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"Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"

Posted by I_AM_HE on 10-17-03 at 00:44 AM
Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5 – You want me to eat what?!? (with apologies to Fester)

Another good week! Morgan is coming on strong or Drake is coming on stupid, take your pick. Congrats to Morgan for completely smoking Drake in the RC! I’m not sure they’ll know how to use the soap without Rupert there to show them, but thems the breaks, I guess. Can’t really blame him for wanting to get the hell out of there more than wanting to take a shower. Anyway, you know the drill – just list the remaining 11 Survivors in the order you like them, and, if you wish, tell us why you like them (or don’t).

1) Rupert (2)
2) Sandra (1)
3) Andrew (5)
4) Tijuana (4)
5) Christa (3)
6) Trish (6)
7) Darrah (8)
8) Jon (11)
9) Ryan O. (7)
10) Shawn (10)
11) Osten (12)

Michelle was #9 last week, and this week would have been just above Osten. Just what were you thinking at the IC??? You sealed your own fate by making sure they didn’t pick you to go again, genius.

The show was all about Rupert this week, so that, combined with Sandra’s inability to finish at the IC (although she tried hard and came close) is enough to switch them in the list. Still love Sandra though!

Andrew had a strong showing this week, and finally is showing some of what I saw in him the first couple weeks. Loved the peace offering and Rupert’s giving Morgan rice. Go Andrew! Tijuana is still cool, but was pretty UTR this week, so no movement up or down. Christa faded into the background as well, but she’s still in the “Like” category for now.

Trish and Darrah are borderline Like/Neutral. Still not a lot to go on for either one.

Jon, Jon, Jon…it’s a good thing you’re the puppetmaster and not the helmsman *snickers*…despite that, you had a brilliant strategy for the IC, if Michelle hadn’t been an utter moron, so you have to get some credit. I’m sure next week you’ll be back in the bottom place or two, but for now, congrats on this week’s Greatest Gainer! Plus, I’m sure his hitting on Darrah had more to do with her gagging than the fish shake, so some more good strategy there

Ryan still seems pretty dim. I like him better (much better, really, although that’s not saying much) than Jon, but Jon earned a higher spot this week.

Shawn might have had a chance to move up had Rupert not reaffirmed that he’s worthless, but still not as worthless as…

Osten, which Rupert also confirmed. This guy is the biggest weenie, I can’t stand watching him…it’s more painful than watching that ten inch snot rope hanging from Geekboy’s nose.

So, the hardware:
Greatest Gainer: Jon (11 to 8)
The Dave: Ryan O. (7 to 9)
Best Quote: Jiffy (“Good job, Freak!”)

FLL 7.4: http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/DCForumID4/1925.shtml

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by sittem on 10-17-03 at 11:00 AM

1. Andrew (1) No reason to move him for me – liked the mutual respect he and Rupert had during the raid.

2. Rupert (2) No question, if Savage wasn’t from Chicago Rupert would be up here. It’s all good for him except for a little superior attitude about being the man – but very forgivable since he is.

3. Tijuana (4) Not much tonight, but no reason to move her down.

4. Trish (6) Nice work in the IC even though she thought she’d fail.

5. Ryan (7) Bonded nicely with Rupert and even though he lost the fish I’m starting to like him.

6. Darrah (9) Moves up for winning the IC – actually had some presence tonight.

7. Christa (5) Not much presence tonight so she moves down.

8. Osten (3) He was a dog tonight and Rupert has no respect so he’s gotta move down.

9. Sandra (8) Not so much for loosing challenge – just isn’t as overall strong as she was earlier – not feeling her.

10. Shawn (11) Not gonna miss him if he leaves.

11. Jon (12) Puppetmaster – I can’t even fell your “entertainment”. Way to full of himself. Is he leaving anytime soon?

Michele (10) – Actually gotta agree with Jon about you – you just screwed up the IC for the tribe so you deserved to go.

2002 IceCat Originals, Inc. All rights reserved.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 10-17-03 at 07:49 PM
thanks Sittem

(and don't worry about my temporary insanity, Jon will be back down in the basement next week, I'm sure)

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by PlumBlossom on 10-17-03 at 12:24 PM
1. Rupert (1)
2. Sandra (2)
3. Trish (3)
4. Andrew (9)
5. Ryan O. (4)
6. Darrah (5)
7. Tijuana (10)
8. Christa (6)
9. Shawn (8)
10. Osten (11)
11. Jon (12)

Michelle was #7 last week.

an IceCat original

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by LozengeofLove on 10-17-03 at 12:33 PM
1. Sandra (1) - Even though she lost the IC for Drake, she admitted that she deserved to go home. I respect humbleness (is that a word? it sounds better than humbility)
2. Ryan O. (3) - He was willing to learn to fish. He's adorable.
3. Christa (2) - She faded into the shadows. But I still love her
4. Jon (8) - Even I can't understand his placement here. I stil want to see him voted off, but for now, I actually like the idiot.
5. Rupert (4) - He is everyone's hero, and he's mine too. His pet snake is OK too, I guess.
6. Andrew (7) - He's finally leading the Morgans...go Andrew!
7. Tijuana (5) - Mmm....she's sort of boring...I enjoy her though.
8. Trish (6) - She needs more face time...but I bet her UTR strategy gets her impressively far in the game.
9. Shawn (9) - I still don't completely hate him. He's such a girl, but I can live with that.
10. Osten (11) - One of the two people I dislike. Why is he lazy? And what's the deal with the pelican?
11. Darrah (12) - Can't stand her. I want Morgan to lose immunity and vote her sorry butt off this place.

Michelle...I had such high hopes for you. You were my #1 preseason pick! I thought you'd make VT proud...you did for a while, but you lost that IC...I still like you though.

Greatest Gainer (dare I say): Jon
Biggest Loser: Tijuana/Trish

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by bichon on 10-17-03 at 01:37 PM
1.(1) Rupert
2.(4) Andrew
3.(2) Tijuana
4.(3) Sandra
5.(5) Ryan O.
6.(6) Christa
7.(7) Trish
8.(8) Osten
9.(9) Darrah
10.(12) Jon
11.(10) Shawn

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by bobstew617 on 10-17-03 at 04:11 PM
I can't believe I forgot this list--I loved doing this for other Survivors. Better make up for lost time...

1) RUPERT--by far the most entertaining character. His strategy seems uncertain to me, though.
2) TRISH--seems to be playing UTR but working behind the scenes. Like her attitude.
3) RYAN O--impressed me by wanting to learn from Rupert, that bond may help him after the merge, if he makes it that far.
4) TIJUANA--biding her time on Morgan, has herself in a safe alliance right now. Not rocking the boat.
5) SANDRA--she irritates me some, but she does know how to call Jon on the carpet, and that scores points with me.
6) DARRAH--improving. This Jersey guy can't understand half of what she says with that Mississippi accent, but she redeemed herself at IC.
7) ANDREW--lucky he wasn't in S4. Kind of reminds me of Hunter. I'm still smarting from his boot of Lil in ep3, but Darrah winning E5 IC redeemed him somewhat.
8) CHRISTA--Big Bird to me is not a player in this game. I'll admit her Bert vote in Ep4 was hilarious. I just don't have a reason to really like her right now.
9) SHAWN--irritating like Burton was, AND two-faced. He didn't earn any points with me for dissing Burton like that.
10)OSTEN--He is one lazy @#! He should have quit. Only reason he's not last is...
111) JON--I am SO ashamed he's a fellow VT grad. And to vote out a fellow Hokie that way, too--BOO! What a first class moron, and so full of himself too!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by LozengeofLove on 10-17-03 at 07:21 PM
bobstew --
I'm a current student at VT and was also quite disappointed with Jon's actions. I'm ashamed to tell people I go to the same school that loser went to.
On a different note, let's both hope the Hokies beat West Virginia!!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by Kokoro on 10-17-03 at 06:27 PM
1.) Sandra (1)
2.) Rupert (2)
3.) Christa (3)
4.) Jon (4)
5.) Trish (5)
6.) Andrew (8)
7.) Ryan O. (9)
8.) Tijuana (11)
9.) Darrah (12)
10.) Shawn (7)
11.) Osten (10)

Michelle was #6 last week.

* My top five are still the same. The best contestants are still on Drake. Sandra and Christa have been taking back seats, but I still love them and Rupert to almost the same extent.

* Jon, meanwhile, is entertaining and playing a good game. He may still be an ass but at least he's not a Morgan. Or Shawn.

* Trish still needs more airtime, but from what we've seen, she's the mom of the tribe, and I just can't help but love that archetype.

* Morgan still blows hard. The Andrew-Rupert leadership bond is nifty and Ryan is a sweet kid who tries hard, but it doesn't get either of them above the fabulous Drakes. I Still can't stand Tijuana. She's faded into the background, but until she does something that doesn't say "Tee hee, Barbie is my rolemodel", she's not going (up of her own accord, at least). And Darrah. Wow, she won the IC. Woop-de-do, if she didn't, she would've been gone. And I still stand by my player comparison. Remember that Sarah did well in the challenges, too.

* Enter Shawn, who was obviously already a jerk, but apparently is now two-faced AND the laziest member of his tribe. There's a winning package.

* But even Shawn can't top Osten. He's useless in the challenges, a whiny crybaby and incredibly lazy to boot. Wait until the shelter washes away before you get up and do something about it?!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by coolflowerpowerman on 10-17-03 at 07:20 PM
OK! I liked tonight's episode... lots of fun moments, lots of action, lots of people making complete asses out of themselves!

My Rankings:
1. Trish
2. Sandra
3. Christa
4. Rupert
5/ Ryan O.
6/ Tijuana
7/ Darrah
8. Jon
9. Shawn
10. Osten
11. Andrew

* Trish is smart and savvy about the way she's playing this game. I fully expect her to make it to the end. Plus, she's the nicest lady since T-Bird!

* Sandra is feisty. I really don't blame her for losing the immunity challenge... that was Michelle's fault. Glad she's still around.

* Christa faded into the woodwork this week, but she still is one of this season's sweethearts!

* Rupert-- This episode was all about Rupert. I like him a lot, but he does not seem to be very good at playing the game... What's up with his getting all buddy-buddy with Andrew in front of his tribe... not a good move. Will he make the jury? I'm not counting on it.

* Ryan O.-- Was less annoying this episode. His willingness to help Rupert fish made him stand out, and that is why is the highest ranked Morgan tribe member.

* Tijuana-- Tijuana is smart about playing this game... and now that her tribe is gaining speed, she really has a chance to go far!

* Darrah-- Darrah is slowly improving herself in my mind... She's getting better. This is her highest ranking yet! She's not as horrible as the four ranked below, so I'm pleased to put her in 7th place.

* Jon-- Jon is so annoying! Aaaargh. Vote him out SOON!

* Shawn-- Shawn is a lazy jerk. Even so, I'm glad he outlasted Michelle and Burton, who were much worse.

* Osten-- Osten is a whiny princess. He is the most worthless person in that game right now. So lazy, so stupid, so worthless!!! Why didn't Morgan vote him out in Episode 2?

* Andrew-- I still hate Andrew... He's so smug and cocky. I hate him.

Michelle was #10 last week but actually had an average ranking of 5 during her time in the game.

This week's greatest gainer is none other than Darrah, who jumped four spots from 11th to 7th.

This week had three greatest losers, each one falling 2 spots. They were: Christa, Jon, and Osten.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by whoami on 10-18-03 at 11:49 PM
#1.-Rupert (1) He is the man.
#2.-Sandra (2) Still like her.
#3.-Tijuana (3) Still like her
#4.-Christa (4) Same as last week.
#5.-Trish (6) She is moving up.
#6.-Darrah (7) Helped the morons win this week.
#7.-Rayn O. (9) Was smart enough to want to learn from Rupert.
#8.-Andrew (10) Was smart enough to listen to Rupert.
#9.-Shawn (8) You do not trash your friends.
#10.-Jon (11) even more disguesting then last week.
#11.-Osten (12)"lets move the shelter after it washes away"?

Michelle was #5 last week and may have moved up if she would have did her part at the IC.

Just ask me about it.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by Nash on 10-19-03 at 00:17 AM
Rupert - because he's the best survivor of all 7 seasons
Andrew - I don't know why but I am starting to like him
Ryan O. - he's just a nive guy
Trish - Well she's been quiet but she seems to be in control of her game
Tijuana - she's upbeat and that's what Morgan needs right now
Sandra - Well Sandra is just Sandra
Christa - she's obviously has more alliances than the viewing audience knows about
Shawn - he really won't be around much longer
Darrah - she's up in my books for the comebacks to Jon
Osten - he's not quite as bad as Jon
Jon - well you know why

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by SteffiGurl on 10-19-03 at 02:48 AM
Week 5

Remains my favorite, although I am somewhat concerned that his diplomatic power over both tribes might make him too much of a threat to stick around. Going back to Drake without sharing the reward was way cool.

Way cool woman. I like everything about her.

Also way cool, though not much of her this episode.

I like her spirit and personality more and more every week.

Seems to be getting deeper into the game. Don't worry about the IC loss, you're too good to lose, and have friends in all the right places. (Except Morgan)

Major character. I don't care if people think he's annoying. He's one of the most integral players right now.

Glad I got to see more of this guy, and I liked what I saw. Thanks Rupert.

He's okay I guess, but I have a little animosity towards him for booting Ryan S., and especially Lillian.

I'll give her credit for playing hard, but I still don't know who she is.

Almost completely useless. He did fine in the IC challenge, but he's turning out to be a Gervase with none of the charm. Also, Ryan and Rupert were doing fine in the hut situation until you chimed in. WHat a whiner.

So full of it. Reminds me of Ken, but at least Ken wasn't a suck-up. Christa was right. Shawn IS a "puss". Gotta give Shawn bottom honors for most annoying this week. I almost gave it to Osten, but despite all that whining and laziness, at least I know Osten is real, and not afraid of what people think.

Oy! I love you Michelle, but what on Earth were you thinking? You did the exact opposite of what you needed to do to redeem yourself. I haven't read the interviews yet, but why? Are you that bad of an actor? I suppose I can't discredit you for being real, but couldn't you have just taken your time? I'm so sorry to see you go, but you blew your big chance 100%. I hope you don't beat yourself up too much, because I really don't dislike you, you just made a bad move. Don't sweat it. Be good.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by ShowMeTheWinner on 10-19-03 at 08:15 AM
1. Rupert (1)
I know he's hamming it up for the camera but hey, he got game and he's entertaining without being an @$$.

2. Sandra (4)
Sandra reclaims her usual ranking by being humble about her IC loss. It's Michelle's fault, Sandra. Not yours.

3. Trish (3)
Like her Tina strategy.

4. Big Bird Christa (3)
Here coz Sandra moved up from last week.

5. Ryan O (6)
Ryan O moves up in rankings for his sincerity about wanting to learn to provide for the tribe. Good strategy, dude.

6. Tijuana (7)
Warming up to Tijuana. She seems to have a good head on her shoulders. I suppose she was just a little abrasive to people she didn't really like. Haven't seen her being much of a problem with the other Morons, oopss... Morgan, who are left.

7. Andrew (10)
OK... I'm starting to look past Ryan S's bullying. I thought the looting strategy was a nice touch-- although taking just the little bit of rice might have been a costly mistake if they don't merge.

8. Darrah (-oops... forgot to rank Darrah last week. I guess that said it all. I suppose she should have been 8th last week)
Starting to see her smile a little more.

9. Jon (11)
He's really quite annoying but yet I must admit he does entertain me. His egotistical comments on Survivor Insider is enough to make me gag though. Feed this worm to poor Balboa already!

10. Osten (9)
Stupidity costs him in the rankings this week. Move the shelter when it becomes a problem??? You won't have any shelter to move when it starts to become a problem, moron!

11. Shawn (12)
2-faced hypocrite although I gotta say he's just playing the game. But that doesn't mean I can stand watching his hypocrisy.

RIP. Michelle (5)
Michelle, Michelle, Michelle... What the heck were you thinking during the IC? I was hoping you'd turn things around somehow but your inability to fake it totally deserved all the votes that were cast against you. Then again, cheer up coz you got to spend your days at Loser Lodge with hot Burton (although I still think he's an @$$).

Kathy O'Brien... The Sole Survivor! (I'd rather be delusional)
Hail the purple rock! Hallelujah..... Oh glory!

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by shanana banana on 10-19-03 at 10:55 AM
I resisted joining the Love List up until now because it's so hard to get a handle on the Survivor personalities in the first couple of weeks. But now I think I'm ready to join in!

1. Rupert -- from day one, he's been *the man.*

2. Sandra -- she's outspoken and sassy, but also seems like a very nice person. I dig her.

3. Andrew -- he's always kept his spirts up, even when the Morgans were going through a big losing streak. I've got to admire that. And especially after how classy he was in "raiding" the Drake tribe, he takes a top spot here.

4. Tijuana -- nothing really draws me too much to this gal, but she seems cheery and full of spunk and doesn't talk bad about people -- just keeps plugging away. I gotta give her some props for that.

5. Christa --- even though she annoys the hell out of me with her dopey Big Bird demeanor, there's still something about her that I get a kick out of. Go figure -- I can't explain it.

6. Rhino --- cute to look at and seems very nice, but can this kid do anything??

7. Trish --- who is this gal??? The only reason I'm sticking her up here is because I can't stand the last three folks.

8. Shawn --- he has no strategy, he badmouths the one person he had an obvious alliance with and expects everyone to not notice -- this dude is clueless.

9. Darrah --- she seems like an okay person, but every time she opens her mouth I just want to cover my ears and run screaming from the room. That alone is enough to make me wish she'd get booted. Plus, she does nothing contributory to her tribe, that I can see.

10. Osten --- whiniest, wussiest, most complaining Survivor ever. Really, if this guy didn't look so impressive physically, he'd have been one of the first to get booted (not that that appearance has seemed to make much difference to his tribe in the challenges!) I think Andrew and Rhino must be secretly unhappy to be forced into an alliance with this loser.

11. Jon --- the most irritating, disguisting, useless person out there. Every time he's on screen, I cringe. He's not even entertainingly annoying, he's just bad annoying. This guy has got to go soon -- the fact that he thinks he's running the whole show just makes me nauseous.

My first week contributing, so I didn't have Michelle in a rank for last week. But I can guarantee that she would have been somewhere in the bottom four.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by 321Jump on 10-19-03 at 11:30 AM
My Rankings:

1. Ryan O. (He seems to be the nicest guy left.)
2. Rupert (He's the one player who's bigger than life.)
3. Christa (She seems nice, but I doubt that Burton and Michelle are badmouthing her for no reason. I wish she's get rid of her head cold.)

4. Trish (These three are tied. They all seem to be good players, but I need more information.)
4. Sandra (See Trish)
4. Tijuana (See Trish)
7. Darrah (She's a pretty girl, but painful to listen to.)

Mildly Dislike:
8. Jon (Everything about this guy is irritating, but I don't hate him.)
9. Andrew (I may actually end up liking this guy.)

10. Osten (Wuss)
11. Shawn (Dufus)

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by Steen on 10-19-03 at 02:01 PM
1) Ryan O
2) Andrew
3) Sandra
4) Tijuana
5) Darrah
6) Rupert
7) Christa
8) Trish
9) Osten
10) Shawn
11) Jon

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by AugustGirl on 10-19-03 at 03:42 PM
1. Rupert (1) - Still at number one.
2. Trish (2) - Still sticking with the homegirl. Go Terps!
3. Sandra (3)- Staying at #3.
4. Christa (4)- Holding on at #4.
5. Ryan O (5)- His eyes are still nice. And I'm liking that beard.
6. Andrew (8) He's growing on me. Seems less pathetic now that they are winning.
7. Darrah (7)- She dissed Jon at IC. You go girl!
8. Tijuana(10)- Moved up because Shawn moved down.
9. Shawn (9)- The only reason I don't want you to go next is because I pray every Thursday it's Jon that gets booted.
10. Osten (11)- Just so sad. The only reason he isn't last is because Jon has sole possession of last.
11. Jon (12)- Ugh.

Michelle was #6 last week.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by DEVILRAYS on 10-19-03 at 04:24 PM
1. Rupert - still the best, plain and simple. If he can turn Morgan into winners, he can do it for anyone
2. Sandra - a victim of Michelle's foolishness, and hardly the reason for Drake's fall from its once-mighty status
3. Trish - haven't heard much from her, but by default, she's a Drake member and hasn't done anything too dumb, so she's OK
4. Ryan O. - again, not much to say either way
5. Tijuana - not much to say either way about her either, but she doesn't seem as hard a worker as Rhino
6. Andrew - this week shows what a colossal moron this guy really is, but at least he tries
7. Christa - she's up a little bit this week, but only because there are dumber people than her
8. Darrah - well, she's pretty useless, I can barely understand her, and even her pitiful tribe doesn't really like her
9. Shawn - if there's a reason to root for Morgan other than the one challenge where Rupert was on their team, it's in IC6 to get rid of this jabrone
10. Osten - well, he's mentally weak and just plain stupid. The only thing that keeps him around is his physical strength and his ties to Andrew, Rhino, and Tijuana
11. Jon - if ever there was a person for whom the phrase "shut the hell up" was more appropriate, I don't ever want to meet them

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by dajaki on 10-19-03 at 05:31 PM
1. Rupert (1,1,2,5,2)
2. Trish (2,2,3,3,6)
3. Sandra (3,3,1,4,3)
4. Christa (4,4,6,11,16)
5. Tijuana (5,6,9,8,12)
6. Darrah (7,8,8,6,15)
7. Andrew (8,9,10,8,1)
8. Ryan (9,10,11,10,10)
9. Osten (10,12,14,14,4)
10. Shawn (11,11,12,13,5)
11. Jon (12,13,13,15,7)

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by Spanky68 on 10-20-03 at 10:10 AM
Position this week (position last week)

1. Rupert (1)- I know everyone else is gushing over him, but that won't stop me from putting him at the top, where he belongs.
2. Sandra (5)- Not nearly as combative, and her skills have gotten her here. Humility after IC was nice, but don't forget that her ability to speak Spanish and her bargaining power put Drake in lead from day 1. Other than Rupert, that would make her MVP so far.
3. Tijuana (2)- didn't get much face time this ep. I still like her, though.
4. Trish (3)- She is way, way UTR, but I think she has strength and intelligence to make it to the final four.
5. Christa (4)- I must be acquiring immunity to her voice.
I really don't like anyone below this:
6. Andrew (11)- I still don't trust this sleazy lawyer much, though he is starting to actually think a little more like a lawyer.
7. Darrah (8)- Yes, she's been useless and moody. In short, she was a typical Morgan at the beginning. Now does she have another gear?
8. Ryan (7)- I read that the ladies are all gushing over his eyes, but I don't see him as a hunk. Am I missing something?
9. Shawn (10)- yeah, he is eye candy for the ladies, but can he talk? He certainly didn't do much in the challenges.
10. Osten (9)- I'm still convinced that he isn't as much a loser as he's been pretending to be.
11. Jon (12)- I get that he's entertaining. But he's not nearly as much fun as Rob C. was last season. Jon is pathetic AND a wrestling fan (I know that is redundant).

Michelle (6)- My only regret with her is that I haven't taped this season. My son is only 3 yrs old. If I had taped it, I could show this to him in 10 yrs to illustrate the point that pretty is not necessarily = to virtue. She had the cute quotient, but no judgement, no class and no ability to stick with a plan that could've saved her. I hope my son doesn't bring home a girl like her.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by GuessItRains on 10-20-03 at 10:20 AM
Very little rankings movement this week. It's starting to take a lot to shift my opinions of people.

1. Rupert (1)--Singlehandedly leading (and keeping alive) both tribes.
2. Tijuana (2)--Still giving it all for her team and keeping her spirits up as things finally turn for Morgan.
3. Ryan (5)--Becoming the tribe provider. If Rupert likes him, I do too.
4. Sandra (3)--Keeps falling down in the challenges, but at least she's willing to admit it.
5. Christa (4)--Pretty much MIA for this episode.
6. Trish (6)--Pretty much MIA for the whole series.
7. Darrah (8)--I'll give her points for dissing Jon and for saving herself at the IC.
8. Andrew (9)--Still cocky, but at least he seems to have made an ally in Rupert.
9. Shawn (10)--If Burton wasn't your friend Shawn, it seems clear that you don't have any.
10. Osten (11)--Rupert confirmed that Osten is a lazy wuss.
11. Jon (12)--I loathe Jon.

Michelle was #7 last week.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by bubbastan on 10-20-03 at 10:58 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-20-03 AT 11:01 PM (EST)

Edited because I forgot to send some lvoe I_AM_HE's way. Thanks for keeping the luuuuv list going my friend.
1. Rupert, Rupert, RUPERT!!! (1) - He's just the man, period. Well on his way to becoming a Survivor icon. One of my favorite players all time.
2. Andrew (2) - He's still a classy guy. Even Lillian in her post-boot chats admitted that he did the best he could with the Moran tribe.
3. Ryan O (3) - Because he's puppy-dog cute and sweet. At least he's trying, unlike the remaining male member of Moron.
4. Christa (7) - She's just growing on me. I don't even notice the voice any more.
5. Sandra (4) - Pretty UTR last week, but still, she's dead on in her assessments: Jon and Sean ARE Asses.
6. Tijuanna (5) - Another UTR player last week, but I still like her. I think she's playing a smart game, unlike most of Moron.
7. Trish (6) - Still not giving us too much to go by, but it was interesting to note that some consider her to be the behind the scenes Drake opinion leader.
8. Darrah (8) - Darrah Gump is still pretty non-descript, doesn't seem to do too much around camp, but I've gotta give her credit for stepping up in the IC last week.
9. Shawn (9) - He's like a big gust of hot air -- all bluster but no sustained substance.
10. Osten (10) - Okay, I'm through giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. Wussy, mamby-pamby, scaredy cat. He actually suggested that they wait until the rising tide hit their shelter before doing anything about it. Ummm, not too bright.
11. Jon (11) - I loath how much air-time this guy is getting. Each second he's heard or seen is pretty much like nails on a chalkboard to me. If I had any doubts about this guy, seeing what he had to say about himself in the insider transcripts made me realize what a sad and self-deluded little boy he is.

"RE: Fanatics Love List Vol. 7.5"
Posted by dabo on 10-21-03 at 05:44 PM
1. Rupert (1)
2. Trish (8)
3. Sandra (2)
4. Darrah (6)
5. Tijuana (3)
6. Ryan O. (5)
7. Shawn (7)
8. Andrew (10)
9. Osten (12)
10. Christa (9)
11. Jon (11)
Michelle was #4 last week.


"week 5 statistics"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 10-23-03 at 01:42 AM
compiling 22 charts

rank. name (last week) (total, high, low)
1. Rupert (1) (37, 1, 6)
2. Sandra (2) (72, 1, 9)
3. Trish (4) (95, 1, 8)
4. Tijuana (5) (106, 2, 8)
5. Ryan O. (6) (108, 1, 9)
6. Christa (3) (115, 3, 10)
7. Andrew (8) (122, 1, 11)
8. Darrah (9) (161, 4, 11)
9. Shawn (10) (207, 7, 11)
10. Jon (11) (210, 4, 11)
11. Osten (12) (216, 8, 11)

Michelle was #7 last week

First place votes:
16 - Rupert
2 - Sandra, Ryan O.
1 - Trish, Andrew

Last place votes:
13 - Jon
4 - Shawn
3 - Osten
1 - Darrah, Andrew

Not much movement at all this week - 1 point gains were caused only by Christa's drop and Michelle's boot.

Moving up: None

Moving down: Christa (3 to 6), but she can't feel too bad after two straight weeks of being in the Moving up category!

* Andrew once again gets a first and last place vote. While he only moved up a place because of Michelle's departure, he has gotten much closer to the pack above him.

* Surprise, surprise, Rupert's still blowing away the competition

* Jon again gets the lion's share of last place votes, but Osten's inability to get higher than 8th on anyone's chart means Jon again escapes the last position in the rankings