, this one point difference....

Shawn, Rupert
RC: Morgan
IC: Drake
Negative bonus: B


"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by magic_star on 10-23-03 at 05:47 PM
Going for negative...

Safe List

C. Between 6 and 12

T-Mac hits the three! Magic Win! Magic Win!

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-23-03 at 07:08 PM
This dummy forgot about the ABC once again... I've been so busy that I don't get into Survivor mode until Thursday morning! Guess I get yet another penalty...


RC: Drake
IC: Morgan

BBQ3: B (4 or 5)

Heidi: My biggest assets to the tribe are my athletic skills and my intelligence. I've lost one of them.
Jiffy: Which one?

"RE: S7 Anti-Bootee Contest Week 5 Results / Week 6 Entry"
Posted by managerr on 10-23-03 at 07:39 PM
Safe: Darrah
RC: Morgan
IC: Morgan
Bonus: A